Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 2 days ago

Kay and Chas watched on and when the warehouse seemed to explode but staying intact on the exterior, Chas instantly pushed himself off the taxi looking wide eyed whilst Kay slammed her hands on the door window and screamed. "no no no NO!!" Kay practically begged, praying that she'd see the two of them emerge from the smoke and warehouse unharmed but they weren't emerging and she started to shake her head. "don't leave me" she muttered, trying incredibly hard to not start crying over two people who were barely in her life but had become so precious to her. "Chas let me out of the damn car!!" she begged, ignoring the fact it hurt her hands to keep banging on the window.

Chas eventually did do as she kept begging and let her out, "Kay it's a death trap in there" he warned, "and I'm a bloody phoenix! I'm getting them out!" she sneered at him, brushing his arms off of her and running toward the warehouse, yanking the doors open as best as she could and saw the carnage inside. "JOHN! SERENA!" She shouted out through the rubble, coughing from the flying debris and dust. Chas had run after her and saw what was before them, covering his mouth with his hand. "I'm gonna have to call this in to get help" he said but Kay was barely listening, instead she was desperately trying to compute a way in. "JOHN! SERENA! WHERE SRE YOU?!" she kept calling out in the hopes she could hear them call back.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 20 min ago

John was out cold laying under a beam as Serena groaned but was on top of him. She opened her eyes slightly and muttered weakly “Kay…” she moved her free hand and waved it weakly. A small shadow shot off towards the main doors and Serena groaned passed out again.

The shadow flew to Kay and landed in her arms, shaking in pain. It was pointing to where it came from, towards where the pair were.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 2 days ago

Kay made sure to leave enough of a pause between her shouts to try and hear out for them but she just coiuldn't hear either of them which was making her want to panic. Then seemingly out of the blue a shadow appeared and landed in her arms shaking weakly which made her look at it and then forward to where it was gesturing. "I'm gonna save them, I promise" she told the shadow guiding it to attach to her back so she had hands free. "Chas! I know where they are!" she called back, as she eased her way inside lifting beams and bricks out of the way as she went. "Keep guiding me in any you can" she told the shadow, I need to get as close as I can" she told it again as she kept going.

"Serena! Keep trying to call out to me! I need you to stay awake!" she called out as Chas was on the phone to the fire brigade and ambulance to try and help in getting them out of the warehouse. "Emergency services are on their way!" he shouted to Kay, hoping that his shouts would reach her, which they did. Yet instead of shouting back, she focused her energy on climbing through the rubble, coughing every now and then from it all getting into her throat. A couple of times she accidentally touched an iron beam which made her hiss in pain, but it didn't stop her advancing through.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 20 min ago

The shadow moved around her shoulders and pointed to where she needed to go, moving things put of the way when she needed them too. Soon they found a huge I beam on the ground with John and Serena under it. John was on his side and the beam just pinning him but no weight. Serena on the other hand was right next to him with her leg and arm pinned. Both were out cold, blood coming from some where.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 2 days ago

It took her a few minutes even with the shadow's her help to find John and Serena, due to having to do so much labor to get through. That however did mean it gave the emergency services time to arrive on the scene. Eventually she found the two of them unconscious and the blood pool which started to make her panic she was losing them both. "no no no" she muttered, clambering around to try and move the beam off of them but it was heavy and she had no idea if she could possibly lift it. "fee please help" she cried, as she refused to give up on attempting to lift the beam. At her request Fee came into consciousness with Kay, using Kay's body she aided the woman in giving her extra strength to lift the beam and move it off of Serena and John.

With the beam moved, Fee went back into the subconscious as sirens of the ambulance and fire brigade could be heard echoing through. Kay now had the tough choice of trying to pick who to get out first. She didn't want to leave either in this situation but she ended up picking Serena first, deciding to carefully pick the woman up into her arms and start making her way out, when she saw a fireman or two come in. "take her, there's one more in there" she said, "you get out of here it's not stable, we'll grab the other one."the fireman replied, and to Kay's reluctance nodded her agreement and walked outside to see paramedics on standby with Chas.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 20 min ago

Serena’s arm and leg were hurt and bleeding as they came out, looking like a mess. They laid her on one of the stretchers and turned her head a little. When they got to John he had a nasty cut on his head and looking like he messed up his shoulder in the blast. And he had a piece of metal in his side but not hitting vital organs.

They pulled John out who was still out cold, the drain from using the spell and other magic adding on to his injuries. They laid him in a stretcher next to Serena, the medics getting to work as the other pair headed over to them.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 2 days ago

Kay went straight to John's side when she saw how bad he was hurt. She knew how hurt Serena was when she carried her outside but she never realised how hurt John was, so seeing him such a state was a shock. She couldn't even speak or ask if they'd be okay, but she hoped they would be. "miss I need you to step aside so we can get him in the ambulance" the paramedic spoke, gently trying to coax her away from him. "John... Please be okay" she pleaded, kissing the top of his head before leaving and walking to Chas who was by Serena. "they'll be okay Kay" he mumbled, but she just nodded, not sure if she was believing it right now, even though she was hoping they would be.

"you can follow us to the hospital if you have a way" another paramedic told them, to which Chas nodded, "yeah, the taxi there is mine" he replied, as the paramedics then put Serena in one ambulance and John in another. Chas guided Kay away and to the taxi, letting her get in the front this time and not the back. Getting into the driver's side himself, he wasted no time in driving behind the two ambulances to the nearest hospital.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 20 min ago

The pair rode to the hospital and got there a few minutes before the taxi. They were put into the ER to check their wounds and see if they needed surgery. When the pair got there Serena was starting to come around. She looked around weakly and muttered “where…is John…? Kay…and Chas…”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 2 days ago

As Serena came round, a nurse was just making sure she was comfortable and on the right dose of morphine. "The other one who came in with you? He's in surgery at the moment, he got part of a beam impaled into his side and he needs surgery to remove it and seal up the wound first, then he'll be in the room next to you. The other two are just outside your room. WOuld you like me to send them in?" she asked, her voice soothing and soft.

Outside the room Kay and Chas were worried sick, they hated that they got there after the ambulance and John was already rushed into theatre. Kay kept thinking this was all her fault and if she didn't just fall into the trap of being caught, John wouldn't have needed to do the spell and go over the top and they wouldn't be seriously injured in hospital. "This isn't your fault Kay if that's your thinking." Chas told her, "How can I not think that?" Kay replied back, her head in her hands.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 20 min ago

Serena nodded weakly and said “please…I’m sure they are worried…I need to tell them I’m okay…” she tried to sit up a little, her arm and leg wrapped and casted. She frowned and asked “what happened to me?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 2 days ago

"don't try and move, you need to rest. You were found under a load of beams and rubble in a warehouse." the nurse explained. "I'm sure your friends can explain a lot better than I can. But good news is, despite your injuries you're going to make a full recover as long as you rest up as much as possible. We'll be keeping you in for a day just to monitor everything" the nurse said again. She then put the clipboard down at the end of her bed after writing down all the necessary information and left the room. "you can go in and see her now" she told Chas and Kay.

At the sound of the woman's voice, Kay looked up and instantly got up and walked inside seeing Serena. "oh Serena..." she said walking over to her bed. "I'm so sorry you got hurt because of me" she told her friend. Chas walked in behind Kay and sighed as she yet again blamed herself for this.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 20 min ago

Serena shook her head and tried to sit up better. “Not because of you...that nut job mage and John for going all Blazer without reinforcing the outer walls first...my shadows couldn’t hold the inside and outside..,” she flinched and held her ribs and looked at the pair.

“But what happened? Last thing I remember was tackling John so he didn’t get blasted...”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 2 days ago

Kay tried to stop Serena from sitting up too much but did help in sorting her pillows out to make it easier for her to look at them. She listened to what Serena said, but it just didn't help at all in this moment. To her, if she wasn't taken John wouldn't have gone over the top with his magic use. "the blast went off which ricocheted throughout the warehouse, brought the the majority of the building interior down on you both. One of your shadows helped me find you both" she explained. "both the mage and demon were nowhere to be seen so I'm guessing despite the consequence, it did work" she added.

Chas was annoyed that it was John doing something reckless again that got someone else hurt but he kept his annoyance well and truly hidden. He knew he would be lecturing his mate when he was okay for visitors and crucially was glad that Serena made it out alive.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 20 min ago

Serena saw Chas and said softly “John didn’t know I was still in there...when he saw the spell reaction he told me to get out. He tried to contain it but he wasn’t a full strength...Chas, that spell didn’t react how it should have. He looked...surprised. And confused...I don’t think the spell was the only thing at work at that warehouse...”

She moved and flinched, holding her ribs and cursing softly. “But what is important is that everyone is alright...and safe. That’s what matters. So no more feeling guilty or sad. Now help me out of here. I need to get to the theater...”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 2 days ago

Chas and Kay both nodded in understanding at what Serena was saying to them, but they both also found it curious that she was convinced something else was at play in that warehouse. Kay found herself being ready to help Serena as she fidgeted to sit up more but flinched from the pain in her ribs. At her words about needing to get to the theatre she stopped her. "no Serena, you won't be able to just walk into the theatre whilst John is being worked on. You need to stay here, linked to the morphine and rest. Chas can go toward the theatre and see if there's any updates. But you need to stay put and I'm not taking no for an answer" she told her, almost scolding her but in a caring manner.

"Kay is right Serena. You need to stay put. Why do you even need to go there anyway?" Chas agreed whilst asking his question, wondering what she could possibly do. He knew that the theatre whilst occupied would be impossible to get into.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 20 min ago

Serena looked at them and said “I know the doctors here...I want to see how it’s going without being just talked at...” she tried to move again, but then her heart rate jumped. She cursed and tried to move. “Dang it...I need to get my pulse down...”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 2 days ago

Kay tried to hold Serena down without hurting her, "please Serena, just stop moving. For my own sanity please just rest and don't move. We'll get the updates" she told her. "trust me, I'm worried sick about John as well but I don't want to be worrying over you splitting stitches or making your fractured ribs worse because you just won't do as you're told" she told her. "so please PLEASE just stay still and stop being stubborn" she pleaded with her.

"I'll go" Chas said as he exited the room and headed toward the theatre to wait for someone to exit so he could ask what was going on. John needed to pull through and not end up making an early trip to Hell now. He would never forgive himself for letting his best mate go into something so dangerous and reckless like that, especially if John died. He knew if he went to Hell there was no coming back.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 20 min ago

Serena sighed and leaned back and said “alright alright…I’m not moving…I’m sorry Kay. I don’t like to be the one in the bed…I help those in the bed…” she held her ribs then said “can you hand me my chart?”

When Chas walked in the doors were opening and a doctor walked out. He looked around and saw Chas and said “are you the family for Kohn Constantine?”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 2 days ago

Kay sighed with relief when Serena finally accepted that she needed to remain in bed for a while. She nodded and walked to the end of her bed where she grabbed her chert clipboard and handed it to her.

Chas looked up when the doctor came out and nodded, "yeah I am. Is he alright?" he asked, nervous for the information he was about to get as he knew whatever he was told he'd have to break that news to the girls. He also knew that although he wasn't technically family by blood, he was the closest thing to family John had in his life.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 20 min ago

Serena took the chart and read it thru, frowning and muttering about the notes. “Okay...I broke my leg and arm...cracked ribs and a concussion...no internal bleeding...okay, looks like I’m a mess by the looks of it all” she sighed and rubbed her face. When she raised her hand Kay would see a marking on the back of her hand that hadn’t been there before, taking the shape of a wolf head in a ring of fire.

The doctor smiled and nodded. “They are finishing up now. He had a couple of close ones but we got the metal out and everything is getting closed now. He has a concussion and his shoulder was dislocated which has been repaired. Broken ribs...his going to be in pain for a little while to recover. But he will be alright...”
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