Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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It sadden Parum to see her attempts at diplomacy fail. She knew that this group was meant to fight and defend others with violence, so words were not their weapons of choice. Parum saw the warrior get struck in the neck by an arrow, and she went back into cover right next to him. He seemed alive, but this wound was sever. Parum regrets not learning a healing spell during her travels. For now, Parum would have to stay near him and ensure he didn't die from his wounds. And to make sure of that, she'd have to deal with the rest of the enemies.

From cover, Parum played her viol and directed Vicious Mockery at the kobold who had fell. "Wux zhin hefoc vi balem!" Her words where thrown at the kobold like stones, and she hoped to perhaps incite him or others into coming out from cover. While she didn't want to fight them in the first place, if battle must be done then they should try to fight to their advantage instead of the enemies. Kobolds were tricky creatures with sly tactics and underhanded techniques. A good aim would just make things worse.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hekazu
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Hekazu Devout of Dice Gods

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The kobold did not appreciate someone claiming that they walked like a newborn child. They had no trouble walking, it was running that had had them tripping. There was a difference! The creature glared at the bard and pointed one of it's fingers towards them. Once they had the opportunity for payback, it would be the halfling that walked funny.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Brannor grit his jaw, having seen his enemy so quick to loose an arrow, but was more surprised and enraged it struck him. The shot was undoubtedly more astronomical luck than skill, but that did little to quench the burn of the strike and the fire it lit in the wanderer's soul. For while the impact itself did not dig as deep or travel as far as the hooded figure could only have hoped and dreamt, as in fact it seemed ever more like a glancing shot, it still stung and tore at the flesh. But the paladin, provoked by the audacity evil had to even strike him so, snarled and clenched the wooden shaft of the limp arrow as it trickled with fresh blood; the calm air saturated with smoke and silence beyond the sounds of this skirmish, buckled with this low, fearsome rumble.

He tore it free, lip still quivering in pain and fury, and sundered the piece with a firm torque of his hand. It broke as a twig and its pieces fell to the earth as limp and lifeless as the attacker likely thought him to be, but Brannor was not only alive, but quite well - alive with his own blood to drive him on divine rage; Greenest was not his home, it never would be, but he was called to this place and for reasons he believe he knew only now.

Taking his free hand, that of which did not bear the greatsword and was so soaked crimson, he started forward whilst speaking loudly and laying a hand upon his chest; "Your attacks are weak and meaningless."

The man's voice was still snarling, almost frothing with tangible wrath in a tone eerie just as the ghostly shroud of green-white washed over him and mended his injuries. His advance during this had him setting eyes down upon the kobold just past Trear, who he hoped witnessed the entire ordeal of a man tearing an arrow free of his throat, crushing it, then restoring his own wounds as though nothing had happened at all; it was not just see it either, but feel the fear the darkness had of the light setting in upon it like the tireless, unstoppable force it was.

Injuries visibly rejuvenated, nothing but faint scarification remaining, he stood menacingly before the kobold, great blade at the ready and stared like a hungering predator...

@Hekazu@Lucius Cypher@VKAllen@Ryonara
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hekazu
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Hekazu Devout of Dice Gods

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The bow wielding humanoid did not show their face, but on the other hand one couldn't hear any retreating steps from their chosen alley either. What might they be up to, if they even had decided to stay in the first place would be something the adventurers would have to find out for themselves...

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hekazu
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Hekazu Devout of Dice Gods

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With the big man locking down the kobold, Trear could use this moment to run after the hooded figure. Besides, with no other apparent threats in sight it seemed like the only truly viable option. No good could come out of leaving armed enemies running around willy nilly. Taking care to pass the combatants without interfering, she made her way to intersection. There was little cover in her reach excluding the occupied corner, so she'd have to trust her superior agility to keep her out of harm's way if danger were to present itself.

This pathway behind the house was just as unkempt as the one the previous fight had been on, with several barrels and a few crates littered about. The opponent might well have sought cover here... While scanning the area, brief movement on the right caught her attention. It was the hood of the enemy! "Found them!" she exclaimed and took a shot at the figure.

The arrow passed between the boxes, striking at the figure behind the crates and causing them to fall down. It was hard to tell what had been hit and how badly at first, but with only a few whimpers following the impact and the sudden silence, it seemed the shot had been quite the miracle at work. Trear let herself smile briefly. She was on a roll!

The kobold kept attempting to weave themselves past the figure before them, intent on showing the halfling just who here was to be ridiculed of. Despite their best attempts they weren't really successful given the sheer difference in size between the two, so in the end the draconic being chose to just take their chances. A pebble was dropped into the sling and the shot was taken as well as they could aim it in this situation.

And what do you know, the interference of the warrior was just enough to turn the shot astray, as the sling happened to briefly brush against their arm on the final moments of the attack. The stone flew too low, hitting the ground inches before the intended target. "Ekik di sia idol!" the kobold yelled at Brannor, further frustrated by their failure.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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Orchid managed to climb to the top of the roof and peered down below. He could see that Trear had just killed a mysterious hooded figure, but Orchid could care less. There were other enemies to fight! However the only one left was the kobolds, but Orchid supposed that it was better than nothing. Lifting up his Harpoon, Orchid hurled the weapon towards the Kobold closest to the warrior, hurling the spear with all his strength. He didn't intend to take prisoners. Right after he threw his first harpoon, Orchid took out a second one to get ready for perhaps another ambush or reinforcements. Though he should really be watching the family....

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hekazu
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Hekazu Devout of Dice Gods

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The harpoon flung from the roof flew at the Kobold from a blind angle and nailed them into the ground. A moment of twitching later the creature stopped and laid down dormant. The only opposition to be seen was the dragon circling above, occasionally flying over the keep the party were heading to. It hadn't swooped down in a good while, now that they thought of it.

Parum felt a tug on her sleeve, the reason being one of the children of the family Orchid had been supposed to be looking after. The child looked a little scared, but it didn't seem like there was any immediate danger around. "The big lizard woke up", they explained themselves and kept on pulling Parum's hand, apparently wanting them to follow.

And indeed back where the rest of the family had gone into hiding, Linan was pointing her spear at the bound and now awake kobold. The situation was currently under control with the exception of the occasional snarl from the creature, but having them concious could prove a challenge for sneaking around enemies. The kobold attempted to turn onto it's belly, but was promptly discouraged by a light poke of the pointy end of the spear. Just before the group had a chance to interject, the creature's eyes rolled back and it seemingly fell back asleep. "Odd little things", Cuth commented.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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The fight was over, and no one had fallen. Orchid seemed to have ignored Parum's orders to protect the family and climbed onto a rooftop, much to her displeasure. The warrior also seemed to be in bad shape, though he was still standing. Still, Parum didn't want them to fight anymore if they had to. Even if only one went down, they'd either need to carry them to safety or leave them behind. Either way it weakens the fighting strength of the group, so they needed to get to the fortress quickly.

But before they could continue onward one of the children got Parum's attention. Apparently the kobold had awoken, and Parum knew that meant the creature could start answering some questions. They'll need to be fast however; they were still quite a bit away from the keep, and who knows what the creature may do to try and get reinforcements. She'd rather not have to kill him even for their own safety, however... She wasn't going to let the creature cause them any trouble either. Following the child back Parum arrived just in time to see the Kobold look at her and pretend to fall back asleep. However that wasn't going to fool Parum, so she walked over to it and prod it with the tip of her rapier.

"Rocen svern. Si tepoha visidarkic ihk wux. Anyui vis vur si geou ti levnim wux."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hekazu
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Hekazu Devout of Dice Gods

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Despite Parum's attempts, the kobold showed no signs of hearing her and did not react to being poked in any fashion. It either was real good at this or had really fallen unconscious again. The bound creature kept breathing steadily in it's bindings and the children of the couple seemed to not be as scared of it now that it was out. Few even moved in closer, but were quickly pulled back by Cuth. "It's still dangerous if it wakes. Don't go that close", he instructed.

"Do you think it's pretending?" Linan asked the halfling and her companions, unsure whether to lift her spear or not. "It was only awake for some seconds anyway... I cannot really tell about these things. I've never even seen such a creature before today." She took a brief glance towards the keep and added in her mind 'Not that this would be that normal of a situation either way...'
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Do you think it's pretending?"

Brannor drew near, having looked over the lifeless heap impaled firmly through by the orc's mighty throw; the creature was certainly as dead as it looked and the man wished to pay it no more mind after being certain enough. He dwelled no more on the fiend or its companions, seeing as his own were content with the calm after the conflict. It was an ill thing to think longer on the darkness than one needed, breathing curses rather than blessings. All the same, the wild knight gave his thanks that he had the endurance to survive the would-be slaying arrow and the power drawn up from within to stay the spilling of his blood.

"It was only awake for some seconds anyway... I cannot really tell about these things. I've never even seen such a creature before today."

"The Silver Lady has been more than kind on this night to us thus far," The man started as he ran a finger about the partially healed gash across the side of his throat, "So I hold hope that after tonight these beasts need not be seen again."

The man's attention drifted from the seemingly unconscious kobold to Linan as she looked to the keep. Brannor followed with an exhale, acknowledging that was unlikely to be the truth and setting his great weapon back to its sheath for a moment. He thought, in depth for a moment of reflection, knowing he and the half-blood warrior could catch their breath if they took a rest, but there seemed nowhere truly that safe. An even greater blessing - than avoiding a deathly arrow's entire wrath - was that the great scaled figure stayed busy elsewhere, but how much longer could fate hold it out? Brannor dared not tempt it, for while he adored the prospect of fighting valiantly to the end against the darkness, he felt there was more yet to be done.

"Toy with the scaled thing if you desire, but if you do we," His cloaked head nodded slightly to the barbarian's direction upon the roof, "Could use the breather to gather our strength."

@Hekazu@Lucius Cypher@VKAllen@Ryonara
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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Orchid climbed down the building seeing that all the enemies were dead. He received his harpoon back checked the bodies. He was hoping to find something a bit more useful than just their weapons though. Keys, notes, badges, something that would identify these brigands. So far Orchid hasn't found anything of the sort, but surely he'll find something if he keeps looking. Once Orchid looted the bodies he went back to the others, arriving just in time to hear the mother mention that the kobold was awake. Except when he looked, it appeared to be asleep. Parum continued to speak the dragon tongue to it but Orchid knew it was futile. The thing was likely playing dead and could possibly be a nuisance. Orchid didn't even know why Parum would want it alive. Well, he did, but he didn't think it was a good enough reason. In Orchid's mind, a good hunter shouldn't leave his prey alive after it's been captured. Live prey just gave them the chance to struggle, when all he wants is food. Better off if they killed the kobold now so Orchid could get his rope back and not have to worry about the lizardling being a problem.

"Oui. No need little dragon. Kill it and we go to keep. No safe here, more bad people, more danger for all."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hekazu
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Hekazu Devout of Dice Gods

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Once the situation seemed to calm down, Trear went to pick up her arrows in case some could still be fired. Twenty was plenty, but it never hurt to gather back the ones you used. This process had her walk over to the hooded figure she had shot earlier and a bittersweet smile crept onto her face. Sure, the shot had been amazing, but it still did take a life away. The somber feeling was quickly brushed away by the fact that this person had attempted the same against one of her current companions and she jerked the arrow out of the figure's side. Recognising how the person was laying flat on their back, she figured out the half-orc must've been here before her, checking if there had been anything on the person. She'd have to ask him to see.

She approached the others from the street quite a while after the last one, missing the entire conversation about the kobold and the prospect of taking a rest. Instead, she caught on Orchid's words on killing the scaly piece of added luggage they had with them and continuing on their journey. "It might know who these people are, unless you found something that already told you. But I agree on going to the keep, having a place to rest would be good...", she responded to the green guy's idea, taking a careful look at all the injured in the group when it came to having a resting place.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Parum looked down on the tied up kobold and everyone's thoughts about it. She had to admit, if it was awake it'd be much riskier trying to take it around now. She wanted to question it, but it wasn't cooperating. And they really couldn't waste anymore time here. But she didn't want to just kill it! That seemed so... Barbaric. Still, Parum's logical mind knew that if the kobold wasn't going to wake up and answer her questions, they shouldn't risk taking it with them if it's a ruse. Sighing, she made her decision.

"Alright, let's leave it somewhere where it can't follow us. Maybe inside a building or a barrel. If it's awake but waiting for the right time to spring out, then we shouldn't keep it around. And even if it is actually asleep, no sense in hauling dead weight. There are plenty of other Kobold we could try and capture later. Part of her didn't like the choice, but she'd have to live with it. They really needed to get to the keep before things get out of hand, even for them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Offering little more than another slight nod, Brannor crossed the both of his thick arms. Visibly it registered he could care less if the fiend lived or died, but he was not going to press the matter of putting it out of its miserable existence. Perhaps the sparring of its wretched life would lead it to reconsider, but this the man doubted. These things seemed more twisted and tainted by evil than the mortals with them - perhaps even the spawn of the dragon overhead and about, but there was no telling what the truth was... or if there even was any to be at all. He had not seen anything quite like this on his travel to or around Greenest, so the question of what spurred these events to motion nagged at him.

The man spoke, "I hope you are sure of what you are doing."

His chain clinking slightly, he crouched down to grasp the creature about the knap of the neck and the ropes that so firmly bound it. If it were to awaken and resist, the human was going to ensure it woefully regret that decision. Brannor's physical and spiritual stamina were tried, but it was his heart that felt the most out of place. The enemy had inflicted grave suffering and they were about to simply leave one of them behind rather than fell it for good.

@Ryonara@Hekazu@Lucius Cypher
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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Nodding his head Orchid picked up the Kobold, carefully not to hold him too close in case he was still awake. He handled the kobold like he'd handle any other small rabid animal: ready to kill it at a moment's notice. He found a mostly intact barrel and looked inside, finding nothing of importance. Orchid dumped the kobold in the barrel and used a near by pile of firewood to keep the lid down. Orchid shortly debated just killing the thing while he was out of sight, mostly to get his rope back, but chose against it. There really wasn't time, and he's already dallying about piling wood on the barrel. With that business done, Orchid went back to the group. "We go? We go." Putting his harpoon away, Orchid took out his machete. While his weapon wasn't as long as the warrior's greatsword, Orchid's cleaver was no humble bushwacker; his blade looked like something you'd use to butcher a dire bear. And that's more or less what it was made for.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hekazu
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Hekazu Devout of Dice Gods

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Trear shrugged and let the events unfold. She didn't care that much, even if getting some information out of the kobold could have been handy later. It would have been too much of a risk to carry around, they had said and she found herself agreeing after thinking about it for a moment. It could indeed alert the enemy of their position, which could be quite hazardous if they continued on the sneaking path. Besides, Perum had a point. There were many of these things running around. On Orchid's mark, Trear finally said something of her own: "Same marching order as before, right?" and rushed to the front, trying to keep low and out of hostile's sight.

The family followed with some kids pointed at the direction Orchid went, asking if he was going to kill it too. Their beaming excitement died down as their mother bluntly replied that no, this one would be left be if their earlier discussion was of any importance. The kids sighed with disappointment with a few exceptions. Cuth and Linan both gave them an angry look before hurrying them along. "I didn't raise no bloodthirsty killers..." Linan muttered under her breath.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Orchid's handling of the captured beast was the same one would make with a rabid mongrel, the sort wherein you were just as equally sure to be ready to put it out of its misery as you were to handle it; careful, to say the least. The aspiring warrior of the world made no attempt to intervene however, content merely to rise to his complete height and absent mindedly brush the glove of his hand to the place his newest scar was adorned. Rubbing over the stubble and down to the former near mortal wound, he exhaled a relieved thanks in an old, rare tongue.


It was not the first time the hunter had been nearly the hunted, but those events often came with people doing so intentionally - not rogue arrows born of fate.

It was Trear that broke the man's distraction as the elven woman spoke after the half-blood's return, maneuvering before them both and setting herself into concealment. The woman's mutter caught his attention and his expression, to which was as mixed on feelings as she undoubtedly could have expected from the hooded man, wrapped in forest green, bearing blade and breastplate to a noble cause but acting out as any other savage. The large human said nothing to this - she could glean her own opinion of how he interpreted her actions in response if she so desired. It was then he turned and set about on the move once more, following no closer than thirty paces from the other tracker, his own bow drawn - arrow knocked.

At first Brannor thought himself invisible in the cloak of ash - as crafty as the elf he tailed, fierce eyes and fiercer senses following her, but it was his instinct as a predator among men that truly made him vanish. Moving and flitting from shadow to shadow, cover to cover, his footfall made not a sound and he dared not reveal himself in silhouette of the firelight that emitted from the burning stacks or wagons between structures. In each pause, he observed where the woman was leading them, then he too looked upon the family and the children the collective led.

If anyone needed to survive, they did. All the others seemed... vanished - gone without a trace.

@Hekazu@Lucius Cypher@Ryonara
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

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Time to be on the move. With his sword out Orchid stayed near the family and protected them. But not only that, but made sure that both he and the family were moving slowly and quietly, less they be attacked by more kobolds. He didn't worry too much about the slight fatigue he was feeling: this critical feeling gave him an exciting rush, a sort of constant reminder to be on his guard. Sure a stray rock could knock him out, but all the more reason he needed to stay aware of those rocks.

Although he was leading the family, Orchid would occasionally vanish from sight and appear somewhere else around the family. Once he was leading them, then he was covering the rear. One moment he could be walking alongside the husband and then before the husband knew it, he was standing in the middle of the children. It seemed as if Orchid simply just... Teleported, though in truth he was just in his hunter's mode. If his allies do not know where he's at, neither will his enemies.

Ever vigilant, Orchid kept his senses sharp for anything out of the ordinary. However because he was constantly darting about, focused more on being hidden than finding what's hidden, he was only taking cursory glances around the area.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hekazu
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Hekazu Devout of Dice Gods

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Once more the adventurers were approaching the keep, trying to remain undetected. The family followed behind, the parents doing their best to shush the children who occasionally wanted to ask a question at exactly the wrong moment, but luckily not one group of hostiles did notice this. Instead, as they had to dash through a door to get out of view of one of those big lizards they had seen from further away earlier, they noticed some scared faces staring back at them from the house. There were four of them... three adults and a child... three males. A boy, a younger and an older man.

At first it looked like they would attack them, but as soon as they noticed Linan and Cuth dashing in after the adventurers, they relaxed. "Swifts", the woman whispered, calming down the two older men. "Almost stabbed you we did", the not quite young but not that old man remarked and placed his weapon (it looked like a skinning knife) back onto his belt. "Why are you here... and who are these?" he continued after a while with a puzzled look on his face.

Linan looked back and forth between Cuth and the adventurers, her husband reacted to this by rubbing his forehead with his healthy hand. "Not really the time to explain. We must reach the keep soon, who knows when Nighthill has to close the gates", was his reply. That being said, he glanced at the four adventurers and the swiftness of that move made quite clear what he wanted. It was to know whether they could afford to take these people with them... they were almost there by now, but these people and critters, whatever they were after, were also gathering in higher numbers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Now on the move Parum stayed between the family and those in the front. As much as she wanted to help the villagers, she really, really hoped that they wouldn't run into any more obstacles. And if they did, she'd hope that everyone would have the mind to try to think of a way around them and try to force their way through them. As the group sneaked through the ruins, Parum caught a glimpse of a larger-than-average kobold. Or perhaps it was a regular lizardfolk? Maybe even a Dragonborn? Parum honestly did not get to see it for long, because the moment she went into cover and looked the creature was gone.

When the group retreated into a building Parum nearly jumped when she noticed four others. She had thought they were hostile and was almost ready to fight when she noticed, upon closer examination, that they were merely villagers. Cuth and Linan seemed to know them, which allowed the family to stand down. When one of the men asked who they were, Parum smiled politely and spoke. "We are from Addio's caravan. We saw the dragon and the destruction in the village and we came to help." Parum noticed Cuth's glance and immediately Parum spoke again. "We will help you get to the Keep as fast as we can. If it is as close as we hope it is, we could even get there in a dash. But if you have anything that could help us, please let us use it. Two of our warriors are heavily wounded." Parum looked at the warrior with the greatsword, who had taken an arrow in the neck, and Orchid, who had already fallen in battle before.

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