Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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There’s a way out -The Doctor picks up signal from a dying planet. When he arrives he finds OC who is looking for a way to escape but thinks their chances of escape is low. The Doctor offers a way out. While OC is upset at the loss of their planet and people. The Doctor tries to comfort them as he knows what its like.

The Doctor had been traveling through time and space. It was always so thrilling to him. But sometimes he did wish he had somebody to share those adventure’s with again. He wasn’t even sure how long it had been since he had last had company. He knew it must have been awhile because it was starting to get very lonely.
He was still always happy to help people when he could. It seemed to make him happy when he could be there to help. Though there was still many times that he wasn’t able to succeed, he knew he couldn’t win every time. But the times where he did fail hurt. He knew there were also things that he could never interfere with. Fixed points were always difficult like that. He wanted to help but couldn’t and sometimes had to watch people suffer.

Those times were the hardest. He remembered when some is companions had gotten mad at him for doing nothing. But he knew he would have if he could. But the universe was sometimes cruel, and the time lord sometimes just had to leave things as they were. He knew that he was sometimes begged to save somebody in the worst situations. Like during Pompeii when Donna had literally begged him to save at least somebody.

Thinking back to the old adventures with his friends the Doctor sighed. He knew every time was different with whoever he traveled with. He though wondered if he was going to be alone until his next regeneration.
It did feel like that sometimes. Though it was the TARDIS picking up a sudden distress call ,that caused the Doctor to get pulled out of his deep thought. He pushed up his black glasses and looked at the screen.

The planet that was shown was not one that he had been too, but if there was somebody in need of help, the Doctor was going to go.
Pulling one of the levers of the TARDIS, the Doctor grinned and shouted. Being off to some new planet was rather exciting to him. The Doctor wasn’t aware the planet was dying yet. At least not until would get there. All he knew was he had something interesting to do.

Something though caused the TARDIS to spin out of control and the ship landed roughly, the Doctor was knocked off his feet and onto the grating of the floor. “What was that for.. ?” hey” He seemed to be muttering to himself “hey.” He goes and checks over his ship to make sure if things are ok. He seemed worried what had caused the TARDIS to spin out of control. Glad that nothing appeared damaged.
"I wonder what caused that," The Doctor said to himself. It wasn't comfortable to get knocked off his feet liked that. But he knew that TARDIS didn't mean it, something had caused her to spin out of control.

Looking around him, the Doctor set foot outside the TARDIS. He thought the planet around him looked rather interesting. He wanted to go and see what had caused the distress call and how he could help. MMm which way? the Doctor thought to himself. He was sure that the signal would have come from somewhere, He could tell that not all was well with the planet, he was sure that was maybe what had caused the TARDIS to spin out of control.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

“Mom?!” A voice called out into the distance. “MOM!!!!” A blue haired twenty year old girl ran through burning flames. A large sword on her back. “MOM!!!!!” Another screamed left her, desperate for a response but received nothing. The war on the planet turned into a massacre. Her mother had gone into hiding with the other older women and much to her father’s dislike; she joined the battle as well.

The planet was full of kind hearted people who were pushed into a war that they didn’t want by an invading alien group. Torture and massive destruction happened before the Metra race started to fight back, than the true power of the race came out and they prove themselves to be valiant warriors. The war had spanned on for three years before a large explosion took out most of the planet. People were in hiding, somehow in some way; Nikki survived and had been wondering around the planet looking for her family. Her father was dead, she had to watch him die; like a warrior, he went down fighting and she couldn’t be more proud of him. Since then she took up his sword and it hadn’t left her back except to kill some of the other aliens that had invaded and got in her way of tracking down her mom.

A few times, walking through the planet’s destruction, she shot off a flame with an alert looking for help, there is no way that she was the only one who survived. There had to have been others right? Like her mom and her mom’s friends that all went into hiding, the children who were supposed to be in hiding. Her friends and classmates who had chosen to hide from the war instead of try to win it. No one was emerging and she only had a few flares left she could use.

The travels of the wounded and tired warrior took her to her home town which was still up in flames. She rose the gun and shot off another flare not paying attention to wear she was aiming and didn’t realize it bounced off of something high in the sky and exploded under it. She was too busy running into the town screaming at the top of her lungs. “MOM?! MOM!!!!!” Her voice echoed over the blazing fires until she ran towards the middle of the town square where the large water fountain sat and was the secret entrance to the safe house that everyone should have been hiding in. Her arrival to the fountain was a horrible sight. Bodies of her friends and her mom’s friends were scattered all over the ground and in the fountain which was pouring red… blood. The worst as at the top of the fountain; the sight of her mother’s small body strung up by her intestines, her deep blue eyes, matching her daughters were hide but her mouth was closed, as if accepting her own death but since she was the wife of the leader of the civilization the aliens were fighting, she had to be made an example of.

Horror filled Nikki’s blue eyes and as fell to her knees in front of the fountain of bodies and the hanging corpse of her beloved mother. At first the girl was silent in her black t-shirt and dark blue jeans and black light weight boots, than she leaned her head back, staring up at the starry sky and let out a scream of pain, throwing her hands out to each side, she threw well over two hundred pounds of pressure out of her hands and destroyed the standing structures around her. Nothing compared to the pain she felt that after she screamed she felt forward, hands on the ground crying uncontrollably.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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The Doctor was walking around, it looked like a battle had gone on, He knew it would unlikely that many had survived, or if anybody had. Though there had been some signal so he assumed somebody had survived. He though knew if somebody had survived, that he should rescue them, he couldn't really leave them on this planet.
Really he didn't think the planet itself would last much longer. He wondered how long he had to get anybody out of here. Walking around the Doctor was silent. It made him sad to know another race had been basically wiped out.

He stood still as he thought he heard a girl calling out for her mother. He knew that it as likely the girls mother would be gone. He figured the girl was the one that had sent the signal.
The Doctor approached carefully, He saw that she was crying "Hey are you alright?" He asked her. He offered his hand to help her to her feet. He looked around at the bodies and sighed sadly. He knew how painful it was to loose your own people. Even if he had been the one to cause the destruction of his own kind. A decision he regretted to this day, but it had seemed the only way at the time.

The time war had really changed the Doctor's outlook on things, He didn't want to see another being loose their own people. It was too late too save her species. But he knew at least he could save her.
"I know how it feels to loose your people." He replied softly. He was looking at her. He knew that all he could do was offer her a way out. He knew loosing your home and people hurt, but when there was a chance to survive you would take it right?

"I can offer you a way out," The Doctor was looking at her "I'm the Doctor." he could see her mother's body, he didn't know it was her mother, he just knew that they were somebody important to him.
He pointed to his ship in the distance "I have a ship." he knew she would be upset. He wasn't sure how many of his words would be comforting to her.
The Doctor knew that it would still be painful, he wasn't even sure if she was going to accept his help or just yell and want him to leave. Either way he didn't want to leave her here. But he knew some creatures and beings would rather die then be the last one left. Sometimes the Doctor did wonder if being the last one left was worth it.

What could he do to help, except get her out. He knew that there wasn't much other choice. But he knew that he needed to give her the decision even if he really didn't want to just leave her if she said no.
"Doesn't look like the planet itself will last much longer." He muttered, He knew that getting off the planet maybe a rough ride. He was still a bit sore from how he had landed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

So many pain, torture and agony; a war was a war but when it’s on your home planet, the casualties are endless. Here was the war girl, the princess of the land, crying like a pathetic child on the ground in front of her mother’s hanging corpse. This was horrible; it was painful and unbelievable at the same time. The Atons really went too far this time. They weren’t expecting a surprise attack on her Metra home planet since the Metra didn’t do it to them but, well sometimes things aren’t always as they appear.

Her sobbing was interrupted by a voice that seemed to appear next to her. Pulling herself off the ground, her blue gaze peered up through her messy sapphire colored hair to see a long tall man standing over her, his hand extended to her. She shivered slightly before looking back up at her mother hanging from the statue. She could almost hear her voice ‘Run Nikki, run while you can. You must save yourself.’, it was an echo she had heard from the past, something her mom would say to her when they were in battle and she wanted Nikki to leave. Wiping some tears from her face, even though she was just making her face more dirty before placing her hand in his and using his help to get her to wobbly feet.

There was one thing she had to do before she left. Bringing her hand up, she gestured with her fingers in the ‘come here’ motion and the necklace that hung from her mother’s neck, a gift from her father on their wedding day, flew into her hands. If she couldn’t at least give her mother a proper burial, she at least wanted something to remember her by. Once it was in her hand, the two figures took off running in the direction he led, hand and hand as her grip tightened on his as the ground began to crumble and shake beneath them. They were running towards the direction of a… blue. box. “Um… that’s a box.” She shouted to him as the stone structures of her people began to start falling around them. “Why are we running towards a blue box?” It wasn’t until he opened to door and pushed her inside that she let out a gasp as they entered. It was… it was a lot bigger on the inside than it was on the outside. Though she didn’t have time to wow about it now, the planet was crumbling under the box and the man took off towards what had to be the control center.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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The Doctor knew what it was like to go through what she did. He only wished he could have done more for her, but getting her safely off her dying planet was the best he could do. He knew given time the emotional pain would get a bit easier to deal with. He was standing by the console as he flicked various controls. He was silent for awhile. He didn't know what to say to her. Plus he was focused on getting them safely off the planet.
What could he say to her though. He was thinking for a bit.

Once they were in space the Doctor looked around at the young woman, He was smiling. "This is the TARDIS, it can travel anywhere in time and space." He was looking at her. He hoped he could give her a chance at a new life. Hoping that would help to heal her pain. He knew he couldn't change what happened, he could only be there for her now. He knew if it was in his power to change what had happened, he would have done it in a heartbeat.

He was leaning on the console. For now he took them to Cardiff as the TARDIS needed to refuel. Though he was sure that she would have never seen earth anyway. He also had a feeling something would happen on earth today that would be interesting.
"Welcome to earth," He replied, He was always drawn to earth, he felt like it was his job to protect it as well. He was smiling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The ship, if you’d call it a ship, jerked and jumped as the planet beneath the floorboards began to crumble. Her icy blue eyes were filled with water as she had the imagine of her beloved home planet crashing behind beneath the two of them as his ship flew into the air. A shiver moved through her body as they started towards the stars and the silence filled cabin with only the clicking and dining of the control panel in the middle.

Nikki herself kept against the railing after gripping tightly until the rocking finally stopped. Surprise across her blue eyes and pale face as the ship finally settled, well; this isn’t exactly what she was expecting for a ‘ship’ when he said he could get her off the planet but, to each their own. When she finally let go of the railing, her attention finally turned to the young looking man who was driving the ship as he spoke about it; a small closed mouth smile moved across her face, he spoke with a lot of pride about the ship and who wouldn’t? Every captain takes a lot of pride in their ship so it wasn’t a surprise that he did as well. “It’s a lot bigger on the inside.” With that she realized that he had introduced himself but she hadn’t told him who she was. “I’m Nikki.” She said with a nod to him as she looked down at the necklace in her hand. Within moments she had locked the necklace around her neck and resting against her black shirt covered chest.

The surprise of ending up at a place called ‘earth’ was read on her face as they stepped out of the ship and into the pavement. “It’s really bright here. This, earth.” She said holding her hand up against the sunlight. Her planet was so dark because of the consistent fighting, that is unless you’re counting the spread of blood. Her blue eyes blinked as she pushed some of her sapphire hair out of her face before finally scanning the area around them. Her air rose up into the air as she began to sniff. “What is that smell? It smells… so good…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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The Doctor was looking at her, he smiled when she said the ship was bigger on the inside. "Is it?" He was grinning a bit. Of course he knew it was and he loved hearing those words. It had been awhile since anybody had been travelling with him to even say that.
He had missed those words. He knew that the TARDIS though was amazing to others who set foot into it.

The Doctor looked around as they stepped out. "Ah yeah this is earth. We are in the town Cardiff, The TARDIS needs to refuel and the rift is in Cardiff so I often land here for that, Though have a friend that lives here too, But I thought we could get something to eat, and since you might not have been here, I could show you around."His stomach seemed to growl as soon as he mentioned food. He wondered if she had eaten anything yet. He smiled a bit.

"Ah yeah does smell good," The Doctor was smiling. He looked at her "Is bright, I can get you some sun glasses from the TARDIS if its too bright," He knew that she might not be used to it. "Though you might adjust to it given time."
He was happy to show her around really. The Doctor looked around wondering where they could go to get some food. Chips might be nice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The idea of being on another planet suddenly was something new to her knowledge but it wasn't an impossible idea. In fact a lot of her father's scientists had mastered the ability to travel from planet to planet but never at the speed in which they had just done. It was rather impressive but she couldn't let him know that it was something her people had attempted to master. His people might just look at her like they were foolish for not being able to figure it out. "Cardiff." She repeated, the planet sure had a funny name for a town. Her hand slowly lowered from her face and she blinked a few times, allowing herself to take in the view that they had arrived to in the town. The lush green grasses and the sound of the ocean echoed in her vision and hearing. "It's been a long time since I've seen green grass and blue waters..." She said softly crouching down and running her hand along the blades of grass at their feet. "You get used to seeing red from a battle field that you forget what the true colors of nature are."

With a small sigh she stood upright brushing her hands off against her jeans and nodded when he mentioned food. "I haven't eaten in a week, haven't had much of an appetite but I'm sure I could try." She said with a nod before following him down off the hill they were on and headed for the town. A long sigh left him as she felt on her back for her sword, something she had been doing for the past year. A small panic left her before she remembered that she had left it in the blue box. Oh yeah, that's right. While her gaze moved around the growing scene she looked up to see that the people of this planet had built their building from stone at one point before moving to wood and steal. "Why... why did these people stop building with stone? Stone is much better for, well, all sorts of building. My planet would have given anything to have access to as much stone as they have used." With that she looked up at the lanky man she was walking with. "Is this your home planet?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Magic223
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The Doctor was looking at her. He seemed glad to have somebody with him again. He had been so lonely. He hated being lonely. Sometimes he thought he would go crazy if he didn't have anybody to talk to. "Its been awhile since I have had anybody travelling with me, I like having people to talk to." He knew that he was bound to get lonely again if she didn't want to stay with him. He couldn't be sure if she would want that.
He hummed a bit as he walked. He was at least glad that for now he did have somebody to talk to. He didn't know how long he would get to have her company for. But he knew just to enjoy it while it lasted.

"There is good chips around here somewhere." The Doctor seemed to ramble a bit . He looked around as he tried to remember where the place was. He hoped it was there. He was walking by her "No clue." He admitted. He looked sad when she asked if this was his planet. He knew that since he had came here she might assume that and he looked normal.
He wondered whether to tell her about his planet. They had been through similar things. He knew that maybe he should,so she wouldn't feel like the only one who had been through such a thing.

"No this isn't my home planet, I just like coming here,"The Doctor paused for a moment before he continued "I was from gallifrey... but my planet and people were destroyed during the time war against the Daleks."
He didn't want to mention the part where he had ended the war and caused the end of his own kind. Even if it had been the only way. It still hurt and he still regretted it. He knew he wished he could have gone back and fixed that.
He walked up to the chip shop and then looked at her "I know how you are feeling about your planet and people." He said quietly.
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