Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"Welcome to the Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters. Here you will be granted the best education along with room and board. We ask only that you follow our rules and do you're best for us, yourself, and our cause."

That was the message you received upon being granted entrance into this wonderful school for mutants. It's the standard greeting after all. Here you learn more than simple mathematics and grammar. You are given a home. A family. And training to control the gifts granted to you. They may seem more like a curse, but if you trust in yourself and those around you you'll see that there is a reason you were born with the abilities you were.

Still there are many who choose not to learn how to properly use their abilities and rather than utilize them for the betterment of mankind try to prove their own superiority. They attempt to do as they please believing themselves to be above the rest of humanity. This is another of our responsibilities. The protection of humanity and mutant rights. Mankind may not be ready to fully accept us yet, but they will in time.
So there you have it. It's fairly cut and dry. This is an X-Men RP. I'd like it to be low casual. Just something for fun you know? I'd rather it focus a bit more on the daily life of the character and maybe introduce a main antagonist and plot objective later on. For now I think it would just be nice to have an RP to play around with and play out the character's growth and interaction with others.

1) I accept ideas and suggestions, but I do have the final say. Depending on the subject at hand I may put it to a vote if enough people are into a certain topic. However, always keep in mind that I am the GM and I do hold the power in this RP.
2) As far as characters go I believe it goes without saying that I don’t want to see any godmodding, powerplaying, overpowered characters, Mary sues, Gary sues, etc. So don’t do it.
3) I want characters to start off at a fair and somewhat even level. I want them to have room to grow not only personality wise, but power wise as well.
4) Please keep arguments to a minimum in the OOC. If it has to do with RP I will try to help resolve it. Otherwise, drop it or take it to PM.
5) As heroes we won’t be killing. It’s kind of hero Code. Although we may be forced to break the rules if necessary so some of us may need to be prepared. Still primarily the rule is no killing until I say otherwise.
6) Please be active. I understand that there are times when we cannot post or things come up. RL is important. You don’t have to talk about it if it’s personal, but drop a message or something if you can.
7) Be sarcastic, be playful, do whatever to have fun and enjoy yourself so long as it isn’t at the expense of someone else.
8) I as the GM reserve the right to change or add rules as I see fit
Character Sheet
Age: {Under 18, please and thank you. I’m thinking from 14-17.}
Abilities/Skills: {Things you can learn, study, practice, etc.}
Powers: {Super powers that you gain from birth, mutation, heritage, etc.}
Equipment: {Items, weapons, etc. Stuff your character carries like all the time. Don’t get lethal on my. Or at least fight in the nonlethal way.}
Relationship: {Are you single, taken, etc.}
Personality: {This can be revealed via IC}
History: {Give me at least one paragraph. It can be vague or anything if you'd rather reveal stuff via IC}
Appearance: {Description or image(Animated images preferred). Please add your characters height and weight. Those can’t really be portrayed through an image.}
Other: {I might have missed some things}
My Character
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I'd love to join! I'll work on a CS.

Just know that I'm a college students with a few other RPs so I can't post everyday consistently. But in all of the RPs I join, including this one, I give permission for my character to be moved in my absence. So yeah... Now that that's out of the way. Time to work on a charry. :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ill be making my CS too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

HylianRose said
I'd love to join! I'll work on a CS.Just know that I'm a college students with a few other RPs so I can't post everyday consistently. But in all of the RPs I join, including this one, I give permission for my character to be moved in my absence. So yeah... Now that that's out of the way. Time to work on a charry. :D

no worries. I know the feel. lol College is a bitch XD
Sometimes anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Interested, will get an app up later
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

92 lbs

Virginia Carter

White Seraph (Sera)



Animals and Plants
Sera has a green thumb and a kind heart.

Music and the Arts
Not only does Sera know how to sing, she can play the piano and the sax as well. She likes to write and often keeps a dream journal. She likes to doodle and can often be found drawing pictures of angels.

Spirit Whisperer
Sera has the ability to speak with spirits. She doesn’t really know how she came about the ability, she just knows she has it. Her memory isn’t all that great and she can’t remember any time before her 10th birthday. According to family and loved ones, that was when she started to change. She grew more withdrawn and began to say that she saw things that were clearly not there.

Wings of the Seraph
Though she cannot use this ability on command yet, she has the capacity to do so. This ability allows her to grow a pair of seraph’s wings on her back. She cannot keep them for very long however, has they drain her energy.

Healing Touch
This ability, similar to Wings of the Seraph, she cannot perform on command quite yet. When able, she can heal small wounds. If she works on her powers, she can heal them at will and if she grows stronger, she can heal even larger wounds.

Summon Spirit
Though she has yet to even show this ability, it is hidden within her, deep down. She has the ability to call upon spirits of light to fight for her. When she gains this ability later on, she will only be able to call upon small weak spirits at first and as she grows her powers, she will be able to call upon larger more powerful spirits for longer amounts of time. If she attempts to summon a monster more powerful than herself, the spirit will harm her and then leave.

Weak Heart
Sera has a weak heart both physically and mentally. She is very kind hearted and often soft spoken. Words hurt her very easily and too much physically activity can send her into a fit.
Stage Fright
Sera is frightened easily. She’ll often jump at nothing, though for her everything is something. Dark ominous spirits scare her to bits and can often send her into a panic attack.
Sera often empathizes with people and spirits that are like her. She often sees every side to story and this can leave her straddling two sides which often puts her in a bit of bind.
If conflict can be avoided, Sera will do her best to see it so. Even going so far as to stepping in and getting hurt herself.

Wooden Staff
Used to defend herself if need be. Even when defending herself, she’ll say sorry to the person she’s hitting.
A strange locket that has never opened. Many have tried, all have failed. Even Sera doesn’t know what’s inside.


(Pretty sure her personality has been described already but I’ll do it again.)
Shy and Bashful; Meek
Sera is very shy and timid. She tries her best to voice her opinions but she is often spoken over because of her soft voice. She goes through a constant battle with herself every day. Whether or not to say what she really means or not. Whether she should try to be herself, or try to please others. Her entire life, she’d been punished for telling what she thought was the truth and that has made her who she is today.

On Virginia’s 10th birthday, she went with her friend to Crystal Falls, a waterfall very near her home. Within that time, Virginia managed to get lost and when they found her, she was laying on the edge of the water, unconscious. She was never the same since that day. Once her parents found out she was seeing things she couldn’t possibly see, they sent her to a place where she could get help, a therapist. The therapist deemed her so unstable that she should be sent to an asylum. She spent 4 years of her life in that asylum, going crazier as the days went by. She made a few friends while she was there, most of them more insane than she could ever imagine. One day, something got to her, something someone said. "You're not wanted! No one ever wanted you! Freak!" A harsh word spoken but not truly meant. It was enough to push her over the edge. She closed her eyes, the panic setting in as her emotions went into over drive. Suddenly, she heard the sounds of things falls. Looking up, she noticed several white wings behind her, busting through the walls of the asylum. Her eyes went large as the room began to spin as the world went black and she fainted. After that incident, the asylum wanted nothing to do with her. Virginia's parents were forced to pay the repair fees and Virginia was kicked out of the asylum. Her parents were outraged, angry at both Virginia for being destructive and at the asylum for kicking her out. It was about a year later before a man came knocking at their door, asking for young Virginia. He spoke to her and she told him everything, finding a strange sense of trust with in the man. She felt safe when he was around and she knew he would be her savior. He smiled and said "Okay, Virginia. You shall be know as the White Seraph from now on. How about... Sera for short, okay?" She nodded, not really understanding. The man convinced her parents to let him take her to his school where she was be treated properly.

There is a marking of half of a pair of seraph wings on her back.

There ya go. :D

Edit: Made the backstory a bit better.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'll finish this tomorrow, starting it this late will just end up in disaster.

Name: Bor Fiske
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Abilities/Skills: {Things you can learn, study, practice, etc.}
-Throwing in general(Darts, axes frisbees, boomerangs, etc)
-Unorthodox style of fighting, It is more animalistic than anything and incorporates savage beatings with leaping across the room.
-Intimidating, his general look and personality intimidate most normal people
Powers: {Super powers that you gain from birth, mutation, heritage, etc.}
Equipment: {Items, weapons, etc. Stuff your character carries like all the time. Don’t get lethal on my. Or at least fight in the nonlethal way.}
Relationship: Single
Personality: {This can be revealed via IC}
History: {Give me at least one paragraph. It can be vague or anything if you'd rather reveal stuff via IC}
Appearance: {Description or image(Animated images preferred). Please add your characters height and weight. Those can’t really be portrayed through an image.}
Other: {I might have missed some things}
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Rose you are accepted. Welcome and I enjoyed how you laid it our and made it easy to understand and read. I cannot say mine will be the same.

Pink... I know that feel. Just get it done after you let yourself get proper rest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Demon Shinobi said
Rose you are accepted. Welcome and I enjoyed how you laid it our and made it easy to understand and read. I cannot say mine will be the same.

Lol. Thanks and I'm glad. I was worried it would be hard to understand what I was talking about on some of it. I'm a perfectionist so my CS all have to look nice. Unless I'm just being lazy. Just happen to not be lazy today, I suppose.

And with that, I'm going to bed. See you guys on the flip side. ~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Well it was nice. lol So great for you haha :3
Now I'll try to get my CS up either much later or tomorrow. lol
I wanna lay it out properly.

Oh and night lol
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ah, so we meet again. I'll have a CS up at some time.

Though about the heroes code, X-Men don't follow that rule. I read allot of comics, and X-Men pretty much do kill, atleast some of them, some don't. But I guess it wouldn't be right having 14-17 year olds be killing their enemies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Expllo said
Ah, so we meet again. I'll have a CS up at some time.Though about the heroes code, X-Men don't follow that rule. I read allot of comics, and X-Men pretty much do kill, atleast some of them, some don't. But I guess it wouldn't be right having 14-17 year olds be killing their enemies.

Yeah... That was the basic idea. Not to mention the whole more peaceful outlook Xavier tries to teach for the most part. I know Wolverine and the rest do, but I feel its more out of self defense and stuff... Or you know... trying to get jobs done which could save them and other mutants and stuff... But the general idea... You know.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Height: 5'1
Weight: 95lbs

Name: Alison Lockheart
Alias: Invisible Girl
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Abilities/Skills: Alison is not good at many.things...but she is good at martial arts, it's a thing that she has been learning ever since she was a little girl. Also she was put into gymnastics, giving her some Athletic with Acrobatic skills.
Powers obtained, but not mastered Powers not yet obtained but will during RP
Invisibility: Alison has the mental ability to manipulate ambient cosmic energy for a variety of effects, including the rendering of herself, hence turning her whole body invisible. This has been her only power, that she has controlled, well most of it. She could not turn others invisible nor objects. By concentrating she can cause all wavelengths of visible, infrared, and ultraviolet light to bend around her without distortion.

(Alison has force field active but only to protect herself. Im starting like Invisible Woman from first movie.)

Force Fields:She is able to project a field of psionic force which she can manipulate with different types of shapes. Alison could do much more with this kind of power, like making a force field around her to deflect attacks thrown at her. This power, she could also use telekinesis, but she needs to surround a force field around the object or person in order for it to move through her mind.

Shock Waves: Alison is capable of using her force fields as shock waves hitting her opponent with the force field.
(Ill add more as RP goes on.)

Weaknesses: Alison has many weakness but her main weakness is that, she dosen't like to be lied to, it messes up her powers because her emotions are all in one place. She won't be able to concentrate on her powers, and that's one of the main things about her powers. In order for it to happen, she has to be concentrating.
Equipment: A necklace that was given to her by her mother. Its a necklace with a crystal hanging out. This necklace meant alot to Alison.
Relationship: Single

Personality: Alison is very shy and kind. She can never say a bad thing about anyone. Ali loves helping people and will do everything she can to make them smile. She doesn't judge people and she can always see the good in people. If someone confides in her or tells her a secret she will take it to her grave so she can be very reliable. She is also honest. Even if it's something bad, she will not lie to someone. She also gets embarrassed and flustered way too easily. She can be very insecure about herself and her body and she tends to second-guess herself a lot. Ali can become upset very easily and is very sensitive; also being very clumsy and tends to trip over her own feet a lot. But Ali also has a bit of a bad side, if you get her mad....just try not to scream in her ear. But when it comes to fighting, Ali is very brave and she will do whatever to protect her friends and family.

History: Alison had only one parent, her mother. Her father left her when she was just a newborn, she was took care of by her mother and her grandmother. They were both so nice to her, especially because they gave her everything she wanted but as she was getting older, she grown mature and didn't let no one buy her anything, unless she really wants it. Alison was going to a regular school, with regular students, she had no idea that she was gifted with something special....until the day she was with her crush. Alison had a crush on a guy, but he never even seen her like that. He thought of her as an Invisible Girl. Probably because Alison was Invisible...like....really. It happened on her lunch break. A food fight and she tried to run, she tripped fell and turned invisible, everyone saw it because food was floating...seeing as how Ali got hit the most with food, it was noticible. She turned back visible and everyone started yelling freaks, weirdo, and sooo many more and bad words.

Alison ran to her mother, yes she cut school, she had too. Her mother explained to her everything calmly. She told her that every girl that was born in the Lockheart family was gifted with an ability. A few days later....Jessica(Ali's mom) took her daughter to the Xavier Academy school, where they teach young mutants, like Alison to use and to do better with their abilities. Jessica pulled out a necklace giving it to Alison, it had a crystal on it. She hugged her daughter and she freed her into the Academy. And with that Alison is a new student....more people gonna make fun of her. It begins.
Other: Nada.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Divine Darkness
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Divine Darkness Numb

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ooohh! I so want in on this!
Will to my best to get a CS up tomorrow! If you're still accepting players that is.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Alison and Kevin are both accepted. Awesome characters. Diversity is grand. so far Kevin is the oldest lol.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kevin is the daddy x)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

lol suuuuure x3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Welp it happened late, but I added my CS at like 4:00 ish lol Need some more before we start.
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