Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Claws

Age: 24

Sex: M

Height: 5'7

Weight: 145 lb

Appearance: Lean, wiry humanoid cat. Claws has a scar here and there, but covered by his fur. His fur is white with gray patches and about 1/2 inch long. He wears no clothing, as he does not really need it. He wears no armor either. He has a very clear voice. He wears his weapon on his back. He has bright blue eyes.

Personality: Generally solemn. He doesn't normally start conversations, and he judges others quickly. He is kind to those who have a poor situation, and helps them out, if without conversation. He is not exactly "chatty". He tends to shut down about certain subjects.

Lifting weight: 875 lb

Tier: 3

Durability: Can survive a few bullets, stab wounds, heavy club swings (Not all at once)

Agility and Coordination: Until clarification, about the same as an Olympic gymnast.

Heightened senses: Eyesight, smell, hearing to about the same as a cat.

Powers/Abilities/Skills: Extreme stealth(Just means he is stealthier than some people), night vision, adept in thievery of most sorts, Blurring ability: transforms into a blur and can move up to 200 mph for roughly 25 seconds in this state before running out of energy. The cooldown, depending on the area he is in, (because of the contorted time) is about 2 minutes. Blurring is the technique that allows him to do this. Edit: he has to have the stamina to sustain this state, otherwise he can't do it.(He will improve this later on) He can run at 100 miles per hour for about 2 minutes before heavily tiring in base state.. He can block bullets with his Tallyrian crystal bo staff if he has preparation time and knows there is going to be such an attack.

Equipment: A Tallyrian crystal bo staff. Tallyrian crystal is a material from his planet that is slightly harder than titanium and also slightly heavier, and it is resistant to fire and magical attacks, though not immune. (It can be destroyed)(Locked), his claws, a small kit containing medical supplies(Lootable).

History: Claws was an orphaned kitten from Tallyr that had to turn to crime to survive (so original). He stole wallets, jewelry, watches, phones, anything that would bring a good price. He sold these at a dealer who ripped him off immensely. One day he went there with his daily gains and saw people were waiting for him. He grabbed a Tallyrian crystal bo staff from the nearby shelves and beat them to death with a mix of fear and fury. He escaped and lived like this for years before he was found and taken to this arena.

Done! Waiting for approval
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Only LeeRoy is qualified to accept CSs, but i can give some commentary.
First two questions:
- Can the blurring ability be used multiple times? If yes, what's the cooldown?
- You say it transforms him into a blur. Does that do anything or is it just a visual effect?

Also, an indication of his strength would be good, even if it isn't superhuman. We usually express lifting strength in how much he can lift above his head. For reference, in case you're not familiar, a well trained but unremarkable human can usually lift his own bodyweight. Professional weightlifters may lift over 600 lbs.

Once that's filled in, he seems fine. I'm not sure if he can be considered tier 3 without his staff, since the ability to deflect bullets implies INSANE reaction speeds that would make it nigh impossible for anyone to hit him with a melee attack. Then again, i'm not sure how much preparation time he'd need.

Edit: Actually, if by blocking bullets you mean that he anticipates where the bullet is gonna go and moves his staff into place to block it right before the gun is fired, that isn't quite as out there as i though. As opposed to seeing the gun get fired and then moving the staff to intercept the bullet. I assume you meant the former, in which case he's indeed a tier 3 without his staff. Even with his staff, he would seem underpowered for tier 4 actually, since he relies entirely on his speed which is still well below the tier 4 limit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Griffintaur


Member Seen 12 mos ago

Okay. I finally got around to posting my character profile here on the thread. Now I apologize I overlooked any of the registration rules, but how do I enter my character here in this tourney? I noticed others are posting a profile here. Do I do the same?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Yes, you can do the same. LeeRoy isn't currently online to judge it, but i can give you an impression of its viability.
If you post it quickly that is, cause i'm about to leave for the night.

Edit: Actually, LeeRoy is online, so i'll be gone now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

He can't actually block it if someone leaps in his face and fires a gun, but if he sees the person aiming and has a 4-5 seconds to adjust, he could probably block it from more than 20 feet away.
Edit: Unless the person was in his face and aiming, then he would just attempt to bash them in the face. He can't block a point blank shot, or one within about 10 feet. I also changed his tier with weapon. I also added more about the Blurring ability.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

EDIT: To block it, he would move it in the way of said bullet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Contrary to anime lore, spinning a staff in place would actually be a terrible idea for deflecting bullets, since the staff wouldn't actually become a solid circular object when spun. Unless you plan on getting obscenely lucky every time someone shoots at you while you spin the staff, you'd have to have it moving many, many times the speed of sound in order to create an even semi-effective barrier, since it would have to be able to complete half a rotation in less time than it takes for the bullet to travel an inch (and then you have the same speed problem as blocking bullets after they're fired, since that level of speed would mean you can hit like a runaway bullet train). Moving the staff to block where someone's aiming would be the better method by far.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Griffintaur


Member Seen 12 mos ago

Name: Tharraleos Polemistis

Age: Tharraleos has lived for over 2,000 years. His aging process is highly decelerated and physically, he only appears between his late 20's or early 30's.

Sex: Male

Height: 6 feet, 4 inches tall

Weight: 275 pounds

Physical Description:

Being the hybrid he is; Tharraleos has the head of an eagle, sporting white feathers and a large, golden colored and curved beak with two nostril pits. Despite having a beak, he has 2 rows of teeth with the upper and lower canines being 3 inch long fangs which are easily exposed. A pair of elongated, slightly pointed and erect white feathered ears are perked on the top of his head. He has a pair of piercing and rigid eyes with a glassy white sclera, deep gold irises and black pupils. Another eagle trait is his strong and durable white feathered wings protruding from the middle of his back which are typically retracted and folded against him. Once he fully spreads them out, his wingspan of 10 and a half feet is shown. On his chest, he has an excessively tufted, diamond shaped patch of white feathers. White feathers also cover a portion of his knees and ends at his upper shins, where his golden tarsus begins. Tharraleos has 5 digit anisodactyl talons for feet with the same gold color and white, slightly curved 5 inch claws on each end. His arms, torso and upper legs are that of a lion with brown, medium length fur covering those regions. He has a thick and large dark brown furred mane that encircles his neck and hangs at chest level and overlaps the patch of feathers. His paws are large with dark brown paw pads and an additional thumb-like digit on the sides. Both paws have 3 inch, retractable white colored claws hidden within them. He has a long and thin tail with a large tuft of dark brown fur on the tip that is typically carried in an arc. When fully straightened, the tail is shown to be slightly over half of Tharraleos’ height.

Psychological Description: Due to his past transgressions under the rule of Malefor, Tharraleos lives by a personal code, swearing to never take one's life no matter the situation. Although in the midst of battle, he's not against severely injuring his opponent so long as he knows they'll survive. If one were to die by his hands, it would be the ultimate act of humility for him. There are exceptions to this when it comes to undead foes such as demons and vampires as he believes their lives have already ended. He possesses immense willpower and is extremely stubborn and does not believe in compromise. He believes in very clear definitions of right and wrong, acceptable and unacceptable, and winner and loser. Tharraleos will rarely take the role of a leader, though he sometimes serves as second-in-command or as the backbone of an organization or group. When this position is offered to him and he has no option to accept, his natural born leadership is shown. This is when it is shown Tharraleos is fond of making impassioned speeches to boost the morale of his followers and to bestow them with his wisdom. It is very difficult to convince him to change his mind, but once his mind has changed, expect him to jump to the opposite extreme of the argument. He is extremely confident, though in a more stoic and less outspoken manner. He has a strong sense of self-worth and may express it in a particularly abrasive form of self-righteousness. His prideful disposition extends further then confidence as Tharraleos views himself as a beautiful creature, frequently grooming himself to maintain his appearance and almost always admires himself should the opportunity present itself. There can even be moments where he can become frustrated at an individual if they cause any disorder in his appearance, more so if said individual is aware of this fact and their actions are intentional. He has a natural warrior-like mentality, preferring to fight stronger opponents rather than weaker ones and generally shows reluctance to fight those he considers weaker than himself. Tharraleos has incredible amounts of courage, both physically and mentally. That being said, he has the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation with no problem. He can easily face physical pain, hardship, death, or threat of death. He acts rightly in the face of popular opposition, shame, scandal, or discouragement. Additionally, he is somewhat judgmental and will likely view an individual as an enemy before he counts them as an ally. He believes in confronting facing problems head on with a direct show of force and intimidation before they can become too serious a threat. Despite his life revolving around combat and caring little for anything else, Tharraleos is rather nonconfrontational when it comes to conflicts. He will initially attempt to peacefully resolve problems with speech and will only fight if he feels threatened or challenged. Moreover, he is a rather polite individual, exhibiting fine etiquette and prim mannerisms to strangers and allies. The key aspect of his personality is his strong, mostly unalterable convictions. He values honor above reason, is rarely forgiving to those that upset him and absolutely despises cowardice.

Tier: 7

Powers/Abilities/Skills: Born to be a fighter, he has spent the countless years of his existence training. He has a wide array of abilities he can use both in and out of combat. The following is a list of his abilities.

Enhanced Condition: This ability has numerous uses. Tharraleos possess peak physical and mental condition. He has incredible physical fortitude throughout his entire body, allowing him to pull off astounding feats of herculean strength and can suffer high extents of pressure as well as damage. By placing a majority of the strength in his legs, he can leap far and high distances. Furthermore, he can fight for prolonged amounts of time before succumbing to exhaustion. Even so, he can function on low amounts of power, allowing him to operate for an extended amount of time and remain calm through stressful or painful situations. Tharraleos has drastically enhanced reaction speed, allowing him to maneuver around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments and react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to. The extent of this is so great that in Tharraleos' perspective, the world around him appears to flow at a much slower pace then normal. He has an extremely well developed sense of balance and can n precisely control his movements and muscles, making him unable to be uncoordinated. He can only fall over when physically uprooted or pushed, though most times he can land on his feet. Through much practice, Tharraleos can stand upright on even the most unstable of surfaces and can fight at seemingly impossible angles and positions. Also with ample training, he has learned to bend and twist his body far beyond the normal limits of physiology, although still only from the joints. His joints, muscles, tendons and physiology in general is modified to allow him to perform near-boneless looking contortions without stress or damage and stay in any position he chooses as long he needs to without effort or strain. He's quite acrobatic as well, being able to fluently preform a wide variety of flips and somersaults. He has immense memory and other mental capacities, allowing thinking on several different levels at once and while multitasking. He can remember great volumes of information and can recall a vast majority of the details of his experiences. Because he has existed for countless years, he possesses great wisdom: deep understanding and realization of concepts, people, things, events or situations, resulting in the ability to apply perceptions, judgments and actions in keeping with this understanding. It often requires control of his emotional reactions so that universal principles, reason and knowledge prevail to determine one's actions. Tharraleos has a regeneration ability which mainly shows its usefulness after combat. He can heal from injuries slightly faster than what is considered normal and he can survive otherwise fatal wounds. This has further allowed the numerous scars inflicted on him throughout his years to eventually fade and vanish. He can also can deny requirements for a long time such as the need of food, sleep and even water and even has immunity to most illnesses.

Enhanced Senses: While his vision is normal, it can act as a sort of telescope, allowing him to zoom his vision at will and see clearly from far distances. Using this will cause his pupils to make a noticeable increase in size. His eyes also allow him to perceive his surroundings in the darkest of areas as if they were under light. Once the night vision is activated, his irises don a green hue. Both of these sight enhancers can be switched on and off instantly and require nearly no energy to perform. His other senses are increased beyond a normal level as well. He can hear and smell clearly from far distances, taste poisons or other potential hazards and has the ability to sense vibrations through solid substances, liquids or even the air-pressure changes.

Flight: His highly durable wings allow him to reach speeds up to 400 mph. However, he actually has difficulty reaching flight without using the momentum from a powerful jump. Even once flight is achieved, he has very poor acceleration and could take extensive amounts of time before reaching full speed. He also has the ability to adapt to high altitude environments. He is able to withstand extremely high or low air pressure and isn't disoriented or deprived of normal breathing capacity by it as well as high wind friction, accompanied by an innate immunity to vertigo or fear of heights. Astonishingly, he can survive the vacuum of space for short periods of time, although it takes a bit of a toll on his body. His enhanced lung capacity assists with this. He has learned to control his flying well and can fight while airborne just as efficiently as on the ground.

Pride Empowerment: Because of the overexposure to the sin of pride, Tharraleos has become an embodiment of it and has the unique ability of Pride Empowerment as a result. The more confidence he has in himself, be it through thoughts, actions or words, the more his overall power is increased. Moreover, this power is subconscious and he must act prideful naturally. If he is intentionally prideful, this ability will cease to function. There appears to be no limit to this once he begins gathering it up, meaning he can potentially reach a state of absolute infinite power if it goes on for long enough. Once enough time passes without exhorting pride, any built up power will gradually reset and the power will become dormant. In addition, Tharraleos can project a purple colored aura composed entirely of pride energy at will and the more power he has built up, the more intense the aura is. This doesn't aid with his abilities and simply displays the amount of energy is at his disposal, although it can be rather destructive at higher levels. The aura typically covers his entire body, but he can minimize it to anywhere on his body and can dispel it at any time.

Telekinesis: Tharraleos' mental capacity and abundance of mental training has granted him the ability to control objects through sheer thought. Said objects must be within his line of sight, or at the least, he must have pinpoint awareness of their location and he must have the utmost concentration on this ability. The extent of this is identical to his physical limits, meaning with his mind, he can exhort the same amount of force mentally as he can physically and it corresponds to the amount of pride power he has garnered. As such, there a wide variety of feats he can achieve with this ability.

Telepathy: Another feat accomplished through Tharraleos' mental strength. There are a number of prerequisites that are required to be in order for this to be fully effective. Firstly, Tharraleos must have ample concentration and almost enter a meditative state. Secondly, he must have physical contact with the target, preferably with one of his paws. The target must also be mentally willing to permit him this task, and once he makes the initial contact, he can speak with the target through thought and talk them through the process. Once this is done, Tharraleos can enter the mind of the individual, where he can see all the thoughts, memories and subconscious thoughts of that person. This ability also allows him to remain completely aware at all times of the true reality around him, potentially seeing through any optical and/or mental illusions that others attempt to deceive him with.

Aerokinesis: Tharraleos has limited control over the element of Wind. With a hefty flap of either wing, he can create and launch razor sharp, crescent-shaped constructs of wind from the feathery appendage. These cover a wide area and are known to cut through metal, but their accuracy is poor and it takes some time for it to be unleashed. As the amount of pride at his disposal increases, the speed in which he unleashes these and their speed once launched as well as their damage and accuracy can reach great levels. Using his enhanced lung capacity mentioned above, he can release a cone shaped torrent of wind from his beak. The reach of this is rather far and the most it would accomplish is knocking an opponent off balance for a short time. His pride power affects this as well and can increase the range and the amount of power is behind it.

Geokinesis: Much like the element of Wind, Tharraleos has very little control over the element of Earth. By using his formidable strength, he can send a fist to the ground with great force that creates small fissures and has a maximum radius of 15 yards which often forms craters. Depending on the amount of power he places into this, it'll either decrease one's stability or knock them down. Much like his Aerokinesis, the range and power of this ability is heightened depending on his amount of pride power. The extent of these tremors can reach to devastating and destructive levels. He can also burrow just under the surface of an earthen surface and move at moderate speeds. This is mainly used for surprise attacks or to vanish from sight. This ability holds little augmentation with the increase of pride, as Tharraleos is only granted a boost in speed once submerged in the ground.


Tharraleos wields a rather strange and unique weapon which is essentially 2 cross-halberds connected. Each of the 4 ends face the same way and consists of a large axe blade with a moderate sized, dagger-shaped spike mounted on top. It has a crescent shaped hook on the back side of the axe blade that is equal in size to the axe blade. The shaft is made of black and gold colored metal and the blades are composed of highly durable, gray colored steel. The weapon additionally has golden yellow guards. Its size is large, almost reaching Tharraleos in height from one bladed tip to the opposing one and weighs 36 pounds. The weapon is named Anemomylos and given its uncanny shape and overall difficulty in wielding, it has taken Tharraleos long to master as he has wielded this since his younger years. He utilizes this weapon with a series of quick and weak slashes or thrusts typically aiming with only one of the bladed edges or top mounted spikes. The crescent shaped hook is most useful for grappling. More lethal attacks can be done by spinning the weapon and making use of all 4 bladed edges, although these tend to be slower. Both paws are usually used to use this large and heavy weapon, but he has demonstrated one paw can wield Anemomylos with just as much capability. Tharraleos can throw the weapon in a boomerang-like fashion and can cover a large and wide ranged area before coming back to him. He can catch his weapon effortlessly and with no damage to himself if his back is turned or his eyes are focused elsewhere, even with one paw. He can also detach the weapon and have access to 2 cross-halberds with a swift and hefty pull. He uses these in a similar manner by employing various stabs and twirls to damage foes. These tend to be faster, but not as powerful.

History: Backstory: The birthplace of Tharraleos Polemistis is unknown. His parents were killed when he was still within his egg. This was the work of a malevolent wizard by the name of Malefor, who committed such an act just to prove how powerful he was after many of his followers doubted his strength. Moreover, Tharraleos' father, Yvris, had been a part of this wizard's forces. His innate prideful disposition formed him the perfect contender to fight for the wicked sorcerer. He was a savage and adept fighter who instilled fear in all those who stood against him and his master. This however had changed once he met Andrea, where the endless power of love overwhelmed the battle torn Yvris. Andrea had always fought unwillingly for the dark wizard and quickly altered the mindset of her beloved. It wasn't long before their child was to be born, and the two Griffins had plotted to train him to overthrow Malefor and put an end to his tyranny. This notion did not go unnoticed, and days before Tharraleos was born, Yvris and Andrea met a swift demise by the mage despite their valiant efforts.

The soon to be born Griffin was brought into the same legion of warriors his parents fought in, where he would begin training to become a formidable fighter. Most of these members, much like himself were mythological creatures and were able to fight for many eras. This appeared to be Malefor's goal; to amass an eternal army of the ultimate combatants. Upon hatching, he was taken care of by various members of the clan until he was strong enough to begin his training. Since he could walk on two feet, Tharraleos was trained day and night to become a formidable warrior. Despite the harsh training, Tharraleos was a rather meek and timid individual who was always reluctant to fight. Aside from this, the leader of this army controlled them by infecting them with the seven deadly sins. After the sin of Pride took over Tharraleos so many times, it eventually formed the Griffin into a prideful warrior who never questioned his unknown leader's intentions and wanted only to show his strength. He was even eventually counted among the very few to be one of the most trusted individuals and even led his own brigade at times to send forth destruction in the name of Malefor. Although with talk from his allies, Tharraleos learned of his parent's fate as well as additional information about them. It was at this moment he began to resent him and swore to himself he would follow through with their intentions, secretly plotting to end his enslaver.

Malefor never actually revealed his presence and instead commanded his army of mythical warriors by telepathy while remaining hidden in an unknown location. Despite this, any notion of disobedience or abandonment was promptly dealt with. Centuries of this passed and Tharraleos had fought in many wars; achieving many victories, but also facing numerous defeats. This legion was disbanded long ago for reasons unknown and any trace of their existence has been lost in history. Tharraleos has lived on and continues his training for that is all he knows. He has spent his long years seeking out countless battles to increase his fighting prowess and will continue to do so until he meets his bitter end. The thought of Malefor returning is a frequent thought of his, and he intends to utilize his skill and power acquired over the years to prevent another uprising of his.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Thank you Schradinger, I have changed my post. I'm planning my character to develop a lot in the roleplay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Entirely aside from the fact that most of Tharraleos' abilities have no concrete limits, the pride power thing puts him well above tier 7, and even without it, the lack of limitations and overall skill and prowess puts him at least in tier 7 with the martial arts masters.

Unless LeeRoy says differently, of course.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

When does he approve things/reply to them?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 days ago

When I'm not doing other, more important, life things.

And just because I haven't posted my reviews yet does not mean I have not reviewed them.

Also, laziness is that final factor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Griffintaur


Member Seen 12 mos ago

I mostly agree with you, Schradinger. In regards to the amount of martial arts mastery Tharraleos has access to, he would be tier 7. However, since I'm aware my Grffin is overpowered (somewhat reasonably at least), I was putting an unofficial limit on the pride power, meaning the limits presented in the tier 4 description will be applied to the character in an effort to balance him out somewhat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Blooper, since you still didn't mention a cooldown regarding blurring, i'll assume it's a once per battle ability. Which should be fine because 25 seconds is 4-5 turns in mid combat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I mentioned that he can only use it if he has the stamina to sustain it. It drains his stamina quickly and 25 seconds is assuming he is not tired or hurt in any way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It is usually used for fast travelling or for running away, because unless he develops it later on, it would be impractical to use in a battle, unless against a opponent who is incredibly weak, more like a group of standard humans than anything else.
Edit: Also, could someone tell me what happens when your character dies? Because I was wondering what happened to them before they could reenter after 3 real time days, or what happens when the tournament is over. Specifically, I was wondering if they were doing something before they reentered, like training, or working on their weapons, or something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vordak


Member Seen 29 days ago

Well, does that mean that he can spam that ability as long as he isn't tired? Then what's the point of including any duration whatsoever if depends solely on his stamina?

And how is it any difffrent from his base speed then?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The duration is when fully rested. I'll make a cooldown for it.
Edit:It lasts for as long as he wants or until his energy runs out, which would not be a good idea because then he would be easy prey. As I said, his energy has to be sufficient to sustain it, and that takes a bit to regain his energy without doing anything, maybe a few turns. Remember, the time is contorted, so that may vary qute a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

His base speed is mentioned (185m mph) and his blur speed is also mentioned (400 mph)
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