Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Miki Kirihara

Nickname: Usagi

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Nationality: Japanese


Personality: Miki is perceived as a shy helpless girl by all those who don't know her but is in fact simply a very private girl who's true nature is only revealed when among friends on in Cosplay. Her friends nicknamed her Usagi (Bunny) because of her bottomless levels of energy. She is friendly to those she trusts and aloof to those she doesn't.

Biography: Kiki was born on Kyushu her Father is an industrialist and her mother owner of a chain of fashion stores. Her parents were loving but couldn't spend the time to raise her so as soon as she was old enough sent her to private boarding schools till two years ago and she chose to attend Fujimi Academy and live in a private home nearby.

Little is known about her before she began attending Fujimi Academy about her life or which schools she attended and her grades.

What is known is that Miki is an expert costumer creating her own costumes that are the envy of the Otaku club and the conventions she attends. Miki also is a member of the girl's swim team know for holding her breath for up to five minutes and an anchor on the relay team.

Crush: N/A






Bush Hook Machete


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mikumi Akumatsu

Mi, Akuma, Kumi, Tsu ((Doesn't tell people this one))




Mikumi is tough. She doesn't give up, and she has a lot of street sense. She has great memory combined with a lot of time in the shadier parts of town, and the school. She doesn't really like people very much, at least not the preppy, popular or stuck up ones. She has no problem with a strong character but she doesn't really like wimps or people with low self-esteem.

Mikumi was born to a single mother. A librarian. Every day her mother would take her to the library to read while she worked. As she grew older, Mikumi became smarter. She excelled in classes, and her mother loved that. But Mikumi wasn't happy. She didn't want to disappoint her mother but she wanted adventure. So she began to skip classes, reading on the roof. She began to sneak out at night, learning how to fight. She became more flexible and fast. Stronger and more nimble. But her mother fell ill. And Mikumi tried her very best to uphold her great grades, but she couldn't quit fighting. Her mother didn't find out, until Mikumi was wounded. She had been fighting and had beed stabbed in the eye. But she still wanted her mother to be proud. So she never told her mother the cause of it, though she found out on her own. After that Mikumi's mother let Mikumi do as she pleased, as she tried to recover. But illness took the better of her and she passed away, leaving Mikumi alone. With only her gang alongside her.

She has a gang, Ice Wolf. Specific characters to be introduced

- Is only called Tsu by her gang


-Hates when people talk bad about her gang or her mother
-Weak against animals
-Hates when people call her Mi, it reminds her of her mother
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Amaya Nagisawa

Nickname(s): Maya, Amachin

Gender: Female

Age: (14-18): 17

Nationality: Japanese

Personality: Amaya is a cheerful girl who wants to befriend everyone. She is a little bit on the quirky side but has a good heart. Whenever she sees any disagreements or arguments, she is quick to play the middle man to sort things out. She is not the smartest student, but her hardworking, reliable nature makes her a suitable candidate for next year's student body president though she is not sure if she even wants to take on that burden.

Biography: Amaya is from a upper middle-class family who are nothing but loving and supportive. Her father owns a publishing company and her mother is an editor. Overall, she has a normal life with no childhood tragedies so there really isn't much to say.

Relationships: Amaya has two little brothers who she adores more than anything in the world. The older one, Kazuo, is 11 years old and the younger one, Akira, is 8.

Other: (Anything else?)
She has really bad eyesight because she used to try to read in the dark as a child. She is pretty much blind without her glasses on.
She is generally friends with most people at school as well.
Amaya is also surprisingly athletic. She's not very strong but she is a good runner and great at sports. She is on the girls basketball team.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Heinzt Dayer


No nickname








He have a low self-esteem because he was bullied in his old school , he is a loner and is afraid of people and sometimes he hates them ,What make hims feel a bit happy is his hard work , because of his low self-esteem if he gets insulted or something similar even a bad use of words make hims depress very fast and it takes time until he recovers from this.


Born in Switzerland from a rich family sounds good but if your parents are never with you that might cause some trouble, since child he only had his toys and tutors to be with him , he almost never saw his father or mother and he only have a few memories with them , the truth is that he is a bastard and is in hide from the rest of the family.In school he never could bring his parents to present them to the class , because of this is he was a bullied by the rest of the childs and have been called bastard since then.Recently his father decided to be more far from Heinzt and translated him to Japan living in one of his father summer houses , inscribed on Fujimi Academy .He lives a lone life.




He is very good at architecture , music , computers and manufacturing things
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ChronoBovino
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ChronoBovino Retired Cop

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Name:Glenn Maynes (Persona) Axle



Weakness: Fighting close up (Glenn) Building/Fixing things (Axle)

Strengths: Fighting close up (Axle) Building/Fixing things (Glenn)



Traits:(Very Friendly Glenn) (Keeping to himself Axle)

Backstory:Glenn's goal in life was to become a mechanic he just loved the idea of helping others with their possessions. He was never quiet at school there always people who he wanted to talk to around the corner even though he kept his secrets of what he really did at home. He liked to play a game with his brother where they plan if a nuclear war broke out or if robots took over the world what they would do it seemed childish and quite nerdy but he enjoyed it. Glenn was always up for activities of any sort he may not have been good at some but he cared about the experiences. Out of all the fun Glenn had his main problem in life was his MPD (Multiple personality disorder) his name was Axle. Axle was always making the wrong moves in life at one point he harassed one of his female Class mates and took up smoking . Axle learnt a martial art called "salate". Axle dosent like Glenn for the fact he tends to be hates fighting.

Relationships:Glenn has MPD

Confident around friends but near people that threaten and intimidate him he tends to be a coward and feels sad when people think he is stupid or useless
Axle Is different he tends to be a bully and never seems to be cowardly

Glenn is athletic due to playing football
He is also very good at fixing broken objects
But has a hard time fighting close up
Has MPD his other persona being Axle
Axle enjoys having a rare smoke
And playing the Violin (even with all that talk)
Axle is very religious
They have a gold pocket watch from there parents

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Samuel Black

Nickname(s): Sam

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Nationality: United States

Personality: Having built up so many defenses against attempts at friendship, it is hard to tell what Samuel's true personality is when you first meet him. He will generally ignore people, choosing to retreat into his own little world. When he does try and interact, he usually comes off as weird, shifty, and over-controlling of the conversation. Coupled with his apparent lack of empathy and disregard for social norms, he lends himself to bullying. This has caused him to have a low self esteem, constantly seeing himself as a failure.

When someone does manage to truly get to know him, Samuel is seen in an entirely different light. He is an extremely generous person, willing to give of himself without second thought of reward. When someone else is in pain, it is almost instinctual to try and assist them in some way. He also has a great imagination, and is knowledgeable about a vast assortment of things, although not all may be useful to the current situation. He also can be slightly obsessed with them, and will unwittingly beat the undead horse back to death again when they are on his mind.

Biography: With his parents being military contractors, Samuel moved to Japan at an early age with his family. They lived off base, and he would attend a Japanese school, as his parents wanted him to experience another culture other than just an American one. Every day his parents would go off to work, and he would go off to school. This routine continued through his entire life, and he ended up spending very little time with his parents. He loved them, but he simply did not see them enough to bring about a close relationship.

Using the money supplied to them from the Government, his family sent him to Fujimi Academy in the hopes that he would get an exemplary education. What they did not prepare for was for him to become estranged from the student body, and have his grades drop to barely passable levels. Rather than study or grow healthy habits for adulthood, Samuel chose to read, watch videos, and in general memorize vast amounts of knowledge that would prove absolutely useless in real life. He fell into a pattern, go to school, isolate himself into his own world, then go home and do the absolute minimum to maintain passable grades. Of course, this pattern would be shattered within the events of a single day.

Relationships: Not interested. Don't even try.

Other: He is fluent in both English and Japanese, although he does have a distinctly American accent, and shows no indication of following formality of any kind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Jose Christopher Alba Dela Cruz

O-chan, Jo-chan, That Big Thing In The Middle Of The Road



Fil-Am (Filipino-American) Immigrant

Appearance: (Will draw later)

Tall, almost excessively so, standing at 222.5cm (7.3ft), with a muscular and broad body. Despite his intimidating physique, he has a gentle and soft face that's looks much like a koala. He has short, frizzy hair and large round black eyes, thick eyebrows and a pointed nose. He constantly wears a pendant with the image of the Virgin Mary on it, even while bathing. His knuckles are callused and somewhat deformed looking due to boxing things too hard.


A man of few words, Jose rarely talks, and only does so when needed or if asked to. He is a gentle person, despite his size, and dislikes conflict. He enjoys helping people and has something of a martyr complex, although its not that bad. Jose is a very tolerating person, with a long patience and who easily forgives people; however this only applies to slights against him, and not to the people he cares about. He is a protector and a guardian, and can his slow, steady nature is calming for most people. He is not good at strategic or academic thinking, however he is very emphatic, and despite his low intelligence, seems to know exactly what to say to people. He is a very morally upright person, and despite the being unpractical, he will always choose the morally right action, even if it endangers himself.

It would be best, however, for people not to underestimate him or consider him 'soft'. He is nice, kind and gentle because he wants to be. Jose can compartmentalize like the best of soldiers, and can easily consider matters to be to separate things, meaning that if he wants to, he can be extremely ruthless and cold as steel.


Coming from the slums of the Philippines, Jose is used to 'hard life'; his single mother was the local whore, and he was one of twelve children - some of his sibling didn't even have the same father. Despite that, however, they were still a family who loved each other. Their mother urged them to study and to have lives that were better than they were now, at the same time instilling them with a strict sense of moral and spiritual discipline. Jose did his best to make his mother proud, and even as he worked in the evening collecting and selling junk, he studied hard in the mornings and afternoons at a local public school, where he achieved above average grades, despite his low IQ. He even got a scholarship due to his height, were he was drafted into the mayors basketball team. It was also around this time that he was introduced to boxing, where he aimed to follow the footsteps of his idol 'Manny', to become the same 'rags to riches' kind of story.

A recent economic plunge, however, made life thrice as hard for the excessively large family. They could barely eat a single meal daily, and finding the funds to send some of her children to school was becoming increasingly difficult. As a last resort, Jose mother sought out all of her children's respective fathers, sending them messages and pleas to take them in. Some where hard to find and took time to contact, others were basically non-existent; the chances of any of them replying were abysmally low.

A stroke of luck happened, and several of them did reply and agree - one of them being Jose own father, an American businessman with a base in Japan. The man agreed to take him in and take care of him, in fact, he even felt guilty that he had a son and never knew or checked up on him - as far as he was concerned, Jose's mother was a one-night stand that resulted in nothing but good memories. Thus, Jose was sent to Japan, where he spent three years studying before starting high-school. Due to poverty stunting his educational growth, he was older than most students when he was in highschool, being seventeen in his first year.

He gained a reputation as a scary person, despite not really doing anything, and so most people avoided him. He didn't really care, and focused on his studies instead. He was in second year when the virus broke out, forcing him to begin a new kind of struggle for survival.



  • A practiced boxer and fit athlete.
  • His IQ is a below average score of 83.
  • Is fond of small and cute things, like puppies and kittens.
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