Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xenonia
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Xenonia QT3.14

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

- Name: Frederick Courtney Selous
- Age: 57
- Gender: Male
- Appearance:

- Canon, AU, or OC?: AU
- Universe of Origin: Real World/"The Curious Expedition"/Lost World fiction
- Personality: Frederick is a jovial man who is near impossible to dishearten. He's quick to laugh, even when circumstances are tough and the situation seems hopeless. However, this does not mean he is without an inner fire: Frederick is a big game hunter, through and through, and any hint at a sporting hunt will have him on the warpath. He doesn't care much for the consequences of his hunts, but he does try his damnedest to keep civilians and innocents out of harms way: His hunt is between himself and his quarry.

Frederick has one peculiar habit that makes itself known during mealtimes and breaks in hunts: Frederick drinks tea, compulsively. It may seem improbable, or even impossible, for one to become a tea addict, but Frederick is just that: When he goes long periods without it, he begins to suffer adverse affects, becoming irritable and fidgety. He can subdue this tea withdrawal using tobacco or coca leaves, but it doesn't cure it.

- Abilities/Weapons:
Hunt Master: Frederick is capable of tracking a quarry with almost pure instinct. Even the most minute of details, a slightly miscoloured smudge of dirt, a single snapped twig, nothing escapes his notice when it relates to his hunting.
Wealth of the Horn: Frederick is quite rich. Not beyond all belief, but he possesses a fortune enough to fund a small private army or navy, and several independent business ventures to boot.
Hunting Arsenal: An elephant gun, several hunting nets, bolas, a machete, various poisons and toxins derived from the exotica of the unknown lands.
- Backstory: This Frederick Selous' journey diverges from that of the real man late in his life: During one of Theodore Roosevelt's hunting expeditions to the Congo, Selous found himself separated from his hunting party and lost in the jungles. For many lesser men his age, this would have spelled death for sure. But Selous, either by force of will or sheer cunning, instead stumbled upon a marvellous sight: A golden pyramid, glowing with strange runes written in a long forgotten tongue. Making his way inside, Frederick discovered a strange device, large and circular, coruscating with an eerie, alien light. His explorer's spirit got the better of him, and he entered into the circle.

In a moment, Frederick found himself in a new world: Different than his own, but similar: An alternate earth, populated by a strange race of ant-men. Once the initial shock of this total geographic and dimensional displacement wore off, Frederick set about picking up where he left off, hunting big game. The creatures here were different, but no less challenging to hunt: giant arthropods resembling tarantulas, iguanas the size of Model Ts, each target surely felled, a trophy taken for every beast killed. Once he had enough of the excitement of the parallel world, he returned to his own, and quickly set about capitalizing on this strange new device he had discovered. With the help of some of the foremost scientists of the day, including Nikola Tesla, Henry Ford, and Albert Einstein, Selous managed to configure the device not only to allow him to travel between his world and the world of the ant-men, but between all the worlds of the multiverse.
- Faction: Factionless
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Coake
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Lord Coake The Man Who Sold the World

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Refers to himself as 'Jack'

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Appearance: Here he is

Canon, AU, or OC?: Canon

Universe of Origin: Samurai Jack

Personality: He is very shy around new people, and even after getting to know someone can be very quiet. He is still very unaccustomed to advanced technology, despite having already spent some time in a futuristic Earth. He sees most supernatural events as the work of demons or devils, and possibly even Aku. He is also known for being able to give very good, if sometimes cryptic, advice.

Abilities/Weapons: Jack is very highly trained in many ways of martial combat. He knows the Shaolin Praying Mantis, Tiger, and Eagle styles, Ninjutsu techniques, Greek wrestling and African stick fighting. He is well versed in a number of weapons that range from spears and staffs to nunchukus and shurikens. He is also an expert with a bow and arrow, capable of many difficult shots. However, his true skill is with his ancestral katana, passed down to him by his father, and forged by three gods. It is capable of cutting through almost any material, never dulls, and never breaks. He also possesses near superhuman strength and speed, and an incredible jumping ability, able to leap extreme heights with no injury from landing.

Backstory: Jack was born in Feudal Japan, to the Emperor of the time. His father was known for defeating the Demon Sorcerer Aku with a katana forged by the gods Odin, Ra, and Vishnu, and imprisoning Aku. However, when Jack was a young boy, Aku returned, killing and enslaving his people. Jack and his mother escaped, with his mother leaving him in the care of a merchant ship captain, so she could guard the ancestral sword until Jack's return. Jack traveled the world with various people, learning nearly every style of feudal combat. When he was grown, he returned to Japan, and claimed the sword. He then traveled to his home, and freed what remained of the people there, including his father. Once he had ensured their safety, Jack set out to defeat Aku once and for all. A great battle ensued, with Jack severely wounding Aku. But just as Jack was about to deliver the final blow, Aku cast a spell to send him into the far future, in a timeline where Aku ruled the world. Upon arrival, Jack was nearly crushed by a large trash compactor, but managed to escape quickly. This awed three male aliens, who stated how awesome 'Jack' was for escaping that. This is what gave Jack his new alias. He would then travel this new Earth, seeking a way to return to his own time. Eventually, he would stumble across a portal believed to return him. Instead, it was a carefully laid trap set by Aku, meant to send Jack to the Multiverse, and remove him from Aku's worries entirely. The trap succeeded, and Jack now finds himself lost in an even stranger world than the one he just left. Here he learned of the conflict between the UMMA, and those who would do harm to the Multiverse. He decided that siding with the UMMA could get him returned to his world, and better yet, his own timeline.

Faction: Factionless, but unofficially aligned with the UMMA. He may consider joining with the UMMA officially, but he has yet to make a full decision.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Accepted, both of them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ToadRopes
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ToadRopes The Diggersby King

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: The Villager
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Canon, AU, or OC?: AU
Universe of Origin: Animal Crossing/Super Smash Bros.
Personality: There is little expression upon the Villager's face besides that constant, soul-staring smile with those blank eyes. That smile stays constant, whether he plants trees, pays his mortgage, or... *gulp* murders people. When he does show other emotion, however, it is usually surprise or grimacing pain. Other aspects of his latent, memetic personality are explained pretty well in the image.
Abilities/Weapons: What's the crazed axe-murdering Villager without his murder-axe? Perfect for chopping heads (and trees), this iron axe is cruelly sharp and stained with what looks like blood... or apple juice... or maybe both... A sure sign that the Villager is about to use his axe is when he plants a tree. This is sort of his murderer's "signature." Other than that, Villager can use his specials from Super Smash Bros., including the Balloon Trip, which hoists him into the air tethered to helium balloons, the Lloid Rocket, which allows him to fire a Gyroid missile and even ride it, and the Pocket, which allows him to stuff a projectile, energy-based or otherwise, into his pocket, for later use.
Backstory: Eldritch horrors (read:memes) and exposure to the dark world of Smash have transformed the innocent Villager of a town inhabited by animals into a bloodthirsty, axe-murdering maniac who sates his bloodlust in the arena. With a smile on his face, he murdered the entire Smash roster, planting trees over their graves, sharing the fruits with his friends... Except Mario... Mario, he had a special fate. Stuffed. Put in the museum. Next. To. Luigi.

But even the brutal murders of over forty characters could not sate the Villager's manic hunger for violence. Discovering the portals to new worlds, alone in his blood-stained kingdom, driven by a desire for the sanguine screams of his victims, the Villager set out into the multiverse...

(Of course, this is all in an alternate, memetic universe. Mario is actually fine, the real Villager is not a crazed axe-wielding maniac.)
Faction: Factionless.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Name: Victor-55
Age: 66
Gender: male
Canon, AU, or OC?: OC
Universe of Origin: my own universe
Personality: : he's an old fashion Victorian gentleman/big game hunter with mannerism and politeness that come with it. He also has a love of history and archaeology.
Abilities/Weapons: His robotic body allows lift heavy loads (up to 500 lbs.), can survive things that can kill most organics, he can carry many weapons like; his large seven barrel shotgun, Lee-Enfield a sniper rifle variation, a cane sword, and two Mateba Auto revolver. Due to a Nano reconstruction device he was built with he can carry a limited number of items that are compatible with it. He also can brew a pot of tea inside his body.
Backstory: Victor was built in a factory to be original a butler. He was bought by an explorer/acarology that reprogrammed and rebuilt Victor to take him out on expeditions with him. But after a tragic accident during an expedition up the tallest mountain on their world the party was caught in the avalanche Victor was only survivor. He learned once he got back to civilization that in his former master's will he discovered that he was supposed to inherit the mansion and all of his wealth. Victor decided to continue his former masters' work in studying the ancient civilizations of his world and the multiverse. Then after several years he learned about league of the multiverse hunters he decided to join them. He then spent the next five years completing the hunt for the big five and been with them for years traveling from different worlds on different expedition. After several run ins with UMMA personal he became impressed by the groups and joined the UMMA. Victor has been working with the UMMA for the past 10 years.
Faction: UMMA
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Xenonia
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Xenonia QT3.14

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

- Name: (Doctor) George Melons
- Age: 35
- Gender: Male
- Appearance:
- Canon, AU, or OC?: Canon
- Universe of Origin: Space Station 13
- Personality: George Melons is a dangerous psychopath with no regard for human life. He does things because they amuse him, and only because they amuse him, and for no other reason. He would likely starve if he didn't find food so interesting. He takes joy not in chaos, but in the aftermath of chaos, the utter waste that is left after everything has gone to hell. This doesn't necessarily make him evil, per se, but it certainly makes him a threat.
- Abilities/Weapons: George Melons is a capable chemist, bombmaker, and pathologist. While practically useless combat wise, he is known for his ability to cook up mixtures of chemicals from nearly nothing.

In his collection of knowledge is one cocktail he is particularly fond of: The Melons Virus (Patent Pending). This particular monstrosity is a mix of several of the multiverse's most disturbing maladies, including G.B.S., The Blood Plague, Rakghoul Virus, The Crossed Strain, T-Virus, Hate Plague, Gyo Virus, and Tritonian Hypermalaria. It has been used once, and is now banned in nearly every known reality as a crime against humanity. He no longer has any samples. But given the right materials...
- Backstory: George Melons (full name only, never abbreviates it to George) was once nothing more than a spoiled brat with far too much free time. Born on Neckbeard Fortress Rho, George Melons spent most of his early life tormenting his father's employees: Shooting clowns out of airlocks, slipping janitors into incinerators, framing young assistants for murders they didn't commit... It was all fun and games, until one day he stumbled upon the abandoned science wing. There he found an abandoned chemistry lab, a plasma research center, a telescience chamber, and best of all, a virology lab. He immediately set to work learning all he could about the various sciences to assist in his mischief. And from then on, George Melons was a name to be feared.
- Faction: Factionless, for now
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@eemmtt: Accepted.

@Xenonia: Honestly, while he's not outright overpowered I'm concerned that it would be very easy for him to cause events that would be impossible to be uninvolved in and might end up as a big hangup, given it seems like he can cause a zombie apocalypse all the time.

... Also, The Blood Plague from Bloodborne is, in spite of being blood... born, not exactly a conventional disease you could mix with anything given what causes it in the end.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ToadRopes
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ToadRopes The Diggersby King

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@VitaVitaAR...so how do fix villager
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xenonia
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Xenonia QT3.14

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I didn't mean Bloodborne's Blood Plague. I meant Mass Effect's. If you'd like, I can change from him possessing this horrid plague cocktail to him having the know-how to make horrid plague cocktails of it's kind. So, he'd be capable of making that kind of monstrosity, but he'd need the resources first.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 8 days ago

Shuu Shirakawa

Name: Shuu Shirakawa
Original Name: Christoph Gran McSword (he never uses this)
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Origin: Super Robot Wars - Canon (slightly AU)
Faction: Shadow Eternity

Shuu is a calm and collected individual who generally talks in an extremely proper manner. He's a proud man with brilliant mind and he often mocks his enemies with passive aggressive insults. Shuu treasures his freedom above all else and generally doesn't allow anyone to control him. Shuu might be temporarily allied with people but in the end the only one who matters is himself.


- Super Genius: Shuu has superhuman intellect and knowledge on both magic and highly advanced science. He invented, designed and made his own mecha Granzon and he keeps constantly upgrading it.

- Expert Combatant: Shuu is known as a brilliant scientist yet nobody doubts that he's also a great pilot. He's well-versed in combat, both on foot or while controlling his mech. It seems like he's a genius in regardless what he does.

EI-YAM-003 Granzon

27.3 meters tall giant humanoid machine created entirely by Shuu Shirakawa. It has a Degeneracy Engine along with the Kabbalah System to draw magic power and its main powers are related to the manipulation of gravity, dimensions and black holes.
This powerful machine of destruction can be further boosted by summoning the powers of Dark Brain and transforming the mech into the Neo Granzon. The Neo Granzon is run on cosmic power which makes it obviously stronger than its predecessor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Would the likes of the Hulk be a yay or nay? If played properly and not just "lolrape" everything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@ToadRopes: I'm not sure about a character who's entirely based around a meme. ^^;

@Xenonia: It's probably a good idea not to just give it to him, yes. As long as he doesn't get the ability to just drop anything like tha anywhere he wants(again, it'd probably consume the plot dealing with it), he's fine.

@Willy Vereb: I'm somewhat concerned about the manipulation of black holes and gravity mentioned by the mecha.

@Sep: I'm.... not completely sure, to be honest I think we have a fair amount of characters who could fight him, but then I don't know much about him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@ToadRopes: I'm not sure about a character who's entirely based around a meme. ^^;

@Xenonia: It's probably a good idea not to just give it to him, yes. As long as he doesn't get the ability to just drop anything like tha anywhere he wants(again, it'd probably consume the plot dealing with it), he's fine.

@Willy Vereb: I'm somewhat concerned about the manipulation of black holes and gravity mentioned by the mecha.

@Sep: I'm.... not completely sure, to be honest I think we have a fair amount of characters who could fight him, but then I don't know much about him.

They say his strenghts unlimited, he's classed as a World Breaker. Though it all comes down to who he is against as he isn't unbeatable, but he's pretty hard to fight. My favourite bit about him is the fact that there are really two psyches Banner and Hulk.

Thick skin that can only be pierced by rare metals such as adamantium and vibranium, he has a healing factor and the more pissed off he gets the stronger he gets.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ToadRopes
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ToadRopes The Diggersby King

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@VitaVitaARI didn't know there was a rule against meme characters.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nobiscum Deus
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Nobiscum Deus Blessed are the Peacemakers

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Dante.

Age: Immortal, but looks to be in his early to mid twenties.

Gender: Male.


Canon, AU, or OC?: Canon.

Universe of Origin: DmC: Devil May Cry.

Personality: Dante is arrogant and not afraid to push someone right to the edge of attacking him. He can be a tenderhearted person at times, when he isn't attempting to pick a fight with someone or just generally be a rude person. Dante has moments when he actually cares, though they could be akin to finding Atlantis.


Backstory: (Note, backstory contains spoilers!)

Faction: No Faction, but he would likely side with the UMMA.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Name: Kerri the Twice-Betrayer, Knight-Captain of Crossroad Keep, Kalach-Cha, Spirit Eater

Age: At least adult, later events make exact age unclear.

Gender: Female

Canon, AU, or OC?: Canon (minor AU--part of the abilities comes from the tabletop rather than game rules)

Universe of Origin: Abeir-Toril/Forgotten Realms; Neverwinter Nights 2

Personality: Having once been an upstanding paladin, and a servant of the God of Death, Kerri is an individual not easily given to displays of emotion nor good cheer. Betrayal and constant injustice have let them a bitter and sardonic warrior with what little honour they have remaining given over to enjoying the few fair fights they can get. Despite everything that's happened during her life, she still upholds justice as the greatest ideal--just one that this world can never obtain. Point to one positive, and she'll find a flaw.

  • Blackguard: Once a paladin in service to Kelemvor, later experiences wore down her idealism, her faith, and finally her morals. By now far from fit to wield her old abilities, yet clinging to them as a sense of self when everything else was degrading, she achieved the inverse of what some paladins do--their abilities stemming from some inner sense of good or righteousness; hers from spite alone. Kerri wields a small assortment of magical abilities--though usually only caring for healing spells for her own purposes--and displays a surprising resilience to magical effects and disease. She even retains the ability to heal wounds with a touch, though not disease.
    Furthermore, she has the ability to envelope her weapon in malignant energies, directly opposed to any force of good in the world, and correspondingly biting far easier and more deeply than her blade--impressive as it is--would. This likely shares its common routes in the oppressive feeling of despair that surrounds her, and allows the once-paladin to bend the undead to her will. This presence, and her warped mockery of paladin abilities, explains the demonic horse and skeletal 'squire' that attend to her, both disturbingly powerful for what started as a common steed and man.
  • Spirit Eater: A misleading name for a curse that, itself, initially stems from having your soul replaced with what is essentially the eternal hunger of the Wall of the Faithless, in and of itself a punishment for a priest centuries in the past. Yet, through her adventures, she has mastered this curse, extended it, and regained her soul. What the 'curse' allows her to do is recover from fatigue or injury through consuming wandering spirits... or simply devouring the souls of those too close to death to resist. This even includes the decaying remnants of a god, bent to strengthen her will to control the hunger. It encourages her to leave foes slowly dying as insurance--what better than to harvest a field of the almost-dead to recover if resistance appears too strong?
    Now mastered, it has oddly conferred the ability to speak telepathically to others.
  • Leadership: Once a paladin, and now a blackguard relying as much on charisma as ever, she is vastly capable of inspiring men to great deeds... and from her time as the commander of a castle, organising and guiding them as well. In all respects, a capable general, though her true skill lies in leading from the front rather than strategy or tactics.
  • The Silver Sword of Gith: An artefact of the Githyanki people, and the template for their other silver swords, it has served as her primary armament ever since being repaired. A two-handed sword that appears to be forged of molten silver when wielded, it has all the cutting ability expected of such a blade, and shields Kerri against paralysis and mental domination. It can also be subtly altered to either negate magic, cut through the physical better, or better protect her; a sword of somewhat varied physical shape created by a psychic race is rather versatile.
    It can also cut the silver cord connecting astral travellers with their physical bodies, but that is of rather limited versatility except in the Githyanki's home.
  • One-of-Many: The gestalt agglomeration of a thousand souls, each a sinner of one form or another and most the scum of humanity, it was a beast that Kerri originally hoped to redeem. Speaking through the strongest soul, the 'One' that can control the rest, One-of-Many is a horrific undead monster that should not exist. Communicating only with its Master, Kerri uses this monstrosity as an assassin and scout, its ability to fade into the background proving immensely useful. As the One can call upon the skills of the Many--by ceding his (the Child's) control temporarily, it is also a possible vehicle to capturing abilities... by allowing it to consume them.
    It is a thoroughly unpleasant thing.

Backstory: As a child, there was a climactic battle in her home village. Long story short, her mother died and she got a shard of the Silver Sword in her chest, which was totally unremarkable through childhood, but when she reached adulthood did get the Githyanki to kill most of her village whilst searching for it. Thus, her foster father sent her to Neverwinter to find out what the shards (some not being in her chest) were, and through long adventures this escalated to solving a crime problem, being framed for murder, made a squire and later knighted, watching a friend be killed by their grandfather and so on.
Having dealt with the Githyanki trying to regain the sword parts, learned of a greater threat to the land, gained a castle, and generally improved in her abilities and devotion to her faith, Kerri sort-of-reforged the sword and went to confront this greater threat. Victorious in battle, there was nevertheless a rather pressing problem: apparently killing an ancient empire's immortal magical guardian causes its remaining buildings to finally collapse. Thus, rocks fall, everyone dies.
Only, for no reason that she could understand at the time, she woke in a barrow far, far away; a half-healed cut where her shard had previously been, an unknown hunger festering inside, and inexplicably not buried in several tons of stone. In trying to find out why, she found herself associating with a Red Wizard, a hagspawn, a half-angelic crusader, and fighting a rainbow-coloured bear--whereupon, unable to control her hunger, she consumed the powerful spirit, learning of her curse and surprisingly not offending her assembled companions.
Thus, she set off to learn more about her strange curse, not quite comprehending that with enough spirits nearby the curse could, for a time long enough to break it, be suppressed. The constant acts this demanded, as well as the encouragements of One-of-Many after freeing the souls from their crematorium to learn more of the previous God of Death's judgements, slowly wore away at her noble ideals, until after many challenges she came to confront her patron's predecessor.
Enraged at how her predicament was simply the callous result of a punishment for their priest and convenience stemming from her connection to the sword, she devoured the remants of the god, and went forth to finish the Betrayer's Crusade against the Wall of the Faithless, regaining the reforged blade once more.
Yet once she reached the Fugue Plain, the injustice of the Wall truly struck her--a structure destroying all that would not believe in a god until nothing remained. The Wall's very hunger gnawed constantly at Kerri's self, showing her exactly how cruel it could be. Thus, rather than peacefully negotiate passage to regain her soul, the fallen--not that she had yet realised, her actions having lost her that status rather than her mentality--paladin lead the third crusade against the Wall of the Faithless, fighting against the other servants of Kelemvor and finally reaching the right point of the wall.
It was here, when her god appeared, disapproving of her actions for turning against the law of the world rather than fighting for what she thought to be good, that finally broke whatever good spirit remained. Though he allowed her to regain her soul and fight to end the curse, once fighting inside her own soul she thought nothing of subjugating the remnants of the original Betrayer and the hunger itself, ending her need to feed on others rather than dispersing the curse, treating it as payment for the sacrifices she'd made and obligations of others Kerri had fulfilled to get this far--a weapon to be used upon the very embodiments of evil, lest they reform in the lower planes.
What completely broke any idealism remaining was how quickly her companions turned upon her when they learned of her choice, giving no chance to speak against them and attacking as a group. Abandoned by all but her loyal pet, and cast out by her god, Kerri finally became a blackguard proper, and wandered the planes seeking 'justice' against those that had wronged her. When the heavens themselves finally began to move against such a curse, the warrior sought more extreme means to escape--and found them.
With her remaining interests being to indulge her previously-suppressed addiction to combat, and still bitter against all the faulty structures that preach of the good of law, of justice, she joined Shadow Eternity.

Faction: Shadow Eternity
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sorry, I've been out for a while, it'll take me a bit to catch up and make my decisions in regards to bios. ^^;
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ToadRopes
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ToadRopes The Diggersby King

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Name: Carl Hanratty
Age: 47
Gender: Male

Canon, AU, or OC?: Canon (musical)
Universe of Origin: Catch Me If You Can (Broadway production)
Personality: Carl Hanratty, as an F.B.I. agent, is a strict follower of the law, and a strict interpreter of that law. He is very intolerant of lawbreaking, and will actively hunt those who break the law. He is an agent of the F.B.I. in charge of the banks and forgeries subdivision (thank-you-very-much), and takes his job seriously. However, Hanratty also has a sense of mercy and, though gruff, can also be very kind for someone who strictly sticks to the law. He will not bother anyone who does not threaten anybody. (All politics is factored out of the equation here, we're really just talking Hanratty as a character without going into the lefts and the rights.)
Theme Song:

Abilities/Weapons: Hanratty has a pistol and several cartridges, but once those are exhausted, Hanratty will have to buy more or rely on hand-to-hand combat. Hanratty is skilled in the art of sleuthing, and dogged in his pursuit of lawbreakers.
Carl Hanratty is head of the FBI's check fraud division, a job that is often misunderstood or not taken seriously by his peers. Carl is a rather serious person who is moreso apropos to doing his job than joking around.

Carl is assigned to investigate a fraudulent check cashed at a hotel in California. Carl is soon surprised when the Hotel Manager explains that the person who turned in the check is still in the Hotel. Carl enters the suspects room, finding numerous counterfeiting equipment, and a well-dressed young man claiming to be Secret Service agent, Barry Allen. Carl manages to obtain Barry's wallet, but not before the 'agent' notes that he has already apprehended the counterfeiter. As Barry leaves the room, Carl checks the wallet, only to find no identification, and sees the young man running outside the window! Carl soon realizes he's been duped, and his director at the FBI explains that fingerprinting the room has turned up no matches, and Carl's I.D. on the young man gives them nothing to go on.

One evening, while working on Christmas Eve, Carl gets a phone call from the young man. As they talk, the young man makes a reference to the New York Yankees, and attempts to apologize for duping Carl. However, Carl refuses the apology, and easily surmises that the young man called him because he has noone else to talk to.

Taking the 'agent's' name Barry Allen into consideration, Carl checks through all sorts of different persons named Barry Allen. While sitting in a coffeeshop, a server claims that Barry Allen is the alter-ego of the comic book character, 'The Flash.' Going off this information, Carl soon realizes why the fingerprints they lifted have no match: their counterfeiter is a minor. Also going off the phone conversation regarding the Yankees, Carl soon finds a young man has runaway from a family home by the name of Abagnale. Going to an upscale home, they find a woman who claims to be the mother of Frank Abagnale. When she shows Carl Frank's yearbook photo, he now knows who his man is.

Meeting Frank's father in a pub, Hanratty reveals that, like Frank Abagnale Sr., he had somewhat of a rough childhood with a tough father. "On my tenth birthday, he showed me a gun,/Then took me to the cornfield and said, 'Okay, run.'" Hanratty, from Frank Sr., learns without a doubt that Frank Abagnale Jr. is his man, or rather, boy.

The investigation continues on for some time, with Frank eventually calling Carl within the year, claiming he's getting married and wants him to stop chasing him. Carl refuses, claiming that since Frank has stolen more than $4million, he is going to be caught. Using the conversation, Carl soon tracks Frank to a party on the eve of his wedding. Frank manages to escape, but Carl coerces information out of Frank's fiance, Brenda, to help the F.B.I. apprehend him.

In the musical, Hanratty finally catches up to Frank once again in Miami Airport, revealing to Frank that the marriage to Brenda was the big mistake that led Hanratty right to him. However, Hanratty kindly decides to allow Frank (after serving his time) to help the F.B.I. with identifying forgeries, since the F.B.I. needed Frank's know-how to keep up with technology and advances in credit cards and checking accounts.

After hiring Frank, however, Hanratty's head began to spin. The last thing he heard before blacking out was, "Mr. Hanratty! Are you all right...?"
Faction: Unaligned, for now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Xenonia
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Xenonia QT3.14

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Nobiscum Deus
I'm your PROM DATE, you ugly sack of SHIT!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nobiscum Deus
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Nobiscum Deus Blessed are the Peacemakers

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Don't plan on it, hotshot.
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