Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CrimsonWarrior55
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CrimsonWarrior55 Grand Master Ninja!!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Mal chuckled under his scarf before reaching into his bag for some jerky he kept in case of emergencies. "Here, Kid. I know it's not much, but it should help a bit" he said, handing Fuyuto the food, then slinging one of his arms over his shoulder "Rena, get his other arm. He's a bit heavier than I thought". As the three moved back to the city, which luckily wasn't too far away, Mal started to get bored with the silence "So, Fuu. You mind telling us why you thought it was a great idea to run headfirst into a tree? I know you're hungry, but if you were trying to knock some fruit down, that's not the best way for humans to do so. I know the Pachys do it, but they have nine inches of solid bone for a skull. You seem to be a bit short in that aspect" he chuckled, referring to another class of monster that rammed fruit trees to get food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Before Annabel could say anything, Red was gone. She smiled, knowing she should start saddling up her own chocobo. She loved taking Powder, a very calm white chocobo, to the ferry. She might even take Powder into Xenon. Everyone always complimented on how white Powder's feathers were and often asked if she were available for purchase. It was a great formof advertising for the farm. Plus Powder loved the attention.
Annabel whistled as she put the barding on the chocobo. After a quick farewell to her sister, she was riding the bird down the road to the ferry. Annabel stopped when she got close to Red and saw the ferry was still docked. A miracle indeed.
"I guess we got lucky." She said to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

At this point, Sara didn't much care that constantly looking at her pocket watch was only slowing her sense of time, flipping it open and closed was at least occupying her attention. From where she was, she could see a number of people loading various goods onto the ferry for market, as well as people boarding for general appointments in Xenon. The folk here lived simply, but they were kind-hearted. She wondered why there needed to be much of a guard presence at all on Miris.

Over on land, Sara lifted her eyes and spotted the same farm boy from up the road, promptly joined by the chocobo keeper girl atop a pretty white chocobo. At first, Sara thought it a coincidence to see them again, but wasn't there mention of selling vegetables or something? If so, then why was the boy still on the shore and not on the ferry.

A mechanic came up to the wide gangway to address anyone nearby. "Alright, she's fixed!" He shouted, causing a sound of relief to emanate from the passengers, "All aboard for Xenon!"

Sara snapped her watch shut one last time and replaced it in her pocket, before lifting her weapon and finding a place to better brace herself. Those kids had better hurry up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So, if I recall correctly, Xenon would be the best place to hire myself out. Makes sense, I suppose, it is a metropolis after all. Tyme thought as he walked the streets to where the shipyard was. The people he passed were slightly intimidated by him, mainly because of the oversized gunblade he was carrying with ease, and the fact he had a hardened face devoid of emotion. He arrived at the docks just as he heard someone say the ship was fixed, realizing that if it had been running on time, he'd have missed it by now. Without a word, he made his way to the ramp and boarded the ship bound for Xenon, making his way to the back of the ship itself. He lowered the gunblade and held it, the point touching the floor as he sat down, his cold eyes peering past the weapon and at the other passengers that boarded. Xenon, it was a place he and his sister had often dreamed of moving to, it was like a paradise for them. I promised we'd see Xenon together, sister. After seven long years, I will finally get to fulfill that promise. he thought, his eyes lowering to his left index finger, where the ring she gave him was. His eyes returned to the passengers, several of them staring at the weapon, though they looked elsewhere when he caught their eyes. These people act as if they've never seen a gunblade before. Hmph. Simpletons. he thought, closing his eyes. All he wanted was to have a peaceful, undisturbed trip, that's all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Fuyuto was thankful for the food and for being carried. "Thanks" he replied as they started to carry him, with the jerky in his mouth. It was good that Xenon wasn't far away, he didn't wish to trouble the two too much, but is glad to make their acquaintance. Suddenly, Mal asked him a question. Fuu? he thought to himself. It was the first time anyone referred to him in that way. As Mal chuckled in his jest of suggestion of why Fuyuto ran headfirst into a tree, he chuckled a little too. Well, this is going to be embarrassing, he thought to himself.
"Well ... you see ...." he trailed his words.
"I was going to hunt some monsters, when I caught sight of your pretty protege, Rena. I wasn't sure if I was imagining what I saw or if there was an actual person. So, curious to confirm what I saw, who she was and what she was doing here, I went to approach her slowly. It would be bad if I were to scare her and get shot by that crossbow. Anyway, suddenly, I tripped, and despite only going at a walking pace, crashed head first into the tree so hard that it cracked it." Fuyuto laughed, trying to hide his embarrassment and brush off the incident.
"So, what do you two do? And what were you doing out in the forest today?" he asked, as they reached the gates of Xenon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blaze Gamma
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Blaze Gamma Lovelorn Romantic

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Mmmhm," Red mumbled, not opening his mouth out of worry that he would vomit everything he'd eaten over the past 3 days, and he did not want to waste all the work Annabel had put into keeping him healthy. Shakily, the young man stood up and got onto the ferry. As he entered the craft, he walked past a particularly dangerous looking young man, and that was enough to make him vomit, but only just a little, onto the floor of the ferry.

It was not long after that the ferry set off of the minor island and headed to the infinitely larger one where Xenon was housed. Once they were finally moving, Red leaned on a wall next to his cargo, and closed his eyes. "This is torture," he finally found the energy to say to Annabel. "Um... Thanks for coming along," He continued.


It was as if on cue. The three of them reached the gate, when a monster appeared. Oddly, though, it was not one of the monsters that was known to lurk around the outskirts of the city.

It was a monster that any hunter would recognize. One that was dangerous to even the most experienced hunters, and this one was easily 10 feet tall, much larger than the usual 3 or 4 foot tall members of its ilk. It was dangerous, to be sure, and the worst thing was, it was headed right for the city gates.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The farmer and the rancher had made it onto the ferry without a problem, but they weren't the only ones to catch Sara's attention. Another young man boarded carrying what Sara recognised as a gunblade on his back. A dangerous weapon by all accounts, especially in the hands of someone trained in their use.

Why was someone carrying a gunblade on Miris? Occasionally there were organised crime gangs that met up for deals in secluded places, and it made sense to pick a quiet place such as Miris, but this one was standing out with a large armament. If they wanted to be discrete, they tended towards concealed weapons. This was most interesting. Opting to assume a position leaning against a wall where she could see the young man, Sara decided to keep an eye on him. If he was planning anything untoward, a guard presence might at least deter it, if not prevent it.

So far, the ferry chugged along without any more problems. It was making better time than before, obviously the fault with the boiler was a significant one before it was fixed. These ferrymen just don't get the funding they need these days. Looking away from the gunbladesman for a moment, Sara looked ahead of of the ferry to Xenon as it came closer. It was always an imposing sight from this position, even after taking the ferry many times. Sometimes Sara wondered how anyone could fathom its scale. Or its underbelly, she thought, So many misfortunes underneath such a pristine shell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

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Rena was currently supporting Fuyuto with one arm and holding the bag containing her crossbow with the other. The quiver was still on her back. "That was quite reckless. Maybe you should be taking more care from now on." She giggled, before talking again. "So, you think I'm pretty, do you?" Before he could answer, or really respond properly, she answered his other question. "Mal is teaching me how to shoot. We were in the woods to train. It's....it's..."

Rena stopped in her tracks, and pointed forward.

"That's a Flan! It's a huge one, and it's heading towards the city!" It didn't take a genius to see that Rena was scared right now, but she wasted no time in taking her crossbow from the bag, still cocked, and loading an arrow into it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CrimsonWarrior55
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CrimsonWarrior55 Grand Master Ninja!!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Mal couldn't help but chuckle at his response. The group had finally reached the city gates, when Rena stopped cold "That's a Flan! It's a huge one, and it's heading towards the city!" she cried out, quickly grabbing her crossbow and loading it. "Shit! Rena, that's not gonna do anything, but piss it off!" He gently placed Fuu on the ground, and pulled out his pistol "I'll distract it! You take the kid and get him into the city, then STAY there. You understand? We're not equipped to handle something like this!" he commanded, quickly converting his pistol to a rifle.

Running ahead before Rena could object, Mal quickly got into the Flan's eyesight. Cocking his gun, Mal stared the thing down "Goddamn, you must be a hit at parties. You know..." He hefted his gun and pointed it right at the thing's eye... "Jell-O Shots"... and fired...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After some time had passed traveling, and also being watched, Tyme felt the ship stop. They had arrived at their destination. He opened his eyes and slowly stood, hoisting the large weapon over his shoulder again, his eyes meeting his observer's own. Sure, he may have looked out of place and dangerous with such a bulky weapon, but he had no intention of starting anything during the trip. That would've been stupid on his part. Tyme made his way to the front of the ship with the other passengers, After stepping off the ship, he stared at the bustling street ahead of him, so many people rushing about. For the first time, Tyme smiled, he was certain he'd find someone to hire him here. He read the large metallic sign over the gate, it read Beta. Tyme had heard of this from his mentor, Xenon was known for having many gates, this was clearly one of them. He made his way into the crowd, eventually walking until he found a spot to set himself up, lowering his weapon and leaning on it. There were other people shouting around him, advertising themselves, it seemed like he was going to have to do the same. Clearing his throat, he shouted, "Gunblade mercenary for hire! Trained in the use of gunblades! Offering services for three hundred gil!" he shouted, continuing to repeat the same words over and over again as he stood there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

With a snap of her wrists, Annabel sent the reins over Powder 's head and dismounted. After a small stumble on uneven ground she took the reins and followed Red aboard the airship guiding her chocobo behind her. It didn't come as much of a surprise when he threw up on the deck, and she pretended not to see it making sure to guide Powder around the puddle.
Annabel was more than happy when the ferry started to move. "I will admit, I don't much like the ferry." She wanted to say, 'it could be worse' but she didn't want to jinx it. It was not long until the ferry docked and Annabel immediately left the ship, taking her chocobo with her.
Not wanting to be in the way of other people, Annabel moved off to the side and into the crowd. Red would be able to find her by seeing Powder's head over everyone elses. She decided to look at the dock side vendors, keeping the ferry within sight. As it would happen, there was a greens stall not far from her. Maybe she should purchase some greens for Powder. Yes, that was a good idea. Annabel immediately purchase six gysahl greens and stowed them in a pack on Powder's barding. Maybe she should also get Red some more food. Yes, this was also a good idea. Annabel then set off to find some fruits, not paying attention to how far she got from the ferry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Without being to answer Rena's question about her beauty, she had told him that they were training in marksmanship, before suddenly dropping a little, due to Rena grabbing her crossbow.
"That's a Flan! It's a huge one, and it's heading towards the city!" she had cried.
Mal knew that the crossbow would not do anything to it, as did Fuyuto. As Mal placed Fuyuto down, he commanded "I'll distract it! You take the kid and get him into the city, then STAY there. You understand? We're not equipped to handle something like this!".
Seeing Mal run ahead, before Rena could come to help him up, Fuyuto started to get up, slowly, and ended up in a crouching position. Mal was right that they were not equipped to handle it, but, would he really be able to distract something of that size? And then what about him then?

There was no blood trickling from his forehead, it had already become a scab. He should be relatively fine he thought, and started to stand, with some help of his swords. Mal had made a witty remark, before shooting the Flan in the eye. The Flan's hand had gotten in the way, thus the shot was did not reach the eye. The Flan continued forward.

"This isn't good. The city is in danger like this." Fuyuto called out. There had to be something they could do. Maybe he could scare it with a fire or an explosion. But that would be unfeasible in the current situation. He simply didn't have the gil to even attempt to buy anything to be used in such a way. Something came to him, he had heard if cut in half, Flan sometimes would split into smaller Flan. When they are cut down enough, they feel endangered and run away. Although he couldn't cut down something this big that many times, maybe he could make it easier for Mal to grab it's attention.

"Hey Mal, there's no way you can grab it's attention with your gun when it's that big. What if there were two of them and it was half the size? Right now the city is in danger if it keeps coming this way." Fuyuto shouted out to Mal. Shouting the details. "I think I can cut it in half. I've heard that Flan would split into smaller Flan when cut. So that should make your bullets at least a little more effective for it to at least feel it. That way you can grab it's attention." Fuyuto pulled out one sword, and was getting ready to cut the giant Flan with his wind slice that he had used previously, waiting for Mal to hopefully agree and tell him when to cut it. He didn't have the energy to cut it multiple times, if he missed, then he wouldn't be able to try again. Fuyuto tried to calm himself down, to help him hit it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

As the ferry journey came to an end, so did Sara's watch over the armed man. She loosed her crossed arms, and went to gather her team and their mounts. She found them with the chocobos. Harry was lazing around as usual, his hat over his face and pretending not to be asleep. Brandt was grooming his chocobo, probably just to pass the time. Brandt turned around and stood to attention when he saw Sara, discreetly kicking Harry in the leg to wake him. Startled at first, Harry snorted and tried to swat away Brandt with his hand from where he was seated. He quickly stood up when he spotted Sara's legs form under his hat. "Mount up, let's go." Sara commanded with a stern face, ignoring their display of professionalism.

Single file, Sara's team cantered down the gangway astride their mounts, a blue, white and yellow column cutting through the crowds of merchants and customers in the vibrant Beta district. The man with the gunblade caught Sara's attention again. This time he was yelling amongst all of the hawkers, seemingly hiring himself as a mercenary without much discretion. "Pfft, that one's going to get chewed up," Sara muttered to herself.

Their destination was the guard citadel in Omega. A distance away, but it would be easier once they were clear of the main markets. Before they even got out of sight of the ferry, however, a guard came in their path and raised his hand. A message runner. "Hold! Hold!" The guard looked and sounded a little afraid. Sara reined her chocobo to a stop in front of the man while he caught his breath. Harry and Brandt followed suit.

"What is it?" She demanded without much patience.

"There's... you are the Miris patrol, right? What took you so long?" The runner said between breaths.

"That's right. There was some trouble with the ferry."

"The captain is... he sent an order down the wire... Delta gate... a big one..." it seemed as if the runner had sprinted all the way from the Beta guardhouse once he'd seen the ferry. He was breathing so heavily that he could hardly string a sentence together.

Sara creased her brow and held up her spare hand, "Hold on, slow down for moment. A big what?"

"Flan!... it's a huge flan!" The runner held his arms apart to try and convey the scale, "The captain broadcast an order to all posts. All available guards have to help out evacuating the area before we can drive it away. It's bigger than any flan we've ever seen. It's almost at the gate as we speak."

Sara swallowed and looked ahead. She knew the way to the main Delta gate from here. She signaled her team to follow with a wave forward. She clenched her teeth and urged her chocobo into a run with a shout, leaving the messenger behind. Harry and Brandt followed as best as they could as their mounts leaped along, trying to keep to the same route as their leader. Sara had to be careful not to run into anyone, but time was of the essence. Her chocobo, Dusty, was thankfully very good at jumping. And everyone else in her way was very good at ducking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CrimsonWarrior55
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CrimsonWarrior55 Grand Master Ninja!!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Mal didn't waste anytime. He continued shooting at the thing while shouting at Fuu "Well, Kid, if you think you can do, THEN DO IT!". As the Flan brought down it's monstrous arm, Mal rolled out the way, giving Fuu free range to cut the fucker 'God, I hope this works. I'd rather not deal with THEM right now'...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blaze Gamma
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Blaze Gamma Lovelorn Romantic

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Red was practically a one man stampede getting onto solid ground, but once he was there, he was finally able to calm himself down somewhat. He gathered up his supplies, then met up with Annabel once more, where she was buying greens for her chocobo. The color had returned to his face by the time he spoke up. "Hey," he spoke in a small voice. "Sorry about that." He then shook his head. "Alright, I'm going to head to Alpha. Gotta get selling these to families who don't want to have to travel all the way across town to buy some potatoes, you know?" He asked before turning on his heels. "I'll be at the usual place!" He spoke before heading off to the residential district.


The flan seemed completely unperturbed by the blade of wind that simply caused its body to shake, and it wasn't any more impressed by the bullets that lodged into its viscous form, only to stop inches in and start to sink right back out. All the while, it moved forward, not even registering the attacks of the two men.

"Get down!" Came a calm, almost regal voice. Quite suddenly, there was a sword sticking out of the flan's face, the blade of the sword colored an unearthly shining white. The giant beast went cross-eyed for a second, trying to figure out what had poked it, but before it could get any clue, the sword seemed to detonate. Almost instantaneously, the monster that had been entirely unfazed by the attacks before was reduced to so much ooze and vapor.

"It's been a while, Cloud Mal," the voice spoke. The source of the voice was a man of around 35. He was dressed in military blues with the sheathe to a longsword strapped to his left side, and a shotgun to his right. He carried himself like a seasoned veteran, and, quite calmly, he picked up the sword, whose blade had returned to being a normal silver, and sheathed it. "I see you've still not learned to calm yourself in the face of monsters." He turned to look at the three. "And who are these two? Apprentices?"

Before giving Mal a chance to reply, he walked up to Fuyuto, beginning to size him up for a moment, before closing his eyes. "You play too many video games." He said. "Now then, allow me to introduce myself. I am Leo Firelight, commander of the MagiBreakers." He crossed his arms before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a communicator and speaking into it. "This is MBC-01, calling Omega Central Command. Threat outside Delta is eliminated." He spoke.

"You should hurry on into the city. Monsters have been much more vicious as of late, and I don't want to see anyone getting hurt."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Annabel barely heard a word Red said as she scoured the stalls for some food. She had just purchased a small basket of fruits when she heard him say, "I'll be at the usual place." Before she could stop him and give him the food, he was gone.
"Well then.." she said under her breath. Where was she going to go now? She knew she would have plenty of time to kill so she walked the streets, showing off Powder to anyone you asked her about the bird.
Once she was done, Annabel found herself a little lost. She scolded herself for not paying more attention. With a sigh, she mounted Powder in attempt to see if anything looked familiar. Nothing did. Great, now what? She decided it would be best to go back the way she came and headed back down the road. Thankfully, she started to recognize the area and ended up back near the docks. Red would probably be waiting for her by now, she should--
Upon hearing someone shouting about a gunblade, Annabel lost her train of thought. She looked around for the source and spotted a young man with said weapon. She had always found the weapons fascinating but far too complex for herself to use. She stared at the weapon for a moment too long and realized she had stopped Powder to do so. She felt her face flush with embarrassment and spurred Powder on to the meeting place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

As swift as she could, Sara guided her mount through the streets to the edge of Beta district and into Delta. The pedestrians were far more sparse here, so they ran at a greater speed. The eventually reached the vicinity of the main Delta city gate and found a number of guards keeping the citizenry away from the gate. It was strange, though; there didn't seem to be any frantic rush to evacuate the area. Indeed, a curious crowd had formed.

"Make way!" Sara said, walking Dusty through the throng towards who appeared to be in charge. The guard giving orders was one Sara didn't recognise, but she apprached him all the same. "Team GSC-17, reporting." She said with a salute, "We were told to come here and help evacuate, what's going on?"

The man in charge, an annoyed looking beanpole of a man, looked to Sara and her team. "Those were our orders, then Firelight came down from Omega with a piece of paper signed by the captain saying that we should disregard the previous orders and have the people stay out of his way. He's dealing with the flan now."

"Wait, Firelight? Who the hell is that?" Sara asked, "And who does he think he is facing down a giant flan single-handed?"

"He's a MagiBreaker, head honcho." The guard commander gesticulated, trying to think he knew more than he did, "Whatever he's got to deal with the flan is beyond our pay grades."

Sara looked around. With all the guards arriving, most were just meandering around. She wasn't going to sit still. "This, I have to see." She said, before running her chocobo to the gate. Despite a protest from the commander, Sara kept going. Her team stayed put for fear of whatever the hell was out there, but Sara didn't care. Some rookie had left the postern door on the large gate unlocked, so leaning down to open it was the only real thing in her way. Dusty ducked her under the door and she beheld the forest outside. Down the main road, she focussed just in time to see a bright explosion and a splatter of what probably used to be the giant flan.

"What on..." Sara whispered, trying to see what was going on. There was only one person in a uniform, that had to be the MagiBreaker. Three other people were nearby, were they hunters?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As there was free range for the cut made by Mal, Fuyuto cut with all of his might to make as big of a wind blade as possible. But he did not have enough energy to cut the Flan it appeared. With the Flan body wobbling, and Fuyuto only capable of standing by leaning on his sword due to his exhaustion, he was disappointed in himself, not able to cut the Flan, and felt like there was nothing left to do. Then a calm, almost regal voice came telling them to get down, as Fuyuto crouched before suddenly, there seemed to be an explosion of sorts. Huh? he thought, as he looked up at the giant Flan. A man of around 35, dressed in military blues with the sheathe to a longsword strapped to his left side, and a shotgun to his right had stabbed the Flan and his sword had exploded. The Flan become a pile of ooze and vapor. It looked kind of like melting jelly. It was an odd sight to see.

The man that had appeared seemed to be an acquaintance of Mal. Fuyuto started to stand again, as the man picked up his sword. The man questioned Mal about Fuyuto and Rena, before turning to Fuyuto and sizing him up.
An odd comment came out of his mouth, "You play too many video games". Fuyuto looked in surprise. Fuyuto never even owned a game console, let alone a game. How can this man judge him that way, he thought. The man introduced himself as Leo Firelight, commander of the Magibreakers. Fuyuto felt somewhat irritated by Leo, who had ordered them to make their way into the city. But nonetheless, they were saved by him, and had introduced himself.
"The name's Fuyuto, I am not Mal's apprentice, we just happened to be in the forest together, and were making our way back to the city." Fuyuto spoke and started to point to Rena. "She's Rena, Mal's apprentice."
"So ... what are the Magibreakers?" Fuyuto decided to ask.
He could hear approaching them from the city direction was someone on a chocobo. Fuyuto did not turn around yet, waiting to hear Leo's reply.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tyme had noticed the chocobo walking around, it was kind of hard to miss after all. He wondered if that had been the same chocobo that was on the boat earlier, and if so, then the owner would be leading it around. While he continued to shout, he occasionally kept glancing at the moving chocobo, trying to get a glimpse of the owner. Tyme had always been fascinated by the majestic creatures, and had often thought of getting a chocobo chick when he and his sister had lived on the streets. It never happened though, it wouldn't have been possible for the two of them to raise a chocobo, considering they barely were able to feed themselves. Sighing, Tyme lifted his gunblade over his shoulder again, calling out once more. From the corner of his eye he noticed the chocobo had stopped, which meant it's owner did too. He turned his head, spotting a woman holding it's reigns and staring in his direction. Was she staring at him? His eyes traveled to his gunblade, Not me, she's staring at the gunblade. Why though? he thought, turning his head back to look at her. By that point, she was riding the chocobo back towards the docks, I wonder who she is. he thought before shaking his head. "No, Tyme, don't get distracted." he told himself. He sighed again, deciding he'd move onwards to another place. As he walked, he recalled his mentor saying that Gamma Gate would be the best place for him to go if he got nothing in the Beta Sector, there was usually someone there who needed protection or something while they traveled. Chuckling, he headed towards the direction of Gamma Gate, hoping that this time his luck would change.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CrimsonWarrior55
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CrimsonWarrior55 Grand Master Ninja!!

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Mal couldn't believe it. His bullets did nothing to distract the damn thing, and Fuu's attack did nothing! Not knowing what to do, Mal was about ready to get his charges inside the gates when... boom. The Flan erupted into goo. Only one group had that kind of skill, and Mal wasn't happy about it. "Ugh" Malachi groaned out as a familiar voice called to him. It was his old mentor, Leo Firelight. Rolling his eyes, Mal did his best to ignore the man and let Fuu take care of introducing himself and Rena. "Well, it could be worse" he muttered quietly. It was only Firelight, and Mal could handle... "YOO-HOO!!!! MALLY-CHAAAAAAAAAAAN!!" came another voice floating on the wind. "Dear Gods, kill me now" was all he could get out before he was tackled to the ground by a girl (well, technically she was 25, but still) with short, wild, blue hair and the greenest eyes you ever saw. "Mally-chan! It's been sooooo long. I was starting to wonder if you'd forgotten about me!" the girl whined with an adorable pout and sheer crazy in her eyes "Dammit, Jade, get off me!" Mal cried, trying to shake her off, but she had a firm grip on his wrists and all her weight (including that of her massive zweihander) centered right on his back. He wasn't going anywhere "Oh, Mally-chan, you seem so tense... if you like..." she put her mouth low, next to his ear "I could help you with tha-WOAH!". Suddenly, Jade was yanked up by the collar by another woman who looked dead on like her, but she had longer, green hair and bright blue eyes. Plus... you know... sans the crazy. "Dammit, Jade! I swear, I let you out of my sight for one second, and you go galavanting off anywhere you damn well, please! Huh? Oh, hello, Malachi! It's been ages. How are you?" "Fine, Saphira, just fine. Just... keep your crazy-ass sister away from me, okay?" "Oh, come on, Mally-chan! I was just teasing you. Don't take everything so serious. Yeesh" Shaking his head, Mal got up and headed back over towards his apprentice and the Kid "Come on you two. The less time you spend around this lot, the better off you'll be. The whole lot of them are a bag full of crazy. Especially that one. She's stone cold fuck nuts" he said, pointing at Jade, who was presently giggling like a school girl while she waved at them, the creepiest smile on her face. Mal could've sworn her pupils and iris' were swirling...
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