Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Earnest Evans
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Earnest Evans Backdown Champion

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Albus stared daggers at Jack. This moron had led the Enclave right to them!

"Looks like I was right, Vault Dweller. The town is doomed, one way or another. However, I will do my best to keep them busy while you escalate things. I'll go talk to them, and keep them distracted."

Moving quickly, Albus sprinted out the Radiation Roost and towards the town's front gate. In no time at all, he was out the front gate and in front of the set of Vertibirds that were just now touching down. This was going to be a rough day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Eight fully armored Enclave soldiers stepped off as two of the Verti-birds took off flying back towards the direction they'd come from. An officer and the pilot stepped off the remaining aircraft. The officer looked at Albus shaking his head. He cleared his voice and spoke. "My name is Lieutenant Parker and I am here to inspect your... Town and collect all weapons from the townsfolk. The Enclave will protect you now you'll have no need for guns or weapons of any sort." The officer said staring as Albus. "Now what's your name you mutated unkempt excuse for a civilian.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by HHShetland


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Do your country proud, sir. Though, for the record, institutionalisation is the keystone to civilisation! You don't seriously think you'd get anywhere in this anarchic post-nuclear dump, do you? No."

Gov. saw fit to give one of his tactless lectures once again once the bearded man started sounding all Anarchist. Gov. had scanned the Federal history records, and he knew perfectly well that Anarchists were just as bad as Communists. They wanted to tear down civilisation and indulge in a place where the brainless brutes lord over everyone else. Seemed like they'd be right at home here. He had estimated this man wasn't a real Anarchist, though. He was far too intelligent and pacifistic for that.

It was barely five minutes later, once the bearded man had disappeared, that their quarry showed up outside the building, with his ridiculous blue-and-yellow suit.

"YOU!" Gov. turned to him soon after he appeared, blabbering away like a teenager at the Knight fellow. "How dare you sass this man! He is badly-equipped, that is for certain, but from the information available to me, he fights for justice! Not like you, you society-disrupting, communal-farm-running, officer-purging, monarchy-overthrowing, vodka-drinking-"

As he was busy ranting at the cocksure fellow, the Vault dweller uttered some eldritch words. Programming codes. They pierced straight through his auditory sensors and spread throughout his neural network, shutting off his voice synthesiser in mid-sentence and sending him to self-regulation mode. He went stiff, the lights on his head turning red and his arms drooping to the floor.

"Processing..." He 'said' in a monotone voice, a long pause and some loud clicks and whirrs following.

"C-c-codes recognised."

Under normal circumstances, this would be the point where his programming would reformat itself, but it seemed that some higher programming, embedded deep within him, deeper than any scavenger had dug, intervened and blocked it from proceeding.

"...Reformat blocked. C-c-codes overruled. Level insufficient. Cover code not found. Rebooting."

This was followed by even more clicks and whirrs, and then quite a loud tumbling noise within his chassis. His condition returned to normal with a 'brrrrrrrrrreeeee'.

"...Hmm? What the hell just happened?!"

By the time he regained his senses, the man... whoever he was... had disappeared, and more worryingly, there was the sound of helicopters. There was only one group he had encountered since he was first rebooted that had access to those...

"...Wait. Impostors! Impostors detected!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Earnest Evans
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Earnest Evans Backdown Champion

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Albus shook his head.

"I can't do that, sir. There's a raider attack just on the horizon. I'd watch my back if I were you. Those raiders like to sneak into our homes and plant bombs, you know!"

"If you help us defend against these Raiders, we'll gladly give up our weapons!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Samuel crouched low, walking behind Jack. Though he did not like this brat who dismissed the concerns of others out of hand, impersonated military personnel, and seemed to think he was the hottest shit this side of Tornado Alley. But it seemed the shitter was the only one who could stop the Enclave's vertibird. So the knight followed, and turned on the tesla bat just in case it came to the worst.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Achilles peaked out the window as the Vault Dweller reacted to the sounds of some sort of aircraft. He was stunned for a moment, having never seen a working flying machine. Out popped a cadre of heavily armored soldiers. This was not the sort of people that he wanted around, and he already knew that.

Achilles left the still-unfixed machine pistol on the counter top, and checked his gear as quickly as possible. He had fifteen armor piercing rounds. They were rare, he had been saving them for exactly this sort of thing. He loaded eight into his trail carbine and handed it to Patrick.

"Full magazine, don't waste it. Only fire if I start, don't get caught. If I die, surrender." This was different from his usual instructions, it was clear he took this more seriously than raiders.

As he spoke he was loading six of the piercers into his revolver. He tossed the extra one to Patrick. "I won't have time to reload. Here's some normals, but they won't do any good. Try to hit joints," he didn't honestly have much faith in the kid's marksmanship, but if he was going to be up front he wanted someone getting his back.

Finally, Achilles unbelted his normal holster and shoved his revolver into the hidden shoulder holster. He walked out to follow Albus. When shit hit the fan, he hoped to keep the bearded weirdo alive.

He walked up behind Albus, apparently an unarmed citizen.

"It's a wild land, you can't ask us to just drop our guns. 'Sides, don't that violate some kind of constituation here in America?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Levythelevy
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Patrick took the guns and bullet with silent nod. Achilles only looked like this when things were about to get very serious and very deadly. He moved back behind the bar, checking over the gun in his hands, taking these few precious moments to familiarize himself with the weapon. He stored the extra bullet in one of his front vest pockets where he could get to it easily. He moved his head back up over the bar.

"Achilles, be careful. Don't you dare go getting hurt on me." Achilles was standing in front of the argumentative civilian, attempting to protect him of course. Patrick hadn't paid too much attention to the man, he had been distracted by the strange sounds he had been hearing coming from outside the bar. He had never even seen a Vertibird from a distance let alone heard one before, so despite hearing its approach before the others seemed to have heard it, he was too confused to let out any sort of warning. He took some deep breathes to calm himself as the Enclave soldiers approached.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

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Zhang remained calm as the Enclave arrived in all of its loudness, "Capitalists...", he growled as he took one last sip of his drink as the suddenly appeared next to Jack, extending a hand to him as he drew his Chinese pistol, "Let me do it. I can get the bomb up there without them knowing I'm even there."

He wasn't sure how much the vault dweller trusted him (or how much he trusted him for that matter), but there were the common people in need of help, and being a proud member of the party meant that it was his duty to help them and shelter them from the evils of the oppressors. Zhang had spent almost his entire life for these kinds of events, Chinese Special Operations manuals cover a great deal of topics and whatever it didn't cover, Zhang could rely on trust-worthy party-issued comics to fill the rare hole. He already mapped out a route to get somewhat close to the verti-bird with his stealth suit on stand-by, turning once more to the man who brought the Enclave here, he extended his hand once more, this time with more of a threatening force behind it, "Bomb. Give it. Now."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lieutenant Parker lips curled in a sneer. "Men prepare for a attack by idiot savages. Pilot stay with the Vertibird and keep it safe." The Enclave soldiers took up defensive positions, energy weapons crackling to life as they prepared. The Lieutenant stood just behind his men gripping a plasma pistol tightly as his eyes scanned a horizon. As he spoke once more to Achilles. "You constitution rights will be restored once we can organize a congress of educated and trustworthy individuals. Until then the Enclave is martial law and will restore democracy to the country." He said growled, that man would be first to be taken for Enclave... Training if he had anything to say about it.

Jack slipped out the gate dropping his bags and spare guns, anything that could make noise before he dropped to a crawl moving around the walls. He reached the Vertibird carefully opening the supply cabinet he retrieved a two plasma grenades and nothing else, he had no time to loot for goodies. He slipped under the aircraft and removed a panel as he worked then explosive into the vehicles weak points. He hopped the others came up with a good distraction cause in a minute he would need to run like hell.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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Dropping his bat and cupping his hands around his mouth, Samuel did his best to get the attention of the Enclave as he pointed at Jack.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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Katty and Grunk had rolled into town on the way to Charlotte, they had been in a small general store, Katty trying to agree to a price on the Cigarettes when the whipping sound of Rotorblades filled the air. She rushed outside to see the Vertibirds just touching down outside of the town. "Sssshit!" she hissed. "Grunk, we've gotta get out of here." she called to him.

"Alright Nigel!" he replied. Katty ran back to the merchant.

"Tell you what. I'll trade all of this crap for some bullets." she said, slamming her palms down on the table. He reached under the counter and pulled out 2 boxes of 10mm ammo and a box of 5mm. He stared at her with a look of nonchalance, he had no beef with the Enclave, so they had no reason to hurt him. "Fine..." she grabbed the boxes of ammo and pulled out her Pistol. Grunk grabbed his ammo as well and they rushed outside to see it flying overhead and come in for a landing. She rushed to the front gate and turned to Grunk "Stay here until you hear shooting. Then come out, guns blazing." she said to him. He scratched his head, then nodded. She then rushed out of the gate and ducked behind a dune, just in time to see the Bird touch down and the men pile out. "Power Armour... Shit..." She holstered the pistol and discreetly pulled the rifle from her back, resting the barrel on the ground, she looked down the ironsight and stared at the Enclave "Too many to take..." she mumbled to herself, then realized that if they moved away, she could get down there, get to the cockpit and she'd have more than enough firepower to deal with the soldiers. She then noticed someone roll underneath the machine. "Whathefuu- Don't you dare." she snarled under her breath. Someone shouted loudly to the soldiers and she jumped, accidentally pulling the trigger and firing a shot into one of the Power Armoured brutes at the front. "SHIT!" she yelled as the front gate burst open and a rather gleeful Supermutant with a Minigun burst forth and began hailing the Enclave soldiers with bullets.

"I HEARD SHOOTING!!!" he roared.
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