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DiZL ReloadeD said
Hm? What was that someone called out and poked her with a stick? Yumiko slowly looked up, trying not to fall off her seat, seeing a little girl right before her desk. ".. hungry.. food.. no money.." she mumbled while her stomach was growling. She was not sure if the girl would help her out or not, but it was worth a try.

"Well that won't do at all!" the red girl huffed, slamming the wood bo staff on the ground. She dropped from her makeshift seat and looked to Yumiko before commanding imperatively, "Come now! I know where that Student Council President hides his manga and snacks when he goes to skip classes." Komoe made a gesture with her staff before marching out the door, evidently leading the young lady to the secret stash in the Council office.

Illusion said
Hotaru sighed as the boy said yes. She thought to herself and then noticed Haru suddenly become flustered. He shook his head suddenly and Hotaru laughed. The president then opened the window, claiming it was stuffy in the room. "Really? If feels pretty normal to me," she shrugged and then walked over to him. "So, we stand here before you today... To propose a new club!" Hotaru tried to speak a bit more properly for humor and smiled. "Well, er, president... What should I call you?" She asked, inferring for him to tell her his name. She became lost in thought upon waiting for a reply.

"...Okey Dokey," Naoki chirped after thinking about Hotaru's proposition. Unfortunately, before the girl could celebrate or whatever, he added, "But what's it about? Do you have a free room to use? Permission and-or supervision from a staff member is also required... Can't just go approving things willy-nilly." He put his hand to his chin, "Oh, and proper documentation. That too. I think I got one of those on hand... Lemme see here..."

Naoki rummaged through something that sounded suspiciously like large volumes of books before unveiling a club form. "There we go!" he declared, sliding the sheet, as well as a pen, across the desk towards Hotaru. He also backed up a bit towards the window, but that was more or less obfuscated by the forms directed at Hotaru as well as his next choice of words, "I am President Naoki Kazuhiko! Yourself?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Illusion
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Illusion The Great!

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Hotaru was about to jump with joy just as Naoki began asking a bunch of questions consecutively. As he continued, Hotaru slouched more and more. "Agh.. I really didn't think this through properly..." She sighed and waited while the president searched for the club form. As he slid it over, she immediately began scribbling and filling out the blanks with somewhat sloppy handwriting. She mumbled and paused occasionally while thinking of what to write, and then continued once again. Naoki introduced himself as Hotaru was thoroughly, in her opinion, filling out the form. She was finally done and stood up.

"It's nice to meet you, Kazuhiko-senpai!" She handed him the form and waited patiently for him to review over it. "Hmm... Should I keep calling you Kazuhiko-senpai, or should I call you kaichou..?" Hotaru began talking to herself and became lost in thought.

Name: Takano Hotaru
Grade: Year 1
Club name: The Friends Club! Friends, not Foes!
Club purpose: To help people make friends...? Probably... I think I'm pretty sure!
Club supervisor: _________________________
Club members:
- Yamaguchi Haru
- Alichino Maverick
- Kazuhiko Naoki
- ________________________
- ________________________
- ________________________
- ________________________
- ________________________
- ________________________
Signature for approval: ________________________
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lemons
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Lemons Resident Of The Bargain Bin

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At the prospect of a club, Haru became suddenly overexcited and grabbed the paper straight from the president's hands, looking over it quickly. "We need more members than this!" He quickly wrote down two names, then handed it back to Naoki, muttering "Sumimasen..." before perking up again. An infectiously happy grin quickly spread across his face and he ran for the exit. "I need to go find Kimura-senpai and Sorata-senpai!" Unfortunately, in his haste, he had forgotten a construct called a door, which he had closed on his way in. He ran into it face-first and toppled to the ground, giggling a little. Some detached part of him chastised himself for making such a feminine noise before his eyes rolled back in his head and he crumpled, blood pouring from his nose.


Sakaki's ears perked up at something. Hmmm...sounds almost like someone running into a door...No, that only happens in manga. Nobody could be quite that dumb.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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"Oh? Well either works, I guess. Not too picky, really," Naoki said, accepting the form before having it removed from his hands suddenly. Fortunately he wasn't holding it too hard, or he would've obtained a nasty papercut. It seemed that this girl's - Hotaru Takano if he read correctly before it was taken from him - friend was signing up other people she might have missed, which was beneficial to them since it would allow them to meet the club minimum easier. After returning the form, the boy began to depart. "Goodbye! Don't forget the d- ...Nevermind," Naoki began before getting cut off by the dull thud of a body hitting wood and then floor. "Are you.... okay?" Naoki asked, tilting his head slightly to the side.

He waited a few more moments, but the guy did nothing but bleed from his nose. If Naoki didn't know better, he'd say that this situation was right out of a manga. "...Well." the Student Council President said, tapping Haru with his foot, "Look's like he's out cold." Naoki put his hand to his chin in thought, "Somebody should bring him to the infirmary..."

Naoki slammed open the door, the one with Daichi listening against it. "YES HELLO WE REQUIRE A MEDIC." he declared into the hallway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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"X-Rays, huh?" Noticing Shana's discomfort, Tanaka took the moment to scoot up a little before going back to his own thoughts. Well, they weren't really thoughts if he was muttering them aloud. "Yeah, I guess it would make sense to collect some samples first though. But how would we get close enough to retrieve them? How? How? How?"

Wasn't it a simple answer?

A thought entered his mind and Tanaka grinned at Shana, the hints of creepiness present at the corners. "Isn't it a simple answer? We'll just join the. . . .join the. . .c-. . . clu. . . .large gathering of people with common interests." His eyes were bright at all the possibilities that this could unfold. "Think of it Kiotori-san! By infiltrating their gatherings, we can increase our chances of obtaining success! We could verify what makes them tick and how their internal structures help them survive social interaction It's perfect! It's genius!"

Well, it had taken some thinking, and it was by his own justifications of course. But, whether he was aware of it or not, Tanaka was basically proposing that they join Hotaru's deranged club.

For science and the pursuit of knowledge of course.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CasedaAmpora


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A nervous laugh escaped Shana before her eyes grew wide. It was all for the sake of science, but did Tanaka know what he was proposing?! Once he finished speaking and awaited her reply,she inhaled deeply before saying with a nervous tone.

"But Sorata-san, that means we have to...interact with them...for...hours."

Now, Tanaka was on the more friendly side of the introvert chart, while Shana was farther along the lines of the shy, timid introvert.
"Hmm...should I? I mean, I have no other options if I want to learn how the others work. That settles it, there's only one thing I can do."

With a loud swallow, she stood up taller and said with a nod.
"Okay, I'll do it. I'll join the...the...c-club..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

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Maverick remained quiet the ought the events though he couldn't help but chuckle a little when the younger male ran into the door. It seemed he had been to excited for his own good and had forgotten about the door. The poor kid now lay, passed out on the floor, bleeding from the nose slightly. His attention, however, was drawn to Daichi who was crouched by the now wide open door. He had clearly been eaves dropping. "What do you want Daichi?" His usual soft Italian accent took on a slightly rough form and he felt his more violent personality attempt to push it's way forward. Maverick did his best to fight it back, not wanting to get into another little skirmish with the younger male and not wanting Hotaru to see him at his worst just yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

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Daichi sneered and got up"what's it to you?" He leaned against the wall then noticing that girl "sup' punk." He muttered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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At the mention of the world, Tanaka instantly paled in fear. "C-Club? Who said anything about joining a club! We're not doing that!" Wait, so what was all the drama for then? "Don't say that word cause we're not joining a club! We're joining a collective group of people with common goals and interests of course. Not a club."

But. . .wasn't that exactly the same thing just worded fancier? Whatever. Whatever worked for Tanaka's mind and sanity. If it wasn't a club, then it'd be best not to tell him so. Best to keep him in his delusions.

Upon realizing that Shana basically agreed with him though, Tanaka grinned once more, clasping his hands and rubbing them in a creepy manner. "Excellent. Wonderful! Perfect! Now all we need to do if find the coordinator of this great landmark in society. . ." A pause. "Er, what was her name again? Takano-san?"

That girl was really dead set on making a clu-sorry, a conglomeration of like-minded individuals. Therefor, it made sense that they'd go to her for membership. Tanaka raised a hand up to emphasize his next few words and points. It was a sudden change from the creepy demeanor, giving off an aura of epicness.

Or at least, in his mind.

"Alright! Just like that anime with the triangle sunglasses and the drills! For science!

"Right! Let's go find that first year then." Turning away, he took four solid steps before briefly stopping and looking back. "Er, after you're done checking out though Kiotori-san."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

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Maverick crossed his arms and glared. "Well considering you are spying on us I think I have reason to worry, what were you planning on jumping us when we came out?" He asked but when he noticed Daichi's attention had moved to Hotaru he stepped in front of the younger girl blocking his view of her. He suddenly felt extremely protective and he couldn't figure out why. If was probably because Daichi had caused harm to her earlier and Maverick had seen it. "So care to explain why you were crouched outside the door?" He questioned arms still crossed and voice still rough. He didn't want to cause problems but he didn't like being spied on by the younger student who clearly hated everyone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

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Daichi gritted his teeth " listen punk, you don't need to know!" He turned to maverick and marched up to him "shift squirt or you'll be sorry!" He raised a fist.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Illusion
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(I think we've spent quite enough time in lunch, so let's continue with classes).

Hotaru was happy to see Haru excited about the club, but he was a little too excited and ended up knocking himself out. "H-haru... Are you okay...?" She questioned with a nervous smile while holding out a hand. Naoki suddenly bursted the door open. Hotaru's eyes widened to see who was crouching behind there. She became a bit more serious and stepped back. He called me punk again... I'd better keep my mouth shut. She clenched her fists and growled angrily. That was when Maverick stepped in front to defend her. Hotaru abruptly clasped her hands together as her eyes began glittering. "Onii-chan...!" She subconsciously blurted happily and then quickly covered her mouth. "Haha... M-my bad," she scratched the back her head, embarrassed.

The bell indicating the end of the lunch period rang.

"Ah shoot! Gotta go," Hotaru speed-walked to Haru's floppy, lifeless body and pulled his arm over her shoulders. Whoa, this guy is light! She thought after easily picking him up. "I''ll take him to the infirmary. We can discuss the club again later! I'll try looking for a club supervisor too," she practically carried Haru out of the room, passed Daichi without making any eye contact, and left for the infirmary.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CasedaAmpora


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"But that's what I...its the same...ugh, nevermind. Let me just check these out." Shana sighed in exasperation and shook her head, not bothering to "rain on his parade.". As she walked over to the librarian, whom of which was currently terrified of the pair (she probably heard their plan and didn't want her brain cut open), Shana gave her a polite nod nod and placed her books on the desk.

After the book keeper cautiously checked the books, Shana took them and turned back to Tanaka who had stopped and waited for her, how kind.
"Okay then, lets go find the-"


The bell, that cursed bell, rang loudly throughout the school.

"Awh crap, well I guess we'll talk to her after class?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

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Daichi waited until he was alone with maverick. He snarled. "So what is this crappy club anyway?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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Tanaka noticed the way the librarian looked at the two of them, her eyes wide with fear. Trying to dispel such fear, Tanaka waved awkwardly at her giving off a little smile. Or, at least he thought it was a smile. To the librarian it seemed much more like a grimace or a sneer, and the casual wave only added to the creepy factor. She could practically see the non-existent aura of darkness surrounding the second year, and she made haste to check out Shana's books, choosing to check the books as slow as humanly possible. Maybe if she took her time, she'd be spared of that fate? She really didn't want to get her head cut open.

Tanaka on the other hand just shrugged at the librarian's paranoia. On some inner cosmic level, he quite enjoyed seeing other people freak out over stuff like that. Probably explained why others thought him as. . .off. At that, he couldn't help but glance at Shana.

The second year was an introvert herself, so that was understandable. Even still, he was always amazed on no matter how disturbing he could be, she always seemed unfazed, brushed off the behavior completely, or just tagged along in his morbid manners. Much like the thing with the club actually.

Wait, no, not a club. Sorry, a social gathering. That was at least a bit better.

Speaking of decapitated and mutliated heads, the shrill ring of the bell pierced through Tanaka's thoughts like a bullet to the brain. He inwardly groaned.

"Yeah, I guess we can talk to her after class. She's the ring leader, so there's no doubt that she's the mother brain in this case." A couple of students looked at the pair strangely as they casually walked down the hall and towards their next period.

On that thought. . .just how long was this abnormally timed school day?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CasedaAmpora


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As the twosome walked towards their next class, Shana started a mental argument with herself. She had these frequently, so that wasn't a problem, it was just a bit annoying.

" Why are you joining that social prison?! You will be forced to talk to those people for hours, Shana...hours."

" But its what I have to do if I want to learn more! Its all in the name of scientific discovery!"

" 'Scientific discovery' my a-"

She jolted to a stop once she realized she was about to pass her door. With an embarrassed chuckle she turned and opened the door, walking inside with her head down so her face was shielded with black hair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

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Maverick glared at Daichi but sighed. "Honestly I'm not even sure. Hotaru is a little bit out there. The bell rang and I don't want to deal with you, I'm going to class." Maverick shoved his hands in his pockets and walked past Daichi truly not wanting to deal with him at the moment. Maybe after school but not now. "I wouldn't try anything while my back is turned either, you may very well bring out a very bad side of me." Maverick muttered as he walked past the younger boy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

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Daichi frowned "hey maverick! You're more popular than you know. Maybe keep that in mind when I take you down." He scuttled out the door to lessons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

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Maverick stopped in his tracks to hear what Daichi said but simply chuckled and continued walking afterward. Trust me you won't win. Maverick thought and walked into his class. Nobody knew this but Maverkck had taken multiple fighting classes though the ones he mostly stuck to were kick boxing and boxing. He took a seat and decided that now was a good time for a nap.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Erklings25
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Erklings25 Abracadabra

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Daichi rolled his eyes nobody listened to his advise. He sat down in class rather angry. Why did nobody ever take his advi....Oh yeah it's was because the hated him they despised him because he was a bully.
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