Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago




Seleth stumbled a few steps back, but quickly regained her footing. She had only moments to think of a plan. He was intent on using this to his advantage, and she needed to reserve most of her stamina to defend herself. She just needed to conserve as much strength as she could, but it was becoming increasingly clear even that wasn't going to be easy. Lightning blast towards her, but she could perhaps use this to her advantage.

A single dark-step out of its epicenter, dashing away from the impact. In the next instance, with a simple wave of her spear several of her clones materialized, all dashing towards different ends of the arena. She kept her eyes on each and every one of them, one particular one even moving behind Varjan.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 30 min ago

Lumina Lusteria, the Lustrous
Taco Time - Special Guy's Dungeon

"Nah, I don't think I could possibly like someone who would use a vile weapon like this. I'd kick 'er ass on sight." It really got under her skin. Something intended for entertainment, or at least gambling, turned into an instrument of death. Something made for the course of Life, perverted to end lives.

"You think distance will save you, Kieth? If my isolated island nation is not safe, then how far will you have to go? I'm not sure anywhere in this world would yield safety to you, not from this. The pieces of this puzzle that I do have tell me that. We might be better off joining forces, y'know."

Den of Vagrants - "Kill Moves" Gym

Vitalion called out to her, and none too soon. One of the combatants had chased her, in lieu of the other two opponents he had to choose from. Instead of going for her shield first, she made a baton from her crystal hilt, using that to intercept the incoming strike. With a swift kick, she'd buy herself some space, and power on her shield. Coming back down the stairs she'd partially ascended, she eyeballed her foe and gathered the situation.

Sir Vitalion had watched her back, despite also having to fight two, himself. Such noble action was a breath of fresh air, and capability to match. She didn't have that usual oomph back just yet, but that didn't mean she was out. She just had to rely more on her natural balance and agility. She opened an attack on her current adversary, feinting at his head and then thrusting for his gut. She just had to knock him over, knock him out, then relieve Vitalion of one opponent.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 2 days ago

Northern Gate Town

Suspicious Gym

~~~ @CitrusArms ~~~

The cudgel man was outmatched. You easily took him down with a quick thrust to his gut. Meanwhile, Vitalion had finished off the last of the criminals without effort. He was Head Captain indeed. "Come, Beastkin. Let us finish this once and for all."

Vitalion lead you upstairs where the rest of the criminals had fled. The sight that greeted you was one of carnage, gym equipment were all over the floor with several bodies joining them. Standing in the middle was the woman whom you saw earlier, her dress covered with blood. On the other side, however, was several of the city guards. The woman was surrounded and she had no allies left. "Damn you! Damn you all!" She shrieked before taking out a vial with thick, glowing liquid inside and gulping down the contents.

She breathed in and out and began taking off her dress. Her breathes began to sound like growls as she stripped down to a black tank top and a pair of lengthy but tight shorts. "That must be Annabelle Orlov. The mastermind Keith was talking about." Vitalion said. "I have a feeling this isn't gonna be easy."

Two guards began charged at her but the woman grabbed a large iron weight and used it to block their swords swings. With one swing of the weight, she sent one of the guards flying. She then swung her gym weapon at the second guard, hitting his knee and making his leg bend backwards. The guard screamed in pain but Annabelle silenced him with one mighty swing to his head, likely shattering his skull.

Annabelle, with the weight still on her hand, turned to you next. "You want some of this! RAAAAAAAHHH!" With a battle cry, the mastermind charged at you.

Seraph Academy

Main Arena

The multi-angled lightning attack hit nothing but thin air, you had expertly evaded with your Dark Step and followed it up with your Mock Souls. The arena was then filled with your clones.

Varjan, still a bit disoriented, was further confused by the multiple Seleths running all around him. "Arghaaaaaah!" He screamed in frustration. He first seized the Seleth running behind him and punched her so hard she was sent crashing on the arena's protective barrier. Varjan screamed again as he raised a boulder from the arena floor. With another frustrated scream, the boulder exploded, sending countless pebbles flying all over the arena.

The pebbles shot like arrows none of the Seleths survived, including you. The stone blast lasted only a moment but you were practically beaten up by the pebble barrage. You hear the audience gasp as your body failed you and you sank to the arena floor, bruised and injured. You feel something press against your face and you realize it was Varjan's shoe. "Stay down, Seleth. Don't make it any harder for yourself."

You were out of breath and pain was all over your body. But you were not out of the fight yet, were you?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 30 min ago

Lumina Lusteria, the Lustrous
Den of the Lion Consumed by Power

It turned out Vitalion had everything else well in hand. The man seemed to be as a ray of sunshine, breaking a cloudy day. She'd have to keep an eye on him, but her hopes were high. They moved upstairs.

The situation above was not as well as she'd hoped. There was blood everywhere, and likely many of these bodies were dead. Damn. The woman was the last one left, but it seemed she wouldn't go down without taking more with her. Another vial of that strange liquid, and now they would see it's effects. She should have grabbed one, maybe, but she would make do without such shortcuts.

It seemed like the power was driving the woman mad already. She charged at them with gym weights in her hands for weapons. A normal person would be greatly slowed by such a thing, but this woman just amped up on a yet unknown substance with yet unknown effects. She'd have to be careful, but this woman had to be stopped.

"Don't let her hit you." Lumina charged her legs and jumped herself over the woman with help of propulsion from the crystal object strapped to her back. She drove power into her weapon to extend her baton. It was more likely to break and require her to form another weapon, but it would be worth it. She tried to get hits in around her head while above the woman, and readied for a retaliatory weight to come her way once she landed. Her shield would be ready to block, but she'd have to deflect or move along with any of this woman's blows to come away clean, even if it meant taking a tumble or toss.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 5 days ago


The princess didn’t notice her younger sibling approach, staring at some of the flowers in the courtyard. She’d often do so whenever she had the chance, she felt that it helped calm her spirits and fill her with peace. She took eating dinner by herself rather well, not surprised that no one said a word to her for the rest of the evening. She felt that the father wanted her to sort out her loss alone and to drill into her head the nature of her position as princess.

Of course no one expected Lisia to lose to Seleth, a student with an unsavory reputation rather than one of renown. Still, the princess did her best to take the loss in stride. However, she couldn’t shake a certain feeling away when it came to the dark elf. She couldn’t describe it; it wasn’t resentment or scorn. It was something else entirely.

A little surprised by her brother’s words, she quickly turned to her brother; his eyes were filled with concern for her older sister. Taking a moment to let the prince’s words settle in, a small smile appeared on Lisia’s face as she walked closer to Lutz to gently pat him on the head.

”You needn’t worry about me, little brother. Sure, no one likes to lose, but nothing can keep your sister down for long! One loss won’t crush my spirits, and it won’t change the fact that I’m still the crown princess and future queen of this kingdom.” She said in a cheerful tone, before planting a kiss on her brother’s cheek.

Thinking for a moment on Lutz’s words, the princess began to better understand the feeling swelling up inside of her. It was one of anticipation, moreover it was an obligation to make things right with Seleth. Having faced ridicule and scorn from her peers, yet still fighting on to make her way to the finals, the dark elf deserved better from the princess than what she got their match. She wanted to fight her again, not as opponents in a ring or stadium, but as two aspiring mages with a drive to better themselves. She then turned to Lutz again.

”Regardless, I am grateful for your concern, Lutz. Please, put your mind at ease. Now then, I believe the final match of the tournament is today. Why don’t we ask mother and father if it’s alright to watch Seleth and Varjan duke it out, eh?”


Hisana stared intently at Keith as he dandily twirled a cane around singing a silly song. She managed to track him down without much issue, it wasn’t like the man cared much for stealth, their first outing together made that blatantly clear. Still, she did find him humorous in his own right. Part of her was actually going to miss Keith, too bad he was going to be lacerated soon.

She had two cards, one held in each hand, ready to pounce. She had been observing him atop a nearby tree. Her presence was masked by the thick branch leaves and her own dampening of her own magical essence. This would a simple and easy kill, perhaps too easy…

Having only narrowly escaped her deadly deck of cards, Keith obviously knew that he was wanted dead. A normal person would’ve guessed that if he didn’t wall himself in somewhere, Keith would at least have some protection trying to flee the kingdom. She didn’t sense anyone else nearby, a clever trap perhaps? No matter, if there was one so much the better. She had it with restraint and was overdue for some much needed bloodshed.

Her plan was to pounce onto Keith and have him lying flat on the ground, then promptly slice a deep cut into his neck and letting him choke on his own blood. She licked her lips with a depraved look on her face at the mere thought of it all. Enough pleasurable thoughts, it was time to act.

”Keith darling, it was fun while it lasted. Don’t take it personally, it’s all business. Well, mostly fun if I’m being honest.~ ❤️”


Unbeknownst to Hisana, Enishi had laid an ambush of his own. He used his magic to send a small bird flying overhead near Keith. The bird actually had an Earth Seal imbued within; the moment Hisana would strike at Keith, the bird would swoop in and attach the seal to her. The sluggish weigh caused by the seal would stop her in her tracks, then Enishi would finish with the kill. He’d waited patiently for this opportunity and wasn’t about to waste this chance.

The crazed dame had been a constant source of anger and grief for the man, having taken much from him. But here and now he’d make things right.

”Go ahead Hisana, make your move. I’ll run you through with my blade and freeze every artery in your damned body!”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



"Urgh!" Seleth cried out in pain as she felt every impact from the pebbles on her - a multi directional attack. She should have expected something like that, but there was nothing she could do even if she had except maybe one of her mirrors, but deflecting such an attack would have been exhausting in and of itself. She tried to keep herself standing, but taking such an attack without any form of protection was not something any human could do.

She felt Varjan's boot against her face as she tried to force herself to stand. Easy on herself? Pathetic. Useless. If she had always taken the easy way out, she'd never have been here. She'd never have even attended the academy in the first place. She could have just given everything to someone else in her family and go be a simple cleric in some church in Meylia.

"Easy, Varjan?" Seleth replied with a shaky breath, wincing lightly as her face was pressed into the ground. "I'm Dark Elf Nobility - the inheritor to the holy Spear of Reflection." A holy relic to be sure, even if its current power was almost nothing. The Dark Elf began summoning what magic power she had left, gripping the end of her spear. "My entire life I've been forced to play to the whims." Seleth spat. "Somewhere along the line I started to think that I'm better. That because I'm nobility I deserve greatness, like the fool I was." That was wrong. She didn't. She learned that while attending the academy. Being out of her little bubble was a humbling experience. She had made friends. Enemies. Rivals.

Seleth, with a free hand fired a javelin up at Varjan, hoping he would have to block or dodge and give her just enough leverage to free herself.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 2 days ago

Northern Gate Town

Suspicious Gym

Annabelle managed to block your aerial attack with the weight but, surprisingly, did not retaliate. You heard her weapon clang to the ground and you then see her lunge at you, grabbing your crystal shield and used her superior strength to wrest it from you followed with a punch to your face.

She then swung your shield at you and you were sent crashing into some gym equipment. Before she could do anymore, Vitalion came with a sword thrust which Annabelle narrowly evaded. The Head Captain and the drug lady then duked out briefly with their weapons before Vitalion manged to disarm Annabelle from her stolen crstal shield and knock her to the ground.

Vitalion was about to deliver the final blow but Annabelle rose, sending a fist to the Head Captain's crotch. "Urgh!" Annabelle then rose up fully and delivered a sharp spinning kick to knock out the Head Captain.

Annabelle then picked up Vitalion's sword and prepared to finish the Head Captain off.

South Of Zauberheim

~~~ @AzureKnight (HIS & ENI) ~~~

”Keith darling, it was fun while it lasted. Don’t take it personally, it’s all business. Well, mostly fun it I’m being honest.~ ❤️”

Keith, pinned to the ground by Hisana, made no attempt to resist. "Don't worry, hon. I'm not taking it personally. He might be though." The mercenary motioned to a bird flying high in the sky.

Enishi's bird made its move and ensnared Hisana in its trap, weighing Hisana down that she could barely do anything. Keith used this opportunity to get off and stand back up.

”Go ahead Hisana, make your move. I’ll run you through with my blade and freeze every artery in your damned body!”

"My hero~!" Keith swooned over Enishi. "And that's what you get for messing with the law, reddie! If you can't do the time, don't do the crime." He then taunted the ensnared Hisana.

Seraph Academy

Main Arena

The sudden Dark Javelin surprised Varjan but he was quick enough to avoid it. Although by doing so, you were freed from his boot.

You rose to your feet. Barely, but you still had enough strength to keep even footing. Meanwhile, Varjan stood before you with nary a scratch on him. However, you saw his eyes darting to and fro, struggling to focus and keep themselves opened. His breathing became heavy and his form was getting weary. Varjan gritted his teeth as his senses began to buckle against the 'enhancers'.

"You talk big, Seleth." Varjan began, glaring at you with narrowed, tired eyes. "But I've yet to see you truly attack me. Show me what you've got."

Varjan went on the defensive by taunting you. It was clear to you that he was trying and recover strength and focus since the drugs' side effects were beginning to show themselves. Still, knowing Varjan he likely had a counterattack ready.

On The Way To Seraph Academy

~~~ @AzureKnight (LIS) ~~~

”Regardless, I am grateful for your concern, Lutz. Please, put your mind at ease. Now then, I believe the final match of the tournament is today. Why don’t we ask mother and father if it’s alright to watch Seleth and Varjan duke it out, eh?”
Lisianthus von Zauberheim

You and Lutz were allowed to watch the Grand Finals of the tournament. Quite dismissively, though, as your father merely waved you off with a 'Do whatever you want'. However, you also noticed your father and mother eye Lutz who appeared to cower from their gazes. That could not mean anything good.

With that, you and your brother made way for the arena where the last battle of the Grand Academy Tournament would take place. On the way though, Lutz began. "Hey sis, ummm... Let's say, hypothetically, you were umm... you were no longer to inherit the crown." Your brother started with a very strange premise. "How would you, umm... take that?"

"Again, this is just being hypothetical. It-it doesn't mean anything... much."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 30 min ago

Lumina, the Shining Demon
Den of the Lion Consumed by Power

Whoa, this lady got strong! That drink must really be something, maybe she should keep one in her back pocket for emwrgencies? Who knew what the drawback was, though. The shield was wrested from her hand, but the woman wouldn't be able to use it for too long, anyway. Without a flow of power, the shape would dissolve... But what does that drug do?

And then she got clicked in the face. She tried to roll with it, and perhaps it was good she did, but damn that punch was too heavy to be legal! Her body landed among some equipment, and she could hear metal clashing. "Ooh..." She propped up, in time to see the final exchange. Vitalion disarms, only to get a nutshot.

That's a low blow, lady.

She started getting up, rolling herself to her knees. The woman continued, kicking Vitalion across the head to knock him out.

And then she went for the sword. This greedy bitch was gonna stop just to kill him?

"Stop!" The power pack on her back burst to life, sending jets of burnt magic energy or behind her. Lumina sailed through the air like a missile, fury and power coursing through her entire body. She'd slam the woman with a shoulder check, the jets stopping and letting her fall to the ground nearby, on her feet. She wanted to get the woman away from Vitalion. If her impression of him stood, that man deserved life. She would sooner let this woman rot in a pit than let her kill him.

She'd stand over the man's body, gathering another beam of light into what had been her shield hand. The shape of a curved broadsword Rose from the crystal hilt still in her hand. The aura she gathered into her left hand glowed with a certain menace as she aimed at the woman's heart. She didn't need to bust through a building, so she used a little less power this time. "Surrender now." Her target was a bluff, but she absolutely would shoot. She'd just aim for the shoulder of her sword arm instead, to begin destroying the woman's ability to fight.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 5 days ago


Mostly noticing the gaze her parents gave her brother, Lisia presumed that the three of them discussed something last night at dinner. Whatever it was, it made Lutz uncomfortable. She felt it'd be better not to press the issue, instead being a source of comfort for her litter brother. Having received their approval, the prince and the princess make their way to the tournament arena to spectate the final match. Lisia is easily able to see that something is bother Lutz; she tries to put the boy at ease and allow him to let it out, but see does it all his own.

Lisia was initially put off by her brother's question, to say the least. She didn't know how to take it at first, meeting her brother with a perplexed gaze. She was aware that usually in other kingdoms the male heir would be the one to inherit the throne. Such practice didn't really exist within this kingdom; as far as Lisia was aware she was picked to take the crown due to being the first born. This again, made the princess feel that something of significance was discussed by the rest of her family in her absence.

"I...I would be lying if I said I wouldn't find to be a little off-putting. But of course you'd be a marvelous heir, your grades are stellar and potential such as yours is only seen once every few generations. As your sister I'd do everything within my power to support you. Although, Lutz, I have to admit that your question is rather left-field. Did something happen to provoke this inquiry?"

Due to the prince's unease, Lisia wasn't sure if Lutz would answer her question honestly or not. Although the two were nearing the arena at this point, they could hear the thunderous sounds of magic being cast and the roar of the crowd. Circumstances may force their discussion to be put on hold.


"It's time your soul returned to the cycle, murderer." Enishi said in a callous tone. He charged in for the final thrust, finally after spending days in Zauberheim the bounty hunter was about to claim his prey.

Or was he?

"Gah...Enishi, you beast! You mustn't be so forthright with a delicate maiden like me~❤️" mused Hisana, completely unfazed even at the notion of her own death. However, she wasn't about to let this end just yet; she was having to much fun with the mayhem and only wanted more. While still under the effects of Enishi's Earth Seal, Hisana mustered up her mana in order to utilize her Elastic Love. She hoped to use it to snatch Keith's cane, then use it to deflect Enishi's blow.

Of course there was no guarantee that her plan would work, but if Hisana loved anything as much as bloodspot, it was gambling with Lady Luck herself.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



Urgh, she needed to end this fast. If she could just tire him out - she could win. She could claim a victory here for her house...no, that was wrong. She could claim a victory for herself. For the Goddess Aylama. She wasn't concerned with politics or the affairs of her family. Not now. All she just wanted was proof - vindication that she was the heir to her family's name. Proof that she wasn't weak compared to others. Proof that her faith and skills weren't mere fakes.

"Hah." Seleth laughed, despite her weariness. She wiped the dirt off her face, smirking assuredly at Varjan. That taught might have worked, in other circumstances. She was known by her desire to rather stand out. Make a big display of her victories. But realistically, if she wasted any mana on flashiness then she'd lose.

But she did have one idea. One final, last, idea.

"What I've got, Varjan?" The Dark elf knew how to antagonize. "Maybe you should get serious first? Or are you that weak and pathetic? You're attacks have barely had any affect. You don't deserve the title of 'prodigy'." As she spoke, she began weaving a few spells of her own.

"But fine. I'll give you a little lesson in force. Merciful Aylama." In front of her, she prepared an amplification field. A little mimicry. It would take what little mana she had left, but she needed something big to distract Varjan with. She just needed one last spell after this. "Comforter of the spurned, lady of shadows, and goddess of the home and rest." Seleth clapped her hands together, holding them tightly as a shimmering field appeared in front of her, the amplification field being laid. "As your humble servant, I ask thee, guide my blade and body to victory so I may bring peace to those who need it!"

Extending her arms to either side, Seleth formed a spear, before launching it through the Amplification field. She was banking on both her taunt and the seeming power of this spell to taunt Varjan into attacking - for she had laid one final peace behind her. A mirror, aimed right to Varjan.

This was assuming he struck her with a ranged attack - a hefty gamble. As soon as he did attack, she'd use the last mana she had as a Dark Step to flee.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 2 days ago

Seleth's words hurt. Well, it hurt just like the others.

And Varjan was sick of it. He wanted it to stop and the perfect opportunity presented itself.

I stood over him, ready, but not yet. It was not up to me, you see. It was Seleth Thenri's choice.

To be honest with you, I was here for more than the usual reason. I waited with bated breath for the Dark Elf's choice.

Northern Gate Town

Suspicious Gym

~~~ @CitrusArms ~~~

You knocked Annabelle off of Vitalion and sent her towards some gym equipment. Vitalion was still clutching his most sacred place when you issued your ultimatum to the crime lady.

Annabelle quickly retaliated by throwing a small weight at you that you evade easily. She rushed at you with a barbell and you made your shot but Annabelle was still agile. She rolled to evade the beam and swung the barbell at your hand, disarming you from your crystal hilt. She swung again and hit your head before pressing the barbell to your neck, pushing you to a wall with your neck under threat of being crushed.

"F***ING DIE ALREADY!" Annabelle screamed at you.

And then Vitalion hit her in the head with a weight, making Annabelle lose her grip on you. The Head Captain then put her in an armlock with him behind the crime lady. "Now, Beastkin! Knock her out now!" He ordered as Annabelle struggled.

South Of Zauberheim

~~~ @AzureKnight (HIS & ENI) ~~~

Hisana successfully seized Keith's stick and used it to deflect Enishi's blow.

Keith intervened by kicking away the stick from Hisana's hands. Seizing her neck, Keith began strangling her. "Nothing personal, dear." He said before going for some hooks that were sure to knock some daylights out of Hisana. "You want action so badly? Go see the Caldeyrons." He told her. "And maybe, just maybe, you can get out of Zauberheim alive."

The mercenary began laughing as he strangled Hisana. "But first you need to get out of this alive. Hehehehe."

Seraph Academy

Main Arena

Varjan had no reply to your taunt but you could feel that anger from his glare and tears from his eyes. He began walking a steady pace towards you, without a care for your plan.

You launched your spear through the Amplify barrier, strengthening the spear as it flew towards Varjan. The prodigy formed a circle and the amplified spear bounced back towards you, strengthened twice now after passing through the Amplify barrier again. You moved out of the way thanks to your prepared Dark Step and the twice strengthened spear bounced yet again from your Mirror spell, passing through the Amplify barrier thrice now.

You saw Varjan ready his hands for a spell, a protective one likely, but stopped suddenly. The spear continued its course and plunged into Varjan's body, impaling him. The crowd made one collective gasp as the mortally injured Varjan fell to the arena floor, a pool of blood quickly forming around him. The audience went into a frenzy as the officials scrambled into action.

However, your senses suddenly focused onto the bleeding and crying Varjan, as if he cast a spell upon you. "Seleth..." He weakly muttered. "I don't... I can't feel... anything. It's perfect. So perfect." His bleeding mouth coughed up some blood. "Do it... finish me... end this nightmare." Again, he begged that you kill him. "Please... Seleth... I want it to end."

"Just pull the spear... off me."

Just Outside the Main Arena

~~~ @AzureKnight (LIS) ~~~

"I...I would be lying if I said I wouldn't find to be a little off-putting. But of course you'd be a marvelous heir, your grades are stellar and potential such as yours is only seen once every few generations. As your sister I'd do everything within my power to support you. Although, Lutz, I have to admit that your question is rather left-field. Did something happen to provoke this inquiry?"
Lisianthus von Zauberheim

Lutz relaxed considerably. "Oh! Well in that case, mother and father have considered putting me as the heir instead of you." He answered with insensitive honesty. "You see, Razelia may not approve of someone who was beaten by some Dark Elf and so you might have a hard time ruling. So, they've thought that I should be King of Razelia next since my record is unblemished."

Before you could collect your thoughts on the matter, a loud gasp came from the arena. As if the entire audience made one collective gasp. "What was that?"

You and Lutz enter the arena to investigate. You two then see the scene: Seleth Thenri was standing before a downed and impaled and bleeding Varjan Caldeyron. "Whoa."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
Avatar of CitrusArms

CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 30 min ago

Lumina, the Shining Demon
Den of the Lion Consumed by Power

Missed! The woman was fortunate, she had planned to take her arm. Perhaps that would still be necessary. Annabelle rolled and charged her, swinging for her head. Rolling with the hit reduced the impact from the barbell, and good, too. A solid hit from that would break her skull. She rolled and got back up, only to be rushed by the woman. She got her hands up behind the barbell before being run into the wall, keeping her neck from being crushed.

Battling with Annabelle over the barbell, she managed to choke out a few words, "I pity you. You find it so easy to kill."

Vitalion to the rescue and she was able to throw the barbell down. This woman needed to sleep this temper off. With one arm locked, Annabelle was wide open. She threw three quick strikes. One strong hit to the solar plexus, to press the air from her lungs, one quick, controlled strike to the throat to close her windpipe, and a last strike to the forehead, to finish the deal and knock her out.

Once the woman was out, she'd be sure to open her windpipe back up promptly. She didn't realize she was bleeding from where the barbell hit her, though the wear from the fight was coming through as the fury left her body. "Thank you, Vitalion." Was he still calling her 'beastkin'? "Ah, did I not introduce myself? How rude of me." Her voice faltered and she coughed once, rubbing her neck. Jeez. "Lumina Lusteria, the Lustrous. Now, let's get this woman wrapped up and hauled in. Oh, and I need to find my tools..." She'd feel them out. They should still have some energy stored within. The hilt would be harder to find, but- oh, the shape was still held. The blade of the curved broadsword was lodged into a piece of equipment. Just as she approached it, the blade dissolved and she picked up the hilt. And there's the crystal shield core, there. She'd approach Annabelle, then, and conjure a whip she'd use to wrap the woman up until they got some rope or something.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



Seleth, was horrified.

She watched in slow motion as her super-charged spear bounced off the mirror, rebounding and slamming into Varjan. Seleth had prepared herself for hurting someone, but she hadn't prepared herself for fatally wounding someone. She turned, breathing heavily from exertion as her opponent muttered her name. She visibly grimaced as he asked her to end it. Seleth found herself moving towards Varjan, only partially aware that she was doing so, but with each step her mood worsened and by the time she was standing in front of the bleeding prodigy, she was absolutely filled with righteous fury.

"Varjan," Yet her voice was full of nothing but worry. What had brought such a bright person to this point? What had happened to him? Was his mother responsible? Was the pressure to succeed just that much for him? Seleth couldn't think of anything...but she could try keeping him alive.

"I don't know what's going on with you, with your life - " She grabbed him by his shirt collar, grinding her teeth together. "Are you going to prove yourself right, you weak willed human?! That you're weak?! That you're worthless?! Because Varjan - you're not. You made it all the way to the finals. You are a great user of magic. You were the top student in the school."

Seleth didn't remove the spear from him. She had already won this match. The rest should be up to the officials, but Seleth herself made the decision here and now. She wasn't leaving his side until he was taken care of.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 2 days ago

The choice was made.

I knew what the choice would be. It could hardly be even called a choice anyway, given who Seleth was and the circumstances surrounding her.

Still, I stood there. Waited and watched.

Northern Gate Town

Suspicious Gym

~~~ @CitrusArms ~~~

"Lumina Lusteria, the Lustrous. Now, let's get this woman wrapped up and hauled in. Oh, and I need to find my tools..."
Lumina Lusteria

"Well met, Miss Lusteria the Lustrous." Vitalion as he assisted in tying up Annabelle. "I must confess, however, that I have not heard of anyone called 'The Lustrous' in Zauberheim. Are you from here?"

Once Annabelle was properly bound, some city guards entered the trashed gym and took her away. The crime lady was still unconscious from your three-pronged assault on her vital points so there was not much trouble escorting her away. Vitalion picked his sword back up and sheathed it. The fight, and the operation as a whole, was finally over.

"You are a remarkable fighter, Miss Lusteria. We are more than glad that you have lent your aid to us." Vitalion expressed his gratitude as the scene was now being cleaned up by the city guard. "But that Annabelle was a piece of work, wasn't she? I hope I can still have children. Hahahaha!" He laughed as he patted his crotch.

"But now that our task has ended, what are you going to do now?"

Seraph Academy

Main Arena ---> Academy Infirmary

Varjan listened. He did not reply, too weak to do so, and his face was inscrutable. You saw tears flow from his eyes as he stared at you. Was he disappointed? Did he come to a realization? Varjan's eyes closed as he fell unconscious. The tournament officials then arrived and removed you from the scene. Your last sight of Varjan was him surrounded by healers and medics. He would live.


The injuries you sustained in the fight put you in Seraph Academy's infirmary to recover. The doctor who attended you was a Beastkin of long orange hair with a pair of canine ears, short of stature, wearing a white coat, Doctor Elma. An accomplished doctor in Razelia, choosing to practice her medical expertise in Seraph Academy.

"You have... well, a lot of injuries including a few broken bones and some internal bleeding." Doctor Elma said. "But those are taken care of and you should be good to go in a few hours. But even then, please don't do anything strenuous as it might open the wounds." The Beastkin explained. "If you're worried about Varjan, he's still unconscious but he's stable." Doctor Elma added. "I won't lie, the spear hit the center mass so it hit some pretty important areas. But! We have the best healers in Razelia and Varjan himself is a strong boy so he'll be fine."

"With that said, do you need anything?" The Beastkin doctor asked. "Oh and, you have visitors who want to see you. Just let me know if I should let them or if you'd like to rest some more."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 30 min ago

Lumina Lusteria, the Lustrous
Suspicious Gym

"I must confess, however, that I have not heard of anyone called 'The Lustrous' in Zauberheim. Are you from here?"

"No, I'm not. I come from an island nation. 'The Lustrous' is an earned title, and a position. I am as nobility, but also subservient, and I am here to secure the safety of my people. I won't bother you with the details, but I don't mind telling you this incident seems to be unrelated to my own business."

"You are a remarkable fighter, Miss Lusteria. We are more than glad that you have lent your aid to us."

"Thank you. Though my home is peaceful, this is the kind of thing they'd end up calling in me for. You're not half bad, yourself. Had you not been here, I'm unsure what measures I would have had to take against that woman... I was prepared to sever her arms, or at least her hands. I'm relieved you were still able to get up and fight."

"As for what I'm going to do now..." Lumina had to consider things. She didn't really have any leads to follow, Keith didn't have anything more useful to say past 'this is the place', and even then, she didn't have anything telling her he wasn't crazy. "I dunno. I'll be honest, I got involved in this case 'cause I was hoping it might get me a solid lead on mine. Unless this weird drug is involved with it, somehow..."

"Well, now there's an idea." If an unconventional, unstable, or exponential magic got a huge boost in power, the results would be unpredictable, and potentially catastrophic. "Is there a magic registry somewhere? Maybe the library? And maybe I should get something for this headache... I wonder if that old botanist couple know any remedies... Oh, I'm bleeding. Right, she hit me in the head with a bloody barbell (that nasty bitch), I should get this dressed and... Possibly not sleep tonight. (First, some bloody card assassin and now this witch...)"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 5 days ago


Her brother's following words threw Lisia for a loop; her family would forgo her right to the throne simply because she lost to one student at the tournament? Certainly the tournament was quite an important part of the festival and a spectacle, and the crown princess losing to someone to much less renowned could cause the uproar. But even so, the fact that just the mere thought had crossed their minds was enough to make Lisia stop in her tracks.

"D-Did mother and father really say that...?" Was all the princess could muster, still shaken. However, soon hers and her brother's attention would be diverted by what had transpired in the arena. The two witnessed the grisly site of Varjan laying defeated on the ground, impaled by a spear of darkness, one Lisia was all too familiar with. The Seleth stood over him, seeming to be the victor of the bout.

Lisia knew that Seleth was strong, having bested her in battle, but to think she would be able to defeat the strongest prodigy in the school... But, moreover, why would she use such brutal force in this battle? Was she trying to prove something? She was rather antagonistic in their battle.

That settled it, if time would permit, she would go meet with Seleth post haste and get some answers. She would have to put her family matters aside for the time being.


"What?!" A surprised Enishi has his stab block by a cane Hisana still had the strength to snatch. However, Keith had decided to enter the action, beginning to choke Hisana. While Enishi had come here with the intention to subdue the Mad Dame, with lethal force if necessary, having a criminal kill another criminal would go against his code of ethics.

"Keith, that's enough! You've already helped out in the investigation, leave now! If you go too far you'll forfeit the agreement made with the Zauberheim authorities!" Enishi then prepared to freeze the both of them in place if his words fell on death ears.

Unbeknownst to the both of them, Hisana still wasn't done yet. Despite being strangled, Hisana still seemed to be having fun. She had planned to quickly retrieve a card from her pouch and stab Keith in the eye with it, then bind him with Elastic Love. She'd have to be careful, though, as the effects of Enishi's spell still haven't worn off yet.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago



The result of her words? Seleth hadn't a clue. Varjan passed out, unable to remain conscious for any longer. Seleth herself was equally exhausted. When she was finally pulled towards the infirmary, she didn't complain. Whatever happened, would happen. She just had to pray that her words and actions here were enough.

Seleth said nothing as she was treated for her injuries, merely taking in doctor Elma's words with silence. She had been given a good beating, hadn't she? She could tell from the fact she hurt all over still, even with all the healing. The Dark elf frowned at hearing the full extent. Too reckless, perhaps?...no, no. She had stopped Varjan from doing something foolish. Stopping someone from doing such a thing, well, she didn't mind a little hurt.

"I see...thank you doctor." Seleth replied with a humph. She was glad Varjan was stable, at least. For now she would say nothing about the drugs, at least until she could confront the human again. "I think I'll stay here for the rest of the day to be safe. If you could perhaps find some incense so I could meditate." Wincing lightly as she got up off her resting place, Seleth glanced towards the door. "Let them in. I am fine.....as well, if possible - tell me when Varjan wakes, would you? I have unfinished business with that fool."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 2 days ago

South Of Zauberheim

~~~ @AzureKnight (HIS & ENI) ~~~

Hisana, despite being strangled, managed to take a card from her pouch and stab Keith with it right in the visor. The mercenary stopped dead in his track and without a word, fell to the ground dead. However, his body was still bound to Hisana with Elastic Love.

While Keith was down and out, Hisana still has to deal with Enishi who was ready to freeze her in order to subjugate her once and hopefully for all.

Seraph Academy

Academy Infirmary

"I see...thank you doctor. I think I'll stay here for the rest of the day to be safe. If you could perhaps find some incense so I could meditate. Let them in. I am fine.....as well, if possible - tell me when Varjan wakes, would you? I have unfinished business with that fool."
Seleth Thenri

"Okay then. I'll be back with the incense later. For now, I'll let in your visitors." Doctor Elma softly replied. "I'll also let you know when Varjan would be awake as soon as possible."

Moments after Doctor Elma left, Seleth's visitors enter. "Seleth?" Alicia was the first to enter, then Ecthel, then Mira. "Hello, Seleth. Are you all right?" She asked. All three of your visitors had worried looks on their faces. "We... were watching your match against Varjan. You held pretty well, you know? Compared to others." Her smile was sad. "And there's the fact that you--"

Alicia stopped herself when someone else entered the room. It was Princess Lisianthus herself, who had decided to visit Seleth earlier but her brother did not come with her. Her appearance surprised the other three visitors. "E-Eh? Princess? What are you doing here?" Mira asked the Princess of Razelia.

~~~ @CitrusArms ~~~

"Is there a magic registry somewhere? Maybe the library? And maybe I should get something for this headache... I wonder if that old botanist couple know any remedies... Oh, I'm bleeding. Right, she hit me in the head with a bloody barbell, I should get this dressed and... Possibly not sleep tonight."
Lumina Lusteria

"Ah, yes. You should get that looked at." Vitalion replied about your injured head.

"Seraph Academy's infirmary is closer than the nearest hospital. Come, I can get you patched up there." The Head Captain said. "Normally, you should be going to the hospital but I can get you inside Seraph Academy. It's just a blow to the head too."


Vitalion led you to Seraph Academy, telling you all about the aforementioned school. Seraph Academy was apparently the most prestigious magic academy in Razelia, which is saying something considering Razelia is called the Kingdom of Magic. The academy was pretty busy with celebration and festivities which Vitalion explained that it was the annual Grand Academy Tournament, a competition to celebrate the graduating students. Usually by pitting them against outside opponents to test their skills against unknown skills and abilities.

Despite being busy, Vitalion got you some medical attention. You were put in a room where an Elven doctor used some healing magic to patch up your head wound. The doctor told you to stay put at the moment while she go and get something for your headache.

While you waited, however, you hear loud voices coming from the next room. "I know you can hear me, Varjan! I want you to explain the drugs! VARJAN! I WANT ANSWERS! SIT UP RIGHT NOW, YOUNG MAN!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 30 min ago

Lumina Lusteria, the Lustrous
Famed Academy Infirmary

"Thank you, Sir Vitalion. If only your country had more more like you. If you ever need my assistance again, please call on me." She bade him well as he left her to the doctor. With a magic touch, patching up her head was no difficult thing, all that remained was the headache from getting slammed in the head with a heavy metal object. She was thankful for her nimble reflexes, and the magic that lets her reinforce her body with power.

She was just offering her thanks to the powers above when yelling erupted nearby. "Ooh, what's this now...?" Stay put? Nah. Lumina got to her feet and followed the yelling, not missing the mention of drugs. "Hey, now, no need to make a pariah out of the lad. Should you really be yelling in a place of learning and healing? Why don't you go take a walk, friend?"

She took a closer look at the boy being yelled at. Didn't look good...
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 5 days ago



Her brother on his way, Lisia promptly made her way into Seleth's infirmary room. There, she also came face to face with Varjan's other friends. Mira was the first to ask what brought the princess here. The princess, with a calm expression on her face, began speaking.

"Greetings Mira, I didn't expect to see you here, or Ecthel and Alicia for that matter. I imagine that Varjan's condition is a bit more serious, which is why you all aren't with him right now. Which brings me to my reason for coming here." She turned to Seleth, her expression now more serious.

"Seleth, what happened in that match?! Varjan was quite literally laying in a pool of his own blood! I don't know what went on between the two of you, but this was a tournament bound by rules and regulations. Mortally wounding him, a fellow student no less, is going too far! Was whatever point you were trying to prove really worth all that?"



Having successfully running Keith's face in, Hisana watched as Keith fell to the ground, motionless. She had coughed a bit as she tried to catch her breath, then chuckled a bit at her handy work. "I suppose Anna-dear will be satisfied with this.⭐"

Enishi greeting his teeth as sub zero energy began to overflow from his body. "I had told that fool to leave when he had the chance. Hisana, that's the last life you will take. Death is part of the natural cycle that comes for us all, but not like this. I'll make sure your soul rots in Naraka for eternity."

"As fun as that sounds, there are still a few things I need to tend to."♠️ Replied Hisana.

"There's no one left to help you, by now I'm sure Orlov has been captured and detained by the Zauberheim authorities. The cracked little syndicate you threw yourself in with is in shambles, and your back's against the wall. All that awaits you is an eternal prison of ice!" Enishi threw a large shockwave of ice at Hisana, intended to freeze her over completely.

Hisana, in a split second decision, used her Elastic Love in hopes to throw Keith's body in front of the blast, allowing her to get out of the way. If her plan succeeded, she would then throw a few cards at Enishi pouch to tear apart his talismans. The fewer options he had, the better.

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