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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheBiddz


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Master Knight Ethelfleda Confodite

Alias: The Wild Striker

Gender: Female

Height: Ethelfleda is six foot tall exactly

Weight: Ethel is very densely built, muscle wise, so she's very heavy for a lady of her stature. She weighs 240 pounds.

Character Personality: Well, as a Master Knight, take a guess. She's chivalrous as hell. She has codes of honor that she always abides by. She's also generally extremely tough on people who she believes is doing unjustice.

Uniform: Ethelfleda wears more medieval clothing than other women. Than other people her age, really. In general, she dresses exactly as you would expect someone from the Renaissance to dress. Except, not a Renaissance lady, because that style of dress is absolutely unfit for the field of battle. She wears a combination of fancy dinner clothing and a fencer's garb. She has thick pants made from a combination of animal hide and chainmail. These clothes are much tougher than they seem, though they're by no means bullet proof or anything. She also wears a large, widebrimmed hat, complete with feather poking out of it. How the feather stays put in the heat of battle, the world may never know. Underneath her pants, she has a pair of false legs granted to her by Samuel. These legs are made out of a reactive substance that changes composition based on the situation. When she runs, it becomes very flexible to emulate the way a normal leg moves and allows her full fluidity of motion. When impacted, it becomes very tough to avoid breakage, because they are NOT easily fixed. They appear to be made out of a substance similar to a laminated wood. They are very simple, but effective. When not in combat, they are smooth in the knee, allowing her to walk around at average pedestrian paces without hurting herself. The prosthetics themselves are bolted to her bones, meaning she can't easily (Read: At All) remove them. The knees can be swiveled and whatnot for cleaning purposes. After Samuel's modifications to them, they no longer cause her pain just by moving around, and are far cleaner than any fake leg of her time would have been. That being said, he's no scientist or medical genius, so she doesn't have like cannon knees or whatever.

Origin Info: Ethefleda is an acolyte. She gains her power from a god who has seen fit to grant her great strength. How did she come by such a mighty power? It is a long story, filled with peril and tragedy, culminating in the loss of Ethel's legs. How all that happened, not important to this (But I will say, it involved a man with a penis cannon). What IS important is what happened afterwards. Ethelfleda Confodite is not one to give up so easily on anything. That includes living, legs or not. So she crawled her ass to a blacksmith and had him forge her a pair of rudimentary replacement legs. They werent much. They were painful, took a lot of cleaning, and made walking around way harder than it should have been. Doesn't matter to Ethel one bit. Here's a person who won't lose no matter what. Whether its in battle or in life, Ethelfleda is going to win. This attitude, the sheer magnitude of her willpower, drew the attention of a god. A god named Samuel. Samuel granted her power, allowing her to draw upon her willpower and fighting spirit manifest as sheer energy. He also upgraded her artificial legs to something not quite so shitty. After this, she become one of his acolytes, individuals of great power who follow his command. Not that he gives very many particular commands. So it basically comes down to her wandering the globe/universe/wherever Samuel deems fit to send her in order to find good opponents to fight and provide justice to all.

Tier Level 7. She's a stronk lady.

Lifting Weight: Ethelfleda isn't the strongest of the Acolytes, but she can lift a respectable 10 tons with much effort.

Speed: Ethel makes up for her relatively low buffness with quick movements, which makes sense, she is a fencer, after all. Ethel can move in speeds of excess of Mach One, but no faster than Mach Two. She CAN run at those speeds, but she very rarely does. She moves in burst motions, to dodge and weave attacks whenever she feels she can't tank it with her armor and shield. With long distance running, it's generally a much lower 100 to 200 mph.

Training: Ethel is a knight beyond compare in the world that she comes from. She's completely mastered the art of the sword. Any sword. Proficient with many different types of weapons and styles, if she hasn't seen it, one thats pretty impressive, she's seen a lot. Two, she'll probably be able to figure it out pretty quickly. Of course, if its SUPER obscure fighting, it might take a bit of time.

Durability: For a fencer, Ethel is surprisingly sturdy. Particularly notable, in the fact that even before gaining incredible power, she was able to lose both of her legs, drag her ass to a blacksmith, get some new ones, and keep moving on. With the power, her pain tolerance is determined only by her level of will, which among even the acolytes of Samuel, a group noted for their ability to defy logic and pull victory out of almost certain defeat, is very high. Ethel will not stop fighting until her body is dust. When in a fight with Ethelfleda, if you don't kill her, you've lost. She can take a beating too. Her armor is made from Wild Energy, and it's tough stuff.

Power Set: Ethelfleda possesses the Wild aspect of Lion Energy. It manifests itself very differently in regards to the other knights, which manifest as electricity, fire, and light. Wild Energy manifests itself as a gaseous, hyper dense material. It exudes from her pores as she fights, and the amount of it increases with her willpower and fighting spirit. When in combat, Ethelfleda produces a thick fog of gas that fills the area surrounding her. Wild Energy, when interacting with other elements, acts as a barrier to them, equally as strong as a base charge defense. As such, a no charge fire/other attack is nulled by a no charge cloud of gas. Obviously, if Ethel prepares a defense, she can block higher amounts of energy.

Ethel can manipulate this gas in a manner of ways according to the situation. Compacting it way down, it turns solid and can form weapons and armor, which is the equipment that she uses to fight. It does not have to be formed to her, and can form floating weapons that she can strike opponents with, though that requires extra concentration. Two ticks of charge will allow Ethel to form one autonomous weapon. These weapons, while less effective than they would be in Ethel's hands, are still more than deadly to lesser warriors. Once created, they stick around and continue to attack, adding additional force to Ethel's onslaught. When in material form, Wild Energy has the same strength baseline as damascus steel, for an immediate forming, ie a sword or shield that Ethel starts with. Larger or denser objects, those with extra charge time, are stronger than damascus, how strong they are is based on the time charged.

The amount of fog that is produced is as such. Ethel produces enough fog to fill a five foot circle around her the first turn. The circle increases in size by an additional 2.5 feet per turn of battle. The gas is super dense so it seems to be almost like tar and has a much higher drag resistance than air does. Ethel can increases the density of the gas in the area around her even further by limiting the distance that new energy spreads. It takes one turn to switch from spreading mode to full combat mode, and once switched over, the density of the five foot circle increases by 25 percent a turn.

Weapons and armor are not the only thing Ethel can construct. Given enough time, she can give shape to anything. In a battle sense, this can even mean replacing limbs with artificial ones made of Energy. If her limbs were to be cut off somehow, Ethel would need about 4 or 5 turns to construct new ones. A tough matter in the middle of a battle, but she could do it. Replacement weapons and armor/shielding can be made almost instantly, as she does not have to concentrate on moving them around in the air, she just grabs and goes.

Loot: Her hat? I guess. Its a nice hat. Otherwise she really has nothing. Her weapons and armor are all made from Wild Energy, and her legs, wow, you sicko, why would you even think of taking the poor woman's legs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Name: Sol
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 180lbs
Physical Description: Sol is somewhat lanky but is overall well muscled and gives off an appearance of someone always ready for battle. He has several scars on his body that show his battle experience. He wears gladiator-esque leathers that provide little to non protection but allow his to utilize his impressive speed. His eyes are a deep ocean blue, he has very short cut black hair and his skin is well tanned. Sol wears sandals with iron plated bottoms that can conceivably be used to block an attack if he was for example lying on his back,

Psychological Description: Sol is somewhat sarcastic and thinks that honor is unnecessary and he frowns upon it in general. He obviously isn't very friendly and is very much the lone wolf. He is willing to work with someone to take down a stronger foe, but won't hesitate to take them down afterwards. He views most things from a "How does this benefit me" standpoint, and is pretty much a jerk to most people he meets.

Tier: 3
Physical Abilities: Sol can move at a maximum of 150mph and can lift at maximum 3 tons.

Powers: Wind magic

Gust: Sol uses his wind magic and blows a blast of wind about as large as an open hand and can go a maximum of 100mph. He can summon it anywhere within 20m of himself and it travels for up to 50m

Wind Wall: Sol can throw up a wall of wind 5 meters long and high that moves in a circular fashion at 100mph in front of him for 2 ticks can be used to block an opponent off, deflect projectiles, etc. He can summon it anywhere within 10m of himself and if it moves more than 15m away from him it dissipates.

Wind blade: Sol can use his magic through his sword either increasing its length and giving it saw-like properties or allowing it to shoot blades of wind that can easily cut through wood.

Wind Drill: Given 1 tick, Sol can prepare his wind magic into a giant rotating drill with a base radius of 2m and a length of 5m; it can travel a maximum of 50m away from him. Its strength is comparable to a steel drill of the same size, rotates at 200mph

Equipment: Balmung[locked]. This magic sword can cut through hardened steel with ease.
Iron plated sandals [free to loot]
A magic ring that can emit a spherical wave of one ton force every 5 min with a speed of 150mph. He can send it a maximum of 12ft away from himself before it loses all force. [free to loot]
Magic bracers that cause anything that hits them to stick to them. Can be detached with a mental command and if done so their weight increases to 2 tons for 5 minutes and they need 10 minutes to recharge [free to loot]

History: Sol lived in a war torn world and fought as a mercenary wielding his magic and sword to get enough money to live another night. He had no purpose in his life; it was merely fighting for one useless employer to the next. When he was torn from his world he was actually interested in a change from his pathetic life, perhaps if he won this fight it would give him more than just his next meal
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Biddz: You know Ethel is accepted, you wrote her two feet away from me and I've already told you everything that needed to be changed.

I'll put her on the list of accepted characters.

@Vordak: I see the progress on the sheet is coming nicely, when you finish it off I'll review it.

@Eklispe: Your grammar messes up in a few sentences, but no problem, I understood it just fine.

About Gust: Is this like a tornado that he projects from his hands? How big is it? What is the range?

About Wind Wall: I'll need a range on how far it can travel.

About Wind Blade: I'll need a reference on how well it cuts. Does it cut into flesh like a whip? Does it cut into wood like an axe? Does it cut through stone like a saw?

About Wind Drill: I'll need a few specifics about this.

One- How large is it?
Two- Is it as effective as a steel drill of comparable size? Or is it weaker?

About Balmung: How sharp is it? What materials can it not cut through?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Aplogies i hadn't properly used the detail i needed, should be better now
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vordak


Member Seen 29 days ago

All combat related info about Ido is ready, i'll add the rest tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

Member Seen 10 mos ago

This will be my derp until further notice. Ill use this whilst i correct jynxs, and the two will give me plenty of practice before i introduce kent.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Griffintaur


Member Seen 12 mos ago

Is this fine tournament still accepting fighters? I'm still rather new to this forum and starting off with combat seems to be the most preferable decision. Character details will be given once I access my laptop.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It is indeed still accepting, though it's really only a tournament in the IC sense. OOC, it's more of a combat based ongoing arena RP.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laios
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Laios Proof of a Hero

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So I got a rather silly thought the other day. I was wondering to myself what the strength tier of a space station would be, and while a large war vessel may not fit well in this scenario, I wonder if a smaller ship with a crew of three or four would be able to participate. The idea I had would consist of multiple Tier 0 characters who simply controlled the various systems of a ship or mech, possibly Tier 6+ depending on what it was equipped with. Maybe the players would start some kind of PM to collaborate on a post for the main thread. I don't know how viable it would be to have multiple people involved in creating a single post, but it has an interesting sound to it. Would such a collaborated character work in this instance? If so, would anyone like to join me in this endeavor? It might even open up another section of the Everlasting Arena to include the skies above the landmass.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 1 mo ago

If mechs are allowed, surely most other vehicles are too, including small space ships. Once you start incorporating large-scale weaponry like those on a space ship, you're gonna get to high tier really quickly though. It seems any vessel worthy of having three crew members will pass tier 7 quite easily if we don't hold back. That is, if we're going with a scifi setting, which i assume. So that might be a problem.

From a writing standpoint, i dunno. As stated today in the other thread, fights tend to get chaotic when more than four people are involved. Now imagine four people trying to work together ON THE SAME POST to defeat a fifth. Seems cumbersome, but it might work, maybe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laios
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Laios Proof of a Hero

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

That's why I was thinking about having the crew collaborate in a separate area, to keep clutter in the main thread down to a minimum. Now, there are other ways to achieve this kind of thing besides a high level sci fi ship. It's what I had in mind, but you bring up a good point about the tech. It could also be more akin to a steampunk or science fantasy airship, think Final Fantasy and the like. Something as simple as an attack helicopter or tank would also work for crew based combat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 1 mo ago

A steampunk airship might well work. Ever heard of the game Guns of Icarus? Recreating that could be fun, but i think you'll need to fight an enemy of similar nature to make it fun. Not someone like Evvie who can just jump on the ship and attack the crew.

The problem with a helicopter or tank is, the three people would be confined inside this rather small vehicle, doing the one specific job they were assigned (one person flying, the other two firing). An airship gives more freedom.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 days ago

I'll need a range on that lightning bolt there, Notdeadyet. In fact, I'll need a range on everything.

Sol is accepted, Eklispe.

Once you get his Physical and Psychological, as well as the History your Demon Wolf is accepted Vordak.

You already know my review, Green. Finish the sheet and he's accepted.

All vehicles are allowed, however, the pilots of those vehicles require character sheets of their own.

Though there is no official limitation on the level of the characters themselves. I might want to work on some sort of regulation for that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

id like to apply this character sheet for tier 5-6

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Couple things I noticed after a brief perusal:

- The phrase "and anything else in its path" likely makes the photon beam cannon a tier infinity weapon, since it literally states that anything it hits will be obliterated.

- "Depleted" anything bullets are, well, depleted. Meaning they don't cause radiation sickness. As an aside, if you instead switch to actual radioactive bullets, Jin is almost certainly going to have to deal with cancer at some point.

- Hollowpoint ammunition sucks at armor penetration. It's specialized to do tissue damage by expanding on impact and hopefully transferring all its energy to the target and getting lodged inside it somewhere, which would only make any hard material it strikes even more effective at stopping it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

allright mr technical it just sounded cool when I wrote it allright ill edit it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 1 mo ago

You should give an indication of how high up this ship of his is. If it flies at the height that airplanes usually do, which is roughly five to eight miles, and the gun being fired from it has the muzzle velocity of a powerful modern sniper rifle, you're looking at a delay of 7 to 12 seconds between firing the gun and the bullet reaching ground level. Which, obviously, would make it very hard to hit anything.

In fact, that number is when ignoring air friction. If we're gonna get technical, there's no way that gravity will accelerate a bullet beyond the muzzle velocity of a sniper rifle. The muzzle velocity of a powerful sniper rifle is mach 3, or 3400 feet per second, whereas the terminal velocity of a falling bullet is some 300 feet per second. An exceptionally aerodynamic bullet might go faster, but not to that extent.

Now, i don't mind using artistic license on gun physics, but you'll have to state it when you do, such as by saying "the bullet only has one second of travel time". Otherwise misunderstandings will happen. Alternatively, if you wanna stay scientifically accurate, you could say the bullet has a propulsion source, like a tiny rocket, to counteract friction. And of course lower the altitude of the ship. At 1 mile the travel time would be 1.5 seconds, provided your bullet moves at normal sniper rifle speed.

Edit: More importantly, none of those driods are what tier you say they are. With durability like steel, superhuman strength (for the first two) or speed (for the third), good combat skills and powerful technology, they should easily be tier 4.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

they are all well within tier 2 range none of them can lift or move anywhere near the maximum for a tier 2 and the equipment is all they've really got. Ill put a more definite weight on the betas, but they should be in that tier.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 1 mo ago

You're actually right, i keep forgetting that tier 0 is a thing, so i thought tier 2 was tier 1. So i spoke falsely.

That being said, i still think the Beta's are questionable. Guns are innately extremely powerful because bullets are so fast. The human factor is the only thing that keeps them balanced, but when used by robots with perfect auto aim, they are essentially 100% undodgeable by low and mid tier targets. Something to consider.
Edit: Although granted, they are supposed to work together against a tier 5 or 6, which might excuse it. LeeRoy will have to judge on this.

Also, you probably need a number on the heat generated by that axe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

yeah theyre made to be used in conjunction against high level opponents which can usually A. dodge them or B. block them
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