Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Miki allowed the heat to soak into her body her mind began wandering back to only yesterday when the world was so different than the one in which she now struggled just to survive and remain sane. That's when the tears began and like a flood they fell, her knees grew weak as she sank to the floor of the shower stall. She was sobbing out of control and at that moment didn't care if she was safe or in danger.

"Damit, damit, damit, this isn't the life I'm supposed to have. I'm supposed to be enjoying life, having fun, dreaming of collage, thinking of my first kiss, my first time!" she yelled as she beat her fists against the glass walls of the shower.

She had done things today, done things that in the previous world would have landed her in jail or an insane asylum and she would have to do them again and again to survive; if she didn't she might as well put the barrel of one of the pistols in her mouth. The horrors and the scum would continue to prey on the weak, the helpless and the unwary; Miki couldn't allow herself to become a victim. She wouldn't go down without a fight;"NO!" she screamed as she stood up.

Her complexion darkened with rage, she was angry with herself for nearly giving up, for crying over a world now filled with danger. She was Miki Kirihara and she was going to fight till her last breath and protect those around her as her own.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Amaya went downstairs and began to search for the first aid kit. It was a hotel for goodness sake, they had to have something like that, right? She was pretty sure that Glenn and Angelo were going to get food anyways and the stranger who helped them mentioned him needing bandages. Miki and Anselma did a pretty number in the hotel though as she noticed a lot of zombies laying on the ground, incapacitated in some way. Once in a while, one may suddenly move, but Amaya would quickly bash it back down to the ground with her bat. It was getting dark fast, and the hotel was creepy looking. "I should really hurry up," she thought to herself.

She eventually found the storage room with the hotel's emergency supply kit. She quickly grabbed the large bag and dragged it up the stairs, making her way back to the hotel room where Anselma and Miki were resting in. It was rather heavy and hard to carry around, but it was worth it. There were flashlights, water bottles, bandages, and other things that one would pack in case of a natural disaster. Though she doubted that the people who made this emergency supply kit ever expected a zombie apocalypse to happen. She waited for the others to return as she sat in front of the door, with her guard up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Jose, who had gone from 'sleepy' to 'half-asleep', started awake when he heard Anselma's voice. She was talking to him, but her words were difficult to make out, groggy as he was. He had been awake for a day-and-a-half straight, and had not slept through all that time, not even when he was fatigued and physically hurting. But he had promised them that he would help Anselma - and by extension, her group - even if none of them had heard that promised, it still counted. At least to him, it did.

The large young man slapped himself awake and rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes. It did little, but it was nice to pretend that he wasn't about to collapse at any moment. His legs and hands shook and he frowned. He had lost a bit of feeling on his hands. That probably wasn't good.

He was just about to resume guard duty when he heard Miki's shouts. Jumping straight to his feet, Jose rushed to where she was. He stopped in front of the bathroom, his brain freezing to a halt as years of manners that were hammered into his head forced him to remember that girls restroom was a no-go for boys no matter the time or place.

With a tentative knock, Jose asked: "Miss Miki, are you okay?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Miki jumped when she heard Jose knock on the door an call out here name.

"I'm fine, just venting; hang on" she said as she stepped from the shower.

She wrapped one of the towels she'd brought in with her around her head piling her thigh length red hair under it as she tucked it in like a turban then threw on the robe she'd found on the cart.

She then opened the door after briefly composing herself.

"Sorry didn't mean to freak anybody out; it's been a long day and well I've done things. Things I know will be hard to forget and well it's starting to boil over........ she says abruptly shutting up.

She suddenly turns shutting the door as she turns crimson because of what she told a boy she doesn't even really know.

She goes and plops down in a chair set before the make up table.
"You gotta get a grip on yourself girl, a leader doesn't show their weakness to those around them." she says with an annoyed growl as she remembers he father's words.

Pouting she glares at her own image in the mirror as she unwraps her hair and begins a long drying procedure and brush out. As she completes the process she allows herself the thought of what happened to her parents.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 1 yr ago

She watch as the blood rubbed of her skin into the drain spiraling. She wish this was just all a bad nightmare, but she finally realized that it wasn't, that this was real, as well as the blood, the body's, everything. She felt her stomach turn but she was starting to get use to it, which she found even more disturbing. "I can't get use to killing...can I?" She questioned. She shook the though off and focused on another thought. "Were exactly am I?" She thought to herself. She blacked out as the boy was carrying her. Was she kidnapped? No Miki was there and she would of killed him if that was the case. At least she hoped.

She got out of the shower, dried off, and started to get dressed. She put on the jeans that fit nice and comfy. The shirt was about a half a size to big so it hung loose and about 4 inches extra. It was at least comfortable which she was dressing for. She picked up her old clothes and threw them away. She looked at her blood stained hood and frowned. Not only was it her favorite hoody but it was a special addition too. She tossed it reluctantly in the trash and strapped the gun to her hip. It then accord to her that she was missing her katana and knife. "Dame it. Did he pick it up? No he was running away without them, dame it. I bet the zombies are still there too." She cursed at herself. "I'm going to have to talk my friends into coming with me to retrieve it. Otherwise I might as well leave it, it just being to risky. She cursed herself one more time and then exited the bathroom.

She walked over and found that boy, "...what was his name? Great now I'm going to give the impression that I'm rude, or at least forgetful." She thought to herself. She taped the boy on his shoulder and he turned around. She could tell that he was about to keel over from exhaustion and being dead tired...hopfuly not literally. "Hey why don't I take over for awhile, or at least till Mimi comes out of her shower?" She asked the boy. She believed that it was best to introduce herself when he was at least thinking straight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 3 mos ago

With a nod of his head, the tall boy stepped back from the door, still worried for her but not willing to push the matter for now. Jose, even if he wasn't smart, was well aware of how shocking this whole situation was. 'Situation' wasn't even a good enough word to describe it. Pandemic was better, but Apocalypse seemed to fit the most, only he wouldn't use that word for the sake of his own slipping mental health.

He turned and met face to face with the first girl he had met that wasn't undead. She was going to take over watch for him, apparently. That was good, he was feeling tired and maybe a little rest was in order. He nodded in assent.

"Thank you, Miss Anselma. I'll be taking a rest then," he said. He took about five steps towards the closest room before collapsing into a huge pile on the floor in front of Anselma, his fatigue finally catching up with him. As the lights in his eyes faded, he idly realized that he had yet to introduce himself.

"Oh, well, I'm sure they'll be time for that later . . .
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Her dad could be anywhere in Japan or even Hong Kong but her mom was in France on a buying trip both situations making thought of running into them a distant possibility. So sighing she began braiding her hair as she thought of the best destination for her group to aim for.

Japan had over 6,000 smaller islands under her control of which over 430 are inhabited. This meant that they had plenty of locations to chose from and who knew perhaps some were free of the scourge of the dead.

The Izu Islands traditionally referred to as the "Izu Seven" there are in fact more than a dozen islands and islets. Nine among them are currently inhabited and those populations were small. The primary industries are fisheries, agriculture, and tourism. The most scenic spots on the islands are crowded with tourists during summers and this being the off season would mean their populations were at their smallest.

Perhaps she could try for ƌshima about 100 kilometers south of Tokyo, it was a fishing and agriculture based economy with a population of about 10,000 or less which would mean a limited number of dead in each of the seven or nine towns on the island. All the towns started out as fishing villages which would mean safe harbor, fuel and if they had cannery long term food sources. Also it's distance would mean they could return to the mainland in daylight and return the next day if they felt the need or had to scavenge

She finished up her hair with her customary blue ribbon then began searching the room for clothing but found only men's clothing and a toilet kit and a sewing kit. She kept the sewing kit knowing if she could find women's clothing and it was larger than needed she could reduce it using her skill that had won her awards in Cosplay. Thinking about sewing made Miki think of how wonderful it would be to find a treadle sewing machine and lots of fabric. Miki had never used a manual sewing machine but she'd seen them and knew that they could create clothing just like a modern machine only taking a bit longer to produce.

Stepping out of the room with both guns in the holsters under her armpits on the outside of her white robe and her bat held at the ready Miki saw Anselma.

"Hi Anselma, I'm going clothes hunting, what size do you wear?" asked Miki before noticing Jose

"Did you knock him out or did he collapse? giggled the redhead maniac
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Amaya entered the room and saw that everyone inside was pretty much situated. "Uh... So I got the first aid kit," she began until she noticed that the stranger was already passed out. "Is the bathrooms working? I totally need a shower."

She walked over to the bathroom and was relieved to find out that the baths were working. She turned on the water, and to her delight it was warm. She removed her gross, sweaty clothes and hopped into the shower to rinse off all the horrible grime that she had gotten from the long, long day. When she was done, she wrapped herself with a towel, and returned back to the main room. "Hm... clothes would have been a good thing to grab, huh?" she said, realizing the fact too late.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Hunter sat on the roof of a small store, He had been sleeping on the roof when he heard some of the commotion. When he saw the bus pull up to the hotel across the street he wasn't really sure what to do. He just saw people, and the dead. He had the assault rifle but not enough experience to fire it at a range, He knew how to use shotguns, This was not a shotgun. Though the soldier holding it didn't seem to mind him borrowing it.

As the commotion went on he figured he had to do something, He had only the one mag for the rifle so he had to be smart with the bullets, only the rifle was loud. He attempted to make an improvised silencer using duck-tape, A friend of his did it once, And he heard of others doing it, so He figured he'd try it. After setting this up he grabbed his school bag, All he had in it was his Engineering notes, and his history text book. he was out of food, and was hungry. Last time he ate was the night before, even that wasn't a lot.

It was dark now. No idea on what time it is though. He wasn't able to get out through the building below so he was forced down the fire escape. He ran as quiet as he could, last thing he wanted to do was get caught, Sure he had the military grade rifle, but the barrel had duck-tape on it, and that was it. He needed to be fast, he needed to be quiet.

Hunter made it to the door of the hotel, He couldn't see anyone inside and he didn't know if ti was a good idea to just force his way in. Though staying outside on the streets wasn't a good idea. This door was locked, He wasn't the best lock pick but he may be able to figure this out. I mean how hard can opening a lock be?

After beating the shit out of the lock with a brick from the street he was able to open the door, Though it did a Electronic ding sound as he did. "What the hell?" The door shut behind him, He broke the lock so the least he could do was try to somewhat close it again. He grabbed a house keepers cart and propped it against the door then locked the wheels. "Their, that should hold for now."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"He fell.....yea." Anselma said not quite sure how to respond to the question. She thought about moving him but he seemed fairly heavy even for both Miki and Anselma. "I don't feel like lifting him so let's just leave him here." She said her body aching all over. She realized that both the girls didn't have clothes with them to change into. "There are some women clothes in the other room. There all roughly the same size but it's better than nothing." She said pointing her thumb behind her toward the other room she came out of.

She notice that Miki had guns underneath her arms, which raised a few questions. "Um Miki, can I talk with you for a second? It'll be quick, I just want to know about are supplies." She said avoiding eye contact. She said it with confidence though she was afraid that she might get yelled for losing her weapons. She giggled at the though of what she was afraid of and what she should be afraid of.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Miki laughs softly when Anselma confirms that the stranger collapsed were he lay. She didn't miss the other girl's nervous glance at the two pistols she liberated just before Anselma asked
"Um Miki, can I talk with you for a second? It'll be quick, I just want to know about are supplies."

Miki sighed and answered
"Well I haven't had a chance to do a good inventory as yet but good idea that we take one soon so we might be able to note any critical supplies we're short on."

Then Miki stood and fetched both a pillow and blanket for the exhausted young man. As she tucked the pillow under Jose's head and spread the blanket over him she added
"There are supplies outside of food, water and clothing we'll need which we have yet to gather"

After seeing to Jose Miki walks back over to Anselma and says quietly
"We will need feminine products, toilet paper, tooth paste, soaps both body and clothing. Also we need unlubricated condoms and knee high hose for water carriers. I know this sounds like a strange list but think of our morale when we find we need any of these things and we don't have it."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Hunter started exploring the hotel with his rifle raised, The flashlight on it was busted so all he had was the scope. Which is a pain to use in the dark. He had to watch his step at several points, Bodies lay in groups as if a massive fight took place. Then again there were people. Though it's hard to say which ones were dead or just beaten to a point of not moving.

He found himself in the lobby, Even more bodies were here, though that meant people right? He walked part way across the room when one of the bodies reach over and grabbed his foot. "Oh Shit! SHIT SHIT!" He attempted to fire the rifle but the tapped silencer bent and the bullet fired in a random direction, The shot was kinda suppressed but it came out as more of a popping sound.*POP!* "No No No!" He fire again, the bullet random again but the suppressor had no effect, in fact, it came clean off. *BANG!* Then once the suppressor was off he fired several more shots out of fear to get the Infected off him. *BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!*.

With the Zombie dead he lay on the floor, rifle in hands smoke coming out of the barrel he calmed himself down, Though he didn't plan to wait around to see how many more infected were still alive int he hotel. He got up and looked for a direction to run too, Though... He had no idea where to go.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Amaya followed what Anselma said and went into the other room to find clothes to wear. Rummaging through the clothes, she found a t-shirt that was a bit loose which was fine, and a pair of athletic shorts as none of the other pants fitted her. She returned back to the other room where she saw that Anselma and Miki were discussing something, but she was too tired to pay attention. She threw her exhausted body onto the bed and quickly fell asleep. She had to do a lot today, and desperately needed the rest.

Suddenly, while she was asleep, she heard the sound of gunshots coming from downstairs, which startled her awake. She shot up from the bed and began to look around to see where the noise was coming from but was annoyed that it had awaken her from her slumber. "....we should check that out..." she mumbled tiredly, forcing herself up off the bed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Um, condoms...why would you need those...?" She said thinking down the wrong path. She then looked at Miki and smiled a evil smile and then said "Ah ok, I see why you need them. That's no reason you would need to tell me though." She said sarcastically. She assumed that she needed them for other purposes...hopefully. She put her hand up against her mouth trying not to laugh, but it was obvious that she was laughing. "So, who's the lucky boy? Is it Angelo? Or maybe it's that new kid." She laughed some more continuing the joke.

She hear gunshots and suddenly forgot about the joke and became worried. She put her hand on her gun and wished she had some sort of melee weapon. She turned toward Miki and said "We should probably check that out. We need to know whether that they need help, or that we need to protect are selves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Miki looked at Anselma as she asked about who the lucky boy was, her expression was serene and controlled as she considered her possible response and while she paused to think she heard shots fired in the Hotel and was instantly in motion. With her left hand she drew the 9mm pistol she'd gotten off of the Japanese officer and cocked the semiautomatic then thumbed the safety off as she reached for the door.

"Yes let's see what is the cause of our disturbance" answered Miki with a smile

She knew that by the volume of noise that whatever and whoever fired was using a large caliber weapon and as far as she knew no one in her group was armed so heavy. She wasn't foolish enough to take for granted that whoever fired was on their side so she cautiously stepped out into the hall gun at the ready.

She turned to Anselma placing a finger on her lips then crept along the wall that was deepest in shadow.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Hunter saw no sign of activity, Seems most the dead things in the lobby were dead. Well other then the one he shot repetitively. He started browsing the lobby for any signs of the people that were in here before, the bus was still here so they should be here right? Though after what happened with the infected just now he didn't really feel like exploring the halls knocking door to door asking where the humans were.

Hunter was looking for the dinning area, Hotels had those most the time, Normally they were near the lobby, but it was too dark to see anything. Though he could have sworn he had heard more foot steps, Couldn't tell if they were getting closer or farther. He debated on if he should keep the safety on or off, He didn't want to risk shooting a person, or use the last of his bullets. But getting eaten alive didn't sound good. He turned the safety off and kept looking for some food.

He heard the foot steps again, they were going slow, not very loud though. If it wasn't for the fact that the lobby was so quiet he may not have heard them. He only heard them once every few steps though,like they were walking delicately, or fragile like. A person maybe? He started walking down the hall rifle raised, he still didn't know if what ever was causing the noise was dead or not. Though either way with the rifle raised he may get screwed. "Hello?" He said in a quiet and almost calm voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Amaya was following close behind them, trying her best to be quiet. "After this, I'm going right back to sleep," she thought to herself, holding back a yawn. She was empty-handed but Miki had a gun so it should be fine.

She heard a soft male voice calling out, "Hello?" So it appears their 'sneaking' around wasn't really working.

Well, she had already figured it was a person downstairs and she was a lot more trusting than Miki. Most of humanity should be working together in a time like this right? Just because there were some crazy lunatics doesn't mean everyone is like that. This was kind of stupid, but she whispered back to the voice, "Friend or foe?" They still remained in the shadows though, not daring to reveal themselves too soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Hunter sighed with Relief when he heard "Friend or Foe?" He lowered the rifle and began to speak. "Friend! Oh this is great!" He ran up and hugged the new person, no idea who they were really, but he didn't care, he was just glad to be near other humans.

He let go of Amaya and sling his rifle, he then proceeded to shake her hand repetitively. "Oh my god do you know what it's like out there? of coarse you do you guys were outside too, But to do ti alone is insane!" he took a short breath then spoke. "Hi I'm Hunter!" He said with a huge smile on his face.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Miki watched as Hunter grabbed Amaya and even though he said he was friendly she didn't relax completely as he hugged her. It was when he finally put the rifle away that she holstered her pistol

"I'm sure we all have our own personal horror stories Hunter" she said then bowed slightly and introduced herself.
"I am Kirihara Miki but please feel free to call me Miki.

She then studied the new member of their survival tribe for a moment her eyes coolly appraising him. She was oblivious and unconcerned by the lack of clothing she wore before a stranger acting as if it were normal to wear only a terry cloth robe in the middle of a disaster.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Remipa Awesome

Amaya was a bit startled at the stranger's excitement and his hug. She didn't really mind it though, and was glad that she took a shower earlier so she was no longer all covered in blood and sweat. It was also nice to find another person at a time like this. The more the merrier during a zombie apocalypse, right? She then learned his name was Hunter as he fervently began to shake her hand. "Well, you don't have to be alone anymore, Hunter. I'm Amaya" she replied, and returned his smile.

Her eyelids were starting to droop as she was still exhausted. "Um, since he is not a threat, I'm going to go back to sleep now. Nice meeting you, Hunter," she said with a yawn. Slowly, she swayed back in forth, after losing the last drop of her energy from sneaking around, and somehow made it back into the room. She did have more to say to the new guy, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow. Besides, Anselma and Miki would probably tell him everything or whatever that is needed to be said. Amaya, on the other hand, needed her sleep. She threw herself back onto the bed, and tucked herself under the covers. She managed to fall asleep almost instantly and probably wouldn't be awake until the next morning or at least until someone wakes her up.
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