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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ace wasn't really listening to what the women had to say. Outside of the situation at hand, she lost a good number of points when said life prisoner. This calm and peaceful base had turned into war zone. This was not the time for moving dialogue, thats how people got shot. He did hear her mumble and grumble about the pain once or twice. Without a word or giving or any indication, Ace reached into his pocket and pulled his pocket knife and quickly turned it on his shirt sleeve. Half cutting and half ripping his shirt sleeve off and threw it at the woman. "Tie that around the wound, you're small enough that you should have an exit wound."His words had a stern and harsh tone. This wasn't the time to care about ranks or gender or anything else that would have given him reason for a softer tone. "Do what you want I'll get a mobile suite and join in on the fray. Keep your head down and your eyes open. Don't engage unless you have no other option." Ace took a deep breath, drew his weapon and exploded into the hanger.

Once he was well inside saw three people gathered around the a gray mobile suite. None of these people wore anything associated ORB. Two of them looked like grunts but the third was dressed like a pilot. Ace moved in closer and hid behind a container, doing his best to listen in on the conversation going on around him. "After we steal the prototype, we can move to exfil. Kill anyone you have to, weapons are free from this point on." That was enough for Ace to go on. Readying his weapon, Ace jumped out and pulled his trigger. Emptying the magazine into their now lifeless bodies. There was a second given to thoughts of guilt or remorse. Ace calmly but quickly replaced the magazine with a fresh, fully loaded clip. He made his way to the gray mobile suite, hurrying to climb into the cockpit and start the machine up. Words came a across the screen. "Project G, Blitz."

Once he got the mobile suit up and running Ace pulled out the keyboard and opened up a com link broadcasting to anything and everything he could. "This is Petty Officer Augustus Magnusson, call sign Ace. As ordered by Commander Sando I am in possession of the Blitz." Ace started pulling up the electronic user's manual. "Lets see what we have here." Ace said as sped through the manual. "Phase Shift armor system, Mirage Colloid stealth system, Trikeros Offensive Shield System and Piercer Lock Gleipnir. This is insane, I've even heard of shit like this." He didn't have the luxury of time. He did however, look into the Trikeros a bit more and absolutely floored with the abilities, a 50mm High-energy Beam Rifle. "Lancer Dart" Hypervelocity Kinetic Energy Penetrator and a Beam Saber. It was a marvel to be sure. Still, this wasn't the time or the place for marveling.

Ace looked around the cockpit of the Gundam and got acquainted with the controls. He had some seat time in piloting suits before, however none of it was all that extensive. He could move and do some light combat against a single unit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

How the Aegis survived the GINNs' projectiles amazed Donald, who realised what the 'Phase-shift armour' is supposed to be and heavy sword attacks that followed were nullified as well. "This is our answer to ZAFT?" He asked himself on it's performance. It was only then that he realised that there's a close-combat weapon available for his Mobile Suit as the interface showed, highlighting the arms and legs. Much to his surprise blades of beams were activated from the forearms, forcing him fight with the Mobile Suit like a martial artist which he just did a while ago. "I can still fight with this." He controlled the Aegis to make a dash at the closest GINN unit and lunged the beamsaber into the cockpit. "Take that!" The Scotsman shouted at his foe before he withdrew the blade to best the next GINN that's close to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 39 min ago

As the rubble caused by Raider's shot started coming down, with barely a second thought, Arsenio drove the Duel forward to give chase; the lives of commoners would not deter Arsenio from his mission and his glory. Though without any real weapons, it would be hard for him to attempt to take back the Raider, but with both the Strike and Aegis identifying themselves as friendly, Arsenio figured they had a chance. "Pursue the Raider, don't let it escape!" he shouted over the private comm channel. If memory served, the Aegis was an experimental transformable-type suit, as was the Raider. As if on cue, the Raider transformed and attempted to fly away.

"You! In the Aegis! Follow him! Transform, and use your beam weapons! You in the Strike; Strike, can you hear me?" Arsenio piloted the Duel to the exit of the Hangar when his watch started beeping. "SHIT!" Arsenio kept a timer to remind himself when he needed to get another dose of Gamma-glipheptin. His last dose had been earlier in the morning so that he would be in prime condition to run the tests.

"RAAAAAAAGGHHH!!!" Arsenio ran the Duel out into the fray and surprised one of the GINNs that had been distracted by Aegis' assault, driving the pronged end of his anti-beam shield between the waist and the chest, killing the pilot, but not causing the suit to explode. As the enemy mobile suit went limp, Arsenio ignored the rest of the battle and took the GINN's assault machine gun, desperately firing at the Raider in an attempt to damage it, or at least, force the phase shift armor to drain the Raider's battery. He had to finish this battle or retreat before the withdrawal set in, and he wasn't planning on retreating.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

She could vaguely hear the commander speaking, her focus now on her bloodied dress. "This will never wash off properly." The sheer absurdity of her worrying about her dress right now wasn't lost on her, as she gave a strained chuckle. She sat there for a while before realizing she had been off for a few minutes now. There were GINNs attacking the base now. What next? A full battalion of MSes hiding under the ocean, launching their suits and missiles at the base? Milya wouldn't put that past ZAFT though, they did just attack a neutral faction.

She watched the two other Gundams, Aegis and Duel, fight the GINNs for a while, pride filling her breast as the suits she worked on functioned every bit as she imagined it would have. The Duel was leaving its back unguarded however, as it grabbed a machine gun and started shooting at the fleeing Raider. A GINN raised it's sword behind him, before a knife smashed through the cockpit in its torso, killing the pilot.

That was about as much as she could do right now. With that she pulled on the handle, setting the Strike to kneel, and open it's cockpit. Anymore jostling around and she had a feeling her insides would go outside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Damn it how the hell are you! What the AHHHHHH!!!" The GINN Pilot's last words came through is speakers. One moment he was screaming the next moment he wasn't. The pilot inside of the machine died almost instant the beam cutting through his entire torso. Aegis had succeeded in saving it's ally but only at the cost of the other GINN backing off as it desperately and tried to fire upon the enemy using it's machine gun. The attack on Aegis had drained a significant portion of it's energy supply and it would only be operational for so much longer not enough to chase the fleeing Raider. The enemy GINN back pedaled desperately only to be shot from behind by the enemy pilot in Blitz. "DAMN ANOTHER ONE FAILED TO GET STOLEN!? WHAT KIND OF BOTCHED MISSION WAS THIS!?" The GINN pilot shuddered as it's back legs were taking out by an astray and it's right arm taken out by another one. A third GINN had been trying to run away from the ORB soldiers but the men were out for blood. "YOU SICK FUCKS YOU KILLED THEM YOU KILLED ALL OF THEM! I'M GOING TO DESTROY YOU!" shouted the passionate pilot of one of the astray units. However the downed GINN still keep frantically shooting blindly at the gundams. "I WON'T DIE EASY!" he shouted at the mobile suits. The third GINN had it's main camera blown off by a rocket from an ORB soldier who had somehow survived the attack in the hanger.

"Damn it is this thing on? Calling all ORB union personnel who can hear this. This is Doctor Stone calling from what remains of the communication bay. The main systems are shot and or crushed. I repeat this is Doctor Stone. All friendly soldiers mark the following targets if they are hostiles." Stone said loudly over static and an only audio message picture on the screens. The mobile suits from G Project and Astray Project were all displayed in small squares on the screen. "They are highly advanced prototypes. DO NOT DESTORY THEM IF POSSIBLE. I REPEAT DON'T DESTROY IF POSSIBLE. ONLY DESTROY IF THE ENEMY IS IN IT. OMNI personnel are aiding us in this endeavor as they had stopped to refuel the systems of one of their new archangel ships while on a test run. Don't target daggers only assault GINNs and hostile targets. There have been bombings inside our city as well but no casulties have been reported it was a set up don't bother with them only engage hostiles. Commander Sendo is MIA....Wait he's been moved to a makeshift med lab. ORDERS ARE AS FOLLOWING I REPEAT THESE ARE YOUR ORDERS FOR ANY PERSONNEL LISTENING TO THIS BROADCAST: 1. Capture stolen prototype suits 2. repel enemy targets and 3 bring downed soldiers to the following sector." Doctor Stone said over the communications relay he was broadcasting from. "Good luck gentlemen and ladies. Stone out." Stone said as he exited from the communications center.

Following the broadcast a nearby soldier grabbed Milya and quickly rushed her off towards the nearest medical bay. "Sorry madam but you're injured and you're in a combat zone you're going to see a doctor like it or not. This is what happens when home becomes a war zone." the soldier told Milya as he rushed her off. "Wait...aren't you....Milya!? It's me! It's Toyo from the cafe! Don't fall out on me girl I'mma get you some help!" Toyo said smiling.

"What the hell....KAI DEAL WITH THE FUCKERS!" Lyon bellowed angrily over his com at his fellow pilot as Buster jumped onto a stolen ship along with the other ZAFT Soldiers. He was in luck because Buster had it's sniper rifle ready on standby. Regardless of the reasons he needed to get them off Lyon's back and quick otherwise the energy would run our and he'd plummet into the ocean and flying Raider must be harder than it looked. The young white haired man carefully aimed at Duel before shooting at it's feet. "I won't be able to kill ya but I'll slow you down just long enough to reach the mother ship...." Kai mumbled as he fired at Duel as the large boat the gundam had take refuge on started to slowly make it's way out of the harbor. In the harbor there was smoke rising from burning battleships and oil and blood were spattered everywhere. The Astray units couldn't even get near the boat nor the Raider the latter because it was too fast and had shot down two astrays already on it's way to it's destination. The former due to the fact that there were speed boats with what looked like mercenaries but were really ZAFT Militants using military grade anti-air missiles to take on anyone who got near them and the GINNs kept the shore clear for their comrades completely willing to die for the greater good of their cause. However all there were painted in the tradition brown of the Somali Warlords stolen GINNs.


"Hm I don't think you're going to answer me are you? Fine then I gave you a chance." the man said to Alex as he kneed him in the crotch and then shot his knee cap twice with his revolver before kicking the back of his head into the concrete floor and then shooting him through the chest. "I had a feeling about you good sir but it seems your as spineless as the rest of your colleagues burn in hell like them." he said kicking Alex in the gut as he shot him again above the shoulder but it was a glancing shot. The man ran towards the Red Astray unit and got in it. Miraculously the machine booted up and started to move within a minute and the machine pulled free of it's restraints. It grabbed the blue astray and forcibly pulled the machine into the ground ripping it from it's restraints and slamming it into the ground before stepping over it and pulling out it's katana. "This machine is just a big fancy GINN at heart. Nothing I can't handle it seems heh...." The main said chuckling to himself as he slashed through the hanger door. "This was an easy mission." the man simply laughed.


Richard Stone was too slow on the draw he was smashed backwards by the enemy pilot in the astray due to his inability to properly move the thing like he wanted to. The machine needed tweaking to match the usual style he fought in! Plus it was heavy for a machine even without it's apparent missing weapon armory it was reminding him of every time the screen beeped at him. "You OMNI bastards must have removed the machine's weapons for shipping...but who the hell let them here in the first place!? Commander Sendo....or was it someone else!?" was what Stone was thinking but what came out of his mouth was, "DAMN IT! This is why tech guys check out the suits before battle it seems!" Stone growled as the astray used the full power of it's thrusters to push back Calamity. "I'm going to destroy you gundam!" he growled angrily. "SO YOU WERE AFTER THIS SUIT THEN!? Well too bad this is where it ends!" Stone said as he grabbed a hold of the remaining arm of the astray unit and flicked his thumb across the button to the Scylla plasma weapon he had used before and at point blank range he set it off on the enemy pilot. The entire lower section of the machine was instantly blown off and a huge chunk of concrete with it as Calamity overpowered the now de-powered machine and crushed it's engines.before dropping it to the ground and turning around. "Damn it get away from her you suckers!" Stone shouted over the speakers as he blew away one of the new dagger's enemies with another shot of the Scylla before she could get double teamed by their machine guns. A group of astrays that were coming instead turned their directions towards the new enemy that had hijacked another one of the suits. "I'll blow you away." he heard one of the pilots say to the enemy machine before charging at it with a beam saber only to be swiftly dodged and cut down in one shot the next unit opened fire upon the machine only for one of the dropped off GINNs to gun it down from behind. A large plane started up from one of the other hangers and the red suit marched over towards it. "Son of a gun! Stop that thing!" came the captain of the Lucifer towards Felicity but just as he said that one more GINN dropped towards the ground and a few of the remaining enemy soldiers opened fire on the dagger and Calamity, to lesser effects, as they ran towards the plane. Calamity grabbed the main weapon from the down astray he had fought and opened fire using all it's ammo to get the daggers off of Felicity as quick as he could but the machines shrugged off the bullets seemingly reinforced with extra armor. "REALLY!?" Richard said panicking between helping Felicity and trying to stop the new suit with not enough energy left to fire a shot from the Scylla and stay mobile. "I see they must've depowered these things so that they didn't get stolen...well BIG HELP THAT IS!" He said to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The alert on low power appeared on the interface of the Aegis. "Shit, I won't be able to pursue the stolen Mobile Suit with this state." Donald reacted. With the surrounding Astrays taking down the rest of the GINNs there was the last one close to him. He used the beamsaber to slash at the cockpit to end the battle. Once the enemy is confirmed dead he was given the luxury to relax. "This is Lieutenant Junior Grade Donald Sinclair of the OMNI. I managed to secure the Aegis and the Duel and Strike are secured by other pilots as I know." Seeing the three Astray units near him also inactive he guessed the pilots were resting like him. The Scotsman could do with a smoke after all this. The main camera was zoomed to see the pilot of the Strike being taken away for treatment. He was surprised that the pilot is a woman who is presumably not part of OMNI though the idea of a non-OMNI personnel using a prototype Mobile Suit wasn't something he is happy with but he will have to tolerate it. He then needed to check the status of the Duel's pilot. "Ensign Forneus, how is your status?" He asked his only OMNI comrade in a distance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 39 min ago

The Buster's beam hit the Duel square in the leg, causing the Duel to tumble to the ground.

"DAMNIT!" Arsenio raged as he slowly began to lose his cool. "AEGIS!! WHY AREN'T YOU PURSING!? TAKE THEM DOWN! NOW!" Arsenio pounded against the controls, which were fortunately built to be sturdy enough to withstand such trauma. As he looked out of his camera and saw the chaos, the last vestiges of his performance medication wore off, and his obsessive compulsive disorder flooded into his mind.

"SHIT SHIT SHIT!!! AAAARRRGGHHH!!" Arsenio grabbed his head in horror as the sight of disorderliness, assymetry and chaos assaulted his eyes. What remained of his sanity and training led him to make one last move: he powered down the suit so that it would no longer respond to the controls. This was trained into him so that he wouldn't cause undue collateral damage and loss of life if he happened to be thrashing while in control of the suit. Though he didn't care about that part, it also prevented him from hurting himself or causing damage to the Duel.

Once it shut down, the camera turned off and all was dark in the cockpit while Arsenio vomited. He wept because the world had stopped making sense to him. He struck himself, he pounded against the controls, and in his tantrum, he could almost ignore the pain as withdrawal overtook him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As soon as she got on the ground, she was whisked away by a medic, though she wasn't really sure since her vision started getting strange. It didn't matter so much now if she fell over and passed out. At least some of the Gundams were safe, and without proper expertise on their make and workings, whoever stole them would not be able to use them to their full potential.

"Wait...aren't you....Milya!? It's me! It's Toyo from the cafe! Don't fall out on me girl I'mma get you some help!" Toyo said smiling.

"Don't... don't worry, I'll get through fine once I'm patched up."

The medical bay was full of wounded people it seemed, some still nursing wounds some patched up, and it was rife with rumors and speculation from those still able to talk.

"It was ZAFT, I'm telling you. We got a traitor in our midst feeding them information."

"ZAFT? Don't be stupid. It was obviously pirates raiding the base."

Milya was simply ushered in to see a doctor however, and after a quick look over the doctor brought her in to treat her wounds.

There were a lot of questions in her mind left unanswered. How did they know about the G-Project? How did they breach security so easily? Was there really a mole in their ranks? Did she do well today? Her boss was shot to death, and there still wasn't any sign of the other techies who worked with her on the G-Project.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Be quiet and don't talk OK? I want you to conserve your strength after all what would you think if Commander Sendo was awake right now? He'd reprimand you for taking to much energy...." Toyo said cutely as he tried his best to flash a smile but it was clear in his eyes he was worried and his arm was covered in blood. The men in the room where screaming and it was clear that this was suddenly put together because only two men in the room where wearing medic armbands. "I'm not a certified medical doctor like the others in here but I'm good enough. I'll do what I can but I don't think a wound like this is going to feel good if you move around to much. Toyo laid her down on a table with the help of another man and he wiped off some blood in a nearby sink before he told them to get everyone some medical supplies if possible.


"Ha I got'em!" Kai said smiling as he put the down sniper rifle and made sure to conserve what little energy he had left the boat was rather slow, given that he was getting pulled away on a rather large boat and he was in a giant metal machine he guessed that didn't help very much but hey they had to do something and there was no way now that they were going to get the place down hence why Lyon had the bright idea of transforming into a god damn plane and flying away like a show off. Why couldn't Buster transform? More importantly where was Captain Carson and Lieutenant Selena? "They better get their butts back before me and Lyon shove our big greasy gundams in their faces." He chuckled to himself. "Well hey not all of them but some are better than none right? And besides ORB isn't exactly a third world union...." Kai said as he listened to the sounds of gunfire around him. "Well this is the life I choose." Kai said plainly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Donald ignored the tantrum of the Duel pilot but seeing his Gundam collapse got him to act. He contacted an Astray closeby. "I'll get the pilot of the other prototype out. Guard my Mobile Suit." He declared. "Guard the prototypes as I get him to the medical bay." He got the Aegis to duck down so he can make his quick exit. He looked for the hatch to force-open the Mobile Suit and while doing so he noticed the colour was gone. After a minute he found it and got the door to open, finding Arsenio in excruciating pain with the bonus of vomit as well. Trying hard not to smell, the Scotsman grabbed the teenager out of the Mobile Suit and got the attention of a medic looking for casualties. "We have an incapacitated personnel here!" He notified them. Once they arrived he assisted in getting Arsenio on the stretcher to be carried to the medical bay. "Are we desperate to employ teenagers?" He questioned himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After firing a round from his from his beam rifle. Ace pushed the controls forward the thrusters roared to life and propelled the Blitz forward. While in motion Ace activated his beam saber, coming from his shield. By the time he started the slashing motion he was already too close. Thankfully it was still more than enough for the beam saber to take a good hunk of the GINN side out. Ace redid his exact same swinging movement as quickly as he could in conjunction with an angled step with the rear leg. It all went perfectly, save for the part where the rear foot made contact and caused the Blitz Gundam to fall to the ground. Ace took out the GINN and the Blitz down in a single swing. G-d or some sort of deity, had to love him dearly because as feel on the back of the Blitz there was a another GINN lined up perfect for a shot. Ace meant to fire his beam rifle but in the jarring fall and the over all nervous energy he had. He mistakenly fired Lancer Dart into the cockpit of the oncoming GINN.

"Alrght, come on baby... Get up... Get back in the fight." He said to himself constantly as he made the Blitz rise its feet again. He was scared to death and was near trembling. This was so far removed being on the ground. So far removed from being able to pull the trigger himself. It would be a wonder if he made it out alive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"This is Doctor Stone again calling for all personnel to wipe out all enemy targets in the vicinity capture if possible but I doubt it. Reports in from the city the enemy personnel there killed themselves with cyanide or a well placed gun shot to the brain. A suicide bomber destroyed an entire floor of a building everyone on it is assumed dead. There aren't many more enemy troops left on the island. Thanks to our overwhelming numbers we are securing a swift and well placed defensive victory...but that isn't clear yet we've already confirmed the loss of Raider and the mobile suit Buster is also nearly out of the vicinity. Forbidden is confirmed to be captured by the enemy. Strike, Aegis, Buster, Calamity, and for some odd reason Blue Prototype Astray are all accounted for. Red and Gold Prototype astrays are in the unknown zone as of the moment. Coutinue to push them out of the port and victory will be ours. Unfortunately....they sabotaged our boats we won't be able to pursue in numbers and we need most of our suits here to cover up and remaining damages." Stan Stone said to the crews of the mobile suit divisions and anyone out there who would be able to hear him. It wasn't the best but he had managed to circumvent the enemy's jamming because it seemed, minus the GINNs, that they were using faulty black market technology most likely captured in a raid on some ZAFT base or maybe ZAFT are simply trying to make it look like the Somali....who knew at this point. Where was Richard though? He didn't feel like explaining to his family that he had lost his ward and worse his friend. Though they did not spend much time together he loved the boy like anyone would in a family.


The plane took off and despite his best efforts Richard felt, for the first time in a long time, helpless against a foe. Here he was in this big advanced suit that he was barely able to control with a giant laser cannon in it's chest and he was unable to actually stop the plane as it flew away. It was a short work but the enemy pilots were easily dispatched by the girl in the strange looking Dagger Class along with the help of her allies, another group of normal looking daggers, However just when everything was about settled a RPG shot from a nearby half dead soldier sent the strange looking dagger fumbling to the ground worse yet....it hit where the cockpit should have been. Richard looked at the figure and then watched as the daggers ripped a part the enemy with CIWs fire from their heads. "Calamity is confirmed safe and sound captain orders sir? Understood returning to the ship with the mobile suit and it's pilot...." the man in the first dagger to his left said as his suit looked towards Calamity, "Richard Stone. I'm an soldier with the ORB Union. You should get that suit pilot to the medical bay quickly." Richard said as he pointed towards the wreckage of the dagger. "Yeah good point I'm just doubting that little bitch survived that. While the loss of Forbidden is regrettable and so is that Astray unit in that plane we want to get all the suits we DO have together and KEEP them safe got a problem with that kid?" said the pilot as Richard glared as him through the giant wall of 'Trans-Phase Shift Armor' that was his mobile suit GUNDAM it was called if he remembered it right.

He wasn't some kid he may be a teenager by some standards but he was one of ORB's best by far. "No I don't I'll get this thing back to where it needs to do." Richard complied with the daggers as the dragged up the dagger and hauled it towards a giant looking ship in the runway down at the very end of the airport. "So how did you even manage to pilot that thing kid? You a good reader or something?" asked the second pilot as Richard wondered if they were trying to get at something, "No I didn't read a thing about it I just used previous experience and judged how to work this thing but using methods that I've learned to move this thing. Most suits should have the same layout even advanced ones like this." He stated as one of the pilots whistled, "Damn kid you're something else you barely fumbled out there from what I saw." Richard Stone took that praise with a grain of salt because anything at this point wouldn't surprise him. He didn't even bother asking about the disabled systems on this thing. "Hey kid this is the Captain of the Lucifer you're clear to dock on the ship as soon as you can. Stay on the ship for now but once the battle is over you'll be transported back to the nearest ORB Base. We have some questions for you but those can wait until tomorrow." He stated to Richard over the communicator as Richard nodded, "I'm not a kid but it is nice to meet you captain. Regardless I see that you're using that new Archangel Class I heard my uncle talking about." Richard confessed to the captain who told him he wasn't surprised. Judging by the fact that his uncle was a head scientist of ORB he expected similar things from his family.
Satsuki watched with blood on her face and legs covering up bullet wounds that she had received after fighting and killing one of the few last squads of enemy soldiers. Pirates....that's what they looked like but they had to be mercenaries otherwise they were ZAFT. There was NO WAY IN HELL that these 'pirates' were so damn organized. OMNI wouldn't be stupid to attack ORB because they had way to many spies on their end and if this was a planned attack by Earth they'd know about it. And besides this island was nothing more than a small port city with a mobile suit detachment or two thanks to the endless wealth of ORB's noble families. She thought about all this as she breathed in the coppery and metal smell that was mixed with sea salty air and cursed whoever did this. She was unable to stop the Buster unit from fleeing....but on one hand she'd managed to stop them from completely destroying the fleet stationed here but it seemed that one thing was certain....They had only got a draw out of this battle. Soldiers who were shot committed suicide rather than rat out their allies.

Those who were too cowardly to do so jumped into the water and were either pulled down by the weight of their clothes or taken down by oil filled waters. She spit some blood on a nearby corpse and kicked it hard. "So much needless death and violence." Satsuki said to one of her soldiers under her temporary command. "Yes madam sir but those GINN-" one of the soldiers said as Satsuki growled, "Have you no confidence in our astray detachments soldier? And those prototype suits Stone is talking about over the communicator....they are helping us if they aren't being taken away to some island somewhere off in the distance. We haven't been able to call for reinforcements but I can tell they won't get far....once word gets out that this has happened someone will find them...they can't go that far on planes...." She stated as she watched one of the last few skirmishes take place on the island as a enemy GINN was overwhelmed massively by rifle fire from allied astray units. "War has come to ORB but...whom are the culprits?" Satstuki muttered as she heard Stone once more speak. "This is a call to any of the pilots whom are still fighting on our side and are in the prototypes. I am sending coordinates on which hanger you are to place the suits in. Once secured they will be moved to an OMNI Enforcer air warship nearby for safe keeping. We can't let any stragglers get away....kill all of them or capture them either one just get rid of them!" Stone stated over the communicator as she sighed, "You got orders follow them." Satsuki stated as she walked away.



Selena had gotten out of Forbidden and stood there breathing in heavily as she felt the plane rumble beneath her. This specific plane was to be used to capture the astrays but it turned out that only Forbidden was capable of flight so Commander Tyber had to hijack and ORB plane. She heard massive casualties were being reported not many people made it out alive. She wanted to puke and to cry but in the end she couldn't. She wanted to puke for the fact that they killed a bunch of innocent men today....possibly women and children too. She wanted to cry because....because she had met her long lost friend and almost shot him in the face....his face was different slightly but it was definitely Richard....of all the people...."Of all the people it had to be you didn't it?" she asked no one as she stood there on the plane face in her hands breathing heavily. The soldiers nearby had secured Forbidden and removed any possible methods of tracking it physically that OMNI had made and prevented signals from being sent out by mobile suits by way of advanced technology. ZAFT had gone far in this endeavor but it wasn't her place to question her leaders. She was a soldier for the colonies....the PLANTS. Her home....her friends lived there and she had sacrificed many years of her life training to be one of ZAFT's best hence the red coat she wore around her shoulders right now. She clutched at it...."Captain Carson....why....why did you have to die to protect me...." She said wanting to cry but only got her eyes watery before rubbing them away angrily. She wasn't setting a good example and besides people were looking at her. One soldier walked up to her and handed her a hand held tablet in which she looked at it intently. In it was the face of Lyon but not Kai...."I've captured Raider...the fuckers made me work for it but I'm better than them, Glad to see you're alive Selena but then again you ARE Selena Oliver one of our best and brightest I expect nothing less from you." Lyon said smiling at her through the screen. She couldn't smile back but she did nod, "Let's just hope that it meant something." Selena said as suddenly Commander Tyber appeared on the screen. But it was only after a moment as his face was away from the screen and had has put on his normal trademark mask once more. "Selena dear you're display back there was impressive....was there any reason you spared Calamity?" Tyber asked her as he looked at her as she swallowed quietly, "No sir of course not. It's just that....there's been so much death and destruction out there...I didn't want to cause anymore." She stated as Commander Tyber nodded his head, "Fair enough you followed your orders so it's not like you did anything wrong but that WILL come back to bite us in the ass." Tyber told her as Lyon agreed but didn't say much. She'd just lied to her commanding officer to his face....a complete lie it wasn't but it still was a lie....she just couldn't....wouldn't.....kill Richard Stone. "And about your missing Captain....he died well but there will be a need for another Captain among your men....think it through Lyon AND Miss Selena Oliver because I'll tell Kai about this as well since he's going to get on the ship and dock at that island meet up and is unable to talk to us. Regardless good work and remember that sacrifices made today gentleman and lady. Because of them this war will change in ZAFT's favor all suits or few we have gained an advantage and best yet....if all goes according to plan....ORB won't be able to do a thing." Tyber commented with a smile as his face vanished and Selena turned off her camera as well as she put the tablet down and once more buried her hands in her face. "Why....why....." she stated to herself as she leaned back against the hard metal wall behind her. "So much death...." she stated simply.


End of Prologue

Chapter 1 - What Remains After That Cold Fateful Day

Timeskip - A Day and a Half later

Sunny Day - Time 3:00 PM

ORB has been alerted to the capture of the mobile suit cores from the OMNI division whom had stopped there. Commander Sendo has been nearly killed in the attack and had been replaced with Senior Commander Tsubasa Suzimiya whom had been on another island during the assault. There had been little civilian casualties but there were indeed casulties. The city had been bombed in multiple locations and it has not been confirmed whom bombed them nor if there were any survivors of the suicide bomber inside the Kawaii Superstar the previous day. ORB Soldiers had no managed to capture any living enemy soldiers but all of them were confirmed to be either mercenaries, known pirates, or ex-ZAFT soldiers whom had been noted as deserters by the PLANTs. However word of this has not managed to get out to the ORB soldiers and the fleet nearby was already been dispatched to wipe out and re-capture the stolen technology. However the fleet at Onogo Island was unable to be dispatched immediately due to difficulties caused by the pirate fleet. Where they had received GINNs is also at question. However the Captain of the Lucifer mulls over the loss of life and prepares to meet with the pilots whom had seen the most and more specifically those whom had survived the attack and piloted the Mobile Suit GUNDAM suits.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

She still couldn't believe it.

After all the adrenalin had gone, and after she had time to sit down and think properly, she still couldn't believe it. She had been talking with them just yesterday, joked about with them, and glared at the super everytime he opens his mouth, but she had never even considered they could just.... die. Disappear out of her life, mentioned only in passing by some grim officer to her. She had never even dreamed such a thing could be possible.

Perhaps... this was what they called the illusion of immortality, the feeling that nothing truly bad could ever happen to you or to anyone around you. Or did they call it something else?

In any case, she had survived her emergency session at the medical bay, and barely a day after she was called upon to meet a stuffy officer, who no doubt wants more information or give them a sound lecture on some subject or the other. Milya didn't really care, or more accurately she couldn't. Somehow everything right now seemed.. cloudy, unreal. As if she was floating about in a dream. Did her friends really die? Did the product of their hard work get stolen under their noses?

She would probably feel anger some time later, and perhaps followed by a burning desire for vengeance. But for now, all she had was this empty feeling in her stomach, as if all of a sudden a void had appeared. Milya was sure this feeling would remain for some time....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Before Milya could get much farther she was interrupted by the young boy named Toyo who gave her some pain killers to deal with any after effects of the clean up the medics had hastily applied to the woman. "I'm sorry again for not being able to do much. I'm still in training despite my rank. I'm doing ALL I can to help out so if you need something...Milya wasn't it? Then just come and see me here just because you got to pilot that super neat suit suit out there doesn't mean bum if you can't move properly. Oh....and if you see Yuri tell him to get his big butt over to the med-bay I haven't seen him since he left the car." Toyo commented as he was called over by the chief surgeon. The boy was kind enough and he meant well but he wasn't much for talking at the moment mostly due to a mix of sowing up half dead people and the havoc that just ran loose on the city. So many dead and so many wounded it was a surprise that the boy wasn't breaking down under pressure when everybody doubted the kid.


Stan Stone stood looking at the dead bodies that had been piled up so carefully in a storage area until they could be properly buried. The mobile suits had been checked out over night and Stan hadn't slept for hours. He had only recently found out that one of the mobile suits was piloted by one of his own kin..."Richard you stupid bastard....you could have been killed...then what?" Stan asked himself quietly as the men around he wrote down names and made details of the bodies that were unidentified. Over thirty dead in total for both sides. A small invasion force worth of soldiers were used to capture these suits and that only made him more and more positive that pirates weren't the cause of this blasphemous act of cowardice. "Sir the astray unit gold and red are unaccounted for and presumed stolen....however Blue is....still here." said one of his lower ranking scientists....one of the few of the ones left. So many of his comrades were found slaughtered like pigs in a safe room and in the communications center. "Mizawa's report also came in he said that the special pilot survived his mini-seizure sir. However the girl named Felicity is an unknown she's alive at the moment but not expected to live much longer." Said the scientist when Stan finally decided to talk, "War is hell but ORB hasn't laid down the dead man's hand yet so why bring it here....the answer is his gambling buddy did it and the enemy took advantage of it." Stan commented much to the confusion of his companion. Stan sighed and lit a cigarette "I mean that OMNI came here with the damn suits so casually that it was asking for someone to come and take them. There must have been a rat....he or she probably got shot or is still among us. Keep and eye out." Stan ordered the scientist whom nodded. "And for the love of god get me something to eat and an ash tray. Not an astray an ASH TRAY." He said as plainly as he heard the man walk off to do his bidding.
Richard stood alone in the hanger of the Lucifer and he had been there for over six hours now. Barely able to get any sleep he was looking over the prototype suits...ALL of which he assumed were GUNDAM class suits. They'd been moved quickly to the airport in the confusion and now it was only a matter of time before they got shipped somewhere else but for now they were stuck here due to paranoia on the behalf of both his superiors and OMNI. "OMNI you bastards brought these here...." Richard said as he shook his head in disgust. "That suit had an OMNI boot up system no doubt about it that they're the reason for the attack. Uncle why didn't you tell me about this? And of all the people that I could have met during the attack....why did it have to be a friend?" He muttered to himself he had learned that his uncle had kept ALL of this a secret and ALL of this...But his thoughts kept drifting back to why Selena....if that was really her or did his eyes just fool him? She called him Richard or was that just trick of the ears? He was so sure it was her....she was older but he'd know Selena anywhere just like any of his old pals. However while he was mentally jarred for all the damage he couldn't help but have his eyes drift back to Calamity. The massive mobile suit whom he had fought inside during the battle, "You did well big guy....and I'm glad that I got to pilot you even if it was just once. A once in a life time experience it may be but even now I look at you in awe....heh I sound like a Shakespearean poet....but what else can I say?" Richard muttered complacently. The suit was beyond anything he had seen or will ever see in the future and despite all the damage it caused by merely existing he couldn't deny the thing was freaking awesome in combat and a hell of a well designed suit he couldn't imagine it at full power.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 39 min ago

Arsenio sat in his dimly lit room, sprawled partly on the table and staring listlessly at a Jenga tower that he had been playing by himself. It had pretty much taken the entirety of the previous day and then some to fully recover from his withdrawal, even after they pulled him out of the Duel and gave him the "Glip Drip" or "GG" as he called it. His days had been so regimented, so pre-planned, so ordered, that taking Gamma Glipheptin at regular intervals meant he hadn't had to suffer withdrawal in a very long time. The chaos of combat had resulted in his first missed dose in forever and had hit him pretty hard.

The last day had been a blur, he had been scolded pretty badly, but he was so out of it, and their lectures were usually in one ear out the other for him anyways that it hardly mattered. It pissed him off either way that he had been chided for allowing some soldiers to die. Arsenio figured he'd have to be more careful in the future, if only so he didn't have to hear them yap at him again. They were probably just sore that he let some of the suits get stolen. He wanted to blame the pilots of the Aegis and Strike for failing to stop the Raider from escaping, but then again, if they had succeeded without him, then there was no point as the success had to be his own for it to mean anything to him. Other than that, there were some rumors circulating, like 'were they attacked by pirates or ZAFT?', and 'ORB is blaming the presence of the OMNI suits for the attack,' but he didn't care, he was not on a need-to-know basis.

He had heard that those who had been involved were now being questioned. He wondered when they would come get him. Like a bad omen, the Jenga tower suddenly collapsed, making aloud clattering, and spilling long wooden rectangles all over the table and ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"If this is the 'Pure Blue Earth' then why can't we get someone worth while to pilot the damn suit?" Mizawa asked himself as he leaned against the wall looking down at the boy with disgust on his face. "You're a shameless little cretin and you lost not only Buster but you ALSO lost a handful of lives AND raider on top of that. Do you know how little faith I have in you right now? None. You fail to understand that your a science experiment gone horribly in the wrong direction. Oh how you fail to understand that one day if the big people up on top of us decide one day to cut funding you're going to die. No medicine no life that means start making us look good got it?" Mizawa said as he adjusted his spectacles and spit on the floor. "Personally you should be glad you have such a magnanimous man like me as your daddy boy. Without me you'd be in some gutter in god knows what rotten dump of a city. I made you strong use it kid and before you give me any of that 'it wasn't my fault' whiny bull shit again remember I'm already at wit's end making sure that we get more soldiers....the question is who's going to be the replacements....your little 'friends' were all blown to hell in the implosion in the city. No word yet if any of them have been recovered....I doubt it. Most of them were naturals too such a shame. Such a fine shame to lose such pure bred and honest Earthlings." Mizawa said pacing back and forth as he berated the boy in a heavily sarcastic and demeaning tone. His double colored eyes rested upon the boy the entire time. "ORB rescued the other suits how shameful that will cut back funding plus all those 'condolence' letters....ew that is going to be awful to get through on top of all my paper work. Maybe I could-" the man rambled on and on about ideas of various sorts much of which was to technical and or complicated for the young boy to understand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Donald spent the rest of the day trying to find the surving OMNI members as he is the only officer left in his group. He also received news that the original pilots of the prototypes with the exception of the unit called Duel were apparently killed in an explosion in their hotel, leaving him as the only viable pilot for the Aegis. He was unable to get a good sleep in the night for he had too much to think about and ended up assisting in finding any survivors from the attack and continued to do so in the next morning. One trivial detailed the OMNI soldier noticed was that the girl he glanced at yesterday was one of the pilots for ORB's mass-production Mobile Suits. Later in the morning, he assisted in moving the Aegis to the Sundown before going to the ship to meet the captain and other pilots. The prototypes are now being called GUNDAMs apparently. Once his Mobile Suit was docked he made his exit to see Richard who was at the hangar. "Lieutenant Junior Grade Donald Sinclair reporting sir." He introduced giving a salute. " I'm afraid that Captain Harper and the rest of the group from JOSH-A were killed yesterday."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Petty Officer Augustus Magnusson Had been a little shaken since the incident . The incident being where ZAFT at pull what he thought was a pretty ballsy move and broke into ORB. He had no real proof but the attack was far too well planned and executed for it to be anything else. He thought he could prove his point if he had access to satellite imaging. He had hoped that he could watch the angles from where the GINNs came from and try to make a determination of where they came from. It was a long a shot but one worth taking a look at. In his mind this operation lasted too long to get clever with insertion.

All he had right now was a map over an empty space in his wall. He plotted every which way he thought they could have gotten the GINNs on to make landfall. All in all he was up to twenty. This was all on based on nothing but pure speculation and what he would do. He was fixated on the idea of how the got in. He was fixated on the Blitz. In his mind it was his, all his and his alone. He wanted that mobile suite, he wanted to fight on this all new battlefield. He wasn't naive enough to think that the could easily get the post and if he was honest with himself he more than likely didn't belong there but that never stopped him before.

He stood at the once empty wall, now covered with a map and the map itself covered in different colored strings. He was done working on it for now. His mind was overburdened with fatigue. He needed sleep and if he was smart he would get some sleep. Yet, right now all he wanted was a drink and a smoke. He wanted it as much as ever, but he couldn't bring himself to drink. He took a deep breath and crawled into bed. The inquisition was coming. The who, what, when, where, and why was all going to be asked. It was going to happen again and again then, again. Those answers were looked over even more.

He took solace in the fact that when he was needed, someone would come and get him. He hoped that if gave the right information he could keep the Blitz and finally get back into the field. He needed it in ways that he couldn't explain. Hopefully being able to say that he had been sober since the attack would go along way to his cause.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As Richard was still staring at Calamity in awe he turned around to see a man come up to him and salute him. He told him that his name was Donald and he was a lieutenant. He saluted him back, "While I;m sorry for your loss sir I must inform you that you are speaking to someone who knows nothing about your whole ordeal. Ensign of the ORB Union former citizen of the Earth Federation Alliance and ace class pilot Richard Stone. You may know my uncle Stan Stone I've recently been informed that he was a part of this whole thing. These machines are something to be in awe of my good sir." He informed Donald as he looked back to the Calamity. "I just hoped I saved some lives with that machine of yours. I think it was the main case of this whole debacle personally sir but it at least helped in recovering what was left and in all due fairness we did ALLOW you to bring it into ORB because you don't just hide prototype assault suits like those." He said to Donald indifferently. "Also don't call me sir I'm just a pilot and I'm below your rank as well just call me Mr. Stone or Richard or Rich or whatever you prefer man just don't be so formal we could use some normality after all of this." Richard said sighing deeply.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Milya didn't get very far before the young man she recognized as Toyo came running up to her, pressing some medicine into her hands.

"I'm sorry again for not being able to do much."

She waved her hand in front of her face as a sign of dismissal. "No, no, you did splendidly already."

"I'm still in training despite my rank. I'm doing ALL I can to help out so if you need something...Milya wasn't it? Then just come and see me here just because you got to pilot that super neat suit suit out there doesn't mean bum if you can't move properly. Oh....and if you see Yuri tell him to get his big butt over to the med-bay I haven't seen him since he left the car."

Milya gave her usual warm smile, waiting for him to finish before replying. "Ok, I'll come over if I do feel out of it. And I'll keep it in mind to tell Yuri that if I do see him."

She waved goodbye as he went off, and she went her separate way.

Now if she wasn't mistaken, the place she needed to be was.... right over there. Milya opened the door, hesitating for a moment as she saw the man, but entered meekly and stood off to one side waiting.
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