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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Genesis was heavier than he looked, and his butt not as round or soft as Acacia expected. Every time Vanessa hit the breaks abruptly (which was often) Genesis was pushed back onto Acacia; it quickly got old. Her legs were falling asleep, her boobs were getting squished, and she hoped her clothes weren't getting wrinkled. Every once in a while they'd have to shift and readjust to find a comfortable position, and sometimes Acacia's equipment would poke Genesis uncomfortably. "Yup that's a bomb. Try not to sit on it." She noticed Vanessa eying them once in a while, probably amused by the sight, she couldn't blame her. Once the team reached the garage and parked, Acacia immediately opened the door to sweet freedom. She couldn't wait to stretch her legs out.

"So, guys," she (Vanessa) said, eyeing Heretic and Genesis, knowing that they'd be grateful to untangle themselves from each other. "Was my driving terrible, or was it terrible?"

"You know what's really terrible? Two people wearing one seat belt. Next time I'm driving." she said playfully. Once out Acacia straitened out her clothes and brushed them off, just like new. Next she searched for the most expensive looking cars in the garage, the ones that belonged to the horsemen. She hid remote explosives on the underside of each of them. Enough to incapacitate the vehicle just in case.

"You two lead the way. I'll open any doors you can't. I'll leave the fancy stuff to you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xxTripwire


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The drive was not a pleasant one.

Each time they stopped or hit a bump or shifted or breathed too deeply the seatbelt locked up and constricted tightly around Genesis' chest. He was exerting a great effort not to lean against Acacia but it was a losing battle, especially with the stop-and-go drive, frequently being jolted back by the seatbelt. Already sitting rather rigidly, each time he shifted or, pulled by the seatbelt, pressed against Acacia's chest he went a bit more tense. This probably made the ride more uncomfortable for both of them; having someone stiff as statue on your lap was probably quite uncomfortable, but Genesis couldn't force himself to relax. He was also making great efforts not to sit on any bombs or weapons.

When another car honked and Vanessa had to swerve a bit, Genesis began to chew his lower lip, nervous.

"We're all going to die in this car..." He murmured.

Back aching and his butt and legs somewhat numb from sitting in such an uncomfortable position, he could not have been happier to reach the parking garage. Scrambling out of the car as soon as they were parked, Genesis got to his feet and shook himself, looking somewhat akin to a dog shaking after a bath. He then stretched and glanced back at the women.

"...next time, I'll ride in the trunk." It was difficult to discern whether or not he had meant it as a joke.

Rifling through his gear, he removed a few more small devices from his bag and stowed them in his pockets. Reluctantly, he murmured a goodbye to Isabella, promising he'd be back soon, then covered the rifle with one of the bags.

Waiting as Acacia planted the explosives, Genesis stretched once more and fumbled with his tie. Flattening out the front of his jacket, they started toward the door.

"I don't think we'll encounter too many locked doors until we get to secured floors." He held parking garage door open for them, then followed them through into corridor containing a pair of elevators. "Do we know what floor the security system is on?"

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Hey, aren't you the medic guy? We're leaving now. Yeah, I might have difficulty with the right ankle. Wrecked it permanently during Sarion a few months back. I can still move it, but can't sprint. Is that a problem?"

"No, I'm not the 'medic guy'," Aaron said jokingly, "I'm just a creepy Hissho who likes scanning people and asking probing questions." He laughed awkwardly for a minute at a joke that wasn't funny. "Ya...I'm the medic. I was mostly speaking to the assault team, since they might see combat. But if your ankle's been bothering you I can take a look at it when we get back. But I warn you that if isn't healed up by now it's probably something I won't be able to help with very much. I can't really do anything beyond small fractures and sometimes breaks, and I don't have many medical supplies for non-combat wounds...sorry if I sound like the grim reaper." He recalled the old human myth of a supernatural being coming to take people away after death.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Ground team has landed." Chimera reported inside the transport, before turning his attention back to the infiltration team. "Looks like the Security office is on the third floor. I don't know exactly where or how well it is guarded, just try to get in without standing out to much. I'm working on a little distraction to help you get in." he said to the infiltration team giving them their first set of orders.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 28 days ago

"Alright, it'd probably be easier on both of us, considering the state of my driving," Vanessa said laughingly in response to Heretic's comment. She watched as the other woman swiftly placed bombs on the undercarriages of what she presumed were the cars that belonged to the Four Horsemen, letting out a low whistle at the spotless quality of them. "Fancier than Ace's car," she remarked dryly, placing a hand on the red vehicle she had so clumsily driven to the parking garage. Remembering his threat if she scratched his car, she examined it from all sides. Fortunately, the drive had been mostly incident-free, though she noticed a scratch so minuscule that it took her a full two minutes to even catch sight of it, and it was at the very bottom. Hopefully, just hopefully, Ace wouldn't be too angry about it. After all, Vanessa had warned him!

Hearing Chimera's voice in her earpiece brought Vanessa back to reality. She shrugged at Genesis's inquiry. "Looks like you have your answer," she said. "Third floor, yes? Shouldn't be too hard to get up there, but getting in will be a challenge. And yeah, I wouldn't imagine too many locked doors until we get up there. If there are, well, I guess we've got Heretic."

Vanessa turned around, spotting an elevator to take the trio up to the ground floor of the casino. She pointed at it, calling it to the others' attention. "Should we get into the casino from there? Or would it better to use the main entrance, or a side entrance? I mean, we aren't exactly very noticeable, but I wouldn't say that we're discreet either, especially given the nature of Genesis's....genetic makeup," she said, waiting for the others to reply.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Taking any other path would invite suspicion. We go straight through. Act like you belong and no one will be the wiser."

The elevator was ornate, as expected of a casino elevator. Mirrors gave the illusion of space that wasn't there, and distracted from the hidden security cameras. Once they hit the casino floor, the sound of slot machines and cards shuffling wafted at them. No windows, no clocks, just free drinks and pretty waitresses to keep you gambling.

"Let's find out where the security office is. I'm gonna nose around." Acacia casually left the group and found a craps table to leak money on. She had her eyes on a cute waitress in a revealing uniform. The girl must've noticed because she came over and gave Acacia a drink. She knew what to do, she's seen it in so many spy movies before: flirt with the waitress until she spills the beans. Except Acacia didn't know how to flirt. All she could do is look the waitress in the eyes and say "Hello". She finished off her drink and lost another $100 before coming up with plan B.

"Do you know where the security office is?" she said with casual poise. The waitress happily obliged. With objective completed, Acacia returned to the others. "I found it" she said pulling out a napkin with directions written on it. "Its in room 3016 on the third floor. Off the elevator we turn left, make a right on the third hallway, and its the 5th room on the right" On the other side of the napkin she found a lipstick mark with a phone number written on it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 28 days ago

After Heretic left to gather intelligence, Vanessa glanced at Genesis, who seemed a bit awkward in the opulent setting. "I'll go check this place out, we'll meet up here in a bit I guess?" she said. With that, she turned and walked towards an area where other people who were all dressed casually were drinking and playing poker, the sound of the slot machines a constant melody in the casino. Sitting down at a vacant table covered in a fine tablecloth, Vanessa surreptitiously flicked her gaze around the room, noting that the guests who wore fancier clothes stuck to one side, and the guests dressed like Vanessa stayed on the other. Strange, but it made sense.

A waitress saw Vanessa and trotted over cheerily, her scarlet ringlets bouncing up and down. "Can I get you anything?" she asked Vanessa, who shook her head and let her hair down, grabbing onto the end and fiddling with it. She spent another ten or twenty minutes just observing the scene, denying the multitude of alcoholic beverages that she was offered. She needed to find a way to locate the security office....she sighed, and scoped out the room again. Vanessa was almost certain that none of the guests would know, seeing as they didn't look like they were particularly wealthy or had some sort of special status in the casino. She could try her luck with the servers, but that would make them suspicious of her and her ulterior motives. Vanessa scrabbled for an idea, but when she saw Heretic emerge from the depths of a different section, she stood up and strode back to where the trio had been before.

"I found it," Heretic told them, showing them the directions written on a napkin and relaying the out loud. Vanessa breathed a small sigh of relief, seeing as Heretic obviously had more success than Vanessa in this particular endeavor.

"Great," Vanessa replied, letting a small smile slip on her face. "Is there any way we can contact the others to let them know where it is? Just in case they'd need that type of information for something, you know," she said. Vanessa tied her hair back again, mentally chiding herself for playing with it yet again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xxTripwire


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I'll go check this place out, we'll meet up here in a bit I guess?" she said. With that, Vanessa turned and walked away, leaving Genesis standing awkwardly alone in the mass of patrons.

"I, uhm..." he started, then inwardly winced as he realized that both women had disappeared into the crowd. Now what? Did they really need directions to the security room? He was sure it would be obvious when they saw it, they merely needed to reach the third floor and they could begin. Instead they had to disappear and leave him in the swarm of drunken-- his thoughts were interrupted as someone laid a hand on his shoulder. He flinched.

"Hey there... Why so blue?"

Snapping around to stare at the person who'd touched his shoulder, Genesis shook his head, ignoring the comment.

A woman stood behind him, smiling - her lips stained a light, overly glossy pink. She was scantily clad despite the floor-length dress she wore. She was, he supposed, somewhat attractive by human standards, but she wore too much makeup and faux eyelashes made her eyes too dark. She smiled wider. She smelled of liquor.

"Your girl just ditch you? I saw you with those two. They jealous of each other?"

Genesis blinked.

"I'm not the jealous type." She stepped forward and fingered his tie before straightening it out.

Taking a step back, Genesis arched an incredulous eyebrow at the woman. She was too close and he was uncomfortable, nearing a panicked dash... Though he knew it might draw -more- unwanted attention.

"You seem tense. Have a drink with me?"

Flicking his eyes wildly around he hoped to find one of his teammates to rescue him. No such luck.

"Strong silent type, hm?"

"No." He said, sounding perhaps more upset than he'd intended. "I'm here on business."

"Oh? Well, I like a businessman." She stepped forward and he again stepped back.

She was leaning in to him again when he finally caught sight of Acacia and darted toward her, sliding between people here and there to escape the drunken girl. When he caught up to her Vanessa had joined them and was listening as Acacia read off a room number.

"Yes, I can send a message up."

His voice was shaking slightly and he frowned at the napkin in Acacia's hand, noting the lipstick print. "What is wrong with these people?!" He shook his head then started back toward the elevators.

"Let's go. And don't leave me alone down here again. I stand out too much or - or something." He stalked off toward the landing and jammed his thumb onto the 'up' button.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Chimera monitored the infiltration team's progress and once the security room had been found it was time to get everything prepared. "Good work team, make your way there, I'm working on disabling the locks. The entrance will probably be guarded, we don't want to alert them just yet so lets just distract them. Heretic you were surprisingly good with flirting, so if there are guards distract them so the others can get in. Once your inside the room, I don't think a simple distraction will work. eliminate any guards inside quietly and place the device." Chimera relayed to the team while furiously trying to remotely hack the lock on the door. Once the infiltration team made it to the Security room it seemed Chimera had been right one armed guard stood outside the door looking bored out of his mind but still eyeing the group as they walked down the hall. "Alright, I'm in, I'll unlock the door once the guard is gone. time to move" Chimera said to the infiltration team setting them in motion.

Jason listened to Chimera's orders and knew the time for the infiltration team to move would be soon. "Bring us over the roof and open the back hatch, I want to see what we are in for before we drop. don't get to close in case they have some sort of anti-aircraft systems" he ordered Acrobat before heading to the back hatch with a pair of binoculars to check out the roof.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 28 days ago

As Vanessa walked with Acacia and Genesis towards the security office, she listened as Chimera relayed the orders to the three of them, nodding her head in response. "Alright Acacia, I guess you're gonna have to be the one to distract the guard, as I am absolutely horrid at any sort of diversion other than completely making a fool of myself or embarrassing myself, it seems like your...flirtations...could come in use right now," Vanessa said quietly, to the red-haired woman, the side of her lip quirking up into a small smile. So far, the operation seemed to be running smoothly, but admittedly they hadn't really done much yet besides figure out the location of the security office and hack the lock on the security office door-that had been Chimera's doing.

The trio approached the security guard, and Vanessa let her eyes stray out the large glass windows on the sides of the carpeted corridor. She could see multiple skyscrapers stretching up to the heavens from her vantage point. Exhaling slowly, she averted her attention back to the situation at hand. Focus, she ordered herself. There isn't any room for mistakes, so don't mess up.

The security guard, dressed all in black, stepped out in front of the three. "Ok, so what now?" Vanessa murmured almost inaudibly. Hopefully Acacia would be able to easily distract the man. Vanessa didn't want the security guards inside the office to notice them just yet, and she was sure that the rest of the team felt the same way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xxTripwire


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Thinking quickly as they received the order, Genesis' mind reeled. It was too conspicuous to have the three of them walk up and simply wait for Acacia to jaunt off with the guard. There's no way he would leave. Inwardly groaning at how the guard stared at them, a look of inquiry in his eyes, Genesis discretely grabbed Vanessa's hand and walked them past the office and guard. He could feel the man's lingering gaze on them and he managed a wholly mortified look as they passed.

"Your room is close, right?" He asked the question loudly while they were still in earshot of the guard, giving Vanessa's hand a squeeze to tell her to play along.

Stepping around a corner and releasing her hand, Genesis tried to shake the redness from his face. "Sorry," he murmured, "We couldn't just stand and wait."

After a few moments, Genesis spared a glance around the corner. The guard was gone.

She works fast... he thought as they returned to the main corridor and walked back to the office.

When they had arrived back at office door, he sent up the "ready" signal.

As the lock clicked open, Genesis stepped inside, a calm and rather uncharacteristic smile settling over his features. Two guards sat at a console, monitoring video footage of the casino. A number of keyboards and monitors sat beneath the screens, switching between different floor-plans, casino tables, and a large room - no doubt containing the vault. Immediately the guards raised their firearms and moved toward the two. Still smiling at them, Genesis lifted his arms, keeping them high over his head.

"Guessing they didn't tell you we were coming?" he asked, shaking his head.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I am Stephen Kristoff, they sent me to do maintenance work on a few of the surveillance systems. Apparently your regular is unable to make it on such short notice." He gave them a pleasant, yet chastising look and added, "Your man outside knew about our arrival."

The guards exchanged looks.

"Ah, this," he motioned to Vanessa "is Valerie, my bodyguard."

"Where is Stuart?" Asked one of the guards, looking unimpressed by the pair. "Why did he not come in with you?"

"I'm sure I don't know," Genesis drawled, "He was looking rather irritable when we arrived. Didn't want to say much to us." He smiled a rather serene smile before continuing. "Before there is any trouble over something so trivial, I might add that we both have passes and credentials. May we?"

The questioning guard remained resolute-looking, unconvinced by the hall guard not escorting them in. The other, looking impatient and somewhat embarrassed to have been uninformed, gave a curt nod.

"Get on with it." He said impatiently, lowering his gun and taking a small step back.

Inclining his head in compliance, Genesis lowered his arms and slowly reached, not inside his jacket, but around to his back as if withdrawing a wallet. He closed his fingers tightly around the knife in his waistband.

"Here we are..." He was placing a large amount of faith in Vanessa, believing she would handle the other guard... He only hoped it wasn't misplaced.

Genesis had instantaneously withdrawn the knife, closed the space between him and the guard, and brought the blade up to the man's neck as he sidled around behind him. The man struggled for a moment, but soon realized he could do very little with the blade jammed against his throat.

"Drop it."

When the guard did not comply, Genesis pressed the blade harder against the man's neck. " I don't suggest anything foolish," he hissed, "I've never missed an artery on a human before."

This must have sounded quite convincing because the guard dropped his gun, the weapon landing quietly with a muffled clattering noise on the carpeted floor.

Slipping his free hand into his jacket, Genesis withdrew his pistol and brought the butt of it down hard against the back of the guard's skull; he dropped like a brick.

Looking up to see that Vanessa had taken care of her guard, Genesis nodded to her and set about fastening his guard's hands behind his back. He rolled the man over, securing his wrists with an unused cable he'd grabbed from the desk. At a loss for something to use as a gag, he removed one of his own shoes, slipped off a sock, and crammed it unceremoniously into the guard's mouth.

Genesis replaced his shoe, seated himself in one of the chairs, and set to work on the system.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Moments ago...

"Alright Acacia, I guess you're gonna have to be the one to distract the guard, as I am absolutely horrid at any sort of diversion other than completely making a fool of myself or embarrassing myself, it seems like your...flirtations...could come in use right now," Vanessa said quietly, to the red-haired woman, the side of her lip quirking up into a small smile.

"Flirtations? I don't know what you mean by that..." Acacia said with a unintentionally handsome smile. "...but I'll try my best."

Distancing herself from the others, Acacia called the guard's attention with her presence. He was more or less at ease, a result of the boredom drawn out by the long hours watching empty hallways. Nodding her head ever so slightly Acacia brushed over his figure with her piercing eyes, looking for the weapons he carried. The guard was slightly unnerved by this.

"Hello, Thompson" she said, looking at his name tag.

"Umm... hello." The guard was a young man, an underling lacking experience. He waited for her to say something, but Acacia just stood before him, smiling with unbreakable eye contact. "Err, do you need something."

"I'm flirting with you." she said matter-of-factly.

"R-really? Aren't you supposed to say something flirty?"

"Is that what you want me to do?" she raised an eyebrow in response. The guard was distracted, but she needed to get him away from the door. She needed to give her team a way in. "Take me away."

"Huh?!?" the guard was practically shaking in his boots.

"Now. Take me somewhere... private" she thought if she could get the guard alone she could overpower him.

"Err, y-y-yeah! There's an unused office right over here" the guard scurried off like an excited rabbit, and Acacia followed calmly behind.

When she returned to the security office, the guards were already taken care of and Genesis was getting down to business. "That was quick. I'm impressed." she said casually strolling in and closing the door behind her. They gave her a look as if wondering what happened to the other guard. "Bound and unconscious. He was too quick to trust." She stood by and watched the entrances as Genesis and Vanessa did whatever they do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 28 days ago

"Your room is close, right?" He asked the question loudly while they were still in earshot of the guard, giving Vanessa's hand a squeeze to tell her to play along.

"It is," Vanessa replied just as loudly, responding to Genesis's signal to keep up the act.

Stepping around a corner and releasing her hand, Genesis tried to shake the redness from his face. "Sorry," he murmured, "We couldn't just stand and wait."

Vanessa chuckled softly. "It's fine, better than anything I could have thought up of anyway," she answered him.

After the guard left, Vanessa followed Genesis into the security office, where he concocted up a fabricated story of how she was his bodyguard and he was a maintenance guy or something along those lines. She took note of the multiple computer consoles, wires, and keyboards littered across the desks, as well as a few spare cables and chords. However, things escalated rapidly from there.

As Genesis drew his knife and pressed it against the first guard's throat, Vanessa reacted quickly, knowing that the element of surprise would be crucial at this stage of the operations. Genesis's blade was a more traditional type of weapon, made out of metals. The only sort of thing Vanessa had with her that even resembled a knife was a handy dandy little laser dagger she had stowed on the inside of her light jacket, which she drew a split second after Genesis had taken action. She pressed the tip of the laser weapon against the security guard's upper back, a little under the nape of his neck. There was a quiet hissing sound as the concentrated beam of light made contact with the cloth of the security guard's uniform.

The guard attempted to draw away from the weapon that Vanessa held against his back, but she grabbed his right arm-the one that had reached for his gun at his waist, and was now clasping it-and stopped him. "Let go of the gun," she said in a deathly calm tone, obscuring her palpitating heartbeat under a mask of coolness. She watched as Genesis successfully disarmed the first security guard, and the second one, seeing his friend's apparent failure, hesitated for a second. His slight pause allowed Vanessa to deftly reach for the gun and draw it out, slamming the butt of it against his temple. The guard fell unconscious, and Vanessa grabbed a roll of electrical tape that she spotted lying around next to one of the computer monitors, slicing off pieces to bind the guard's hands and feet. She added a piece of tape over his mouth for good measure, laughing quietly when she saw Genesis's unorthodox method of using his sock.

Acacia sauntered in, apparently having the same results as the duo in the security office. Now that all the guards were taken care of, it was time for Genesis to do some techie thing that Vanessa couldn't even pretend to understand. "So, what now?" she wondered aloud.

I guess Genesis will be doing something with the computers, Vanessa thought to herself. She plopped down into an empty chair and studied the displays on the computer screens, seeing for the first time the interior of the casino.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

As soon as Genesis had placed the device Chimera was in the system, now with full control of the buildings systems he got down to the real work. Scanning every floor for any sign of the Four Horsemen. "Good Job Infiltration team, your part is done for now, get out of there and get suited up at the car" He said to the team while continuing his search. About a minute later Chimera frowned. "I can't find them anywhere, there are plenty of signs of them, weapons cashes, Drug labs, and enough armed men to make a small army, but I can't find the targets anywhere." he reported while frantically looking for something to give away their hiding place.

---The Four Horsemen's Meeting---

"As you can see, this "Black Dragon" group in the southern sector is actually holding its own, War your men will need to pay them a visit and show them our true strength, if they do not submit then destroy them." Conquest said as the group planed their conquest of the planet. But before he could continue a red light lit up in front of Conquest. "Ahh It seems our guests have arrived. Our meeting shall be postponed, return to your normal business and we will reconvene soon." He said as he pressed a button and the red light turned off. The other members got up from the table War muttering about the incompetence of letting enemy forces find your base of operations to Famine as the two went off on their own. Death stood up, "I have something in mind for these guests. Can I use them to test my new serum?" he said with a sly grin. Conquest just nodded and Death left to go to his lab. Conquest just grinned and started to type on his computer console.

---The Fang----

Chimera was still trying to find the whereabouts of the four horsemen when suddenly his computer started to act funny. Before he could find out what was going on the team's radio frequency had been hacked. "Hello members of the Crimson Legion, I am Conquest of Ragnarok and I welcome you to my home." he started in a sly voice while Chimera tried to regain control of his system. "Don't be to surprised, this is my planet after all, and I have more than a few SSA agents in my pocket and it was easy enough to find out who they would be sending after us. Now I am sorry you have come here just to die." He said just before Chimera was able to regain control of his computers. "Well although we did just receive a death threat from one of the four horsemen I do have some good news, I found a secret elevator, looks like it goes from the penthouse suite to an underground facility of some sort." Chimera reported trying to get everything back in order. "Bad news is it looks like the army I mentioned earlier is moving to defend that elevator." he continued while typing away at his computer.

Jason stood inspecting the roof even with everything going on he was still making sure the mission could still proceed. He watched as a door flew open and men flooded the roof some holding Rocket launchers aiming them at the ship. "We got worse news, Assault team we move now Ogre get down there, everyone else grab a parachute and jump. Acrobat keep our ship intact." He quickly ordered throwing aside his binoculars and grabbing one of the parachutes for himself. He would be the last member of the assault team to jump and it was soon clear why the quick change of the mission was made when the missile locked alarms started to blaze. "Everyone move now!" Jason yelled to his assault team and Chimera quickly buckled himself in for extreme maneuvers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Ogre strided foward and lept of the Fang. He used his jump pack to steady his descent and fired potshots of plasma round into the group of men on the roof. When his boots touched the surface he ducked for cover behind an airvent. "Ogre has touch downed." He sounded of on the comms. A soldier tried to flank him on his right but was dispatched with haste with a chainaxe in to the gut. Ogre smiled briefly as his axe tasted blood for the first time in what seemed like an age. Ogre popped out of cover and fired purple plasma into the chests of hostiles a brief second before vaulting over and swinging his axe into the chest of unfortunate hostile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

Member Seen 6 mos ago

“Alright, alright. Switching to infrared. Seeing at least three locations of irrational discharge of firearms - the casino boys are getting the jitters. The guests are panicking, four to five mobs of them are crowding at fire exits. And - SHIT! SHIT! What fucking casino has fucking AA systems? Flares! Flares! Goddammit, Chimpanzee, do SOMETHING! I’m too young to die, and neither is the Fang, either! OH MY GOD, DON’T LET THEM GET NEAR THE AILERONS! CHIMPANZEE, DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY FUCKING GALACTIC CREDITS IT COST FOR THOSE FUCKING AILERONS?!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hael
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aaron almost shouted "See, I knew something was going to happen!", but Ogre jumped out ahead of him and he had to hurry to make sure Ogre wasn't on the ground alone for too long. He trusted the berserkers skills, of course, but he was worried anyone might be overwhelmed by the sheer number of enemies converging all over the casino and towards the team. He quickly glanced through his first aid supplies and felt for the gun on the side of his hip before jumping out into the air and touching down again a few minutes later, landing roughly five feet behind Ogre bashing an enemy with his chainaxe and ducking out from cover moments later to rush into the fight. Aaron ran to take his place behind the airvent and fire a few ion shots at the enemies surrounding his ally while announced his landing over the comm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 28 days ago

A minute or two later, Chimera's voice came through the comm links. "Good Job Infiltration team, your part is done for now, get out of there and get suited up at the car".

Well then. Time for the fun to start. Hoping that the others would follow, Vanessa took one last look around the room, taking note of the security guards unconscious on the ground. "Maybe...maybe we should move them or something," she suggested, and seeing no opposition, Vanessa dragged one of the suited men into the same unused office Acacia had decided to dump the door guard in. She went back and moved the second guard in a similar manner, shutting the door behind her. Hopefully it would take them at least a little while to come to.

With that done, Vanessa returned to the security office where Acacia and Genesis were, sparing a glance at whatever Genesis had done to disable the security systems. Yeah, computers definitely weren't her thing. Whatever it was, it had worked, and that was all that mattered in the end. "Shall we head down to the garage?" she asked no one in particular.

The trio exited the office and walked briskly down the long corridor towards the elevator. She hoped that everything was going according to plan, that everything was proceeding as it should. Inside the elevator, Vanessa bounced up and down on the balls of her feet, a restless feeling enveloping her. She barely looked at the opulent elevator, with all its plush carpeting and gleaming mirrors, instead counting the seconds until the elevator chimed, signalling that they were at the garage. She practically burst out of the confined space, stopping to wait for the other two. Vanessa had no idea where this sudden surge of energy had come from; but she knew that she should get in control of it before she did something stupid like jump in front of a car or something along those lines.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Acacia only had a wait a few minutes before whatever they were there to do was done. Somehow she expected things to be more complicated. After Vanessa scurried around hiding the bodies of the unconscious guards the team worked their way back to the elevator. Vanessa was energetic, almost jogging down the hallway to the elevator. Their presence may be known, but the enemy doesn't necessarily know who they are yet. Better to take some time to maintain their cover than go running around like suspicious people.

In the elevator ride down seemed to last longer, due to the tension of people possibly on their tails. As soon as they reached garage Acacia followed Vanessa at a brisk but not quite as eager pace. She was already removing her jacket as the doors on the car unlocked and the trunk popped open. The grip on her shotgun was familiar and welcoming. Quickly she started to gear up with the others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Rooftop Battle
Jason made sure that his team was off of the ship before he jumped, although his decent to the rooftop wasn't exactly peaceful as the guards on the rooftop opened fire on not only him, but the other members of his team that had made their way to the rooftop. But being a sitting duck wasn't even the worst of his problems, with the Fang firing off its flares to scramble the missile lock one of the burning flares hit Jason's parachute catching it on fire. "Damned idiot..." He muttered while trying to maneuver himself onto the roof with the burring chute. Once he was relatively close to the roof Jason cut his chute and fell to the roof landing in a roll. He quickly got up and hit cover before opening up on the armed guards that remained on the room. "Lets finish this up boys, we got bigger fish to catch." he yelled out to his team as he started mopping up the remaining guards on the roof.
The Fang
Chimera continued to do his job looking through schematics for anything that could help. "Infiltration team, be warned looks like a group is on your way." he was able to warn them just before the guards burst into the garage. He continued to work as Acrobat weirdly went off about the ships Ailerons but ignored the man's insanity and continued on his work. "Assault team, Just found a secret elevator, three floors down penthouse suite, looks like it is hidden behind a bookcase or something. Kinda cliche but I guess it works. You got a lot of men in your way if you go the traditional route so be prepared. Infiltration unit, I am working on getting an Elevator off lock down for you to use once you finish up in the Garage. Clean up down there then move to assist the Assault Team. I don't have any information on whats down in that underground installation, but it can't be good." Chimera reported off before another alarm started to sound. "Acrobat it is time to move, looks like these guys have more firepower than we thought 3 Assault Craft are on there way here its time to move." he yelled at the Pilot
Casino Garage
Things were going well for the Infiltration team and they got back to the garage without incident but that's is as far as the easy sailing went. As the team got them prepared a group of Ten armed guards bust into the garage combing the area for the infiltration team. As soon as one of the guards noticed the team he whistled alerting the others before bringing up his rifle and opening fire.
Underground Facility, Death's Lab
A large white room almost came to life as Death and two of his personal assistants came into the room. In the center was four chairs each filled with a human "test subject" two males and two females. With his computers coming online death went over to look at the monitors for a moment before turning his attention to the four captives. "Well it looks like we have more guests, I do hope those brutes upstairs leave at least a few more of them alive than they did last time. your group didn't turn out to be very diversified. He gloated at his subjects. "Either way this is perfect, I will be using two of you as test subjects here, It will be a quick way to grab your freedom, but it comes at a price. So any takes?" he Slyly said shooting a look at his captives. "I don't know what sick test you are going to run, but I will not subjugate any of my people to your games. Take me instead of them." One of the Female Prisoners said. "Ahh so the mighty Captain Morgana is going to sacrifice herself for her team, how nice." Death said while motioning his goons to haul her off. Death then sat there inspecting the other three prisoners "Who shall I take next? he questioned. He stopped pacing in front of the brute of a man called Jonson. "I think you will do nicely, boys take him as well." Death said as his assistants came back in to wheel away the other chair. Jonson sat quietly, not willing to give the man any sort of pleasure on his behalf. Death looked at the final two prisoners. "Well I hope you enjoy your stay, I'll be back to check up on you soon. and don't worry I'll be sure you know the results of the tests I'll be preforming on your comrades." He said with a grin before turning to leave the room and complete his experimentation.
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