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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tigerlilygoth


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Tilli took a deep breath and bent over to catch it. She had been traveling in the forest for five days now and was starting to grow low on her water. She began to wonder why she didn't pack two water cans. She stood up straight and stretched her back and arms. Than found a large oak tree to sit under it. She looked up into the tree and listened to sounds of the forest. Birds were chirping, insects were buzzing, and she could hear a slight rustle in the leaves. She began to hum a light tune and began to think of her sister.

She hoped she was okay, She began to think about the fact that her sister had always been the stronger of the two. Tilli realized, if the demon had gotten her instead, there would have been no way that she could have survived. She was to frail and traveling in the forest everyone had feared, was probably the worst idea she could have possibly had. She knew that nobody else would of done it though and she didn't want to be alone.

Tilli and her sister had lost their parents when TIlli just turned 13. Her sister was only two years older than her and took over the responsibilities of the house, and began to raise herself and Tilli. Tilli didn't want to be a burden to her sister and began studying herbs and plants, to help make money around the house. She found out pretty quickly that she had a unique gift with plants. She somehow seemed to make their power stronger with the touch of her fingers, and instead of an paste taking a few days to work, it took only a few seconds and the injury or health issue would just disappear in the blink of an eye.

She opened her bag and regretfully took out her water can and took a small sip of the cool water. She than took out some dried meats and some mixed nuts and dried berries and slowly ate them. She had hoped this would at least settle her stomach. She than yawned and looked up at tree tops, she could see the sky just slightly and a few birds flying around. She knew that if she was tired now would be the perfect time to take a short nap. Traveling by night was better, she began to realize because the darkness brought on a awful feeling and she always felt like something was after her. During the day it felt like a simple forest, safe, and even a little comfortable. She gently smiled, and touched her ears, feeling the points she placed them in her reddish blonde hair which was loosely braided. She pulled the braid around so that it face the front so she could use it as a cushion for her head. She pulled out the thin blanket from her bag and placed it around herself then laid back against the tree and softly closed her crystal blue eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylverblu
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Sylverblu The Citrus Fruit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Myn had been wandering for four days now, and he was quite hungry. He had been kicked out of a local tavern for brawling, and his response only gathered more negative attention from the locals.

You had to hit him didn't you. And it's not like you have enough money to pay the fine now, he thought as he strode through the forest, remembering the swift blow that he had delivered to a local guard for confronting him. And now you're in the woods, alone, with Gods-know-what lurking behind every tree, hiding in every canopy.

Soon Myn began to whistle an uplifting tune, taking a bit of joy in each step. Small pools of water behind him gradually accumulated into lapping freshwater waves that drifted just behind his ankles. He became so enthralled in his song that he didn't even notice the red-haired girl leaning on a tree just a few feet off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hadrian smiled as he took the large boar he had been training with attampted to bum rush him. Though he was distracted, there match had taken it's toll on the beast. sending a straight punch to the hog's nose. The shock to the beast alone caused to to stumble back after a moment, the fist of his his foe left in its place. As the monster fell over hadrian whipped the blood of his new found meal to the ground with a swift punch. though it wasn't much a challenge it was the perfect way to end the day. He smiled as he looked to the now deserted boar. It seemed limp and after poking it with a stick he knew it would be ready to eat. Drooling as he grabbed the large hog he thew it over his shoulders and began to walk home. He had lived in the forest for around 4 years, and after a large curve of events it had become soothing. Many would call Hadrian himself a demon of the forest for the unhumanly possible strength and ability, but to him it was a given.

Humming playfully as he mossied on his merry way Hadrian stopped when he though he saw something he missed for so long outside the forest. Looking down he had to rub his eyes in disbelief. A girl was there, clearly attempting sleep he had to smile as he nudged her with his foot, sharply looking around feeling the presence of another. Smiling at the girl attempting to hold in the amazement that such a beautiful woman could be found in his territory, if he was not the man he was her body would be ravished in a second. He looked at her with his deep sunken eyes as he looked off to were the hermitage the fighter was stay was near.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tigerlilygoth


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She felt a nudge, waking up quickly. She jumped up, her hair whipping back and began staring at the strange man, fear rushed into her eyes. He looked sort of threatening, but he hadn't hurt her. She took a defensive pose but her legs were trembling, what was she gonna do fight him? He had a boar thrown over his shoulder, surely he could bring her down quickly. She took a step back and tripped on her blanket which was on the ground behind her. She winced as she landed than began to cry, she didn't want to die like this.

She wanted to save her sister, it was all that mattered to her. She looked up at him tears forming in her crystal blue eyes. She suddenly felt the sides of her head, her ears were still in her hair and she gasped a sigh of relief, than remembered she was still begging for her life. She felt the sudden presence of another, and wasn't sure where it was coming from. She look at the man in front of her. "Please, don't hurt me, I don't wanna die yet." She begged him. She was slightly soar from falling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylverblu
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Sylverblu The Citrus Fruit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Torn from his whistling by the sound of someone pleading for their life, Myn turned, the waves behind him collapsing into a large puddle. A girl, cowering in fear. A rather large man with a boar slung over his shoulder. This would be interesting. Keeping to the bushes and behind trees, he approached the two. After a moment of internal deliberation he sprung up, drawing his foil.

"Let her be or find yourself impaled. Simple as that." He then started a countdown. "Five, four, three..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Smiling at the girl's cowardice he pointed to his home before trudging on. what concerned him was that someone had threatened him. perhaps a demon or some sort of monster of the night it didn't matter to him. If it weren't for her now seen guardian angle he would have brought her home the way he did the boar, but the two of them would feast together. fearing for her sake he looked around before he 'left' the premises. Though not a sneak in the least bit he was sure that what ever called him away would be far more intimidating than himself. Hadrian had to blush when he sat in the foliage a few yards off, the girl was a looker and the way she acted was to cute for him to handle and since he was out here alone the feeling was amplified.

Hadrian had not seen a real woman in four years and it had gotten to him easily. The urge to fight was intensified by the fact he wanted to remember, and the pot of rage he held deep in his stomach gotten bigger every time he thought of them. Looking at her made him feel assured for some reason. her presence in his life made the thought of his life seem pitiful. many would think he hated living her, all the monsters and ghouls and being scarier than any other human if he returned to civilization was terrible to many. But he loved the fights he had in the forest and how he felt free and wilds was amazing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tigerlilygoth


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Tilli surprised by the sudden outburst of the other, counting stranger. She looked back at the man with the boar and watched with fear at the odd mans expressions, as if he were not sure what to do with her. He pointed at his strange little home, what was that supposed to mean? She now sat on the ground with complete confusion, suddenly she remembered the man who was counting down and turned to face him. He was an odd fellow, why did he come to her rescue? The boar man had not harmed her but instead he had just walked away, completely ignoring the counting mans threat. She stared at him for a couple minutes than stood up again, she picked up her bag off the ground and stuffed her blanket inside.

She suddenly felt a little rude to the boar man, feeling he was trying to offer a safe place to go. She looked up at the strange man who counted and smiled kindly. "Thank you for your help, but he did not hurt me. I just thought he was going to, I was sleeping see and he awoke me, he just startled me," she pulled her long thick red braid in front of her chest, little purple flowers were placed inside it. She shifted her legs, little bruises and scrapes were all over he, and little dirt spots were all over her clothes and skin. She dusted off her skirt and removed a couple twigs from her hair.

She blushed at the stranger, feeling she had probably just wasted so much of his time. She than pointed at the boar mans house. "I think I will go talk to the boar man, and apologize for being so rude. I am so tired, I have been traveling for five days now. This forest has taken a lot out of me, and I spend a lot of time running at night. Oh, you could come with me to, counting man, if you want," she smiled at him and curtsied. She than turned and started towards the boar man. She wondered what she would say to him. She felt her stomach grumble, apparently the little she had ate had not settled her stomach and she suddenly looked sad. She hoped he had water, since she figured she would probably die before reaching her destination.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hadrian smiled as he looked back to see the two talking, he felt amazing for how well he handled it. Walking to the house he couldn't help but wonder what it was like to share a meal with people. He as a bit of a glutton and being alone for so long he hadn't needed to. Ignoring his his issue he opened the door to his one roomed cabin, a large stone chimney and a large amount on wood piled in a corner, a bear skin rug on the wooden floors and a table in the corner. A large mat covered in s large amount of furry blankets over the mat. Instantly sitting down and going to the barrels in next to the table, covered in tin cups and scooped a drink of water. As he watched the boar laying on the ground he knew he should begin gutting and skinning the meal before anyone joined him. Sighing as he opened the beast's neck and draining it's fluids into a bucket, hadrian began to drool. Two people may be staying over, and one is a cute girl, and together with his magic feast he could not wait to talk to them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sylverblu
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Sylverblu The Citrus Fruit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Little excitement passed in the few seconds that Myn had been expecting conflict. Hoping for conflict. No, no, stop it. You're better than this, Myn thought, silently cursing the way that he was raised; cursing his repressed, beastial nature. The girl had left to go with the man, but it was of little consequence. Myn was lonely, but not that lonely. And it's not as if he could go back into town. He called once over his shoulder.

"Goodbye forever then." There was a tinge of regret in his voice. She could have been something great in his life. Too late. He started back into the woods, contemplating the nature of the female mind. Whistling again, wakes of water followed him as he continued into the forest, searching for purpose, adventure, anything to get his mind off of that woman.
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