Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Long Ago after the end the first great ninja war many hidden villages were made in an attempt to bring together shinobi of significant quality. Ninja from all around the world flocked to the new villages in order to protect their families, and earn a fair living. Only a handful of shinobi did not do so and soon the samurai had grown few in numbers reduced to wandering wastrels in the Iron lands. These hidden villages were soon able to grow in power, and become massive backers to the lands Daimyo. These villages included the Hidden Leaf, Sand, Cloud, Stone, and Mist. These giants produce ninja of astonishing quality. Monsters that earn titles renown throughout the land. It is a frightening prospect that some ninja are capable of turning entire platoons of shinobi to dust, or slaughter an entire town without anyone knowing until it was too late. Some of these shinobi...they have abandoned their villages. Abandoned their way of life as heads of their villages. It was a frightening prospect to say the very least. These rogue shinobi wander the land now under their own ambition without a figure head to control them. However...a rumor on the winds.

A new power rising taking shape in no-mans land areas. A small group of mercenary rogue ninja. The Akatsuki. Their names are only rumor but this group is said to contain startling, and frightening power. It is unknown if they actually exist or not...but the world will be aware of them...soon enough at least. In the Village Hidden in the Rocks they gather together waiting, and plotting their eventual goal. Though some may have ulterior motivations for joining the group. The Village is known for being a gathering spot for rough, and dirty rogue ninja. Though it is not officially under control of the Akatsuki it serves as a make shift hub for the moment. At the moment the Akatsuki is a small faction led by an ex-police force jounin ninja from the Hidden Leaf Shina Uchiha, as well as a ex-sand village jounin as well. The world at large is currently in a state of pseudo peace though no nations are officially at war many ninja have been on edge since the remnants of the Village Hidden in the Sky attacked the Leaf during the chunin exams ten years ago. Many fear that this is just the start of a terrorist war.

Using this state of cold war the Akatsuki will branch out...and grasp their world for themselves.



NPC Roster:

Shina Uchiha - VanceXentan


Kaito Honda - VanceXentan



1. All basic roleplay rules apply including meta, power, and god gaming. Likewise I am reserving the right as gm to deny anything into the roleplay that I need to, see fit to in order to maintain the roleplay.

2. There is to be no tailed beast holders as members. This is due to the fact that those specific people are highly coveted by the villages and are unlikely to be able to break out due to that.

3. Long dead clans such as Kaguya are not allowed due to them possibly breaking Uchiha, and Senju Clan Lore.

4. Jutsu need specific chakra natures to perform otherwise extensive training is necessary.

5. Jutsu will be gained, strengthen, and learned as the rp goes along.

6. No KG of the following: Blaze Release, Dark Release, Dust Release, Kurama Clan's Kekkei Genkai, Rinha Clan's Kekkei Genkai, Ryƫzetsu's Kekkei Genkai, Sakon and Ukon's Kekkei Genkai, Swift Release, MG Sharingan (at the start at least) , Rinnegan, Jugo Kekkei Genkai (possibility for infinite sage mode), Tenseigan.

7. If you are unsure of something message me.

8. Keep in mind this is a japanese styled rp please use Japanese names for characters.

9. Players will be expected to work with, and team up to players to make their own stories. We will have stories which we will end up working together as a whole unit but I will not be making each individual story. I will help make them, and I certainly will make sure to keep them cohesive, and make sure they don't screw with the narrative we're building.

10. Characters are to be submitted to the OOC before being allowed to post in the character or IC sections.


Character Sheet:







Rank: (Regarding your ninja rank, if you had one, before you left a village)

Chakra Natures:





Weapons/Items: (optional however if you don't have something listed that isn't basic then you can't just magic it up mid fight.)


Kekkei Genkai:

Name of Kekkei Genkai:


Description: Link for Canon versions of KG



Canon Jutsu

(Links from wiki can go here)

Custom Jutsu

Name of Technique:

Type of Jutsu: Nin/Gen/Tai


Range: Close/Mid/Long

Nature Type:




Name of Technique:

Type of Jutsu:



Nature Type:


Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ProjectOdin
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ProjectOdin Zenith

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Got filled up with some other things. Hope this goes well though, good luck!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kyuuzen
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'll get started on a profile after class
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Jin Of Mana
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Jin Of Mana Carry that weight...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

We meet again! Honestly, i'm extremely tempted to join this @vancexentan. Though i'm unsure if the idea is wise on my part. I am afraid if I join this, i'd be spreading my freetime a bit thin. So i'll merely make a note that i'm interested now. Hopefully enough people fill the ranks of this RP that I am not needed. However if you are in need of another player, badly, then i'll definitely work it out so i can join!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Jin Of ManaYou're welcome if you want to join but you're aware of your limits so its all up to you.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Banzai Tracers
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Banzai Tracers Always on point.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I've been makeing a character for a few days. Ive got his background story and ive started on his jutsu. Though i feel as though he isnt strong enough. I hope i dont get called OP because he really isnt, i'll rank his jutsu fairly low so be sure to check out exactly what level something is before assuming its top level. He uses audio genjutsu and his chakra nature is fire. He also works with a ninnekko!
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

well Banzai i'd need to see the character first but audio based attacks are strong ones because they don't require actual direct hits to effect the opponent. Dozu proved that when he smacked Lee who blocked the attack, and then proceeded to get his body screwed up.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

[@Weird Tales@Kyuuzen@Banzai Tracers@JrVader

Hey guys where's the characters?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by JrVader
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JrVader Wanderer

Member Seen 4 days ago

@vancexentan Sorry, I have been really busy, I'll try to get mine done by tonight
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