Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago


His vision shot over to the Falls as the Summer "fey" lord entered, the symbols on his body glowed a deep gold and purple, his hand was on its handle with the slightest bit of iron showing before taking glance at the Fall Lord. His blade leaked a blackish smoke, which must have been a form of the hound's destructive magic. Sorin had little defensive magic but was never low on offensive magic and with the amount of runes and bags and bottles he kept on his person full of potions, elixirs and symbols based on deadly magic, it came to know surprise that the Fall Lord had a very deadly pet at his disposal. Falk would have said or done the motion to off him if he wanted to, so Sorin simply sheathed it, holding a long heavy gaze at the summer lord, a gaze that spoke many things. It spoke of a quick but pain filled death, should he choose to attempt an assassination on the man. It spoke of hatred toward summer and dark nightmarish wants to happen to the Summer Fey. A direct order came and his eyes soften when it met Falk's own.

"Shall I bring beverage as well for our...guest?" He eyes glanced back over to the Summer fey with daggers before loosening again to the Fall Lord. With the answer he would be given he set off to grab the chairs, placing the first by Falk and then reluctantly the second to the Summer Lord.

"Is there anything else m'lord?" His head bowed as he awaited his answer. If there was, he would complete the next task given, if not, he would simply stand next to Falk. An immediate reminder to the Summer fey of the potential threat that loomed ever so near.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Feoras looked at falk and nodded. "I accept thine shield friend" those burnt orange eyes felt the darkness. The darkness was almost overwhelming and he felt himself get a shock as his burden was lessened. He winced and then exhaled his eyes slowly brightening as a small amount of his internal fire returned to him. Now he was able to actually oversee what was around him. the hound the hound was now shooting daggers at him of pure hatred and he felt a brow raise.

So the dog still had it out for him. He then made his way to the chair and fell into it when falk sat. He was nothing if not polite in this court. He looked at sorin and nodded. "If you are itching to stab me I request you do not. My internal flames are powering the barrier I could manage. I ask to put aside our differences for now" orange eyes stated unwavering into sorin's. He had not intention of fighting and even with the lessened burden he doubt he could make it out of that fight alive.

He then turned his attention to falk hoping the hound wouldn't realize he was weakened and take the chance at killing. "I recieved your letter and came with haste to aid however I can in light of this. Though I am not certain I can be of much use to the courts. Right now a fire barrier of my own flames was the best I could do." he looked away. He was being honest...with this type of enemy the rulers would have to be with each other. At least that was how he thought of it.

In his mind for the good of the entirety of the realm they would have to come together. He just wasn't sure that's what the others would think. He wanted his home safe. He wanted the fae safe.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TemplarKnight07
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aisling looked to the knight, her eyes fury within themselves. Fury and annoyance. She already could tell from the under toned chattering as she listened at the keyhole in her lavish 'cell's' door that the Fae had their gossip aplenty. At least the Fall Fae did not think to dare say aught to Falk or within his halls. Aisling had heard a few whispers and glances as she passed the Fae when she was sent to the Mortal Realm. The gossip was all the same when it was boiled down of the Fair Folk's fancy speeches. Some thought her a bastard child of the Fall King, others his concubine, others still a pet. The latter was most accurate. Aisling often thought herself a song bird in a free cage but a magical leash that would be relentless if she tried to free herself of the holder's grip. But she was summoned so she left aside the thoughts and stood with her harp. Motioning that she would follow. "I am no Lady, Fairy." She growled, her temper much similar to her hair and this fair would surely dare not lay hand upon the envoy of Fall. "Merely a mortal pawn in some stupid world of games and little sense. Take me to your icy Queen, then you can grovel to her as your kind are known to do."

Dagon lowered his hand and nodding curtly, his demeanour unshaken by her fury. He turned sharply on his heel and held the door, his left hand still tightly gripped to Sioc's pommel. He held the door for her and spoke quietly as he began escorting her through the halls of Winter.

"Very well, though you speak freely and without thought as well, pet of the Fall King. I was once mortal too, though her grace in her infinite generosity and wisdom wiped my mind of all needless memories. I was left with only a name and conception of what I had been, a knight. I am bound to her majesty as much as you are bound to his lordship."

Various Fae of Winter, goblins and Ogres passed by in a hurried pace on errands for their Lords and Ladies, or her grace Arys. Those that glanced over at the Fall Court's representative in various licentious or mischievous impulses were sharply shooed off with a dark glare by the black-armoured Winterborn.

Even Sioc did not relent in his mental pestering of Dagon.

"Such furious fire in her! Enough to warm even the heart of one frozen in ice such as you, mortal vessel . . . if only momentarily. Such exhilaration, such passion. Oh the things we would do to her if we but still had a body!"

Dagon shook his his head like a horse swatting away flies. Unseelie were as Unseelie do, but such things served to test the servants of Winter, and he was no exception. A season for all things, even in Faerie, especially in Faerie.

Beyond that one outburst, Dagon remained silent as he guided his charge, the letter from Summer still nestled in his armlet as he returned to Arys' chambers. He knocked twice before opening the door silently and allowing the consort of Fall inside to attend her grace.

Aisling allowed herself to be guided about the Court of Winter. Discontent with how things were. The Fae Realm were still hard on her, and as Falk often thought- The mortal, yet not, pet was all fire. It was a wonder she had not yet caught the eye of Summer. But then it was the nature that laid beneath that fire that had drew him. A sorrowful longing, a desire of the quiet delicate life. The ups and downs of mortals were a amusement to the Fall king. For after a love gone wrong, when girls were guarded more preciously than gold and their purity cherished... She had fled to the gardens of her estate. Though the gates into the forests. In tears of worry and fright. It was there she had tumbled to the ground, though it was not the ground that had caught her. The strong arms of the Fall King had held her gently, and he had asked her why she cried. Then took her tears and worry away.

For a price.

A price that was almost too steep. No, a price that was too steep. For while she sat in the Fae Realm, next to the throne of bones and fur in the Hall of Autumn, the mortal time had passed. Her parents had died, never knowing what had happened to their child, and she never knowing what happened to her family. As she swept in her skirts towards the Winter Throne she well knew the Courts. More treacherous than any throne sat upon by a mortal. Giving a deep curtsies of her skirts. "Your Majesty of Winter has called for this servant of Fall?" She held her harp in one hand, a offer to play once more. For why else would she call her?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Lyra gasped when she spotted the man. She darted, tripping and falling then scrambling under a rose bush. She peered out fearfully at the stranger.

"Who-who're you?" she asked, a tremor in her voice. "You're not fae."
Why was this stranger here? Her Ba-Ba didn't let strangers around, especially not men and especially not into his and Lyra's private garden. She squeezed the little pink crystal in her hand tightly, wishing Ba-Ba was there.

Her tears, having dried, welled up again. She was so scared but not of the stranger. Not really. She was scared of what the servants had been talking about. The blackness that killed everyone.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by shylarah
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shylarah the crazy one

Member Seen 1 day ago


Max stopped dead when the child reacted with fright. "It's okay, I'm not coming any closer if you don't want me to," he assured her, sitting on the ground so as to be less frightening. It helped reassure children when someone was on their level, instead of looming above them. Besides, he was still unsteady, and this way he wouldn't trip. "I'm Maxwell, and no, I'm not fey. I'm human, like you." He ran a hand through his hair, a nervous gesture. What had those things been? Was he /really/ sure there weren't any here? He really didn't want to think about it. Instead he focused on the little girl. "Are you alright? Why were you crying?"

((SHORRRRT. x.x))
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

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@BlackPanther @FallenTrinity

Falk's voice spoke in a dark rumble. Thunder echoing high above in answer. "Then retrieve it to thyself. My comrade has awoken and soon this Realm will split as war is wrecked 'pon it." His eyes gleamed as he sat back in the throne of bones and hide. "Our meeting was decided a long time ago, it was fated the forces of the shadow and our Fae kin clash in bloody war. Ripping the sky apart, tearing the earth apart." His eyes seemed to look a long ways off. Blacken fire bloomed in a hand as the ancient Fae looked into the pool, the ghastly figures of the Hunt slowly pacing the hall. They knew the time was growing close. Soon they would ride.

Looking to Sorin, he reguarded his prized Fae. Though he would never admit that fact, he was going to be rather crossed if he lost the boy. "General, return mine mortal girl unto my Hall by whatever means you must. But alive." The fire swirled as he tossed it up and down. Plated in his dark armor that fit to his lean and muscled frame like the gloves upon his hands. Set beside his throne was a sword of black, a helm just the same. "Bring unto me as well Arys The Winter Queen. Should her shield fall, inform her mine is ready to give aid." Though the Ancient Fae's brow remained furrowed. "And General, guard thyself. Against ths Shadow as well as the Immortal Yggdrasil. Mine doubt is little that it has awoken 'gainst the threat to it Courts. To think it would be so soon. Mortal time hast preyed upon our own." Brandishing a arm in a bid of power he summoned the Hound of War to go using his Lord's power to speed his time and more directly. Wind blasted through the hall with a deafening roar. Challenging the Fate that was coming down upon the Realm where the Fall King sat.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Arys had been staring into the bowl holding her blood spell when Grexx came stumbling into the room.
"Pardon me your majesty! Please pardon me my Queen! I do not mean to disturb you but a group of refugees from Spring has arrived! A portal opened in the throne room!"

Arys' icy gaze darted to the goblin who cringed and yelped in fear, covering his head and cowering into a shivering ball. "Is the portal closed?" she demanded in a dangerous tone.
"Yes my Queen! It closed behind them my Queen!"
Arys closed her eyes and breathed deeply. The foolish empty-headed flower children had better not led those vile creatures to her domain. "Has there been any word from Fall?"
"Not that I know of my-"
"Then find out!" Arys snapped which caused Grexx to squawk in terror and scurry away like the tiny creature he was.

The door did not remain shut for long. Her Knight had returned with the mortal girl as she had commanded. She was appeased slightly to know that at least one member of her court could follow simple commands.
The human was all manners but Arys could see the falsity of it behind her eyes. But this was not the time to focus on the feelings of a human.
"I called you here for answers mortal," Arys said, not bothering to keep the icy chill from her words or her gaze. Gone was the warmth and friendliness she had offered in their last meeting. In its place was a calculating ruler. "Spring has been destroyed. Utterly wiped out by powerful creatures of shadow. We do not know what realm will be next."
She walked towards the girl, staring at her with a look that said the mortal was in grave danger if she held anything back. "Tell me what you know of this girl. It is no coincidence that your Lord has asked for my hand and sent you here just as we are attacked by these... beasts. It is-"

"My Queen!" Grexx burst into the room once again. "The survivors of Spring wish to speak to you urgently!"
"They can wait."
"But my Queen, they are-"
"They can wait!" Arys snapped, the air temperature dropping as her anger flared. "They are free to attempt to leave, but they will freeze solid once they touch my barrier. Otherwise they can wait for an audience with me. No doubt they beg for shelter. I do not know if I am of mind to give it. If they continue to pester me before I am ready to speak to them I shall give them no quarter at all. Now go."

Grexx hurried out as though he had been lit on fire.
Arys pressed a hand to her temple. Going to the bowl, she used the ceremonial dagger to once again slice her hand open. More glowing blood entered the bowl, the vessel seeming almost alive and feeding off of the royal blood.

Without taking her eyes from the bowl she addressed the human again. "I cannot keep the blood spell up forever. Soon I shall bleed to death and the barrier will fall, leaving no protection for Winter from the shadows creatures. So you either tell me what you know of them or you start praying to whatever deity you worship that Falk will offer help."

A ghost of smile appeared on the Queen's lips as she stared at the blood leaving her vein. "If there were another of royal blood this would be easier," she said. Her voice now didn't sound harsh or regal. It sounded gentle and sad. And maybe a little fearful...?
"I am the last of the royal bloodline of Winter. I am the only one the spell will feed from. And it grows hungrier by the hour. I am prepared to give my life for my Realm and those in it, but I will not give it for naught. If I am to die, it will be with the surety that my Realm shall continue to survive."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"If I were to strike you down I would have done so with no hesitation should I have been given the word...For another day maybe." His eyes glowed ever so lightly as he re-sheathed the little bit of his blade and looked towards his Fall Lord as the request came through to which he quickly kneeled.

General, return mine mortal girl unto my Hall by whatever means you must. But alive. "Bring unto me as well Arys The Winter Queen. Should her shield fall, inform her mine is ready to give aid." guard thyself. Against this Shadow as well as the Immortal Yggdrasil. Mine doubt is little that it has awoken 'gainst the threat to it Courts. To think it would be so soon. Mortal time hast preyed upon our own." He recited these in his head word for word, so not to forget the mission's objectives.

He glanced up as the winds within the halls picked up into a violent torrent, whipping his hair around. He rose, his eyes glowed a deep gold as they shifted slowly towards the other Fae lord and then to the entrance of the hall. He simply gave a deep nod and said only one thing.

"It shall be done..."

The winds of the hall concentrated on a direct point towards the entrance. Soron took a few steps back behind the fae lord, of to his side so to get a running start. With a quick exhale, the rune-like carvings on his body glowed as he sprinted forward, leaning forward as his body morphed into that of a large black wolf. Soon he came to full running speed by the time he met the mouth of the hall's entrance and lept into the wind, seemingly disintegrating into onyx dust, only to be carried off through the air towards his destination. The Hound had just about everything he needed on him and enough money for anthing he may need in the neighboring villages should he need to stop to resupply but that would be unlikely for, if one knew the way Soron worked, he was always prepared. In his mind the idea of death was not just a thought but a rather brutal reality h kept in mind at all times. It made it easier for him to work. Even more so, it made him feel alive.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 3 days ago

@Belle @FallenTrinity @shylarah @TemplarKnight07

The Winter Queen's comment did not lay on deaf ears, but Aisling did not get the chance to reply. A warm wind sprung up through the room as the doors thundered open, their hinges doubtlessly damaged as they hung askew in the frame. With long strides, the billowy outfit tugged by a gentle phantom wind, Yggdrasill approached the throne of ice. His- her?- feminine face not turning to cast green-gold eyes towards either human, nor Fae Ruler. The Knight not ever noticed as the ancient Fae set the bundle that was Sini upon the seat. "Oh you poor thing~! Little pets, all jabbering when there is work to be done!" Their voice was deeper than any woman's but far too light for a man- or at least a straight man. Casting a scolding look upon the Frozen Queen. "You really ought to work on your hospitality, little Steward of The Winter. I swear-" He shook his head, as he took the saplings and deposited it via a flash of dazzling light into the Winter Knight's hands. "Plant that somewhere decent. I want nice soft soil, well protected and near a pretty little glen. Oh, and make sure there's a lovely babbling brook. You get lonely after a while and when people pile dirt about you for several years." The orders were plainly that, but there was a light amusement to the being's voice and little doubt he/she would be obeyed. As if it was natural that they would follow the commands placed before them. Even the human- Aisling- looked stunned. Alarmed even. But thankfully the dryad for that was clearly what this being was, was distracted by the fallen Guard. His hands glowing with a soft green-golden light. A man's hands, a woman's delicate features, but a very masculine overtone.

The human was so very confused and ready to just have done with the entirety of Faedom. Deal or no. But as her mouth opened to speak once more. Protesting this being and the Queen and all that was Fae. A deadly prescence made itself known with a mighty blast of wind that smelled of the storm and the rage of darkness. Fall's servant- the general appeared in the doorway. Their shared Master's winds howling as they rose into the canopy of the room. As if banshees themselves they wailed a chant of war and drums on ancient hills. Carrying tunes of danger and a call to arms. A clear warning to all who heard and Aisling shrunk back. For the Fall King was not prone to violence over much, not to this level at least and she would rather his eye not be turned toward her.

The Spring smelling man/woman however looked to the ceiling with a tsk of their tongue. "Oh, dear. Seems by hubby got rather snippy with something. Why have he leashed the very Hunt's Sounds to his winds?" The pale and shimmering hair swayed in the rough breeze.
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