Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Players and characters

Character sheet

Age: 10 - 20 years
  • General build, height, weight, skin complexion, ...
  • Facial structure, scars, tattoos, details, …
  • Clothing, accessories, …
  • Body language
  • Pictures are fine but try ones with more than just a face

  • Childhood
  • Education
  • Work

At the start of the game

What can they do that a commoner can’t
  • Martial arts
  • Survival skills
  • First aid

What do they carry that normal people leave home most of the time
  • Goggles
  • Weapons

Anything and everything that doesn’t go anywhere else
  • Voice actor
  • Theme
  • ...

  • Impressions of other characters
  • Family
  • ...

Everyone starts as a rookie.

Apparent gender:



Digivolution line:
If you wish for this to be a surprise, PM this to one of the GMs for approval[noparse]
  • Fresh:
  • In-training:
  • Rookie:
  • Champion:
  • Ultimate:
  • Dark ultimate:
  • Slide ultimate: Optional
  • Mega:
  • Dark mega:
  • Slide mega: Optional

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Katakon
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Digidestined Name: Annaliese Kaufmann Age: 12 Gender: Female Crest: Wrath Nationality: German Appearance: History: Annaliese has lived a mostly poor life. As an Orphan from birth, she spent the first of her years in an Orphanage in Berlin. Her mother, who died in childbirth due to several complications, had enough time to name her child before she passed away. When she was about eight, she was adopted by a well-to-do family. Despite the ringing sounds of “well-to-do” she was mostly made to work around the house when she wasn’t schooling, like a servant. There, other servants tried to help her as well, but after a swift talk with the Kaufmann’s that changed quickly and they merely encouraged her to work harder. Unknown to Annaliese, her adoptive parents feel that making her work around the house will build character. They don’t hate her, or at least openly admit it. Annaliese sees this otherwise, however. Personality: At home, Annaliese is a well-mannered yet submissive girl who wouldn’t dare say anything that is out of line with her adoptive parents’ wishes. She almost never smiles and when she does, it has nothing to do with any of the people there. At school her personality does a 180. She speaks what she wants, when she wants. To the other students at least. Nothing that could possibly get her in trouble with her parents. Through ridicule and teasing from here peers as a child, Anna developed a more aggressive personality with others that were not figures of authority. That being said, she enjoys time outside of the home and allots just enough time for her to finish her chores at home before needing to sleep. She figures her parents believe that she is in a number of extracurriculars when she shows up home late. If not for fear of punishment, she would speak out against her parent's behaviors. Trivia - Theme: Youtube Relationships: N/A Digimon Species: Tinkermon Nickname: N/A Apparent gender: Female Appearance: Personality: To start, she is a bit of a mischievous fairy, however as she begins to evolve she becomes more serious going up the line, but as a base, she is a bit silly and at least likes to crack a joke or two. Attacks: Speedy Nightmare: A rapid flourish of attacks from Tinkermon’s spears. Digivolution line:
  • Fresh: YukimiBotamon
  • In-training:Puttimon
  • Rookie:Tinkermon
  • Champion: Darcmon
  • Ultimate:Angewomon
  • Dark ultimate: LadyDevimon
  • Slide ultimate:
  • Mega: Ophanimon
  • Dark Mega: Ophanimon Falldown Mode
  • Side Mega:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
Avatar of Forsythe

Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

”There are two kinds of pride, both good and bad. 'Good pride' represents our dignity and self-respect. 'Bad pride' is the deadly sin of superiority that reeks of conceit and arrogance.” - John C. Maxwell

Name: Nonna Anatolyevna Ivanova
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Crest: Pride
Nationality: Russian
Nonna is an average looking woman, circa 173 centimeters tall. Coming from the port of Murmansk in the cold Siberia, her complexion is fairly pale. The girl weighs around 65 kilograms, yet doesn’t look overweight, but rather imposing.

Nonna comes from a relatively wealthy family with a military tradition reaching as far back as the Tsars. Her father always had a lot of goals for her to reach, and she could never shake the feeling that he always wanted a son instead. However she was able to meet the expectations put into her and eventually even set higher goals for herself. Nonna become determined to succeed in everything she set her mind to.

As expected in her family she joined the armed forces, being trained as a helicopter pilot. She is also rather successful in her hobbies, being a fan of chess, poker and above all else, fencing.

Due to her upbringing, Nonna is well mannered and won’t shy from anyone. That however doesn’t mean you are going to like what she says to you. She is downright cold most of the time, but under the ice is a heart. Normal people and their problems don’t interest her as much, but if you have something special or even unique about you, she just might come talk to you.

Her friends she considers family and will do much for them, but if you get on her bad side, you’ll find out why Stalingrad still strikes fear to the hearts of Germans to this day. Her biggest flaw would be her pride.

In her free time, she likes to equally engage both her body and her mind. A bit 'damaged' by her family's social status, she is slightly above the amusement of the 'peasants', choosing a bit eccentric - and expensive - hobbies.

She treats Pawnchessmon with respect and as an equal partner, both of them striving to be the best they can be. They both would have liked it better if they could do that in their own, but they grudgingly acknowledge their partnership makes both of them much stronger.

Fencing: Nonna has been training her swordsmanship since her early teens, becoming rather proficient with the weapon.
Tactician: Trained by chess, poker and military, Nonna can usually come up on top of statistically stronger opponents due to her admittedly ruthless plans.

Whenever she passes into the digital world, she appears with a sword with the scabbard held on her belt. Her digivice is fused into the hilt of the sword.

  • Voice actor: Marina Devyatova
  • Theme: Youtube
  • She is disgusted by anything lower than a fish on the evolution scale and downright scared of spiders.
  • Nonna always keeps her hands and mouth busy.
  • She speaks fluent English albeit with a thick accent, but when zoning out or under strong emotion, she tends to slip back to Russian.



Species: Pawnchessmon (Black)
Apparent gender: Female
Appearance: See the wiki link
Pawnchessmon is a rather silent character, preferring to let the much more self confident Nonna to do the talking. Her faceless appearance also doesn't exactly help, and she could be mistaken for a statue for most of the time.

She is fiercely loyal to Nonna, to the point of following her and her commands even if she doesn't agree with them, because she considers her partner to be the 'king' piece on the board. Also, as a digimon taking on characteristics of a footman, she doesn't have too much qualms with using deadly force when necessary.

Her own ambitions are obstructed in mystery even to her partner, but she chose Nonna because she believes the girl can give her the strength to become the queen - the most powerful piece on the board.

In her later digivolutions, Pawnchessmon's moral compass starts improving, although as she enters the ranks of chess nobility, she isn't able to acquire black and white look on the world, always in need of intrigues. She does however get the strong urge to protect her own side in the conflict. When biomerged with Nonna as Queenchessmon, she is a very formidable opponent, strong both in body and in mind, and completely unforgiving of anything and anyone who crosses her path or touches anything dear to her.

  • Pawn Spear: Stabs with her spear.
  • Pawn Buckler: Charges with her buckler held up.
  • Pawn Lightning: Fires a shockwave with a lightning fast strike.
  • Vpered!: Pawnchessmon’s first move is made at double its normal speed.
  • En passant: Pawnchessmon can catch an enemy that is just entering the battle by surprise and cripple them.
  • Promotion: Pawnchessmon gains mega-class power for a single strike, provided she is located behind the target’s back. This depletes her power completely and resets her into a Fresh if the target is Champion or Ultimate, or to a Digi-Egg if the target is a Mega.

Digivolution line:

  • Voice actor: Emily Marie Neves
  • The Mon never seems to get easy, always standing in attention and alert even when asleep.
  • She doesn't understand the human obsession with bacon.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Name: Ellen Hawkes
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Crest: Gluttony
Nationality: English
Ellen is very short, 5'4" to be exact. She's also incredibly plump; with broad, square shoulders, fat thighs, quite a large and somewhat sagging chest for someone her age, and a rounded and child-like face. She's mostly pale as she doesn't get much sunlight, though her cheeks and nose are a contrastingly bright red as if she has a constant cold.

Her blonde hair is just over shoulder length and is often tied up into two twin plaits, adding to Ellen's child-like look. She also wears a pair of thick-framed black glasses. Her eyes are greyish blue.

Ellen tends to wear dark and dulled colours, and like wears long dresses, usually of a dark blue. She always wears black leggings underneath as she feels too self-conscius about her legs to have them bare or wear tights, plus it's warmer. She also have an oversized green hoodie, second-hand from her mother, which she always wears over the top. When she's outside by herself, she'll most likely have the hood up. She also likes wearing boots as opposed to regular shoes.

Ellen was diagnosed with Aspergers at a very early age and, ever since, her parents have been somewhat protective of her, and also tend to spoil her immensely. It didn't help that Ellen's primary school didn't really have much of a special needs program and, even after her diagnosis, Ellen was constantly picked on by the teachers because she either didn't understand certain things (and was too shy to ask for them to be explained) and because Ellen would often daydream in the middle of class. Ellen also had no friends at her primary and was often picked on by a group of boys, who often made fun of her. It got so bad, Ellen started missing days off school. It got a little better towards the end of Ellen's Primary, thanks to talking with the teachers, but Ellen still got picked on occasionally and she had no friends to talk to or back her up.

Things were much better for Ellen in secondary school, as they actually HAD a special needs department at the school that were able to give her the support she needed, and she even made a small group of friends... but by that point, the damage to her self-esteem was done. She remained very nervous and introverted, and could be incredibly dependent on her friends.

This dependence actually caused one of her friends, a girl named Darcy who Ellen had considered her best friend, to drift away from her as she found their relationship 'suffocating'. This happened when Ellen was thirteen and caused to have nervous breakdown, in which she had to take many days off school. During this time, she was taken to therapy, where she diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and put on anti-depressants to help her cope. They did help, but they tried to send Ellen back to school, all of Ellen's friends were avoiding her, and a group of bullies had started picking on Ellen, saying she was 'schizo', among with other insults. Ellen's parents quickly pulled her out of school. They tried to send her to another school, but this didn't last long and Ellen has since been home-schooled. She's happier and more comfortable now, but has become incredibly lonely as well, seeking the company of children around her own age.

Personality: Ellen is a somewhat shy girl, but still relatively easy to get along with if one can put up with her somewhat clingy tendencies. Having very few friends and often viewed as an outcast by her peers at school, Ellen has a tendency to latch onto anyone who shows her the slightest amount of kindness, immediately viewing that person as a friend. She's a people pleaser, often doing everything she can to make sure that everybody likes her. If someone criticises her or dislikes something about her, she'll always view it as her fault and will do all she can to improve herself.

In fact, Ellen tends to think many things are her fault, and has quite the guilt complex, apologising for every little thing she has done wrong. This is due to the fact that Ellen suffers from anxiety and depression, both of which she's currently taking medication for, and when she's not wallowing in self-pity, she's getting incredibly worried and upset over tiny things. She's often worried, worrying about events in the future and constantly looking for a way out. In the end, however, she usually ends up ignoring her problems, hoping they'll go away on their own. In short, she's a huge coward, and when faced with a particularly difficult (or boring) task, she'll often retreat into her own little world, daydreaming and hiding in books and TV shows.

The only things that make Ellen somewhat happy and content are her family, the various TV shows, movies, anime and video games she likes to read, watch or play, and, of course, food. Ellen eats all the time if there's food around and her parents constantly have to buy snack food for her. When there isn't snack food, she'll even scrounge up bits of bread or cheese. Eating or drinking gives her this slight positive boost in her mood, and she often makes it through the long tedious school days by thinking "at least we're having [insert delicious food here] for supper tonight". Her dependence on food can actually be pretty concerning, as she gets hungry easily and if she gets hungry, she'll get more emotional than normal, sometimes even grumpy and unfriendly. It's something her parents have tried to address multiple times as, along with medication, Ellen also goes to counselling, and her parents have often asked Ellen's counsellor to address this issue. At the moment, though, they have made little progress.

- Cooking: as someone who loves food, Ellen has learnt to cook and she's fairly good at it.
- Memory: Ellen has a good memory for detail. She can remember and even quote from the various books and comic books she's read. She can remember important details from the plot of her favourite TV series, anime and movies that she's sure will be important later. However, this memory only seems to extend to things she has an interest in. In the case of her school work, using classical history as an example, she can remember the names of all the Greek Gods, their Roman counterparts, various myths surrounding them and how this hero is related to that deity ect. But ask her about the architecture of a Roman city or the findings in Pompeii? She won't be able to tell you much.

Equipment: Often carries her anti-depressants around with her, as well as a mobile phone to contact her Mum, Dad and her therapist, and a glasses case.

- Ellen's voice actor would be Sarah Williams (e.g. the English voice of Sayaka Miki from Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
- Ellen has Aspergers, which is the root of her social awkwardness and causes her to lose focus from time to time, often going into a daydream.
- Due to the fact that most of those who have picked on her in the past have been males, Ellen is very nervous around boys and finds it difficult to understand them.
- While she loves pretty much most food, she can't stand any form of pork, be it bacon or sausages. She far prefers beef, lamb, chicken or duck.

Impressions of other characters:
- Lopmon: Thinks he's adorable and constantly makes fun of his overly-serious attitude. She's not entirely sure about what to think about them being partners for life, and while she does like him, she isn't sure what to make of him.
- Annelise: Will probably want to be her friend the moment she sees her, regardless of how Annelise treats her in return.
- Tinkermon: Will probably think she's incredibly cute, but might be a little nervous around her.
- Derek: Will very likely be nervous of him as he's a boy.
- Syakomon: Might find him a little frightening at first, though in the end might consider him cute.
- Gavin: Will very likely be nervous of him as he's a boy, though she may try to reach out to him because he likes reading so much.
- Labramon: Ellen has had some bad experiences with dogs in the past and will most likely be afraid of him.
- Sarah Hawkes (mum): Ellen loves her dearly and considers her pretty much the ultimate role-model. Sarah also loves her daughter, but is always constantly concerned for her and this has taken a slight toll on her health.
- Bryan Hawkes (dad): Ellen loves him too, though can get nervous around him from time to time due to his temper. Bryan loves his daughter, but sometimes get frustrated with her for not trying harder to get along with others. This might be because he sees a lot of himself in her.
- Janene Grace (maternal grandmother): Ellen loves her but is irritated with how she's always asking about school. Likes going over to her house because she doesn't cook and often orders takeout. Janene, for one, loves her granddaughter and doesn't seem to notice when Ellen gets frustrated with her.
- Nina Hawkes (paternal grandmother): Ellen and Nina like each other but, as Ellen hadn't spent much time with Nina, they're kind of distant, and Nina often thinks Ellen might be a little lazy and needs to contribute more.


Species: Lopmon
Nickname: N/A
Apparent gender: Male
Personality: In contrast to his partner, Lopmon is a very proud and opinionated little creature, though he's not much of a talker either. He has this silent confidence that is almost aggressive in its intensity and may even have been considered threatening... except for the fact that he's a little pink bunny rabbit, in which case his arrogant and overly serious nature tends to come off as comedic and perhaps even pompous more than anything else. Still, he seems to care deeply about his partner and, upon the very moment he meets her, is completely loyal to her, though not blind to her weaknesses. He can sense her fear and fragility and tries to make up for it by trying to turn himself into her knight in shining armour. And, as he progresses through his digivolutions, he's likely to become more and more chivalrous, though also more aggressive and overprotective. Time will tell how this pans out for him and Ellen.

Petit Twister - Causes a small-sized tornado by making both his ears like propellers.
Blazing Ice - Fires a burst of cold air, capable of slightly freezing an enemy
Lop Punch - Slaps enemy with ears.

Digivolution line:
Fresh: Conomon
In-training: Kokomon
Rookie: Lopmon
Champion: Turuiemon
Ultimate: Antylamon (Data)
Dark ultimate: Antylamon (Virus)
Mega: Cherubimon (Virtue)
Dark mega: Cherubimon (Vice)

- His voice actor would be Freddy Highmore (e.g. the voice of Pantalaimon from The Golden Compass)

- Ellen: Completely devoted to protecting her, though he's not sure why he feels this way. He only knows that it's something he's meant to feel.
- Annelise: Will probably be wary of her if Ellen is getting friendly with her.
- Tinkermon: Will probably think she's childish and ignore most of the time.
- Derek: Will probably discourage Ellen from having anything to do with him.
- Syakomon: Will most likely ignore him as well.
- Gavin: Will be wary of him, though less so than the other two.
- Labramon: Will do his best to make sure Ellen doesn't have to get too close to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by zaga2575


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Digidestined Name: Caelyn Tanzer
Age: 17 years
Gender: Male
Crest: Greed
Nationality: English
Caelyn has been an only child his whole life. Not ever knowing what it was like to share any of his possessions. His parents are wealthy real estate tycoons who did not have time to spend with Caelyn during his childhood. Their answer to the dilemma was to hire a nanny to raise him, and drown him in material possessions. Caelyn's parents knew that they were wrong in being consumed with work, but they made it right by buying him anything he wanted. Caelyn went through 7 dogs in six months because it did not suit him.

Caelyn's has been in boarding school since the age of 5. Anytime he ever needed anything he just threw money at it until it was achieved, or went away. Until one day when he started being bullied. Caelyn had never felt such utter humiliation as he did when he was pantsed. From that day on when he was 9 until now he has focused on martial arts. His parents hiring him a teacher of course. They spared no expense and flew in a Kendo master from Japan. Caelyn had always been one to quit things that were hard. But he knew he had to make that bully pay. He enjoyed being the feared student at the school. He always had to have his way and this would go that way as well. When he was 14 Caelyn heard word that the bully was about to move away, so he chose his moment and challenged him. Caelyn threw a kendo at the boys foot and moved in to strike. The bully was quickly dispatched and after many kids cheered and gathered around Caelyn to thank him. "I didn't do this for you! Why are you thanking me!?"

This theme seemed to recur in Caelyn's life frequently and went unnoticed to him. It always seemed like he was a good kid, with narrow-minded intentions. The enemy of Caelyn was often the enemy of others. When an obstacle was placed in front of Caelyn that kept him from what he wanted, Caelyn removed it. This theme seemed to curb some of Caelyn's roguish tendencies. He did like the attention and praise he got from being people's champion. Even if only for the attention, it seemed to work well in the eyes of others. He gained companions and friends as he started high school. It helped him realize what was lacking in his life.
•Education: In High School (honors)
•Work Spoiled Brat
Personality: Caelyn is spoiled, but does not mind working for what he wants. Caelyn as a selfishly misguided savior complex. He helps others for the praise and devotion the falls onto him.
Optional: Skills: Kendo. Excellent Swimmer. Bacon-lover.
Equipment: backpack/ Caelyn's lucky coin.
•Weapons Kendo Stick (hope to upgrade to real steel :))
Trivia: Dante Basco does the voice of Caelyn (prince Zuko Avatar. American Dragon Jake Long)
Relationships: Caelyn is and will always be out for himself. He is passive when it comes to his parents, although nothing has strained that bond..yet
Other Characters TBD

Species: Speed Bird Species
Nickname: Falco
Apparent gender: Female
Appearance: http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Falcomon
Personality: Falina speaks more with her actions. She is very diligent and promptly wants to achieve her goals. Upon meeting, Caelyn immediately bonds, because he has an extension for his means. Falina just wants to appease Caelyn. She likes the motivation he inspires in her by always scheming. Caelyn always has some grand design and Falina wants nothing more than to be the reason it is achieved.
Attacks: Scratch Smash: Scratches with its wing claws.
Ninja Blade: Rapidly throws throwing stars.
Firecracker Smokescreen: Drops exploding bamboo cylinders.
Wind Blade: Flaps wings to produce a wind that can cut like a blade.
Shadow Screen: Use digital ninjiutsu to confuse the enemy.
Falco Rush: Tramps on the opponent's head while in the air.
Digivolution line:
•Fresh: http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Poyomon
•In-training: http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Tokomon
•Rookie: http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Falcomon
•Ultimate: http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Crowmon#Crowmon
•Dark ultimate: Crowmon (Data)
•Mega: http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Ravemon
•Dark mega: Ravemon (Data)


Still haven't finished the relationships yet just wanted to get it up here!
Will finish tomorrow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Akira Toriyama
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Crest: Lust
Nationality: Japanese
Appearance: This image below but with a white v-neck underneath.

History: Akira has always been fairly powerful. He was the popular kid in school and the Class president as well, he knew he was at the top but he still wanted more. He later joined an underground fighting club and used everything he learned in his Martial Arts class to get to the top. His parents didn't see anything but the drive he had to be the best. Graduating from his college as Valedictorian he knew he was at the top. He went on to become a well known voice actor and has since become considered the best of the best. In his off time he began working with computers eventually creating his own Digital friends completely by accident. He later would learn what they were.

Personality: Akira has a very Sarcastic attitude toward many people and while he has many friends the only true friend hes had has been his Virtual friends.

What can they do that a commoner can’t
Martial arts
Computer Hacking/Programing

A small Hunting knife.

Voice Actor: Scott McNeal

Family: Mother, Father.

Everyone starts as a rookie.

Species: Patamon
Nickname: N/A
Apparent gender: Male

Personality: This particular Patamon wants only to be the strongest digimon possible. He will stop at nothing to reach his true power.

Boom Bubble: Sucks in air then spits it out all at once as an air bullet.
Hane Binta: Strikes the opponent with its large ears.
Breeze Blaster: Inflates its body and spits out clouds.
Slamming Attack: A swift tackling attack.

Digivolution line:
If you wish for this to be a surprise, PM this to one of the GMs for approval[noparse]
Fresh: Poyomon
In-training: Tokomon
Rookie: Patamon
Champion: Angemon
Ultimate: MagnaAngemon
Dark ultimate: NeoDevimon
Mega: Seraphimon
Dark mega: ShadowSeraphimon
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