Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pasta Sentient

Pasta Sentient

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The United Kingdom of Sweden and Norway argues that each man has the right to be free, so does each nation. The United Kingdom agrees. Yet the freedom of each man, as I'm sure most will agree, ends with the Law of Justice that governs his lands. A man's freedom ends when he chooses to infringe upon the God-given rights of another man. And the most grievous of these infringments is the stealing of another man's life. It is the responsibility of the community as a whole to uphold the law through the use of constables and the Courts. The Nations of the World had no such community to uphold the Law and Justice til the Treaty of Constantinople. Rather, they were as greedy men who pillaged and warred for their own gain without concern for the lives they stole. If a Nation is to be Free like a man, then a Nation must also abide by the Law like a man.

Yet when the United Kingdom of Sweden and Norway speak of freedom, they are in fact speaking of anarchy so that their Nation may grow at the expense of other peoples who are no less equal than their own. We speak out against the United Kingdom of Sweden and Norway, and all such Nations who would move against the Treaty of Constantinople not as Sovereign free Nations; rather they are outlaws and brigands who have no concern for people other than themselves. Only the law-breaker has anything to fear from the Law, and only a Nation of selfish means has anything to fear from the Treaty of Constantinople.

-Queen Victory, Monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Thomas Jefferson said that. He owned slaves for his entire life, but he had something on that point. It seems that a tyrant now exists across the Atlantic. Queen Victoria, little old Vicky who has reigned for maybe just a bit too long? She is clearly not well. Shall I read excerpts from her last statement to this body? Quote ."A man's freedom ends when he chooses to infringe upon the God-given rights of another man." Agreed, which is what the South is doing to our Negro brethren. But yet who is their ally, who is the one that would drag them kicking and screaming into war and destruction simply because it's fun? Why, that would be Vicky herself. Another quote, " If a Nation is to be Free like a man, then a Nation must also abide by the Law like a man." Agreed, which is curious because Vicky ignores all diplomatic law and decorum and declares war and blockades a nation who has yet to declare war on her. I would go on, but the smell of bull dung from this document offends my olfactory senses so badly I can no longer stand having it this close to my face!

That is just two of many hypocritical statements the government of the Queen have issued in the past year. I say the Queen and all the men of Parliament should be taken care of. It is not wrong to say in the slightest that we here in America pine for the days of Cromwell. The people of Great Britain cannot abide by a government that ignores conventional wisdom, sense, and decency and attaches itself to a group of slavers and villains, a government that tramples over the rights of its people, that gives away land for seemingly no reason other than fun. Yes, Great Britain's tree of liberty has grown old and dead. It is time for some fresh blood to liven things up.

-- Representative Thaddeus Stevens on the House floor
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 19 days ago

The United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway

We are speaking of anarchy? You are the ones who have proclaimed that you will force the United States under British rule. You are the ones threatening to breach the sovereignty of the United States because they are only attempt to preserve their own nation. You speak of freedom, but you support a nation that has decided to revolt from the United States because of slavery, the abomination of humanity. You are the ones who traded away Western Canada. If you are going to apply your opinions onto others, please first make sure that you conform to them first.

My wife, Queen Louise of the Netherlands, is the pinnacle of a female monarch. She remains outside the limelight of the international stage and she has no ambitions of any involvement in international affairs. Instead, she cares for her people and is their representative when no one else stands for them. She supports the sick children when the adults are too busy with "more important affairs". She's the philanthropist of our nation. My wife is indeed a complete foil to that monarch in the United Kingdom. Queen Victoria exerts too much influence in the international scene and cares more of the opinions of those rebellious slave-owners than her own people. It is obvious which Queen would be welcomed in the courts of all the nations of Europe.

We call the other signers of the Treaty of Constantinople to please talk some sense into the FFGB. We also wish that the Austrians and the Ottomans (and even the French if they have the will to do so) accept the invitation to Turin to show support against the insane and tyrannical nature of the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The other nations of Europe only wish to have their voices heard and considered.

-Charles XV, King of Sweden and Norway
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NarcolepticSailor


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Regno d'Italia

This recent outburst of incoherent nonsense by Queen Victoria only serves to further the reason as to why the Kingdom of Italy has called for a renewed conference in the city of Turin. It has been slowly becoming painfully clear that the Queen has lost all grasp on reality as she continues to lash out against those who would further the cause of peace and declares those who would do so as warmongers who are serving their own self interests. Is it not the United Kingdom who was the cause of the instability that called for such a Conference in Constantinople to begin with? The United Kingdoms continued acts of recklessness have not only continued to threaten the very stability of Europe, but that of North America, with effects possibly reaching around the world. If Parliament continues to allow the Queen to act in such a manner, it will only prove to bring disaster and ruin upon us all.

We echo the renewed calls of the Union of Sweden and Norway to the signatories of the Treaty of Constantinople to join us in Turin in order to discuss not only the matters previously stated, but the madness that has now overcome the United Kingdom. The nations of Europe must come together as one in the name of peace and sanity in order stop this madness from coming down upon us all, lest we all be consumed by it.

- King Vittorio Emanuele Maria Alberto Eugenio Ferdinando Tommaso of Italy
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Empire Français (French Empire)
Liberté, egalité, fraternité

I would like to formerly announce that the views of my ally and brother in relations, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, do not speak for the entirety of the FFGB.
When agreed views have been spoken about, the speech will clearly have reference to the FFGB.

France has history with Europe, history of some good, amazing things and other times, we will admit, we are not proud of. What I and the French people are tired of though is war. War is something that makes the human race no better then the animals. War creates the worse in the people of the world.
For this reason France will be reconsidering and thinking about who its enemies and allies truly are.

For now though, despite the other half of the FFGB's ... questionable wording of speeches, France agrees to join other European powers at the Conference at Turin.

- Emperor Napoleon III of the Second French Empire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 3 mos ago

In light of recent events involving the French Empire's decisions, the United States government is respectfully requesting the French government to rescind its declaration of war upon the United States. This Republic was founded with French help and support, and the United States wishes that the relationship forged many years ago in the fires of revolution can continue. So far, no French or US men have been killed, no shots fired in anger against either side. We are not asking for money or material, simply neutrality in the conflict. An honorable peace for both sides can be achieved if we both demand it.

-- William Seward
United States Secretary of State
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NarcolepticSailor


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Regno d'Italia

As the Kingdom of Italy holds nothing but friendship and goodwill towards both the French people and the French Empire, it warms our hearts greatly to see that they have seen it fit to join us all in Turin. The bond that has been formed between our two peoples is much the same as the bond formed between the French Empire and the United States of America. It is for this reasoning that we pray the French Empire heeds the call of the United States to establish an amicable peace between these two nations that should be tied together through bonds of friendship rather than that of war.

- King Vittorio Emanuele Maria Alberto Eugenio Ferdinando Tommaso of Italy
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


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Confederate States of America

An Open Letter to Jefferson Davis and All Whom it May Concern,

I have awoken in a cold sweat. I fear we are losing sight of what our cause is. The cause I joined in is the for the Soul of the South and for the Southern Way of Life, Mr. Davis. But I am afraid we are failing to live up to this. I will defend my State of Virginia, but I must also stand up to defend the causes of Liberty and Freedom and against Tyranny and Corruption. Mr. Davis, I am afraid the more we drag the world into our own fight the more our struggle gets Corrupted. The more we ask for foreign intervention, the closer we slip into Tyranny. I signed up to fight against such things. I, Robert Edward Lee, am not at ease seeing what happens in the world, and ask Mr. Davis to take caution.
Mr. Davis, we said we wanted peace, did we not? But those that have come to our aide now threaten a violent war against the United States of America, where the ideals we now fight for were forged. That is not peaceful. And can they be our allies if they do not seek the same things we do? Peace. We seek sovereignty from the Union, not the destruction of it, don't we? Is it too late for the Union to come around to the ideals we fight for? I don't think it is, for one. We want peace, not more war.
I write this in a very distressed state, Mr. Davis. But take caution. I am worried of our so-called allies as I am worried of an impending Union attack, my friend. You shall be receiving your own copy of this letter, but I shall also be giving this letter to the local news publications I am so worried of our situation.

I apologize for the haste this was written in, but take caution, my friend.

- Robert E. Lee, Army General in the Confederate States of America (on February 28, 1862)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Empire Français (French Empire)
Liberté, egalité, fraternité

Though my pride may be on the line. I will say, to the countries of the world. That I was wrong.

I was swayed by British greed and believed I would be fighting for freedom. Despite this I was actually fighting for slavery.
I realise now that the confederation is not what at first it seemed, they run from a new law just because they do not like it. I ask the supporters of the confederates to ask themselves. When a country creates rules, such as the abolition of rape and slaughter. Is it truly the right thing to do for half the country to run off to create new lands where they can perform illegal acts?

My eyes where glistened over by British promises and for that I could not see what should have been in front of me the whole time.
With this in mind the Second French Empire agrees to rescind its declaration of war with the true United States. In doing so I hope that Europe will not have to deal with more western affairs.

Due to this act I am also planning on pausing all French involvement with the FFGB. France will begin to talk once again to the UK once it has come to its senses. Be that a month or ten years. France in no way despises the UK but believes new talks will have to be made to truly test the FFGB's friendship.

I hope, for Frances sake, all disputes dissolve and the FFGB thrives once again.

- Emperor Napoleon III of the Second French Empire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pasta Sentient

Pasta Sentient

Member Offline since relaunch

Such cowardice from the French bitch cowering in her kennel. A proper Master is needed to put the dog down. The United Kingdom declares War on the French and all her allies! We deny the rights of any who would resist the British Empire! Britain is the ruler of the world and it is our Divine Right to Lord over lesser Nations. France shall bend the knee to our beloved Empire and be spayed so that such cowardice never be spawned again! The United Kingdom declares War against France and orders that upon their defeat, each of their men shall be left no more than a Eunuch of old! For it is fitting that those who have lost their balls figuratively should lose it literally!

-Queen Victory, Monarch of the FFGB
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The following statement was released to the press by newly appoined Minister-President Otto Von Bismarck.

"In accordance with the ultimatum delivered by the King, Prussian soldiers will begin to move into the duchies demanded by His Majesty. His Majesty is fully aware that his deadline is not yet expired but wishes there be no delay in the transdermal of these duchies.

These soldiers shall enter peacefully, as liberators, but any hostile act from a member of the Danish military or a large Danish militia shall constitute an act of war and shift the Prussian posture to one of war towards Denmark. Obviously, any Danish soldiers encountered after the deadline shall be treated as enemy combatants and provoke a state of war between the Kingdom of Prussia and the Kingdom of Denmark.

It is His Majesty's highest hope that the transition will be peaceful and without bloodshed. Nevertheless, His Majesty shall not shirk from the use of force should the Kingdom of Denmark provoke it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pasta Sentient

Pasta Sentient

Member Offline since relaunch

It was the leader of a Nation that my mother has wronged greatly who wisely stated, ""Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." I have seen over the course of my life what power did to my mother who was once such a gentle creature. It warped and twisted her mind until she was a maddened creature driven by lust for more and more power. We, though created in the image of God, are not meant to attain the power of God. That is why on this date in the Year of our Lord 1862, I Edward VII Last King of Britain declare the dissolution of the Constitutional Monarch of the United Kingdom and institute a new order of Democracy fashioned after the documents created by our brothers in liberty to the West. It is our desire that such madness never be allowed to fester in our heads of government.

To the Union and our Allies the French, my mother Queen Victoria wronged you greatly with her words and actions. Parliament, the people of the United Kingdom, and myself place ourselves at the mercy of your forgiveness for our support of one who is truly a tyrant. We beg these Nations to allow us to make peace. We plead that we might not be beholden to the actions of our ancestors. We will meet with your Nations wherever you want to make peace and begin restoration of broken relationships.

We ask that Russia and Greece absolve us of our military treaties to them as they were founded in madness and lust for power. We will state that we all plan to move forward in seeking a pleasant resolution and brotherhood. We understand the importance of the Ionian isles and still agree to the terms dictated by Greece in the return of those Isles though there is no need for troops any longer.

To all the other Nations my Mother in her madness wronged, we grieve and beg forgiveness. The United Kingdom will be at the Conference of Turin should any wish to speak with us. God forgive us, for we have sinned. May we go and sin no more.

-Edward VII, Last Monarch of the United Kingdom
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 4 mos ago

"A peace treaty has been sent to the USA. We apologize for our actions, as Britain made us lust for land and power. We hope that in the future however we can maintain strong relations with the USA."

-King Otto.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Império do Brasil (Empire of Brazil)
Independência ou Morte!

The world fell into a dark time, but now that European nations realize that this 'civil war' was meant to be a 'civil war' not a 'world war'. Brazil will not forget Queen Victoria's action and we are ashamed of Britain and her actions done by the Americas. We are going to rethink at who is really our friend or who is our foe, because the European nations want peace in Europe but not in the Americas? I think that they want to use the Americas as a war zone to damage it instead of using Europe. We are thankful that this is now only Mr. Davis and Mr. Lincoln's civil war not Otto's or Victoria's civil war. We are still going to hold peace talks in Brazil for Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Davis after the war is won by either side.

As for the Britain's change to a republic, you wanted to change into the thing that you were fighting? I understand that your mother was a bit out of her mind, but I think that you're a bit out of your mind. I hope that God finds the rested souls.

~ Emperor Pedro II, King of Brazil.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Outcast


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For Queen and Country

In the year of 1862, the world watched in shock at the calamity that had befallen the United Kingdom. Some blamed the death of her mother, the Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, who had passed away in March, while others blamed the lingering illness of her husband Prince Albert. All agreed on one thing, however; the Queen had gone mad. It was unclear where exactly she had sunk into insanity; perhaps when she supported the CSA and blockaded the Union, thus cutting Britain off from almost half of its wheat imports. Certainly, she was mad when she declared war on France, and promised to castrate all French males. With a mad Queen, a near famine, astronomical bread prices, and now an inconcievable war against their ally France, it wouldn't take much to cause riots and a serious revolt by the lower classes against the aristocracy. Fearing what would happen, the Parliament quickly voted almost unanimously to depose Queen Victoria and give Edward VII the throne. But the newly-crowned King Edward had had enough of monarchies. He ordered the dissolution of the monarchy, to be replaced with a full democracy. The nation reeled in shock as the monarchy, which had been in place since the 10th Century AD, was dissolved. Although most supported the change to a democracy, and swiftly voted in Albert Edward, the former King Edward VII, as Prime Minister, particularly as one of his first decisions was to recall the Fleet and end the blockade of the Union. However, most did not mean all. A section of the wealthy aristocracy, who feared a loss of power, opposed the move, and began supporting revolution. And there was only one group in Britain at the time with the numbers and the inclination to revolt against the government; the Marxists.

With movements all over the country, but most heavily in London, where Karl Marx resided, uprisings were beginning. It would take careful political maneuvering for the new republic to avoid descending into chaos.
(Monarchy dissolved, blockade of USA ended, Marxist rebellion in Britain)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The whole of the Russian Empire is shock at the new developments coming out of the UK and is saddened by the death and madness that plagued queen Victoria in her last days I believe this desiease is a common one which often ales the rulers of country who lack in moral integrity, but none the lesson matter how saddening her downfall was we must say that it was brought upon by herself and herself only. As for the UKs treaties with the Russian state; Under normal circumstances we would demand that the British adhere to the agreements laid out by such treaties but believes this is circumstance is one which warps and confuses one's conception of honour and moral integrity, as such the Russian Empire is willing to absolve the UK of all treaties made during the reign of queen Victoria but request that they perhaps will give us a small amount of monetary compensation for the administrative and diplomatic problems brought upon by these sudden turn of events.

[X]Tsar Alexander II, Emperor and Autcrat of all the Russias, King of Poland, and Grand Prince of Finland.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Berlin Accords, 1862

"The Kingdom of Prussia and the Kingdom of Greece recognize a lengthy history of peace and amity between our two states and come here today to solidify an alliance to ensure that there will be peace on the European continent. Under the sole provision of this declaration, the Kingdom of Prussia and the Kingdom of Greece shall ally with one another, supporting one another in the event that either declares war on, or is declared upon by, another state.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Britain in upheaval! Canada to join the Union?
-- New York Tribune headline

I was called to Washington by the Tall Man [Pres. Lincoln] today. Our meeting to discuss the ongoing strategy of the war was productive, and ventured into the subject of the Canadian question. The Tall Man was mum on the ideas I wrote to you about. He told me to worry about Lee's flanks to the south before turning eyes to the north, but the fact still remains that if he can give me the right amount of men and material, we can be in Montreal within a month, the entire country annexed to the United States within six months. Perhaps your blunter approach will have a better effect than my politicking?

I forever remain you humble servant,

-- George McClellan to Secretary of War Edwin Stanton

Gentlemen, I look across the ocean and see that the chickens have finally come to roost for those British warmongers! A mad queen, a weak-willed prince turned Prime Minister, and now riots and civil war. We are watching now what happens to those that support slavery, the divine punishment from the Almighty is a stern one. While I am never in favor of kicking a man while he is down, I do subscribe to the maxim: an eye for an eye. They declared war on us and tried to seize our lands while we battle rebellion and upheaval, I say we return the favor. We must finish the job we tried to do in 1812, we must put an end to British colonialism in North America once and for all by taking Canada and throwing the British from this continent once and for all. That is why that I move that we vote upon a resolution to send armed men and equipment north of the border to drive the British out!

-- Representative Thaddeus Stevens on the House floor.

House of Representatives Passes Canadian Annex Resolution 83-75
-- Boston Herald headline

This body, formed by our Founders, was created with the purpose to act wisely against the rash decisions of the people, to weigh the consequences and political ramifications before acting. I am afraid this decision ranks among the most rash ones our brothers in the House have ever come up with. We cannot look to Canada while we still have armed rebels in the south! To meddle in Britain's affairs at this junction will make hypocrites of us all. The Senate is the dam that holds back the tide of hot-blooded public opinion, and we must all act with common sense and cold logic and vote down this resolution!

-- Senator Preston King speaking on the Senate floor.

Canadian Resolution Voted Down by Senate, 42-2
-- Detroit Free Press headline

This past week and all this commotion and I am reminded about the farmer who tried to go to market and loaded up his wagon and set up to leave, but he hadn't gotten his horse out the field. That's what we are, a farmer who has to get a horse before we can even think about going to market. Let us worry about putting our own affairs in order, about preserving our Union, before we can even think about the future or expansion. I say that at this time, I have no plans or any notion to send armed forces across our border. What is going on across the Atlantic, and what is going on to the north, is a concern of Canada and Great Britain. We asked to govern our own affairs and put our own house in order, and now we will let Britain do the same.

-- Abraham Lincoln
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 9 days ago

The recent happenings in Europe have been most worrying, foremost among them the terrible occurrence in Britain. While what happened was indeed most saddening, to see a once truly noble woman so racked by misery and grief as to descend into madness. As a constitutional monarch who now feels the limits of his powers, who has recently lost a dear friend and brother, the late Sultan Abdulmecid I, one of the architects of the history-changing Treaty of Constantinople, I can only feel pity and sadness for Queen Victoria. One must not blame a human being for what they do while their mind is gone, but remember them for the beautiful, kind and humane person they were before the madness took them. We hope that the situation in Britain will soon amend itself, and though we grieve for the loss of one of the oldest and greatest royal families in the world, we hope that the new republic will emerge more powerful, efficient and just than its predecessor.

Europe, having experienced now nearly two years of horrific events – indeed, while no European blood has been shed, we have all been scarred and traumatised by these late events – must now seek to recreate itself. The Treaty of Constantinople, I can confidently say, despite its many defects, has put an end to war in Europe, for just as the criminal does not commit crime for the fear of punishment, so too does Europe now not commit the greatest of all crimes, war, for fear of punishment, not only military punishment from other nations, but economic punishment due to the disturbance of trade, social punishment due to Europeans no longer accepting wars and actively calling their nation to account when at war and finally, political punishment, as those who engage in warfare can no longer be trusted when it comes to treaties and agreements, and will become pariahs in Europe, unwelcome in all nations and shunned by all who endeavour for peace and prosperity on the Old Continent.

Within my power as a constitutional monarch, I wish to see a Europe where no single nation is slave to another. We here in Europe are all equal, and our ties must show this equality and respect we have for each other. I urge the Senate and General Assembly to be present at the Conference of Turin, and urge all European powers to be present there, and not leave it too late, as many unfortunate nations did with the Conference of Constantinople. May the Democratic Ottoman Empire prosper, may Europe prosper and this world prosper.

His Sacred and Imperial Majesty, Sultan Abdülaziz Khan I, by the Might and Will of the Almighty, Emperor of the Ottomans, Sovereign of the House of Osman, Sultan of Sultans, Khan of Khans, Commander of the Faithful and Successor of the Prophet of the Lord of the Universe, Custodian of the Holy Cities of Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem, Emperor of Rome and many other countries and cities.

Prime Minister’s First Address to the Meclis-i Umumi (General Assembly) of the Ottoman Empire

And for them who are patient and who endure is indeed a most worthy reward. And today, we, who have been patient and have endured years of impossible reforms and calls for change, today witness a great miracle, democracy where once there was none! At last, we have returned to the era of those distant, glorious Rashidun Caliphs, democracy has returned to the Caliphate, or should I say, the Caliphate has returned to the democracy just as a straying child must eventually return to its guide and parent.

Today, I see before me Muslims, Christians and Jews, I see Serbs and Turks, Armenians and Arabs, Kurds and Circassians. All are here! All are represented, all have been chosen and elected, by the people, for the people, in the name of the Almighty and with his permission. All, despite our differences and conflicting views, are proudly Ottoman! Whether Turk we be or Serb, Arab or Kurd, Muslim or Christian, we can all say with pride and restored dignity and honour, I am Ottoman, and I have a voice!

As we enter this new era of democracy and true Islamic rule – which gives rights and freedoms to all people, regardless their ethnicity, affiliations and creed – we must think on our relationships with other nations, especially those in Europe. Our wise Sultan and Caliph has spoken words most true in his latest address: we in Europe are all equal. Thus, after the insistence of our Serbian members on the matter of Serbian autonomy and sovereignty, we have decided that on this first convention of the Meclis-I Umumi, we must decide once and for all the status of our two European vassals, Serbia and Romania. Recent tensions in Serbia have meant that if we do not act now there could be violence, which is the worst way for our great democracy to begin. As we must consider the independence of Serbia, we cannot ignore the Romanian Problem and therefore put both issues to the vote.

As for the Conference of Turin proposed by the Kingdom of Italy, we feel we must rectify the lack of communication which meant that the Conference of Constantinople went ahead without many nations which would have liked to be present, we shall therefore send a representative to Turin once the Conference has been confirmed.

Due to our new policy towards vassal nations, we must also seek to put an end to the vassalisation of Tunisia and Egypt, both which are currently semi-autonomous vassals. In the Democratic Ottoman Empire, these integral Muslim lands will be fully represented and therefore there is no longer a need for Beys and Khedives to despotically rule the land of the Ottoman Empire. I therefore propose to the Assembly that we formally end the vassalisation of Tunisia and Egypt and unify the Empire’s North African holdings once more, that democracy may reign supreme all over the Empire.

Meclis-i Mebusân (lower house, Chamber of Deputies) passes Independence of Serbia Resolution, 149 - 37
Meclis-i Âyân (upper house, Senate) ratifies Independence of Serbia Resolution, 89 – 11

Meclis-i Mebusân passes Independence of Romania Resolution, 123 - 63
Meclis-i Âyân ratifies independence of Romania Resolution, 78 - 22

Meclis-i Mebusân passes De-Vassalisation of North African Provinces Resolution, 180 - 6
Meclis-i Âyân passes De-Vassalisation of North African Provinces Resolution 97 - 3

His Highness, Grand Vizier Mehmed Fuad Pasha, Prime Minister of the Ottoman Empire
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagnificentOne


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Empire of the Great Qing
A Message from the Zongli Yamen

The Great Qing believes it is nothing less than a tragedy to hear of the sufferings of Queen Victoria, for her sorrows and anguish caused by unforeseen losses have paved the path for a terrifying madness to grip her. The last year has seen inexplicable and questionable decisions undertaken by her; dangerous choices with consequences that were sadly realised too late. It is due to the actions of his mother that Albert Edward has seen fit to abolish the monarchy and bring about a republic; a decision which the Great Qing shall respect.

We should therefore like to offer our deepest condolences to the House of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld for the affliction of Queen Victoria, and to the British people, whom have now found themselves in a darkened world. Anarchy reigns free in the isles as the newly-established republic seeks to ground itself, bringing further turmoil to the innocent peoples of the British isles.

It is a tremendous upheaval unparalleled in British history, and so for the sake of all people in Britain, the Great Qing Dynasty hopes dearly that peace can be restored and a new calm can be brought about upon their lands.

- His Imperial Highness, Prince-Regent Gong of the First Rank, Leader of the Zongli Yamen

People of Nanfang.

For a decade did a madman hold you hostage as he sought to overthrow the Son of Heaven and seize the throne for himself. You have gone through many trials and tribulations in this time. You were forced to live through hell itself, as the everlasting hunger of these bandits sought to rob you of your well-earned riches. Your possessions stolen, your homes burned, your fields ravaged and your children and women stolen. It was in this pursuit of power that he paid no heed to the suffering of yourselves, and he paid the ultimate crime.

Your loyalty towards the Son of Heaven was truly remarkable, as it was an uprising in devotion to the Emperor that ousted this deranged man once and for all - proving to have been more powerful than his so-called grand armies. You have ousted the devil from his throne of blood, and in doing so you have made your choice clear - the Mandate of Heaven belongs to no other than the Great Qing.

Let it not be said that the Imperial Throne is avaricious, for we seek to make clear you have made the wisest choice. The riches of the south shall be returned as we lead a grand reconstruction effort like no other. Your homes shall be rebuilt where they once stood, your fields shall be resown and your families shall be reunited. At last, peace has returned to the lands of Nanfang and at last you may sleep well, knowing the Son of Heaven cares for all.

May the Great Qing reign for ten thousand years!

- A speech given by Zeng Guofan, the newly-instated Viceroy of Liangjiang
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