Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Clara simply watched him with a glare as he walked back to his original seat. "What. The hell." She thought as the bartender brought her drinks. She was curious yes, but did Shitubso expect her to just do what he said from the start? Hah! No chance of her doing that at all. She was sure she could figure out whatever this Sigil was, it wasn't going to be hard to do in her opinion. Despite this her instincts were also telling her not to trust this guy, so she wasn't about to do this 'test'. She downed the shot of Rum followed by the Vodka in one breath. She picked up the paper, crumpling it in her clenched fist, not caring about its weathered state now. She stood, and walked to Shitubso's seat, giving him a glare and a displeased frown as she reached his table. She slammed the piece of paper onto the table, giving him a rather hostile growl.

"Let me tell you two things. One, I don't do time limits. You want me to do something, I'll do it whenever the hell and however the hell I want to. Second, I don't know what this 'test' of yours is, and I don't care, but if you expect me to just do it because you ask, your an idiot. You hardly even know me, and I don't know you. So tell me why I should do this. I don't get anything out of it. Yes, I'm curious about the sigil, but not curious enough to do it without more information. So tell me about this sigil, and I might decide to help you instead of dropping you off the roof of some apartment building for annoying me."

After that, she fell silent, giving him only a few seconds to reply before she just walked off and went to do the things she needed to do today. Clara was normally friendly, or at least civil to most people so long as she wasn't angry. Wasn't really that hard to do really, especially when it came to people bossing her around and people expecting her to do something without her getting something in return. Sure she was basically a hit man, but she didn't take orders, and her services weren't cheap.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBeggar


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I laughed after Clara finished, "well I wouldn't want it any other way. You've passed with flying colours, consider the second test fake, the real second test was your reaction. Can't have a timid easily influenced person getting a hold of a forbidden book of sigils. However," I say, lowering my tone to express my seriousness, "you still need to decipher the symbol or there's no point in talking about this any further. Take as much time as you need, then come to me when you're done. I'll need to see an example when that time comes." I pause for a second then click my fingers, making the paper dissapear once again, this time in a different spot. "The papers now in your apartment, take as long as you want, I'll be at this same place every day from dawn to dusk."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AuntFlavia
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AuntFlavia The Unofficial Consulting Dork

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“Ah, well...not much.” John settled into a seat near Kaden, just thankful that the man had stopped talking about curses and punishment. He could never tell if he was serious or not. “Oh! Actually,” John perked up, remembering something from two days ago. “They got us a telly.” He gestured to the front corner of the bar, where there was a television set hanging from the ceiling, though it was black. “No actual...” he searched for the word, closing his eyes, “...um...channels yet, but it's nice to have. It's been a while since I've watched anything, I remember when I tried watching the news I got really confused and bit upset so they made me stop, but I think I can handle it now. In fact, I was thinking about doing some shopping, you know, out there.” John nodded to the front door as if Kaden wouldn't know what he meant. “Wanted to get some movies. I mean I don't get out much, well at all, really. Doctor said that it might be overwhelming but I can't stay in here all day everyday anymore, besides I'll be fine as long as I have someone with me to-” A sudden slapping sound cut his long ramble off as someone hit a table near them. John snapped out of his train of thought with the realization that he'd probably just made an ass of himself, but that was par for the course for him.

“Uhm...sorry.” His eyes darted around in embarrassment. “I guess the short version of that is: no, not really. But I have to say, something feels...weird these past couple of days. Like something's...bubbling.” He shook his head. “No, no, that's not the word. It's...you know, like something's...building up. About to happen, I guess. Ah, never mind.” John waved the thought away. Looking around the bar, he saw some more faces that he recognized had arrived while he was rambling. There was the really pale guy and Nora. Shifting his gaze back to the table, John felt a small tingle in his spine. He frowned.

“Can I ask you something, Kaden? Do you ever get the feeling that you're being watched?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nytefall
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Nytefall The Old One

Member Seen 22 days ago

Joshua had been enjoying his new found freedom. Maybe a bit too much for other people liking. So far he had only killed 12 people. All human with no magical abilities of course.They had all died brutally in a variety of colourfully obviously magic ways to those that knew what they were looking for. But having fun was something that he could do later. Now he had to work! Changing the shape of his body to that of an old man he looked up at the Abandoned bar. "Just to spite you bastards, I think I might get a pint!"

Joshua opened the doors to the bar walking in with a slight swagger in his step. The pub was quite full for the time and day it was. He smiled slightly at this. "So many potential recruits. Yet so many people here who might try to turn me in or take me down" He whispered to himself. Smiling maliciously he walked up to the bar and ordered a pint of beer. "So far so good, haven't set any alarms off. Might unmask a little bit of my magic. See if anyone notices"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Ah, yes, I see. A... telly," Kaden replied, sounding interested. Nope, not a goddamn thing, he thought. Now, Kaden had no problem using "amnesiac" as a nickname for John, as he was apparently, what was the word they'd used, crass. He was petty sure insensitive had also been thrown his way once or twice. The nicest thing he'd ever been called was "aloof." That said, John was just so pathetic he couldn't bear to actually say anything, and so let the man ramble on... and on... and on... while Kaden just put on a very fake smile and didn't listen. Meanwhile, the conversation at the bar about sigils seemed to have ended. And there goes my distraction...

Or so he thought. Suddenly there was a loud noise that stopped John's vocal diarrhea. Of course, he'd never validate those who'd called him crass and insensitive by saying he was glad for that... out loud. But yes, he was quite glad, well, as glad as someone who was all but dead to the world could be.

"She's a loud one, isn't she," he muttered under his breath, and then turned back to John, as the man apparently wasn't done speaking to him. "Bubbling eh?" Kaden completely ignored John's attempt to correct himself. "Sounds witchy. You might wanna check under your pillow for hex bags before you go to bed, last thing you want is for your tongue to liquify and choke you in your sleep or something." Kaden chuckled darkly. "Seriously though, it can happen." The look of mild amusement faded from his face at John's question though. "Watched, hm? Well, I mean, there's that girl who's always staring at your. . . but nah, your face looks too serious for that." Kaden tapped his fingers on the table thoughtfully.

"As for me? All the time, but I guess I'm just sensitive to things like that. Comes with the territory, you know?" As he shifted his head, his eyes caught the light and glowed a greenish-yellow, like an animal. "But I guess it'd be different for you, wouldn't it? I don't know what to tell you, goldfish," he took an offhand shot at John's amnesia. "Maybe you are being watched, maybe there really is a hex bag under your pillow, or maybe you're just paranoid. I mean, with a head like yours, anything's possible right? You could be messed up, or you could have some weird memory trying to resurface that's making you feel off." The smirk he'd been wearing for the past few seconds faded, for something a little more serious. "But I'll tell you what, John. You find something real, something that makes you think something's really happening, let me know, and I'll see what I can do. Got nothin' else to occupy me after all."

And then an old man walked into a bar, and it wasn't the set-up to a lame joke. Out of the corner of his eye, Kaden watched him begin whispering to himself before taking a seat at the bar and order a drink. Kaden had no idea who he was, and after about two years, that meant something. The old man was acting cocky though, like he knew where he was and what he was doing. He wasn't acting like a stranger to the place. Kaden felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up; this old man was setting him on edge. He wondered who he was.

"Bubbling, huh?" Kaden whispered to himself. Maybe John was on to something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Clara seriously didn't like this guy right now. What the hell was his problem? He expected her to just do something out of nowhere, when she herself wasn't going to be getting anything out of it? No goddamn way in hell was she doing that. She was just going to walk away and go about her business. He had already ruined her drink and she needed to blow off some steam either by sparring or meditating. However, at the mention of him putting that piece of paper in her apartment, she went from irritated to completely pissed. She snarled, moving quite close to Shitubso.

"I don't know who you think you are jackass," She growled, though it was quiet enough as to not draw most peoples attention. "But only two people are allowed to know where I live." She glared at him, the Sigil on her hands glowing faintly. "You're going to tell me who you are, what you want, and who the hell you're working for before I melt your face." She wasn't lying about that part. She already had the Sigil pretty much active, just one little command, and his face would get a serious burn. She'd have no qualms about doing it either."So start talking, and I suggest you choose your words carefully or I'll make you wish you were dead."

Clara went from not liking, to outright hating this guy. She, really, really, wanted to just kill him and be done with it. If he knew where she lived though, that means someone else could potentially find out about it. She needed to rectify that before it ended up getting her in trouble, or worse. There was a chance he was bluffing as well, but she couldn't take that risk, not with her line of work. She'd be nice for now. Well, nice enough. Until he either told her what she wanted to know, or she decided that he wasn't going to talk, and he'd be better off dead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBeggar


Member Offline since relaunch

I sigh, noticing Joshua enjoying the little scene playing out. He looks at her, and I shake my head, telling him quietly she's off limits. I look back at her, still fuming, and sigh again.

"Who does she think she is-" Grim starts before I cut him off, "quiet Grim."

I stand up, unfazed by the threats directed at me, "Well, let's start with who I am. My name's Shitsubo, formally the Reaper, and someone who's done far worse things then you've imagined in your short lifetime. What do I want? two minutes ago nothing. However now I think you need to learn a bit of humility, arrogance only shortens your life, it doesn't lengthen it. Who am I working for? well that'd be myself. You're worried how I found out about your apartment, how about I let you in on a little secret?" I Shadow Step, dissapearing from view before appearing once again at the door, "gauge your opponents strength before you threaten them."

Just before I leave through the door I pause, "Oh and if you stopped to listen to what I said, I mentioned a forbidden book of sigils. The one you're deciphering is just a small fraction of what the book possesses. It's in your own interest to do what I said. Hate me, curse me, wish me dead, do whatever you want Clara. Yet remember, it's your fault if you miss the opportunity of a life time. I have high respect for you, so I'm willing to give you a second chance. Take as much time as you want, but don't expect a third one." With that I walk through the door, nodding to Joshua before I leave.

"You know she's just going to be more pissed now, right?" Grim says.

"Exactly. Being strong willed is a requirement, but if you can't control your own emotions, you don't deserve this book. If she can swallow her pride and learn some humility, it is only then that she can truly unlock the powers hidden within this book. It was meant for a Sorcerer after all, not just anyone can learn these sigils." My mind drifted to the other necromancer I'd seen out and about. It looked like a necromancer was experimenting and performed the Living Death experiment, not a pleasant way to live. Perhaps he deserves to know that there is a way to reverse the effects. Yet that's for another time, Clara's more important right now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Zaccar nodded at John to acknowledge him. Normally he wouldn't of minded to strike a conversation up with John but with the full moon tonight he didn't risk it, he might say something he regretted by mistake with the wolf wanting to be free, so he was somewhat glad John didn't come over to talk to him. Shortly afterwards, the bartender brought him his drink.

"Here leave the bottle, today is going to be a long day," he mumbled placing some money down for the bottle and drank his first glass of whiskey.

As he did, he felt slightly more relax, the effects working instantly it seemed though it would probably only last for a few brief seconds. He was on his fourth glass when Clara started to really get agitated by Shitubso. Normally Zaccar would tried to perhaps keep the peace since he was an officer and he came here to relax yet at the moment part of him wanted in on the action, the wolf wanted to fight. Once more it clawed at his skin and his eyes slightly shifted from there normal blue color to a yellow color.
He returned to his glass, not noticing so much the old guy that had walked in slightly before. He had smelled some new scent but with the wolf wanting out and him now working on the bottle to try and keep the wolf down, he hardly noticed until he looked around and even then he didn't so much care. Only goal now was to keep the wolf from making him do something he didn't want to do. He heard it whisper in his head:
Fight, blood, feast, kill, the wolf growled within his mind destroy, rip to shed, hunt.

He was about to go over and try to calm the situation, feeling he had the wolf under control but by then Shitubso had left leaving only Clara. He went over to her anyways and decided to strike a conversation, perhaps still try and calm her maybe."So seems Shitubso got under your skin huh?" he said sitting down next her bringing over his bottle and glass as well. He didn't ask what Shitubso had said to get under her skin though he had heard it, but he didn't want to say he was eavesdropping either so if she wanted to talk about it, she would or she wouldn't, it wasn't his area to butt in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marshal


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cyder was still rather busy amusing himself with the oddly bouncy-ball like apple in his hands, in a rather childlike manor. It was hard to see, but there was a rather friendly smile upon his pale lips as his head tilted from side to side, following the motions of the apple as it rolled between his hands. A few times his hands darted out of the long sleeves of his dark jacket to grab the apple, digging his black talon-like nails into the seemingly delicate fruit. But not once did the sharp claws even scratch the surface of it, let alone penetrate past its thin, red outer layer.

Though he suddenly stopped as someone else sat down at the bar. Normally he would not have bothered to take notice, but something poking at the back of his mind wanted him to take notice. Maybe just because the other was sitting at the bar too, or maybe just curiosity. It happened on occasion, all these years and Cyder did still have some child-like tendencies he had yet to fully grow out of, especially when he found himself in a rather good mood. It was rare these days, he might as well take advantage of it while he had it. His smiles were always fleeting, what was the worst that could possibly happen by saying hello?

Cyder stared down at the apple, sitting still between his hands. As he draped his head, his hood fell a bit farther down his face, causing him to frown a bit as loose strands of hair also fell into his face. Frowning was not how he wanted to start this. With a slight shake of his head, he lifts one hand off of the counter, grabbing the apple with the other. He mutters something softly before suddenly bouncing the apple against the counter. Despite its shape, it bounces perfectly like a round bouncy-ball would. It brings a faint smile upon his face before he turns his head to finally look down the line at the bar, eying the old man a bit cautiously. The old man looked like someone Cyder would normally target for an easy soul, but he had already collected five on his way over to the bar. He didn't want anymore today, in fact, he probably wouldn't want any more for a couple of weeks if he found something else to occupy himself with.

With another shake of his head, black bangs now covering his eyes, he gives the bouncy apple a light toss onto the bar as it starts to carefully bounce right across the bar towards the old man.

Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Roll, roll, roll, roll. Stop.

The apple seemed to almost have a destined path, which it had no intentions of straying from as it went from bouncing to rolling before finally stopping a short distance from the old fellow. It had landed perfectly on its bottom, the stem and green leaf that were still attached seemed to spring to life a bit more after it had left Cyder's hands. Cyder on the other hand was just sitting there, looking at the apple and the old man from behind the shadow of his hood. Maybe he should have just gotten up and said hello. Now this was awkward. Was he going to bounce it back to him? Or was he going to eat it? Oh... Cyder suddenly hopped he didn't try to eat it. He knew it! This was a terrible idea, why did he even think of it.

Without much warning, Cyder lifts his head up, letting out a loud groan before slamming his head forward onto the bar with a painfully loud thud. Though this only seemed to be to hide his face, as if realizing he was making a fool out of himself. What necromancer of his level did such childish things! What was he, six?!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AuntFlavia
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AuntFlavia The Unofficial Consulting Dork

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“Staring? At- wha...?” He thought to himself, feeling very self-conscious, Is it my nose? I know I have a funny nose... John whipped his head around, as if someone was looking at him this very moment. There was no one, though, so he continued listening to Kaden, slightly alarmed by the feral look in his eyes.

"But I guess it'd be different for you, wouldn't it? I don't know what to tell you, goldfish,"

John cast his eyes downward; he could feel his face burning. He couldn't tell if Kaden was joking in a friendly way or a mean way, and that was half the embarrassment. Well, then he probably shouldn't have bothered Kaden with his babbling in the first place anyway, so feeling like a fish out of water was his own fault. Kaden was still talking, but John was distracted by the sinking feeling in his chest.

“...You find something real, something that makes you think something's really happening, let me know, and I'll see what I can do. Got nothin' else to occupy me after all."

“Sure...I-I...gotta make chips.” John stammered out and excused himself from the table, retreating to the back of the bar and into the kitchen, hoping that it would be quieter there. He passed through the rest of the bar quickly, not noticing the old man. Once he got into the actually quite roomy kitchen, he scrubbed his hands clean and started up the fryer. John's skin crawled with goosebumps as he stood there, so he hugged himself slightly, though it didn't help much. He wasn't sure why he felt so off today. As he stared straight ahead, his eyes began to glaze over as he hummed one of the other songs he knew by heart on piano. The doc knew what song it was and gave John the some of the lyrics for it, just so he could sing along if he wanted, but he never did. The song was nice enough. He thought of those lyrics as his mind wandered, standing there humming an ages old tune.

His hand twitched and his eyes fluttered open. The white sky unfolded above him. The cold damp snow glittered around his sprawled limbs, some of which were bent in odd directions.

Are you going to Scarborough Fair...

He didn't dare try to move his body even if he could. There wasn't any pain, just the biting cold. His senses were returning at a sluggish pace as he blinked away some snowflakes that had fallen on his eyelashes.

parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme...

He was in a ditch. But, more importantly, he didn't know who he was. Or where he was. Or when he was. Or if he even was; perhaps this was a dying dream.

remember me to the one who lives there...

The man's heart pounded thickly but slowly in his chest. He heard a rumbling sound in the distance grow closer, pass him, slow down and stop. Then a muffled thud. The man closed his eyes; he didn't want to know what it was. He just wanted to sleep. The last thing he heard was a voice, “Oh...Christ...are you okay, mate?”

for she was once a true love of mine...

John snapped out of his stupor and clapped his hands together loudly, shouting, “Oh! 'Brewing'! Not 'bubbling'!” That was the word he'd been trying to think of while talking to Kaden, it came to him out of the blue. John rubbed his hands together, dumped some chips into the fryer basket and lowered it into the now rolling oil. New word; today was getting better.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Clara watched Shitubso leave, glaring at him as he did so. Did she like him? Hell no, was she actually that pissed with him? No, not really. After he left, she took a seat in his previous sitting place and smiled slightly to herself, her chin resting on one of her hands while the other tapped the table as she ran through what she knew of Situbso. Now, he would likely think she was your typical hot headed idiot that didn't think. While she preferred the more direct approach to things, it was far from the truth. She had just wanted him to think that. It would be easier to...manipulate him, or at least get away with more things. Now the question was if she was actually going to look into this 'forbidden sigil'. Definitely, that sigil he had showed her looked to be old, and have at least some power, but she didn't think it would be incredibly useful, at least, not to her. Before she could contemplate it further though, Zaccar sat down across from her.

Zaccar. She didn't know much about the guy, but she knew he worked for the police. She had always tried to avoid him, or at least be wary around him. She was sure they wouldn't have anything that could convict her, she could never be too careful. Besides, she had some fairly important friends and they would definitely give her a bit of help considering the dirt she had on all of them. She always kept some crucial evidence or other thing after one of her jobs, just so she could turn evidence against whoever hired her in return for total immunity. Not that it would ever happen, but it was always good to be prepared.

"Heh, you'd think he did, wouldn't you?" She chuckled as she grabbed his bottle with the hand that was supporting her chin and downed a rather large amount of its contents before putting the bottle back down. "I don't like the guy, and he does piss me off, but i'm not worried about him. I could kick his ass with my eyes closed if he tries anything." She confidently stated, all of her previous anger seeming to have vanished within seconds. She had the skills to back up the threat, either through her martial arts or her sigils. "Name's Zaccar, right?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Zaccar nodded taking the bottle back."Yeah, resident werewolf of the bar," he joked. All his years going to the bar he had never noticed another werewolf so he assumed he might of been the only one there, or at least going to the bar at the time.
Though Zaccar knew Clara by name and that she was some form of magic user by her scent, he didn't know much else about her. She seemed nice enough but outside the bar it could be a different story. He had come across people who seemed nice at the bar but arrested them out on the streets, only wearing a mask in the bar to show what they wanted. He perhaps should of been more on guard at the time but the drinks were dulling his senses like he wanted it to of course, so the wolf would stop trying to have influence over him.
"I don't doubt you could kick his ass," he continued with a chuckle ",I've been tempted to do the same once or twice but that's mostly the wolf's fault." He took another drink from the bottle and put it down ",so you know if you don't mind me asking what type of magic user are you exactly, sorry, just couldn't help and over hear the conversation before, something about sigils right?" He honestly wasn't sure he would get an answer from her but he wanted to ask out of curiosity.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Charlize hoisted the last box up into her arms. She had already taken several trips back and forth upstairs and down bringing the boxes into the bar, so she could set out the contents when she got all of them upstairs. "Is that everything?" she cooed, looking at the man for a response. " I think so-" he started, [i]" But, if you need anything, don't hesitate to come back and ask." She smiled, balancing the box on her hip bone. She gave a friendly wave, "Alright! Take care, Thanks again." she commented returning back to the bar, plopping the last box on top of the five she had brought up. Letting out an exhale, she smelled something. Something delicious. Chips.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Chips were a mental trigger as Charlize's once smiling face dropped into a small panic.
Her vague memories literally flashed before her eyes, as the grey irises of her eyes became a flashing a blank white slate.

There she was, sitting in the parking lot of a fast food place with her friends late at night. They had all just been out drinking at a night club, dancing and trying to hook up with some guys. Two of them had lucked out and decided to grab some food before heading home. "You are going to get me in so much trouble! You know how my dad is!" Charlize groaned, as the smell of alcohol and deep fried food filled the car. "Oh Charli, what is he going to do? Kill ya?!" the other girl commented. They burst out with a laugh, as they continued to eat. "Naw, love- I'll bring you home here in a minute." the dialogue was so crisp as if it was happening again. The image was lost. Then reappeared in a blur. Suddenly she was home walking up the drive way of their small home. Fumbling with her keys she tried to open the door as quietly as possible.


" No. No. No." Charlize mumbled as she shook her head away from the images. Those weren't supposed to be in there. Those files were deleted so long ago, why were they here again? As her eyes returned to normal she tried to find the memories to delete them but they weren't in any of her ports. Running her hand over her head, she covered one of her eyes as her palm cradled her head. "Maybe I overworked myself too fast." she thought, sitting at the bar stool that sat behind the bar. She took a box from the top of the pile and began to open it up and placing the items behind the bar where they belonged.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 2 days ago

Kaden eyed the old man at the bar suspiciously for a few moments longer until he thought he heard John say something. When he pried his eyes away from the strange man at the bar he was only in time to see John already slipping away from the table. Was it something he'd said? Probably... he wasn't good a this whole "socialization" thing.

I was crass again, wasn't I? he mused in his head, wondering where exactly he'd gone wrong. Oh well... He shrugged, giving up on the subject almost immediately.

"Goldfish... really? Come on." He heard a familiar voice from behind him. He turned his head once more, and then tilted it down, to see a familiar face. Lilith, the little girl who'd gotten him to the bar in the first place. She had very long, and very curly blond hair that extended down to her waist and spilled over her shoulders, and she wore an extravagant pink and white dress with lacy frills and hems.

Ah, that must have been it... He thought. "What? It's a nickname. People like nicknames."

"Oh, it was plenty amusing." LIlith hopped up onto the chair John had vacated, though she stood in it rather than sitting. "But still, you're very-"

"Insensitive? Yeah, I get that a lot."

"You're incorrigible." Lilith shook her head. "Why do I even bother with you?" Indeed, it seemed Lilith had made socializing Kaden into her pet project. Because of this, Kaden had managed to learn a few things about the mysterious girl, who to him at least was now much less of a mystery. If anything, she was a sad story. She was like him, a shape-shifter, but she was not a skin-walker, and she couldn't transform anymore. She was a witch's familiar, but her witch had died leaving her alone and cut off from most of her magic. She could have bonded to another witch; in fact she could even have bonded to Kaden, but she refused to, feeling it would insult her former master's memory. Apparently she'd been very attached to her witch, who had been a benevolent and kind being compared to most witches.

"Well, I've made progress haven't I? I can hold a conversation now..." Kaden muttered, averting his gaze.

"Right, until you scare the other person off. Face it Kaden, you're still crude and in need of refining." She leaned across the table and pinched his cheek, making him flinch and turn to face her again, lest she do it again.

"What are you up to, you aren't here to lecture me again, are you?" Kaden sighed. She didn't look like she was prepared to "train" him today.

"Nah! I'm off to gather more lost souls! Well, I haven't had much luck lately, but I'm sure there are more out there somewhere!" Lilith said, hopping back off the chair. "Maybe I'll find another, more receptive fixer-upper!" Kaden just rolled his eyes at that. "Anyway, if you really want to improve, you just need more practice. Hm, you just got back from another hike, right? You must be hungry."

"What are you-"

"HEY! Can we get some service over here!" Lilith shouted towards the bar. "There, now eat and make nice while I'm gone! Ta-ta!" With that, Lilith skipped out of the bar in her ever continuing search for "lost souls."

". . . why do I come here?" He appreciated Lilith's effort, but her insistence that he interact with other people got old after a while.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amaralyn
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Amaralyn Flowerchild

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Nora listened to the turmoil around her. Although Clara was being rather loud, telling Shitsubo a piece of her mind, Nora’s attention got drawn to the conversation John and Kaden were having. Maybe it was just because they were sitting closer to her, or maybe it was because Nora was more interested in private matters than magic. After the past two years she had come here, having encountered several supernatural beings and cases, and having experienced this thing called magic herself, she still had trouble grasping it and knowing how to deal with it. It made her head dizzy, trying to understand how such a thing was physically, anatomically possible.

With one more gulp, Nora finished her drink. She stood up, craving another one, and walked over towards the bar, passing Clara and Zaccar who were having a small talk about ‘Shitubso’.
“It’s Shitsubo, not Shitubso...” she couldn’t help but whisper as she walked past the two, more to herself than to them.

While she ordered a new beverage, Nora jumped up as she heard a loud thud from besides her. From the corner of her eye she had seen some movement accompanying the sound, which originated from a black figure sitting at the bar. Turning her face towards the source of the sound, she now saw it was a person in a black, hooded cloak, their face pressed against the counter. At a small distance from the person she noticed a red object, an apple at closer inspection.
Slowly memories started to flow back to her. She remembered a pale boy, dressed in a black hood, who appeared to always carry an apple around, had visited the bar every now and then. He didn’t come often though, and so Nora had no clue as to his name and what he was like.

She wasn’t sure why she did it, but as if drawn to the apple, she got over to it and picked up the almost spherical object. Oddly it didn’t feel much like an apple, not like fruit even. It felt sort of artificial.
Nora stared at it for a moment before realzing it’d probably be best to return the apple to its owner, rather than keeping it in her hand any longer, preventing any possibly accusations such as trying to steal the thing.

She made a few steps before stopping next to the boy who still had his head down.
“You err...” Nora started. “This is yours, right?” she asked, holding up the apple in front of him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"What, you think I have these tattoos just because I think they're sexy?" She grabbed the bottle and took another drink from it, while mostly ignoring Nora. She didn't care what the guys name was really, as far as she was concerned he'd always be 'annoyance' for now. "Well," She continued after replacing the bottle. "Actually I do, but that's not the point. Yeah, we were discussing something about Sigils. Its the type of magic I use. Dangerous magic ya know. One wrong sigil and boom, half of the city is just vaporized instantly." While she was going to watch what she said around Zaccar, she saw no need to be openly hostile. In fact, if she could befriend him she could use it to her advantage. She'd just have to be careful with what exactly she told him and not reveal too much about who she really was and what she did.

"So you're a werewolf." It was more of a general observation, though the way she said it definitely hinted at some curiosity about his condition. She knew what a werewolf was of course, but she had never seen or met one before. She knew it was probably smarter not to prod, but changing the subject in a subtle way would be the best way to proceed."Don't mind if I ask how it feels do you? I've always been sort of...curious, about werewolves." It wasn't a complete lie. When she was a kid, Vampires and Werewolves had been her favorite things to study aside from Sigils and other lessons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

"Hey you never know, some people enjoy there tattoos," Zaccar joked with a slight laugh then grabbed the bottle and took a drink himself, not fearing anymore of his wolf, feeling by now his senses were dull enough to keep it from having any control of him until later in the night.

Zaccar noted what she said about sigil's being able to destroy half a city and all. He found that highly unlikely happening anytime soon but if it did happen at least he would know one potential reason why it happened. However he didn't see that happening in his foreseeable future, at least he hoped not. Then she asked the question he least liked to talk about. Zaccar wasn't to sure how much he should share on the matter only because he never liked talking about it but after a few seconds of debating on if he should share the info he figured it would be all right to share it, besides how he became one. Plus it wasn't really all that important information to hide about what he was and what came with it.

"Well besides the fact that every full moon it fills like the beast is going to tear out of my skin throughout the day, there isn't a big difference in how I feel. There's the enhanced senses I guess which can make some things unbearable which usually wouldn't be. There's the enhanced strength as well but that's mostly comes with strong emotions of some sort, I didn't even know the strength I got from it until being one for nearly two years," he said ",Other then that there isn't much to say about it. Just something you learn to live with and try to keep the wolf calm and not let it control you."

He at first had hated what he had become, even tried to kill himself but ultimately it didn't work out. He couldn't do it, at that low point though was when he found the bar which turned his life around. He learned to harness the wolf's abilties to his own purposes and only allowed it control on those nights when the moon was full. He smiled at the thought and laughed to himself. Oh how he had changed from eleven years ago.

"If you want a show you should stick around, tonight one of those nights which is why I need this bottle, keeps the wolf from making me do something I'll regret until the change," he joked but was also somewhat serious at least about the drink keeping his wolf from doing something stupid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marshal


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cyder kept his head on the bar for several moments in silence, listening to the chatter around the bar while he contemplated over his most recent actions of tossing his apple along the bar. He really did not have much interest in the affairs of others, he was never directly involved with the living. At least not often, anyway! He made friends on occasion, but it never really lasted long. Though he liked it that way, everyone died sooner or later, it was only a matter of time, and then they were just like everyone else. Another soul to collect.

A voice roused his attention from his thoughts, slowly he brings his head up and turns with the top of the chair. His hood had fallen completely over his face, but he quickly brings a hand up to tug the black cloth back and out of his face so he could fully see who it was that had spoken to him. A bit of genuine shock forms on his face for a couple of moments before it fades into a rather child-like grin as he spots the apple within her grasp. It was hard to tell what the grin was about exactly, maybe the apple? Maybe the fact that someone was talking to him? Or maybe a mix of both or more!

"Y-yeah, that is mine." He states simply, eying her hand and the apple rather cautiously suddenly. Not that he was actually afraid of her hand nor the apple, but his own. Slowly Cyder would extend a hand out of the sleeve of his jacket, reaching for the apple. But he stops short, frowning a bit as his brow furrows. He then merely pulls his hand back into the sleeve and reaches back out again, though holds his hand there with the long sleeve covering over it, expecting her to drop it into his hand. Even with his hand this close and something covering it, she could probably feel a rather unnatural chill.

"Thank you for getting that for me, though... I, uh. I've had some worse ideas before!" Cyder's face changes yet again, now smiling a bit and appearing nearly human if not for the lack of color in his skin and the red eyes. There was not even a flush of color in his cheeks! "Can I buy you a drink? As a thank you? If you don't already have one, that is."

As he says all that, the sudden urge to pop himself in the face arose.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"HEY! Can we get some service over here!"

The voice was unexpected as it awoke Charlize from her small daze she had gotten herself into while she was putting the inventory away. Her eyes traveled up word to see how busy the bar had gotten, people had changed positions since the last time she had looked. What the fu- Charli started before realizing that it was her duty to take care of the people that came to the bar. It probably wasn't the best idea to yell at them or tell them to take a hike somewhere. It also wasn't probably the best idea to leave the bar for too long, as some customers thought it was their right to get free refills whenever they felt like it.

"I'm coming, one moment! she called cheerfully in the direction she had heard the call from, hoisting herself up on the bar top and spinning around on her behind to hop off the other side. Perhaps it wasn't the most hygienic of ways to get around, but she found it quite a bit more fun than the conventional way. Besides, as the an ancient saying once said, 'if you can have something to do with a butt at least once a day, you'll live a very long and prosperous life.'

Scurrying over to the table she gave an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry for the wait! As you can see, it gets a little busy here sometime and I get lost in my work." It wasn't a great excuse, but Charlize hoped it was good enough to suppress any bad reviews by the end of the night. "What can I get you love?" she commented looking over the young man with her bright grey eyes. Her programming slowly started to kick in to open up a blank document to take down the man's order once he decided.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nytefall
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Nytefall The Old One

Member Seen 22 days ago

Joshua was bored of watching everyone going about their business in this pub, it was time to reveal himself and tell them his plan. In a great puff of smoke his old man disguise disappeared. Revealing his true form; Joshua was 6' 5'" and was wearing a large trenchcoat a black pair of jeans and no shirt. Shirtless you could see his very muscular physique.

"Greetings my fellow mages!"

As if on cue symbols along the walls glowed red draining the magic from the room. Joshua smiled and waved his hand across the room, the symbols on the wall groaned loudly before shattering, magic returning to the occupants of the room.

"Well that was something now wasn't it? Do not worry, I mean you no harm. Unless you mean to stop me or capture me than well this may happen" Joshua had noticed the Order guard sneaking up on him turning to face him he grabbed he by the throat and pumped magic into his brain causing his skull to explode from the built up pressure. Dropping the body on the floor he signaled for those who were standing to sit down.

"Now I am a mage like you people, well kind of like you people. Now I have a dream a dream where we are the ones on top! A world where we no longer have to hide ourselves from the mortals in this world. I can wipe them all out leaving only those who are magically gifted untouched. But I need your help. I need people to find things for me and join me in the new world. So I ask you? Will you join me? Do not thing though that I will slaughter you if you say no."
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