Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Rhiannon jumped, nearly losing her balance, when she heard someone moving below her, having thought she would be alone at the tree. Peering down she saw a girl pulling up her hood and reaching into a bag and retrieving a sketchpad. Curiously she swung down the branches until she was hanging upside down (her skirt safely pinned between the back of her knees and the tree trunk to avoid potential embarrassment) just to the other girl's right. The Welsh girl noticed how pale the other's skin was, even in comparison to her own; she had never been a fan of tanning since she thought it to be a vain (and dangerous due to the dangers of tanning beds) way of presenting yourself.

Unsure of whether the girl was deliberately trying to ignore her or whether she had truly not noticed her, Rhiannon waited a moment and watched her sketch.

"You're really good! Oops, sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. I was kind of... hiding from a werewolf I had help me earlier. Oh, I'm Rhiannon, just joined here and all that. Sorry, I'm babbling. What's your name, bach?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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Flint shuffled past the wolves avoiding their gaze as he went and sat on the stairs at the main entrance. Putting his head in his hands as he waited for his new friends to come by.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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"Well seems like one of the new kids isn't entirely afraid of us," Zaccar said as one of the new people they saw came out pushing past them ",I think we need to try harder sis, I mean next thing we know they are going to be pushing us around more." He added, joking.
"So true brother, need to show them who's alpha," Lucatiel added going along with it ",How do you think we do it this time. Midnight chase during the full moon, dunking them in the toilet, or cruel and unusual punishment?"
"I think all three," Zaccar added before turning to the person who had walked by ",so you want to volunteer for the swirly or do we have to carry you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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"Huh?" Flint responded as he had zoned out. He looked to the two people who towered over him as he sat their. "Sorry I don't think we have swirleys in England what are they again." Flint asked nervously he had heard of them from American TV shows but he couldn't remember what they entailed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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"Oh we shove your head in the toilet is all and flush it," Zaccar grinned ",You'll love it, so like I asked you going to come willingly or do we have to carry. We have a tight schedule to keep. After all these swirleys aren't going to give themselves."
"Or maybe start with the cruel and unusual punishment," Lucatiel said ",Get the surprise out of the way first. Everyone likes surprises after all."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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"Do I get a head start to run away?" Flint asked slowly standing up. Despite being 6 feet in height he was still dwarfed by the large wolves. He attempted to run but just ran into the chest of one and bounced off. "Ok its a draw" he said nervously laughing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Zaccar and Lucatiel looked at each other and nearly busted out laughing."Ah your face is priceless," Zaccar said ",Oh it's to much I can't keep going. We are only kidding but oh your face."
"Ah but I like a good chance," Lucatiel said but smiled ",Welcome to Supernatural High from the were-twins newbie. So got a name?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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"oh erm... Flint.." He said still incredibly confused from what just happened. He wonder if it would have been better if they had given him the swirley. "I have never been anywhere like this before..." He said nervously. Stepping back as he looked up to the twins.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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"You get use to it, the first few days can be a bit of a start though. I mean being able to hang out with others like you, like us," Zaccar said ",Being yourself with your gifts, it's quite fun along with seeing what mischief we can cause."
"Trust us you'll love it, Flint, and don't be scared of us, were mostly large furballs, we just like to get a good scare into you newbies before introductions are made," Lucatiel then added.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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"You're really good! Oops, sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. I was kind of... hiding from a werewolf I had help me earlier. Oh, I'm Rhiannon, just joined here and all that. Sorry, I'm babbling. What's your name, bach?"

She immediately froze when she heard the girl's charming voice resonate so sweetly in her ear, losing grip of her pencil and letting it fall from her trembling fingers unto the grass below her, her cheeks now several burning shades and hues of bright fuchsias and reds , glowing so presently from the shadows of the hood so tightly yanked over her head. There was no way...no possible way in Heaven or Hell that this lovely young girl was talking to her, but who else was around her but Erza. Aww man...what do I do?! The dark one was panicking inside, absolutely flustering herself and sweating profusely on the inside of her hoodie. Look Erza...just calm down and say your name. Taking in a harsh gulp to her lungs, the girl removed her hood, so that Rhiannon could at least see her face. "Oh umm.....I-I'm E...Erza. It's n-nice to m-meet you, Rhiannon." She struggled to get that response out there, like just forming simple words for her was a grand feat to conquer. Also she had to admit...Rhiannon was quite a lovely name. "T-thank you for the...compliment. I-I'm glad you like it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Erza? That's a strong name, that one." Rhiannon untangled her legs from the tree, somersaulting in mid air so that she landed safely on her feet (while using her hands to hold her skirt down for modesty's sake). She came over and peered more closely at Erza's work, admiring it. "It looks even better close up, you're really quite talented, bach." The Welsh girl said with an easy smile. She had noticed the other girl's nervousness and had thought it might be due to her sudden greeting but it seemed to be continuing.

I guess being anxious is bad for the heart and soul so I can help her out a little, right?

And so Rhiannon began to sing:

"O! Iesu mawr, rho d'anian bur (O Jesus, let Thy spirit bless)
I eiddil gwan mewn, anial dir, (This frail one in the wilderness)
I'w nerthu drwy'r holl rwystrau sy (To guide him through the snares of lie)
Ar ddyrys i'r Ganaan fry. (On Canaan's way to Thee on high.)

It was an old song, more of a hymn than a song really, but it had a cheerful tune which, when enforced with Rhiannon's magic, would give anyone listening a greater sense of courage and would abate many fears they felt. Rhiannon smiled at Erza and sat down next to her, crossing her legs so that she was comfortable.

"There, hopefully you feel a little better. It's all my power is good for really but at least it's something good. It's my first day here and I just arrived but I get the feeling you've been here for a bit longer? Anything I should watch out for?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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Her voice...it was rather soothing to the anxious one, and seemed to ease her frazzled nerves a little, actually it calmed her down alot, but she was still feeling a tad nervous, since well...there was a lovely young girl serenading her now. As Erza listened to the beautiful Rhiannon sing her wonderful melody to her, a soft smile managed to find its way across her quivering lips, a euphoria of comforting thoughts soon took hold of her troubled soul, her bewildered mind that was once frantic and flustered, easing to a mellowness. "Wow...." She whispered once Rhiannon had finished her song. "You're....you're really good. I-I like your voice." Again her cheeks blushed as she scooted her legs in closer to her body, only growing warmer once Rhiannon took her place next to her, the redhead's smile now eye level with Erza. "Umm...yes I do feel better now. Thank you." Thank God...or whatever was out there her stuttering speech was slowly receding. "I don't get out around this school alot, so I don't really know what goes on. Really I...try to avoid people because well....I'm a little not like them." Even for a school for supernatural beings, Erza felt she didn't belong. Sure there was your typical fanfare of vampires, werewolves, demons, etc. flocking about, but her....she always felt she was something different...something worse... And why it came across her mind to display her wretched curse to this lovely girl, Erza did not know, but going through, she picked a stray flower from the ground, holding it between her fingers. In a matter of seconds, the soft pink of the petals bled out and rotted away into grotesque browns and blacks as the leaves wilted and dried, snapping away from the once emerald green stem...now just a twig of dark umber...that soon collapsed into a tiny pile of ashes in Erza's hand.

"See? I think people here think I'm...scary...because I can do this? You don't think I'm scary....do you?" If Rhiannon did.....then that was that. Giving a sigh, Erza discarded the ashes of the once beautiful flower and returned to her sketchbook, her smile again back to that same distraught scowl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"I've been singing for years but it's always nice to hear the practice was worth it." Again, the easy smile was flashed by Rhiannon. She could see the effect of the song had settled in well which pleased her; Erza was much easier to talk to when she was less anxious. "Good, good. I'm glad that my magic allows me to do things like this, it makes it much easier to talk to everyone."

She listened to the other girl, her brow furrowing as Erza displayed her power on the flower.

"I don't see why anyone would be scared. We all have powers or are different in some way or another but I guess it's down to our control of it that matters. And no, I definitely don't think you're scary. Besides, I can fix anything like that. As long as it's a plant. Watch." She picked up the remnants of the flower and breathed on them gently before placing the pieces on the ground. Small roots began to sprout out from the reforming stem, digging themselves into the ground and righting the flower with petals blooming once again.

"My people have power over nature, the singing thing is special to me apparently. Can you control that power? I once made an entire forest disappear, made all the tree stand up and walk right off a cliff. It took tad and all his brothers and sisters to fix it overnight. I'm a bit better now but I can't control the singing, I can only choose what I want it to do but it has to do something. Sometimes I just want to sing... to sing, you know?" She was babbling, she knew, but she wanted to make at least one friend before school started properly and Erza was nice enough, just a little nervous and Rhiannon could understand that considering what may have happened in any one of the student's lives; the world just wasn't going to accept them properly.

"Oh! Do you know anything about werewolves? I think I may need to make it up to one of them... he was a bit aggressive so I made him more helpful with a song. Sometimes people don't appreciate me meddling with their emotions but I just do it in self-defence sometimes...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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Her eyes widened with such astonishment, such amazement as she witnessed what had taken place between Rhiannon and the ashen remnants of the dead flower. It was unbelievable to Erza, the very plant whose life she snuffed as though a lowly flickering candle to the harshest of stormy winds, it lived yet again in all its former beauty, restored by what but the breath of the beautiful redhead giving life back to that which Erza had savagely murdered in her cold, miserable hands. I..I can't believe it. She mused ecstatically. True there were indeed some interesting specimens about this very academy, but to meet someone who gave the gift of life rather than the curse of death, well...it brought a bit of hope to the dark girl's tormented heart. Still amazed by Rhiannon, Erza clung to every word the cute girl spoke, words about her being in tune with nature and how she loved to sing all the time. Really it was more Rhiannon babbling about, but it didn't annoy Erza. She liked that someone at least didn't see her as creepy or a hazzard to their health. And yes, she could control this horrible power, but at times...well...she didn't want to speak of it. And even if she could get a firm grasp over the malevolence brewing underneath her skin, Erza was still very apprehensive to touch anything and anyone, for fear that if she laid one single hand upon someone, even just the slightest grace of her finger to them....their flesh would melt away and fester, leaving nothing but a skeleton that would also become ashes.

Many a reason Erza always kept to herself. "Oh umm...I don't know alot about werewolves really." She managed to reply again, a bit of a nervous chuckle escaping her lips. "All I know is that sometimes they....they can be real jerks and bullies. Must be that...beast in them or something, alot of aggression and whatnot, you know?" And boy were they grade A assholes. One of them once threw Erza's journal out a window during lunch, and it took her nearly all period long to gather the scraps of her writing together, barely having time to finish her sandwich and her green tea. Then there was the other time a pack of werewolf jocks broke into Erza's dorm and trashed it. It pissed her off no less, but...there wasn't really much she could do about it. Of course, that was back when Erza first came to this school, already belittled and ostracized by the orphans and looked down upon by the nuns and the priest who ran the orphanage. Erza figured she would escape that pain inflicted upon her so by coming to this school, but...the werewolves and others for that matter...proved just as cruel. "Sorry if it's not much help." She apologized sincerely. "Maybe you could....sing to him again to cool him off. It helped me." And...it may have helped her for the rest of this year. Erza was beginning to think with Rhiannon by her side...this year wouldn't be so bad after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nattylight1992


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Suddenly a thick head of curly brown hair swung down from the branch nearest Ezra and Rhiannon. Hanging upside-down Alora smiled widely at the two girls.
"Sorry you two, I don't mean to interrupt. It's just I've been pretty high up in this tree all day, and well, I'm rather hungry," she said looking them over with her big brown eyes. She swung down from the tree, and her bare feet hit the ground. "I was pretty high up, but not high up enough to not hear you two talking. You two are adorable," she teased winking at them. "Anyways, I'm Alora. Alora Wangechi."
She looked over at Rhiannon. "You're a sprite of some sort aren't you? I saw you bring that flower back to life. I can do that too. Well, that and other things. I'm a tree sprite." She said with a big smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Hmm, I could try. He didn't seem to like me doing it last time but I suppose I can make it so that he likes me singing... I think I'll try that, tidy. Oh, also, do we have classes like in normal school or do we just show up? It'd be good to have someone to go to lessons and the like with!"

Rhiannon nearly jumped at the introduction but thankfully the girl had made some noise beforehand climbing down through the tree that it was not too much of a surprise. The mention of food had Rhiannon's stomach rumbling actively and she clutched it, blushing in embarrassment.

"I forgot to have breakfast this morning. Getting here was all a bit... exciting. Oh, and thank you." She replied to the new entrant with her easy smile, completely missing Alora's implication. "Ah, you probably heard before but I'm Rhiannon and this is Erza. I've just arrived today." It was always good to introduce yourself even if the other person might know your name, just to be sure; her father had taught her that in an attempted lesson on small talk (one Rhiannon had spent most of the time ignoring while focussing on a particularly intriguing book).

"A tree sprite? I'm an Ellyll (Ehly-hl where the hl is sounded in the back of your throat). I suppose you could say a Welsh faerie, or an elf. No one's really sure which one exactly we're closer to but our power is generally over water and nature so we're kind of like tree sprites I suppose! Anyways, there's probably somewhere we can go to eat, right?" Here she was looking mostly at Erza since she had no idea whether Alora was new like her or had been her for some time like Erza; she had forgotten to ask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nattylight1992


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Alora plopped down on the ground next to the two girls. "I'm not really certain where you eat either. I got here this morning and had to go explore the grounds. That's why I have my shoes off, it helps me feel the energy of the plants," she said with a large grin. She looked at the flower that Rhiannon had replanted, and with a small scrunch of her nose the flower's stem corkscrewed into a tight little spring.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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I smiled relaxing a little more "I guess I am just nervous I have been home schooled since I was little" Flint then looked as if he had remembered something "Ermm I have to go sorry I will see you around!" Flint remarked as he ran off to the dorm rooms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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"Later Flint," Lucatiel said before turning to her brother ",He wasn't so bad, nervous more then I expected but he was nice. So who's are next victim?" She joked.
"Well if she comes down from the tree ever perhaps the red head girl. She seemed terrified of us but maybe we can make water under the bridge," Zaccar said ",I just rather avoid being controlled against my will or have my emotions messed with, bad enough that it happens during the full moon."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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Alex had dropped of his bags and looked around his room. It was quaint, but he liked it. He could easily tidy it up as well. He conjured a small fireball and left it high up in the room, he smiled to himself. He liked his room. He would have to begin learning some magic though, particularly protection spells and such. He couldn't have just anyone wandering in.

He looked out of the window and around, changing his eyes to the eyes of his dragon form, which could seem much further. They were red, with slits for pupils. He pinpointed Rhiannon near a tree, with two other girls. He wasn't sure whether it would be wise to approach, but he figured it couldn't cause too much harm. He climbed up onto his window and looked down. A large fall. Good.

He closed his eyes and fell forward, falling towards the ground. He fell for what seemed like forever before he span sideways, his wings sprouted and he shot forwards, flying a little higher. Once he had found the girls again, he flew towards them, lowering himself a few feet away and hovering, his wings beating softly, his feet inches from the ground.
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