Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sylvia nodded and thanked Pylia for mending her clothes, before she answered her friends, "Let's give it a shot. Something is better than nothing. Let's try to rejoin each other as quickly as possible after we all leave this room," She quickly took her hunting knife and gathered some more trog meat, enough to hopefully lead and lure Green Eyes to the Sewer Dragons. She hopes that her plan doesn't put Shortfang and Buddy in danger...
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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You and Buddy would gather the meat while Shortfang rode in Buddy’s Backpack, channeling his vision through Syfr. Pylia kept watch and helped mend the damage on your and her clothing and before long, Green Eyes started to leave. “Okay, go time!” Shortfang said as as Syfr followed. Sure enough the beast went into the water and was moving quick, so the party had to move event faster.

Though Shortfang didn’t know these tunnels well, fortunately the water ways that Green Eyes is capable of moving in were large and easy to spot, though occasionally there was side corridors and rooms which Green Eyes could go into. Syfr made sure to mark these locations allowing you and Buddy to toss meat out to distract Green Eyes and make him keep moving towards the Sewer Dragon Town. In the distance you could hear trogs in the distance, but Pylia made sure to keep an eye out.

It wasn’t long before you ran out of trog meat, but now you were very close to the Sewer Dragon Town, where you had to fight that huge battle. It sounded like there was already a commotion however, and now you didn’t have any bait. “Dammit! We’re so close! We got to get Green Eyes over there but what do we have left to lure him over?” Pylia said exasperated.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sylvia got to work, helping gather some trog meat to lure Green Eyes back to the kobolds. Things seemed to go smoothly until they ran out of the bait. She answered Pylia after she asked, “Maybe we can use some of the meat I use for cooking? But it does have spices on it to keep animals and bugs away, so that might not work...”

She then noticed the commotion towards their destination. Oh no...were the trogs attacking again? But it did give her an idea, “If that’s the trogs...maybe we can use one as live bait. I’ll go on ahead and check out the commotion. If not, then I’ll see if I can bring back one of the Sewer Dragons,”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Be careful!" Pylia called out as you went back towards the commotion. Sure enough, it looked like there was another siege by the trogs. One of the Crocodiles were down, being protected by the others, while the kobolds were struggling to hold off the trogs from the wall. Fortunately it looked like Aisha and Yorik were pulling their weight in aiding the defenses. Yorik had piles of dead trogs surrounding his bloodied body while many of the trogs close to Aisha looked like they were fried or disintegrated. Not long after, three trogs noticed you and screamed in your direction, giving chance. You only had a few seconds to react before they'd be upon you. What will you do?
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sylvia took in the battle to see the trogs versus the kobolds. One of the crocodiles was down, but thankfully it was protected. She was so glad to see that Aisha and Yorik were helping fight against the trogs. As soon as the three trogs noticed her and screamed at her, she knew. This was it. This was her chance to put her idea into action.

...And why not get as much live bait as possible? It's time to ring the dinner bell!

After a quick tilt of her head and a crack of her neck, she let out a shrill whistle and called out to the trogs, "HEY! CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, YA BUNCH OF UGLY TOADS!" After she got their attention, she started running, leading them back to Green Eyes as live bait.

She mentally joked to herself, It's Live Bait-Ception!

She ran, keeping herself in their sights, but out of their reach. When she was in Pylia's view, she'd call to her, "Start running Pylia!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

First three trogs came after you, then five, then eight, and finally a dozen troglodytes were hot on your tail. They heard your insult and figure you alone would be easy prey for them, considering that their kin were falling left and right due to the kobolds and the guardsmen. When Pylia heard you she seemed confused, until she saw the crowd you brought with you. "Dammit Sylvia! Talk about being between a rock and a hard place!" Pylia turned tail and ran down the opposite hall, where Green Eyes was just about to arrive. You couldn't have picked a better timing; just as you and Pylia were going over a bridge above the water, Shortfang and Buddy had arrived as well. They were practically running alongside Green Eyes. Shortfang waved at you as he noticed the crowd you brought, and readied his crossbow.

With a precise shot, he was able to shoot a trog into the water, and shortly after Green Eyes came up to the beast and ate him whole. Looking up he saw the rest of the troglodytes who paused when they saw him, and before they could escape, he crushed two underneath his tail. Foolish as they were, even they didn't have the courage to face a Sewer Dragon on their own, escpially not one with back up, and they turned around to flee towards their allies. Of course Green Eyes simply saw them as food and gave chase, eating up the troglodytes that he slew. Eventually Buddy and Shortfang met up with you and Pylia, with the kobold giving you a confident grin. "Plan work! Let's go back, help kobolds!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sylvia kinda felt like she was mimicking Captain Jack Sparrow at this point as she ran away from the troglodytes and Pylia had cursed at her. She answered Pylia as she kept running, "Trust me on this one!" Thankfully the timing turned out to be perfect. She couldn't wave back to Shortfang at the time, considering she was running from the trogs. Thankfully, Shortfang managed to shoot a trog down and Green Eyes devoured it. She stopped as the trogs did, and watched as her strategy came to fruition. She kept herself from laughing as the trogs seemed to reconsider their decision and started running back the way they came. Of course, just as she thought, that action only caused Green Eyes to follow after them, as predator would follow prey. With that, they not only helped protect the kobolds again, but they also got Green Eyes back to the kobold village, alive.

She smiled widely and laughed, despite the fact that she was still catching her breath, and she answered her friends, "It sure did! Great work, you guys!" She then led the way back to the village to help the kobolds if the troglodytes were still a problem despite Green Eyes' return.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Upon arriving to the battlegrounds, you could see the tide was turning in favor of the kobolds now. It was a pitch battle before as the trogs still had a numerical superiority, but with the arrival of Green Eyes, the trogs broke and started to route. Yorik lead a few kobolds to chase after the fleeing trogs using slings and other range weapons, chasing them down the tunnels to ensure their demise. Aisha stayed behind to secure the front, scaring off trogs with her magic. Green Eyes finished off what few trogs were still here, most of them dead, and devoured the dead or dying. The battle was won, but the war was far from over.

Aisha ran up to you with a relieved look. "Thank gods you're all alright! I knew troglodytes often act in swarms, but I didn't think they had this many here! We must've killed at least three or four tribes in just this battle, but their numbers seem endless. Come on get back to the village and rest up. All of you look beat up, not to mention a few kobold scouts returned a short while before you did. They might have some information you should know." The door was open to allowed the wounded to get inside, as well as to change the guard. The new warriors looked just like that; new. They were small and nervous, with only a few grizzled warriors, bloodied but able, remaining out to guide them. A few medics went to the Sewer Dragons and tried to tend to their wounds as well, doing as much as they were able to heal them.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sylvia took in the sight of the battlefield and how Green Eyes turned the tide. It wasn’t long before Yorik ran off after the fleeing troglodytes and Aisha approached them. Before Aisha spoke, she had asked Aisha if everyone was alright.

After she spoke, Sylvia answered her, “Thank you, Aisha. I’m just glad we were able to come back with Green Eyes and help out when we did. We’ll be sure to talk to the kobold scouts,”

She led the way back into the village. She was curious to hear what the scouts had to say.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

“A few scratches and a greater hatred for being underground, but otherwise I’m fine. Yorik... Is alive. In many senses. Not sure how he managed to quickly turn so many kobolds into frenzied madmen like himself, but he brings results. We did suffer a few casualties unfortunately, those trogs lead with some big ones that managed to take down a few of the kobolds before me and Yorik could kill them. But overall our losses are negligible compared to the troglodytes.”

Once you were let in the kobolds seem notably more fortified. There were two sets of walls to act as barriers pass the large stone the door. The first was a large wall made of wood spikes and stacked stones, while the second layer had wood spikes but also small towers for kobolds to attack from above. A lot of work was done while you were gone. The kobolds tended to their wounded as one led you and the party towards the Grey Scale Hall. There the guards would let you and Shortfang in, however they told the rest to stay outside.

“Not enough space. You two go in, you all wait.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sylvia was relieved to hear that everyone was okay, and that the troglodytes suffered more losses than the kobolds. She had to admit that she was surprised to see the amount of work that was done while the four of them were gone. The place was much more fortified and there were a lot of new warriors that were just trained for battle. She followed the one kobold that led them to the Grey Scale Hall.

At the mention that only Sylvia and Shortfang could enter because of the lack of space, she raised an eyebrow. She thought it was a little weird. Was there someone else in there other than the Grey Scales? Possibly the scouts.

She nodded, and she told Pylia and Buddy, "We'll be back out soon," She then entered the hall with Shortfang.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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You two enter the hall, and sure enough it's quite crowded. It seemed like many of the more severely wounded kobolds were brought here, being tended by the Grey Scales themselves. There were also a few scouts here, clad in dark outfits that would let them blend into the shadows more easily. The Grey Scale leader, Longstrider, sees you and motions you over. The scouts seem uneasy but her words allow them to calm down as one of them, a greying kobold missing and eye, speaks out. "As I told our Longstrider, we found the Troglodyte's main nest. Their leader has fortified it as well, with stones and weapons unlike anything we have seen before. Large crossbows, fire pots, better suited against human armies than kobold forces. But there is much fighting among trogs there too. We see heads of trog chiefs at the walls, to scare trogs because Red Stain does not have their respect anymore. Many tribes are fleeing the sewers, which should give us a chance to recover and counter attack."

Longstrider heeds these words carefully as she looked towards you and Shortfang. "I have heard that you managed to bring Green Eyes back to us, safe and sound. On behalf of the Sewer Dragons, we thank you. However our war is not over yet. This is our chance to route the troglodytes and leave them in shambles, now that Red Stain has made the mistake of removing leadership. If he falls, the trogs would have no one to lead them, and they would scatter, caring nothing but themselves, unable to form an army big enough to fight us. However getting to him will not be easy, if his lair is heavily guarded..." The scouts nods and sighs. "We try to find ways around wall, but cannot. We lost two scouts trying to find hole, they very close. No way through tunnels." Longstrider sighs and looks to you directly.

"Then we must rely on you. Rest up. Tomorrow, Sewer Dragons prepare for war. You, and your friends, need to find a way to bypass the walls and attack the trog lair. But do not think we forgot what you did for us. I know your human nose does not like the sewers, so take this." Longstrider waved one of the kobolds towards you, and that kobold handed you a small bronze key. "This is a key to one of the Sewer Dragon's secret tunnels, which will allow you to quickly go from Underhaven back to your city. It shouldn't take more than twenty minutes. Additionally, if you wish, you may do trade with our merchants. Before the trogs warred against us, the kobolds here have made a business hunting the beasts in the sewers and making clothing and weapons from their bodies. You may find something that interests you. They will know to give you a fair deal."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki

Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

As soon as Longstrider motions them over, Sylvia moves forward to join in on the conversation. She listened to what the scouts had to say. If the troglodytes base was fortified against a human invasion, then she and her friends be able to make it past those walls...?

She looked to Longstrider as she turned to face her and Shortfang, and she nodded at her thanks and her plan of striking tomorrow. After Longstrider gave her the key, and told her that she could business with the kobold merchants down here, she answered her, “Thank you, Longstrider. I’ll be sure to visit the merchants here before we leave to rest. We’ll be back tomorrow morning for the attack,”

If there was nothing else Longstrider wanted to say, then Sylvia would head out of the Grey Scale hut, and back to Buddy and Pylia. Once they met up with the two of them Sylvia would tell Pylia and Buddy what the kobold scots saw, and what Longstrider gave them.

“I think I’ll need to stop by the kobold merchants and see if they have any staves that I can buy, and we should probably inform Aisha and Yorik that we’ll be heading back to the Silver Stag to rest,”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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"Hmm. There's no way trogs would've been able to set up those defenses on their own. And that sword from the bigger trog we fought, that's definitely human made. This is definitely some solid evidence that the trogs are getting outside help." Pylia says. Shortfang nods and looks particularly passionate. "Yeah! Evil humies help trogs! We go in, kill Red Stain, show Grey Scales not to trust bad humies!" Pylia nods. "That's the plan yeah."

There was a small market place in Underhaven where the merchants were at. Most were selling things like food, which consisted of various broiled and roasted meat of mysterious origins, as well as vegetables made from local plants, and booze if unknown ingredients. Shortfang didn't seem concerned but Pylia was perplexed that she wasn't able to identify most of these things. More along your interests however was a weapon shop. Compared to the ones on the surface however, the weapons where were limited and sized for the much smaller kobolds. There were knives made with stone or bones, arrows, slings, and spears. As for staves, the best they could do was sell you the shaft of a spear, which didn't seem to be any particularly stronger or weaker than the previous staff you found in that cave.

"Hey hey, pretty humie in pretty dress." A young looking kobold called out to you. "You look for good weapons, yes? I have good weapons! Best weapons! You call me Bonesaw, make weapons from many bones! Big bones, small bones, strong bones! Yes yes, pretty humie need pretty weapon, not kobold weapons. See here!" The young kobold took out a pair of tonfa's similar to what those guards had. Sure enough, though they looked like they were made of some sort of bone-line material, their craftsmanship was topnotch. "Sewer Dragon special! Bone clubs, very good! You pretty humie so you get good deal, two Bone Clubs, twenty gold!"

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sylvia nodded in agreement with what Pylia said. She wasn't sure if Trogs could or not, but now that Pylia mentioned it, it was pretty strange considering how animalistic they acted. She answered the both of the contemplatively, "I just hope that the cult doesn't put a damper on their view on the other humans..." before leading them to the market. The fact that Pylia wasn't able to identify most of the food and booze here was kind of concerning, but thankfully, they were not shopping for food...yet. She had been considering just buying the shaft of the spear and using it as a staff, or just going to a different shop...

Until Bonesaw offered her something else. The bone tonfas...

Sylvia took a look at the tonfas carefully, and if she was able, she would test the weight in her hands, and see how she could use them. After doing so, she decided that these might be a better option than the staff, and she told Bonesaw, "Bonesaw. I think you have a deal!" She then fished out twenty gold pieces, and handed them to the kobold. Now she carried only thirty gold while the rest of her gold was back in her room.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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Bonesaw took your coin and counted them quickly, smiling as he puts it into his pocket. "Good deal, best deal! Here you take, and if break, come see Bonesaw! He have bone glue to fix!" The kobold handed you the two tonfas. They were surprisingly light for their size and material, yet at the same time very solid. There was a coating on them, likely something to make the bones harder. Bonesaw even handed you a leather sheath you could wear to put your tonfas away. In the meantime, the others did a bit of business too, though only Shortfang did anything notable by selling the greatsword. It was far too huge for most of the kobolds, but it was shiny, so Shortfang came back thirty coins richer. With their business concluded, you and the others would leave through the secret kobold tunnel back towards the surface. It was a bit cramp for everyone but Shortfang, as it was a small tunnel, however sure enough you'd arrive in the back alleys of the market district. There wasn't much here except trash and a rather wretched scent, likely due to the trash, but at least no one was here to bother you.

"Ugh. No offense Shortfang, but I feel disgusting. Let's head back to the inn so I can wash up." Shortfang shrugged. "Bah, you soft humie. Kobolds not picky where to live! Can't be picky. Anyways, Shortfang don't mind go back to inn. Shortfang tired too. But if boss want, Shortfang shop too." Buddy simply shrugged, having no real desire to go anywhere or do anything. He wrote down a note saying that it was starting to get dark. Sure enough while the sun was still up, the horizon was orange, indicating that it was setting. However that didn't seem to affect the nearby market place which was still bustling.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

When Sylvia saw the greatsword, she wondered if that was the same greatsword that the larger trog used. If it was, they could have presented it to the Grey Scales as a piece of evidence after they take care of the trogs, but she didn't say anything. There was probably more items of interest that could help when it was time to talk to the Grey Scales.

Soon enough, they reached the back alleyway of the marketplace, and Sylvia answered her friends, "I think it's best we head back to the inn for now and rest. We're going to need all of the rest we can get for tomorrow. I could do with a bath myself," She then led the way back to the Silver Stag. As they walked on, she recalled her question to the doll earlier, and decided that she should say something about it to Pylia.

She made sure she was walking right next to Pylia as she whispered to her friend quietly, "Pylia, when we get back to the Silver Stag, there's something I want to talk to you about,"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
Avatar of Lucius Cypher

Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Pylia looked at you strangely as you whispered to her but says nothing. The party would reach the Silver Stag while it was surprisingly not too busy, with only a few patrons eating some supper while the majority of the workers were cleaning tables or doing other menial tasks. Pylia asked for a basin for washing at the front desk, and the wood elf said they'll send it over soon. Back at your room, everything was fortunately left as it were, even the beds didn't seem to have been remade or anything, still all scuffed up from when Pylia went to lie down. "Shortfang use water closet!" The kobold said as he headed towards the bathroom to do things you do in the bathroom. Pylia went to her bed and began to take off her armor and other equipment, stripping down to her skivvies as she took some bandages and medicine from her pack. Buddy simply stood by the door, still as a statue.

As Pylia was tending to her wounds she looked over to you. "Hey, come over here. You got beat up pretty badly too, not to mention your outfit is in shambles again. Maybe we should get you some armor too."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sylvia was relieved to see that the room was left as it was. It meant no one was here to take anything. She didn't answer Shortfang as he went to go and use the water closet. When Pylia asked her to come to her for healing and mending, Sylvia did so. She chuckled at the mention of possibly getting her armor, and she answered, "I don't know...I have a feeling armor would slow me down. Plus, I wouldn't know how to deal with wearing armor in the first place..." She sat down on the bed so that Pylia could have an easier time helping with her wounds.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Mhmm, true, I bet in your world you don't have to go around wearing armor all the time." Pylia applied her medicine to your wounds. As usual, it was a cold sting, but the pain quickly subsides as she rubs the ointment to ensure they heal properly and naturally. Your arms in particular were still burned from the ooze cube, and now that you were finally able to lower your guard, they were very sensitive to the touch. Pylia's medicine stung more around your hands, but the pain became more soothing once the medicine took effect and Pylia wrapped your wounds with bandages. "Hah, I should probably head out and buy more healing supplies." Finally Pylia just about finished patching you up after carefully applying medicine to the wound across your chest, binding it together with the last of her gauze. "Ugh, I really just want to rest, but I can't just go to sleep while I need supplies. I'll be right back."
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