Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

After Gippal answered her he looked to Urick with a concerned look. Urick shook his head and then nodded towards the exit, at which Gippal gave a small appreciative smile in thanks. He didn't understand why suddenly both Nai and Alex left, did it have to do with Eva? He shook his head when he looked to the Fayth, who now spoke to the woman in front of them.

It only took Gippal a short while to run back to the entrance. Only to find Lady Yuna and Lady Lulu talking with Alex and Nai, who was crying. A concerned look came on his face at seeing this. He walked down the steps towards them.

Yuna looked up into Alex's eyes and held a confused look for what she was saying. She was very distracted by the fact the silent halls of the temple now rung with the hymn of the fayth once more. She simply healed her hands with a Curaga and allowed her to leave. She looked to Lulu and said, "Ill go on ahead." At which Lulu nodded in thanks and turned to Naisha. Yuna then hurried up the stairs and stopped at Urick. She looked him in the eyes and asked, "Is anyone else hurt." At which Urick said, "No m'am." She let a sigh of relief and touched his cheek " You boy's always start trouble when you arrive." She then hurried up the stairs and towards the Fayth's chamber.

Lulu spoke to her student, "What's wrong Nai..." She rested a hand on her cheek to wipe away the tears. "What happened down there? Are you hurt? " Lulu started to sound like a mother... as though she was a teacher to Naisha, she still considered her as a daughter she didn't have. She looked up at Alex as she complained about being hungry and tired. " Then you shouldn't be running into the temple and yelling and punching ice slabs." she said with a small hint of an amused smile.

It was this point Urick walked up to the three of them... His fingertips running back and forth on the palms they were connected to, as sweat ran down his face. "Are...Are you two ok?"

"Saina..." She said with a smile. "We called you, so you will help stop him..." She pointed lightly towards Eva and Gippal. "This meeting was important for all of spira... travel with them, and through this you will find your clue at Macalania temple..." She smiled one more time and slowly faded away, till she was gone. Only her song still sung, while her Statue continued to glow.

Gippal waited a few moments and said...." Wait a moment, she came back to have you meet us?" Were they speaking of the same guy he was thinking of? From the crap he's done he wasn't actually surprised. But still surprised at the fact they managed to come back on their own....if that was the case, maybe he did bring them back....yet they are fighting him somehow.

This was the point Yuna made it to the chamber. "What in Yevon happened here Gippal?" She looked to Eva and the other woman. "Who are these two?" She did note that the Eva was dressed similar to how she dressed when she fought Sin. And the other woman seemed to be....Familiar, someone she should know, but her face was foreign to her, but her presence. Also reminded her of the days with Sin...

She didn't wait for an Answer as she moved forward and crouched down to feel the glass of the now glowing statue of Valefor. What was going on? She sent all of the Aeon's to the farplane 25 years ago. She defiantly felt Valefor's presence here now. She looked up to the others. "Well tell me!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 21308
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Bohdan nodded. "I've heard about some of this. The near extermination of the ronso, of course, was hard to miss for obvious reasons. But what you're saying about the Macalania woods and the spirits who are supposed to live there still interests me. I believe I know where I'll be heading after this." In truth Bohdan wanted to get up and leave that instant, but he wouldn't dream of disrespecting his host. He wasn't even completely sure what had suddenly gotten him so impassioned about those woods. Sure, he'd planned to visit them, but they weren't somewhere he'd always dreamed of going. Perhaps he felt as though the world couldn't afford to lose the forests as it knew them, and only realized it now. He wasn't even sure what he'd do when he got there. 'Stop it' seemed like a clear choice, but he was already sure he couldn't. At any rate, they were something he wanted to see, especially if he might not always be able to.

"As for a change of subject..." Bohdan had to think on that. He had never been much of a talker, and while he liked his new host well enough and wanted to show him respect, neither of those things were enough to make him better at conversation, something he was beginning to realize he had no natural talent for. "Perhaps I could tell you a bit about what I did before I got here. It's not likely to be too interesting, especially not to someone who lives in a village which, as you said, is home to so many far better warriors. Adventurers, even. But I have been on the roads for two years. Mostly just the main ones, granted: as I said up until this point I've mainly been working to get the funds to travel to places I'd actually hoped to see, but I did fight fiends, for what that's worth. Perhaps you could ask me about that."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Well, you pretty much gave me the short version... And I could help you with funds... My mom sends money from Lucca occasionally, sometimes other things like shampoos and clothes. So... I could help you... in truth I've been meaning to get out." He chuckled.

"But, not everyone here is a warrior. If it was a real fight, you'd have killed me with your spear. This weapon I hold isn't really a weapon, just a mining tool a friend gave to me. I still would have fought tooth and nail; strategically, but I can weigh the odds. Tip for hand to hand? Realize your anatomy and force, anyone can move with force to excel it,sorta like how I made you trip. If you stopped mid strike, you might have hit with more force... But rather than me impose and nitpick... Tell me about your quest..." Cassius received a plate from Rohzar, it was slightly cooled down; but warm enough.

From what he could see from the plate- it was Chocobo meat. It was just spiced, and to the side, there was a pot of tea placed on the dresser. Cassius poured himself a cup of it; which Rohzar also handed to him and his guest. Cassius poured him tea as well before taking the first sip. Talking particularly was tiring for him; especially as long winded as he got.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 21308
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Bohdan was grateful for both the food and the tea. He had to do his best not eat eat too quickly and tried to be as gentle as he could with his hosts' glassware. "That is a most kind offer indeed. I'd feel quite guilty accepting... unless you mean what I believe you do about 'getting out,' and are serious." he said. "I also appreciate your advice, I'll try to apply it to my fighting in the future. It's easy to see how you won, taking my style into consideration. I've had training too, you see, but not in nuance. When I was small, I was in awe of the ronso warriors who used a style they called berserking. Something has always appealed to me about a fighting style that teaches you to put everything you have into each blow, but evidently it's far more effective when you're behind a spear."

"As for my quest, as you've said, I've basically already given you the long and short of it. I want to better myself as much as I can, and to eventually use what I have for the betterment of others. Perhaps my first real opportunity to do this lies in Macalania. There isn't much else to say yet, because in truth I have more or less just started."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It was Saina's eyes that met Yuna's first, their pale glow boring into the other woman's mismatched irises. She waited a moment, then looked to Eva and Gippal. She folded her arms and closed her eyes. She decided to answer before the others could.

"I was called here to be given a message from the Fayth of Valefor."

Her tone, as always, was very stoic. She wondered in brief if she acted like her uncle here, but with so little memory to go off of, it was hard to know the answer to that question.

"I was followed by this man, his brother, the red-headed angry woman and a few others. They attempted to stop the words of the fayth from reaching my ears, the red-headed one threatened me even after I declared myself. Fearing for the safety of the sanctuary after she spoke blasphemous words, I erected a barrier which was crudely punched down before stumbling upon our humble summoner here."

At that moment she looked pointedly at the girl on the ground. Eva, was it? She looked back to Yuna, her eyes open this time.

"Once the most violent one fled like a jealous schoolgirl, I was able to receive the Fayths message in peace. I'm to accompany this summoner and her guardians on their journey."

Her hands dropping to their sides, she nodded to the summoner on the ground and bowed just ever so slightly.

"My blade shall protect you, young summoner."

Then, with a dramatic flick of the cape, Saina gracefully brushed past the others to go out into the temple to leave them all behind to discuss the events she had just summarized. As she walked out of the cloister of trials, she was greeted with many glares from the people in the main temple area. Among them, surely, would be the red haired fiend that had insulted her so.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Alex glanced to Lulu and huffed a little, sticking her tongue out a bit childishly before slinking it back in as she glared over her shoulder toward where she and Naisha had just came from. "Not my fault some holier than thou ice twat decided to come in here and just ram on through without a proper explanation and doing the dumb stuff of 'oh here's what I'm doing, but I'm not going to tell you anything that will make it make sense noooooo I walk on angel hair and I can just blast anyone whenever I feel like it' and stuff." Alex huffed in mild irritation. Alex tended to behave a little more with Yuna and Lulu. One, Yuna was one of the only adult figures Alex ever had in her life, while Lulu was someone that was simply difficult. Get ready to spar, and get a giant lightning bolt and knocked down. Black mages were in general scary, well at least Lulu and Naisha were. Screw that other bitch. Unlike that girl, Alex had respect for these two. One day, she'd deflect a lightning bolt with her sword. One bloody day. And figure out a way to avoid going to sleep with a sleep spell. Yeah got to work on that.

As Urick came out, with the woman behind him, Alex glared and couldn't help commenting. "Speak of the devil now, and here I was hoping Valefor would peck her eyes out. Oh I'm sorry, I mean the girl who walks for the gods. I guess that would be counterproductive and would diminish such the good image and the oh so smartness of her brilliant mind." Alex spat her sarcasm like venom. People like her made her mad the most. It just pissed her off. Sure, she didn't really know anything about this woman, but she sure acted like she walked on Shiva's back.

Deciding to just turn her attention away, feeling the pendant on her throat diminish in heat which probably meant that Valefor had left but was still sort of resting now instead of simply being gone, to Urick. Whom asked if the two were alright. Irritation bubbled inside her, the fury slowly returning now that she was gone from Valefor's presence.

"Ohhhhh we are fiiiiiiiiine. Ya know, other than the fact that apparently, you two ditched us without any contact, for five years, for a pretty girl. Yes, no wonder we didn't get any notices while we were oh so worried. No need to right?! And here I thought you two were our dear trustworthy friends." Alex said in a icy tone as she let go of Naisha's chair handles before turning toward the muscular man and stood tall, sizing him up as she clenched her fists and her icy blue eyes glared into his green ones if they made eye contact.

"Should I punch you now or do you want a chance to explain yourself? Cause you know, my head is still killing me and I don't have a lot of patience. So it better be a good explanation you have, Urick." Alex warned in a cold low tone, almost like a growl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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“No, I’m not hurt…” Nai cried as Lulu wiped the tears from her face. She loved Lulu as a second mother and for that reason she felt easy telling her everything.” It’s just that…” She began still crying a little, when Alex began complaining. Finally managing to calm her cries a little, Nai continued.” It’s was Gippal… There was a girl down in the chambers of the Fayth… as soon as he saw her he ran to embrace her!” Nai started crying again.” For five years I lived constantly worrying if he was alive or well. I…I… I waited for his mother’s call every month, not sleeping from worry and he… he… HE WAS OFF SOMEWHERE WITH ANOTHER GIRL WITHOUT EVEN SAYING IT WAS SO!!! Why are men always such idiots...” She cried… the fact that he was missing for 5 years was already making her angry, but to think he spend it off somewhere with another girl and letting her to be sick, worrying about him that was what pushed the frail mage over the edge.” I just don’t care anymore!!! I’m leaving the temple before I bring it down on his head…” She cried as her eyes flared up with burning red glow for a moment and she quickly headed turned the exit. She hadn’t passed even a step before she heard Urick. "Are...Are you two ok?" He asked. Nai only turned to look at him. Her eyes had a very specific feel to them at this moment. They were red from crying and tears were still going down her cheeks, but they clearly conveyed she felt deeply hurt and betrayed. As Alex released the handles of her chair, Naisha turned towards Lulu.” I’m sorry teacher, but I will be leaving now… otherwise I may do something completely stupid. Please go after lady Yuna.” Nai said with some tears running down her cheek and she quickly headed outside.

She went back to the feast, some of the people noticed her looks and tried to question her about what had happened, but she ignored all of them, instead she just passed by the tables, taking a bottle of alcohol. Then she headed towards the beach.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

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Alex tapped her foot on the ground in irritation as she waited for Urick to explain, but it seemed his mouth was clamped shut was fiddling with his thumbs more intensely. Irritation growing more, her blue eyes snapping toward the tearful Naisha as she spoke to Lulu then left the temple. Turning her cold gaze on to Urick once more, she started to growl in frustration, arms trembling as she tried to withhold punching the ever living shit out of the muscular man. Damn Urick always had issues talking none the less explaining things. But times like these made it frustrating.

"You two... Left us for five years without any word. I accepted it when you finally came back cause I was happy to see you again. And... I thought you two were living your dream and going out to explore the world. But to think, you were with a girl. I don't care if you fall in love, have a family, do whatever the heck you want... But to just abandon us like that! How. Dare. You. I see now... You two didn't really come here for us. Your friends. Fine then. You should of just said so." Alex said coldly with a growl as she glared at Urick whom slightly cringed back, mouth opening and closing as if trying to say something but was completely unable to.

Growling, Alex reached and clamped his left ear lobe between her fingers and gingerly twisted it like a mother scolding a child, pulling on it. "If you follow I'm beating the shit out of you. Same with Cottonhead. I have more important things to do like be with my friend. Which you two made her cry so I'll beat the shit outta you if you come near her." she hissed before letting go and storming away and after Naisha.

Moving out of the Temple, she passed the feast and paused for a moment. Before picking up two saucers filled with food, one in each hand before following after Naisha. She heard someone yelling out a scolding or two but she didn't care as she moved along. Soon, catching up to Naisha heading toward the beach. With a sigh, the red head forced a smile.

"Awe come on Nai, who needs those two. Us two can party on our own. We got food and alcohol, perfect partying things eh?" the tall woman chirped, as if trying to cheer her friend up. Alex wasn't very good in this department, but she tried her best.

When getting to the beach, Alex stretched a little and sat down cross legged, one saucer resting on her lap, the other one in her hands. Taking one one large leg in her hand. "We should go out and explore for ten years without contacting them. See how they feel. Make a list of all the eye candy we see." she joked and chowed down on the leg hungrily.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The pale woman waited in the temple with her arms crossed for the pale haired man and the summoner Eva to make their appearance. She heard what the tall red head was spitting at her and bore no reaction. As always her face was stoic. The priests looked at her in anger yet none approached her, sensing something was off about the pale rider. She decided to be patient, after all, she was to escort those two in wherever they were going as they made their way to the Macalania Temple.

As she wasn't far behind the muscular pale-haired man, she heard the entire conversation between he and the red-haired amazon. Once she had traipsed her way through the door after her tearful hover-chair bound friend, she came up to his side.

"She certainly thinks highly of herself."

Her arms remained folded as she spoke, no hint of malice present as though she were simply stating a fact. She looked up to Urick, her vibrant blue eyes meeting his. Going by his body language, his personality was most certainly one of a teddy bear despite his mass. The poor man probably had no idea what to say. She averted her gaze momentarily, thoughtful. When she turned back to Urick, her arms had unfolded, one of them was placed on the large man's arm. Her touch was ice cold.

"You and your brothers hiatus from here were surely for your own reasons. You should not feel bad just because others may tell you to be."

Her head turned to the great walls covered in scriptures standing around the temple's interior. Letting go of his arm, she gestured that he follow. She walked to be in front of one of the walls, leaving enough room beside her for him to stand beside her should he choose to follow as she silently requested. Her hands folded together in front of her in prayer as she slid the hood of her cloak off. Her eyes closed and her head bowed, she spoke again. For once, she looked rather at peace and serene.

"If you feel guilt, then ask not forgiveness from those who have turned the other cheek. Perhaps, however, you are not religious. If that is the case..."

She lifted her head to look at him, her eyes mostly closed still but cracked open enough to see him from the slits of her eyelids.

"Then the feeling you may seek can be achieved in other ways as well."

Her head bowed again and her eyes closed, but she continued speaking.

"The aura of the temples I have visited I find... are enough to center me. I enjoy it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Cassius simply smirked at Bohdan. "I suppose simplicity has it's benefits." he chuckled in a way.
As Cassius finished his meal; he listened to the Ronso. He pretty much was just confirming repeated information and what not; which wasn't anything he has not heard up to this point, but what he did know what most Ronso simply don't leave for no reason; this raised questions about his mission, but he would not press him too much.

Upon finishing his dishes, he walked stood up before placing them in the kitchen, washing his dish, hands and face.
"Well, don't feel guilty about the money thing, it wasn't liked I worked for all that Gil. It should give passage to Lucca and what not. Or is there not a fare for getting around these days?" Cassius spoke up.

He folded his arms upon returning to his room, Rohzar stared at him in slight annoyance.
"Don't give me that..." Cassius raised his eyebrows to his Caretaker.

"Give you what?"
"That Look. Seriously, you look like you dread me leaving. Are you that bored with your life?" Cassius somewhat teased through words.

The man smirked a bit. "Hard to be bored of someone with such gull. If I didn't like you, I would have poisoned you two years in."
"Careful. I have a gun. Ooohgahhh Boogah. Machina..." Cassius waved his arms in sarcasm before smiling.

Rohzar simply double face-palmed at the silly display. "I'm just more upset you're about to leave so suddenly. Before you were here, all I did was hunt fiends on the roads. Cook for a village every seventh day of the week, and play Blitzball... And work on Martial arts to stay fit. My life was boring. " He chuckled.

"Yes, because having no water resistance in sports really isn't exciting." Cassius smirked.
"In all seriousness, I want to see the world myself, walk on one's own legs. You're always welcome to come." Cassius offered.

Rohzar shook his head. "I cannot leave here. It would break tradition of my family being a hunter."
"Not contradictory at all... You only took care of me the last three years." Cassius chimed in.

"I guess you got me there." The man chuckled.

"Relax, if I'm leaving it will be in the morning." He gave his friend a hug.
"Not a burst of sentiment, but I guess this is sorta like how a parent feels sending off there child..." He sighed before hugging his charge. He clearly did care in many ways; it was his responsibility for three years, and he was walking away now... It was slightly heart breaking to him to see this reality happening.

Rohzar turned his eyes to the Ronso. "Take care of him in my stead." He spoke lowly as if trying to be less obvious despite him quite literately holding Cassius.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sophitia
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Eva had stayed quiet during the moments with the Fayth and apparently Saina. What made them so special? She was just a girl trying to get her memories back. How would meeting her and Gippal be so important for the Fayth to come back to existence? Was it because of that man? Was he really that big of a threat?

Suddenly she heard "What in Yevon happened here Gippal?" Eva was wide eyed as she saw the High summoner. The one who defeated Sin for Good. "Who are these two?"

She didn't wait for an Answer as she moved forward and crouched down to feel the glass of the now glowing statue of Valefor. It was clear that she held a close connection to the aeons... as a proper Summoner should. She looked up to the others. "Well tell me!"

Eva was about to address her when Saina stated what happened in a sort of monotone report. She then mentioned she was to accompany Eva a Summoner.... and her Guardians. She shook her head as reality kicked in the door. She was a true Summoner now... Valefor had granted her powers to her. She smiled... she never thought that would be the case for her. Her dream was coming true...to a point, as there was no Sin to fight anymore. She looked to Saina who then offered her sword to protect her, and just as quickly she turned with a flick of her cape and left the Chamber.

Which left Lady Yuna, Gippal and her self looking at each other. There was a moment of silence between them when Eva finally spoke up. She bowed to Yuna and said, "It is a pleasure to meet you High Summoner Yuna, My name is Eva. It's an honor to meet the one who defeated Sin and brought us the eternal calm. Gippal has told me of all your Adventures while we traveled together..."

Yuna politely nodded and said, "It's nice to meet you as well Eva, and it's just Yuna please." She looked to Gippal and said, "It would seem you caused quite a commotion after disappearing for five years..." She shook her head and continued. "I must figure out why this is happening...It is good to see you are alive and well Gippal." She hugged him in which he returned. "But your and idiot. Not contacting any of us, especially Nai and Alex? I thought you were better than that." She then waved him on. "Now shoo" As she used her hands to flick them away "I'm going to wait for Valefor to return. You better clean up your mess. " She looked back to Eva "I will wish to talk to you sometime as well."

Eva was wide eyed at her bluntless at Gippal. She felt guilty now having taken up the last two years of his time because of her. She started her way out pulling Gippal with her...she didn't want to give lady Yuna any more reason to get more mad if they stayed. "Come on Gippal, Lets go find your friends..." She said with a nervous voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

A man in brown tailored pants, and coat with a Dark green cloak slowly made his way down the beach, he noticed a two woman eating together at the beach, and drinking. He had noticed before that the two were with Gippal, the old Blitzball star come back from his five year hiatus. He did notice the woman in the chair was distraught for some reason.

He walked over and stopped in front of them. "Forgive me for intruding, but I cannot simply pass and notice there is something the matter." His emerald green eyes locked with theirs and he gave his best dashing smile and gave a formal bow, placing his right gloved hand over his chest as his left extended openhanded behind him and continued. "What ever is the matter? I simply cannot allow such dreadfully sad expressions to reside on your beautiful face m'lady. "

He lowered himself into a kneel so he could be eye level with them. "Perhaps it is a man? or two men?" He asked as he glanced at the tall Redhead. It was all from the way they were eating and drinking he had come to this conclusion. Plus some others... "As a man I humbly ask forgiveness on behalf of all men who are complete and utter morons. We are not all like that and if you so wish I can teach those two men a lesson they shan't forget."


Urick was having an internal conflict he head tried so hard to explain it wasn't what she was thinking. That they were not just gallivanting around with a woman they met. It was something they couldn't just say. 'Hey everyone were back! Oh here's the true reason.' For one not even Gippal's father believed them now. He was petrified that Alex was yelling at him and gripping his earlobe. Curse his shyness. he wanted to speak more than ever now. But it just wouldn't come. He lost his chance as Alex threatened to beat the shit out of them if they came near Nai.

As she stormed off he raised his hand to try and stop her and as if her look at him froze his vocal cords, now that she wasn't looking he said "Wait...I.." But it was too late. She was gone. Grabbing two saucers from the tables and walking out of view. He let out a grumbling sigh that sounded almost like a tired behemoth.

He was staring at the ground...rubbing his ear when he felt an ice cold hand rest on his arm. He looked down and noticed the woman they chased before him now.

"You and your brothers hiatus from here were surely for your own reasons. You should not feel bad just because others may tell you to be."

He turned his head slightly in confusion...Was she comforting him? He watched as she turned her head walls covered in scriptures. She let go of his arm, then gestured that he follow. He hesitated for a moment before deciding to follow her as she walked to one of the walls. He stopped next to her as she made a prayer symbol with her hands after taking her hood off. After she closed her eyes bowed her head, she spoke again.

"If you feel guilt, then ask not forgiveness from those who have turned the other cheek. Perhaps, however, you are not religious. If that is the case..." She lifted her head to look at him, her eyes mostly closed still but cracked open enough to see him from the slits of her eyelids. "Then the feeling you may seek can be achieved in other ways as well."

His eyes narrowed as he tried to understand what she meant. He didn't have much time to think of it as he noticed Gippal walking out with Eva from the cloister of trials. Gippal saw him right away and also noticed Nai and Alex were gone. Walking up to him Gippal asked. "That bad eh?" At which he nodded. Which Gippal asked, "Where did they go?"

Urick sighed and looked to him, then Eva, then back to Gippal shaking his head gripping Gippals arm. Gippal suddenly saying, "Because of that!?" He didn't move to find them as he got the message that he shouldn't follow. He then said with a sigh. "Well I don't think I can do anything about it now. I'll talk to them tomorrow when they've cooled off for a bit. Ill tell them then what really happened to us." Urick nodded in agreement.

Urick to Eva and smiled at her as Gippal decided to tell Urick what happened in the Fayth's chamber after and that now She was a Summoner. At which Urick placed a hand on his chest. "I...Ill be your Guardian." Of which Gippal slapped him on the shoulder and said, "Of course he will. So will I, as we were already your 'Guardians' for the last two years. Now it's official."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 21308
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Bohdan's eyes widened a bit at the genuine display of emotion before him. He had never really had a caretaker like this. His parents watched over him, sure, but any time they spent with him was devoted almost entirely to making him strong, he couldn't remember ever being shown affection as Cassius was. He nodded at Rohzar and prepared to speak, quickly swallowing the last bit of food that was in his mouth.

"I'm honestly a bit surprised, I didn't think you were serious. You would travel with someone you've only just met?" he said to Cassius. He focused his eyes on Rohzar and said "Regardless, you can be sure that I will look after him like family. I promise on my life that your son will be kept safe." He turned back to Cassius and said "I will be ready to leave as soon as you are then. I hopefully won't need to for you to spend money on me, but it's comforting to know that you're willing to if such a need arises. In return, I shall do my best to find you a suitable weapon, if that's acceptable to you, of course. Perhaps in return for the lesson you just gave me, I will teach you how to use it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"And as decreed by the Fayth of Valefor, I, too, am your guardian."

The pale woman spoke after patiently waiting for the smaller light-haired man to finish his speech. She stepped forward to be among them beside Urick. Her eyes moved from one person to the next as she continued.

"My name is Saina Cross. I apologize for the way we had met in the Cloister of Trials just a moment ago, though I suppose fate is a funny thing."

She turned to face the summoner, her hands folded behind her beneath her cloak.

"We should prepare to leave for your journey at once, and leave as soon as possible. No doubt the forces behind the curtain putting all this in motion are not at rest."

After a moments pause, she furrowed her brow in thought and turned to the brothers.

"Which are, something I suspect, you two know much about somehow if going by what I've heard is valid."

Her face softened to hold a twinkle of understanding within her eyes. At this moment she looked at Urick in particular.

"I suppose it will come up in its own time, when you are ready to speak about it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sophitia
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Eva watched Gippal as they walked up to the main part of the temple. She admit, she was naive, but she wasn't stupid. From she gathered from what she saw it was her fault the two other girls were mad. Gippal had told he and Urick were really close with some friends here in Besaid. Did they think they were together? Placing a finger on her lips as she thought about it. She couldn't lie and say she never thought about it...After all he was very attractive, kind, a bit stupid at times but it was cute. Also the fact he did save her from the man 2 years ago. As well as Urick. But nothing had happened between them...either of them.

They exited the trials and saw Urick with Saina. Apparently she was talking with him. As they made their way to them Urick looked towards them with a look. "That bad eh?" Gippal asked, At which Urick nodded. With Gippal then asking, "Where did they go?"

She traveled with them for two years. And still it was amazing to her how they seemed to read each other. They would always use it against her and tease her with that.

"Because of that!?" He then said with a sigh. "Well I don't think I can do anything about it now. I'll talk to them tomorrow when they've cooled off for a bit. Ill tell them then what really happened to us." Urick nodded in agreement. Eva only shook her head with a small smile. "I'm surprised you didn't already." She added.

That was when Urick smiled at her as Gippal decided to tell Urick what happened to them after she left. He then added that she was a summoner now. Urick placed a hand on his chest. "I...Ill be your Guardian." Gippal slapped him on the shoulder and said after him,"Of course he will. So will I, as we were already your 'Guardians' for the last two years. Now it's official." She smiled even more and moved to Urick, at which she lowered her head slightly and looked at him from the top of her eyes, placing her hands on her hips till he realized what she wanted. He bent down and she wrapped her arms around his neck giving him a hug. "Hello you too by the way" She said with a smile. She would pull away to then look at Saina who then said.

"And as decreed by the Fayth of Valefor, I, too, am your guardian."My name is Saina Cross. I apologize for the way we had met in the Cloister of Trials just a moment ago, though I suppose fate is a funny thing."

Eva shook her head, "It's fine don't worry about it. It always makes for a good story later."

Saina turned to face her, her hands folded behind her beneath her cloak. "We should prepare to leave for your journey at once, and leave as soon as possible. No doubt the forces behind the curtain putting all this in motion are not at rest." After a moments pause, she furrowed her brow and turned to Urick and Gippal. Saying that they know more about what was going on

"Eh heheheh..." she chuckled slightly at Saina saying Urick and Gippal knew more about what was happening. She then turned to Urick in particular and said They can explain in their own time. She then spoke up. "You can say they know about it...so do I. Not that anyone believes us..." She placed both of her hands on her staff which she held horizontally in front of her. "As for leaving right away I would agree, but..." Looking to Gippal. "I think they have some unfinished business here."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Naisha heard Alex, when the red head caught up to her, showing her the two saucers with food. The mage looked at the bottles of alcohol.” I suppose… You know, every man I’ve seen is a fool in his own right! All of them!!! GIPPAL, URICK, TIDUS, VIDINA… EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!” Nai shouted angrily. Well at least the tears stopped.

“You know, we really should do that!” Nai agreed with a nod, taking a gulp from the bottle of alcohol. She had her own plate of food, but she already ate a little earlier and she ate very little in general.” Yeah… I’m leaving after the tournament…” The mage informed her friend. It was indeed going to be nice if Alex accompanied her on that journey. The mage wasn’t sure where she wanted to go yet, but she wanted to leave. Maybe she was going to get on the first ship leaving for who knows where… yeah that sounded like a plan. There were still many ruins left in the open seas.

As she was enjoying the company of her dear friend suddenly an annoyance made his appearance. A man showed up from somewhere and started spouting nonsense. "What ever is the matter? I simply cannot allow such dreadfully sad expressions to reside on your beautiful face m'lady. " Were his exact words then he proceeded with even more theatric performance which angered the drunken Nai. She wasn’t sure if Alex was going to do something, but the drunken and angry mage was acted.” Men… all of you are the bloody same! Help us? Why would someone random help us?! Why do we need help from you!?” Nai shouted in anger and even rose up from her chair. Her face was flustered with red from both anger and the drinks she had.” I’ve had enough with all of you!!! WE DON’T NEED YOUR HELP!” She shouted and pointed her staff towards the sea.” GRAVIJA!” She shouted as a huge sphere appeared in the water and the space within it began to shift from the changing gravity within. Then just as the sphere disappeared, she targeted the compressed sphere of water with another spell.” FLARE!” The sphere was hit, instantaneously evaporating lots of water. Then she proceeded to cast it a few more times in random places in the water, causing huge water pillars from the exploding energy. As one of the strongest black magic attack spells, it created huge flashes of light that also could be seen even from the village. She casted a few times it until her magic energy was depleted. As someone who spend the last 15 -16 years training only her magic, she possessed a lot of magic energy, but this still was a very costly magic to use. Finally losing her strength and feeling weak, Nai reached to her chair with trembling hand and pulled herself to it to sit. She let off some steam and cooled down, but only to remind herself what she was so angry about.” Just go away… I don’t want to see any men anymore tonight…” She said with weak voice. Casting magic was also tiring a lot. And just now she let out all her energy for the last barrage of spells that hit the water.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alex listened to the drunken Naisha speak her words, yelling about how all men were foolish, be it their two friends, Tidus or whoever. Soon agreeing to the red headed's statement of going out on statement on going out on a journey. Naisha never seemed to be able to hold her liquor well, she probably shouldn't be drinking at all with her condition but Alex didn't really scold her over it. After all, today's just been a emotionally rough day.

Before she could answer though, a man walked over to them and spoke to them. Speaking in the smooth suave manner some girls seemed to fall for. Unlucky for this guy, these two were not those girls. Her blue eyes narrowed suspiciously as she watched this man, offering his help it seemed. Alex was about to reply but her black mage friend decided to speak first.

Listening to Naisha yell, Alex blinked a little before tensing as Naisha stood up angrily. The tall woman quickly stood, body tense and ready to leap into action. And by action she meant ducking for cover and making sure this poor sap wasn't about to get severely fried. Screaming out spells, the black Mage caused explosions of water pillars and making flashes in the night sky in her angry tirade. When Naisha finally tired out, she sat down before breathing out for the man to go away. Alex sighed in relief, seeing no serious damage.. Well unless one counts the sea. For a moment, she thought she'd have to had to do the dodge dance away from rampaging spells.

Still, at least Naisha let out some of her anger, even if it tuckered her out. Alex forced a smile and gently patted her friend's shoulders. "Aha, that was quite the show. Don't tucker yourself too much now. You still have to watch the game tomorrow and make sure we win. Have to save those spells to scold us when we mess up." Alex said in a soft friendly tone, in a attempt to calm her friend down, though did glance toward the man with a narrowed gaze. Unlike Naisha, she wasn't exactly mad. Just suspicious.

"You must be a new arrival. If you genuinely wanted to help, thanks but we don't really need it. We can handle the men in our lives just fine. And Nai here needs girl time more than anything you can probably offer. So I suggest just continuing on your merry way. Maybe go ahead and join the feast." she said as politely as one could muster, as she gently rubbed her friend's shoulders. That much magic must had taken its toll on her friend, so Alex was a little worried. Another fit like that she probably couldn't handle.

It probably was odd, Alex being the calmer one, but no one really wanted a rampaging black Mage. By the Fayth's help anyone who get both of them this angry.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Cassius chuckled a bit. "Well. Rohzar isn't my dad, my dad is a Ronso I never met. He is more of less a close friend. But... I have a weapon, even if it is more or less a mining tool. A hammer, and well, a knife Rohzar polishes a lot. Itt is more or less a dagger... and since I don't know how to use magic, I use the Atelier, the hand cannon looking thing to mix items. I healed ourselves with it earlier, though a mage is probably much more suited for what I can do with it, so as a result, range is best suited." He said somewhat bluntly.

Cassius sat back on the bed.
"On the bright side, I don't have to hull much around. Though I was told that my friend in Luca was preparing a surprise or two for me at home, though I consider this my home too." He said eying Rohzar a bit trying not to offend him.

"Apparently a new model of what I'm holding." He held up his old Atelier he had as a child.
"Apparently new functions, faster mining, and it even identifies things. So it is assuring, but still not a practical weapon say... like a gun... but I rather not risk shooting someone by accident... Also... You're not much of a stranger to me. Ronso's are not known for dishonesty or lies." He smirked a bit knowing what he claimed may hold true.

Rohzar smiled a bit before letting out a laugh. "Always the best excuses I see."
"I call them reasons. Thank you very much." Cassius replied in a rather sarcastic manner.

"Anyways... If I'm correct the boat leaves early tomorrow, like early afternoon, two thirty or three thirty ish?. So if what is said holds true, we have time to relax and take our time. If there is anything you wish to do, I say it is best to prepare now rather than later that way we can hull it tomorrow and get the best rooms." He chuckled.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aerandir
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Aerandir The old guy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The man watched with amusement as the frail woman stood up and while angry Yelling at the top of her lungs. It was quite impressive to see so much life in a weak body, so much Bark. He glanced to the left to see the tall red head on her feet. Apparently nervous about what was about to happen. He slowly stood to his feet as well and as soon as she did so. Suddenly the smaller woman used Gravita and in a few moments threw out so many Flares into random locations of the oceans. Though while this was happening, Unlike the redhead he had his hands folded behind his back as he watched her get her rage out. Apparently not afraid one bit of the woman's power.

After she sat down and told him to go away, and as well as the redhead more politely he bowed his head. "Excuse me, then, for only irritating you more." He pulled out an Elixir and placed it on her chair's arm. "But please don't over exert yourself over us men. We can be fools, but it's really only for women we love we tend to be that way." He bowed his head one more time taking a step back showing he was leaving. "I'm not one to join festivals at the moment but thank you for the advice."

Slowly making his way away he simply replied. "I understand how irritating Gippal and Urick can be... I've dealt with them many times before. And from how your acting I believe it was from Gippal with another woman am I correct?" He stopped and looked back to see their reactions. "He is a player, And I intend on dealing with him. He can insult me and steal my wife to be away from me, but I'm tired of seeing the broken hearts he leaves behind in his wake. I'm sure he simply said he couldn't make it back couldn't call? He says that to alot of woman. the man is a liar and mongrel. It would be better if you didn't worry of him anymore."

He turned his head towards the Village. Most likely they would yell and tell him to get out of here. But he hesitated to see if they would listen to more, but he decided to start walking anyways.


Gippal looked to Saina as she mentioned that he and Urick knew more about what was going on. Apparently she was paying attention in the Fayth's chamber. He glanced at Urick as Eva chuckled and explained that they did, but that no one would believe them. That was true, they had went to his father afterwards to get support in raiding the mans hide out. But when they got there they couldn't find it... as if it didn't exist. It is still a sore subject between him and his father.

He then looked to Eva who said that she would want to leave as soon as possible as well. But indeed he had somethings to take care of. Namely Nai. He couldn't just leave after this, he really wanted to spend time here...maybe some how he could convince her to come as well. Kinda hard with being apart of the team now as well. He would have to figure out that as well.

Suddenly he heard multiple explosions so bright it could be seen from the temple...but it was clear it was at the beach.

Eva asked, "What is that?"

Gippal sighed and glad he wasn't down there... "That is Naisha." He looked at Eva as he saw her eyes go wide. He nodded a few times. "A few issues I have still need to Iron out." He agreed before looking to Saina.

"Here is not the place to talk about it. Tomrrow I will, after the game, and after I talked to Nai."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Breathing heavily after the intense shouting and feeling tired from depleting all of her magic energy, Nai felt heavy as lead, even more so than usual. In general she had hard time getting up from the bed so every time she jumped form the chair, later she would usually have muscle ache for days. Today she had jumped a few times... not to mention all the shouting she did and waving her staff around. Her staff was specially made for her from very light metal. It was even made from spiraling thin threads of metal to make it even more light than just a solid metal staff. Still it was heavy enough for her arms when waved around a lot. Now tired and barely able to move, she sat in her chair. “I'll be fine after I rest. You know my magic energy recovers fast.” Naisha said to her friend with a smile.

“Yeah... a really comfortable way of thinking that is...” She replied to the man, not having the strenght to even get angry anymore. “ And what do you think you know about him?! Though I suppose I don't really know anything about him anymore eit...t..h...er... * ZZZzzzzZZZZzzzz * “ Naisha quietly muttered as she fell asleep before she heard everything the man had to say.

Her body was relaxed in the chair and she almost appeared dead, if not for the almost impossible to notice breathing. It was going to be a miracle if she managed to get up from the bed on her own tomorrow. Her body was going to be hurting all over and she most likely still was going to be very tired. It was mostly her own fault though. She got way to over excited from Gippal's return to begin with. Now after everything else that happened things just got worse. On top of that she drank more than she should have. Still she looked so peaceful while sleeping. Even though a few tears started to run down her cheeks again.
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