Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

When Dragon's Dance, the World Burns In a world both very alike and very different from our own, legends and myths walk the earth. Gods, Demons, and Spirits from every faith squabble while the living embodiment of humanity's imaginations and dreams live, love, fight, kill, and above all survive. Magic is as real as water or fire and the land is both infinitely more beautiful and more dangerous than we can imagine. For in this world, witches creep in the wild, faeries live in the forests, monsters prey on the weak, and dragons fly in the skies. In this world happily ever after is not the end and evil or good are not clear. It is a world where war is fought in the shadows as much as the battlefield and where words are as deadly as swords or spells. In this world you must choose how you will survive and thrive, who will be your enemies or your friends. The stakes are high and your choices will decide if kings fall, cities burn, or loved ones die. Every enemy you make, every ally you gain, every secret you learn, every monster you slay, every choice you make in this game of betrayal, lies, seduction, scandal, atrocity, deception, and brutality will change the world for better or worse. And by the end you may not recognize who you have become. Welcome to Terra, where murder can be just and mercy can be cruel. Setting
Europa- A wide continent that is made of the Western stories and traditions permanently etched in our collective consciousness. It is here that some of the most famous Tales live such as the Sleeping Beauty or Prince Charming. Historically, Europa was always a divided land and saw much violence. The Celtic, Slavic, and Olympian gods fought with each other and themselves for power along with the Faeries and other forces. It is where the main events of the roleplay reside. A few of it's major inner regions are
There you have it, my idea for a mash-up of Game of Thrones, Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, Percy Jackson, the Wolf Among Us, Dresden Files, Into the Woods, Assassin's Creed, Dishonored, and Avatar with every fairy tale, folk story, urban legend, myth, nursery rhyme, and classic poem, play, or novel that could possibly fit the premise. If you're into deconstructing fairy tales and fantasy while remaining optimistic, high-octane combat, political intrigue, espionage, character drama, world-building, dark themes, and choice and consequence then this is the roleplay for you. The choices you make will change your story and success is not guaranteed.
List of Players Baleno, son of Othello - Zealous Blade Baelic Astroia, the Half-Mage of Oz deadpixel101
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zealous Blade
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Zealous Blade The Soul Survivor

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Baleno

Titles: N/A

Affiliation: Freelance at the moment.

Age: 26

Birthplace: Olympus Imperium

Origin: Othello

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Appearance: Of half Alkhebulan and Imperium heritage, Baleno is significantly darker than his mother's fair complexion and is only a couple shades lighter than his swarthy father. His skin is a smooth ochre, a medium brown pigmentation that edges only a smidgen closer to the light variety. The genetics of his father are clearly prevalent over those of his mother. From Othello he also inherited curly black hair. Because he spends most of his time traveling, Baleno tends to neglect it and has grown it into a unkempt mid-length afro. Perhaps the only noticeable trait his mother gave him was her eye shape. While his father's were small and close set, supporting his stern gaze, his mother's were large and upturned. He did not inherit their green color and his irises are instead dark brown like his fathers. Baleno has a square shaped face lined with a thinly trimmed goatee.

Not a fan of spending his hard earned money on trivial objects such as flashy clothes, Baleno frequently dresses in modest attire. His usual outfit comprises of brown trousers and shoes with a blue long-sleeved shirt. Occasionally he wears a black cloak, particularly when the temperatures are cold. He keep his sword equipped to his right hip.

Occupation: Sellsword


  • Sword: Besides the clothes on his back and the few coin he has managed to procure, Baleno's sword is his only true possession as well as his lifeline. His current one, an old gladius with a withered blade, is not his first. While fighting at the Colosseum as a novice he went through plenty that he broke during combat. He was allowed to keep his last sword as a reward for surviving.


  • Swordsmanship Practitioner: While he attempted to teach himself how to wield a weapon as a teen, that training ultimately amounted to nothing. It wasn't until he was forced to fight at the Colosseum that he truly attained any aptitude for the sword. Baleno was given his first blade along with some light armor and told to wing it. Faced with a new threat on a daily basis, he at first swung his sword around mindlessly with very little success. He began to obtain meaningful experience about sparring against other gladiators. Taking a few minor wounds in the process, he memorized some of their techniques through repetition and interwove them into his own fighting style. Presently, Baleno is not strong enough to be considered neither an expert nor a master. He is talented enough to hold his own against another capable swordsman and can handle weak opponents such as bandit grunts with ease. If he were to engage a higher tier opponent he would undoubtedly struggle. At best his skill level can be described as intermediate and at worst average. He has never had any professional training which is evidenced by his erratic movement during battle. He is very aggressive and quick with his strikes and they can be improperly coordinated, leaving him open for attack if he isn't careful.

Personality: Baleno is a man whose heart has been hardened by his experiences. As a child he was like any other. His innocent outlook put a veil over him and prevented him from seeing the truth surrounding his own being. He paid very little attention to the physical differences between himself and the man and woman he believed were his parents. The raised eyebrows of his neighbors did not bother him until they started blatantly asking questions about his origin. It was only when he realized that not everyone was favorable of presence did Baleno become aware that he was a pariah even to his own family. He manifested a complex about himself and determined that he was the problem and not those who thought ill of him. Fortunately, the adoration of his adoptive parents withdrew him from his sorrows before it was too late. But, he was branded with negative impressions that would seep cynicism into him. He became withdrawn from his village's community and lost trust for them. In response, the people of the village increased their disdain for him which accepted as a means of justifying his coldness.

A life of mercenary work has made Baleno less honorable than most. Money has ascended to a core priority of his and he will gladly slay almost anyone he is hired to if he is to be paid enough. His loyalty can also be brought or sold. If he can get a sufficient amount of gain out of lending his services to someone, he will do so without inquiring about specifics. He will work with anyone to survive and no one to fall. Also, he will appease anyone who he could gain from and disregard those who have nothing to offer. That isn't to say he won't help a person in dire need. He might if he assesses the risk to his own safety as minimal. For the sake of profit he doesn't like to mix business with pleasure nor does he prefer to befriend his clients. Whatever honor that still remains within Baleno restricts him from committing outright betrayal to those who has formed a personal connection with. Although he may take actions that may not be morally correct, his conscious is alive and well. He is able to come to terms with his wrongs and carries the weight of his guilt as punishment. Because he is willing to hold onto his guilt, he isn't likely to make any apologizes for his offenses.

Socially Baleno is a soft spoken man who tries to pick his words wisely. He isn't very expressive, preferring to keep his internal thoughts closed off but will communicate as needed. He prefers his conversations to be terse and straight to the point. He is impatient, especially when it comes to payments, and greatly values his time. This behavior stems back to his childhood during which he felt that he could seldom trust others. In constant fear that whatever information he does release may be used against him, he carefully inspects his associates before sharing anything personal. He likes to keep a small circle of people whom he can consider close. Even he who is not the friendliest person knows that one cannot prosper without any allies.

Biography: Unbeknownst to Baleno, he was conceived as the illegitimate child of Moorish general Othello and his lover Desdemona. To conceal their relationship, Desdemona made arrangements to be rid of him shortly after his birth. It was then decided that she and Othello would marry to compensate for the procreation that resulted in the child. Desdemona gave Baleno to a common man and his wife who could not bare children. They raised him as their own and his early days were spent residing in the Olympian Imperium countryside. He realized that he was not the couples biological son by age eight, his darker complexion being a dead give away. He was a rare sight within village and was often ostracized by his peers. Although he loved his adoptive parents, Baleno harbored a desire to learn about his biological parents and why they weren't raising him instead. No matter how hard he tried to ignore the facts, it was obvious that his village would never accept him. He figured it best to set out on his own when he grew older and discover his roots.

Social conflicts put aside, Baleno's upbringing was otherwise quaint. He received a sufficient role model in the form of his foster father and his mother was kind to him. Their impression of Baleno was that of a blessing. While he was in their household he was well behaved and got into minimal trouble when under their supervision. However, he was known for getting into rumbles with the other boys within the village who picked on him. There was one in particular with whom he had a fierce rivalry. Kaeso, because of a girl who they both allegedly liked, was very competitive with Baleno and frequently challenged him. They fought a lot and that was how Baleno discovered his innate combat potential. Wanting to be better than his rival, he began solo training in swordsmanship using wood as a substitute for an actual blade. Fearing that he would fall behind to Baleno, Kaeso concocted a scheme to get him out of the village so he wouldn't surpass him.

The plan was simple but it was enough of an excuse for the village to drive away Baleno who they considered an aberrant among them. Kaeso disguised himself as a wolf using trickery and crept towards the village livestock. As Baleno and his family were shepherds trusted with safeguarding livestock, he managed to deceive Baleno into believing that a wolf was attempting to feast upon the livestock. This result in Baleno "crying wolf" on multiple occasions and losing the trust of the villagers. To finish his scheme, Kaeso led a real wolf towards the livestock and allowed it to feast. When the villagers discovered the wolf, Baleno was blamed for his negligence and ousted despite his parents pleas on his behalf.

After being exiled, Baleno traveled around performing odd jobs to survive. Not yet a skilled fighter, he found himself taking menial tasks in neighboring villages. The work he found was temporary and scarce. Starvation was plenty a problem during periods when he could not find employment. Becoming desperate, he resorted to petty theft. Using his job search as a farce, he would enter shops just to case them before later returning to make his plunder. It wouldn't be long before he was caught. His skills at thievery were mediocre and his heists poorly executed. One faithful day, in a bustling coastal city, Baleno made the dreadful mistake of attempting a pickpocket. His potential victim was a wealthy aristocrat who swiftly had him arrested. However, instead of a death sentence for his crime, Baleno was subjected to an equally horrific fate. He was sent to the Colosseum to partake in gladiator games.

Marked for death should he lose a match, Baleno quickly learned how to at least endure the onslaught of beasts he was pit against. He became infamous for surviving out of sheer luck, his impulsive use of deception allowing him to win numerous battles of attrition. Crowds flocked just to see how long it would take for him to be slain and were sorely disappointed. He gradually adapted to the hostility of the Colosseum and his swordsmanship proficiency increased. Eventually, he earned a pardon for his theft and was released from life as a gladiator. Any fame he acquired subsided well before that, the Colosseum patrons having lost interest in him when he became capable of actually fighting properly. Having picked up a skill that was much desired in a land as turbulent as the Europa continent, he took to mercenary work. While in some regards it wasn't anymore honest than stealing, at least he was finally earning a consistent income.

Regardless of how far he traveled there was one concern that never stopped nagging Baleno. Having never known his real parents, he always felt as if there was a piece of him missing. It didn't help that he was forbidden from returning home and visiting the man and woman who raised him - the only people he knew capable of answering his questions. In the past whenever he brought up the matter of his biological parents he was brushed aside and written off as paranoid. Now free as a vagabond, he resumed his quest to solve the mystery once and for all. Derailed from his objective by the need to fight for money, he ended up sidetracked into the Empire of Europa in hopes of finding better opportunities.


  • He was seventeen when he left home and was sent to the Colosseum roughly a year later.

  • He fought as a gladiator for five years, being freed at the age of twenty-three.

  • His current primary short term goal is to find a replacement sword. Secondly, he is willing to enlist in the army of a lord.

  • His long term goals are to uncover the truth about his parents, come to terms with his existence, and to find a place where he belongs.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Excellent sheet through and through. Accepted. I could see Baleno working for any of the Houses. Your idea for a side plot isn't bad but I do see it only being a side plot of personal value. You can make three more PCs and of course you can create NPC assssociates.

I can't wait to see what else you guys will cook up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 3 days ago

How do you feel about the presence of Atlantis in Terra? Perhaps the Atlantean Empire of antiquity was also ruled by the Dragon-Blooded, and then struck down by the Olympian Gods for their hubris?

I might propose a "last Atlantean" sort of character, an expatriate of the Imperium, descended from the last surviving bloodline of Atlantean royalty. As the only son of the very last of the Old Dragon-Blood (who resorted to incest to keep their bloodline pure), he is quite literally the last surviving ethnic Atlantean, and seeks to usurp the throne and reclaim the lost empire of his ancestors. Potentially with a sort of secret-society upbringing, similar to Aegon VI.

What do you think?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Actually in the Imperium section I covered how Atlantis used to be an Imperium territory mostly run by Poseidon's children but it separated and is in conflict with the Imperium. The city and it's territory is very much alive. However the core concept of the character is still workable. Your character could be a Dragon-blooded who wants to ursurp Atlantis for the Draconians or they could be Atlantean Royalty. If they're dragon blood perhaps his bloodline rides sea serpents instead of regular dragons.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ah, I missed that line. I was drawing on more traditional legends of Atlantis: a fallen civilization, far advanced in alchemy and technology for its time, that in its heyday conquered much of the Mediterranean, coastal Europe and North America. Perhaps we could edit the backstory to reflect the more traditional interpretation as seen in Timaeus and Critias? Shouldn't be difficult, as Atlantis is only mentioned in a single line in the setting description.

I have a few other ideas, though they're not quite as strongly formed. One is of a Sorcerer from Arabia wielding a grimoire of dark power (somewhere between legends of Irem and the Necronomicon for inspiration), or perhaps something drawing from Lovecraft in a more direct manner.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Certain elements of that could work. I could have it that it was an Empire that split from the Imperium and fought with both Europa and Olympia before the two banded together to stop the upstart. Now it's a purely below sea civilization. I could amend it in a bit

You have four characters remember. I could see an Arabian expat who lived in a Fundamentalist part of the Sultanate that was prejudiced against magic. And of course Lovecraft would be interesting to pull on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 1 day ago

I will be trying to apply here soon. I am taking a decent amount of liberty with my relation to pre-existing stories...so it may need revising after it's posted. Just a heads up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drunken Conquistador
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Drunken Conquistador

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm interested in joining, maybe as a Sadko or one of his descendants, would that be possible?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Dead Cruiser, I edited the entry on Atlantis under the Imperium header. Tell me what you think of the changes, I tried to make the depiction more traditional while still tying it to the overall historical context I wrote up.

deadpixel, Well we'll just have to see. Many adaptions of these kinds of stories take liberties with the source material, they just have to remain true to the spirit of the text. I'll see what may or may not need amendment after you've posted your sheet.

Drunken Conquistador, I'm unfamiliar with Sadko but from a quick glance on the internet it seems like a perfectly good and interesting story to draw off of. Since Sadko didn't die as far as I know, you could play him or his descendants. You could draw your inspiration from the original tale, the adaptations, or a combination of them with your own twist. If Sadko retained his riches, perhaps he became a wealthy noble.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 1 day ago

Alright so I feel like this is going to go so bad but here he is. All his weird nonsense and scattered ideas. Good.

Name: Baelic Astroia (bay-lick) (As-ter-oy-ah)

Titles: Has no special title.

Affiliation: A high-professor in the university of necromancy and herbal studies. Located in Europa.

Gender: Male

Age: 56 years of age, though through magic and medicine he has maintained a youthful appearance, coming off as a younger 22 or so year old.

Birthplace: Black thorn march- Ev (Neighboring country to Oz). A small place to the south-west in Ev, it held the root-mother of the black thorn trees. A heated and damp place it maintains itself as a decent place to live, especially for an aspiring potion maker, as many fungi and plants of commodity grew in it's area. It was not under the protection of any of the four good witches/warlocks, and thus was controlled for a time by the wicked witch of the south. They produced poisons for her needs, of which apparently were many. (I know this probably isn't that amazing, but If you would like I could allocate more time to adding depth to this place)

Origin: Ruggedo, the gnome king of the gnome kingdom in Ev. An Oz book story.

Race: Human.

Appearance: Baelic has altered his looks through reckless use of concoctions and experimental potions. Having gone through a steady suck period he had managed to turn his hair an early grey, despite his youth, it is already looking whit-ish due to his already blond hair. A pale complexion and thin frame gives him a constant sickly appearance. Days of unrest leave bags under his eyes at most times and a small scar lines his right cheek, being as long as the distance from his nostrils to his bottom lip. His hair reaches down to his ear lobes, and is often unkempt due to lack of care. His eyes are a dull brown and are sunken into his face. He has a slender chin to match his body, and no facial hair marks his face. It is often patchy and thin, so it is shaved at any chance possible. His shoulders aren't extraordinarily broad and his limbs are somewhat gangly. The most noticeable feature of Baelic's ism easily his legs and waist, or lack there-of. Missing his appendages from his hips down Baelic sits in a wheeled chair of wood. He usually wears an old white coat, and blanket to cover up his nothingness. The chair is a deep oak, sturdy and heavy. It creaks slightly and has a storage compartment on it's back, large enough to fit a weeks worth of travel supplies.

Occupation: Teacher, potion/poison maker, scholar.

Resources: Other than his expensive chair, Baelic has been gifted a battle ax of decent weight. It is strapped to the right of his chair. This along with a tent, bedroll and some food, potions and books, Baelic does his best to travel light. His decent pouch of gold is hidden behind him at all times. He travels with his assistant and brother Marthuil. (Mar-thill)

Skills: Being a teacher of the art, Baelic is quite skilled in necromancy and potion alchemy. He can sustain one and a half animated corpses for three or so hours before draining his mana pool to it's ends. Any more and he drains much faster. The less he animates, the more power he can put behind it, thus perhaps obtaining something heavy and out of reach, he would only control two arms, and if he needs to be defended, a single entity will be raised to his side.

Personality: Baelic is a slightly jaded man who tends not to trust people for a small while. His tendency to cover up his insecurity with kind words or jokes leaves him seeming kind and welcoming, though he keeps tabs in his mind, and his list of friends is shorter than most would think. He believes most people are not as smart as they should be, or that they could be a lot wiser if they tried. Slightly impetuous, yes, though that came with aging around a bunch of apathetic students. Baelic is an old man who simply wants to get from point "A" to point "B" and too much unnecessary action can bother him, if that unnecessary action isn't a hobby he shares. A man who needs to stop shutting people out, Baelic isn't completely unkind, though he isn't going to accept anyone unless they can be useful or entertaining to him. A cynic old fool wrapped in one half of a young body.

Biography: Dorothy and party on their story book adventures ran into a being named Ruggedo. A gnome of vile temperament. Not just any gnome, but the king of the gnome kingdom! A greedy spiteful creature, Ruggedo hated humans with a passion, and he was known for keeping many many of them as slaves. Not for labor, simply to own them. After dodging and fending off Ruggedo on a few instances, the group managed to take from him his source of power, his magic belt. Taking this and foiling his plot of kidnapping the monarchs of Ev, the group made an enemy of Ruggedo. In later times, the red king dug tunnels to Oz, and plotted to use evil spirits and darkness to conquer it's lands. While it is not mentioned in t history books, many a slave were used now for labor. They dug and mined for the kings effort, and were sometime used for his army. In the large midst of this, a single boy was struggling to survive.

One Baelic Astroia. Working for his life, he dug and dug in the deep tunnels of the gnomes war effort. Digging for some time, the poor boy was caught in a cave-in. Being a bit slow to react, he did not get as far as he could have, and was nearly crushed under the weight of the dirt and rock. Luckily for the boy, he was alone now. No gnome with a spear at his back, or a a glare in his direction, he could use his magic unabated. Keeping his dying limbs animated, he was ably to free himself, though he could not make it very far. Crawling back as far as he could manage, he made near enough to others to be heard. As if all the gods were smiling on him at once, this night had bee the one when Ruggedo drank from the water of oblivion. Forgetting his name, purpose and power, the kingdom of gnomes was left kingless. Hours after this transpired, the boy had been crushed, and now, he was with other slaves. A defiant uproar arose from their group. The gnomes were scattered, confused, directionless. All at once the many different slaves fought back, pushing a path back to freedom.

After being carried and careened out through a small side tunnel, Baelic found himself with a group of other escapees, in the deadly desert. Through a pocket of life powder and his own magical effort, Baelic lived. Half of who he was before, but no longer a slave. After some time of travelling, often on the backs of others, or clawing his hands trough scorching sand, they found life. In the ling time of their travel, the exile of the old gnome king had taken place, and the group was free to do what they wished.

Years of study and searching for ways to survive, Baelic became proficient in his magical skills. Making a visit and learning from the Wizard of Oz, and receiving once a kind letter from Oz herself. He grew and aged, then un-aged, and continued his work until today. Here he is now, travelling finally from the country of Oz, to find an old friend..

Notes: He gets sick quite often, and has thus developed many different potions for his ailments. Often selling vats of his work to others to raise easy money when he needs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 3 days ago

MrDidact said
Dead Cruiser, I edited the entry on Atlantis under the Imperium header. Tell me what you think of the changes, I tried to make the depiction more traditional while still tying it to the overall historical context I wrote up.

I quite like it. I really do appreciate your working with me on this; few GMs I've met in past games have been as accommodating. My one question lies with House Seafire, if the way they are written was intended?

I'll try to have a character up today or tomorrow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Barioth
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Barioth probably can't read

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Orpheus Taygetus

Titles: The Musical Merchant

Affiliation: An amateur travelling trader and musician, Orpheus has ties with many merchants and musicians of his homeland but in the place of his mother’s ancestors, Europa, he is in a place unknown to him.

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Birthplace: Hellas

Origin: Orpheus

Race: Human, A mix of Hellas and Celt Blood


Occupation: Travelling Merchant and Bard

-Trade Commodities from his Homeland
-A bag of coins
-A Golden Lyre
-An Ivory Lyre
-A wide assortment of instruments
-A Dagger


Merchant/Business Minded- Orpheus is skilled in the art of marketing and obtaining money through many means. As well as good at marketing, he has developed at least an amateur sense of identifying lucrative opportunities

Eye for Potential- Orpheus can tell the worth of a man with just a short look, a useful tool in negotiations as well as finding useful friends.

Silver Tongued- A natural born utilizer of words, Orpheus has always been well gifted with an outgoing personality and an open plethora of words to get what he wants. Preferring the use of his tongue to the use of his dagger, he speaks with strong persuasiveness. Just as well as he can convince people he can also lie with similar ease.

Musician- An extremely talented musician, Orpheus plays his Golden Lyre beautifully having learned how to play since a very young age as well as a wide plethora of unique instruments he has learned


Orpheus is an earnest young man with an outgoing and charismatic personality. Sharp of wit and even sharper of tongue, he is quite intelligent and seeks to utilize his own talents to their furthest extents. Beneath the face of the cheerful young musician lies the mind of an old wise fox, clever, sly and ambitious who will do many things to reach his goal. To sit upon a throne of his own wealth obtained through the use of his own talents and looking down at the backs of the people of power he has toppled to reach the pinnacle is the basis of his final goal. To reach such a shining stage from his current standing, Orpheus, even at his age, has a basic understanding of the morals and means necessary to make such a dream happen. Though an opportunist and ambitious, Orpheus still knows the meaning of companionship and loyalty and has a moral obligation against betrayal of those he considers true allies. Even further beneath his burning ambition is a smoldering distaste for those of noble blood.


Born the bastard of a Hellan nobleman and a Celtic musician, Orpheus was raised in the lesser known areas of his father’s rural estate as a lowly servant alongside his caring mother. His mother was a comely maiden from Europa with a strong talent in music who had been captured by slave traders on the road while she and her caravan travelled through Hellas. She was sold as a slave to a Hellan nobleman captivated by her fair skin and golden hair. A year and a half later, at the horror of the lady of the house, Orpheus was born, a young child with the same fair skin and blonde hair as his mother. Since a young age he discovered the beautiful music talent he inherited from his mother and with his mother, he spent the little amount of hours in his free time fostering his skill with instruments provided as gifts to his mother from his father.

Through the years, Orpheus acquired enough freedom that he could leave the estate when he wanted as long as he returned within reasonable time. It was with this that Orpheus entered the market streets of Parnassus, a captivated rural slave bumpkin wandering around the city for the first time. While wandering the streets he found himself in a winding maze of the back alleys, it was here he found a small market stand in the shadows of decrepit pillars sitting atop ruined walkways. Standing within the stall was a hooded old man leaning quite still against the rotted olive wood posts in his stand. As Orpheus approached the hooded figure, it spoke to him in a surprisingly enchanting voice that radiated with warmth, “Come hither child, need not be cautious child, you are not lost, this was your destination whether you knew it or not. I have a gift for you child”, as he spoke the old man fumbled through a linen bag slung over his shoulder. Standing across the stand at this point, Orpheus strained his eyes to see the face of the old man, shrouded under the hood. The old man lifted his face towards Orpheus, thought the rest of his facial features were hidden by the shade of his hood, Orpheus could see clearly the brilliant glowing golden eyes that lay beneath the shroud. Quite apprehensive and nervous, the 13 year old Orpheus watched anxiously as the Golden-eyed old man pulled a beautiful golden lyre from his bag, the bow and handle of the lyre wrapped in gold and embroidered beautifully, the strings appeared to be thin strands of gold themselves. Orpheus was captivated by the beauty of the instrument and could look only with awe at the delicate inscriptions and folding on the lyre. The old man spoke his voice still warm and sweet, “I will give you this instrument, child, take it, a gift.” He said as held out the lyre. Awestruck, Orpheus mindlessly reached his hand out to take the Lyre and then nervously retracted his hand as he came back to his senses and suspicion. “There are no such thing as gifts, sir. I must ask, there are surely strings attached to such a lucrative gift, and I fear that such strings are not the type I want to be tied up by, so what is the catch?”. said Orpheus as he looked into the golden eyes of the old man. The old man let out a soft chuckle, “You are certainly sharp of tongue for a young one. Indeed, this gift may seem too good to be true but it is a true gift. One from me to you with honest intentions, not quite like the gifts you know of that your father gives to your mother with the intentions of receiving affection, your talents have impressed me child, and perhaps you will be someone worth mentioning in the future.” The old man leaned in closer to Orpheus, his eyes glowing ever more brightly as he drew closer, within seconds the dark alleyways was being bathed in radiant light and Orpheus, shielding his eyes, could hear the old man’s voice close to his ear, “The only intention behind this gift is in gratitude of entertainment you have given me so far, perhaps you will be someone to continue watching in the future…” The voice faded as the shadows of the alleyway slinked back. Orpheus cautiously opened his eyes, the stand and old man had disappeared and all that remained was the Golden Lyre laying atop the linen bag.

Sometime around the fourteenth month of his eighteenth year, a now well established peddler in Parnassus who had been given his own freedom from his father as a gift to his mother, Orpheus would sell his wares and play his beautiful music regularly using a Lyre he bought with his own money within the streets. He received news that his father had passed away as a result of a mysterious illness. Orpheus was aware of the gravity of the issue with his father’s passing. His father had been the one who stood between his official wife and Orpheus’ mother, and with his passing his mother was no longer protected. Hurriedly, Orpheus travelled to the estate to find his mother but was destroyed to find he was too late. The lady of the house’s cruelty had already reached his mother. He found her laying in pig stables, her beautiful blond hair scalped and her fair skin burned. Horrified, Orpheus wrapped his mother in a cloth and carried the corpse away into the nearby forest. He buried her beneath a small oak tree in a wide open field. With sorrow, he placed his lyre that he spent so long saving up for on her grave and left. That night, he packed up his things, spent the last of his gold on a carriage and two mules, gathered all his goods and set out on a journey.

-He dislikes nobles
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

deadpixel, I like the sheet but there are just two suggestions I have. I wouldn't recommend having a crippled character as this roleplay stretches across nations and even with magic he would be particularly vulnerable in a fight. He could have a gimp leg but I don't think him being fully disabled like that would be very fun to play. Of course he could always have a special enchanted limb or two.

Also, this wasn't in the intro but like any magic system necromancy is usually looked down upon by other mages as forbidden magic. He can still be one but in secret otherwise he'd be under intense scrutiny even more than as a crippled magical foreigner. I reccomend he have another practice he's skilled in addition to necromancy. Other than that the sheet looks good.

Dead Cruiser, thank you I think world building is great and the best way to do that is collaboration. Well you actually gave me the idea of aquatic dragonblood so I came up with House Seafire, more aquatic Draconians who ride sea serpents. If that is what you meant by your question.

Barioth, its a very well written sheet but I think you could do to add more paragraph spacing. The main issue is that Orpheus in his story is dead and we can't play zombies in the rp :p However this character could be related to Orpheus somehow, maybe a relative or someone who inherited his lyre. You could keep the sheet the same but just have his lyre be inherited from Orpheus insttead of him being Orpheus. Or there might be other musicians in story you could draw from.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 1 day ago

So you're saying that this character in particular will be looked down upon for his magic and will be hard to apply to most situations as he is this moment.


If you wouldn't mind, I would like to still play him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

what are your rules on mythology, can we use it or just fairy tales? also can we use any folklore or just specific kinds? Thirdly what are your rules on a character that can use magic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

deadpixel, Very well he is accepted. I'd just change his occupation to be part of a general mage college not one of necromancy. That'd be like having a bomb making or hacking majors :p

Patriarch, like I said in the OP you can adapt any mythology, folklore, or fairy tale, even classic works of literature like Shakespeare's plays, old novels, or poems even nursery rhymes or urban legends. If you've ever played the Wolf Among Us that should give you a good measure of what you can adapt here.

There are no hard and fast rules. The three main guiding principles are that magic should not be something that let's you solve every problem instantly, that they don't completely obliterate the laws of science, and that it should cost you something to use. As long as your power isn't a game breaker and you be careful about god-modding you should be fine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 6 days ago

Heyo, Didact. My roleplay failed miserably.

I am always interested in a Didact roleplay though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Oh kemosabe, its good to see you :)

I'm sorry yours didn't work out, you're an excellent player and I would've liked to participate. I'll definitely try out your next one however. Thank you for your interest, you're always welcome in my threads.

Any thoughts and ideas you'd like to share?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 6 days ago

A foreign continent, across the sea. A continent that follows American fables and Native American folklore.

Is my suggestion.
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