Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
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As the Maiden song ended, Zac bounced on the balls of his feet a little, bubbling with adrenaline and excitement. "That was awesome!" He exclaimed, returning the devil horns to Ev, grinning ear to ear. The grin got wider, if that was even possible, when he heard the next riff Ev started playing. "Hell yeah!" He jumped once or twice, shaking his arms as he got ready. "Eeey-OH!" He let out the opening growl, his voice producing a deep, guttural growl. He looked up, head-banging wildly as he saw someone coming into the room. Their first audience! He started launching into the verse vocals, nailing them near perfectly. Jesse Leach was a huge vocal influence of his, Killswitch Engage being his favourite band. So he was stoked to play this song with likeminded musicians. Then, the kid grabbed the mic lead, and... Bit into it! The mic cut out and caused a loud burst of feedback. Zac grimaced and cursed under his breath. Who bites into a mic cable?! Who is this kid? "What the hell dude?!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Dexter - Fight the power! Dexter was literally laughing maniaclly when the commotion calmed down. His sticks were almost on fire as well, due to the feroicty and quick they had been moving. He gripped his mask and tugged on it a bit, trying to get some air now, his grin was h unseen, his eyes were wide and wild, fury burning within. He just simply yelled "GOD DAMN WE ROCKED!" into the air and laughed again. But before he knew it, they were already speeding into another one that he loved. Frantically he tried to grip the sticks again, juggling them helplessly, before gripping them and beginning to slam down against the cymbals, kick the bass like it had just done something wrong and beat the rest of the drum kit, following the others as well as he could. He noticed that this guy Zac, he could fucking rock! He already knew Ev was cool this guy was close... "CHILDS PLAY! OMEN! POLTERGEIST! TERMINATOR!" He yelled poitning the sticks at the evil kid. Dexter was literally fuming asyelled movie references, as always when he panicked. "GREMILINS!!!!" He stopped and stood up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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Evelyn - Can't Kill the Metal (but You Can Kill a Buzz) Right when she heard that growl, that vicious guttural snarl belt from Zac's mouth, she knew right then and there this guy had some...no...ALOT of fucking talent under his belt, practically a perfect impersonation of Jesse, just as her guitar was matching Adam D.'s note for note. And with the furious drumming of Dex to their backs, they killed it in the opening of Killswitch's fucking epic. Ev's hair whirled around in a black maelstrom as she went into a windmill, even screaming along with Zac on backup, though her vocals a tad higher than Zac's, sounding more like Alissa White-Gluz, but it still fit pretty good, return to the womb "NEW LIFE!!" lay your head to rest "MERCY!!" to give you a peace of mind "LAY YOUR HEAD TO REST!!" Man...the adrenaline...it was surging through her veins like a firestorm. She was so wrapped up in, the music, the guys jamming with her, just everything commingling so fucking perfectly...that she didn't see the dumbass waddle into the music room...and chomp down on Zac's mic lead, producing the most ear shattering feedback Ev's ever heard. She stopped playing, a bitter scowl marring her face and her blood red eyes gleaming bright, nearly making her look like a creepypasta reject. First thought, that prick Matthias, which was why she was cracking her knuckles and getting ready to bring the murder-train screaming down the tracks, but when she turned with what could be described as an expression bordering upon absolute annoyance and murderous rage, she noticed...it was a dumb kid...that dumb kid, the one that got paired up with Miss Gigi Gazongas <.<. "AGGH!! Dude are you fucking cereal?!" Ev groaned loudly over the fuzz of the amps, throwing her head back and flailing her hands upwards before storming over to the dingus, mic cable still in mouth. He probably thought it was blackberry licorice or some shit, well blackberry licorice with a zing once he noms into the copper. Hopefully that wouldn't be the case once Ev got it back....she had enough blood on her hands anyways. First jam session I get, first fucking jam session and Mr. Special Ed skullfucks it. Balls! It didn't help either that Dex was back into Tici-Toby mode and going, medically speaking, batshit-bonkers yelling out random movie titles, all of which didn't even add up to this kid....whatever the hell his name was. Rain was it? Yeah, Rain, and rain on someone's parade he did, practically pissed all over it. "Dex! Chill!" Ev said to him before turning to Rain, reaching out with both hands to grab the mic cable, "Here's whats up..eh...Rain. You're gonna let go of the cable and give it to me. Can you do that?" Evelyn doubted he would.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Time Skip
The school bell rang, students rush in for their fist day of classes. Teachers preparing for their classes as well. Will they learn? Or will they just end up in detention? As some students cut some just do their work. It all depends to them. (You guys can make the first post)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Primary focus will be on Sariel now. Roanesca will simply go to her first class on this day, and typically learn.
Just as the school bells tolled, the call for learners to start learning, Sariel (or Sarina Marcel, as the students know her) laid a distrustful hand on Rebecca's shoulder, and a distrustful face on Rebecca's eyes. "I am a strong, independent woman, who ain't need no help!" she snarled, pressing heavier to the hand over the shoulder, with the force halfway to dislocation. "Besides, if I did, i'll be handing that job over to Matthias. Now that the bells have rung, go to your damn classes! If you try to do your weird lusty antics again this time, you'll not simply end up in detention, but I'll place you in a room beside a certain school maid. And you won't like her." Sariel lifted her hand off Becky's shoulder, then shot her sights back to the fresh student. "I'm all open for all lessons in regards to science! If you're looking for Biology, i'll be serving up your daily dose of educaton right away. You can also see me after class for matters that i'll rather not say in public, if you wish. If you like to go with that girl, then fine, but I'd say you're most likely to end up in the Lesbianism Club rather than Biology if you do." And switched her gaze to another girl behind Rebecca, who had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "There's no end to her tryhard seductions, I guess. Now if you people would excuse me, I'm 'bout to go on my job right now. Make it quick."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Bride sat down quietly as he waited for classes to begin, he was in english class and there were alot of people there. He was nervous of course, his first lessons...he wanted to learn but he was not sure if he can pay attention though. He usually gets distracted by guys flirting with him, giving him love letters and cute notes. He ends up up day dreaming about things then the classes end. Bride thus end up failing a bit but he usually passes with average scores. He stared out to the window and looked back at the teacher. Maybe he can meet some new people...
Iyo sat down in biology class as he doodle on his notebook. His lesson was science or biology in the matter, the teacher wasn't there but from what he had heard from other teachers talking and some students. She must be new...apparently her name was Sarina...fancy name the though. It sounded like from another country or another time. He sat the far back right corner, he felt bored though. He was a good student but he was never smart. Biting on his pencil he stared off tot he distance waiting for something else would the teacher would say.
Penn was late for classes, he took to much time with some things with his manager and editor that he forgotten the time and was now late. First day and late, that must be a great impression to the teacher. He ran through the hallways but as for Penn being the clumsy and slowest one he ended up once more tripping on his shoelace and face planted on the floor. As if it was De ja vu he had his folder once more to give to Vow later. The papers scatter about and left there on the floor was a distraught Penn. "...you got to be kidding me..." He sighed desperately as he began to collect the papers once more and hope that he can make in time for class.
Rain was on a tree... he was on a tree with a cord in his mouth. After being chased by the crazy girl(Ev) after biting the cord he ran off as she seemed very much pissed and angry with him...also the other two guys there. He didn't really much care as he was indeed hungry and took a bite out of the cord once more and swallowing the copper. He was a nature sprit so it wouldn't harm his body in anyway but to see a person eating a cord... he may be considered crazy. "...good..." He liked the taste of copper in his mouth as bit more into the cord, he was at at branch with Spiddy on his head. he was sure that no one would find him and his food.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
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Zac sighed rolling his eyes as the kid that bit into the mic cable disappeared. He and the other two musicians ran after the kid to try to get the cable back, but they lost him. He turned to the other two, puffing a little after the running. "Well, before that, it was a lot of fun. We definitely should jam again soon." He then noted the bell ringing, his eyes widening. "OH! I was supposed to sign in, I should probably go do that! I guess I'll see you two around soon!" He then ran off, before stopping dead and whirling around on the heels of his feet and running back to Ev and Dex. "Umm... Where's the admin office?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Evelyn & Rebecca - The Orean Cause Follies: Act II Oooh the nerve...the ever perturbing nerve of this woman! First to sit there snidely and surreptitiously chiding Rebecca's backside in her efforts to pry the sweet little Angel from her fingers, and then have the tenacity to invoke further reprimanding upon her for her libidinous antics, should they not desist over time (and why should they?). Ah, but the cherry on top of this sundae of vanilla enmity, sprinkled with the gemmies of utter loathing and drizzled in caramel displeasure was when Sarina Marcel, in sort the foil to almost every bit of the vampire's lustful and sapphic plans, outright insulted her by way of attacking her sexual orientation. Given, Rebecca would bed a man if they were up to her caliber, even devour their blood...albeit it a tad bitter and saltier than women's, but women were just more her delight, someone soft..sometimes...and someone far easier to manipulate...again sometimes, depending on the type of woman, whether they be like this blowhard ranting at her or....her, a name Rebecca would rather not speak as it only boils her blood to hear that name uttered, and with the sun beating down upon her...that would be a problem. ~"Of course, of course."~ Rather haughty the woman retorted with a vile smirk of insolence shot at the buttling seraph, crossing her arms as further show of her disdain, yet a secret longing still for the other woman. ~"Go ahead. Once more wrongfully accuse me of being nothing more than an uncouth, uncivilized rapist, when you know fully Dear Madame Marcel that I only wished, out of the kindness of my heart I would open to any in dire straits, to assist this young sweetie to her classroom, and furthermore assist my most favored of instructors." <3 By favored meaning most detested of, even more-so than the crotchety bastard she uttered, wherever old Matty may be. Rebecca was sure she heard his voice nearby, off on another tirade towards yet another unfortunate soul to gain his ire...as easy as that was, though cleverly the tolling of the morning bells censored out a portion of his vile vocabulary. ~"But yes, lock me in a room to save all the girls of Orean from the big, bad wolf you make me out to be. And yes, leave me only that darling school maid for company. I admit she is a tad...unhinged shall we say? But I know of ways to soothe even the most troubled of hearts, even hers."~ Then....she turned to the one behind her, the mousy bookworm from last night, a friend of that....creature no less. ~"My word, darling! You have a habit of showing up when least expected. So where's the ragamuffin? Ev be her name? My, how cute."~ As endearing the name is, girl, you best keep your friend a fair distance from me. ~"And me? Targeting? Ahahahaha! <3 I say, you and Miss Marcel, you think of me as some sort of monster preying on these poor girls, when I assure you I have nothing but good will. Why, I feel saddened by all these accusations without proper evidence."~ And there was the second bell. Wonderful, because these two she was late to her Literature Club, tardiness Rebecca greatly frowned upon, and it appeared...she would be tarrying alone. ~"Wonderful."~ She muttered under her breath rolling her eyes at Lisa and Sarina. ~"Now if YOU will excuse MOIS, I am late to my club, and I suppose I'll be seeing you sometime today my sweet."~ Just to chide the others she left a small kiss on the sweet angel's cheek before turning to leave. ~"And as for you two, I suppose I shall be se-"~ "GET BACK HERE YOU FUCKING DIPSHIT!! I'LL STRANGLE YOU WITH THAT FUCKING CABLE!!!" ~"AAAAHH!!!!"~ "SHIT!!!" *KRASSHHH!!!!!!* It happened so sudden, so quickly Rebecca could not evade the onslaught of verbal pestilence, nor the body of which it plagued. It started with poor Rain, the boy looking scared out of his wits, brushing briskly past Rebecca, startling her enough to elicit the first surprised gasp....and then....she came along. There was a flash of black, a blurred, shadowy figure that crashed into her body at full force, and before the vampire knew it, she was thrown backwards by the immense ferocity of the person who blundered so brashly into her and she was staring up at a clear blue sky. ~"Oh gods....."~ Bitterly she mumbled before craning her head upwards, only to discover....much to her burning, irritable chagrin....that no good, foul mouthed, dark haired hussy....was laying on top of her with her head full of grisly, unkempt hair...in between HER BOSOMS!!!! ~"Y-y-y-you...you...PERVERT!!!"~ *smack* "ACK!! Oh I'mma kick your FUCKING FANCY ASS YA SKANK!!!" Evelyn, having been bitchslapped again, she was about to dive on Rebecca and rip her to pieces...until she saw Miss Marcel standing there....and Lisa. Oh shit...uh...bad combo.. So instead she removed herself from the obviously irritated woman underneath her, with assistance from Rebecca shoving her off coldly, shuffling hastily to her feet and smoothing out the dirt and wrinkles from her blouse with a blazing scowl towards the pale skinned rocker. ~"There's your libidinous ne'er do well!"~ She hollered to Sarina and Lisa while pointing at Ev. ~"Did you not see how she forced herself upon me?! Honestly, you should keep this loathsome cur on a leash! And that language! Oh it just....writhes my skin! With all due respect, Miss Marcel, you should teach this...street urchin some manners! And YOU!!"~ Last but not least, the princess's tirade fell upon Evelyn, Rebecca's sharp, crimson nailed finger poking into her chest. ~"First you terrify my poor, sweet room mate, and then THEN you fondle my bosoms like a hedonistic savage mongrel! Once more, if I am to see you, let alone be known of your despicable presence, our next meeting will NOT be peaceful! Now good day to you all! Hmph!"~ And with that, Rebecca stomped away, the clacking of her high heels echoing through the dead silence...a thick...blood-curdling silence that further scathed Evelyn with a rage threatening to release, but nevertheless in her natural fashion, Ev just mouthed back, "Yeah well I got some fancy schmancy words for you too, bitch, whorebag, slutpuppy, Beverly Big-T!ts, Miss Airbags, skankatron five thousand, Pedo-bear, fucking FUCKING BITCH!!!!" Of course she unwittingly unleashed that barrage...in front of Miss Marcel and Lisa. "Oh...uhhh..." With a dumbfounded, silly grin crossing her face, along with two cheeks burning insanely bright red, Evelyn turned to the two standing behind her, a teacher she thought was kinda evil, but not as much as Matthias, and....a girl she...well..liked. "Eheheh....ummm....s-sup teach? Hey uh....Lis. I ummm....yeah, I'm gonna...go to....class now, kay? I'll see ya later, Lisa." ^///^ Fucking fucksticks... -_-' And so Evelyn stumbled away with her head held down in absolute embarrassment. That stupid kid got away with the cable, so there was no chance of getting that back. She shambled into the main building, stopping short of Zac and Dex when they finally caught up to her, Ev being the first one to bolt out of the music room in pursuit of Rain. "Fuck yeah we should." Ev grinned at Zac. "Dude you guys are badass, we totally need to jam again." She waved goodbye to them before trudging off to English, but paused when Zac came back, "Yeah uh, Admin's is like down the hall to your left. Should say it on the door." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Matthias - What's This? I Don't Even-?! It took some time, but finally he got his damn flask back from that idiot Quincy, but the moment he popped the silver lid on the small container of alcohol and put it hastily to his lips in need of bittersweet sustenance from his liquor....what ill divine fortune be this that his flask...was empty. EMPTY, the opposite of FULL. This flask was supposed to be FULL OF VODKA!!! "You....you turd!" Matthias growled throwing the empty flask at Quincy's door and storming off. "That's fine! Go ahead, you insolent pea-brain! Drink all of my vodka! Deprive of me of what keeps me going day after day! I will have your ass reported for this!" Once more he stormed off, just as the bell for classes rang. Luckily, he didn't do morning classes, for the specific reason now as his head was pounding, throbbing incessantly with such an intolerable pain, well tolerable enough to catch that vandalizing cunt Hana, which Matthias was sure once he got a hold of that worthless hoodlum, he'd be ripping the skin off his back with a cat-of-nine tails. And so he decided best to check the last place he would consider searching for the prick...the roof. It was a short flight of stairs leading up to a door, and once Matthias bashed through it with every bit of his rage in his shoulders- "AHAA!!!"....his jaw nearly hit the floor at what he unfortunately bore witness to. "....H-HAVE YOU NO DECENCY BOY?!!! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!!! I should've expected this from some low down, idiotic urchin who has a penchant for women's garments! You do want to be a woman, don't you boy?! Because why else would you be swapping spit with this other boy, hmm?! Practicing CPR were we?! Looks more like R&R! Now your homo-erotic ass is coming with me! You have a room to clean after your little farewell note, and when you're done, we shall have a LONG discussion with the headmistress AND YOUR PARENTS, and I hope to whatever fucking deity you believe in they will be downright ashamed of you! Now come along, twit! Say goodbye to your love-bird!" Firmly, as always, he grabbed hold of Hana's ear and began yanking him over to the door, pausing shortly to turn to Kein, "And you, Kein! Would you Keindly remove yourself from this rooftop and get to class?! No lollygagging!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Dexter - For the Greater Good Dexter's eyes basically exploded as he jumped from behind his drums and launched himself down the hall, trying to keep up with Ev as best as he could. His red coat flapped madly as he turned a corner to see the boy hiding, his room mate, a mysertious woman, another mysterious woman and Ev. He giggled sinisterly as he walked from behind the corner to see Ev. Hey Eeeeeeeev, was that what I think it was?" With that he suddenly brandished his two drumsticks, getting ready to break one off in her dirty vampire/demon heart! "COS I CANT DECIDE BETWEEN VAMPIRE AND DEMON!" With that he turned to see Zac and giggled. "Yes, we were quite fuckin awesome!" He giggled and twirled on the floor. "Anyways, I think I have English! LSee ya guys later!" With that he was gone, running down the corridors at a brisk pace, the coat still flapping.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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This voice... a voice that belonged to Victorian-era women of high social classification... it irks Sarina. There is clearly so, so much attempt to be the goddess of beauty like Venus, but instead, Rebecca sounds like a low-class whore with horribly attempted autotune. Then there was a girl, whose looks-- eyes, choice of clothing, hair-- all indicated introversion and cynicism, which she thought was another asshole incoming. What she did to Becky entertained Sariel greatly, as she has started to hold a great loathing to this insolent, puffed-up bloodsucking girl. For the moments of chaotic ruckus that passed by, Sariel simply watched smugly, entertained by the suffering of Rebecca, before making more words at the end of the fight. Sariel looked daggers at Rebecca menacingly. "Yeah, say whatever you want to try and make me achieve your smut fantasy with this girl or even convince me that hanging out with the special genocidal maid is your own fantasy, because i don't care, you SLAG! You know what, you're getting your ass hauled soon to my very own special place in detention for snitches: SAMANTHA'S LIVING QUARTERS! Right after class! Thanks for delaying my work, bozo!" Sarina scowled to this special little asshat, then turned her eye to Evelyn to say something just before she walks away. Anger flushed out of her face, shifting to a rather dull, but pleased expression."And, hmm, as for Eve, you'll get a thanks from me for teaching her a lesson. Thanks to technical stuff, however, i'm required to give you a regular detention for a bit of bad behavior. Don't worry, it's not where Rebecca will be." Sarina sighed, thanking the gods that this ruckus has finally ended. Whew, all those minutes that should've been spent on class, all to save one innocent girl from a vampire's hoe-tricks. She was now only with Angel, and was now waiting for her to go before proceeding to class.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Corpus Venenum
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Corpus Venenum

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jack grumbled internally as he made his way through the school. How could he have forgotten to visit the Admin department and get himself signed in? It was idiotic of him - a move that would cause unnecessary exposure and deprive him of time in class. He sighed as he walked, and then realised that he had been so busy talking himself down that he hadn't been following the directions that the Engineering teacher had given him. He was totally, utterly, possibly irredeemably, lost in Orean Cause. "Bugger."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
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Zac Zac followed the directions Evelyn gave him, paying close attention to the school as he walked towards the admin office. His mind was still whirring and adrenaline was still pumping through his veins from the impromptu jam session. He was feeling pumped, excited for his new life at this school. He thought of all the possibilities, both musically and socially. He, Evelyn and Dexter obviously had musical chemistry and maybe, maybe they would be his first new friends at this school. And there was no denying that Ev was kinda cute. As he walked through the halls with an excited spring in his step, he found another kid who looked obviously lost. Normally he would hesitate approaching a stranger, but he was so pumped full of adrenaline he didn't care. He waved at the kid, smiling. "Hi! you look lost. I'm new, but I'm heading to the admin office, if that will help?" Rin As class started, a small girl in a big fluffy hoodie bounced through the main gates, holding two large bags. She had an excited look on her face as her long black hair pooled around it under her hood. He large eyes were wide and full of wonder as she practically skipped into her new school. Her orphanage decided it would be better if she went here, due to her certain... Talents. Rin stopped, pulling a sheet of paper out of the backpack on her back, staring at it for a moment before continuing to skip along. She heard the bell, so she knew class just started. She had English first, and didn't want to be late on her first day. As she reached the classroom she walked through the door, her eyes darting aroud the room, scanning the people in it and looking for a spare seat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hana did not know what was about to happen, as Kein face got closer to him he felt like this is what he wanted yet at the same time not. "Kein...what are you..." He was pretty careless and really see what are Kein there intentions. He could feel his best friends breath getting closer to him. As he was about to get kissed by his best friend with knowing the real meaning of it there was an unexpected opening sound of the door. Hana was about to turn but was stopped as he got berate and scolded by the one and only douche of the world professor Gray. "Wwaaaa!!" HE shouted as his ear got pulled once more and was being yelled at. Great the douche caught up to him and there was no way out unless he jumps but that is suicidal. "Let go of me! What ya mean woman and homo-erotic jizz!? You are sure getting the wrong idea!! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Hana shouted, he didn't really understand what was going to happen anyway, Kein looked honestly upset when he questioned that yet gave a small smile back. "No worries sir I will head back to classes but wait for a moment please..." Kein said, almost being desperate with his tone. Hana noticed how desperate sounding his friend was and turned to him. "Kein...?" Kein just decided to grabbed Hana's hand and pulled him but not to much from professor Gray's grip. Hana was really confused from what is happening, he knew though that the end of the day he would be dead from the headmistress but still he was just confused with his best friend sheen moves and the douche's words. "I need... to talk for him....for just a bit..."
Bride turned to his left to see a new girl there at the door probably looking for a place to seat,. There was one beside him and he though to be kind so he waved her over. HE gave a sweet and kind smile to show that he had no harm done. Maybe he can make another friend today...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Corpus Venenum
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Corpus Venenum

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jack was about to start banging his head against the wall (a trick pursuit, as he tended to break the bricks), when someone hailed him. He turned, and found himself looking at someone who was only about half a foot shorter than him, with some rather uncommonly bright green eyes and brown hair. "You're heading to the admin office...?". Jack walked over to the person and put his hands on his shoulders. "If you can lead me there...I will be grateful to you till the sky falls on our heads.".
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

\m/ Evelyn - Brethren Before Wenches
Ugh...English... If there was ever a class to despise having so damn early in the morning it was this, having to haul ass over to the main building with barely enough time to grab a bite to eat (especially when a particular bitch made her lose her appetite....and spill her coffee), then being forced against her will with the proverbial shotgun to the head....to sit and listen to some nimrod drone on and on and on about the proper usage of a semicolon, as if Evelyn gave a damn. I can speak perfect fucking english! Why do I even need this class? Oh right...the credit dammit. She groaned on the inside, already trudging in a few minutes late because she had to change her shirt before it reeked of spoiled milk and old mocha, this time wearing her Dark Souls t-shirt with Solaire on the front. She also had her sketchbook, her English textbook and a small paperback of the Dunwich Horror clutched under her arm, slamming all three on the desk as she sat down beside some chick in a hoodie and a guy(Bride) who pretty much had Admiral Ackbar screaming in Ev's ear his famously over-used quote. Serioulsy....why was that dude in a dress? Oddly though no metal was playing through her Skullcandy buds, but instead the soundtrack to one of her favorite RPGs....which would be obvious to those who knew the epic chorus, "Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin Naal ok zin los vahriin Wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal Ahrk fin norok paal graan Fod nust hon zindro zaan Dovahkiin, fah hin kogaan mu draal" Dammit, she just had to be late again. Oh well, at least the lecture didn't start yet. Pulling out her earbuds and turning off her MP3, she sighed bitterly to herself, muttering to no one in particular but the girl beside her(Rin) may have heard her when she griped, "I'll be glad when we get this shit over with." The day was gonna suck anyways, especially now that Ev had afterschool detention...again. At least Miss Marcel was cool with her on some things. Oh well, at least being in the same class as Lisa was a plus. Ev seen her sitting a few chairs down, giving a wave and a small grin before classes began. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
~Rebecca <3~ - Special Punishment <3
Leave it to Sarina Marcel to chide her on her first day returning to Orean, but a punishment, locking poor, sweet, innocent Rebecca away with a beautiful school maid was a penance for her alleged crimes of a lascivious nature? Please, it felt as though the embittered seraph, about as crotchety as Matty drunk or sober, was outright rewarding her instead of reprimanding her. Fortunately she made it to her Literature Club in due time, yet today's meeting was more of an introduction to the new students and a decision on what book they would be reading and discussing, a draw between Wuthering Heights and Pride and Prejudice, Rebecca seeming to favor both as she enjoyed classic literature. Yea the decision fell upon Heights, a good start to the new year, so after her alleged punishment was done, she would stroll over to her dorm and search for her copy, given her lovable dorm mate Rain hadn't eaten it already, such a quaint appetite he had. But here she was, standing in front of the door that would lead to her fate, a pinewood entry adorned by a gilded knob, which her slender fingers grasped and she pulled back stepping into the room, a hand placed upon her curvy hip as she smiled warmly to the woman awaiting her, Samantha Marcel, sister to Sarina and maid to the school, and my what a lovely dress she wore today, to accompany such an equally lovely face. ~"Ah bonjour Mademoiselle Samantha. <3"~ Sweetly Rebecca purred with a soft giggle, yet with that common hint of intention upon her silky dialect. ~"Your dear sister has arranged some sort of punishment for me to endure for my supposed ill behavior, though I do hope I'm not disturbing you on this wonderful day. Honestly, I believe the woman has me wrongfully accused, don't you? I mean, what could I have done to gain Miss Marcel's ire?"~ Nevertheless it was seen as punishment necessary by the cynical woman, so here was Rebecca having to spend the remainder of her hours...in heaven imprisoned. ~"So, where do I sit? Or is it preferred that I stand for the rest of the day? Either's fine with me, dear."~ <3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Matthias - The Douchebag Aesthetic
Oh sure sure, he could have been the nice guy, the understanding father figure of a teacher and let Hana and Kein have their little yaoi moment together, but that just wasn't Matthias. No, so instead of letting Kein pull the punk-ass hoodlum away from him, Matthias yanked harder on Hana's ear and pulled him away, hot, searing drops of venom still dripping off his parched, dry lips with discord, "You can speak to him tomorrow. Right now, you're ass is mine....not in the way you think you perverted pinhead, so move it!" He shoved the idiot through the door and hurried him down the stairs, parading him through the halls as though he were a brutal prison guard escorting his inmate to the death chamber, might as well. "And here we are, you miserable prick." He snarled just as they reached the door to the art studio. "I gotta say, your abstract work was rather amusing, very Picasso and Warhol inspired. You even added a bit of surrealism what with my desk being smashed and scratched up with pastels, but an artist's work is never done, and neither is yours, dumbass! Now get in there and clean-" But what the hell was this? His...room.. It was...spotless. The lethal lunacy that once existed from Hana's malice inflicted upon his abode....twas as though it never existed in the first place. Was he going mad? Loony? No...no...he was sure just a minute ago this room was practically in horrific shambles, but now.....it was good as new. "But but but but....you're joking..." Gray muttered. His eyes skimmed about the room, and soon they fell harshly upon....some girl standing in the middle of it all. "You there, classes aren't till later this afternoon! Now report to your morning class immediately or I'll have you reported for tardiness!" But maybe she expected some reward for cleaning up the classroom, a real do-gooder eh? "Oh but I suppose I should give you a gold star or something for tidying up this most atrocious mess. Fine, thank you, now get lost! And you twit!" Back on Hana again like the rabid pit-bull he was, even foaming at the mouth with rage, "You should thank this...whoever...for cleaning your little fuck-ups, but you're still in boiling oil. Now go to the Headmistress' office and wait there while I call your parents! Move!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Zac Zac chuckled up at the very tall boy, smiling kindly at him. "Of course, I'm happy to help. No need to swear your first born son to me or anything though." He said with a short outburst of laughter. He coughed a little as he pulled himself together, taking a step back from the giant. "Next stop, the Admin office, someone told me it's just down this hallway here, so you weren't far off." He waved his hand, motioning for Jack to follow him as he walked towards the admin office. He turned around a corner, sighing happily as he found the office. He walked up to the door, knocking on it before rummaging through his bag for his enrollment forms. Rin Rin smiled brightly at the feminine looking boy, skipping over to the table and taking a seat, dropping her bag beside the table. She offered Bride a wide, thankful grin. "Thank you! I didn't think I'd be able to find a table! Oh hey, that rhymed!" The small girl giggled to herself before turning to the other girl that just sat down. "I know right?! English is so boooooring! I'd much rather be playing games. Oh, speaking of games, I know that one!" She said, pointing at Ev's shirt. "Dark Souls! I looooove that game! But, I'm really really really bad at it." She giggled again, bouncing a little in her chair, swaying slightly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Corpus Venenum
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Corpus Venenum

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jack stayed as close to Zac as was practical during the short walk to the office, and breathed an internal sigh of relief once they reached it. He'd been at the school less than an hour, and so far he'd managed to completely forget to check in and get utterly lost. It was a good thing he'd run into a couple of helpful people. He doubted he'd remain this fortunate for the duration of his stay. If normal schools were Hell, then a school for magical beings may very well be a place where the Devil himself would fear to tread. "Thank you very much - there's no way in Hel that I'd have figured out where to go by myself. My sense of direction is...well, it's a better source of laughs than my sense of humor.". "Can I ask your name? I'm Jack, by the way.". This said, Jack extended his hand to the young man.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Corpus Venenum
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Corpus Venenum

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*Nothing Here*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

bride nodded at the girl but then she beganto talk to anotehr girl beside her. Talking about video games, he was clueless with those type of games and well wasnt sure to whether join in the conversation or not. Bride just looked away for a moment and looked back nodding again. The girl who sat down was really bubly and happy, that made Bride gave out a cute giggle in how bubbly she was about games. He just wished enthused by it. So he started to draw on his note book with flowers and that usually stuff.
Hana as he was being pulled away from Kein could see how sad he was, he wanted to know why that he wanted to talk to him like that. It must be important as he never saw Kein like that. "H-heeyy!! That fucking hurts!!" He shouted as. he was pulled through hallways to reach the art room where he left his art at. Though that the art he made was gone, it was a clean and not a single mess peft behind. Like a miracle appeared through the doors. There stood a girl who must cleaned it all... She must have that cleaning skill though. As Matt shouted for her to go he was now facing the wrath ofthe douche. Headmistress, dear god he was in boiling oil defiently. " Shit...But just let you know...My mom has no phone well no house number...you see eh...We not that rich for cashso we cut some losses so I am not sure how you can call her now..." Hana though was telling the truth on that mark, they were not the richest family iwth fourkids to take care off so losses weremade for that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She sighed while walking through the hallways of the school still heating the ear paining music in the background behind her. Slowly the sound of her heels ticking against the floor could be heared echoing through the hallways once again and the music was completly shut off "Finally..." The younger girl didn't seem so innocent as she tought that she would be. It only made her think a little more on how professor Gray would havd handled this situation. He would likely yell at her and get her ass over to the head minister. Now that she was thinking about Gray he already had a customer with him. She wondered what happened to the boy, taking a look wouldn't be to harmfull and the music already stopped so perhaps Gray would even praise her for her work. Even tough a little bird did it for her. She opened up the arts room door but didn't see anything apart from the mess that was made "Hmm must have been pretty wild while I was gone. Lovely first day" She closed the door of the room again and headed towards the teachers lounge again walking past a girl that was going towards the art room for some reason. Well she wasn't gonna say anything it wasn't her deal. She had finished her tea in the teachers lounge and already noticed she was being late for her first lesson. She took a quick look on her schedule and headed out towards the class room. Her first lesson was English, she didn't prepare so much for todays first lesson so it was alright to be a little late. She hurried into the classroom and came to a halt blushing a little when she noticed all the students were here already. Her breathing felt a little heavier then ussual because of all the hurring just now. She took a small moment to take her breath and stood properly before the class now. She spoke up a little getting attention from most of the students chit chatting about "Sorry, sorry. I had to hurry a little but i'm here now so let's start. I'm your new english teacher from now on." She wrote down her name on the chalk board and continued on with her speech "I will be taking shared lessons with the other teachers so you might not have me all the time for the same subjects. My other subjects are math and arts so if you have problems with any of those three you can ask me any time. Any questions?"
She had been spacing out a lot around Rebecca and soon found out that she had already left. Well she would see her soon anyways and this time it didn't feel like she was so in love with her red haired love, but more like her ussual self. She returned to eating all her cakies and took a shower to wash off all the crumbs and everything else that was still sticking on her body. Wearing the amulet was a lot nicer then in her normal form. She felt more human and it wouldn't get her tail all wet. She still hadn't figure out that Rebecca had seen her in her cat form and just asumed she was already wearing the amulet when they met again. She dressed up and did her hair the ussual way. She took of with the sweets in her bag and with her fresh set of Clothes. She was a little late but it probably wouldn't have mattered anyway. Her first lesson was english. She took a seat and looked around her to what they were suppose to be doing. She looked at a girl wearing a fancy dress and decided she would do the same as her. She took out her english book and some crayons. All soon she was scribeling on the front ofher book. The only thing that could be made out of the scribles was hardly a flower with a magical aura of rainbow beams. Her smile became brighter and brighter, she took her book and showed it to the person next to her almost pressing it in her face "Look look, I made this. Do you like it?" She stared at Ev waiting for a reaction from the goth like girl.
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