Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Ah ha ha~, I'm fine, I'm fine. You're looking a bit better than last I saw you too." Reve tilted her head slightly. "Maybe you like it here better? Well, at least until they backstab us or something."

"Hello.I saw Gabriel leave the hanger with his GX. He might be at where Graham is now." Some woman she forgot the name of approached them, giving a familiar greeting. Reve did get her name before but it slipped her mind at the moment.

"Eh? That's boring. What am I going to do now?" She sighed, before looking at Paul for his reply at Donna. It didn't really matter, she already knew that the people here didn't trust her or Nena, judging from all the people eyeing her every time she passed them. Nena presumably knew as well. Both of them did live in a world where literally almost everyone on earth were their enemies after all. At least Nena gets to pilot Virtue. That other woman seemed very.... suspicious. Almost as if she had stolen the MS from Tieria.

Perhaps she should take a nap instead and conserve her energy for the next skirmish. That Paul person was giving her the evil eye again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Gabriel listened to the comm chatter as he waited for the captain's response. "Well my gut feeling is its a group that isn't shooting at us for the moment. I think we should at least hear them out and go from there." He replied to the captain before switching back to his external speakers. "Alright we are willing to talk. So how will we go about this? Set up a neutral zone and send in representatives? Or something like that?" Gabriel asked
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Good to hear that you're being more outgoing. It doesn't help help morale when everyone is acting stiff when we're on our off time. Granted we're military and that's how we should all be acting but it still isn't very motivating so to speak." Paul admitted shrugging as he looked at the girl. "I'm rather disappointed that Saturnalia had to die but she was acting out of place. I had to shoot her, protocols called for a certain response though so it is what it is. We execute anyone attempting to kill a prisoner of war for no other reason other than they can. Yes Nena was an enemy and so is this girl over here Miss Reve..." Paul said as he gave her a glance before turning back to Donna. "If they are to be killed they need to be given orders from Jason or a high court. Quite frankly Miss Reve I'm just glad we have help from you. I'd hate to find out you were planning to back stab us in the middle of nowhere." Paul said not too friendly about it but Stella grabbed him and shook her head, "Lieutenant...should we be trying to..get along with...everyone who are on our side?" Stella asked him as Paul sighed, "I suppose you have a point Stella. But you can't blame me for being distrusting." Paul commented back. === "We got a base nearby. It's near a coastline and it's outfitted really well. We don't have a ship but we have plenty of men. Meet us there. Miss Barton guaranteed safe passage back and forth. She even said that you can keep your guns along with you...as long as you keep them holstered or pointed down at the floor. After that we'll get the other stuff sorted out I guess. She didn't give me more orders other than go out and get those guys. I suppose it'd be best to bring along a couple of your high ranking guys but that's up to you. We got our communications array busted earlier which was why I was sent out. Well anyways I'm going back to base. I'll see you around Gabriel...and if you see that kid Garrod Ran...tell him I said hi and to watch his smart little ass." The enemy suit then flew away and Graham came over to Gabriel as Grant came out of the shadows. "Sir do you think we can trust them?" Grant asked Jason over the communications channel as Jason chuckled, "Well Miss Baker made a fine point in my opinion however idealistic it may be. How about you three return to base. I'll get SIGMA out to replace you. Also if I may ask Mr. Gabriel...why did you agree with this man? Common affiliation? Or do you really trust this man? Or is there something else entirely?" Jason asked as Graham suddenly spoke up, "Whatever the case we have to be careful with them. When I fought that man I felt that he was dangerous and his skill showed that he was. Whoever he is with must be strong if not they are at least capable. I'd relish the challenge of fighting a man like him again but I'll follow your orders Captain. I gave you my word as a flag fighter I would do so. I don't go back on my word."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

At this point in the conversation, his beam rifle still tracking the retreating air master, Jack spoke up. "Graham, I seem to recall being told, you simply launching into instant attack first and ask questions later mode. To be frank, shouldn't we consider ourselves lucky they still want to talk about it?" Once the other Gundam was out of sight, he holstered his beam rifle and approached the other three units to move back to the _Sundown_ as a group. He had probably struck a nerve or two, but he had spoken the truth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"What is it you would do then 'Lieutenant'? I saw an enemy mobile suit on the horizon. So far this group has only had bad relations with enemy suits. Glemy tried to kill me and Puru and before you got here a girl named Saturnalia as well. They killed another girl whom was in the party as well. Then we got into a fight with a guy named Angelo and we lost good men too him as well. Then we've had Saturnalia turn on us before taking in that girl Reve while letting Nena loose. We've also been getting raiding by more strange suits. I didn't have any other choice but to assume hostilities. What if he was hostile? What if I just sat there and let him shoot at me before moving? My instincts told me to defeat the possible threat and that's exactly what I did." Graham called back to Jack with a flat tone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"And that's all well and good, but if we go around shooting first all the time, then how in the hell are we any better than the raiders? Than this Angelo character you fought and lost men to?" He got his own Gundam real close to Graham's and put a finger on it's chest. "Than ZAFT? Eventually, people are going to stop coming to us for help because all we do is shoot at them. It's not conducive to survival is my point." Stepping back, Jack turns towards the _Sundown_. "Let's just get back before this turns into a brawl."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

It wasn't Graham whom answered James but Jason, "I am ordering you to stand down Lieutenant Jack. I am fully in agreement with Graham's statement. He had no way of knowing if the enemy was an ally or an enemy as far as I'm aware. However we did get to where we are now by gun pointed trust in our fellows. Idealism is nice but I will not risk the lives of my charges, including your own, on the possibility that a gundam class suit may not be friendly. I'm not sure if you've heard about the events in our timeline but in our timeline one of the biggest wars we've had was caused by the trust in a man not mentally well." Jason commented as Grant suddenly came in, "Sir with all due respect the Three Month War was only three months long because we trusted the PLANT colonists whom didn't want war with us. I'm not agreeing with him but I'd just feel like it's fair to point that out." Grant said as Jason acknowledged his squad captain's comment and that it was a true statement. "He'll find out that life doesn't always work out like that later. He'll just have to find out that life is full of tragedy it's how we fight it and our we live our lives that define ourselves. I choose to fight. I choose to live to fight for a better and more hopeful tomorrow. To fight the young man Reve calls Setsuna. I will survive even if it means that I will be forced to do unsavory things. I'm sure you understand what that is like Gundam Pilot Gabriel." Graham commented to him once the boy was gone out of speaker distance. Graham had said it over speaks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Donna was reminded how Paul didn't seem to budge with his hostile attitude since they first met. Stella in contrast did show concern on interactions between pilots. Regarding Saturnalia she had no grude against them as they did violate their trust. "I have to say actions against her were justified." She replied. "If she violated our agreement to cooperate, the action had to be taken." Although it hurted to lose a friend. The Instructor agreed on the judgement to kill her. "I observed the atmosphere in the ship and it is in the mood as you described." She changed the subject. The Aristocrat was never able to adopt much of the military formalities due to her private training by Instructor W. If anyone is changing the mood best it may be Puru, being younger than her and despite the age and mentality able to pilot a Mobile Suit. "It is not very different to my residence in fact. My brothers say it was like that since our mother died." She began to wonder on how bad the wars in other universes are and if they are even worse than her's.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"All due respect sir, I'm not sure how things played out in your timeline. What I do know is that in my time line, most of Earth is occupied by hostile ZAFT forces with the Earth Alliance still back pedaling after the blitz attack that ZAFT launched in response to the Bloody Valentine incident. But if there's one thing I've learned in all my time fighting against Zaft, it's that not every single person who comes at you that you don't recognize is going to shoot at you. Hell, I'm pretty sure if he'd WANTED to kill our guys, he wouldn't have approached head on if he was skilled enough to go toe to toe with Graham." Jack glanced back at the others and shrugged inside the gundam unit. {Guess that's just my philosophy on everything. Make of it what you will."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Good to hear that you're being more outgoing. It doesn't help help morale when everyone is acting stiff when we're on our off time." Reve started to laugh, but managed to quickly stifle it with a hand over her mouth."..fmmff.. says the one who acts stiff all the time..." "Yes Nena was an enemy and so is this girl over here Miss Reve..." "Eh? So Stella gets the ok?" Reve gave an exaggerated tired look. "I envy you, Stella. If only I had that charm of yours." "Quite frankly Miss Reve I'm just glad we have help from you. I'd hate to find out you were planning to back stab us in the middle of nowhere." Paul said not too friendly about it but Stella grabbed him and shook her head, "Lieutenant...should we be trying to..get along with...everyone who are on our side?" Stella asked him as Paul sighed, "I suppose you have a point Stella. But you can't blame me for being distrusting." "Don't worry, Stella. These military types do that. Distrust everyone and create their own justification for their actions." She gave a small grin. "Like abandoning us as bait to retreat in safety or shoot down an entire colony." As suddenly as she took that slightly serious tone, her demeanor changed to be as cheerful as any girl in spring. "Well, I'm kinda bored so I'm going back to Exia. Take care Stella." With that and a last wave goodbye, she walked out of the cafeteria towards Exia.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

> "I have not the slightest clue what she is talking about." Paul mumbled as he suddenly noticed his pager going off. Paul pulled it out. It was a small thing and very easily concealable. It operated like a small hand held child's toy allowing one person to speak to another if communications were down. However Paul figured they'd be fixed by now which perplexed him. "This is Black Star here what's up?" Paul asked as Jason's voice came from the small box. "This is the Captain Mr. Lyons. I want you to return to the meeting room. Stella can go back to the Med Bay. I'm bringing Puru with me as well. There has been an contact from a group called The Barton Foundation. If Miss Donna and her instructor aren't there with you please find them and bring them with you. I'm calling back the other two suits we just sent out as well. We had an incident where Graham Aker attacked a member of the Barton Foundation whom he thought was an enemy. I want to know if anyone here knows about this. Any information we have is invaluable even if it is an 'alternate' or 'fake' version of the people they know it still paves the way for a good idea on how this will fall out. Jason out. Oh and try and not get Reve stuck up with you. She and Nena aren't meant for these operations I'd take it. Especially with their suits." Jason said to his Lieutenant as Paul confirmed it and looked at Donna. "Alright come on Captain wants us in the meeting room. Stella hope Wilbur takes care of you." Paul stated as he got up and walked away with or without Donna by his side. === Stella felt...weird....she wasn't sure how to describe it to someone if they asked but she felt like things were no longer what they seemed. These people...this place...they felt...distorted in a way. Like looking in a mirror of sorts only seeing a differing reflection of yourself in it instead or someone else entirely. Stella slowly walked along the corridors. Uncertain about what was going to happen next she supposed she'd be placed into Gaia and put out into a fight...but she hated fighting and if she had a choice she'd quit...but people depended on her. "Life is so cruel." she mumbled to herself lonely as she walked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Gabriel listened to the terms of the meeting and agreed to them before Witz left back to his people. As Graham came up Gabriel was just glad he had gotten through the ordeal peacefully for once instead of it ending up in some sort of bloodbath. When Jason asked Gabriel gave a little grin. "No neither of those, I'm not naive enough to believe them just because they say some nice words, and although most of the Vultures I have meet have been good people, I have heard some stories that say otherwise. But although I don't trust them yet, having a few less guns pointed at us and a few more at our enemies." He answered before listening to the arguing. When Graham made his comment about doing what it takes to survive Gabriel gave a grin. "I know what you mean, I'll make it through this, and if I can help it I'll keep you around to" He answered Graham while making his way back to the Sundown. "So Captain, who are you planning on sending on this little peace mission?" he asked while on his way back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"This is Williams, Mr. Gabriel, the Captain has gone to the meeting room. He requests you meet him there. Others will be there as well. However if you want my opinion. He'll send you, Lieutenant Lyons, and maybe Beta Team. He'll keep SIGMA and Trinity around for a good measure. Captain won't put all his cards on the table if he can help it...if you catch my meaning that is. Well I'm glad we made it out without a giant ass war exploding...pardon my language."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

When Paul asked her to go to the meeting room with her, she wondered why she'll be needed but it was presumably for a good reason as always. She and the Instructor were usually left alone but it looked like they suddenly came into relevance as if they are experts with a degree on the topic. Although she thought of getting her superior officer but by the pace they were walking she hoped that he received the news to go also. As she arrived outside the meeting room she stood close to the door and saw Instructor W arrive. He had his goggles off, showing awareness that this talk is serious. "It looks like we are called." He said to his student. The Prussian Gundam pilot nodded. "Is there any information on what we will talk about sir?" She asked. The man didn't have the answer sadly. "I wish I knew Donna." He answered. "But I can say we will find out soon." Donna looked at the entrance to the meeting room. She wondered why they were called.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Right, we will be back soon. As for another war not breaking out. I'm glad we avoided it for the moment as well. And although it has been a long time, I would like to request that a formal uniform and a side arm be prepared for me. Don't want to go in looking like a slob and completely unarmed especially if we have to leave our suits." He answered while making his way back to the Sundown. The trip back was uneventful and when he made it back he quickly made his way to the meeting room. He didn't know exactly how many people knew of the events outside of the ship, and he wasn't going to be one to spread rumors of any form of alliance without the Captains go ahead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Excuse me Conscript Gabriel but didn't you already get a uniform? Well if you didn't I'll send you up one in a moment. We're getting our systems back online that will only take about twenty minutes or so maybe more. Williams out." Williams shut off the line and looked at Baker whom was tapping the floor and was moving in her seat uncomfortably, "Hey you ok?" She asked her fellow comms officer. Baker merely smiled and nodded but it was clear she was thinking about something but it was her job to talk to people not to deal with their mental health if she wanted to talk she needed to ask or go see Wilbur. Jason turned to the door to see Paul and Donna along with her good friend the doctor enter the room. He smiled and nodded at them as Puru grumbled and kicked her feet against the chair, "I'm SOOO bored..." she grumbled. "Ah yes hello Miss Donna I'm glad to see you're well. We haven't talked much have we? I hope the day is going well for you. I'm not sure if Lieutenant Paul Lyons has informed you of what has happened but something interesting has popped up. I'd prefer to wait until Graham and Gabriel arrived but if you must ask me something or simply talk please do so now. Oh and have a seat please I don't mean to make you stand and we may be here for a bit." Jason said politely as Paul saluted his commanding officer and then took the seat next to Puru, "Hey Mr. Black Star, what's up with those new people huh? Comin' out of nowhere and attacking us. That's crazy! Why are people so rude?" Puru asked the lieutenant as Paul shrugged, "No clue Puru whatever is really happening you ironically know more than I do more than likely. If they attacked us however I'll make'em bleed for it." Paul said calmly but internally he was wondering why Jason hadn't informed him of that detail.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Earth-sphere officers took two of the vacant seats. Being diplomatic, Donna decided to reply to the good Captain. "Thank you Captain." She greeted him. "I am doing well in the Sundown. I found that helping the crew helps in creating a better environment." She remembered how she was taught to speak like a proper noblewoman, but she can say it's butchered in a way for her due to the war and pilot training taking over. "Paul didn't inform me on the purpose of this meeting but I will be able to wait for information to be provided when Graham and Gabirel returns." Instuctor W listened his subordinate speak. He can say she is becoming independent as an officer should be. If she ever becomes alone and without his support, he is confident that she can act on her own and follow orders from allied officers. He looked at the door to see who will enter the meeting room next.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 1 yr ago

She sighed as she leaned back in the cockpit. There wasn't much going on at the moment so Reve didn't really have anything to do. Some of the crew were being hush hush about something, but she wasn't interested in gossip and the likes. Talking to Nena over the din of the people working on Virtue would just be a bother. "Ah... won't something interesting happen already...." Crossing her legs, she closed her eyes for a quick nap.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Ohh ya, I did get one of those fancy formal uniforms along with the flight suit. Kinda forgot about that one. Thanks Williams." Gabriel remembered as he made his way back to the Sundown. After he arrived he docked and didn't waste any time before going to the meeting room. This was going to be new discussing an alliance, and Gabriel was sure that the captain would want the ground teams reports as soon as possible. By the time he reached the meeting room nearly everyone else had gathered. He walked into the room and moved to his seat. He looked over and saw that Paul looked a bit irritated and wondered if he had been let in on any of the details from the outside yet. But Gabriel decided not to ask about it just yet and took his seat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I see well then it's good thing you assumed Mr. Gabriel would be here. Lucky guess Miss Donna." Jason said with a chuckle as Gabriel has entered just as Donna had stopped talking. Graham soon followed him into the room about a half a minute after. He took a seat on the back corner of the room. "Well I believe that I should all inform you that we have been contacted by an unknown force known as The Barton Foundation. This Foundation seemed to have a contact within the realm of Mr. Gabriel's Vulture group. They've offered us an alliance. However it is worth noting that Mr. Graham Aker engaged the enemy believing the Vulture to be a threat before hand." Jason commented however Graham spoke up, "He said he was in on peace but I didn't buy it. He was approaching our borders without any show of being friendly. I engaged him as soon as possible to avoid him getting the first shot in. However after fighting him...I'm not sure how that battle would've went. That suit was rather impressive in performance." Graham said as Jason nodded his hand towards Graham, "I don't blame you. We've received nothing but enemies on every day but our first day this past week. This whole area is foreign and it seems that we have had no end to enemies being mingled with allies and enemies betraying their so called allies. Trust is hard to come by here. But I must ask do any of you know of the organization 'The Barton Foundation'? It is no organization I know of and I'm sure Paul hasn't never heard of it either." Jason said as Graham shook his head silently. "Never heard of it. It's not anything I've ever heard of but it sounds like some sort of business or family based organization." he commented. === "Hey you in Exia, are you ok?" asked Yuri to Reve as she entered the suit. "That machine is done with it's maintenance you don't need to be in it. I didn't get any comment about you being sent on patrols either."
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