Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

  • Name: Midorikawa Nana
  • Age: 15
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: "Jiiiiii." She is quite short, at under 152 centimeters(under 5'0).
  • Personality: Nana is noticeably most often lacking in any kind of expression, though you could perhaps describe her usual look as one of 'vague disappointment'. She usually speaks in a very calm tone, often devoid of much emotion. Indeed, those who do not know her well are likely to refer to her as seemingly emotionless. However, just like any other person, she of course possesses her own emotions. Nana can sometimes be seen smiling when in the company of friends, or family. Indeed, in spite of her seemingly subdued exterior she is actually quite a caring individual when it comes to those she is close to. That being said, she is also prone to giving some very serious stares(complete with a 'Jiiiii') when dissatisfied, and can sometimes be rather blunt about things. Her often-expressionless nature can also lead to some of the things she says being misunderstood, though not by her intent. She enjoys cooking greatly, especially cooking for those close to her, and in spite of her usual quiet and expressionless nature can be seen smiling when preparing food. Nana is also a hard worker and tries to make sure those close to her work hard as well. At the same time, it seems as if she has some level of guilt to her...
  • Skills: Nana is a great cook, but in terms of physical skills she is otherwise lacking. She is an exceptionally good student however.
  • Brief Backstory: Nana was a child orphaned by an attack by the Phase, losing her parents at such a young age that she barely remembers them. Years later, at the age of seven, her nature as a Tuner was discovered during a medical checkup and she was quickly shuttled into the RELIC program. After some trial and error, it was discovered her personal wavelength was best adapted for a fragment of the legendary chakram Kenkonken. While Nana did not truly remember her parents, she still felt some degree of satisfaction that she had now been given the chance to destroy the beings that had orphaned her. It was during one of her deployments, however, that a girl of her age was attacked by the Phase, one of her arms already beginning to crystallize. In a move of desperation, realizing she had little other choice, Nana found herself forced to saw through the girl's arm in order to save her life. Guilty over this decision, Nana decided to stay with the girl until she recovered. However, she never expected to be roommates with her once she entered high school.
  • Relic:
    • Name: Kenkonken
    • Armor Appearance: "Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii."
    • Capabilities: Kenkonken is a RELIC Gear equipped with a large number of whirling saws as its weaponry. These saws can appear on the bottom of her feet, and from the armor that appears over her pigtails. These saws can vary greatly in terms of size, from relatively small projectile discs to enormous saws capable of cleaving through many Phase at once. All in all, Kenkonken's strongest within mid-range, though it has a few ranged options as well. It is not as defensive as other RELIC gears, however.
      • Razor Symphony - Hundreds of small circular saws are fired from her armored pigtails, striking nearby targets and sawing through them.
      • Innocent Massacre - Nana flips forward, circular saws on her pigtails and feet enlarging and cutting through targets in front of her until she ceases to flip.
      • Razor Concerto - Balancing on her pigtail saws, Nana spins rapidly in place. Her skirt also becomes tipped with razors, allowing her to become something of a sharpened whirlwind of buzzsaws.
      • Innocent Cleaver - Nana's armored twintails unfurl, her saws expanding to an enormous size that can be used for both offensive and defensive purposes.
      • Just Rolling Kill - A large saw materializes vertically around Nana's body and can be used for both attack and rapid movement, cutting through the ground to advance.
      • Childlike Dystopia - Armor coats Nana's arms and allows her to manifest additional saws, which expand to a massive size as she deploys her smaller ranged saws. The saws from her armored pigtails and her feet grow to the same size as she suddenly accelerates to slice apart her target.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

  • Name: Minami Hotaru
  • Age: 15
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: She's quite pleased by the recent growth spurt. It's left her quite a bit larger than her friend.
  • Personality: Hotaru seems to not take anything quite seriously enough, waving off trouble with a smile... even if you shouldn't really be doing that with incomplete homework or failed tests. She seems to only jump at three things: lazing around, eating something good, and helping people in trouble. She's also incredibly devoted to her friends... though for the most part, the change in school means this is currently her roommate. The only sign that Hotaru's not completely forgotten how she lost her arm seems to be fairly regular bad dreams.
  • Skills: None. Well, none that would really stand out... if anything, Hotaru's lack of skills is more notable. She isn't super athletic, her cooking skill amounts to being able to follow the instructions on instant food, and her schoolwork... well, suffice to say that "passing" is about all that she's really got a chance of aiming for. If she has any skill, it's in maintaining her attitude despite whatever happens to be going on.
  • Brief Backstory: Hotaru lived a fairly normal life up until her last year of elementary school--she was no better a student at the time, but it hadn't really started to matter. Then, of course, the Phase happened. It isn't something that Hotaru can really remember, only the monster itself, her parents getting in its way just long enough for someone to get there--but not long enough to stop it from getting to her, the feeling of an arm crystallising--and then it was gone.
    When she got back to school, a new student had transferred in, seemingly having trouble with making friends--and Hotaru made it her goal to befriend the girl. After inviting her over to her grandparents regularly for most of junior high, especially after learning what else they had in common, she's ended up as that girl's roommate now.
    Of course, Hotaru has no idea about RELICs, or her own compatibility...
  • Relic:
    • Name: Airgetlám
    • Armor Appearance: ???
    • Capabilities: ???
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TheFake
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Ueno Amane
Age: 21
Gender: Female

Personality: Amane is a leader, comfortable in taking charge in a situation and getting things under control. She seeks common ground between herself and others, avoiding unneccessary conflict and enemies. Her life is very organized and complications are quickly taken care of.
She is slightly uncomfortable with her role pretending to be a high school student, even as a girl she was uncomfortable in a uniform with a skirt and now more than ever prefers the JSDF uniform that she feels defines her life.

Skills: Amane excelled in armed and unarmed combat, absorbing the lessons readilly. Had her career gone on normally she would have ended up in the airbourne brigade. As such, she is incredibly fit for a high school student.

Brief Backstory: Graduating with high grades and the chance to pick any college she wanted, Yoshiro Amane was indecisive and aimless. Instead of picking a high paying career she chose to enlist in the military on her 19th birthday.
It's no surprise that taking orders agreed with her. She excelled at it in school and that habit continued. What was surprising was that she also did well in leadership roles. As Amane gradually took on more responsibilities she shouldered the added burdens easilly. Towards the end of her first year she was recognized as being a potential candidate for the Carnwennan Relic.
In 2031 the SDF deployed a unit overseas in concert with the SDRA to Northern Africa as a part of its expanding humanitarian role within the United Nations. The threat was due to a concentrated Phase outbreak that was being combated by other UN forces. Amane had her first taste of combat with the Relic System alongside western forces that expanded the knowledge on how the phase were to be fought.
In the following year she was enrolled in the Konda Academy as a student two years younger than her actual age. In this position she still retains her official SDF rank of sergeant.


Name: Carnwennan
Armor Appearance:

Capabilities: Carnwennan grants the user the ability cloak themselves in shodow and to hide their presense. It's weapon system is a number of edged daggers that cut with absurd sharpness though lack the impact of a heavier weapon. Other than its superior stealth capabilities it has little show for defense.
  • Cutting Wind — An dash forward cloaked in darkness that strikes with a blade in each hand.
  • Bladefall — Similar to Cutting Wind but with a piercing attack from above.
  • Impaling Storm — A series of blades fall from the sky to injure and immobilize the target with daggers.
  • Driving Edges — A formation of blades follows Amane, striking as she does and working in tandem with Cutting Wind and Bladefall.
  • Relentless Daggerstorm — Daggers rain from the sky in a series of massive waves, engulfing an entire area.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Mina Miyamoto

Age: 15

Gender: Female


Personality: Mina is the type who tends to seem relaxed on average, the sort of person who gets things done and does not try to “sweat it out” more than she feels necessary, and who tends to behave themselves as they see fit without an ounce of regret. She even has a friendly side that is not afraid to approach others new to her, and give her opinions out without hesitation when she feels it is needed. As a student Mina allows her grades to be rather average, but not bad, though in reality she knows if she put in just a little more effort that she would be “one of those A-grade students going into the best college one day without any major effort”.

However, she also possesses a great fondness of snacks, from small chocolates to chips to the things one can generally find out of vending machines. She was called in the past the “vending machine master” of her middle school, know just where the best machines were for the best food and snacks from them. This being noted, she does tend to watch her weight and do some personal exercise routines at home to stay in that skinny, curvy shape that she has maintained even through her life even until this time, not wanting to let her habit of snacks and vending machines go too far.


Snack Food/Vending Machine Food Finding Extraordinaire- She has what seems like a “sixth sense” for finding quality local vending machines and quality snack foods in stores and supermarkets. Though not actually a form of precognition, she just has a natural penchant for this honed by years of experience back home with her father.

General Fitness- She is a generally fit teenager, actually, through her home exercising, not the most in the world but enough to be rather capable in general athletic matters and feats.

Kenjutsu- From her many years spent in learning kendo, as well as the fact she is joining the Kendo club at the Kondo Academy for Girls when she starts going there, she has some experience with a sword that the average person would not have.

Brief Backstory: Mina Miyamoto is the daughter of her father Hideki Miyamoto and her mother Yuki Miyamoto. Both of her parents and her originally lived in the Aichi Prefecture whilst Mina’s father worked as a monk at the Atsuta Shrine, a Shinto shrine that contains many treasures from Japan’s past and is one of the most important religious places in Japan on top of that. For years Mina grew up with the expectation from her father that she would one day become a priestess, a “miko”, as her mother had been in the past before stopping to become a homemaker after marrying her father. Though this matter generated some arguments, her father did still go out with her at times to get snacks from vending machines in the city, a habit he had formed himself after high school many years ago before seeking to become a priest. In this the two bonded, with her mother sometimes coming out with them on rare occasion, though eventually her general performance in school, and signing up into her school's kendo club to try to appease her father, left her father eventually giving in to not push her to enter becoming a miko.

However, as she was going to choose a high school to go to, the Atsuta Shrine was approached by top government officials that were part of the RELIC program, with a request of them for relics or at least parts of them for their project. This shocked the priests when their most famous relic was requested for as well as part of the project, though after some negotiation and governmental muscle flexing, the shrine revealed that a broken fragment of said “famous relic” existed that had been recovered along with the sword the last time it went missing. This part of this holy relic was placed within a sealed western-style reliquary necklace, and was to be kept watch over by one of the priests of the shrine to ascertain its integrity through the course of the project. Said priests would, as part of the shrine’s deal, have their home host the wielder of this fragment of a relic when its wielder was discovered as a sort of formality.

So with her father chosen, unbeknownst to her, to be that special priest to stay with the relic and keep tabs on it during the RELIC program’s course, as well as potentially keep tabs on the other things RELIC had taken for its use. Mina and her family were moved to a certain city to a large apartment provided by the leaders of the RELIC program as such, with Mina herself being enrolled in the Kondo Academy for Girls as a result as well without knowing the true nature of the place or her father’s new “job” he was doing in this area for the Atsuta Shrine. Even so, Mina determined to continue on with life as was the normal, at least for an area of the world becoming more troubled by Phase attacks. Little did she know that this would come to change her life in more ways than one.....


Name: Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi

Armor Appearance: ???

Capabilities: ???

Attack Card(s): ???
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Noodles
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

  • Name: Wada Misako
  • Age: 14
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=v…
  • Personality: Misako has a rather upbeat personality. She is an honest girl, but blunt in her words. She is filial in a way, having a sense of closeness to her grandmother due to her being her only kin. Rather, the main reason why she accepted her place at Kondo Academy is because she doesn't want to burden her grandmother with her school fees, especially when she was long beyond the retirement age. She is hardworking and rather focused on her job. She is cautious on using her relic to avoid any misfires. Since she became a RELIC user, she felt less confident in her abilities, especially when its different from the Kendo that she enjoys more. Playing video games is another one of her hobby.
  • Skills: Misako is good at Kendo, but terrible at aiming. She wasn't very good in her studies. She is decent in playing video games.
  • Brief Backstory: Misako's parents divorced and her father died from a truck accident soon afterwards. She lives with her grandmother and barely remembers the face of her parents. Her grandmother made her join Kendo from elementary school, leading a humble but normal life. After finishing elementary school, she had shown compatibility as a Tuner and offered a place at Kondo Academy. She was found to be suitable for the Vajra RELIC, a ranged type relic. Initially, she had difficulties fighting Phase with that weapon, because it was very different to the way she fights in the dojo. Eventually, she compensated her poor aiming with her better use of her Vajra RELIC.
  • Relic:
    • Name: Vajra
    • Armor Appearance: Misako's armour are dull grey robes like the colour of thunderclouds. Her weapon is a gold rocket launcher. It has spikey roller skates.
    • Capabilities: Vajra is meant for one thing: To fire lightnings. It is too heavy & bulky for her to use as a bludgeoning weapon( Misako tries to use it like that in various occasions nevertheless) . It is rocket launcher capable of lock on & fire on phases. Her roller skates is used for her to move around quickly.
      • Ignition - Misako's can ignite the wheels of her roller skates to boost her speed for a moment. It can also be used when she wants to reverse or change direction.
      • Flicker - By sending an active stream of lightning, Misako can 'teleport' herself to the tail end of the lightning bolt.
      • Lightning Cannon - Misako fires a bolt of lightning at her enemy.
      • Indra's Strike - Misako fires out multiple branches of lightnings that seeks Phases.
      • Chain Lightning - Misako flashes a stream of lightning that connects from one Phase to another.
      • Skybreaker - A skill that she can't use with Lock-On, Misako fires a straight beam of destructive lightning. A skill that she uses the least due to her inability to aim.
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