Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Yakima raised an eyebrow as the two of them came at him. Aya using a hado at the last second while the male took advantage of Ayas attack.Interesting, so they can put their differences aside Yakima jumped back as Aya attacked him, unsheathing his zanpakuto and hitting Ayas blade upwards in a flash. He followed up by quickly clashing blades with Shizo, holding him at bay with his spiritual pressure."Not bad, but the two of you will never touch me if you keep on attacking me like that." Yakima sent a quick punch towards Shinzos stomach.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"Sorry but I did say to prepare yourself." Sotaro said as he jumped over the whip like horin that came a him, but he made a mistake. he took his eyes off her, so when he focused his attention back on her his eye had a shocked expression as he brought up his arm to guard the bokken. So when it connected with his arm with a loud thwack sound, he twitched a bit as he jumped back looking at the red mark it left. "Your right it does hurt." He stated as he again held his bokken in front of him, but this time was a normal charge, in which he would jab the bokken at her instead of a slash. It would take less effort for her to hit him, as it would take his attacks longer, so he had to somehow shorten the time between his attacks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"Woah!" She said as he sword was pushed up and he turned his attention to Shinzo, holding back his blade as he reared up a punch. "Release everything, Raijingu joō!" She said with her zanpakuto growing immensely in size while spiked arm guards forming on her arms. Her power would then feel like it went up quite a bit as she held out her hand. " Bakudo #9, Horin!" She stated as it shot out towards his arm to capture it and hold his punch back, and if it connected she would yank back with her temporary power boost.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

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Shinzo Harimaya

As Shinzo's attack was blocked seemingly effortlessly he grit his teeth, yet Shinzo noticed Aya releasing her Shikai in the corner of his right eye. He then saw Aya use Bakudo #9 Horin to pull the Captains arm away to stop Shinzo taking a hit straight to the stomach, At this point Shinzo still had the momentum from his original attack and so decided to try something a bit brave. As he continued head towards the Captain he extended his right leg as he twisted in the air, his right foot heading for the Captains face. Now Shinzo's front faced towards the ground, his Zanpakuto still in his right hand holding back the Captains Zanpakuto as his foot approached him yet Shinzo wasn't done...he knew he had to push harder and so Aimed his left palm towards the legs of the Captain as he began to charge a Hado #33 yet miscalculated the power needed which resulted in the Hado exploding violently...only one thing ran through Shinzo's mind at this point "Shit! I had a perfect chance as well!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Yakima raised an eyebrow when the rope wrapped around his arm, feeling a surprisng strength hold back his arm. He didnt look back but instead focused on Shinzo. He lifted his right arm, blocking the kick but not realizing the Sokatsui. Fortunately, the kido instead exploded in Shinzo's own face. He took advantage, quickly aiming his right palm at Shinzo."Hado 32 Okasen" He fired a wide yellow beam at Shinzo from behind. It wasnt too strong but it was wide and did damage. He quickly followed up by shunpoing away, tightly gripping Ayas Horin. He yanked the rope with great strength snd would attemot to toss her at Shinzo afterwards.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aya watched Shinzo attempt a hado only for it to explode in his face. Aya grimaced a bit as she watched it happen, and the captain would do another that hit him in the back. Yet he followed up quickly by shunpoing and yanked the horin. Despite her super strength he over powered her and sent her flying.... at Shinzo. "Sorry but Im sitting again!" She said as she crashed into him, again sitting on his body as she stood up. "Okay now I'm gonna play little more seriously!" Aya proclaimed with a point and the arm guards flew off her arm turning into giant metal spiky balls that launched at the captain. She looked at Shinzo and grinned. "I have one more trick up my sleeve, its a doozy and it will really shock him!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo's failed attempt at a hado left him burned slightly and before he knew it a Hado from the Captain was coming through the smoke. Shinzo knew he had no time to dodge and so brought his Zanpakuto up to the Hado as it sent him flying back into the ground. This caused him to sit up and hold his head with his left hand "Dammit...if only I hit that.." as Shinzo prepared to get on to his feet he noticed a shadow appear over him, looking up to see Aya about to land on him "Oh for fu-UAGHH!" before Shinzo could finish his sentence Aya had landed on him and was soon back on her feet...yet Shinzo...laid on the ground twitching a little as he literally crawled his way to his feet before taking deep and somewhat aggressive breath's "Okay...this time...I wont blame you for that one...we're going to beat this bastard!" Shinzo watched as he then pointed at the Captain with his left hand, his index and middle finger extended as he fired a Bakudo #9 Horin at the Captains legs in an attempt to hold him in place as Aya's attack approached...even if it failed, it may have stalled him long enough for her Attack to get within striking distance

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Zento Ray


Zento looked back at the female he was supposed to fight. He could tell that she was afraid to fight him. That only severed to amuse Zento, his excitement may have just started the young Shinigami. The girl looked startled once again, Zento was perplexed, al least until he saw the tiger. He raised an eyebrow, there would be no shortage of the unusual in this Squad. The second he saw the Captains eyes light up he already knew, he would be sparing with the tiger. Zento shrugged and placed his hands in his pocket, he would fight someone soon enough.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Out of surprise the little tigress stopped and turned around only to see a woman in a captains haori approaching her. She just stood there blankly until she realized that this was the captain of squad 13. It looked like she had found her...but now what? Was this woman really going to let someone like her join her squad? Who would want a freak like her in their squad in the first place? Masami swallowed hard and looked up at the woman with all the confidence that she could summon. "I want to join squad 13! I want to become a shinigami and become strong, otherwise I'll never be able to repay him!" She felt her cheeks flush when she realized that she had said too much and she shook her head. "Um, forget I said that last part. What do I have to do to become a member of this squad? Kill a horde of hollows?" To feel this nervous wasn't something she was accustomed to. Typically she has much more sass, enough sass to probably make some squad 11 members back off, but her heart was set on squad 13. Soul butterflies were flying around in her gut.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pie Flavor
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Pie Flavor No ordinary Pie

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Yuuki Hiwatari

Yuuki laughed at Nishi angry-ish reaction to the pond as she explained how the fish tempted her into falling in the pond. He looked at his clothes before sighing and then an idea came to him, "Well, since we're here and that we pretty much want to dry off, what are your guys Shikai? Mine makes the blade of the Zanputakuo disappear and I can redirect attacks, but its stressful. I mean... seriously what happens if it doesn't work and Im whacked in the face?!" He said laughing as he looked at his Zanpakuto which was soaking wet just like him with water dripping off it's cover. It was still confusing for Yuuki to use, and he was afraid of using it in a battle but he understood how it worked along with its abilities, however it was difficult to get the hang of simply just defending. Shunpo from range allowed him to easily dodge attacks from range, over in close combat it would be a different situation as he would have to use his agility to dodge while using Bakudo to restrain them so he can escape. It was a really Kido-focused battlestyle due to his Shikai having no blade, but it impressively improved his reflexes and kido skills as they were his two most used combat skills, while occasionally using his Zanpakuto when it was in its normal form.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

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@Pie Flavor@Oblivion666

Nishi Matsuro

Nishi continued to pout as she crossed her arms. This sort of thing seemed to happen to her all the time! Guess it was just in her nature...it was good at times but most of the times it was bad. Nishi's mood however changed fairly quickly when Yuuki asked them what their Shikai's were like, at that point Nishi looked down at her Shikai's, one strapped either side of her hips. "Oh~ Well mine are what I have right here on me...they are constantly released...I think they just prefer it that way" Nishi said rubbing the back of her head...which was still wet. "However despite looking the same they're vastly different from one another...you could almost think of them like twins. One is peaceful and wants to help everyone and so often earns the praise of people. Yet the other is more dark and prefers to hurt people...you could say people somewhat fear it" Nishi said with a nervous laugh, still rubbing the back of her head "Despite their drastic differences they work incredibly well together and make what I guess could be considered a pretty good duo...one heals...that being all it can do...and the other does only damage. Yet the two share a dark tie between those two skills...but that can be left for a later date" Nishi said with a smile
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Instead of dodging Ayas attack, Yakima waited in plsce with his zanpakuto in hand. Before it made contact, he felt another kido rope wrap around his feet They're working together now but it still isnt enough. Aya is strong, ill give her that but it doesn't seem she prefers to work alone He slammed his shikai into the spiked ball, skidding back from liquid metal to something this solid? Interesting Yakima focused on deflected the spiked ball, leaving a few openings.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Hinen hurriedly scurried over to Zento in order to give him the bokken the Captain left with her since telling by her Captain's actions in taking the other bokken with her, Hinen figured that she wasn't needed anymore. After giving Zento his wooden weapon, Hinen turned a full 180 degrees on her heel before shunpo-ing off to try and get away as quick as possible as she just wanted to rest inside her room at this point.

Sai's smile grew while she watched the Shinigami speak, noticing their nerves through the sound of the female's voice and through the slight flush across her cheeks. The fact that this Shinigami was a tigress didn't strike Sai at all, all she saw was another Shinigami with immense potential, just as she saw most other Shinigami. She had worked with a few Shinigami's similar to this one before during her lengthy time at being a Captain so this wasn't out-of-the-ordinary for her, if anything it was refreshing as people like this Shinigami tend to be rare.

Chuckling, Sai reached out her right hand in front of the other female to offer a hand shake. "My, you seem quite the eager one Shinigami, I like it! I'm glad you want to join my Squad, however on that note, there is one thing I need for you to do for me in order to become an official member. I'd like to see how you fair in a spar with another new recruit, he's standing just over there" Sai pointed to Zento before continuing to explain her task. "Now, for this spar you both will be using a bokken. Kido is allowed, but only Kido that you know full well you can control as I don't want any unexpected explosions. I'd also like to keep hold of your sealed Zanpakuto, just as a precution to ensure that you won't use it. I do this with every new recruit" If the Shinigami accepted the hand shake, Sai would of released their hand by now. Holding her right hand out again, Sai opened her palm with the bokken laid across it, hoping the female would take the bokken and replace it with her sealed Zanapkuto. "Once you've passed me your Zanpakuto and have told me your name, you can go ahead and start your spar" Sai continued to smile, speaking in her friendly tone.

'Sotaro and Koyo-shi have done really well, I'm impressed! Shinigami from the academy seem to get stronger every graduation! Perhaps it is about time to end their spar, they probably think I haven't been paying attention this whole time hmhm'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

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@Kurisa@Pie Flavor@Phobos

Nene Sanada

With their little jokes aside, Yuuki brought up what their shikai's were like. An odd question to ask off the bat, but he seemed harmless enough. That and it only gave her more information to use against him if she ever needed to. Nishi went on about hers, which Nene already knew about for the most part. One heals, one hurts and she experienced both. One has great healing powers and the other has the opposite. Quite amazing that little blade could do such damage. Yuuki also explained his defensive one which was neat. He seemed too squad four like but neat. Then came her turn. "Well, mines a child who enjoys games. All sorts of games, easy ones, hard ones, fun ones and even deadly ones. So its all about games with mine. They offer rewards and such for winning but penalties for losing."

Aya watched one of her spiky metal balls ram into the captain shikai and push him across the ground while Shinzo held him down. "Now don't get spooked sexual boy when you see my true form!" Aya said as she took a deep breath and held it seemingly lookign like she was taking the biggest shit of her life when her hair became more shiny and looked more thicker while her skin color changed to a steel gray color and her teeth became sharper. "Wreck the captain!!!" Aya said holding her arm in the air as she grabbed the second metal ball by a spike and shunpoed behind the captain with it as she chucked it right at him. "Not enough!" She said to her self as she would jump up and above him before she swished something in her mouth, which would then shoot at the captain with tiny shrapnel bits flying at him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

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Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo watched as his Bakudo wrapped around the Captains legs as he attempted to block one of Aya's spiked balls, Shinzo then saw Aya's form change slightly...he just figured it was something else to her Shikai...wait...hang on! Did she? THE BITCH! She just called him Sexual boy! This made Shinzo grit his teeth as he watched Aya make her moves, that was when Shinzo's Zanpakuto began to spark as he then pressed it against the Bakudo he still had attached to the Captain, a strong electrical current running through the Bakudo to shock the Captain, at that point Shinzo shunpoed into the air, his Zanpakuto still held in his right hand as he aimed his right palm at the Captain, keeping the Zanpakuto's hilt in his hand with just his thumb as he fired Hado #31 Shakkaho at him "I wont screw up like before! You may be a Captain but we can still use what we know to at least damage you..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Yakima was actually surprised by Aya's sudden transformation. He could tell this wasn't ordinary nor did it have to do with her shikai. He could feel from her reiatsu that this form didn't belong to shinigamis. He turned around, his blade still pressing against the first metal ball as Aya. He sent a Tessho, his arm going between the spikes and hitting the flat side of it. He was now sandwiched in, holding off the two metal spikes. He looked above, Aya now above him preparing for another move. It was an easy dodge for Yakima, however he felt a surge go through his body. It didn't hurt, but his legs numbed a bit. He noticed Shinzo preparing a Shakkaho, firing it off at him as Aya fired down a rainstorm of metal. He smirked, looking down to conceal it Well it looks like ive gained some interesting new recruits. This is actually make my blood boil The attacks hit, causing a large explosion and generating a dust cloud around Yakima. It was dead silent for a second, letting the two wonder whether they had actually killed the captain.

Suddenly, a powerful tornado rose from the spot where Yakima was at. Its powerful winds began to suck in everything around it, bits of metal, dirt and many plants. Yakima shunpoed a small distance away from them, his haori tattered and burned as he patted the dust off it. His zanpakuto was now gone, instead he had a strange golden gauntlet over his right arm. The gauntlet was then covered in a golden glow before vanished, his zanpakuto appearing his right arm once again "Not bad, either one of you. However, the two of you have much room to approve. But if the two of you keep on training, you'll reach seated positions in no time"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Zento Ray


The tiger was stupidly excited to become a Shinigami, Zento almost laughed when she offered to fight hoard of Hollows. He wondered if she actually ever fought a Hollow, she had declared it so carefully. Despite her far out offer, the Captain still found it funny, or impressive. Zento waved when the Captain pointed at him, assuming she was referring to him. He walked forward, expecting to be starting at that moment. When he got there, the Captain was talking about the rules, which he needed to here about either way. Kido was allowed, it's power just needed to be twicked a little to avoid explosions. A form was already formulating in his brain, all he needed to do now was see that little Shinigami's style and pattern.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


The echoing of the clashing bokken become more distinct the more heated the combat between both Shi and Sotaro, both of them now in a full on sword fight. Blows were exchanged on both sides in the flurry of attacks, bruises and red marks clear about their person showing just how dead they would be if this was a real match. Dashing back from Sotaro's thrusts Shi brought up her sword to defend herself but before long she was starting to look a little tired, her small form finally catching up with her but thankfully it seems like the fight was coming to a stop with the captain finally giving them the signal to halt. It was as much as she could hope for given her lack of options in terms of fighting so sadly she would have to give up the victory. "That was more work than I expected heh... heh....." She said as she loosened her scarf from her neck, the heat of her body escaping a little
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Masami shook the captain's hand with her shaking paw, keeping a firm gaze straight towards the captains just like her father taught her to. A shinigami must be strong, assert, and above all, have the social grace when meeting their superiors for the first time. It was odd for someone that was originally in squad 11 to be talking about social grace, but then again her father didn't seem like a squad 11 member at all with his attitude. He was oddly feminine looking rather than brutish. That thought aside, she focused on the situation at hand. What surprised her was the captain's kindness towards her even though to many she was considered a freak or some weird kid wearing a tiger costume until they met an unpleasant surprise when pulling her tail. Usually a surprise filled with claws to the face.

The tigress took a deep breath to calm her nerves. "My name is Kuro Masami. I'll take on any challenger that you request me to." She removed the sheathed sword and swapped it out with the bokken. She didn't like how it felt in her hands, but it would have to do. She sauntered over to Zento, her eyes were no longer the ones of a nervous child. They didn't give anything away, completely guarded by a cold, yet battle eager stare. This is where she felt the most natural; in a duel between two warriors of unknown strength. This is what her father told her about, his experiences on the battlefield where he battled with his life on the line. She too would fight like that!

"Bring it!" With the bokken held in her left hand Masami dashed towards Zento with reckless abandon, an action that many would consider foolish. Taking advantage of their height difference, she ducked down and slid in between his legs so that she would get behind him. Not wasting a single moment she leaped at him and thrust her bokken towards the center of Zento's back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 11 days ago

[h2]Zento Ray[/h2

Zento grabbed a bokken, replacing his Zanpakuto. The wood felt odd in his hands, as if it was the first time he ever touched such a substance. In all truth, he preferred this than a blade, there was less risk in getting killed, although he supposed that was the point of them using the bokken.

Zento walked a few feet way from were the tiger was standing and took up his stance. When using a sword, the way a person stands, moves, and holds the weapon is vital in determining how much control they have, how fast they can move and how soon they will tire. He stood with his feet and shoulder width apart, his leading foot, or left, slightly forward, almost square on to his opponent. He relaxed and made sure he was 'springy,' on the balls of your feet with knees slightly bent. He made sure to keep this position, making it easy to hold and keep his centre of gravity low and central. He was ready to fight.

Without much of a warning the little tiger ran at Zento. In all truth he was not surprised, he kept his composer and readied himself for his opponents strike. Instead of striking though, she slide under his legs, and readied an attack on Zento's back. Idiot, thrusting forward into the air like that leaves you with no way to dodge an attack effectively. he thought to himself. His first move was instinct, he used his leading foot to push himself forward and used his momentum to pivot backwards. Placing his leading foot back on the ground, still moving backwards a bit, he brought his hand up, as if he was going to grab her bokken. "Kido #8: Seki!" Zento yelled as a baseball sized ball of blue light formed on his hand and came in contact with the bottom, or bladed side of the bokken. He wasted no time pushing himself forward with his leading foot, her bokken and her body would be trust upward, her stomach would be wide open for an attack. Bring his bokken forward, he thrust, aiming for her stomach.
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