Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 13 days ago

After her brief work-out, Elizabeth remained lying down on the ground for a few minutes looking up at the ceiling. Her mind went off on its own tangent, revisiting memories of family members, friends, and past lovers. But no matter how much she longed to speak to any one of those people right there and then, she knew she was only setting herself up for disappointment. Sure it was nice to dream and hope of something better, but reality was usually cruel and unforgiving, and there was little one could do to stop it.

The negative thoughts festering in her mind manifested themselves by making Elizabeth physically ill. She once more fought the nausea that seemed to appear out of thin air. If she didn't know any better, she could have sworn she was pregnant. Back home, she would have made an appointment with her doctor as soon as possible, but here she only needed to go down to the infirmary to get some more pills, ironically enough the very same thing that made her sick to begin with.

Elizabeth figured she had enough time to make it down there to get her poison and return to her room before Josh was supposed to show up. Once she stepped outside, she didn't see him around so she headed down the hall as if she didn't have a care in the world. If putting up a facade didn't make her feel any better, then at least it would make others believe she was in a chipper mood.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Inda
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nancy was delivered to the infirmary, said her goodbyes and thanks to Sasha, and settled onto one of the beds there. She just needed to rest until the back pain eased up a little and the initial craziness that the pills brought on passed. The pills were a low dose for when she had to work. She had another prescription of higher doses for when she had time to herself at home. She didn't even carry those pills around, instead keeping them in the medicine cabinet in her bathroom. Her arm was laid over her eyes

A middle aged nurse with square glasses scowled at Nancy on the infirmary bed from her workstation. "Everyone's tired. If she's going to have to lie down every time, we need to fire her." The nurse muttered to another nurse near her.

"Excuse you, she had a back injury when she was a child. She told us that up front when we hired her, and this is the first time she's had a problem with it. It's fine."

The square-eyed nurse kept scowling. "I have a bad knee. You don't see me complaining." She spoke loud enough to be sure Nancy could hear. Nancy peeked out from under her arm and waited until she turned her back to flash her the middle finger. She didn't let it get to her, or at least she tried not to. That nurse was a bitter person who was unhappy with everything. Nancy didn't feel the need to try to change that.

"Oh yes, I'm certain arthritic knees are on the same level to a fractured spine. How about this? Next time you have a problem with me, say it to my face instead of being so passive aggressive." Why did the pills make her so chatty?!

The square eyed nurse slammed her notebook down and turned the the nurse near her.

"I'm going to file a complaint against her." And she stormed off.

Great... Nancy thought.

"Don't worry, Nance. She files a complaint against someone nearly every week."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by unfallenangel
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unfallenangel Time Lord of Middle Earth

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Americore@Polaris North

Thomas Greene

A loud knock reverberated through the quiet office as Dr. Greene finished writing in the file that was spread out before him on his large desk. He rolled his eyes and pushed his glasses up on his nose as they had fallen a bit as he looked down. Surely it wasn’t time for the meeting yet. No. He glanced at the clock and sighed. No where close.

“It’s open,” he called smoothly as a middle aged nurse with square glasses peaked around the open door. She was a stout woman with graying hair. Dr. Greene set down him pen and leaned back in his chair. She was clearly here for a reason, and he knew what that reason was. “Can I help you?” He asked quietly.

She pushed her way into the room and pressed her lips together, twisting her fingers together in front of her. “I feel that there is a problem with some of the nursing staff…” She began hastily, not looking him in the eyes.

Dr. Greene rolled his eyes and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “Again? Listen. I understand that some people work harder than others, but everyone has a job and everyone has a place. Help is hard to find. Are any laws being broken?” He asked quietly, deadly. He was tired of her games. This was not the first complaint from her.

She shook her head slowly. “No...but...um...The new nurse. She was caught taking a nap in the infirmary. She said her back was hurting. I think she’s lazy and…”

Greene held up his hand to stop her. “Nancy is a great nurse that cares for her patients. She has a previous injury. Leave it be.” He stood up and pressed his hands together. “Anything else?” he asked. The nurse shook her head and scurried out. The doctor just rolled his eyes and followed her out. He headed down the halls to do his patrols.

As he walked, he passed a few patients playing chess in the open living area and couldn’t help but smile at such a mundane activity. He turned the corner and saw one of the male guards, the one with the dog, a female patient and a male patient. He vaguely recognized the patients, having recently their files for possible experiments.

What are you three doing out here? Don’t you have work to do?” He asked the male guard, Joshua. Then he turned to the patients and smiled at them. “Any problem?” He asked quietly, cocking his head to the side.

Jocylin Redford

Standing up straighter, Jo watched the doctor approach them slowly, much like a jungle cat stalks its prey. He really was an intimidating man, but she would never admit that out loud. He spoke first to Joshua. Jo watched as Ichi sat still, his tail no longer wagging from side to side. Cutting her eyes at Xander, she wondered if he was going to come up with something smart to say.

Before he could make things worse, Jo opened her mouth and spoke directly to the doctor. “No, sir, we were just admiring your four-legged employee. He really is a very well trained staff member. I was very impressed by his behavior,” she lied smoothly and met his gaze evenly. A small shudder snaked up her spine as he sized both of them up.

A small thought ran through her head. ‘Most of the patients that ‘go home’ are under his care. Wonder what he cures them with.’ A small smile spread across her face. “I hope you have a good rest of the day, Doctor Greene,” she said politely and nodded to him. “Thanks for the pup time!” she called to Josh as she started to walk away. “Hey, Xander, fancy a game of checkers?” She asked over her shoulder as she took a few more steps.

Her main goal was to get as far away from the doctor as possible without being obvious, and staying there. She hated that man with everything that she had in her. Her senses were reeling as she looked away from Greene and at the other end of the hall. There was something off about him, very off.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sasha walked quietly back towards his room, still pausing every once and a while to look out windows. The sun outside was slowly sinking, casting bright rays across the ocean. This particular window gave him a view of the docks, with a medium sized boat bobbing as it sat there. If there was any way off this island, one of those boats would be just about it. It was cruel, almost. There freedom sat: so close yet so unobtainable.

He moved along again. He was thinking about doing some exercise before dinner time rolled around. He liked to try and stay in shape. After all, what else was there to do? Sasha turned the corner of his hallway to see that the two patients and guard were still hanging around near the door of his room. Only this time, the good doctor had joined them.

Dr. Greene was one of the many whitecoats here that gave him the creeps. He was overall very unassuming in appearance, much like a friendly grandpa. His demeanor, however, was nowhere near grandpa status. In Sasha's mind, the man tended to lurk around, as if stalking new and unsuspecting prey. It didn't help that he was often the one who personally escorted patients to be mysterious 'downstairs'.

Sasha often pondered how much deeper into shit he would be if he rung the old bastard's neck. He was already locked away in Hotel California, what else could they do to him? But as much satisfaction he imagined choking the doc would be, he just settled for a good, hard glare. As he passed by the man, just close enough to bump arms, Sasha turned and gave him an evil eye before turning into his room.

He shut the door behind him, not wanting to hear the chit chatting taking place in the hallway. He slipped off his shoes and began doing some stretches to loosen up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Joshua looked at Ichi as he sat still. He had his back turned to Doctor Greene so he had no idea he was there. When the doctor spoke, there was a sinking feeling in his gut and he wanted to whip out his gun and point it at him. He was able to stop himself from doing so. Mainly because if he was an enemy, Ichi would've started to growl and bark at him. He then turned around to look at the doctor that had approached them.

"Was just patrolling the halls sir." He replied to Doctor Greene's question that is directed at him. Then Jo replied with them admiring Ichi and he nodded. That is why they had stopped to talk anyway. His four legged companion is a hit with the people here, patient or otherwise. Besides, there were already loads and loads of guards in the hallways. He had already passed over ten guards in the span of walking from the cafeteria to this wing.

When Jo left with Xander to get away from Doctor Greene, he nodded her a farewell. While she was in a hurry to get out of the presence of the doctor, he was pretty relaxed around him. He noticed Sasha pass by without a word so he decided that he shouldn't bother him either. He looked back at Doctor Greene and said, "Well sir, I will continue my patrol. That is, unless you have something for me to do?" He was a superior. They could really tell him what he should do and he'll do it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 13 days ago

"Hey, excuse me!" Elizabeth raced up to the older nurse who seemed to be heading to the infirmary. She was probably leaving Dr. Greene's office, judging by her sour expression.

"How can I help you, dear?" she stopped to face Elizabeth, a rather fake smile plastered on her face. Couldn't they at least do a better job of concealing their misery and hate for this place?

"I'm just feeling a bit nauseated and need something to help me get rid of it. I haven't eaten much today and the pills I took earlier just made things 10 times worse." Elizabeth was now walking alongside the nurse, noting that she only had a little bit of time left before Josh showed up to her room.

After a few more meaningless words were exchanged in an attempt to hold a conversation, the women reached the infirmary. Elizabeth noticed how the older nurse scowled when she laid eyes upon Nancy, who was lying down in one of the beds looking like she was just as miserable as the rest of them. But who could blame her, really.

"Here you go, dear. Take one now, preferably with a snack--as a matter of fact, give me a minute." The nurse headed back to one of the rooms and about a minute later walked out again holding a bag of potato chips. "Take one now with this snack and the other one at supper time with your food. That should help get rid of your nausea."

Elizabeth opened up the bag of chips and started eating them. She was getting hungry now, go figure, so she finished up the bag in about two minutes while the nurse went back to her station to handle some paperwork. After grabbing some water and downing the pill, she thanked the nurse and made her way back to her room again. It was time to find a way to occupy her mind for the next few hours.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Americore
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Americore I want to write

Member Seen 16 days ago


Dr. Greene was a strange character that's for sure with a smirk he replied to the good Doctor, "No problem at all Doc." Without missing a beat he noticed Jo's question. "You must have read my mind," as he took a few steps away from his room he turned his head and said ,"You two play nice now ya hear?" With one final joke Jo and him began to make there way down the hallway.

You know, jokes can be made toward most people without too much heistation. Xander could make a joke at guards and expect his ass to potentially get beat. Making jokes at other patients, which would be rude but he wouldn't count out the event happening, had almost an infinite number of outcomes Ie: Ass beating, stabbing, shouting, and so on. However, that Dr. Greene fellow doesn't really give off a "simple kind of punishment vibe". He has this sinister aura about him that oozed from every pore. Shaking off the thought he looked at Jo as they made there way down the hall. "So I am guessing you aren't the biggest of checkers fans and just wanted to get the hell out of that situation? Either way you are a life saver." Chuckling to himself
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Kevin having finished his lunch finding it rather bland but he could not complain since it was the only good thing the chef was good at cooking at, Standing up form where he was holding the tray with the empty plates and heading to the garbage dumping out the contents inside and then placing the tray on where the trays go.

Heading outside of the kitchen and going to make his round though the hallway when he ran into Liz, Of all people he had to run into her. Their was something that about her that freaked him out, Although the patients freaked him out more then this girl their was something off about her that sent a shiver down his spine.

"Hello" He said softly but loud enough for her to hear.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 13 days ago

Elizabeth noticed Kevin, another one of the guards, from a distance. He was walking in her direction, and she was hoping that he wasn't around to replace Josh's afternoon shift, not when she had made plans and needed Josh around in order for said plans to work.

When Kevin stopped to greet her, Elizabeth was a bit surprised, but she was also on a time constraint and couldn't afford to waste her precious minutes.

"Hey Kevin, how's it going?" She looked around for Josh, but there was no sign of him. Damn, why wasn't he there yet?

Despite her anxiety starting to get the better of her, Elizabeth tried to remain calm in front of Kevin. If he noticed anything off about her, then he could possibly take up more of her time, time which she didn't have, not when she was on a tight deadline.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Doctor Greene had not replied so Joshua bowed his head and excused himself from the male. He then turned around and continued down the hallway with Ichi loyally following his master. The guard knew that Ichi was more than glad to get out of the presence of such a person. For Joshua, his presence doesn't really make him intimidated or scared. He was far too used to those kinds of people. As he continued to walk, he looked at his watch. Hm... perhaps he should go to Elizabeth's cell by now. She was probably waiting anyway. She should also be done with all the procedures that patients would normally go through everyday like taking their pills and their meals.

It was also time to change locations for his shift. He always walked down those halls everyday at this time. Going through the doors with only a nod of greeting towards the other guards, he started walking towards Elizabeth's cell. It wasn't too long until he arrived at the place but found something out of place.

She was not there.

She probably went out to get something. Maybe some food from the cafeteria or just out to stretch her legs. While Joshua would want to go out of his way and find her, he didn't want to miss her when she comes back and they'll just end up in a chase with each other. He then looked left and right. No guards besides him was posted here right? As far as he knew, there was none. Which was good. While he won't exactly get into too much trouble if he was found talking with another patient, he feared that they would maybe hear the conversation and kick him out. Even worse, become part of the patients he was originally guarding. After all, doing favors for a patient isn't something they allowed.

He knelt down. "Go find Elizabeth boy." He said before following it with another whistle of a different tune. The dog barked once. The dog sniffed the cell before heading out to find the girl.

It wouldn't be too long until Ichi would find Elizabeth and Kevin. But the dog didn't forcibly try to drag Elizabeth out of the conversation. The dog was smart enough to act inconspicuous. Ichi sat down near the girl to say that Joshua was waiting near her cell. But that was it. Ichi did nothing else but sit there and stare at the two.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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@Xandrya @Polaris North

"Good i guess...just a bit freaked out by some of the patients here.." Kevin said softly looking around having this bad feeling in that some crazy will hit him over the head, "So anything ya got going on today?" He added trying to make some friendly conversation but she seemed distracted by something so perhaps he was annoying her somehow.

Looking over to the puppy that was standing beside her and knew it was the dog that belonged to Joshua, Ichi was the name of the dog but he was quite forgetful sometimes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 13 days ago

Kevin? Scared of patients? The guy could easily pass for a personal trainer with his build, although he did have a major disadvantage, and that was a lack of training. He was a simple civilian security guard, as far as Elizabeth knew, but beyond her long hair and brown eyes, Elizabeth was a trained killer. Kevin can't even begin to imagine what she's done in the past, so maybe he should be scared after all.

"Oh you know, just another typical day in paradise," she couldn't help the sarcasm that seemed to be tied to a lot of her statements, "I did some of my exercises, ate a little bit, and now I'll go find a way to entertain myself until suppertime. It's safe to say that your day is going a lot better than mine..."

Before she could continue, Elizabeth noticed Josh's dog walking up to her and Kevin to watch them. Alright, so there was still hope for the plan she had in mind.

"Well, I think it's my time for an inspection. And Kevin, don't worry too much about the patients here. Not all of us are psychopaths." She shot him a harmless wink before calling for Josh's dog to follow her.

"See you later, Kevin!"

@Eviledd1984 @Polaris North
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Joshua leaned on the wall near the door of Elizabeth's cell as Ichi was sent away to find her. He was just about nodding off. His head would often bob up and down and his eyes were closed. There was a nurse that had passed by and inquired if he was fine. He replied and they spoke with each other briefly. The nurse soon left Joshua to his own devices. He waved at her as she left. Although after that, he couldn't really nod off like he had earlier.

He reached for his pistol and started fumbled around with it. The safety was on so there was no danger of him accidentally shooting someone else that was walking down the hallway. But even without it, he wouldn't accidentally fire the gun. It was a fine piece of the work. It was custom made. It was a gift from his father back when he was still alive. Even if his father isn't really the most caring and loving person, he was still a father. And he might not be the most expressive person, but he still valued this piece of weaponry in his hands.

Upon hearing another set of footsteps with lighter footsteps, he knew that Elizabeth and Ichi had arrived. He slid the pistol back under his vest and then looked towards her with only a nod as a greeting.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Xandrya
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Xandrya Lone Wolf

Member Seen 13 days ago

"Relax soldier, I'm not that dangerous." she joked, knowing all-too well that was a lie. The pup went over to Josh's side and Elizabeth opened the door to her room, just like she did every time she had an inspection.

"Alright, I'm just gonna come out and say it because you're not supposed to be here past a few minutes. The lease on my apartment is up in a couple of days. I don't have a power of attorney anymore, and I need someone to retrieve an item from my bedroom. On my dresser is a locket necklace that used to belong to my mother. On it are a few charms that we've acquired together every time we were out on vacation. Anyway, that necklace obviously holds a lot of sentimental value for me, and before I lose everything I own, I need someone to retrieve that necklace for me. That's the favor I'm asking of you."

Elizabeth grabbed her notebook and ripped off a piece of paper with her address already written on it. "You guys have access to the storage lockers, right? Just find mine and my key should still be with the rest of my possessions. If not, I'm sure you can find a way to get into my apartment. I mean, I don't think a locked door should stop you."

She knew she was asking for the impossible, but maybe it could get done.

@Polaris North
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


'Ya know i'm just a normal guy so i wouldn't be much to take out anyone if they do try to escape,That's why i'm afraid" Kevin said looking over to the dog once more finding something strange was going on it must be one of his guts feelings. Hearing a bit of their conversation perked his ears making him move a bit closer but did his best to not seem suspicious to the two of them.

What were they talking about he could swear that they were planning a escape but perhaps it we was getting as paranoid as the patients here.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by unfallenangel
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unfallenangel Time Lord of Middle Earth

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Thomas Greene

He watched the guard and pooch stalk away silently. He pushed his glasses up on his nose before continuing his rounds around the hospital. The cafeteria was empty, the infirmary had only a few patients, and the halls seemed baron. Everything was calm and silent. Looking down at his watch he noted that it was still pretty early in the evening and he still had a few hours before the meeting he had scheduled.

Strolling aimlessly down another hall, he stopped briefly when he noticed one of his employees. Kevin. “Good afternoon, Kevin,” he said softly and shoved his hands into his pockets. “How are the patients around here doing? Anything suspicious or threatening?” He asked nonchalantly. There was no reason for him to worry about any of the inmates getting too crazy. After all, he was a god in this place. He could snap his fingers and make someone disappear.

“I trust that you are finding everything you need here. Please let me know if you need anything else or would like more to do.”
Dr. Greene clicked the pen in his pokcet over and over again, a tick he had developed in college.

Jocylin Redford

Smiling ever so slightly, Jocylin nodded and shrugged her shoulders. She really did not like the good doctor at all. He gave her more than just the creeps. She had watched him for months disappear into the basement with patients and she never seemed to see the patients resurface. Looking over at Xander, she stretched her arms over her head and then linked her fingers together behind her head.

“No. You’re right. I don’t like checkers. At all. But I felt that checkers with you was better than an uncomfortable conversation with Dr. Greene. I really hate him.” She paused for a moment, walking along with him in silence. “Besides. I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist a good joke, and he has no sense of humor. So I saved you from about a month of isolation.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


"Umm i'm doing good,How are you doin Doc?" Kevin was worried and wanted to speak to the good doctor about something on his mind, "Hi doc i heard something today...you know something to do with the crazies here..." Kevin said moving close enough to the doctor and spoke this in a hush tone of voice.

He looked over to see if anyone was watching them now wanting to speak to the doctor in private.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Joshua listened to her request as he proceeded with the regular inspection that he does every shift. It is to avoid suspicion and also because it's his job. Hm... retrieving something of sentimental value? Getting out here is a challenge by itself. Even for a guard like him. Only a few guards are ever let out. They feel like prisoners of the prison they're guarding as well. For the two and a half years of working here, he never really goes out. Then again, there's nothing waiting for him in the outside world so there's that.

Finishing the inspection, he looked at the paper handed to him. He took the paper and looked at the address. "I'll see what I can do." He replied, tucking the paper inside his guard vest. "Don't expect a miracle. I can't get it done in a flash nor can I give it to you." He pointed out. The patients were confiscated of anything they own when they got in mostly because of fear that they can use it to escape. Even mere ornaments are taken from them. They are highly trained people so even jewelry can be used to get the hell out of this place.

"I'll ask someone from the outside and ship it here. I'm sure one of my co-workers will take the job. Once it's here, I'll keep hold of it. I can't give it to you. Rules say it." They weren't just assassins after all. They take on any job they wish as long as it will give them sufficient money. "If that's all, then I will take my leave."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Americore
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Americore I want to write

Member Seen 16 days ago

"Well if I was in your shoes, which would be uncomfortable because you wear a couple sizes smaller than me, I would have picked my ass over the good doc as well." Giving her a quick pat on the back as they made their way to the rec room. Even with his time here not being to long isolation was not a word he was unfamiliar with. However, he did owe Jo for saving his ass. Lord knows that another second more would have passed and the Doc would have asked Joshua to knock him out. "Now with such a great move back there you win a once in a life time prize. I owe you a huge favor whenever you see fit to cash it. One stipulation will be that it can't be a brand new car. Not in my current budget."He was pantomiming away as though he was hosting a game show. @unfallenangel
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Inda
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dr. Shannon Elisia Brennan

Dr. Brennan was sitting in her office, finishing up the day's paperwork. She put her signature on the last prescription order for sleeping pills for Sasha Belov. She smirked a little. They were really only sugar pills, the particular type she had written for. She filled the inventory of those pills herself. She just enjoyed seeing him struggle with the guards when he was supposed to be taking them. It was just about the only thing that got a rise out of the giant, and she was interested in seeing just how far she could push him. She had made a habit of removing the prescriptions for a few weeks at a time after each incident, but she had been putting him back on the rotation a day sooner each time. Pretty soon she would make a jump in the frequency. Only one week between each prescription. She would figure out more about him then, she was sure of it. She had wanted him as a test subject for a very long time now, but his steady demeanor took him out of the running. To be perfectly honest, she admired that about him in a way.

She grabbed the latest stack of prescription updates for the patients and made her way out, locking her office securely behind her.

"Good afternoon," She nodded to guards, nurses, and orderlies as she passed them in the halls, speaking in her lilting Irish accent.

She made her way to the infirmary and pulled one of the nurses aside, holding out the three stacks of papers held together by binder clips to him. "Evan, could you please make sure all of these updates make them into the prescription binders? One copy here, one in the pharmacy by the cafeteria and one in the main pharmacy on the first floor, please. I've got the copies I need in my office."

"Absolutely, Dr. Brennan." He took the stack of papers, set one on the main desk, and left for the pharmacies. She turned and saw the nurse lying on a bed with her arm slung over her eyes. She raised an eyebrow, but moved on to leave the infirmary. She wanted to stretch her legs before the meeting, and she took a leisurely stroll through the hallways. She peered into the rooms she passed, seeing nothing too interesting. Some were reading, some were sleeping, some were just staring, but most were empty. She found her way into the hallway of Sasha's room and looked in. He was working out. She was intrigued by the ones who did so.

Working out and exercising caused pain in the body, but eventually made the body stronger. It was part of the basis of the theories that fueled her work. Dr. Brennan watched him for a few moments, lost in thought as she pondered just what she could make this man capable of. She decided she would insist on a physical exam the next time he fought with the guards over his pills.

She knocked on Sasha's door. "Excuse me."

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