Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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"Looks like we have an interesting batch this year," said Zaccar watching the group ",Maybe it won't be so bad after all."
"Ah but there aren't many boy toys to play with," Lucatiel said with a giggle while Zaccar rolled his eyes.
"Sure that's what you need, a new boyfriend to mess with," Zaccar joked ",Come on we can beat the other wolves to the dinning hall if we are fast enough and make sure they don't do anything stupid or cause trouble."
Zaccar and Lucatiel over the years had claimed the alpha position of the werewolves in the school. Granted there was no official pack on school grounds of any form but the other wolves had learned to obey Zaccar and Lucatiel rather then face there wraith and agitation. Plus there family history helped them, having your father be one of the most infamous and terrifying werewolves to lives was an added perk though they wanted nothing of that life. Merely to keep the werewolves in the school from bothering students.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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"I guess I cant complain, though its not nice to be branded as a species of hate fuelled greed." Flint sighed adjusting his shirt as he un-tucked it "But anyway where here to get away from all that" He said trying to cheer up "So was that you with the wings before I? I saw a blur go past my window earlier." Flint began to follow the others happy that he was too finally eat something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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Alex sighed, turning to Rhiannon. 'To my species, I'm incredibly young. I'm the youngest of my family, but around humans, I'm virtually ancient.' He then turned to Flint. 'Yeah, that was me. I like to fall out of windows.' He chuckled. 'Luckily for me, I can sprout wings, so it's a pretty safe pastime.' He shrugged. 'It's just something I do. I enjoy flying, but falling is much more of a rush.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

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Bubbling with conversation, Isaik and Claudia, now Claudius, walked to get a bite from the cafeteria. They had major amounts of catching up to do.
[filler post is filler]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bloody Jaw

Bloody Jaw

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Agitation now bubbled fiercely in her shadow. Dark whips flaring out faintly from its shape. Hunter began to grit her teeth, feeling the agitation creep up her spine to whisper coldly in her ear. With a huff and a heavy sigh of defeat, she shot up and glared at the invisible force in front of her. She clumsily stepped over the books, the fatigue and awkwardness in her joints causing an uneasy landing on the other side of her paperback and hardcover fortress. She smoothed the wrinkles away on her black over sized sweater and jeans.

"I should probably put those away..." Hunter grumbled turning back to her castle of books. "I don't want any of the teachers to be on my ass just after a day."

If her shadow could, it would roll its eyes at her then shake its head. A force tugged Hunter away from the mess, and she reluctantly obeyed. She stuffed her fists into her overflowing pockets and trudged towards the cafeteria to grab a well needed bite.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nattylight1992


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Alora smiled as she sat with her new friends. She watched other students fill the cafeteria, she looked around wondering how many more friends she could make on this lovely day. She reached into her small bag she was carrying with her and pulled out a book about botany. She quickly burried her nose in it while she ate, soaking up every word.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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"I enjoy the falling too" Flint smiled "Its just that the landing gets a bit messy with me" He joked as we all began to enter the cafeteria. Flint grabbed a sandwich and went to sit with the others. Wondering what kind of things he would even learn in a school like this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bloody Jaw

Bloody Jaw

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Hunter just entered the Cafeteria with the large group that seemed to just come out of nowhere. It threw her off balance slightly, and resulted in her almost accidentally body checking one of them. A mumble of a soft and slightly irritated sorry, and she was off again. She was never the type for groups, or cliques. Well she was the town thief, it was hard to trust one let alone letting them into your little clique. With her head bowed down pretty low, she avoided them as best she could. Focusing on the floor, and her loud music. She zigzagged around the others, occasionally shoulder checking one of them because of her miscalculation of steps. With each shoulder check, her shadow seemed to grow more agitated.

"Watch where you're going!" Her shadow shrieked with its gruff voice.

"They can't hear you, so just shut up..." Hunter mumbled, and prayed to some godly force out there that none of them heard her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

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"So you're kind of... our age relative to how long we can live, then?" Rhiannon asked, curious. Then a familiar feeling welled up in her chest and she looked around them. "I'll be right back, you guys go on ahead. Just need to freshen up a little."

She skipped over to the ladies' room she had spotted and slipped inside before rushing, less gracefully, towards a sink and coughing blood into it. She groaned at the pain in her chest as she washed her mouth out, spitting it out into the sink before taking a tiny, refillable, tube of mouthwash from a pocket in her skirt and rinsing her mouth out.

"You should probably stop singing so much." The male voice would have made her jump but she was used to his random appearances, although she hadn't seen him for a few days now. Luckily there was no one else in the room. She looked up into the mirror and saw him leaning casually against one of the cubicle's dividers. Blond, her height and with a lean body, he had been her friend for many years now but still she knew so little about him.

"We both know that's not why it happens, Julius." She retorted as she patted her lips dry with a paper towel. The boy shrugged, acknowledging the point without a fight before he pushed himself off the divider and walked over to her, hands in his pockets.

"True, but it doesn't help your weak body to put strain on it by appearing more energetic and healthy than you really are." He prodded her chest for emphasis, highlighting the particular weakness she suffered from in her lungs.

"I'm an Ellyll, our bodies repair themselves. We don't suffer from the same illnesses as humans." They had had this argument several times but she always came out losing; always to the same point which she could never defy.

"Yes, but your mother was human. Your body repairs the damage but still receives the damage from human illnesses; you go through the pain but heal quickly. Is it worth pushing yourself just because you know it will heal?"

Before Rhiannon could reply another girl walked in, this one with massive angelic wings, looking around curiously.

"Were you talking to someone?" She asked as she headed to the sinks, preening her wings in the mirror. Julius had disappeared the moment the door had moved, without a trace. Rhiannon laughed nervously and shook her head as she walked out to rejoin the others.

"No, no. Just talking to myself, that's all. First day here and all that."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

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Both Zaccar and Lucatiel entered the lunchroom, heading for the line and grabbing just about everything that had any form of meat in it before finding a place to sit, which wasn't far down from the new people they had met earlier.
"So what do you think we shall be doing this year?" Zaccar asked his sister.
"Who knows, as long as it was better then last though," Lucatiel said taking a bite out of a sandwich she had gotten.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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Alex had took a steak from the cafeteria line. It was no fresh meat, but it would have to do. 'Indeed I am.' He replied to Rhiannon, before she disappeared. He shrugged. Perhaps she wasn't all that curious after all. He turned to Flint. 'Well, if you like, I could take you flying sometime? Something tells me you haven't exactly had the experience before.' He chuckled. His parents would not approve of this offer, but they were high-ranking upper-class dragons who didn't believe in consorting with humans due to their history. He refused to follow all of that stuff, simply because you can't judge an entire race by the minority of the past.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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Flint instantly seemed to light up "Really! That would be great!" he seemed happier and he tried to hold back his smile as he ate his sandwich "Im surprised that its all human food here. I would have expected for them to be wrangling a live cow into the cafeteria." He joked although it did cross his mind if that could happen. "Im sure flying would be even better then falling" He said mostly to himself as he continued eating. Spotting Rhiannon he waved her over to the table "Hey you ok now?" Flint asked as he patted a space beside him for her to sit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bloody Jaw

Bloody Jaw

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Hunter narrowed her eyes at the ever growing line of students, and gave another exasperated and defeated sigh. Her shadow tugged her along again, but this time she wasn't as compliant as before and veered off towards the washrooms. She pushed her way into the washroom, trudging her way to the sinks and immediately dunking her head down into it. The shadow glared fiercely at her, and rolled its imaginary eyes. She turned on the sink, and began to powder her face with water.

"I told you to retire early last night, but do you ever listen to me? No!" The shadow drawled angrily.

Hunter didn't respond and only continued to scrub away the fatigue and exhaustion that weighed down her already heavy eyelids.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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Alex laughed. 'Sure. I don't see why not.' He smiled at the thought of a live cow in the cafeteria. 'I think if the students want fresh meat, they have to catch it on their own. I believe that's part of what the forest area is for.' He shrugged. 'It's probably a way of making people like yourself a little more comfortable. I mean, have you ever watched a dragon eat? It's not pretty from a human point of view.' He shrugged. 'It'd be like watching a lion at lunch time, only if the lion was 12 feet tall with huge wings and scales...' He stopped himself. 'I'm veering off topic again.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

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Rhiannon nearly bumped into another girl (Hunter) as she exited the washroom.

"Ah, sorry! You okay? Are you new here? A few of us have kind of banded together for breakfast if you want to join us. You can spot us by... well I guess my hair is probably the best landmark. Tara!" She gracefully slid out of the room and into dining area again. She spotted the rest of their group sitting at a table and approached as Flint called out to her.

"Diolch (thanks). Yeah, I just needed to splash some water on my face. Early start and all that." She said as she slipped into the group next to Flint and took a seat. "Ah, I should probably go get some food first, though." She skidded back out and skipped over to the cafeteria bench and peered at the various foods on offer before taking an English Breakfast, including the Black Pudding, and then returned to the group and started to tuck in, catching up on lost time eating.

"Not bad. I'm definitely going to be enjoying these breakfasts." She commented halfway through her meal, pausing to take a sip from a mug of black coffee. "What were you talking about before I came back then? Anything momentous?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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Alex shook his head. 'Not really. The only real topic of conversation that came up was me taking Flint flying at some point.' He shrugged. 'How about you? Anything interesting happen during your walk to the rest-room and back?' He asked with a small chuckle, as if such a thing was absurd to even think about. He obviously wasn't aware of what had occurred. He looked around the cafeteria, wondering if anyone he had met on his travels would be around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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"So you can turn into a dragon is there anything else you can do? Not that that isn't impressive." Flint messed with his napkin attempting to make some origami but instead making a scrunched up mess. "Also what classes are here? Are they like normal ones or...." Flint trailed off hoping for an answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Oh I guess you can do that, what with your wings and all. Is it safe for you to fly carrying a person though? Surely it's hard?" Rhiannon finished her food, neatly tidying her cutlery and polishing off the last of her black coffee. She now felt considerably revived and the pain in her chest had already relinquished. As an Ellyll she recovered from illnesses quickly but not wounds, normally her race were immune to any kind of ailment or birth defect but as she was part human she could still suffer an ailment even if there were no lasting effects.

"I just bumped into old friend. He told me he was coming here but I didn't expect to see him so soon. He usually keeps to himself really, hiding from others. Also I heard we don't have to attend the classes if we don't want to, they're more optional than anything else. I guess that means if we have stuff we want to work on alone we can do that, huh?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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Alex chuckled. 'You haven't seen my true form yet. Trust me, carrying someone will not be an issue.' He smiled a little. He was still looking for people, but had lost hope at that point. If he had met any of these people on his travels, he hadn't remembered them. He turned back to his food, using more table manners than he was used to. He was trying to appear more civilised than he would be in his true form, at which point he would eat whatever he liked, however he liked, it would be a rare occasion if somebody decided to lecture a dragon on their eating habits.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

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"Well then I can work on my jetpack" Flint joked as he went to throw away his litter coming back he seemed happier "So where are we off to now? Lesson or are we going to show off our powers? I wouldn't mind seeing a dragon after all" Flint said nudging Alex.
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