Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Just after seeing Kili grip the handle of his sword, she quickly gripped his wrist, and halted him. She held her breath until the shrieks died down. With a relieving sigh, she let go of him, shortly after they disappeared into the wind. Hearing Bilbo's question, it only took the she-elf a moment to collect herself before answering. "Orcs," she said lowly, and that one word was enough to wake Thorin, who had been dozing nearby.

"Throat cutters", Fili added from Kili's other side, taking his smoking pipe out of his mouth as he spoke. Honestly, it brought out his mischievous side after seeing the Hobbit pale up. His little brother wasn't any better when it came to jokes, and it amused the blonde of how much he liked to play around. The eldest was just an accomplice, and he was often prompted by Kili to take part in his ventures within the Blue Mountains. Not that he agreed with them, but he just simply just can't refuse. "They'll be dozens of them out there".
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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Kili's hand was frozen, mid way from where Delva gripped his wrist. When she let go, he smirked as he saw Bilbo pale up "Oh, don't worry...it'd be quick..slice, slice, slice...and puff." Kili teased, and Bilbo swallowed. Before Kili ended up chuckling. "Don't worry...we wouldn't let anything happen to you." Kili patted his shoulder.

Thorin had woken up, after he heard Saeril..but he couldn't hear anything. It seemed like the Orcs were gone. He rose an eyebrow as he heard Kili. "Must you tease the Hobbit?" he asked, his nephews shaking his head.

"What? it's just a little harmless fun." Kili said looking at his uncle.

"Harmless?!" Thorin, sat up looking annoyed. "How can you two be so naive?" he hissed. "Orcs are no laughing matter! You two better, start acting more grown up! Instead of making stupid, jokes." Kili flinched a little, at his Uncle's annoyance. Before he watched Thorin get up and walk off. Huffing in annoyance.

Looking after his uncle, Kili leaned back.

"Don't mind him laddies." Balin said as he walked over towards the two young Dwarf. Taking a deep breath, he began to tell them a story, the two youngsters did not know. "Thorin, has more cause than most to hate Orcs. After the Dragon, took the Lonely Mountain. King Thror tried to reclaim the ancient Dwarf Kingdom of Moria. But our enemy, had got there first. Moria had been taken by leagens of Orcs...led by the most vile, of all there is. Azog, The Defiler. The giant, of an orc...had sworn to wipe out the line of Durin." Balin sighed.

Bilbo was quite, as Balin had began to tell the story. He glanced over at Fili and Kili, before over at Thorin, who's back was turned to everyone.

"He began...by beheading the King." Balin sighed. "Thrain, Thorin's father was driven mad, by grief. He went missing, taken prisoner..or killed. We did not know. We were leaderless. Defeat and Death, were upon us. That is when, I saw him." Balin looked over at Thorin, with a slight smile on his face. "A young, Dwarf Prince. Facing down the pale Orc. He stood alone...he had this most terrible fall. His armor rent...wielding nothing, but an Oaken branch, as a shield. Azog, the defiler learned that day. That the line of Durin, would not be so easily broken." he said, looking at the two young Heirs. "Our forces rallied, and drove the Orcs back. Our enemy, had been defeated. But there was no feast...no song, that night."

"For our dead, were beyond the count of grief. We few, had survived. And I thought to myself, then...there is one, whom I could follow. There is one, I could call King."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Admittedly, Saeril wasn't at all impressed, and it was apparent to the dissaproving look coming upon her Elven features. She was looking at the young dwarrows before her, and eyes expressed a piercing gaze that can only summon intimidation to those before her. Her face was still soft, not completely dark.

"If you're thinking on amusing me, it's not working", the she-elf informed the youngest. However, her facials softened when she heard Thorin approach them with spite in his voice towards his nephews. Saeril turned her head towards his direction, her straight, brown hair following her movements.

She couldn't believe what she saw; it wasn't what she expected either. She knew that teasing Bilbo wasn't funny, but with a family telling you that you know nothing about the world you live in, it was a bit overly harsh. It was true that Kili was both childishly young and naive, but to lower his self-esteem by said-comments weren't acceptable. Especially if you are an heir. Seeing that the youngest was the one being mostly affected, the female gently placed a comforting hand on Kili's arm, soothing him.

Saeril has heard the story many times during her time in Gandalf's care, and the more she listened to the past, the more it began to catch up with her, and it was expressed with a twitch on her lips a little bit, just until the tale began to leave her ears. She knew what happened; she was there, and she herself sent the defiling Orc there. What was there to say now? "I was there", she spoke up in a soft voice.

"Azog was fierce. Sadistic and vicious of any creature I have ever seen", the she-elf began. "I witnessed his strike upon the king, and if Thorin hadn't tried, you all would not be here now. His victory gave him greatness, but it left a stone heart inside", she concluded before sheathing out one of her curves daggers from the back of her waist, examining the metal upon the blade with a grim expression.
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Kili had bitten the inside of his cheek. He could see the disapproving look in her eyes. It's not like, he meant any harm at all. Kili was just a natural teaser, liking to have a good laugh. After his uncle, seemed to have lashed out, at them for their teasing. Kili felt his spirits were dampened. He felt the soothing touch of his God-mother, giving her a slight smile.

As he listened to the tale, that Balin told. Kili now knew the reasons behind his uncle words. As harsh, as they might have been. It seemed, like he had a good reason to warm them. He glanced over at his god-mother, in slight shock. "You came across, that Orc?" he asked, with a slight raised eyebrow.

Bilbo looked at Saeril, with a slight shock to know she had been there. "What is off Azog now?" the Hobbit asked. Was the White Orc still alive?

Thorin heard Saeril's words, his back still turned to everyone. His jaw clenched, at the mention of him having a stone heart. Maybe he was cold, maybe he pushed it all aside...but he was protective over his nephews. If they kept acting, like little children...they'd be attacked, when their guards were down. And could be hurt. That was something, he did not want to happen to them. They had to, look out for themselves. Not make silly jokes, that could cost lives.
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Saeril frowned at the Hobbit's question. She looked to the ground. "I can't be certain. Some say he slunk back into the hole of whence he came. But some say he died, shortly after the battle", she simply said, knowing that she should keep the truth away from them. If they knew, what kind of godmother would she be? Who could ever love...a monster? A monster who caused such utter destruction and death?

With that said, the she-elf didn't waste time laying herself down upon her side; on top of one of her wings, and using the other as a blanket of some sort. Now that she thought about it, Saeril didn't want to scare them, and the she-elf most certainly didn't want the future king of Erebor to hear and get suspicious. "You could say that I saw it. All of it. That's all I wish to say", slight hesitation was apparent, but she kept it privately cool. All she felt was unworthiness now when telling the youngest these lies. Saeril felt herself turn into poison, rather than the purity she was raised to have. That was all she was now: poison; it will kill him, sooner or later...

The she-elf looked gave a sad sigh as these memories rose back to her. He already, and courageously, told her that he wasn't afraid of her presence, but what if he was afraid of what she was before? A killer; an entity of pure evil? Saeril looked to the ground to avoid eye contact for a moment, slightly troubled in her own thoughts.
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Bilbo listened to her talk and he frowned a little to himself. What were the chances, that this Azog was dead? He hoped, there was at least some change. The hobbit, noticed how silent she went. He wondered, if it was something someone had said...so Bilbo went quite. All he knew was, that he did not want to meet with Azog the Defiler. The Orcs...or the infamous Pale Orc just sounded too scary, for his imagination.

Kili was silent, as his God-mother spoke about Azog. He couldn't imagine, what it must have been like to even know...or see the presence of such a creature. He noticed the slight hesitation, as she spoke. He frowned a little to himself. Either, she was uncomfortable. Or.....she was keeping something, from them. And Kili, wondered what it was.

The way she seemed to recoil into herself. It made the young Durin Heir, frown. He looked worried. "Are you alright?" he asked, his voice low...but filled with concern.
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The she-elf's moment of looking at the ground, is almost making her immediately miss seeing young Kili's face. All she could do was, once again, make a small reassuring smile towards him from the ground. "I'm alright", she said. "Just tired", she lied, since Elves don't exactly get "exhausted" or "tired"; not immediately, at least. "You should get rest, as well".

Truth be told, she was not okay. She was lying to his face, and it's a terrible feeling for someone like herself. But what she really feared was his perspective of her. All of that could change negatively if he learned the truth: That his own godmother performed acts and deeds that were beyond imaginable. It could confuse him, sure; but it was the bond that could get shattered, in the process.
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Kili watched her with a worried expression. He sighed slightly. He thought, Elves did not get tired so fast. But he tried not to question it. Let it go...there's no use, arguing. He told himself. "Good night." he said, as he laid down. Leaning his head against his arm...The young Dwarf dozed off.

In the distance, there was someone or something watching them. One of the Orcs, from earlier...had caught scent of Thorin Okaenshield and his company. "Send word to master, we have found the Dwarf Scum!" he commanded, to his fellow.

After everyone was well rested, and feeling refreshed. They were on the move again. But the next day, it was raining rather heavily and everyone was soaked within moments.

"Gandalf...can't you do something, about this?" One dwarf complained.

Gandalf, looked back at the Dwarf. "It is raining, Master Dwarf. It will continue to rain, until the rain is done." he replied "If you wish to change the weather of the world, you must find yourself another Wizard."

"And are there any?" Bilbo asked curiously. "Other Wizards...I mean." he said, curious.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Just as they had predicted, the afternoon greeted the company with a downpour. A deluge, as Dori called it. Unfortunately, Gandalf could do nothing to stop such a storm. The wizard had to simply explain that the rain must keep falling. Until Bilbo had to ask if there were any other wizards in Middle-Earth. "There are five of us", he began to explain. "The most powerful is Saruman...the White; I am the second. Then, there are the two Blue Wizards. Quite frankly, I've forgotten their names; and the fifth is Radagast the Brown", he finished. "In his own way, he's a very great Wizard, who watches over Greenwood..."

Saeril's Elven ears, once again, did not fail her, as she seemed to have accidentally eavesdropped on the conversation coming from the front of the group. Greenwood; such a beautiful place, she thought back to the memories of being in that peaceful forest, so full of life and creatures, big and small.

The next night, as the dwarves set up camp, Saeril volunteered to help Kili and Fili watch the ponies in the woods. Even though she heard Gandalf say that the spot they were currently on was dangerous, she figured that if they stayed any longer, there will indeed be some unexpected danger. Honestly, she wasn't too sure about their current position, and the spot that they put the ponies looked rather too easy for something to just up and take. Saeril stroked a few of them, unraveled her hair from her horned headdress, and let her wings be shaken dry from the earlier rain. She did hear some key words come from her Dwarven companions, but again she could not express those troubled looks in front of them. Or they could get suspicious.

"Do us a favor, and take these to the lads", Bofur instructed to Bilbo, as he passed him three bowls of stew.
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As Bilbo had learned more about the Wizards, he was quite surprised. When they finally found camp for the night, there had been a slight squabble between Thorin and Gandalf, about where to go. Gandalf had insisted, they go to Rivendell, so they could get some proper rest, food and help from Lord Elrond, with the map Thorin Varied. But the Dwarf Prince, was angry and declined that offer.

He did not want to go, where the elves were. That was a major no no for him. But little did he know, that their path will soon lead them there anyways.

As Kili watched the horses with his brother and their God-mother..he stared perplexed. Two were missing....Daisy being one of them. When Bilbo got handed the bowls of stew...he carefully carried the bowls over towards the woods...giving one to Saeril, before he walked over to the young Dwarfs...but stopped seeing their expressions. "What is it?" he asked

"We're supposed to be looking after the ponies." Kili breathed out...still staring in front of him, confused. Who could have taken the ponies?
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Fili was aware of their task, but apparently lost the concentration to watch both the ponies and his baby brother. Kili was truly the source of his distraction, and now, he was just as alarmed as he was, when two of the ponies go missing. The only thing he remembered doing was stare into the deep woods next to his brother, trying to figure out how the four-legged creatures had simply vanished. "Only we've encountered a small problem", the blonde nervously reported back to Bilbo when he asked about their situation. "We only have fourteen ponies now, instead of sixteen", he added. Immediately, he could already imagine Thorin's disapproval of their task. They had to come with something, and fast. "Don't tell Thorin; we don't want to worry him", he told the Hobbit, before looking around. "As our burglar, I was wondering if you could help us".

Saeril has been sitting upon a log nearby, until she was given the bowl of stew from Bilbo. Thanking him politely, she then noticed the apparent distress between her godsons before she could even take a spoonful. It only created concern, and for them to actually be in such a state, actually left her losing her appetite. Following the brothers and the Hobbit into the woods, only seeing an uprooted tree before her. This only created slight worry for the heirs of Durin to be in this spot. "Something's out there", she spoke up, before looking to them. "We're not alone", she realized.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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Bilbo blinked, as he heard Fili. He took a little look around "Something big, uprooted these trees." he asked..The more further they went into the woods. "That was our thinking." Kili said, as he walked with Fili and Bilbo. "Quite Big and Possibly very Dangerous." He could hear crunching near by and he hid behind a large tree. Kili ducked down. "Trolls." he said, as he spotted a light near by...seeing the pair of them sitting there...and another one was carrying two more horses.

"He's got Myrtle and Minty." Bilbo said, after the troll had their backs to them...going towards their hoard. "We have to do something, it looks like they are planning on eating them." Bilbo looked at the two brothers.

"Stay, back." Kili told his god-mother. "We've got this." he said, seeing she had followed them. Leave it to men, and the little Burglar to save the day.

"Yes, you should." Kili said looking down at Bilbo, whom shot him a look. "It's perfectly easy...Mountain Trolls are idiots, you are small...they'll never see you." he told the Hobbit. "It's perfectly simple...we'll be right behind you." Kili ushered Bilbo more into the woods. Before Bilbo could say something else...or protest...the two Durin Heirs were gone..with their bowls of stew.

"Mutton Yesterday, Mutton today and if it doesn't look like Mutton again tomorrow." One of the Trolls grumbled...seeing his fellow carrying in two more horses.

"These aint sheep...these are west-naids." The leader troll, set down the two horses beside their companions.

Whining, one troll huffed "I don't like Horse. Never have, not enough fat on them."

"Achoooooooooo!" One troll suddenly sneezed, into the pot. "Well, that is fine that is! A floater." One troll said.
"Ooh...might improve the flavor." The third one said.
"Oohh..there's more where that came from." The troll who sneezed said. Meanwhile, little Bilbo had sneaked closer and closer, to where the horses were kept. The troll prepared to sneeze again. "Oh no you don't!" One grabbed him by the nose, squeezing it. The troll let out squeaky whines and groans. "Oowwwwww." Once he sat down, he blew his nose into a tissue...rather noisily.

Meanwhile, Bilbo had found his way to the horses...trying to untie them. But the ropes were done a little too tight. The trolls continue to argue...when Bilbo looked around, he spotted one of them had a sharp knife on him.
"How come he's the cook? Everything always tastes the same."
"It all tastes of chicken." Another complaint came.
"Expect the chicken...it tastes like fish."

As the horses started to whine...Bilbo kept shhing at them lightly..as he began to crawl towards the trolls. When he picked up a bone...he winced...setting it down again.
"Just needs a sprinkle of Squirrel Dung.." One troll said, grabbing at the air. Bilbo stopped...and ducked down slightly...the troll had missing him, by a few inches. As the trolls seemed to be busy arguing and then drinking the grog. Bilbo run up behind the one with the knife...trying to grab it with his hands. But made a face, as the troll stood up, scratching it's large butt.

"I need to snuffle something...I need flesh.."The troll grumbled...pressing Bilbo to his back, as he grabbed him, when he went to scratch his back...and when he sneezed...he sneezed right over Bilbo. He let out a gasp...the other two trolls let out a squeak.
"Ahhh...Blimey! Look...look what came out of my outter...it's got arms and legs...and everything!" Bilbo was wiggling in his large hand..
"What is it?" One asked
"I don't know...but I don't like the way it wiggles around." he threw Bilbo down onto the ground. Bilbo gasped, before he jumped to his feet.

"What are you? An over-sized Squirrel?" One of the trolls asked, looking down at Bilbo. Holding a bone in his hand.
"I am a Burglar."Bilbo blurted out "I mean, a Hobbit."
"A hobbit Burglar?"The Trolls looked down at the little man and each other. "Then we cook him." One suggested. All three started to grab at him, but Bilbo kept running out of their way...moving faster...than their large hands.

Finally one managed to grab him, holding Bilbo upside down. Bilbo gasped. "Are there, any more little fellows like you hiding somewhere where you shouldn't?" The troll asked
"No.." Bilbo lied. Shaking his head. But it seemed like the trolls picked up on the fact, that he was lying.
"I am not." Bilbo breathed.
"Hold his toes over the fire...make him squeal." One of the trolls suggested. Before something jumped out of the bushes...slashing at it's leg. The troll let out a squeak.

"Drop him!" Kili spoke, his sword in his hands. Slashing another leg of the troll. The troll squeaked moving about, trying to trample on Kili. "I said drop him!" He demanded, when the trolls wouldn't listen. Bilbo got finally tossed...landing on Kili, the pair ending a small heap on the ground.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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The winged she-elf silently moved herself to where Fili and Kili were concealed, but hovered behind them by a few feet. As soon as she heard the word "trolls", she was already disgusted by hearing about such creatures. But as they made a run for it to be closer, "Wait!", she whispers harshly to stop them, but they kept going, making her softly groan in frustration. Feeling compelled to stay with them, she followed, but instead of walking, she flew, in order to make herself more quieter. Landing before hiding behind a tree with them.

"If you run into trouble, hoot twice like a barn owl, once like a brown owl", Fili instructed him as they kept reassuring him that it was okay to go into treachorous territory. Saeril wanted to object, but she did wonder if the Hobbit was truly burglar-material; this could be his chance. However, she did notice Fili running off with his brother, and she wanted to say something, but she can't while being so close to a troll campsite. Being caught was not where she wanted themselves to be. She didn't go anywhere, and abandoning the Hobbit wasn't worth doing, so she hid in one of the trees above him, letting the darkness camoflouge her.

Once Kili made his appearance, Saeril couldn't help but marvel his bravery. Probably the first time to even stand up to someone twice, maybe three his own size. As Bilbo crashed into the youngest's arms, the rest of the company suddenly emerged from the shrubbery with varying shouts and battle cries, weapons drawn and ready to fight. While fighting the giants, the she-elf watched as Bilbo managed to steal a knife and free the ponies, until the trolls noticed and grabbed him, holding him by his arms and legs. "Lay down your arms! Or we’ll rip his off!". Saeril narrowed her eyes at the scenario, and crouched down in the tree, balancing herself on the branch, before moving onto a rock behind the trolls. Unintentionally, she saw Gandalf. Where has he been?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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Once Bilbo had been captured. Kili yelled out "Bilbo!" he tried to run forward...but he got stopped by his people. As the trolls demanded, they dropped their arms. Kili huffed, throwing his sword down on the ground...the others tossed their weapons down as well.

In a few moments, Bilbo and the dwarves were tied in sacks...and the trolls were preparing a fire, so they could feast on them. "Why bother cooking him? Let's just sit on him....Squash him into Jelly." One of the trolls said, as he glanced back at Bilbo.

"They should be salted, and grilled...with a bit of cider." One troll said, as he began to turn the tied drawves over the fire. Bilbo made a slight face hearing them. As they debated on what to do...Bilbo yelled out "Wait!" he managed to hop up, in his sack. "You are making a terrible mistake."

"You can't reason with them." One dwarf yelled out to Bilbo.

"I mean...with the seasoning." Bilbo said, hopping over slightly.
"What, about the seasoning?" The troll asked, looking down at Bilbo. "Well...have you smelt them?" Bilbo asked, the trolls. "You gonna need something stronger than sage, before you plate this lot up."
"Traitor!" One dwarf yelled out...
"What do you know about cooking Dwarf?" The trolls asked, looking at Bilbo. Wondering, what he knew. Whilst the Dwarfs didn't seem to realize, that Bilbo was trying to help...buy some time, before Dawn. "Shut up and let the Flurglar-Burglar-Hobbit talk."

"I...I...the secret to cooking Dwarf is..." Bilbo was trying to come up with something. "You have to skin them first." The dwarves began to argue, shaking their head at Bilbo.
"What a load of rubbish! I've eaten plenty with their skins on...Scoff them down, boots and all!"One troll complained, whilst the third one grabbed the ginger-red haired one, about to pop him into his mouth like that. "He's right, nothing wrong with a raw dwarf!"

From the corner of his eyes, Bilbo noticed Gandalf."No...No...not that one. He's infected!" Bilbo gasped out.
"You what?" The troll asked
"I...he's got worms...in his tubes." Bilbo made a face. The trolls made a loud eww...and dropped the dwarf back down again. Kili groaned...as his fellow landed on him slightly. "In fact, they all have. They're all have parasites...it's a terrible business...I wouldn't risk it."

"We don't have Parasites!" Kili yelled at Bilbo "You have Parasites!"
Thorin was the only one quite among the squabble...before he realized, Bilbo was trying to help them. He kicked Kili hard, through his sack...shootting them a look. There was slight silent before they all began to yell
"I have Parasites."
"My parasites are as big as my arm."
"My parasites are the biggest...I have huge parasites." Kili added. Thorin just rolled his eyes to himself, hearing his nephew.

"What would you have us do then?" The troll walked over to Bilbo. "Let them all go?" he began poking Bilbo.
"Well..." Bilbo said, with a nod.
"You don't think, I know what you're up too? This little Ferret...is taking us for fools." The troll spoke looking at his fellows.
"Ferret?" Bilbo asked, huffing at the trolls.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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"The dawn will take you all!!", suddenly shouted Gandalf before the wizard struck the large rock that he stood upon with his staff, cleaving it in two and letting the rays of the sun pierce through to touch the mountain trolls, turning them to solid stone in a few short moments.

Flying down towards the dwarves from the rock she hid behind, the she-elf freed her dwarven companions from their tied-up sacks and restraints. Saeril approached the brothers, and freed them as well, before putting her curved dagger back into its sheath at her waist. "I would personally say that that was extremely brave of what you've accomplished today, heirs of Durin", she complimented them, calmly impressed by their courage to stand up to the giant creatures, and save Bilbo's life.

Fetching his weapons, the older heir of Durin made a quick scan over his brother's being, convincing himself that he physically looked fine, and not injured. It was a terrible brotherly habit; making sure that Kili was stable on his feet at all times. Not that he would pester him like a baby, but the youngest always insisted that he was strong, and not some child that needed to be looked after.
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"Who's that?" "No Idea..." "Can we eat him too?" Were the last words, of each of the trolls, before they got turned into stone.

Bilbo blinked in surprise, and slight shock seeing the trolls turn into stone before his very eyes. They were safe from the trolls. Lucky, Gandalf had good timing. When he was free, he kicked the sack away from himself. Looking around, it seemed all of the Dwarves were in one piece.

Kili smiled softly, as he heard his god-mother. "He's one of us...couldn't let him, get eaten." he said. He was about to pick up his weapons, when Fili began to fuss over him. He huffed "Fili, please stop babying me." Kili looked a little annoyed.All the time, his elder brother had to baby him. "I think, I am old enough to take care of myself, Fil. I am fine." he reassured his brother.

Thorin made his way over to Gandalf, a little surprised to see him back. But also glad. "Where did you, go if I may ask?" he looked at the Wizard.
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Hearing his response, Saeril smiled small, and chuckled amusingly. "Of course. For the blunder you just performed not too long ago, I think you should be praised for your courage; facing the thieves. That, is a quality of a Durin", she friendly smiled, before placing a hand on his shoulder. Fili smiled fondly at the scene. Good thing he wasn't the jealous type; he wanted his baby brother to have his dreams be made real.

"Too look ahead", Gandalf answered the future king of Erebor, with a slight hint of annoyance in his voice. "What brought me back? Looking behind", the wizard cleared his throat, tapping one of the stone trolls with the end of his staff. "Nasty business; still you are all in one piece", he concluded with a small smile. He then frowned, looking back at the statues. "How strange. Trolls don't venture this far south", he observed before slowly realizing a thought. "Not since a darker power ruled these lands", the Wizard resisted looking at the she-elf nearby to prevent suspicion from the others. He knew that she was that "darker power", and it would be way too early for the others to know. "They couldn't have moved in daylight, which means...there must be a cave nearby", he changed the subject before noticing Thorin walk off.

The she-elf waited for the company to proceed into the cave before mischievously looking at her youngest godson, approaching him from behind. "Hang on", she happily told him, before holding his small stature, and gracefully glided upwards with a flap of her feathered wings. After a few moments, they were perched in a tall tree, above the cave, and getting an incredible view of the forest.
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Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Thorin listened to Gandalf, and he rose a slight eyebrow. "No, thanks to your Burglar." he muttered, as he spoke about him being in one piece. As he listened to Gandalf, wonder about the Trolls. He nodded in agreement and he walked a little futher away...before he indeed found a cave.

A few of the others followed him. "Eww...what's that stench?" one of the asked...wrinkling their noses. The troll cave, smelled...of rotting flesh, bones...and something else. There were lots of treasures down there...gold...swords, weapons. Anything you could imagine. Thorin saw a few swords perched up, in their sheaths. They were dusty and covered in cob-webs. As he examined them. "These are no swords, made by trolls." he said, as he looked them over.

Kili smiled at his god-mother. Before he smirked, proudly to himself. "Mother, always said I was reckless. But I do not think so." He said with a chuckle. He felt brave...and he had grown to like Bilbo. The hobbit amused him, he enjoyed teasing the little Hobbit. But he did think of him, as a friend...and one of them. Of course, he would save Bilbo. Plus, he was their Thief. They couldn't loose him. He was needed.

When everyone started to make for the cave. Kili felt Delva grab onto him and he let out a slight gasp...but smiled. Letting out a chuckle, when they were in the tree tops. "How beautiful." he admired the forest view, from afar with a smile.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon Storyteller

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

"It’s a troll hoard. Be careful what you touch", Gandalf told them as they went deeper. Few bugs here and there, but what they didn't know was that they have come upon the trolls’ treasure. "Seems a shame just to leave it lying around. Anyone could take it", Bofur recalled. "Agreed. Nori, get a shovel", Gloin agreed, planning to make a "long-term deposit".

Nearby, Gandalf and Thorin did discover some swords, a few of them already covered in dust and cobwebs. The Wizard walked to the Dwarven Prince's side to take a glance. "Nor by a smith of Men. These are swords to the High Elves from the First Age", he added, and concluded, to the Dwarven king's statement. "You simply cannot wish for a finer blade!"

"Admire the view, young Durin; this is only the beginning of a true bond", she told him, practically telling him to embrace the feeling. Since they are both balancing on one branch, the she-elf crouched down to his height, and kept him close from behind. The view was surely incredible, and she felt that they could stay, and look upon the trees and distant valleys.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

As Nori got the shovel, the dwarfs began to dig a hole, where they could hide some of the treasure from the cave.

Thorin looked disgusted at the thought, that these swords were made by the elves. But hearing Gandalf's statement...he didn't say anything. Maybe the swords would be good...He pulled it out of it's sheath. Examining it under his light. Before deciding to take it after all. He glanced over his shoulder, seeing Gloin, Nori and Bofur hiding some treasure. "Let's get out of this foul place!" he said "Bofur, Gloin...Nori come on!" he said, before he made his way out of the cave, and back outside.

Kili smiled as he heard Delva. He felt safe, with her behind him and he was admiring the beauty of everything around him. "How does it feel? To be able to fly? To fly anywhere, you wish if you wanted to." he asked. He knew how it felt for him...he felt free...soft as a feather. But how did it feel for her? He did not know.
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