Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairess
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An involuntary chill ran up her spine as the man stepped closer. Out of pure reflex, she stepped back with her good leg, raising her left arm for a preemptive strike. Experience with the smaller, faster drones had taught her it was best to play defensive, waiting for the foe to overextend itself in the first strike so she could easily side-step and counterattack. Distance control was, in many ways, the best defense against attack. Had she not been bred for complete and utter destruction, she might have questioned why she adopted this mindset in the face of accepting help, but she was in critical condition and her instincts to survive in full force.

That’s when she remembered—she didn’t like the scientists. In fact, there were lots of things she didn’t like. She didn’t like the cold air or the caustic slime irritating her skin; she didn’t like that overactive, furry thing that looked like it might jump and bite at any second; and honestly, she didn’t like the human. Being dependent, forced to trust her body in the hands of one with unknown motives was something she resented.

Nemesis’ face contorted into an expression of pain, and again, she pressed her hand to her head. Why was she thinking such things? Humans were the ones who gave her purpose; they were the reason she existed. She should not be thinking thoughts of rejection—those were contrary to survival. But… the… pressure in her head! What was that feeling! Something inside was screaming at her to tear the man apart right where he stood.

I must… retain clarity. To be distracted is death. Nemesis’ hand clenched into a fist, but it dropped back down to her side. There was something harder in her gaze as she stared back at the man all the same. “I do not require additional attachments at this time. My objective…”

She blinked, realizing that she was giving herself an order, but continued on. “My objective is to survive. Skin damage is irrelevant: warmth and shelter are priority. Assist my movement and take me to warmth and shelter.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

The Cyborgel had completed its reboot and sprung to life. The mechanic clearly brought the Cyborgel back to life though Yuri wondered why.

The Russian continued to stealthily observe. The Cyborgel was at first confused which turned into fear when she backed up against the wall, telling the mechanic not to hurt her. The mechanic took a step forward and offered a hand, asking her name. It was obvious to Yuri the mechanic meant no harm to the newly-booted Cyborgel though the reason still eluded the Russian. Yuri figured whatever it was, it was likely benevolent.

The Revolution could use a person like him. He would be a big help in restoring the trashed Cyborgels. However, he was still Desium Corp. and Yuri had no idea about his loyalty. The Russian wondered if he should show up. He was identified after all and he had a weapon, but then the mechanic could also have.

Putting the thoughts aside for now, Yuri continued to spy on the duo to know what was going to happen next. He'll show up when it is beneficial or necessary.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 13 hrs ago

"Suggest you get in doors. And watch your back. I think you have an enemy out there."

Lexie saw the partially wet male continue on his walk through the diminishing crowds. The rain nor the water on his pants seemed to bother him too much. As for Lexie, she continued her short dash to the entrance of the Subway station nearby and joined the herd of livestock that would travel these dark and danky tunnels on a daily basis.

"Enemy?" she thought to herself as she stood on the escalator that took her down to the Hyper-rail network. "Mery is human. A pawn. Or was he talking about someone else?"

Her skills at sensing other beings wasn't as good as some of the other demons and it was something she could never understand. Maybe in her true form it may be different, but she hadn't changed form in quite a while due to the long hours within the workplace. Still, someone else noticed something and he had this vibe to him that seemed familiar.

"God dammit... I need a fucking break..." she whispered to herself as she bought her fingers up to her eyes and massaged them gently. "Maybe a trip to the Slaying Trench this weekend might sooth me."

The Slaying Trench, a club located deep within the city limits and near impossible to find, that is unless you knew where to find the entrance. It was a place limited to demons and popular for breaking many of the rules set by the humans. The worse part about it was the illegal fights between Cyborgles and Demons. Many of the poor Cyborgels were forcefully programmed to fight each other with refusal being their self termination. Demons seemed to love this, watching these powerful beings reduce themselves down to nothing more than a shell of their former self.

Lexie came to a stop. She looked around at the empty platform that surrounded her and heard a few noises from some teenagers off towards one of the ends. The tunnel's clean tile surface reflected the dim light giving her enough guidance to find a bench to sit on. As she sat there she could see the hologram on the wall indicating that it was only a few minutes until the next train would arrive. A second hologram near by was playing a faint jingle for some candy commercial accompanied with a weird video of dancing pandas.

"Be more careful," she heard in her head as she relaxed, closing her senses off to the world. Her eyes brighten into an emerald green and a couple walking past took a short, second look believing that they were brightly coloured contact lenses. She closed into a slight trance, listening, allowing the world around her to speak it's faint murmurs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Zac looks at the Cyborgel, noting her body language and the unsaid emotion in her eyes. She seems like she's completely out of her element, he thinks. Nodding, he then says, "No problem. I know a place nearby we can use until you're better."

As he walks over to the Cyborgel to help her, he notices Sasha staring intently at a mound of junk, her ears perked and tail raised. "Sasha," he says, catching her attention. Relaxing, her tail waves back and forth as she waits for another order. Zac smiles and steps next to the Cyborgel. "I know you aren't comfortable with me being so close," he says, wrapping her arm around his shoulders, "but bear with me, at least for awhile. Just go ahead and use me as a crutch, alright?"

That said, he begins to lead her back over to the hole in the fence. Sasha takes a couple of steps forward, but turns back toward the scrap heap. While it may look like she's looking at it, she's really looking through it, searching for any evidence of the voices she had heard. Unable to see much, however, she turns back toward her master and the Cyborgel and trots back toward them.

Once through the fence, Zac says, "Since it seems like I might have to help you for a little while, mind telling me what you go by? You can call me 'Zac.'"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairess
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She stopped breathing. The warm shock of the man’s body against her side was nearly enough to make her short-circuit. Never had she been touched in such away, and honestly, she’d forgotten what flesh even felt like. Without her hands, it was only the tops of her limbs in combination with her head and torso that had functional skin. Even if the man’s clothes were wet, she could feel the warm press of his skin beneath the softened fabric. The flesh of his shoulder was firm with an inner softness; it was almost like pressing against a cushioned spring.

Nemesis let out a small huff, shuddering as her nerves came back to life. The man must have known that she was having difficulty standing, much less walking, because his arm wrapped around her back and effectively held her to his side. His hand, coming to rest on her waist, felt like something of a hot beacon. Had he any idea it was the very first time she’d ever felt skin with her own?

He’s so… soft. I do not understand. Organic matter is weak, so easy to tear apart, yet this is the strength delivering me now. Humans were… different up close, that much was becoming clear to her. It took her a moment to regain her senses, but it was much easier to move when she could lean her weight on him, dragging her bad leg between them. Her head was sagging away from the man, and she honestly didn’t have energy to spare in correcting her posture, but the only thing that mattered was that she could see the ground and move accordingly.

She wasn’t eager to go through the fence again, but the human had done a decent job in clearing a path. When they were through it, she felt a new buzz of energy: they were really heading back towards human society. What awaited her amid those strange lights and shadows?

"Since it seems like I might have to help you for a little while, mind telling me what you go by? You can call me 'Zac.'” His tone was still light, almost soothing in its calmness. Then again, he wasn’t in the middle of freezing to death.

“My designation…” Nemesis stopped short, realizing in a spark of thought that her designation, Nemesis, was not actually a name. She’d been called that by the drone testers because she was the “Boss Level,” their literal nemesis. Her purpose no longer seemed to be a nemesis, and thus, her designation was meaningless. If the human was going to help her stumble from the abyss, then—

“Call me by whatever title you deem most fitting… Zac.” She wasn’t sure if Zac was a title of command or one of those personal titles called ‘names,’ but she found she had an inherent liking of its sound. “My former designation no longer serves a purpose in my identification.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Ethan..." The cyborgel panted, her medium-length green hair soaked from the rain and still naked as a newborn baby. Within her eyesight, a small set of pixels twitched. What could that be.... He asked for her name... She...


The answer came automatically and without her permission, no less. Her green eyes jerked to meet his hand, staring at it uncertainly. However, the screen on her eyes read that it was a gesture of... benevolence. Her eyes went to meet his again. This time, she was able to speak without force. "I ... I think my name... is Lee." Something like that. "And I think apart of it is missing..."

Slowly, hesistantly, she draped her hand into his open palm. "I think..." She whispered softly, her head down. "A lot of me is missing."

She then got an eyeful of her naked body. How hadn't she sensed how cold she must be... a draft... anything!? She leaped back, color pooling onto her face as she looked around quickly and pulled a dirty sheet from the bins, knocking several more cans over just as the trashbots arrived.

As she pulled the sheet over her body, her cheeks a swirl of pink and red, litter bugs swarmed the alley. They beeped back and forth as they waved past Ethan and Lee, quickly getting to work with cleaning up the area. One turned the corner and bumped its small body smack into the spying Russian. Scared, it's monitor changed from a :3 to a DX with little cartoon tears pouring down its monitor, letting out a strange bawling sound. It's small robotic arms flailed as it's wheels moved its small body in circles around the spy.

"EEEEeeeEEEeeeEEEeeeEEEeeeEEE!" Almost like an atari trying to convey emotion. Lee looked over, blinking, at the noise.


During her watch, the mutt had come toward the tiny pixiebot.

"Shoo!" She demanded, hands on her hips as she tried to be quiet. "Go away!!"

Still, it watched her, curious. Hmph. It was time to show this dog who's boss. The pixiebot came out of hiding to buzz around the dog, trying to shoo it away.

"Sasha," called the man she was watching. Immediately, the mutt began wagging her tail, effectively catching the pixiebot in its thick husky hairs.

"AAH!!" Mareesa's little voice was small, unheard by the people talking before her. And what's worse, she was tangled in the dogs hairs by her tiny wiring. She fought at first, but her body slumped and she pouted, twinkling softly. It was going to be a long day. At least now she could spy on them more effectively.


"Are you coming?"

A small child tugged on her pant leg, her little eyes full of wonder at the strangers pretty green eyes. "The presentation starts soon!!"

Where the hell were these kid's parents? The little girl had short brown hair and large blue-grey eyes. She was dressed in a Desium Corp private school uniform but surely she couldn't be much older than 5 or 6 years old. Yet still, she stayed there, staring up at Lexie in expectancy.

@Art of Fun

A similar phenomenon was occurring by Kimaris.

Before him, in the middle of the street, stood a child in a little yellow raincoat. Just standing there... staring at him. They hold a small letter in their hands, and seem to be expecting him to come close. The streets were deserted now, and they were alone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by pure493
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Missing a part of herself? Sounds like damage to the information-storage side of her organic motherboard." he thought.

Ethan shook her hand. "Lee. That is a pre-," he started, before she shifted away with an embarrassed look. He saw her stumble over a few trash bins before sweeping a dirty sheet around her bare body.

"Wow. Did she just express embarrassment right now? Cyborgels always come to the repair bay with their clothing stripped and I don't think I have ever seen one express distress at not wearing clothes. Her human-like reactions are incredible!" he thought.

Small litter bots crawled around making beeping and whirling noises as they picked up garbage. Ethan stood there curiously looking at the Cyborgel.

"This would be a pretty unique opportunity. I wonder if I could bring her into the maintenance bay. If I remove the motherboard component and replicate her programming then the findings could take Cyborgels to the next level. Maybe if I publish them I'll be elevated to full citizenship status!" he thought.

He smirked a little as he imagined a life in a sandy paradise. With clean water, clean beaches, real food, real women...

However, his smirk faded into a frown. "But it doesn't seem right. She probably has an owner. I would be doing something illegal. I could end up in prison if Desium Corp OP-SEC knew I altered programming on Corporation property," he thought.

"Plus I dunno it just seems..," He looked at the obviously scared looking figure in front of him. The fact that she was cringing in the back alley, naked and fearful, while all he considered profiting off her, made him feel like a terrible person.

He shook his head. "Man, Ethan snap out of it," he thought. "Remember it is only a biological robot. She is not actually a person. She is not actually conscious. All her actions are programmed reactions. She is only an advanced physical manifestation of a computer program."

As the robots crawled around. Ethan thought through the internal debate over what to do in the situation.

"Bah, I'll just take her to my work station. I'll find some way to fix up the memory issues if I can and maybe replicate her program without dissecting her and feeling so terrible. Not saying I should terrible, but it would rest easier on my conscience if I don't go that way," he thought and sighed.

In the corner Ethan heard the long winded cry of a litter-bot in distress. He ignored it, "Must've run into something. Damn things have some horrible locomotive rendering for trash collectors."

The rain continued to splash onto the ground around them. Ethan slicked a hand through his now thoroughly drenched hair. "Now how to get her to come with me?" he thought.

Ethan came up with an idea. "Um.. Cyborgel Lee," he began. "You need to uhhh...accompany me to a station for immediate maintenance and repairs. Please uh.. follow me for uh.. transportation tot he nearest maintenance bay.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


That was the Cyborgel's name.


That was the mechanic's name.

With those in mind, Yuri continued to observe. Lee the Cyborgel almost took Ethan's hand but then she caught a glimpse of her naked body. She jerked backward in embarrassment and hastily took a dirty sheet from the garbage bins, knocking several more cans over just as the trashbots arrived. The litter bots beeped back and forth as they waved past the mechanic and the Cyborgel, quickly getting to work with cleaning up the area.

One turned the corner and bumped its small body smack into Yuri, startling him. Scared, it's monitor changed from a ':3' to a 'DX' with little cartoon tears pouring down its monitor, letting out a strange bawling sound. It's small robotic arms flailed as it's wheels moved its small body in circles around the Russian. "EEEEeeeEEEeeeEEEeeeEEEeeeEEE!" The robot screeched while giving away Yuri's position.

"Shhhh! SHHHHH!" Yuri tried to silence the litter bot, trying to catch it so it could not attract more attention. As he tried to, Yuri accidentally followed it to the open and revealed himself to Ethan and Lee. The Russian mentally banged his head to the wall for making such a mistake but outside, he kept his cool.

With little option left, he slowly aimed his pistol at the duo and stayed silent. Their next action would determine if they were harmless or not.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 13 hrs ago

A crowd roared in glee as two Cyborgels fought for their lives, pounding each other with their fists in the desprate attempt to avoid their own deaths. The monsters upon the ledges above threw down words of slander and sin, commanding their minions to complete their betrayal. A few of these monsters were large enough to stand over a home, while others were mere toys compared to the rest, but each one had the same right fist in the air and each one shouted the word "Kill" over and over again.

"Look at the bitch down there," spoke a partially green haired female who was sitting upon the edge with her feet dangling down the side wall. Her boots were tapping against the steel corrugated surface in an almost rhythmic tune while next to her laid a large dog like beast. He sat there analysing the scene before growling a confident response.

"She's weak. A medical Cyborgel. She has no chance again.s.t..."

His voice was cut off by the sight of the female Cyborgel's fist cracking against the throat of it's opponent. The male she was fighting dropped to the ground struggling to breathe and as he laid there the now victor leaned over, placed her hand on the back of his head, and ripped out the motherboard circuit within. A screeching, electronic cry of a dying bot echoed within the cage walls and the poor girl dropped to her knees in sadness.

Lexie watched the scene as she bought up a bottle of wine to her lips and took a large gulp. She was pleased, no, ecstatic, about her prediction and she could sense the companion next to her was pissed at his failed reasoning. The girl below sat there crying at the life she had took. Suddenly her neck twisted in a lightning fashion so that the girl stared straight into Lexie's eyes. Slowly she examined Lexie, tilting her head over to the side so that it appeared in the most unnatural of positions. It rotated beyond a 90 degree angle, enough to break any living creature's spine before speaking out in a possessed baby like voice,
"The presentation starts soon!!"

Lexie blinked suddenly in shock, only to see a small child dressed in a Desium Corp school uniform. She looked at the environment around her noticing that she was still within the cold subway. Her memories, they didn't feel right, almost tampered with as if someone was spying on them. Worse of all, she had no idea where this child came from or what she meant by 'presentation'.

"I have a letter," the child spoke out as she lifted her hand up with an offering of paper and writing. Slowly Lexie raised her hand and watched her fingers pinch the corner of the envelope, allowing it to fall limp within her grasp. She looked past the paper to see the girl had disappeared.

"Where did she go?"

"You going to open it already?!?" a voice chuckled to Lexie's side. As she shifted her eyes to see who was occupying the seat next to her she saw the same school uniform and cheesy grin child staring right at her. The girl kneeled on the bench in anticipation disobeying all rules of seating etiquette and somehow moved into that position faster than a second hand on a clock.

As Lexie stared at the child she crept her fingers along the edge until she came across a seem and plucked open the the folds to reveal it's inner contents.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Art of Fun
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Art of Fun oh dear

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

This was not the most unusual thing to happen to Kimaris in all his existence, but it was somewhat noteworthy in terms of events within the day. A long time ago, this might have surprised Kimaris. Now it was 'normal'. The demon approached the child at a steady pace, staring down at their small and yellow-clad form sceptically. His lethargic stare went straight into a dangerous glare, hands remaining in his pocket. "You have something for me, 'child'?" He knew better than to think this thing was really a child. No, children did not appear from where there was nothing prior. They were rarely so quiet of light footed that he could not identify them from a mile away.

Someone else was at work here, and they wanted Kimaris' attention. One of his colleagues perhaps? No, no. They would be more direct and go through his attendant, there is no need for this level of odd theatrics or secrecy with him. Even stranger though, who would want anything to do with him outside of his colleagues? Darn strange. Either way he had little to fear from whoever sent this child, or the child its self. He was Kimaris after all, and anyone with a memory long enough to remember the forming of the New Society knew that attacking Kimaris was like running head first into a truck-

Not wise at all.

Reaching a hand out of his pocket, he snatched the letter from the suspicious little thing's hands, peering it over.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Zac looks at Nemesis for a few moments. The last time he had to give someone/thing a name was when he found Sasha, but that was a completely different matter altogether. As far as he was concerned, due to the feeling he had had since he was a child, that Cyborgels were more than what they seemed, he was about to name a full-grown woman. Well, if she wants to move on from her past, whatever that was, he thinks, and me giving her a new name would help with that, then who am I to argue?

He stays quiet for the rest of the walk, mulling over what to name her. Meanwhile, Sasha, unaware of the unintentional hitchhiker now caught in her fur, trots alongside Nemesis, her tail wagging as she looks up at the Cyborgel.

Eventually, they reach an old, abandoned office building. Zac helps Nemesis sit down against the far wall, well away from the window, and shrugs off his rifle and backpack. As he opens his bag and pulls out a folded blanket, Sasha sits next to Nemesis, as if waiting for an order that would let her help the Cyborgel. After laying the unfolded blanket on top of Nemesis, he sits next to her and asks, "How does the name 'Alexis' sound?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairess
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“Alexis?” The name sounded foreign on her tongue. She closed her eyes and leaned her head against the wall, as if considering it. In truth, she was simply drinking in the fact that her skin was no longer being soaked by freezing rain. Before actually forming an opinion of the name, she used her good arm to unfold the blanket, spreading it over her body as she pulled her knees in close.

It was a strange little huddle, but it more or less worked to trap what little body heat she was producing. To accelerate the process, she nudged closer to Zac, brushing her skin and scraps of clothing against his side. "Alexis is acceptable.” In fact, anything was acceptable as long as he would be her personal heater.

Panting from the other creature next to her made her eyes narrow. “What is that thing?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The pixiebot remained quiet, turning her eyes to the two and listening intently. As quietly as she could with this gOD DAMN DOG WAVING HER ABOUT. Then she was thumped to the ground. G-guh... at last... now she could escape... She wriggled through the fine hairs, struggling with her escape.

@Art of Fun@NuttsnBolts


'Company Associates,

There is urgent business in the city square. Report immediately to this vicinity in the best attire you can manage on such short notice. A presentation will be made to the public in address of the newest Mechangels technology. It is up to us to keep the public happy.

Revlis Tongs
Desium Corp President.'

@Art of Fun
The child watched, waiting for the demon to finish his readings. Then, satisfied, the child turned and ran... straight into oncoming traffic. The umbrella they were carrying goes flying.... and the blood is washed into the gutter.

"You done reading now?" The peppy school girl popped off the bench, her eyes ecstatic. The subway roared as it began to draw nearer to the station. "That's good. I have to go now. Bye-bye!" The school girl ran for the tracks just as the train had come. She leaped straight into it's path, the crowd waiting for the subway gasped and covered their mouths as blood sprayed against their faces. Shocked. A distraction to give the demoness room to leave without notice.


"...?" Lee cocked her head to the side and raised an eyebrow. "What do any of those words mean, Ethan?" Clearly she was confused. His big words didn't mean a thing to her and that was obvious. Then someone came out from the edge of the alley.

As Lee turned her head and looked at him, her pupils shrank. In the screen over her eyes, her sights narrowed in on the gun and read: Hostile.

The rain stopped.

It hung in the air just as it had been a moment before, but it remained still. Time seemed to slow, but it all happened so quickly.

Lee's hand lashed out, and in suit, the rain followed, forming an extended arm to lash the gun from the spys hand. Her other hand moved in response, like a coordinated dance, the rain would mold around Yuri's body and hold him up in the air.

Her arms stilled. Her eyes were blank but distantly focused. Behind her, her green hair seemed to give the illusion of being longer... She had reacted entirely on instinct but... Her eyes widened, life returning to them. The rain started up again, continuing to fall as it should have. As she pulled back, so would the spy fall. She stared at her hands, more terrified than ever.

She looked to Ethan, her gaze full of deathly fear.

"What am I?!"

[ABILITY UNLOCKED: Hydrokinesis]
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Feeling Alexis lean close to him, Zac can't help but feel his cheeks warm up, strangely enough. However, not sayign anything, he gently lays his arm across her shoulders, deciding it would help her warm up faster. Hearing her question, he looks at Sasha and chuckles. "That's my dog and partner in crime, Sasha," he says.

Clicking his tongue, Sasha happily stands and trots around to his other side, where he scratches her behind the ear. "She's been with me ever since I found her a few months ago. When I found her, she was starving and running a fever. I nursed her back to health and she's been at my side ever since."

Sasha then leans over Zac's chest and lightly licks Alexis' cheek. Zac chuckles and says, "I think she's taken a liking to you, already."

As he gently strokes the dog's back, a thought occurs to him. Looking down at the Cyborgel huddled against his side, he asks, "So, uh, do you need to eat? Like, for fuel or anything? Because, I have some bread in my backpack you're more than welcome to."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 13 hrs ago

The smell of blood filled the air as the train's brakes screamed to a halt. These weren't the only screams that could be heard within the underground platform as people in shock rushed over to the edge in an attempt to try and save the poor girl... but their efforts were futile. There was barely any body mass left to be saved and that's when the feelings of chaos and horror filled the air. People looked around to determine where it was that the girl came from and who it was that spoke to her last, but all they could see was an empty bench.

Lexie had used the distraction to quickly plan an escape. She knew that going back through the station would only lead to crowds of people that would hoard her attempts of making it to the streets on time, so instead she leapt onto the adjacent train line and fled her way up one of the tunnels. A short time later she had managed to safely reach the end and walked out into the open air.

The rain was still falling down, but within this particular area it seemed to have eased off to a light shower. Using her time wisely Lexie made her way across the tracks to the closest roadway, within her hands were her shoes that she had taken off earlier to make it easier to walk along the blue metal grounding.

Acting swiftly she followed the fence line along the edge of the tracks until she came across a gated area that opened out to the free world. She looked down and grabbed the padlock, giving it a tight squeeze. Her eyes changed colour, her hair spouted extensions of green, and a shadow swirled around her body to change into a dark, leather dress. Instantly the padlock exploded into a shower of fragments allowing her access back to the streets. Lexie breathed out slowly and watched the small changes loose their colour before they dropped to the ground and shattered into a million pieces. The slight smell of sulfur filled the air as Lexie proceeded through the gateway.

Stepping back into her shoes, dusting herself off and holding her folder tightly within her grasp, Lexie walked ahead and followed the group that was making it's way towards the city square.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ruki
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Ruki The Digimon Queen

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Water drops ran down pale flesh, washing away dirt and blood as if the sky itself was crying for the broken thing tossed to the side of the road and forgotten about. If it wasn't for the two large ashen wings noting the object without a doubt as a cyborgel, one would assume the broken and charred body lying in the ally was the victim of a murder instead of garbage which long outlived its use.

A small black cat emerged from a nearby dumpster, the heavy rain making the feline look more like a drowned rodent as the mangy fur clung desperately to its half-starved body. Dangling from its maw was a limp white noodles thrown away from the Chinese restaurant two blocks down. Brushing against the trash before darting into the street, the cat didn't notice as the eyes of an object believed to be dead begin to crack open.

The eyes were a brilliant red, although the left eye appeared to be malfunctioning as the red light flickered erratically only to stop when gravity took over and the cyborgel fell forward, its face meeting the ground. A groan of pain which sounded eerily human emitted from the cracked lips of the cyborgel.

The cyborgel stayed there for a good 30 seconds or so before finally struggled pushing itself up with its left arm, the right arm hanging uselessly, swinging slightly as gravity made a mockery of it and the cyborgel. After the body shook and struggled as it attempted to get back to the sitting position it had been before it awakened against all conceivable odds, it gave out causing another crash to the ground.

The cyborgel's chest moved up and down, laboring for breath as the red eyes flicked around the ally as if it was searching for something - anything - to assist it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Yuri's threat was a poor choice as the rain suddenly stopped for a brief moment before Lee lashed out, and in suit, the rain followed, forming an extended arm to lash the gun off Yuri's hand. Her other hand moved in response, like a coordinated dance, the rain would mold around the Russian's body and hold him up in the air.

Her arms stilled. Her eyes were blank but distantly focused. Seconds later her eyes widened, life returning to them. The rain started up again, continuing to fall as it should have. As she pulled back, Yuri fell to the wet ground. The Russian's body was a little sore from being gripped but he was stupefied at the ability of the Cyborgel.

Yuri took a moment to process what had happened to him. A smile formed in his face as he marveled at the power of the Cyborgels. "Haaaahahahaha!" The Russian let out a hearty laugh as he got up. "Angel of Heaven indeed!" He complemented Lee as he picked up his gun. "How humanity managed to defeat you is beyond me."

Holstering his weapon, Yuri approached the duo while putting his hands in the air. "Worry not, I am not your enemy."

The Russian sized up Lee before looking at Ethan. "You are lucky, my friend, to have found such a fine angel. I assume you are going to keep her?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by pure493
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Ethan saw the dots of Lee’s eyes shrink. She raised a hand to the back side of the alley.

“I didn’t say anything wrong di-?” he thought when he felt the rain suddenly stop pouring.

“Wha-?” he thought when the water droplets fell not down but flew to the side. He felt the sudden rush of the liquid particles against his face, as they flew in the direction of Lee’s hand.

“Whoa shoot!” he yelled as he tripped backwards on a garbage bag.

The impact hurt and Ethan’s sense of smell was violated by the smell of rotten food and other nauseatingly noxious odors.

“Ow..,” he thought and rubbed his head.

“Lee I do not mean you harm!” he yelled out.

At that moment he heard the sound of wet footsteps approach him.

A heavily accented voice croaked, "Angel of Heaven indeed! How humanity managed to defeat you is beyond me."

The approaching figure became clearer as he stepped into the light. It was a man in a yellow rainsuit with a pistol in his hand."Worry not, I am not your enemy.You are lucky, my friend, to have found such a fine angel. I assume you are going to keep her?"

Ethan looked at the man in the rainsuit. His eyes widened as he holstered his pistol. “Oh crud,” Ethan thought. Only one kind of person carried those old weapons. “He’s a revolutionary, one of the crazies.”

“Look man, I don’t really want trouble around here. I’m just a honest mechanic doing my job,” Ethan replied.

His thoughts raced with what he should do. “I can’t send out an emergency call to police. If they took Lee and knew I’d tampered with programming…” he thought. The image of visored and emotionless faces of Desium OPSEC personnel flashed in his head.

“Lee, come with me,” he whispered towards her, his eyes still looking at the man’s pistol.

He stressed out. “Dude, I’m just gonna go and get this unit to a repair station. I don’t really have anything to do with your conflict with Desium Corp. Just trying to make an honest living, “ he said and started walking back towards his hoverbike.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago



The tiny scream came from a tiny body on Sasha's tail. The mini robot had little tears of frustration pouring down her face. She looked to Zac, all but completely throwing away her mission objective. "Get me out of this... MUTT! UGH!" With the stupid dog's wagging, now her wires were even MORE tangled than before and she had had it.


Many demons in human glamour were busy running around the town square, helping to set up what seemed to be a grand stage with a large sheet over what must be the new Mechangel prototype they planned to unveil. But why at such short notice? As soon as she arrived someone from her work ushered, or more appropriately, pushed, her up the stairs to the stage to help out with the final preparations, a make up artist tittering around her to make her look more presentable for cameras that were also being set up. This presentation was apparently some kind of big deal... but why wouldn't Lexie have heard about this? Why the short notice?


The small cat's eyes finally caught the slight movement of the person under the trash. Dropping its noodles, it curiously came closer to crouch down nearby the figure, its amber eyes wide in anticipation. It's small tails edge ticked with interest. Then, working up its courage, it padded a bit closer to the figure to press its wet nose to the pale cheek it bore, and then rubbing its entire body against the figure's face. It knows too well that surely, food will be received in reward to its silent plea.


Lee's head was spinning. What did she just do? What did that man just say she was? As the man that called himself 'Ethan' began walking back to his bike, she clenched her fists.

"Wait!" She called, surprisingly out of breath. Her chest moved with breath, each movement emitting a platonic 'whirrrr' of internal machinery. As she looked to Ethan, her green eyes were wide in concern, confusion, and a bit of fear. She pointed to Yuri.

"This man... he knows what I am!" She paused to look at Yuri. "Y-You know what I am right?" Then she turned back to Ethan, not waiting for an answer. "I want to take this man with us! He knows what I am... He can tell me as you... repair... uh.... me....." Her words trailed off and she looked down as though trying to understand what 'repair' even meant.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairess
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Alexis’ face distorted into disgust as the thing’s tongue oozed across her cheek. She promptly leaned away, raising her good arm to push the creature back. The fact that she now had something in common with the mutt—that being rescued and nursed by Zac—made her even more upset. She didn’t want to be lost without a human, but she couldn’t imagine a reality without them. In a world without humans, she couldn’t be repaired. In a world without human, what was there to do but rot and wait for death anyways?

When Zac mentioned food, she gazed curiously at him. “My diet consists of nutritional supplement bars from the lab. Does ‘bread’ fall under the category of one of those?” Something told her it was different, hence the name, but she had, on occasion, seen some of the scientists eat before. They had various… crumbly things or soft puffs of stuff that didn’t resemble bars at all. If they could consume such things, there was no reason she couldn’t, though she wasn’t particularly sure if she wanted to try.

However, before Zac could answer, a tiny voice sounded from the dog’s tail. Something hot sparked within Alexis, and she was Nemesis again, glaring at the tiny robot. The first thing that came to her mind was, spy, and the next was destroy. She jerked forward under Zac’s arm, clumsily leaning over his lap as she tried to grasp the invader—presumably to crush it thereafter.
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