Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kevin had decided to stick with Alison and Dante the entire time. There was no way that Kevin was going to miss Dante's first kill. He felt like a mother watching their child ride away on a bike for their first time. He rode back on his horse, along side Dante and Alison. It was much more different that Kevin had expected to be, but the Titans is what had Kevin thinking about the most. Kevin had heard many stories about how terrifying the Titans they were and how their strength was so great. But instead, Kevin was disappointed. They were formidable, but not what he had expected. Kevin shook his head. Now wasn't the time to be thinking about such things. In no time, they were back in the safe surroundings of the walls and inside of a cafeteria. Kevin walked alongside Dante, listening to him ask Alison a question. Kevin smirked "Checking up on your giiiirlfriend?" Kevin said, nudging Dante towards Alison slightly. The aroma of the food quickly caught Kevin's attention, his eyes glimmering as they set the food down. In about a second or two, Kevin had scarfed down all of the food. Some of the other recruits were more disgusted by Kevin's eating behaviors when they compared it to the Titans.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Xia looked around the forest as one by one, the titans fell. Either these trainees were better than she thought, or these titans were very weak. She wasn't sure which was the truth, but didn't dwell on it. It was a mission accomplished, and now all they needed to do was get back home. Xia went and found her horse and rode off with the rest of the corpsmen back to the city. Though her expression remained stone-faced, inside Xia was giddy with excitement. Her first sortie against these monsters, and she felt that she did excellent.

Back at the city, the corpsmen were gathered into a large hall, were they were allowed to rest and eat. Xia thought she would be starving, but after a few slices of bread and an apple, she simply didn't feel the need to eat anymore. She drank a few cups of water but otherwise was full. Looking around to the others, she could see their mixed emotions. Not all of them were shell-shocked, and what surprised Xia more was that there was no casualties. "This was almost too easy..." As Xia swished the liquid in her cup around, she wondered, what would have happened if they didn't have the advantage of surprise? What if they were caught in an ambush themselves? Everyone here showed a great amount of courage, but that came from the fact that they all were on the offensive. Things would have been different if they needed to protect something, or if they were caught off guard. Xia took another sip of her water, content to simply watch the others go about their business until their groups were organized.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rinnee


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The ride back was rather calm, much to the red heads displeasure. Still riding high on her lone kill, and the assist with Xia, Eve watched the trees and land of the outside world pass her. This wasn't going to be the last time she saw this place,but even now all she wanted to do was take it all in while they had a moment of peace. Now that they she was a Corps member, days like these were going to be rare from now on. Returning back to the Walls, Eve and the rest of the recruits made there way to the cafeteria as they were instructed. Standing in line like the rest of the Corps, Eve's eyes caught sight of a familiar figure not to far ahead of her. 'Henry.[/b]'

So focused on her training and making other friends while she was here, Eve had neglected her relationship with her oldest friend. She had known Henry longer then anyone else here, so she couldn't help but feel guilty that she had hardly spent any time with him, or even made an attempt to work along side. Awkwardly rubbing her arm Eve glanced over at Xia. Noticing that the girl was sitting alone, the little red head felt conflicted. Biting her lips, she made hesitant steps towards the the boy before coming to a halt beside him. She'd go sit with Xia after she was done eating and talking to Henry.

"Ah--Hey Henry!" Greeting the boy with a bright smile, Eve placed her tray along the bench table before taking a sit right beside him. "Long time no see!" The awkward joke did nothing to break guilty tension the little red head felt between them, if anything it only made her feel worse. Turning her attention to her food, she sipped on her drink unsure of how to continue the conversation. Her mind quickly went back to the events that occurred earlier that day. Riding through the forest to catch up with Xia, Henry had been one of the many figures that had soared above her and taken out the Titans surrounding the area. "I saw you out on the field today," A soft smile graced her lips now as she lost herself in thought, and their exercise that had occurred earlier today, "You almost looked like a bird up there, you know?"

"We all kind of did." After years of intensive training, they had finally earned their wings. While many weren't as starstruck as Eve, this was a milestone for everyone in her graduating division. This was the beginning of the rest of their lives after all. Breaking the silence Eve returned her attention up at Henry as another smile came across her face, "Can you believe we finally made it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As he was eating his food quite happily he heard a familiar voice which cause him to turn and smile at Eve half expecting her to have been with Xia. It looked like she attempted a joke, yet didn't look that happy about it which made a curious look rise on his face as he finished the rest of his tea. The conversation seemed rather quiet and Henry wasn't helping by not speaking, so thankfully she brought up what they did in their training exercises. So he had to agree that they did fly like birds, although birds more along the lines flew away from scary sights, but he knew what she meant. "That we did, its a much different feeling than I thought it was going to be like. It was a littler easier than I thought, but maybe that's just because we had plenty of trees to maneuver on? Oh yeah I saw you working with Xia, nice strategy you came up with." Henry said with a smile, as he doubted Xia was the one who decide to cut the Hamstrings between the two. "Of course. we both had our own reasons for wanting to become this, like we were going to let a little hard training stop us from reaching our goal."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alexander stared at the other members, hearing their conversation over the word 'bird.' Immediately he came walking over to them, his book in hand, and stood in front of their table. "Did someone say the word bird? I'm sorry, I have a sort of liking for birds, haha." He scratched the back of his head nervously as he watched them. They seemed to be in a tight friendly group, from what he could perceive...and to be honest, he felt like he wasn't really fitting in at all with the rest of these tough characters.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“Alright children, finish your damn meals so you can get to bed!” Adam called out with a tsk as he kicked off the wall he was leaning against and walked out. He noticed Alexandria walk back in and sit next to U.

Dante just glared at Kevin as he spoke about Alison being his girlfriend, “Absolutely, so how are things going with you and Xia? Oh wait!” he said as he stood up with a small chuckle, he looked at Alison, “I’m fine, but I’m glad you’re ok….And Kevin was pretty close too, we killed it before it could do anything. But I’m gonna hit the sack, might as well sleep for as long as I can honestly.” With that Dante left.

Once the others were done with their meals they were led upstairs to their rooms, of course the rooms were limited, so some had to share rooms. They were separated by which Squad they’d join, of course they wouldn’t know that though. So even though Dante left the two, he was going to end up right back with them. He was too tired to give a fuck about the pranks Kevin would pull, so he just fell asleep. Alexandria stripped down to nothing but a shirt and underwear and immediately slept, not paying mind to the other two girls in the room, they weren’t anything special.
(In the morning)

“Wake your asses up or you’ll get left behind!” Adam called out from downstairs though his voice seemed as if he was yelling directly into their ears, “Alannah needs you all, so no slacking!”

Dante just simply rolled off his bed and stood up, getting prepared he then walked outside. He was the laziest one, but he didn’t slack, he needed things to get over with fast. If some didn’t know him personally, or seen his lazy side, they’d mistake it for determination. He waited beside Alannah as they waited for the other trainees.
[Collab between Expllo & Zane620]

Alexandria sat up and stretched hearing Adam call up to the new recruits telling them to wake up or get left behind. He was such a douche, she hated him. Throwing her covers aside she stepped off the bed into something....Wet? Looking down she saw her feet was now covered in water and something else she didn't know, inside buckets. "Who the fuck put this?" She growled with a twitch to her eye, the people sleeping in the same room as her for sure would hear. Stepping out of the buckets she stormed towards the door angrily swinging it open, to her surprise another bucket full of water splashed down onto her head and dropped to the floor. She was so angry that the water was practically evaporating, she thought about the people who would do this, the ones that didn't like her.

Most of the new recruits atleast, but most she already beat down and they knew not to mess with her. Dante? No, he was too lazy. Kevin? No, he'd do something much more disgusting. Everyone else was more mature, but Henry....She stormed out her room not caring that she was practically naked with just a shirt on and underwear. "Henry!" She yelled loudly, voice filled with enough hate to make ears bleed. Barging into a room, her wet hair hung over her eyes a bit but she still glared at everyone in the room, "Where the fuck is Henry!?" she yelled as she punched a wall leaving a hole with a few cracks.

Henry who woke up early to hear if his little plan was a success or not, stood by the door with it slightly open, so once he heard a loud piercing yell, he burst out laughing, as he closed the door and moved back to his bed, when the voice got louder and much more specific with who they were hunting down. However he choose to remain calm, she had no proof it was him, simply a hatred between the two doesn't mean he can be accused, although he did do it. So when the door barged open and Alexandria asked where he was, he stood up and waved.

"Why good morning there. Lovely attire you choose today, it really suits people when they take a nice good soak. Wouldn't you agree?" Henry said with a smile as he walked over to her. "You may want to put on some pants though. It would be a shame if you caught a cold." Henry as he patted her on the shoulder.

"Would be a shame if you couldn't help humanity repopulate!" She yelled as she turned around smacking his hand away, he touched her, she hated people touching her! Grabbing his shirt she pulled him close and kicked him hard inbetween the legs, the sound echoing throughout the halls. She then punched him to the ground with her left fist letting go of his shirt, she then kicked him directly in the gut hoping she drew blood. She turned him on his back and sat on him, raising her fist daring to hit him again.

"Wait what?" Henry asked as she smacked his hand away then grabbed him by the shirt and pulling him closer, he soon felt an incredible pain in his crotch as he was kicked there, followed by a punch to the right side of his face sending him to the ground, which was then followed by a kick to the gut which made him gasp for breath as he was placed on his back with her then plopping down on him with a fist raised. With a threat to follow the response, "That had better been only water!" She kept giving him the death glare, she was going to kill him one day. He was at the top of the list.

He replied with a middle finger and a chuckle. "Oh don't worry, only the best of water for the little queen, now get your wet ass off me." Henry said as he placed his hands on her stomach and pushed her off him. He stood up and looked at his shirt. "Aww and now there is two wet ass spots on my shirt. Just because you enjoy walking around half naked doesn't mean I do."

As she was pushed off she growled and stood up, listening to what she said only made her more angry, "Get the fuck back down!" she yelled as she kicked at his ankles sending him falling back to the floor with a thud, "U! Get me a knife!" She yelled.

As he wasn't looking he felt a kick at his ankles making him lose balance and send him back to his back, he heard her ask U for a knife which made him wonder if this woman was this serious over something like a prank.

She sat back on top of Henry, shoving his head hard into the floor and giving him another punch to the face, "Oh poor fucking baby, a couple wet spots versus my whole fucking body!" He didn't have any time to react as his head was smashed off the ground followed by a punch with this shot sending some blood out of his mouth.

She aimed to punch him again but was pulled away by the shirt by Adam, he accidentally gave Henry a 'peak' as her shirt was wet and was being pushed against her chest....Still bad for him. He bent down and grabbed Henry by his shirt pushing him against a wall, "You two are supposed to be fighting Titans, not each other!" his voice rang much more loudly than Alexandria's and much more intimidating, as was his glare, "What the hell are you doing Henry!? Pulling pranks!? You should have known you'd get your ass beat!”

He heard her speak up about her whole body being wet and was about to respond until Adam pulled her off him, which gave him an okay view of her, of course being a smartass he gave a whistle. However he was then slammed into a wall by Adam and was given a rather loud lecture which made him wince as he was right in front of him, then was told of course he would have gotten knocked around for pulling a prank. "But she didn't have to come start a fight, its not like it harmed her, and you expect me to hit back?"

“Disgusting….” he dropped Henry and looked down at him, "Now you may not be scared of her, but you will be of me. I'm going to see it through, just because of this one stupid act, that your time with me will be a living hell. And it already was going to be...." he looked over to Alexandria, "You need to control your anger little girl, it's going to get you hurt one day." He backed up a looked inbetween them, "Now apologize Henry, you pulled the prank. Apologize Alexandria, for kicking the shit out of the wimp. Do something like this again and I'll kick your asses myself. Now go.Get.Ready! We leave in ten minutes!"

He was dropped to the ground and was then was given another threat, which made him groan. He was then told to apologize which made him sigh. "Yes Sir...." Henry said.

Adam turned around and left, obviously very annoyed. Alexandria glared at Henry, cracking her knuckles before turning around and leaving to go get dressed.

Once Adam was gone. Henry stood up and caught up to Alexandria. "Look I'm sorry you got wet, it could have happened to anyone, but should you really be upset? I thought you were use to being wet. " Henry then grinned and ran out of reach. "Oh and nice figure!" Henry said with a chuckle before taking off in a sprint.

Alexandria stopped as Henry ran up to her 'apologizing' which made her smirk as he ran off, a death look still in her eyes, "Yeah whatever you say pretty boy." she said as she walked into her room and shut the door locking it. Walking up to her mirror which was supported by mahogany, she took off her shirt and took a look at her own muscles. More muscles than pretty boy, that was for sure, his weak ass. Bending down she grabbed underneath the wood of the mirror and lifted it with a grunt and tossed it a few feet away, letting the mirror smashed onto the floor. Her shoulders could still take a while to heal, same with her ankle, but it didn't matter. She hurried up and got dressed, and headed out with the others.
Once everyone was outside Alannah nodded and looked at everyone.

“Now, I’m going to keep this as short as I can. Due to the lack of soldiers in the Scouting Legion, a plan has been devised to train a certain amount of you rookies to make you stronger. Now, once I call your names step up to the respective veterans,” she cleared her throat, “Xia, Alexandria, and Eve, you three are to be in Squad Otto. Dante, Alison, and Kevin are to be appointed to Squad Ryan. Henry, Anya, and Alexander will stick with Squad Adam. Terran, Ren, and U will be in Squad Ray. The rest of you will stick beside me, while those in their own respective Squads will follow your leader when they diverge if a strategy calls for it. As well you are to follow what they say, are we clear on that?”

Alannah turned around, “Now, we’re heading out. So go get prepared, we’re leaving soon.”

Once everyone got prepared they got on their horses and ran towards the wall, the first time in a long time with the last mission they finally left the wall determined and came back with the same look of determination which gave hope to the citizens as they started cheering when the Scouting Legion rode past and out the gate. They went back into the forest they were at in the last mission and headed up the path they cleared the way for.

“Stay on your horses kids, we’re going faster!” Alannah called out as she pushed forward along with the others, they began speeding up, Alannah gaining sight of what was up ahead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

After finishing their meals, at each their own pace, Alison and U went to their rooms. It seemed odd that males and females were sharing rooms, but neither one of them questioned it openly. Alison entered the room only to find Dante also in the room. Apparently she had been placed in the same room as him... and Kevin? Seemed oddly lucky that the three friends had gotten to be in the same room, but it wasn't something she was against, so she simply went to her bed and got to sleep as soon as she could, making sure to avoid any unnecessary unclothing so that no one could see anything they shouldn't. U however, wasn't so lucky to be in a room with her friends. Once she got her room and roommates, she simply lay herself down in a bed, and silently went to sleep, hoping not to be forced to talk to anyone she didn't know.
U had woken up to the sound of Adam shouting at them, but something else entirely caught her full attention. She heard Alexandria shouting Henry's name and quickly went running to see what was going on. The second she got there, she heard Alex requesting a knife. "B-but... Alex... you'll get in trouble..." She crossed her arms, guarding herself from other's sights, at least, that was the purpose. She glanced at the others, knowing they wouldn't know what she meant, but she figured that Alex would know that Levitt would be against her stabbing or cutting anyone on the first day. Eventually, Adam stopped the fight, and U and gasped slightly as Alex had been partially injured in the scenario. After a moment she went downstairs, figuring Alex might be mad that she didn't help at all. It was just... so many people around to see...
Alison woke up when Adam shouted for them to get ready. Great, another day that we can keep anyone else from dying. As she was getting ready, she heard an all too familiar voice piercing the area. Alexandria had gotten angry at Henry for yet another prank, but it was none of her concern, despite the loud noises coming from their room- "Oh my god..." She had just heard Alexandria asking for a knife. She finished getting ready and ran over to see what was going on, only to find that it was ending already. Guess I'll just go wait downstairs...
After all the preparations had been made, Alison joined Ryan's squad, and U joined Ray's squad, following each of their respective leaders into the forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Xia's eyes opened awake when they were all called to wake up. Xia slept with very little on; only the bare essentials she needed to get into her uniform. Hell, she would have slept in her uniform if she didn't think that was unsanitary. It didn't take her long to get dressed, even had time to freshen up. In the few minutes they were told to wake up Xia was in full uniform and ready for action. All she needed was her 3DMG and she'd be ready to slay titans! Well, breakfast would be nice too, but she honestly wasn't expecting it. Not that she was hungry anyways; she ate a lot the night before. She heard yelling throughout the building, and from the voice it was from Alexandria. She also heard Henry's voice, but Xia ignored their scuffle. She didn't particularly like either one of them, and they could do whatever they wanted to each other for all she cared.

Xia was one of the first to make it outside and waited for further orders. Once everyone was gathered, Alannah told everyone of their team composition. Xia was... Not entirely pleased. She knew very little of this "Otto" aside from what little rumors circulated about him, which didn't give her anything to work off of. As far as she knew, he was just another hard-ass veteran from the Scouting Legion who was pulled into the job of teaching the rookies the ropes. But that could be used for all the other veterans here too. At least Eve was on her team, a familiar, friendly, and trustworthy face. What made Xia most displeased was that Alexandria was on her team. Miss "Going to slice off Henry's balls" of this morning. Even before the incident Xia didn't exactly have nice things to say about her. Alexandria was competent, sure, and didn't goof around as much as others, but even she seemed more reclusive and unsociable than Xia. At least Xia didn't let her emotions get the better of her. Still, so long as Alexandria doesn't crack under Otto's pressure, or Eve doesn't do something stupid that would tick Alexandria off (unlikely, but who knows), Xia figured that Alexandria would be useful.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheyMostlyComeAtNight


Member Offline since relaunch

Ren backed away as the twins turned their glare onto him...
"Oh, comeon it's not that bad, you'll see eachother tomorrow anyway."
Kaiz backed him up although he was carefully staying out of reach of the twins.
"Go on you wimps, need me to go get you a teddy aswell?"
Anya spat out a string of curses and then whirled around and stormed through her door and into her room, Arya marched off at the same moment to find her room.

Ren and Kaiz shared a look.
"You think we'll all be together tomorrow?"
Kaiz shook his head.
"nah, those two are going to be pissed, ah well, catch you later, don't let the bed bugs bite"
Ren laughed at the un Kaiz like goodbye and gave him an almighty shove before wandering off to find his own room.


“Alannah needs you all, so no slacking!”

The voice boomed through the room, Arya jerked awake and practically flung herself out of bed, her foot caught on her blanket and sent her tumbling face first into the hard floor. She sat dazed for a moment before the bustling of others waking up snapped her back to herself and she began getting dressed, a thin stream of blood rolled down her chin which she had to keep rubbing to stop it staining her clothes.


Anya glared right back as the angry half naked girl stared about, the girls attention was soon taken by Henry and Anya was free to get ready. She dressed quickly ignoring the commotion, once dressed she stormed out passing one of the older soldiers on her way.


Kaiz stretched lazily as he got up, Arya seemed to have done herself a solid blow and he searched round a moment before finding a cleanish looking rag to hold the bleeding, which he passed to her.


Outside they gathered together, Arya's face had stopped bleeding and Anya seemed to be in a slightly better mood, slightly. Strangely it was Tilt who was worst for wear, his hair was a mess and his eyes were red from lack of sleep, they all exchanged good mornings but before any conversation could start the commander started speaking and they all turned to face her.

“Now, I’m going to keep this as short as I can. Due to the lack of soldiers in the Scouting Legion, a plan has been devised to train a certain amount of you rookies to make you stronger. Now, once I call your names step up to the respective veterans,” she cleared her throat, “Xia, Alexandria, and Eve, you three are to be in Squad Otto. Dante, Alison, and Kevin are to be appointed to Squad Ryan. Henry, Anya, and Alexander will stick with Squad Adam. Terran, Ren, and U will be in Squad Ray. The rest of you will stick beside me, while those in their own respective Squads will follow your leader when they diverge if a strategy calls for it. As well you are to follow what they say, are we clear on that?”

Tilt was the first to move, stumbling tiredly over to the veteran named Ray. The others spared him a worried glance then parted with a subdued goodbye, each going to their new 'squads'.


Arya couldn't help but feel a bit of a relief that she wouldn't be on her own, Kaiz was a good friend and she'd feel better with him around. She was still majorly pissed, she could only imagine what Anya must be feeling, she winced at that thought, normally Anya was the quiet good kid, but once she was angry...


Kaiz sighed with relief as they passed under the shadow of the gate and out into the clear, the horizon stretched out before them and he thought he would never tire of that view, once they were a little away from the wall he looked for the other members of his squad, Arya was riding alone, no doubt in an awful mood, best to let her burn it off. He continued looking for anyone nearby who might be fun to talk to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The ride along the straight path was quiet except for the sound of horse hooves smacking against the ground and random chatter among the new recruits. Alannah kept her eyes forward and sharp, Adam on the other hand kept looking side to side to see if anything was there. It was too quiet for him, going a bit too good so far. Taking a look left, nothing but big ass trees. Taking a look right, nothing but a....a....What the fuck was that!? Adam eyes widened as he jumped off his horse and span around, hooking onto a tree he began shooting forward, "Titan, right side!" he yelled with his blades out, but it was too late, the Titan had jumped out from where it was hiding and belly flopped sending blood flying and all directions. The titan had to had killed atleast ten people, and with further inspection....Was that briers growing out of the skin? What the fuck kind of Titan was this?

As the Titan belly flopped, the horses up front ran faster out of fright, but ones blocked by the Titan had came to a halt. That halt caused Dante to be thrown off his horse and skid across the ground on the right side of his face. Dante winced and shivered a bit, slowly getting up. Standing up he shivered more, blood dripping from his head and right arm dangling a little. The Titan had gotten up too and looked directly down at Dante who pulled out his blades even still, the Titan raised his fist and came slamming down at Dante. He coughed, "Welll....Shit," he said before he shot his hooks behind the titan through the open part of it's legs and shot through. The force of the Titan's fist hitting the ground shot Dante forward a bit more, but he got his grounding and spun around with a crack to one of his ankles, he hadn't noticed that he wounded it with the slide! He crouched a bit from the pain but nevertheless shot his hooks on the Titan's neck and flew towards it, holding his blades back for an attack.

As he got close the Titan used it's left arm to swat at Dante in which Adam flew to Dante yelling, "Get away from it kid, it's a deviant type!" Adam kept his hooks on the Titan's neck until he was blocking Dante, he released his hooks and nudged back into Dante sending him flying back and hitting the ground while Adam took the hit to his left side and was sent flying. Adam had gotten worse, he shot his hooks at the titan's feet and swung underneath it before he hit a tree or something, being sent into the air behind the titan Adam shot both hooks into the neck and came flying down slicing the nape of the neck which even caused his blades to break and be flown off. He took a breath as he stayed onto the titan when it fell, looking around at the new recruits watching. Adam jumped off the Titan and walked to Dante helping him up, "Are you ok?...Stupid question, you're not, but can you still go on without someone taking care of your ass?" Adam asked glaring at Dante. Dante nodded then looked over Adam, seeing his left arm dangling a bit just like his right one, "Are...You?"

Adam spat, "Kid, I've been doing this for over ten years, don't worry abou-" Adam eyes widened again as he pulled Dante back and began backing up, titans, he looked around, titans coming from both sides of the forest. He looked at the other soldiers and yelled, "Catch up with the others now, only fight if you have to, now hurry your asses before the titans block the upper path!"

People began riding forward, bypassing the dead titan by going around it, some people getting grabbed, bit, and saved. Dante looked around, "My....Horse?" he asked, in which Adam put Dante on his back. "You can't walk, got no horse, fucking aye," he said before shooting off but to the front with his 3D Gear, not as proficient with someone on his back, but he still got there. Stopping his horse he put Dante on there and told Dante to ride off. Dante looked back hoping Alison and Kevin were ok, but he looked forward and began riding off again.

Adam pointed to the soldiers behind them still trying to catch up, "We need to help them get up here, ten soldiers in the back, five on each side, I'll help all around and take care of anymore Deviant types!" And with that Adam shot forward with his 3D Gear with other soldiers following him, soon enough they all took their positions and began killing Titans and helping them get through.....But how many was it? Over twenty lives were already lost, twenty too many.

Alannah sighed, it turned to shit so quickly! Of course it would, when didn't it? But she didn't expect it to be this quick.....When they got a chance they'd tend to the wounded, but for now they had to stay strong and keep moving no matter what! Dante took slow breaths, he hurt all over right now, but didn't show it. His right eye was shut closed too, it stung like hell! He took another look behind him seeing Alexandria catch up rather quickly before anyone else, glaring forward she was quiet and showed no emotion....Except for that anger one, Dante still didn't like her, he looked forward just focused on getting out of the situation.

Stronger than I thought, Alexandria thought to herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Angelo got his horse into a gallop as he was ordered to take up the right side, he simply followed the order. he understood that if they didn't move then they would be surrounded by titans and possibly all die but thanks to his commanders he wont have to worry about that. he kept his horse at a gallop on the right side remembering how he would have never thought he would be good enough to ride with the scout regiment like this. To be where its most dangerous to prove to everyone that greatness can come from anywhere and that's just what ill become. a great titan killer, one who knows no fear and can fight according to the orders of his superiors he wondered right now how they would get out of this in case a freak titan shows up
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rinnee


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Graduation had come and gone rather quickly, and while they had only been assigned to teams not even a day ago, the red head didn’t really feel like anything had really changed. With there respective squads, they were all now officially Survey Corps members. With no need, or room to complain about her squad mates, Eve was simply thankful to have a familiar face along her team, and considering her and Xia worked together pretty well, the red head couldn’t help but feel more at ease knowing she had someone watching her back and vice versa.

Following the group at a steady pace, Eve rode along side Xia and Alexandria with their squad leader sitting before the three of them. The mood had been calm, relaxing if anything but everything was quick to turn in the blink of an eye. Agonizing screams, and a loud nasty crunch ripped through the woods forcing Eve to raise her arm instinctively to cover herself, catching only quick glimpse of her comrades being squashed by the sudden massive form. While some flipped off their horses in the front, Eve barely kept her balance along her horse as the mare screeched out in fear and thrashed about as an odd looking Titan now sat in directly in their path.

Blood pounded in her ears, as her heart thumped heavily against her chest. Fear, and adrenaline ran through the girls body like fire as everything and everyone around her seemed to move in slow motion for her. Panic and terror was clear on the other recruits faces, as the odd looking Titan crushed a number of graduates with one attack. It’s grinning face turned and looked out among her graduated class as if they were a personal buffet, and as its eyes landed on her she felt her skin crawl and her breathing hitch in her throat. As it began to stand, her eyes quickly turned to the figure moving into action as she watched one of the other Squad Leaders take matters into his own hands, and save one of the other recruits from the quill covered giant.

Shaken, and held in place thanks to sheer terror Eve was pulled out of her hold, along with the other Corps members as the veteran shouted out orders after taking out the beast. Caught up in the panic she began to move with the new group as she began to return to a more stable state of mind. Having everything happen so fast, the red head hadn’t even noticed her current condition. Catching glimpses of bright red through her peripheral, green orbs looked down at her hands for a brief second as she came to realize her entire right side was covered in blood. Unlike Titan blood, it didn’t shrivel away and turn into steam, instead it sat along her jacket, staining her skin and leaving her covered in her comrades blood. Grinding her teeth as a knot swelled in her throat, Eve did her best to push past her fear and anxiety as her bloodied hands tightened along her horse reins.

As they drew further and further into the forest, Eve stared above as she watched more then a dozen of the veterans and stronger Scouts take to the skies above them, protecting them and staying on high alert incase action was needed. The red head could see multiple giant figures looming through the trees, and staying right on the groups tail. Returning her attention back onto the path, her eyes shot around the group of trainees as she tried to look for her squad mates having lost them in the rush after the attack. Digging her heal into her horses side, Eve tried to pick up speed as she headed towards the front of the group. Catching sight of Alexandria up ahead, the red head began to make her way up to the other girls side as she searched the crowd for her Xia, Henry, and her Squad Leader.

Alexandria,” Finally catching up with the other girl, Eve galloped beside her squad mate as she casted a quick glance over at her, “I’m glad you’re okay!” While the other girl was not so friendly, Eve couldn’t help but feel more at ease now that she was certain at least one of her teammates hadn’t been squashed. Swallowing hard, she kept her attention ahead of her as she spoke out loudly for the other girl to hear, “Have you seen Xia, or our Squad Leader at all?” Waiting for an answer, her eyes widened in fear as her eyes locked onto a looming figure in the trees ahead. Speeding by the Titan, Eve craned her neck up as the grinning giant swiped his hand above her and swatted a corps member out of the air like a fly. “Shit—” Pulling herself forward and cursing in fear, Eve snapped the reins of her horse forcing the poor mare to pick up speed as terrified pants escaped from the red heads lips.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Xia followed along her team in relative silence. Despite their massive numbers, she wasn't going to let her guard down. If anything, their massive numbers were just what those Titans wanted, to be able to wipe out an entire group of Survey Corps members in one massive pileup. And sure enough, something happened; from seemingly out of nowhere, a titan covered in foliage emerged and attacked. "What!? What kind of titan is this!?" The only warning Xia had of the titan's attack before someone shouted it's presence was the titan's hulking shadow. Xia was one of the unlucky few who was about to get crushed, but also one of the faster ones who managed to escape that fate. Blood slapshed all over her back sending a unnerving warmth down her spine, but Xia only kicked her horse to go faster as she knew that the Titan wasn't dead yet.

Xia for the moment lost sight of her team. Not good. Even worse, after that deviant attacked, more Titains were coming out of the wood work to converge on the survey corps members. They had to be fast or else they'll be trapped, surrounded on all sides by titans. Not a good way to start their first mission. More of the proctors and graduates took into the skies to fight the titans, allowing Xia to weave through the forest to find her team. She couldn't see Otto, their team leader, anywhere, but she did see Alexandria and Eve. She also saw a titian just ahead of them, just as it looked like it was about to attack him. Xia stood on her saddle and fired her hoots towards a tree behind the titan, flying off in it's direction as her horse continued to gallop forward.

The titian swiped the air, just barely missing Xia but hitting another survey corps member who was reduced to a bloody smear. Xia landed on the side of a tree behind the titan and attacked before she really had any idea of what she was going to do. She simply shot her hooks at the titan's neck, plunging her blades into it's nape and slashing out. The Titian roared and began to fall and Xia launched her hooks towards another tree lower to the ground. She could see her horse was still alive and moving forward, and she also saw Eve not too far away. Though Xia was lucky to catch this titan when it wasn't paying attention to her, it would be better for Xia all to stick with her team if possible. She zipped through the air and eventually managed to land right onto her horse, who nearly bucked her off. "Wow there! Calm down! It's just me..." The Horse continued to buck ofr a short while, but than calmed itself and resumed it's running. Xia rode up alongside Eve at full gallop and shouted over the wind pressing against their face. "Eve! Glad that you're alright, have you see the squad leader?" Although their situation was bad, Xia seemed to have an excited smile on her lips. Something about the danger and rush was exhilarating to her, despite her won belief that something like this needs to be taken seriously. Perhaps it came from the fact that she just slew a titan by herself, using nothing but instinct.
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