Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Grey Warden
Val Royeaux

The Grey Warden bowed his own head as the elf accepted his offer to join them. "I am the Grey Warden. Warden will suffice. And indeed the Blight has ravaged much if these lands in such a way that it is saddening to know that the world had become a less grand place because of it. Hopefully our efforts here can assist us against thr Blight." Hearing that Airthel had all he needed, The Grey Warden saw no reason they should delay any longer. "Let us proceed than. We shall first begin with the search of the missing husband. To that end let us find his spouse. I vaguely remembered that she resides somewhere in the southern area of the city... but that is all my memory can provide to me. Airthel, do you remember any more details?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 21308
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Anyone among them who had read the notice would recall what it specifically said: "My husband left to find herbs for our sick child in the wilderness outside the city and has not been back in several days. I fear for his life and request that anyone able and wiling would search outside of town for him. We can offer little in the way of coin, but he and I are both knowledgeable herbologists and will provide you with any manner of healing tonic we have the means to make as a reward for your efforts."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Actually I remember reading that we need to go to outside the city since the husband is a herbologist" Angelo noted softly since he read ask of it of course but he remembered where he had to look for said husband "we just need to find a place that has herbs that he would want for tonics" Angelo shrugged before remembering "also I like to keep bloodshed to little as possible, if we find ourselves in need to convince someone just let me do the talking" Angelo said not telling them that he was an assassin and convincing people to do thing's was part of his job. He needed to trust these people before saying something so private
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Corraich Fiadhaich

The city of Val Royeux was a crowded place right enough, the vast numbers of people seeming to take up every available inch of space, whether it be in the inns, taverns, chantrys or even the streets themselves. The press of refugees and beggars was almost suffocating, it being a bloody wonder that no one had been trampled under foot yet. That said, it was a wonder just how much space the mob would give to a six foot eight inch tall Chasind barbarian when he came ambling down the street. Maybe it was the fact that he was built like a bear that made them give him his space, or that his big, battle-scarred, heavy fists looked like they could pound an Ogre into paste if he put his mind to it, or that look in his eyes that said he'd been over the mountain a time or two. Or maybe it was the simple fact that he hadn't had a chance to wash in about a fortnight, and stank to the Makers hall. Whatever it was, they didn't have to give him his berth on the street for much longer as he had found his destination, a pretty non-descript little tavern that seemed to be a hive of drunken activity.

The big Chasind pushed his way through a group of drunks towards the door of the tavern, a couple of angry comments cut shy when the dullards realised just how massive the southerner was. The barbarian had to duck his head just to fit under the lintel, a practice he was well used to by now. He had once thought about travelling to the lands of the Qunari, just because they were so big that they surely built structures big enough to suit him. His fierce dark eyes scanned the crowd, trying to pick out his targets. It didn't take long, even in a place as packed as this they stood out like a sore thumb. Two elves and a Grey Warden in plate. Not a sight you seen every day, and he should know, he'd seen some sights in his time. The Chasind crossed to the group, managing to catch the tail end of their conversation.

"Hold up there," he said, thrusting a crumpled Chanters board bill at the group, the very one that detailed they're adopted mission. "The Mother at the Chantry sent me, names Corraich Fiadhaich. Reckon you lad's aim to find this missing husband, mind if I tag along?" The big Chasind wouldn't admit it, but he needed the work, or more accurately he needed the healing potions. If he was to bring war to the Darkspawn for what they had done to the Korcari wilds and his people then he would need all the help he could get.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DAWNSTAR
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DAWNSTAR A literal Type 0 Super Luminous Star

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mathias walked through crowds of beggars and refugees, both of which gave him pleas for money. Though he looked nothing like a noble, or a man with any money really, he still walked like one. They way Mathias talked to people showed of how he was raised or more so molded into an heir for a business he wanted no part in. The only reason Mathias had come to Val Royeaux was in search for his sister. If there was any place to find a surviving Circle mage it would be in White Spire. Yet, few people are ever let into Spire who aren't specifically authorized. Mathias would have to make a name for himself and the best way to do that was to do work for the refugees.

The Chanter's board had dozens if not hundreds of letters pinned on to it. Many of them requesting an adventurer to kill some bandits to get their stolen items back or helping find their lost relative. There was one which stood about above the others, `Help find my missing husband". It had a very small payment but Mathias was happy to have something to start with. It said that the woman who posted it would be at an Inn not far from the Board. When Mathias arrived at the Inn, he could tell that a small group had already grouped around the woman offering the job. Mathias walked over as a big man pushed passed him and said something about the Chanter's Board. "Well, if that is the case then you guys aren't going to rescue this guy alone. I am coming with whether you like it or not." Mathias said as he leaned against a pillar behind the group that had gathered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PerniciousIntent


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Airthel was just about to voice his agreement with what Angelo said when a large man all but shoved himself into their impromptu powwow. The elf looked the man up and down, and saw that he was not only tall but also well muscled. He carried a blade, and the tattooed elf figured he knew how to use it. He thought the man would actually be quite useful. "I suppose that isn't a bad idea," he mused aloud. Looking at their group, he continued, "I know of an area that has a few different alchemical herbs, but I wonder if it would be better to ask the spouse of he had a prefered location."

The elf was shocked when another man approached them. He didn't think there was need of so much manpower for this one job, and frankly he seemed a bit rude. "Four able bodied men should be enough to find this missing man. Surely there are other posts on the chanters board?" His voice held no scorn, despite his opinion of the man's demeanor. He still respected his desire to help the less fortunate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Corraich was glad that his offer to help hadn't been met by any opposition from the group. One of the elves, a Dalish by the look of him, put forward a plan to find the missing husband. Not a bad one either, taking the direct route by just asking the wife where the husband might be.

"I know how to read track if we get a rough location," stated Corraich. No doubt the Dalish could too, but it bore saying that Chasind trackers were the best in the world.

It was at that point that a haughty little fellow barged into the conversation, much as Corraich had just seconds before. Still, there was something in his demeanour that set Corraich's hackles on edge, maybe just the arrogant way he thrust himself on the job. The big man reckoned he could stop the wee fellow coming if he 'didn't like it'.

Still, no point making enemies were you could be making friends. He listened as the elf spoke against him coming, waiting to see how it played out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Angelo walked over to airthel and whispered "maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to have him. Something may have taken this man and we would need the man power this guy has" Angelo offered knowing we were at this point full but having a fighter on our side when I was only a rouge was a good idea if we tried to rescue this man from maker knows what
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Grey Warden
Val Royeaux

Just as The Grey Warden was about to have his little group leave for the job, two more humans showed up. Both of them carried themselves like warriors, one he knew must have come from the Korcari. However The Grey Warden did not quite remember what his people were called. Chaste, or something along those lines. Strong warriors, even if they're only the Taint away from being like Darkspawn themselves. The other one was harder to pin his origins from. He seemed of high class, perhaps even nobility. His attitude suggested that much at least, and like The Grey Warden, seemed to favor the use of two weapons at once. The Grey Warden wasn't sure if the man was arrogant or cocky, the former at least having experience and the latter just being an idiot. Regardless, The Grey Warden wouldn't deny his help. Five was a rather large group, but in these troublesome times, one can never be too careful.

"I am glad to be able to work along side capable men like yourselves. Let us hurry than, and find the missing man's spouse. With any luck she can assist us in narrowing down the location of where we must search, and than we can make use of Airthel and Corriach's tracking ability to find the husband. Or at least what became of him. Also, for those of you who just arrived, I am The Grey Warden. Warden will suffice if I must be addressed. Now than, if we are all prepared, let us leave with due haste." And with that, The Grey Warden made his way out of the Inn and headed in the general direction of the south of the city. He remembered with greater clarity now that the wife was going to reside in an inn in that area, and with any luck he would not need to scourer each inn for the spouse..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Lotrix Molick

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Argetlam350 said
They finally found an inn that would work. It wasn't the best choice but to them it didn't matter, especially when they had spent most days in Kirkwall staying in Lowtown and drinking in the Hanged Man Inn. They were just settling into the inn as well, both standing by the bar waiting for their drinks when Zeynep felt a hand tap her shoulder. Zeynep thought to herself annoyed. At least punching someone in the face would be somewhat pleasant to her. When she turned around though to see the person who tapped her shoulder she got the the surprised of her life. It was another qunari, her mind race trying to piece it all together. They had found her, she had been running from the Qun all these years, from those that would enslave her and let her rot under the care of another. Zeynep couldn't go back to that life. She would die before rejoining the Qun. She had nearly begun to reach for her staff when the stranger asked the question of whether or not Zeynep was a part of the Qun. Zeynep couldn't help but laugh at the question before thinking."Maker no I'm not a part of the Qun, not after what they did to me. Plus I'm with a dwarf," she said pointing to her companion."Hey I heard that," Gavlan said as he turned back to the bar, seeing now that he wouldn't have to take out his axe at the moment to aid his friend.Zeynep regained her composer and continued ",And you? Are you part of the Qun, here to take me back and get my tongue cut out.""Oh boy here we go," Gavlan said turning back to the conversation between the two qunari and waiting to see if this was going to be a fight or not once more. The dwarf hoped not, he rather have his mead and hit the hay for the dead rather then have to deal with a bar fight.

Rasie's reaction was rather odd considering she may be attacked by a dwarf, but she nonetheless grinned and chuckled. "I am far from Qun. In fact, I myself am hated by the Qun since I didn't convert upon meeting them. Let's just say that I am not from around here as to why I am not Qun." Finally taking into account the dwarf, she looked at him and her grin widened as she spoke a couple weird words and her eyes flared with magic for just a moment. That moment passed as she quickly canceled her Combat Magic. "No need to draw weapons, friend. If anyone were here for her, they would have to deal with me as well. The Qun rather hate mages, and I seem to be even scarier owing to the one who trained me."

The Kossith motioned over to a nearby table and waved to the tender. Again whispering, she spoke before turning to walk to the table. "Might be better to talk at a table. Prying ears and hostile eyes. Never know who may be converted, eh?" Her turning gave the two a good look at her choice of armament, a crossbow. Her bolts were strapped to her left thigh while the weapon itself was slung about her hips so it faced her right hand. Overall, she seemed oddly out of place in heavy armor, with a crossbow, and yet utilizing magic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Zeynep and Gavlan

Zeynep was surprised by the fact that this qunari knew magic. All her time after leaving the Qun she had not ran into another magic user of her kind. Yet she found this new stranger odd, if she was a magic user, why didn't she have the scars of one? Perhaps wasn't born anywhere where the Qun had control, Zeynep quickly thought to herself. She looked at Gavlan when the stranger spoke to him and he shrugged.
"I don't care if I sit or stand as long as I get my drink," he said relaxing from his combat position he had taken upon during the conversation, though even he would admit that she had a point. Even if the Qun didn't have major influence beyond the regions of where most qunari resided, it didn't mean that there weren't followers about around here.
"We shall take you on the offer then," Zeynep added following the stranger to the table, relieved that they wouldn't have to fight and somewhat excited to finally meet one of her kind that was also a magic user.
Once seated, Zeynep felt it would best for introductions ",I'm Zeynep and my companion is-"
"Gavlan," the dwarf interrupted ",Just because I'm short doesn't mean she can't hear me introduce myself."
"What was that?" Zeynep said joking
"Fine you mages talk about whatever while I reveal more personal details about you lass. Sure the stranger would love to hear the dirt on you."
"If you did I would toss you out of the bar personally," Zeynep replied.
"Ha no one tosses a dwarf," he said.
Zeynep merely shook her head before returning conversation back to the stranger."Forgive us, it's kind of normal that we do that," she said ",So what is your name, surely you don't like us calling you just stranger."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Lotrix Molick

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rasie took a seat opposite the two and listened intently as they bantered and introduced themselves. "You may call me Rasie. If you desire, you may also add my title, Witch of the Wilds. I prefer not to say it all too often as it has many negative connotations, but I valued my time under Flemeth's tutelage, leading me to take pride in the name." She shifted uncomfortably before pulling out her crossbow and laying it on the table immediately in front of her. "Pardon me drawing my weapon. The chairs here are none too friendly to crossbows or their wielders."

Once she settled, Rasie laid her hands over the weapon, fingers laced together. "So, why have you been exiled from the Qun? And was it hard adjusting to society outside their dogmatic regime?" To Gavlan, she fielded questions as well. "Surface-dwelling dwarf, no? What led you to meet up with a Qunari and travel with her? I am sure it must be a good story."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Zeynep decided to answer Raise's question first."I wasn't exactly exhiled, I ran away and rejected the Qun. Being saarebas is barely being better then being a prisoner," she said, her face forming into a disgusted look at the memories of her year as being a saarebas ",Having your tongue ripped out of your mouth even for a whisper, just because they think you might of been using magic, mouth tied shut only tight enough to allow you to at least eat and drink, and getting your horns taken off." Zeynep had been lucky with her horns though. She had made a deal with her arvaarad to allow her to keep her horns.
"I bided my time until I was of an appropriate age and left, taking what money I could from my arvaarad and finding a ship out of Par Vollen," She continued ",Then I went through Rivain, Antiva, Navarra, and then stopped in Orlais. First thing I did was cut the strings out of my mouth and after that felt finally free of the Qun, besides the damn armor but I got rid of that as fast as I could once I could afford other clothing." Her hands subconsciously went to her mouth at the mention of the strings that had tied her mouth shut for so many years. It was hardly noticeable unless you were close but the scars were there to show where the string had been. How she had heard her voice for the first time after so many years.
"Then well it was a tough few months, learning how to speak the tongue that most know rather then what I was use to was frustrating. Even after those months of learning the tongue, I barely could say much. Eventually I just left Orlais all together and went east and found myself in the city of chains, Kirkwall where I offered my talents as a mercenary, with certain qualifications and my fees. I continued to learn the language and finally with fees finally got to learn more of my magic by buying books from a underground trader who got his stuff from the dwarf that you see here."

Gavlan had taken his giant axe and had it lean against his chair as well as removing his helmet, there was no point in wearing it anyways at that point."Oh it's my time to tell my story," he said when Zeynep had finished ",Well I wouldn't say a surface dwarf is as rare as finding a Qunari who deals in magic outside of the Qun. I'm originally from Orzammar but decided to leave the underground world as well as the Deep Roads behind and travel a bit. I found myself eventually in Kirkwall and that's where I found her, like she said. Knew I was going to have a lot of trouble from her. Anyways hearing how she was a hired mercenary and having a job that required a bit of some aid, I summoned her. In exchange for her assistance I would give her one of the books I sneaked into the city without the prying eyes of the templars or the mages as well as teach her the language she needed to know since she is right about one thing in her story, she couldn't speak the language at all."
"I can still throw you," Zeynep interrupted for a second though Gavlan merely ignored her.
"From then on we were just partners in the business of Kirkwalls underground world. Mostly it was just smuggling items into the city that weren't allowed inside it or were restricted to only certain people while others got shafted," he finished ",That's my story as for yours well, interesting to hear Flemeth was willing to accept tutoring a qunari but I guess I shouldn't be surprise from the old tales she does what she does for her own gain."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Lotrix Molick

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rasie stayed still, her eyes shifting only when another person began to speak. Once both had said their piece, she gave Zeynep a nod of understanding. "I understand all too well the feeling of being a prisoner and having no control of one's fate. It is hard to break the chains of old." Looking at the dwarf and then no one in particular, Rasie seemed to go deep into thought for a moment. Her face lit up a little, signalling that she had decided to enact her thought and she stretched out. "However, you are not too accuracte to call me a Qunari, Gavlan. I am related to the Qunari only so far as they came after my race. I am one of a race called Kossith. Do you know of them?" She had a good guess that they didn't, but for clarity's sake, she asked it so she knew what she needed to explain to them.

Meanwhile, she had seen a waitress and waved her over, giving her order for some food for them all and told her to take Gavlan's and Zeynep's drink orders. She herself ordered no drink and instead produced a large flask from her pack for herself. The waitress did not seem to mind, so one could assume that Rasie had been here before and dealt with that situation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

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Gavlan and Zeynep

Gavlan raised a slight eyebrow at the mention of Kossith."Aye I've heard of them but they were destroyed around the first Blight? Taken by darkspawn or something like that," he said. Zeynep on the other hand was lost to the conversation, not knowing what a Kossith was. Very few in the Qun were allowed to know who the Kossith were and any trace of them in the Qunari controlled lands had been destroyed when the Qun had become the popular choice of following. It was amazing that even Gavlan knew about it at all but his traveling and smuggling had made him meet a few interesting people and the term had come up once or twice with one of his associates who was a scholarly type though he never asked much about it.
"What is Kossith?" Zeynep finally asked after awhile, her interests peaked. Perhaps this explained why Rasie was not bothered by the Qun or was an outsider to them. Perhaps it was why she could use magic which then Zeynep wanted to know all about it. Magic was her only gift and she longed to be better at it. Learn most of what she knew from books was well and nice but a teacher would be far better then anything else.
Whatever Kossith was it also could explain why Rasie had a name. Zeynep's name of course was not her born name, she had chosen it once escaping from the life of Sarebaas and became Tal-Vashoth. Qunari never had names but rather took the title of what they were as their names. Zeynep had felt though that it was just another means of control, to prevent any uniqueness in the people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Lotrix Molick

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Gavlan's informed answer made Rasie lean forward much further and look at him intently. "Not all were killed in the First Blight. If they were, I wouldn't be sitting here in front of you. Though, unless others have been in hiding, I am likely the only one. I had an odd way of surviving. In fact, Gavlan, you are talking to a woman that came from when the First Blight attacked the Kossith colony in the Korcari Wilds. The village was not lucky. I was. Some magical anomaly tore me from reality, keeping me physically preserved between the Fade and the physical world." Her face gradually went from amused and excited to one of a pain with a forced facade of focus. "It was a life of mental pain. Fade energies, as they flowed to our world, would buffet me. It tore at my magic, my thoughts, my memories, and my sanity. Eventually, I was able to break free. I reappeared in this world six months ago. My face hitting that dirt was the most glorious feeling I have ever had in my life. Flemeth found me and tended to me until I recovered my capabilities. She then realized my magical talent and trained me to alter my shape as she does. Then, she sent me to wander and find a group of heroes who would change the course of the world. I have lost a lot from my centuries in stasis. I am only now regaining contacts and still have no friends. As I acclimate to this strange society, I may find some to call friend, but I must first find the people that will stand up and crush the Blight."

Her expression faded back into her normal smile as she changed to a brighter tone. "But, my whole story is for another time. If you are curious as to my age, Gavlan, I traced records to about when I was born. I was born around -410 Ancient and was thrown into stasis at about -390 Ancient. Physically, I am 21. Realistically, I am centuries old and only have knowledge of my life and of now, none of in between. I do know, however, that I was lucky. The women from my village were captured and most turned into broodmothers, which spawned the first ogres."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Zeynep and Gavlan

Zeynep and Gavlan were somewhat surprised by the story, Zeynep more then Gavlan. It wasn't a particular story to swallow but Zeynep could believe it, her knowlege of the Fade was small and she particularly enjoy being able to tap into it if she knew the spells and had a few other mages to help in the matter since she had no love for demon's that she knew resided there but being able to be trapped there for centuries could be a possibility.

"well nice story but I won't try wrapping my brain around it," Gavlan finally said ",I'm a simple dwarf with an axe, I'll let Zeynep figure how all the stuff you talked about works." Zeynep was surprised slightly how well he was taking it. He could be stubborn at times about magic, and such a story as this could be a moment were he would say it was preposterous. Perhaps he just didn't want to be rude to someone he just met or he was being sincere in the matter. Either that or he was to tired to argue, Zeynep could never tell with the dwarf, he was an odd one at times.

"So you're centuries old but still twenty one?" Zeynep asked finding it kind of funny in an odd sense. She was older then Raise in a sense since she was twenty six but realistically was not. She continued by asking ",So being Kossith does that mean they had an understanding of magic, accepted it or at least were not restricted like the Qun is about it." Zeynep wanted to know more about such a culture of her kind, one that would accept what she was and not view her as some useless tool that was worthless.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Angelo nodded and went to follow the warden. It was still a good idea although it was true we needed to find a place that a herbologist would father his ingredients from. It would be touching to see the face of that woman when we bring back her husband to her after days of loneliness although the question is now, why was he gone for so long to begin with? Was he captured our did dark spawn get this close already and he became victim to their numbers already?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DAWNSTAR
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DAWNSTAR A literal Type 0 Super Luminous Star

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mathais looked at the Warden as he walked out of the Inn and quickly looked at the elf who had addressed him. "I don't know about you but I am going with him. Do what you like but I am not going to stop working on this job" Mathias said after walking away from the elf and out the door. He quickly scanned the crowds for the Grey Warden. It took Mathias a few minutes to find the Grey Warden but as soon as he did, he ran to the Grey Warden. "I am going to help you search for the wife of the missing man. I doubt she will be staying somewhere expensive if anywhere at all. It might be best to ask if other refugees know of her." Mathais said as soon as he caught up to the Grey Warden. He doubted that it would be easy to find the woman but they needed to know where they could find the missing man.

Mathias could feel the tension between the refugees and the local Orlesians. Many of the refugees came from Fereldan and hated that they were forced from their homelands into the country which had occupied Fereldan for several years. Mathias understood their hatred for the Orlesians but he wished they would put aside the hatred for the more important matters, like the Blight. While several cities fell to the Blight, refugees would fight with locals over things that happened in the past. Few people ever tried to fight back against the Blight and those who did rarely ever came back. Mathias was hit with a flood of memories as he recalled a story told to him be a refugee. The story was of a horrifying encounter with Darkspawn on the way out of Fereldan, of how they killed without mercy. Mathias swore since then to kill any Darkspawn he ever sees and do help people who have been running from the Blight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PerniciousIntent


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Airthel had no qualms with the fifth man's presence if no one else did, and when no one seemed to object, he dropped the subject. He didn't have a problem with the human, he just found it a bit excessive to take five men on such a small errand. There would be little to no darkspawn so close to the city, or so far into Orlais in general, as far as he knew, and he doubted that a more serious threat awaited them at the man's location. The Dalish was glad he didn't need the coin associated with the job: likely the pay would be miniscule being split four ways. Airthel's payment for the service would most likely be the chance to harvest some different herbs from the area outside the city proper. He followed the group out.

His contribution to the conversation when they had assembled to speak to the spouse was brief, "If they had occupations, they could very well have enough coin for a room at an inn or tavern. They may not even be refugees; the chanter's board is for all citizens." His brow furrowed, "It may be beneficial to work our way looking for her back to the Cathedral. One of the Mothers or Sisters could have seen her or known her." The tattooed elf did not want to go all the way back to the beginning of this quest, but he wondered if that approach would consume less time. Regardless, the decision wasn't up to him, but to this new and, admittedly, slightly defunct, party. It was not the first time he had traveled among colored characters - he was considered one by more than a few - and almost laughed at the thought. At least this wouldn't be too dire.
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