Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DAWNSTAR
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DAWNSTAR A literal Type 0 Super Luminous Star

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Mika Aurelias Age:27 Gender:Female Specialty:Medical Support. Mika was brought in for her medical skill. She has treated wounds varying from a straight forward cut on the hand to a bullet wound to the shoulder. Starting Sanity: 160 Psychological Record: -PTSD from the war against the secessionists -Claustrophobic -No Family History of Mental Disease -Took Four months worth of Therapy for PTSD -Optimistic Background: Born Michela Bronezt to a military Father and working mother, Mika was the youngest of four children. She also happened to be the last child Gianna Bronezt would bear before being diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Mika, her brother and two other sisters all spent a majority of their time in military schools wherever their Father was serving. Major Bronezt had been an active member of Alliance military before being injured during battle. Afterwards, Major Bronezt was given a desk job and a comfortable life wherever they wanted him to go. Unfortunately, the Major wasn't much of a family man and spent the majority of his waking hours at work. When Gianna was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, the Major was given the choice of taking care of his wife or continuing on with his job. The Major choose his job over his wife. A year later, when Mika was seven, Gianna divorced Major Bronezt and , after a few months of conversation, received custody of Mika and her brother. Major Bronezt got Mika's other two sisters, which Mika hasn't talked to since their Father's death. Mika moved to a small colony with her mother and brother in order to be closer to her grandparents. Having never met her grandmother and grandfather, it was hard for Mika to relate to them. Eventually, Mika learned to fake liking the two of them who, being from an older generation, always tried to punish Mika for doing things they didn't like(which happened to be everything). Eventually, Mika ran away from home at the age of seventeen with her boyfriend of the time. A year after that, Mika joined the Alliance military with hopes of going through medical school with them. It wasn't long after that the war against the secessionists started and Mika was forced into the war. Mika saw many deaths, some of which she blamed herself for being unable to save them. Mika eventually finished her tour and came back for a psychological evaluation. She was diagnosed with deeply ingrained PTSD from the war. Equipment:A standard issue Alliance pistol and SMG, a med pack, hand held knife and a set of light armor. Med pack content: One two foot roll of gauze, one two foot roll of bandages, one two foot roll of suture wire, five medical grade sutures, a scalpel, a forcep and medical grade sterilizer bottle. Other:N/A
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake
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Drake The Pompous

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Character submission: Appearance: no armor: Armor: Name: Adeola Sentinel Age: 23 Gender: Female Specialty: Knowledge of Outer Systems and Complex Power Technician. Starting Sanity: 140/200 Psychological Record: Quick thinker, Used to severe carnage, Strong Willed, Stubborn and Arrogant, Always looking for a fight. Background: Adeola grew up with an outlaw father. Her father raised her up from a young age learning the old art of swordfighting, a combat style that was becoming less and less popular. When she was twelve, and the war broke out, her father sought a profit working both sides of the war as a political assassin. When he wasn't on a job, he tended to stay in the outer rim, where he could hide in the crowd. He got caught, though, four years into the war by the Alliance. Adeola was then put under the Alliance's care and she started going to school to learn complex engineering. It was something she had always been interested in. Once she turned 18, though, she was pulled out of school due to the skills her father had taught her to be an assassin for the Alliance. After the war ended, she returned to school and got a degree, top of her class, as an electrical engineer. She'd been working in the outer rim for the Alliance in the weeks leading up to Providence going dark, since she just graduated. She was sent to Providence to try and help figure out if it was an issue stemming from cultural problems or not and if possible, try to restore electricity to some degree. Equipment: Battle Armor Exosuit including a self-filtering re-breather if needed, plasma-heated katana, and a standard issue military pistol.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShiningSector
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ShiningSector Forever Editor

Member Seen 14 days ago

Character Sheet Appearance: Name: Cayne Zarubin Age: 26 Gender: Male Specialty: Reconnaissance and Drone Operator Starting Sanity: 180/200 Psychological Record: • Positive Traits: Focused, Witty, and Discerning • Negative Traits: Sarcastic and Conceited Background: Born to near low class family, Cayne lived a somewhat normal childhood; had good home, plenty of friends, and decent grades. One day his father, whom was a scout at one time, taught Cayne how to camp, hunt, and live off the wilderness. The occasional camping and hunting trips every so often had peaked Cayne’s further interest and eventually like father, like son, Cayne quickly got the hang of living outdoors and practically excelled at it. Many years later, Cayne would nearly be out of college with A.A.S. degree but then conflict with the secessionists erupted and his homeworld would quickly be the first of many to witness firsthand the horrors of the war. Since his colony was located in disputed space and held little military presence, a draft was immediately put into effect as thousands were conscripted to defend planet from the inevitable secessionist invasion. Before the Alliance had arrived and drove the rebel forces off the colony, Cayne was running messages and sabotage missions, usually passed enemy perimeters and checkpoints. With a few years of experience and some notoriety under his belt, Cayne was able to join into the main Alliance military force as a forward scout where he sometimes found himself penetrating enemy lines and gathering Intel when required. At other times, he was in charge of communications and working with a reconnaissance drone while fighting in numerous combat zones, marking enemy targets and positions for elimination. When concerns began to rise about the dark colony called Providence, Cayne was sent in to assist in the investigation. Equipment: Optical Camouflage, light armor for stealth and flexibility, numerous sensor devices and probes for tracking and terrain mapping, Pathfinder; a recon drone he carries with him during any op, tactical high-powered battle rife, suppressed pistol, and combat knife. Other: N/A
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Traitor
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Traitor under cardiac arrest

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Appearance: Name: Skye Wynters Age: 28 Gender: Female Specialty: Military/Security Squad Leader Starting Sanity: 200/200 Psychological Record: -Positive Traits: Reliable, dedicated, professional -Negative Traits: Patronizing, insensitive, coldhearted Background: Skye successfully filled the shoes of her father, who was a military officer of the alliance. She fought valiantly for almost the entire duration of the Outer Edge war, refusing to be suspended long past her official period of service. An overall stable and composed psychological profile coupled with her talent to lead and survive turned her into a respected veteran that her superiors just couldn't withdraw even if it meant violating a protocol or two. While she's not exactly exemplary as a flawless leader, soldiers reported about her motivating competence and presence that carried more than a handfull of squads safely through highly hazardous territory. After the last battles were fought, she was mostly used for escort missions through pirate-ridden pockets of space. Though she's not a bloodthirsty murderer by any stretch of the imagination, her old battle scars still burned with the urge to keep fighting, and this was as good as it gets. At least it kept her senses keen. She volunteered for the ride to Providence much to the dismay of her commanding officer, but she of all the people available to lead that expedition probably had the best chances to return unscathed. While the relationship to her father certainly was a stepping stone in her career, they didn't exactly have a ton of quality time together. She tried to impress him by giving 120% at all times as a soldier, reaching the rank of a squad leader and building a reputation of her own but he didn't have the time to spend much attention. On the rare occasions where he did, he was hard to satisfy, never praised his daughter for her achievements. Not getting scolded was enough of a reward for Skye, however. He died during the second year of the war, his ship was hit by a stray artillery shot of unidentified origin within a chaotic firefight - possibly from an alliance ship, which is why Skye absolutely hates all sorts of weapons that cause collateral damage. The loss of her father was hard to stomach for her, though mostly because she failed to make him proud before his untimely end. Equipment: A flexible combat suit (O2-mask not seen in the picture), offering just the right amount of protection while not impeding movement. Standard issue energy rifle with custom modifications to shoot three different kinds of ammunition: purely plasma-based and physical projectiles as well as non-lethal kinetic pulses, according to situation. A modified power glove to compensate for the major disadvantage of her favored weapon - excessive heat emission by the rifles plasma cells - that has further uses, such as simple semi-remote access to virtual interfaces like non-encrypted doors, lifts and station systems. Very robust and hydraulically enhanced, can be used to crush or hit things in a pinch. Two standard issue plasma grenades that can purge a whole middle sized rooms interior with white hot liquid fire, from her time during the war. After carrying them around for more than a year they turned into sort of lucky charms. She sincerely hopes she'll never see the need to use them. Two cans of standard issue, single use disinfectant, wound sealing spray to administer first aid if medical personnel is not immediately available. Standard regulation for squad leaders.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by agentmanatee
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agentmanatee Servant of chaos

Member Seen 4 days ago

Appearance Name:Justeph Griver Gender:Male Specialty:Hacker, Justeph is an experienced and skilled door opener, firewall breaker and general hacker Starting sanity:110 Psychological record:Positive traits-quick thinker, adaptable, friendly Negative traits:Disrespectful, skittish Background:Born on a quiet farming colony. Helped on farm, mostly by dealing with families tech, taxes, and bank account. Arrested at age 15 for stealing approximately 300,000 units of currency over the course of 9 years from various accounts. Let out when alliance picked him up for his skills. Now age 18, has severe respect problems, regularly insults those above him. To damn good at his job so far to fire. (My first character in a long time, please tell me if you think he is OP) Equipment:Standard hacking device (don't have a specific name), mark 3 datapad(or similar object in your universe), low caliber side arm, light Kevlar(ish) jacket. Other:
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ubermensch
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Appearance: Name: Ulysses Robert Carlson Age: 27 Gender: Male Specialty: Engineering and repairs, military combat if needed Starting Sanity: 180/200 Psychological Record: Positive traits - Realistic, rational, and no-nonsense. Negative traits - Perfectionist, judgemental. Background: Before his tenure in the military, he was born in the year 2585 and raised on an unassuming colony. His family background was also very stable, with happily married parents when he and his trio of siblings were raised. Being the eldest, he assumed responsibility, knowing his parents could "croak" at any time. However, as soon as he came of age, he found out about the war. Knowing the war may come to the innocent home, Ulysses decided to enlist around the time he was a legal adult and when, in his words, "things hit the fan." The young man explicitly made it certain that he wanted to make sure whatever happened during the war STAYED in the war. Ulysses always believed that it was better to prevent than to cure. It was also better safe than sorry. Hoping that the family can take care of himself when he's absent, the eldest bid his goodbyes and made a promise to come back to the family in one piece whenever possible. Eventually, he grew to become a decorated Alliance war hero with a distinct career, Ulysses boasts of experience spanning about decade of his entire life. Considered a "technopath" among his colleagues, Ulysses displayed an impeccable affinity for technology and good great pride when it came to repairing allied equipment. Though he showed an aptitude for demolition and combat, those two fields were not the main details he talks about, seeing them as side duties. Nevertheless, he was considered to be the reliable one in the unit for getting repairs or demolitions finished. A jack of all trades in his field makes him a solid choice for field operations. His latest job involves investigation of the Providence. Knowing that trouble may arise, Ulysses equipped his tools. TLDR: "Country boy" with decorated military experience and abilities. Equipment: Short barrel shotgun that can use a variety of ammunition (shells, slugs, darts, etc.) and a repair tool; uses medium armor for balance between protection and mobility. Other: He is not abrasive, but does defend his career as a combat engineer. Ulysses once responded on possible PTSD, "If I had any mental illness during my career, I'd be shipped home without any possibility of return."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 4 days ago

Name: Kean “Grave-1” Syun Age: 28 Gender: Male Appearance: 5’11 (1.8m) and about 200lb (91kg). As expected of those measurements, he’s literally dense muscle and bone. Specialty: General Special Operative (Former Pilot) Starting Sanity: 200/200 Psychological Record: Tenacious, self-driven, and pragmatic; all traits expected and required from those who serve in his capacity. At the same time, he’s also callous and detached, as if driven solely by the mission and uncaring for those who may interfere. Questions of whether he’s human or simply a really good android aren’t too uncommon after spending a bit of time around him. TL;DR/C: Born to major Alliance trade world, lively family with successful business owner parents. Looked up to and admired the constant stream of ships that came and went from the major space station above. Enrolled in military academy to become pilot and successfully did so. Fought in the war against the secessionists for several years, and was approached by Alliance Spec Ops after demonstrating potential to become an operative. Accepted and went through the training, though resisted against mental conditioning. Partially successful, now being deployed on first mission.
  • An augmented performance suit that boasts a number of features including artificial muscles to further augment his physical capabilities, a compliment of sensors and electronic warfare measures in the helmet, and a Hermes system that enables short bursts of quick speed. The armor plating provides significant defense against small arms fire and melee weaponry. The suit is also capable of self-sealing, and has a backup supply of oxygen should the user venture into dangerous environments.
  • Wears a combat vest over the suit, mostly for additional storage capacity, though it does provide a bit of additional protection against handgun rounds.
  • Carries a Battle Rifle. Magazines carry 30 rounds each, and Kean carries about 9 (one in weapon) on his person if possible.
  • The TMP SMG is carried as a sidearm due to its rather small size. Its magazines hold up to 40 rounds, and he likes 5 if possible.
  • A Nova Knifeserves as Kean’s melee weapon if it comes down to it. Capable of superheating its edge until it a layer of plasma is generated, it can carve through even heavy armor in the right hands.
  • An injection pouch that holds a number of serums designed for use with his modified and adjusted body. Contains two rapid regeneration serums that activate certain chemicals which enhance his body’s ability to heal; only serves as a first aid method to stop immediate death, two concentrated stim serums; a potent mix of adrenaline and other chemicals that kick the operative’s body and mind into overdrive in desperate situations, and a paired injection that allows the operative to drop life signs to essentially nothing and then recover from the state.
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