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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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With her fluffy tail swaying happily behind her Shi gave another curt bow as Fon handed off the rest to her, likely to enjoy being nuzzled into the bosom of a rather buxom women though she did not really mind. "First I shall clear some things up, firstly I am Yuki's sister." The women did not even miss a beat as she leaned over a little towards Luca, her ears flattening against her head as she spoke in a rather seductive manner "I guess that would make me your future older sister right?~" She was of coursing teasing and strongly implying that Luca and Yuki would end up getting married.

Though despite the happy blush that came across Yuki's face her leg did twitch as if in response of both Shi teasing Luca and his reaction to Asuka being so cute. Having had her fun Shi straightened back up to her full height "Ah right, you are all here for much more important matters so I shall get straight to the point. We are here to watch over the next possible generation... The next Vongola heir~" She gestured towards Luca who was still in a little bit of shock. "The Vongola Familiga message pretty much can be summed up as... 'Be ready'."

Shi's aura suddenly got much more frightening as she finished those words, almost like a hunter stalking its pray or a assassin locking in on its target she was staring directly towards everyone in the group. "Of course, this only involves people that are involved in the mafia so I am afraid that those that have no affiliation with such people will have to be... taken care of..." Yuki bowed her head at her sisters words, as by what she was saying she meant to KILL everyone without a history to the mafia here and yet she could not do anything!

"Of course, I ask everyone who is affiliated to stay out of these matters. After all I am a Volkov so as a assassin I expect some professional courtesy and leave me to my work" The Volkov family were world renowned assassins known for their deadly unarmed killing techniques, however something was wrong... People who had been in the mafia before knew what this was; this was a test or maybe hazing would be the right word for it?

"This of course means you cannot interfere with it either of Luuuuccccaaa~~~" bearing her fangs she locked onto Asuka Argento "I am sorry Fon, but I will have to interrupt your playtime" Suddenly she dashed forwards, the slabs under her feet breaking and shattering under the sheer amount of force she used to jump towards the girl! Her leg swinging around to attempt to slam into the girls midsection, a grin crossing her lips as she did not even wait for the girl to put down Fon before attacking!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Shortly after his arrival, the peculiar meeting resumed with a short speech from the baby of all things. '...Seriously?' Hide thought, eyebrow rising. He looked around at the others, looking to see if they had any semblance of a surprised reaction. What he saw disappointed him, but a lot of things disappointed Hide so it didn't bother him as much as it could have. Still, pretty much nobody was going to question the concept of a talking baby? Really?

Well, he knew who he'd have to have a nice chat with later...

That aside, there was another interesting soupcon of information revealed through that statement. Specifically, Hideaki made note of the three words "Vongola", "Famiglia", and "Mafia". All were foreign-sounding and definitely nothing he'd heard before, but by using the context clues in the words of the two speakers, he managed to deduce that "Vongola Famiglia" was a noun that described both an organization and Luca, who was the heir to such, and that "Mafia" was likely a greater category that "Vongola Famiglia" fell under. He'd have to thank Sasada-sensei when he got the chance. That trick actually does come in handy.

Either way, this was turning out to be very interesting indeed, but equally vexing at the same time.

Suddenly, a presence pushed down on Hide, as if Earth decided to take a page from Jupiter and double up on gravity. Then came the words straight from the mouth of the elder fox herself. That meant this was what you'd call killing intent then, huh?

Hideaki gauged the situation with his mind's eye. Only later would it occur to the young man that, worryingly, he hadn't hesitated or panicked one bit in the seemingly-dire situation. Her wonderfully exposited plan was to take out everyone without an affiliation with this group. He was no professional assassin, but Hide figured that to reveal the plan before you had the enemy at your mercy meant likely one of three things: A) this wasn't actually an assassination, B) she was an idiot, or C) they were screwed from the very beginning anyway. The bluenet was inclined to believe it was the first, given the whole 'we sent a signal to a select few people' act from earlier, but he wasn't as optimistic as to place his bet on the best case scenario.

So the question was: who was she going to gun for first?

Immediately Hideaki struck out Luca, Yuki, Cat Mask, and Strange Foreigner Who Eats Large Quantities of Food from the list of eligible candidates, leaving only him, Asuka, and Green Hair With a Stupid Look On His Face. It would be too convenient if he was the target, and rarely was anything ever convenient for him, so he struck himself off the list. Now between Green and Asuka, which one was the most vuln-


...It was gonna be Asuka, wasn't it?

And of course, the bared fangs and blatant threat revealed the assassin's intentions all too readily. How (in)convenient. Perhaps the world had it out for Hide after all. Thus, not waiting for the inevitable pounce, Hide burst forward with all the speed he could muster in order to get to Asuka faster than Not!Tamamo. His blood ran hot. Even if he was capitalizing on initiative and his natural speed, could he outpace the assassin and get his... friend? acquaintance? rival? out of trouble? That remained to be seen. "Oi! Boy with the pathetic look and the green hair!" he barked mid-sprint, "If you're not with them, get out while you can!"

"And you, stupid fox! Brace yourself!"

When he reached Asuka, whether before Shiso or otherwise, he leaped into the air and aimed a drop-kick at her midsection, angled to send her flying out of Shiso's strike. After all, if he was going to save her, there was no way he was going to be nice about it. Poor Asuka's midsection, trapped between a fox and a snake. Conveniently, the drop kick would allow him to fall under Shiso's roundhouse, thus avoiding the strike himself. Granted, he would be lying prone on the ground regardless of whether he succeeded or not, but little details like that weren't important. At the same time he thrust his hand out - not to sweep the assassin off her feet, but to grab the closest fluffy tail in order to, if he succeeded, yank as forcefully as he could.

Because goddammit, if Hide was gonna get killed by an assassin, he was going to go out having touched the fucking fluffy tail.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"Wait... What?" Asuka had of course understood the situation as it was, but things seemed to be taking a turn for the worse. The baby had been explaining things, which she did not question. She smiled and stroked his hair, holding him close to her. But the fox woman, Yuki's older sister, was beginning to speak about killing off those without connections to the mafia. Why would she do that? Was she that good? Was it a test? Who would... Oh... Oh!

"FU-" Before the word could escape her lips Shi was charging her. Hold the child, she was a bit restricted. She was really. Though she wasn't letting go for dear life. She was considering taking the attack which could probably kill, but soon she noticed something. Hide.



HIDE?! That bastard! He was helping her?! Or was this just taking a shot when he knew he could?! "Gah!" A scream could be heard as she took a drop kick to her midsection. It was going there either way huh? She mentally questioned as she shifted midair and landed on her back sliding across the ground a bit, clutching Fon tightly. "Damn that four eyed, perverted, furry loving..." She mumbled much more insults about Hideaki as she got to her feet and took a look at the situation before her. She reached into her yukata, she did have things underneath. She wore undergarments, a bit more risque then she'd be comfortable revealing and strapped to her waist was her trusty whip.

"After this is over. I'm coming for you." She glared at Hide. Luckily she could do this without the Yukata coming undone. However, it would surely be a bit more difficult to maneuver and move. She'd have to... No... She... "Dammit... Hey! We have to work together!" She called out as she brought her arm back and threw it forward. With a snap of the wrist, the whip was on its way towards Shi. The aim was for it to wrap around the woman's arm. Hopefully, it would be a bit of a surprise. She could draw her attention. Pull her away from Hide and give him a chance to get to his feet and launch an attack. That is... If the perv can stop trying to grab one of her tails.

In the young woman's grasp was still the baby though. Fon was nestled in her left arm, cradling him close as she worked with her right. "Now I understand why my mother had been so adamant on standing against local mafia and Yakuza in her time as mayor." She mumbled to herself under her breath. "Thank god for father's training too." If not for hide, she might have been able to figure something out. But his plan worked just as well. It seemed she would have to be serious about this. This woman's killing intent. Her power. It wasn't something to be trifled with or underestimated, despite her more... Cuddly appearance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ChronoBovino
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ChronoBovino Retired Cop

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Naoki listened to the speech about the mafia until something unsettling was said."Those that have no affiliation with the mafia will be taken care of"

Naoki paused and started blinking when he realized He wasn't meant to be here!! Uh oh..wait Is it just me...Oh God! to his realief Shiso jumped for the class president.

Naoki watched as the women lept for the class president and he then heard an annoying shout from the furry lover. "Oi boy with green hair and pathetic look on his face!" the rest he forgot "Pathetic!" he made a fighting stance at the woman who was beating the students left right and center. He took of his shoes and white hoodie to be wearing a blue short sleeve shirt, no shoes and orange trousers. He then stared at Shiso and stuck his tongue out and pulled the skin under his eye down. OH MY GOD WHAT DID I JUST DO!! he shouted in his head
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Fon had given Shi the floor and Luca's attention was entirely on her. The pit in his stomach growing by the moment. The fox woman started with reiterating her relationship to Yuki which only made Luca more anxious as she sauntered her way through what she had to say as well as over to him. "I guess that would make me your future older sister right?~" If the blonde teen wasn't already nervous all the way through he would have turned as red as Fon's clothes. Shi had had her fun and now turned to the rest of the gathering ready to reveal her mysterious mission. "Ah right, you are all here for much more important matters so I shall get straight to the point. We are here to watch over the next possible generation... The next Vongola heir~" Reflexively, Luca wondered who she was talking about but then he noticed her gesture towards him. His eyes widened and he grabbed onto his other arm tightly to lesson his shaking. "What are you...Th-This is s-some kind of mistake! Heir? What is the Vongola anyway!?" Luca already knew the answer to that and it only made his panicking worse.

"Calm down Vongola... Fon said trying to settle the distraught young man. "Stop calling me that! I'm just a middle school student...you've got the wrong person... Fon smiled softly. From what he'd heard about Luca this response was to be expected. He really was a lot like Decimo. "Mafia...talking babies...this is all insane! This is some kind of joke right...?" Though the question was directed at Fon his answer came from elsewhere. An immensely frightening sensation came over Luca and he realized it was coming from the woman standing feet from him. This was real. This was dangerous. This was Shi's aura and it was suffocating...yet Luca felt something within it. "...I am afraid that those that have no affiliation with such people will have to be... taken care of..." It was as if the world had gone silent at the reveal of these words. Luca's grip tightened even further around his arm to the point that it started to hurt. He glanced at Asuka, Hideaki and the green haired boy before lowering his gaze to the cobblestone beneath his feet and began to tremble uncontrollably. "Stop it..." He said in barely a whisper.

"This of course means you cannot interfere with it either of Luuuuccccaaa~~~" Luca's grip on his arm tightened once more. "Stop it..." Almost no louder than the first time. Fon's expression became solemn and he simply nodded in response to Shi's words. "Do what you must..." Shi darted straight towards Asuka and their surroundings seemed to slow down around them. Hideaki had jumped into action, the green haired boy was making a fool of himself though a noble one, and Asuka was in the wrong place at the wrong time. While everyone focused their attention on Shi Fon couldn't help but smile wryly. "He is the spitting image of you but...you've always had a knack for seeing more in others haven't you Sawada~?"


As soon as Shi's dash crushed the slabs beneath her feet Luca had started moving himself. He was no more than a second behind her. Just as surprising his track jacket fluttered down into Shi's field of vision, Luca having removed and thrown it to cover his approach. Move...move...Move! His legs were on fire but he pushed forward and made his way past Shi and in between her and the others. "I said...STOP IT!" Luca took Shi's kick, hooking his arm around her leg and bringing his free arm up letting Asuka's whip lash around it instead. He let out a few grunts of pain and winced heavily but he knew what he felt was right. "I know...you're not going to kill them...*pant*...but I won't let you hurt them either..." Luca let go of Shi's leg and dropped to his hands and knees overwhelmed by the current events.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shi grinned away like a battle madden monster as she reached Asuka, her leg cutting through the air like a knife towards the girl however another foot mad it to the girl first. The grin faded and was replaced by a look of surprise as the boy that was checking her out before kicked the girl aside and barely avoiding the attack as he dropped to the ground. She had to be honest and say that was one thing she did not expect. With the boy on the ground she decided to turn to her intended target, planning on chasing her down and finishing her off before she could use that hidden fighting prowess that Shi could sense she was hiding.


The women stood there motionless as her tail was yanked hard, her body not even moving for a moment as Hide held on, but slowly she turned around towards him. "Where do you think you are touching?" Shi may have had a small smile on her face but her eyes and sheer aura spelled doom towards the boy who had touched her tail without permission. To top it off when she had turned around Naoki was mocking her, and through gritted fanged teeth she shouted;

"That's it! Killing you both!"

Raising her foot back she turned to try and land a powerful blow against the boy grabbing a hold of her, the foot even catching the slabs and breaking them apart as he was on the ground. However before the attack landed something flew in front of Shi's face, not that it mattered but when the attack struck it felt different than she was expecting... As the jacket fell she noticed what her attack had hit, and right away she relaxed shaking her head towards the boy "Ah dear..." The frightening aura that she had been producing before had all but vanished after seeing Luca take her attack and the whip, likely resulting in a few cracked ribs at that.


Shi let out a loud laugh, her hand coming up to her face in a attempt to stop it "Ah... Oh. This is great! Not one of you tried to run, though I think one or two of you may have guessed my intentions but that doesn't mean the fear of you being wrong wasn't there." Seeing Luca still in that state Shi decided that it wasn't her he needed right now, so she gestured to her sister who rushed over almost twice as fast as Shi had to attack them, showing up next to Luca and bending over to hug him gently "It's ok... I'm sorry *sniff* really, sorry." Though she was not the most stable, she was trying to get him to calm down.

"Well... One moment" Reaching out her foot she made sure to push Hide off her tail with her foot, being much stronger than him it was easy. "Though yes, we would not have called you if you were not meant to be here. Sorry if we scared you, still could use some work on the whole helping each other thing though" She referred to the kick clearly. Starting to walk towards the shrine a smile crossed her face as she reached behind the donation box, clearly not even threatened that any of them would try to attack.

"I think it is time for a proper conversation"

With that she pulled out a stack of cups and a pretty large bottle of alcohol, a big smile across her face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amaterasu
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More people started to gather at the shrine after Ren's introduction and to his surprise, they included the other teens who were at the stand that the Vongola boss candidate was working for. A feminine hand rested upon his raven hair before slightly messing it up to which the male minimally responded to, simply untying it and combing the messed area with his hand. "......... Refraining from unnecessary habits will be appreciated, miss." He could tell from the tone of her voice that she was possibly sarcastic, not that the young heir minded. His indifference to minor annoyance was as strong as his awkward love of cats. Speaking of cats, as he was combing his hair neatly, his hand adjusted the cat mask on his face to above his forehead instead, out of respect for the authority figures, of course.

The Kanesada boy remained silent throughout the speeches of the Arcobaleno and the elder Volkov, occasionally taking note of how exaggerated the reactions of the blond boy were, perhaps he had no knowledge whatsoever of his candidacy at all? It would explain why the older teen was ordered to keep watch over him from the shadows. It was then later revealed that Luca had no awareness of the existence of Vongola nor did he seem to have a direct affiliation with the mafia. While Ren loyally obeyed the orders given to him by his superiors and father, he started to question the capabilities of the supposed boss candidate. Was someone inexperienced in mafia practices fit for such a role? His shaky, frightened reactions to what the two assassins were saying didn't help this matter.

Once Shi dropped her playful act and placed on a more dead serious expression, Ren stood back, obliging to her command of not interfering with her "assassination". While he was not all too familiar with the Volkov family, other than the fact that they were feared for a fighting style they practiced, the yakuza heir was aware that any logical assassin never announce of their assassination attempts to their target/s, unless they were the that bold. Either way, this was none of his business, all of them being mere strangers to him after all. With his arms crossed on his chest, his blue orbs intently watched the events unfold before him. What he didn't expect was the seemingly scaredy cat boss candidate himself interfering.

Eyes widened at how gutsy Luca's move was, perhaps he misjudged the boy too early. Still, Ren shook his head and commented, "........ A noble move for the sake of his comrades.... but foolish nonetheless." While Ren was not the one being sandwiched by two opposing forces, he could tell the blows onto the blond were not going to end well for him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Samael | Shrine

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* ... *Clap* .... *Clap*....

"W-wait... Are you guys done already?... Shame, it was rather entertaining, and I haven't even finished half of this, would any of you like a bite? I've had just about everything in this fun fair already", Sam's voice jarred the flow of the atmosphere for that moment. From serious and life threatening, to calm, and then absolute nonchalance. He was seated quite comfortably on one of the benches, with a rather good view of everything happening. As the girl named Shi began to relax and pull out a bottle, Sam immediately recognized what she had in her hands,

"Oh is that sake? Can I have some? I'll trade, I've still got some takoyaki left", he offered. He appeared to be a little bit of an idiot, but the way he handled himself at all times said otherwise... In any case, there didn't appear to be any kind of threat here.

Again though, no one appears to have asked who he is, not that he cared. Whatever this Vongola business was, it was clearly second priority to him behind food and drink.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Luca's breathing had become short and ragged. Taking the fox woman's attack like that left him in a bad way. Coupled with the overall stress of the last few minutes the young heir seemed to be in worse shape than he was. Luca tensed reflexively feeling Yuki wrap her arms around him. His breathing did calm slightly but he was still unstable. Fon watched Luca closely. He sighed with the fact the worst case scenario had occurred. "Please calm down Vongola..." Luca raised his head to look at the infant. "I-I'm not...I can't be...y-you've got the wrong person-ngh!" Talking came with some pain due to his distressed state not making his injury any better.

Meanwhile, Shi continued to kick back and bust out a bottle of booze. "I think it is time for a proper conversation." Fon escaped from Asuka's arms and made his way toward Luca."If you'll wait a moment I do believe the young Von-Luca is having trouble focusing. Maybe a tad more restraint was in order, Miss Volkov." The infant smirked with slight amusement though he was more serious than sarcastic. "If you'll allow me~" Fon politely asked Yuki to move away from Luca so he could offer his assistance. The Arcobaleno moved closer to Luca as the blonde his head to look at him. "Luca, I'm going alleviate some of your pain but I'll first need to to sit up." Luca stared at Fon for a moment. Finally, he nodded and started to move, wincing from the pain. Somehow, he believed that out of everyone here this baby knew what he was doing. Coming to a sitting position Luca sighed in relief. For smiled. "Now hold still~" The in took his index and middle fingers and began striking at Luca's pressure points. In only a couple of seconds Fon was finished. Luca's eyes popped open in surprise. The pain almost completely disappeared and his breathing had just about returned to normal. Not only that but he felt considerably more relaxed. "Ah...wow. G-Grazie."

For smiled and nodded before returning to Asuka and hopping back into her arms. Once he was settled he looked to Shi. "You may continue~" Luca's eyes drifted from Fon to Shi. He wasn't sure he wanted to hear what else she had to say but he didn't feel it right to just leave. He gulped as the fox started to explain in detail why they were all here.

The Morning After The Festival

The morning sun shone through the window and onto a wide awake Luca, his hair down to just above his shoulders. He sat up in his bed having barely slept after the events of last night.

It's as simple as this...the Vongola is most respected and strongest mafia organization in the world. Luca Yuuki, you have chosen by the tenth boss to become Vongola Undicesimo, the eleventh. The rest if you are candidates to be Luca's Guardians..."

Luca gripped his sheets. He was supposed to be the boss of a mafia family, the leader? What kind of twisted joke was this!? The mafia part was bad enough but they also wanted him to be the boss. That was insane...it was impossible...

"You all have 24 hours to think about what I've told you tonight. If you want move forward and learn what it means to be a Vongola Guardian then meet on the roof of Namimori middle. If not then...you'll have to be eliminated along with the knowledge you've obtained tonight...kidding~ Your affiliation with the Vongola will be as non-existent as it was a few hours ago."

After that everyone went their separate ways. Yuki helped Luca home due to his cracked ribs...wait. The teen lifted his shirt,and looked himself over. Fon had helped with the pain but that should of only been a temporary fix. Luca should still need treatment but now there was no pain at all. Pushing on his ribs didn't even elicit a flinch. What...? Speaking of Fon, the infant had left with Asuka, asking if he could stay with at her place. She made cute little squeal before agreeing. Luca just hoped he wasn't trying persuade her into all this. Probably not, he didn't seem like the type of person to do that. As usual he couldn't tell what Hideaki was thinking as he left and the green haired kid looked more lost than any of them. The other two, Ren and that Sam guy, even though were revealed to have mafia relations by Shi's little test seemed surprised to hear about their roles in this as well though not as much. Mafia relations...Yuki left his house with a really solemn look.


Luca gazed lacrosse th room at a picture frame. It had a roughed up scarf wrapped around its base as the light shone onto the picture. "What should I do...?" He said dropping his head as his hair shadowed his face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ChronoBovino
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ChronoBovino Retired Cop

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"I think it's time to have a proper conversation." As Naoki listened he wasn't sure if he was excited or worried.
The Morning after the festival

Only little blasts of last night went through his head, as he sat staring at a the football not moving…

"The rest of you are candidates to be Luca's Guardians.." "hmmm..Ok let me hear this again" he said the same line in his head several times. Until he lay on the grass and hands over his eyes and remembered."You have 24 hours to think about what I told you tonight". he let out a small grin and leapt to his feet, he sprinted inside grabbing his jacket, fruit and some snacks (biscuits,sandwiches) in a bag. Kymera Sat at the door with a grumpy face, Naoki ran back to the kitchen and got the cat food from under the sink and poured it into the cats bowl and ran outside with a bag full of food as he head for Namimori middle.

"Ok so if I'm there early I've got a better chance right?"

He snuck in to the school and up to the roof as he expected it was locked, but with great difficulty and a book called (LOCKPICKING for DUMMIES) he made it. He sat up there waiting for the others to arrive much later. Eventually he got tired and lay on the roof trying to fall asleep… but he couldn't because he forgot a blanket.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Yuki closed the door to her apartment, her eyes trailing down the dark hallway to her sister who was sitting comfortably on the railing of the balcony. She didn't say a word as she started to walk inside, stripping off her shoes and backpack as she made her way to the kitchen, her head hung low but flinching when she suddenly felt her sisters arms wrap around her shoulders, hugging firmly. "I know. Don't worry, if Luka is the man you think he is he will accept what life you lead." Yuki relaxed at her words, her body leaning against her sisters... She knew he would but she had so hoped to spend more time as normal students, happy and cheerful, but now? He was being dragged along with her into the darkness that was the mafia world.

"I don't-,"

She was silenced when Shi's hand started to pet her sisters head lovingly, drawing her back to the sofa so that they could lay down together for the time being until she was feeling better. Shi had been hardened by the mafia world as many before her, but Yuki was still young so Shi wanted to keep her from becoming like a cold bloodied killer, though it ran risks such as this. "Goodnight my beloved little sister~" With that Shi closed her eyes as Yuki had already passed out as soon as they hit the sofa.

------------- Next Day - School Grounds! --------------

On top of the roof of the school the morning wind started to pick up, forcing Shi to reach up and brush her flowing hair out of her face so that she could see the kid sleeping, or at least trying to sleep on the roof. "You know, I gave you 24 hours correct? You still have about sixteen of that left." Standing up from the water tower she hopped down, her hand keeping the beret from falling off and exposing her ears. "I was going to check up on all of you, though this was a pretty big surprise to say the least heh. Are you that excited to enter our world?" She asked before peering up to the sky "Looks like rain."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ChronoBovino
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ChronoBovino Retired Cop

Member Seen 9 mos ago

As Naoki was just about to drift off Shi arrived and asked what the boy was doing up here. "Well I was too excited too think,so I did the first thing I could think of..not to smart" He looked up to see the sky turn light grey "Rain!...Why of all times!" He sat with his legs crossed as he turned his head to look at Shi, who was looking at the sky longer than excepted. He looked in the bag full of sandwiches and biscuits and he took a bite out of a chocolate biscuit.

"I wonder..I hope this will be a challenge..". He thought as he watched Shi with a serious face.

Half way through the snack he quickly swallowed it. "Where are my manners, here sit with me have something to eat". He said patting the ground with his hand and a bag full of food just sitting there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

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Samael | Namimori Middle High Roof

"Good morning everyone", he greeted as he walked through the door.

"My, only two of you here, and I thought I was the one in a hurry. Honestly I'm not even allowed to be here, it didn't take much effort to sneak up here too", normally the rooftops were locked, though that never really stopped him. In this case it didn't surprise him it was unlocked, they were told to meet here, someone would leave it unlocked. Students didn't normally come up here either, rooftop gatherings tended to happen rarely.

"Now then... How long do we wait? I'm fresh out of tea as of this morning, so I want to get on that as soon as possible".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"I see"

Lifting her hand to her head she brushed her golden hair out of her eyes to think for a moment, though just as she was wondering if she should have something to eat before leaving another boy showed up. It seemed he was more than a little excited for the whole thing as well, being here may have proved that to her but this was simply the agreement that they were ready, either way she would have to break the news to them...

"I do not think you have enough tea to last until the requested meeting time. I gave you twenty-four hours until the choice was to be made, you have sixteen left so spend them wisely. I personally suggest that you use them to get to know both your rivals and the people you may be working with in the future. A good opportunity if I ever saw one."

Turning around she could not help but sigh as she saw off in the distance a drop of rain fall from the sky "It is going to rain in a hour, so I shall hurry along and see the others. That is unless you have any more questions for me?" She peered over her shoulder to the pair to wait if they had anything else to say. Or even ask of her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 3 days ago

Samael | Namimori Middle High Roof

"Oh my, is that so? Well, I guess I'll back later, see ya~", was the last thing he said... Before he returned across the last two or so hours.

It started with one of those portable gazebo shelter things, and then a folded table, chairs, and loads of tea and snacks. By the time it started raining, Sam was seated in and under the shelter, enjoying what looked like supper.

"Oh, you're all welcome to some of this, don't worry", he said, looking over to Shi and Naoki.

"Japan is a little too peaceful for my taste, no dirty rogues stalking the streets for the unwary like London, means I don't get to 'hit the town' as they say, or hit them, really hard... In any case, Japanese sweets are rather delightful, I could get used to this".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Things had progressed rather quickly to say the least. With Luca stepping in and taking a hit. Idiot. She facepalmed after putting her whip away, since her other arm was otherwise occupied with holding Fon. That idiot Hide hadn't been of much help in the end at all either. And as told others stood out. Then, Fon was off to help Luca and they spoke more. Mafia, Luca, Head, Guardians, Candidates. All key words that stood out in the maelstrom of events. Then there was the boy whose hair she had messed up and the sarcastic eater. In her mind, aside from the way they had carried themselves, Asuka had different thoughts for each. Fun to Mess with... for the young Yakuza/mafia heir and Jerk... for the other. Rather simple thoughts really.

"Well this is all well and good... But..." Before she could give a hasty reply, they were given 24 hours and a meeting place. Wait... The school? Her school? Why did people wanna use her rooftop for the meeting?! They had better not mess anything up or... What was it he said again? Her thoughts trailled for a minute. Oh yeah! Or I'll bite them to death! She was much more suited to be the next "Hibari" than the current disciplinary head, or at least the second in command. Still she was happy with her position.

And so without another word they were all to go their separate ways. And lucky her, Fon would accompany her!


Asuka awoke with Fon in her arms. It was quiet. As usual. Lovely. She giggled. Her mother and father would surely freak out if they came across this bizarre situation. They were almost never home though. Always travelling. She sighed as she stood up, patting down her pajamas and smoothing them out. Once done she began to head downstairs. She could get herself and Fon some food. That would be nice. All the while she would reflect on yesterday's events. Both before and after she'd returned home. It was still all so surreal. So odd. The events themselves were crazy even.

And yet she couldn't deny... It had been a fun night. A festival, a fight, and company at home. It was exciting. And she didn't feel so alone. She had played games with Fon, bathed, messed with his hair, watched a movie and other television. Of course, she steered clear of any questionable topics given he was a baby. And she hadn't questioned his tattoo despite being a baby. But she would ask about that and the other things eventually. But when? They still had time before the meeting day.

"Fon~ Time to wake up." She spoke as she returned with a tray of various breakfast foods. He didn't seem like an ordinary baby. She assumed he could eat. And now was the time. Before they left for the meeting place. They had much to discuss. And it was evident in her slightly more tensed behaviour. "I made breakfast! And we have much to discuss."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ChronoBovino
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ChronoBovino Retired Cop

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@Kitsune "Oh leaving so soon?" before Shi could reply"Well can't be helped I suppose your on a tight schedule". He stood up to go under the "shelter" that Sam provided "I'll get to know my fellow mates better" he turned to Sam with a face of curiosity "So how long have you been in this line of work, do you have relatives in Japan or live alone, what's your favourite color?". Naoki didn't know much about these new people he was gonna take a risk to help, I suppose at the same time he didn't wanna know.

"Sorry What am I saying I'm asking you too many questions, what I'm trying to say is, tell me about yourself....And how long have you been a demon?"

He said with a finger right next to Sam's face and massive eyes staring at him, as he bent down,trying to stare him out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 3 days ago

Samael | Namimori Middle High Roof

"Ten years, I live alone, I do really like royal purple, but often I go with a black-gray especially when it comes to clothing, I've been a demon ever since the beginning of hell", he began, sipping his tea a little as he finished speaking. He was obviously joking with the very last part. Stare at Sam as he may, the guy won't even open his eyes, or seem to.

"If I had to say, you are like a curious cat, I remember a small tabby that once graced my orphanage... It met a terrible fate at the hands of some savage dogs though. Poor thing, I had to personally end it's misery. I do hope you take care and not meet similar savage dogs or a similar fate. It would be a real shame", that story took an unexpected turn, but before Naoki or anyone at all really could take that in properly...

"Cake, would you like some?", on a plate he handed the boy a slice of strawberry cheesecake.

"I can't believe these were on such a good bargain. Five cakes for the price of two. I think it was to clear stock, but my, five slices of cake, for the price of two".
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shi could only smile when she noticed the pair trying to get along, it was rather cute to say the least but she could not help herself from wanting to play with them just a little bit. "Oh, I do hope you two are not going for the same placement. That would be worrysome. So make sure to become good friends you two~" With that Shi turned and hopped onto the fence surrounding the roof before leaping off the building as if it was nothing, vanished from sight the next like she was never even there.

To say she was a little sad about missing cake was accurate but there was work to be done, and she did not have the time to simply sit back and relax unlike a certain someone. "Damn it Fon..." She made sure to keep hating the baby until she reached her next target. So far the people were rather interesting~


Meanwhile Yuki was moving through the market, a attempt to take her mind off of things and busy herself... She wanted to be by Luka's side right now but she had to let him think, it was killing her inside! She looked a little disheveled that was for sure but she didn't care, only the bargains that came with the open market copuld take her mind of such a thing... Strange, she could have swore she saw one of the others run past her with cake but a moment ago, so fast.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amaterasu
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Amaterasu Love Pillar

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A mirror reflected the boy in a formal suit, complete with a dark necktie and coat, an attire which the yakuza heir is caught outfitted with when he goes about with his yakuza duties and formal occasions. Last night's revelation was quite a surprise indeed, Ren never imagined his protection duties for the Vongola boss candidate would result in an announcement for the teens in the venue to be appointed as candidates to be the guardians of the Vongola family. Such an honor would come once in a life time, so of course as the news was delivered to his father, the current boss of the Kanesada family, with his pride and ego high, went into a fit of boastful banter. There was no room for any objection to refuse his father's will when he demanded his son to accept his canidacy, especially when the father had to bring his mother into this by mentioning somewhere along the lines of "If she were alive, she would've been proud."

After minutes of drive away from his family's old fashioned Japanese mansion on his limousine, he had arrived. The Yuuki residence. Under the direct order of his father from the night before, the raven haired boy was instructed to pay his respects to his future boss as a proper subordinate should do. But the question that plagued his mind was, would the blond boy accept his fate? With the kind of reaction displayed at the shocking announcement, there was no telling how the younger teen would respond. The most likely scenario Ren could see was: escape. A mere civilian who has no clue of the underworld to be dragged into such a situation? Escape seemed to be the easiest route. Rejection itself could risk one's safety, more so for accepting such a proposal. But even so, here he was.

The finger of the male teen pressed onto the bell situated beside the residence's gate as he spoke to the speaker, "...... Good morning. I wish to speak to Yuuki, Luca. .... This is Kanesada, Ren, an... acquaintance of sorts."
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