Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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After receiving the stallion, Bard rode towards the mountain, just hoping that if he could reason with the Dwarven King, they may possibly avoid an all-out war between them and the Elves, who recently showed up not too long ago, with supplies. He just only hoped that through negotiation, Thorin would come to the terms that he proclaimed before Smaug's attack.

Coming to a halt at the front gate, the barge-turned-bowman took notice of the king himself, as well as his two nephews and Dwalin. Fili, trying to act and forget about what had happened the night before, since the faint mark on his little brother continuously served as a harsh reminder for crossing the king. He would make sure to not let it happen again...

"All hail Thorin, son of Thrain!", the bowman declared, knowing his manners well. "I have come with a peace offering. Will you not speak with me?"


Saeril laid in the royal bedroom that used to be Dis' before she had left for the Blue Mountains, to at least get the rest that her conscience really needed. She couldn't stop thinking about her earlier episode, and truth be told, she couldn't stop the nightmare that continued to plague her, keeping her "awake". Rolling on her back to look at the ceiling, a sigh escaped the she-elf, and gracefully pulled herself up to sit on the side of the bed. A groan came, and with a struggle to stand up straight, she managed to unravel her wings, tuck them behind her, and get the door open.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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As Thorin kept an eye on everything...he then walked up the steps that led him to the open part, of the entrance that had not been blocked off yet; seeing the Elves armed and ready...and soon hearing the arrival of bard. His jaw clenched. "Why do you come, to the Gates of the King under the mountain, armed and ready for war?" He questioned, not looking rather pleased about the arrival off the Elves. Or the Bargeman for that matter.

Kili could hear the disgust in his uncle's voice, he had kept his neck covered. In attempt to hide the fading mark. Glancing down at Bard. Kili gathered, he was here to negotiate with his uncle. He just hoped, he would have better luck.

At the thought of talking to him. Thorin nodded his head...gesturing Bard to come closer. Before walking down the stairs...Thorin stood near the rock, that had a whole in it...seeing Bard on the other side. "I am Listening."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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"I ask for you to honor your pledge", the bowman went straight to the point. "To give a share of the treasure, so the people of Laketown can rebuild their lives", in reality, Bard had no idea that the King Under The Mountain was being influenced by a malevolent force; a force that has left behind a curse upon Durin's Folk for generations.

Fili remembered Thorin's promise to Laketown from before: that he would give half of the treasure to them, and fulfill the town to be ten times as powerful as Dale had once been. Although, with his uncle now in this state, he really didn't want to say anything aloud. He feared that if he did so, the king's hand would be laid upon Kili again, not to mention, himself. In truth, the blonde would take the risk, but then he remembered about Saeril. To keep the incident a secret, both of them can't say that they just simply fell down. Otherwise, suspicion will arise from her...
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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Thorin narrowed his eyes hearing Bard, glancing at him. "I will not treat, with any man...whilst an armored host lays before my door."

"Your threats do not sway me." Thorin remarked; hearing Bard's words about Thranduil's intentions to attack. Thorin was listening, but he was silent...his jaw clenching. "When the men of Lake Town, come to us for aid...for the promise of rich Reward?!" Thorin was getting agitated. "A Bargain?! What choice do we have, but to barter our birthright for blankets and food. To ransom in exchange for our freedom! You call that a fair-trade?" He asked, looking through the hole. The anger swimming in his eyes again.

"Tell me, Bard the Dragon Slayer. Why should I honnor such terms?!" He leaned his back against the stone wall, away from Bard's view. He could see the Dwarvish company and Bilbo looking at him..expecting him to agree. "Be gone! And let the others fly!" Thorin yelled towards Bard.

"What are you doing?" Bilbo asked in disbelief. "You cannot go to war! Do you not see the Elvish Army at the ready? Not to mention, several hundred angry fisherman...we are in fact outnumbered." Bilbo told Thorin...he had no idea, when Thorin abandoned all the little 'reason' he had inside of him. But this would not end well.

"Not for much Longer." Thorin spoke as he turned to Bilbo; as if he was expecting the arrival of someone.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Bilbo asked confused.
"It means Master Baggins...you should never underestimate Dwarves." Thorin told Bilbo. Meanwhile, Thranduil was waiting on the return of Bard to hear of what had come to pass between him and Thorin.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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"That armed host will attack this mountain if we don't come to terms!", the bowman countered for his side of the arguement, a little baffled towards the dwarf king's refusal. "What of your conscience? Does it not tell you that our cause is just?", Bard asked him, reminding him that he could use good judgement to see the consequences of taking this path. "My people offered you help, and in return, you brought them ruin and death!", that is where he became a little angry, getting louder with emotion in his voice. Particularly because he could have lost his own children in the firestorm. "A bargain was struck. You gave us your word, Thorin; does that mean nothing?"

Fili's heart raced and tightened during this back-and-forth exchange. He took a glance to the side at his little brother, and he could see vulnerability in both his posture and troubled expressions. The blonde figured that he was thinking about Saeril, and what their uncle's tyranny would potentially bring. By his refusals and declinations, he wasn't going to show mercy. If they ever crossed him, it would most definitely bring something darker. Saeril came to his own thoughts, but they had to stick to their secret a little longer.

Bard was angry now -- no, frustrated, at Thorin's refusal to consciously think about what his actions had caused: the potential for war. He couldn't argue any further with him now; he just declared to continue taking the warpath. The bowman grunted before turning his horse around, and heading back to the desolated sanctuary of Dale. The ElvenKing did say they will attack at dawn before he left, so he may have been right to come in the first place. There was no turning back from a fight that has already been started...

Fili turned his glance to look down at the ground, once he heard Bilbo ask about Kili's thankfully-fading bruise. He wouldn't want to lie either, but he never felt so conflicted with his little brother being the reason not to trust Thorin. Kili did tell him that Saeril wouldn't be pleased if she found out, and that is where he was troubled the most. Thorin has declared war; whether they like it or not, they were vulnerable, and at his corrupted mercy.

Nearby, behind the company, the she-elf was listening, as she leaned against one of the stone structures. By what she just heard, Thorin was getting worse, both mentally and spiritually. She would like to talk some sense into the king, but that would put her godsons at risk, while in this condition. Silently, she made her way down the halls, unaware that Kili might have seen her; getting her mental state ready for what was to come.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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As Thorin left; a large portion of the Dwarves followed him down the Armory. Where they were beginning to get dressed. Thorin's words about 'defending Erebor' seemed to be swimming through everyone's minds. Bilbo had promised, to keep Fili and Kili's secret. He too had his own secrets...to their's was safe with him. He would not tell Saeril of what had come to pass, last night. But the Hobbit was worried.

On his way to the armory, Kili caught sight of Saeril. It seemed like she had over-heard what happened between Bard and Thorin. And herself preparing, for the war...that'd be upon them. He wished he could calm down his God-Mother, but he feared that no amount of words would bring her comfort and peace in this matter. All that Kili could do, was try and get ready for war...as he made his way to the armory. He began to look through the weapons, shields and armor. When the she-elf joined them, Kili looked at her. "You heard, Uncle's refusal." It was not a question, but more of a statement. He sounded sad.

Bilbo, on the other hand. Was scheming a plan of his own. He had to try and put a stop to this somehow. Just as he was about to sneak out, Thorin had caught him past the Armory, giving him a 'gift' of Mitheral. Bilbo thought he looked absurd, when he put it on. But the Dwarf King, was going mad...his thoughts telling him that someone betrayed him. Bilbo sighed, Thorin was getting worse and worse. "Thorin, the quest is over. You've won the Mountain...is that not enough?" Bilbo questioned, looking at his friend.

"Betrayed, by own Kin?" Countered Thorin. His mind swimming with accusations, of who might have taken the Arkenstone from him. Bilbo felt a pang of guilt, but it would be for his own good.

"You made, a promise...to the people of Lake-Town." Bilbo tried to reason with Thorin. "Is this treasure, really worth more than your Honor?" Thorin looked a little at Bilbo in disbelief. Not another, one trying to talk me into something. Thorin thought to himself. "Our Honor...I was also there. I gave my word." Bilbo reminded him, it was not just him that promised to help the people, but the rest of the company as well.

"The treasure of the Mountain, does not belong to the people of Lake Town." Thorin sounded fierce. One moment he was grateful for Bilbo's word...the next, angry at the thought of giving away his family gold. Bilbo's worry for Thorin grew more and more, this wasn't going to end well. Not for anyone...especially for Thorin. "This Gold...is ours." Thorin breathed out; looking like he was under some kind a spell almost. "Ours alone." he almost struggled to breathe for a bit, his head spinning.

Listening to Thorin, his voice almost sounded distorted. Bilbo swallowed. He caught the worried looks of Fili and Kili, from the corner of his eyes. "I will not part with any of it...not one piece!" Thorin swore.

The three elves, reached the top of the hill. Yavanna run after Legolas and Tauriel, keeping up with them with ease. She was running almost more silently, gracefully almost. As they reached the top, she knelled down by the large boulder, besides Legolas and Tauriel. Looking at the scene before them.

"Gundabad." Tauriel breathed out, as she took in the sight as well. Both of the she-elves were rather curious of what was beyond the fortress.

"What lies beyond?" Yavanna asked softly, almost cautiously as she looked at the Elven Prince.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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With her elf ears, the she-elf heard it all. War. She knew that this would come, sooner or later. Thorin was under the spell of Dragon Sickness, and in most cases, the bearers of excessive amounts of gold may not see reality ever again; just like his grandfather. In this case, the dwarven King won't see reason. Thorin was getting worse by the minute; exactly what she feared...

Fili looked at his little brother with tiredness in his eyes, being apparent in expressing exhaustion from the endless search for the Arkenstone, and from stacking the crumbled rocks of stone to barricade the gate they were currently standing on. This was how far Thorin's corrupted wrath can go: endless labor. If the king wasn't this blind to the wellbeing of his kin, he would know the amount of abuse he was giving them. His own nephews, especially. Bags were underneath the blonde's eyes; his attempt to do the work for his brother apparently drained him, but he put up a good fight to stay on his feet. Like he always did when they were children.

Saeril was already walking down a stony corridor, until she heard the quickening footsteps of the youngest. Her cloak dragged behind her as she walked, and the dim lighting made her luminous eyes glow slightly. He was right to follow; this was an event that might end badly, and he was right to be in her good graces a day before it happened. The she-elf heard him ask of what she just overheard, and she responded with an exhale through her nose. "I did", she responded with a troubled voice, as she stood within the armory.

She took a glance at him, before sheathing out her daggers, twirling them. Upon discovery of Fili, she earned herself a pair of laced gauntlets for her forearms, to which the eldest heir gladly fastened upon her being. "If tommorrow is to be our last stand, I can guess that you'll always follow me? Even into battle?", she asked him, wanting to know if he's willing to follow down a path that may result in death.


Upon reaching the top of the hill, Legolas waited for Tauriel and Yavanna to catch up before having to kneel down with them, taking cover behind a large boulder, and look upon the ruins of Gundabad. It was just how he remembered it all those years ago.

"An old enemy", he answered the princess, looking towards her before looking back over. "The ancient kingdom of Angmar. This fortress was once its stronghold. It is where they kept their great armories, and forged their great weapons of war", he explained. "It is a fell place. In another age, our people have waged war on these lands", just as the Elven prince said this, a memory came back to him. A memory he had wished to forget, but lingered. The thought made him look away from the scene, almost sadly.

"My mother died there", he finally said it, having to look at the two she-Elves. "My father doesn't speak of her. There was no grave; no memory, nothing. Her light was mine; it faded, and died with her", he sadly admitted. Truthfully, he had a light of his own; a trait he got from his mother, but ever since she left, the Elven Prince's heart has turned cold, ever since.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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As Tauriel was crouched, on the other side of Yavanna...she saw a flicker between the rocks. "I saw a light." she murmured. Something definitely moved there. As the red-haired she-elf listened to Legolas explain; her eyes filled with sadness as he mentioned the loss of his mother. Tauriel was rather speechless, not knowing how to comfort him. But her eyes were soft, sympathetic.

Listening to the prince talk, Yavanna sensed a sadness in his voice, as if he recalled a bad memory. As she learned, that he lost his mother. Her eyes filled with a sadness. Yavanna knew, what it was like to loose a parent. She had lost her mother, at a young age. when Yavanna was only 8, Lady Celebrian went missing. To this day, she had not been found, Many believed her to be dead. Growing up without a mother, left the young she-elf with a void, not many could fill. Maybe apart from Seril. She was like the mother, she always needed through out her years. Yavanna knew the void and emptiness, one felt with the loss of someone, dear to your heart.

"I am so sorry." The young she-elf whispered. Yavanna's hand lightly, tenderly touched his own. An affectionate, soft touch. Giving his hand a soft squeeze, as if wanting to soothe him.

Kili saw the exhaustion of Fili's eyes. His elder brother, was pulling his weight...for the both of them. He could not express, how grateful he was for Fili's help...but it was tiring for them all. "It is my home, I will defend it...not let others fight for me." Kili spoke, as Saeril asked if he would follow her into battle. Kili was one of Thorin's best warriors; he never backed down from a fight...not when it came to protecting his home.

Knowing Bilbo could not reason with Thorin any longer. The young Hobbit left the armory, unseen. Everyone was busy, getting ready. In the city of Dale, citizens were surprised and startled by the arrival of Gandalf, the Grey.

"Oi...you...Pointy Hat!" Alfrid addressed Gandalf; walking down a few stairs. "Yes, you! We don't want no Tramps, Beggars or Vagabonds around here. We got enough trouble, without the likes of you." he as always was bitter, judging Gandalf with his every look. "Of you go...on your horse." Alfrid nodded to the Stallion Gandalf arrived on.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Saeril kept her gaze upon Kili while keeping her position to agree with him. His responses proved that he was willing to follow his family into battle her, wherever she went, whenever. It did give her slight uncertainty for this, due to the secrets she's never got the will to admit. It only served as a reminder that she was a coward, but this was for the sake of her godsons. What she didn't know, was that Kili had a secret of his own...

With his determination, the she-elf never thought her inner strength would increase. She will participate in battle for Durin's Folk, and live to reunite with her Durin family; in this case, Thorin, Dis, Fili, Kili, and the rest of their brethren in Ered Luin. They were in this together. Like always. In response, Saeril gave a brave, fond smile to the youngest. However, it fell into a frown, as she watched Thorin's change, since her hearing wasn't to be denied.

"Who’s in charge here?", the wizard asked the short, accusing man, until Bard managed to appear before them. Sometime later, he met with Bard and Thranduil in a tent, hoping to warn them of what is coming. "You must set aside your petty grievances with the Dwarves. War is coming. The cesspits of Dol Guldur have been emptied", he told them. "You’re all in mortal danger", Bard looked towards Gandalf, confused of what the wizard is trying to tell them.


Legolas seemed to be a bit troubled by the retelling of a memory he wished to have forgotten all those years ago. However, his moment of looking to the side was interrupted when he felt a gentle touch upon his hand. His blue eyes looked from his hand, back to the girl, who appeared to be looking at him, with her light appearing in her soft and tender green eyes; blue meeting them, those orbs of beauty shined in a dark and sad place.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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Thranduil looked between Bard and Gandalf, with a slight raised eyebrow. "I can see you know nothing of Wizards." he told Bard; as he stood up from his chair. "They are like a winter storm, in a wild wind. Rolling in from the distance, breaking hard, in alarm. But sometimes, a storm is just a storm." Thranduil spoke, as he reached for a glass..pouring himself some wine.

"Why show his hand now?" Thranduil questioned Gandalf. "These Orc Armies you speak of Mithrandir, where are they?" The Elvenking rose an eyebrow at the Grey Wizard.

Kili smiled at his God-mother. He was a Durin. His father's son...Thorin's nephew. A fighter, he would not back down. It was not in his blood or nature too. He had his family, and friends to fight for. It gave him hope, to live to see another day. He tried to smile at her reassuringly, but he could see how worried she was for his uncle. Kili wondered, what it would take to save his uncle...if it was possible.

As their eyes met. Yavanna's soft hand remained on his. Her gentle, emerald eyes locked with his blue. The look in her eyes filled with fondness, care, growing adoration, tenderness. Almost telling him, that he was not alone...that he wouldn't be. That she was there for him and understood his pain.

Suddenly an aray of bats swooped in. Yavanna ducked slightly, her body almost curling up near his. Tauriel herself ducked down...laying against the rock. Seeing the monstrous bats flying above them.

"They're swarming." Tauriel whispered.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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"Not this time", Gandalf corrected the ElvenKing. "Armies of Orcs are on the move. They're bred-fighters; prepared for war. Our enemy summoned his full strength because we forced him, ever since the company of Thorin Oakenshield had set out to reclaim their homeland", he explained before proceeding to walk out the tent, and look towards the sealed entrance to Erebor, in the distance. "They were never meant to reach the Mountain; Azog the Defiler was sent to kill them", he paused right there, knowing that it was Saeril who sent the Orc there, while under Sauron's control.

"His master, whom they call "the One", seeks control of the Mountain; not just for the treasure within, but for where it lies; its strategic position", he glanced back to Bard and Thranduil. "It's a gateway to reclaim the lands of Angmar in the North. If that fell-Kingdom should rise again, Rivendell, Lórien, the Shire, even Gondor itself will fall".


Just as a swarm of bats flew before them, Legolas instinctively put an arm around Yavanna's shoulders, merely to shield her from the threat, while ducking in further himself. The blonde prince looked up to see the bats, just after Tauriel mentioned them. "These bats were bred for one purpose", he observed. "For war", his conclusion rang true just when he took notice upon Bolg summoning the rest of the Orc forces, along with the swarm. "We have to go back; warn the others. Come", he instructed them before taking his leave, holding the younger she-elf's hand, as he led the way back down the hill.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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A few moments later, it seemed like Gandalf did not get his point across to the King. Listening to Gandalf, go on about his council. Thranduil rolled his eyes slightly. "I think, you're trying to save your Dwarfish friends. Whilst, I admire your loyalty, it does not dissuade my course. You started it Mithandir, do forgive me...if I finish it." The ElvenKing told the Elderly Wizard.

He made his way out towards the edge of the tent. "Are the Archers in position?" he asked the one of the Guards, before nodding. "Good, if anything moves on that mountain...Kill it." he instructed.

Meanwhile, Bilbo stood near the gateway...he had a rope in hand. Tossing the rope down, once he made sure it was secure. The young Hobbit began to climb down. Once his feet touched the ground, Bilbo began to sneak his way into the city of Dale. He had to speak with Bard and the ElvenKing if he could.

As Bilbo made his way to Dale, he heard a conversation between Bard and Gandalf. "You think that will stop them? It won't...they will fight to the death, to defend their own." Seeing Gandalf, Bilbo smiled at his Wizard friend. A short moment later, Thranduil looked down at the Hobbit. "If I am not mistaken, this is the halfling who stole the keys to the Dungeons, right under the nose of my Guards."

Bilbo pursed his lips slightly, as he listened to the King. "Yes...sorry about that." he said, slightly through through clenched teeth. "I came to give you this..." Bilbo walked over to the small table, in front of Thranduil. Setting down a piece of cloth, unraveling it...inside was the Arkenstone.

"The heart of the Mountain." Thranduil stood up shocked, seeing the Arkenstone. "The King's Jewel."

"I took, it as my 16th share of the treasure." Bilbo explained.

Feeling his arm shield her, Yavanna felt safe even with the threats near by. But seeing the bat and Orc Army led by Bolg. Yavanna felt her stomach clench...her friends were in more danger, than she could have imagined. As they stood up. Her hand holding onto his, as she followed him down the hillside.

"I hope, it's not too late." Tauriel whispered; as she rushed down the hillside with them both.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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"You, bowman! Do you agree with this? Is gold so important to you? Would you buy it with the blood of Dwarves?", Gandalf questioned Bard, who was already about to exit the tent. "It will not come to that. This is a fight they cannot win", but the appearance of Bilbo was rather unexpected, which became a good reason for the bargeman to stay. Just as the Hobbit presented the Arkenstone before them. "How is this yours to give?", the bowman asked the halfling, also shocked to come across such a trinket. "Why would you do this? You owe us no loyalty", he was confused. Why would Bilbo give them the King's jewel?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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"I am not doing it for you." Bilbo slightly shook his head. "I know Dwarves can be Obstinate and pig-headed, difficult. And suspicious and secretive. With the worst manners you can possibly imagine. But they are, also brave and kind, loyal to a fault. I've grown very fond of them. And I would save them, if I can." Bilbo explained. Thranduil watched the Hobbit in silence.

"Now, Thorin values this stone above all else." Bilbo said gesturing the Arkenstone. "In exchange for this return, I believe he will give you, what you are owed. There's no need for a war."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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The next day, on the day of war, everyone had been preparing themselves for this one event that would either end in victory or defeat. Man, Elf, and Dwarf; all coming down to this one fight that might forever change Middle Earth. The armies of Man and Elf made their march towards the Lonely Mountain, led by Bard and Thranduil, who hoped that a certain Hobbit's plan would be effective to call off this war.

In Erebor, the dwarves have been prepping themselves early, at the dawn, to prepare themselves in defending their mountainous domain. The she-elf had her daggers and finger-cuffs sharpened. She even offered to also help them train early as well, either solo, or against each other. It was a memory she will now keep. Having to pull her hair back, and place on her horned headdress, Saeril took a early flight outside, and around the mountain, before catching sight of the approaching parties of Man and Elf. It was she who told Thorin and the company of their advancement, before perching herself within another opening, that was right above the Dwarves' standing position.

If another were to enter upon her position, there would be a stoned-stairwell leading up to her level.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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The Elven Army was gathered, in position outside the entrance of the Mountain. They were waiting; ready for instructions. Thranduil rode besides Bard, through the crowd of his army. Thorin whom stood at the top of the open entrance, had his bow and arrow aimed towards the Elvenking. Firing an arrow...the arrow landed near the hoof of the Elk, that Thorin was riding upon.

"The next one, will be in between your eyes." Snarled Thorin. Thranduil's jaw clenched and the entire load of Archers, drew out their arrows aiming it towards the Dwarves...whom ducked down behind the wall to hide from the arrows, which they expected to come.

Thranduil held out his hand, stopping his men from firing the arrows. "We have come to tell you, that a payment of your Debt has been offered...and accepted." The elvenking spoke, looking at the Dwarf King, before him.

"What payment? I gave you nothing! You have nothing!" Thorin snarled...at that, Thranduil glanced towards Bard, whom had the Arkenstone hidden in his jacket pocket.

Kili looked shocked, seeing the Arkenstone in Bard's hands. "They have the Arkenstone. Thieves!" he yelled out. "How come anybody, stole from our house?! That stone belongs to the King!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Bard hoped that Bilbo's plan would go swiftly, so from the one glance from Thranduil, he revealed the King's jewel from his jacket pocket. "We have this", he revealed. Hearing Kili's shout, Saeril ignored his words, knowing that the Hobbit would have something to do with the Arkenstone going missing in the first place. He was their burglar, after all. "The King may have it, with our good will", the bargeman proclaimed, before putting the stone back in his pocket. "But first, he must honor his word".

The she-elf suddenly descended from the level, above her Dwarven companions, and flew over the two leaders on the ground, having to drop something that the ElvenKing would be able to catch, before beginning to hover near the dwarves, looking at them expectedly. "A war is not going to solve anything between the three of all races", she announced to them. "I'd never steal. But if it's to prevent a war, and death, I find it necessary".
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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Thranduil saw the Starlight gems falling towards him...catching the gems of his beloved wife. He nodded his head towards Saeril. "At least, there is one I can trust." he spoke. "Thank you." It had been so long, since he had seen the jewls of his beloved wife. They held the same light, she once bared. A memory of her, that was long missing. The heirlooms of his people, his family was his once more.

Thorin's jaw clenched as he saw the Arkenstone in Bard's hand. "This is a roose...they're trying to take us for fools." he growled...thinking it was some sort of a game.

"It's no trick. I gave it to them." Bilbo stepped up, a few seconds before Saeril threw Starlight Gems down to King Thranduil. Thorin looked between the Hobbit and the she-elf with his jaw clenched. With a growl...his hand flew out; slapping Saeril harshly across the face. "You Thieves! You lairs...you betrayed me...the both of you!" he yelled out.

Bilbo flinched as Thorin slapped Saeril. "I might be a Burglar, but I'd like to think an honest one. I wanted to give the stone to you many times..I did..but you're not well." Bilbo shook his head "It was for your own good."

Thorin growled. "Throw him over the Rampard...do it!" he growled...angry. He then drew an arrow pointing it at the she-elf. "And this is for you. You Devil's incarnate..what about Yavanna...who did she betray me for?!" Thorin yelled out, in his madness as he fired and arrow at the she-elf. The thought that young Yavanna would betray him too, was clear in his mind. Almost expecting it if, he got betrayed by Bilbo and Saeril.

Kili gasped at the scene. His uncle trying to have Bilbo killed and then firing at his God-Mother. He stepped in between his uncle and God-Mother. "Leave her alone! She is no thief...nor betrayer! She stays true to her word...unlike you! You promised the people of Lake Town aid, wealth...and went back on your word, like it means nothing! You went back on our word! It wasn't just you, who agreed to help them!" Kili yelled at his uncle, now feeling the anger rush through him. "As for Yavanna, what crime do you think she committed? She fell in love, with the King's son." The words, slipped out before he really thought about it.

"She did...what?!" Thorin yelled out in anger, as he heard Kili's words about Yavanna. "That...she...what?!" he was shaking. Kili realized, his mistake...as he mentally slapped himself. Did he just blurt that out?

Hearing the argument up above. Thranduil's jaw clenched. "The young elf, would never betray a living soul. Be careful, what foul crimes you accuse young Yavanna off!" He growled, coming to Yavanna's defense quickly. Now Thranduil might be a complicated man, but he would not stand to hear such crimes and accusations be brought upon a young soul, that he had high respect for.
"What do you know of her?" Thorin snarled down at the elvenking.
"I know, her more than you know." Thranduil told him.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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AngelBites15 Neon Storyteller

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Saeril stood before the Dwarven King, until she felt a slap land right her fair face. The action caused her to gasp, and lightly groan at the pain that was received, having to fall down on one knee. Right as she looked back up to Thorin, she found an arrow having to be aimed at her, before managing to dodge the projectile, but only having to fall on her side as a result. Before anything else, she found Kili standing between her and his uncle. The reveal of Yavanna's true purpose only tipped Thorin over the edge. "No, she's the light of this world. She's like a daughter to me", the winged she-elf growled at Thorin, agreeing with Thranduil's actions of defending the princess' good name.

"We grew fond of her, uncle!", Fili jumped in, having to move between Thorin and Kili. "She has followed her heart", he added. "Do not dare speak of her name with venom. She's done nothing, but treat all of us like equals!", the blonde concluded with desperation in his voice, wavering the claim to everyone present.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

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Thorin glared down at anyone, whom he could. The anger swimming in his eyes. It seemed, the last few moments put a strain on him, angered him even more...his condition getting worse. "You call,her siding...with...with that....that elf...as treating us as equals?!" Thorin growled at his Nephew...unable to even speak the Prince's good name.

Kili's jaw clenched. "The elf, has a name, uncle!" He growled out. "Where were you, when I needed you? I was dying! You left! You forbid me, to come here...to see our home, for the first time with you all! If it wasn't for Yavanna or Delva...I would be gone...dead! If it wasn't for the Elvenking's son, we all would be dead!"he snarled at his uncle. Kili was thankful, that Legolas saved their lives when he did.

Thranduil looked angry, at the Dwarf's words about his son. "My son, has lost too much! She's the light and goodness in his world. Don't dare say another word against my son, or the Princess!" He warned sternly; The Elvenking believed, that Yavanna was destined to be in his son's life; the one Legolas had been waiting for.

"What heart, would tell her to turn against us?...against our quest, for him?!" Thorin snarled.

Thorin then turned to Bilbo, with a growl grabbing him by his neck. "Very well...I'll dispose off you at least. No more, will I ever deal with a rat like you.." he growled..trying to toss him over the entrance hole. Kili's eyes widened and Balin was quick to try and grab Thorin's arm...to stop him from tossing Bilbo over. Bilbo struggled in his grip.
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