Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TartanO88
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TartanO88 Lord Brofist, / Rebirth Lt. Commander.

Member Seen 11 mos ago


After some time, I'd (thankfully) managed to relax but that sort of backfired when I let my guard down and meanwhile became so oblivious of my surroundings that I'd nearly jumped my skin when a voice from behind suddenly piped up. The mental rambling of rants to follow was inevitable at this point, considering the borderline heart attack I just had to endure. Merda santo! Lo giuro, nessuno ha mai bussa più in questi giorni... Turning around, I was unsettled to be met with the all too familiar face of Brine. "Oh." This wasn't surprising. Carefully setting down a rather expensive, long-distance communication device I almost dropped in my start, I nodded in acknowledgement to him. "Lieutenant Commander Sharp." This almost felt like a business meeting. And I hated that. What's worse is that the last time I addressed him by title in those exact words, it was when I had futilely attempted to prevent an 'unfortunate incident', for lack of a better term, from worsening. Rin ended up having to interfere and the results were unsatisfactory, to say the least; I received a dislocated shoulder and Brine ended up getting his head blown out. For Christ's sake, this isn't elementary school where we both choose to ignore the stupid elephant in the room and begin to sulk while passive-aggressively getting back at each other. Unholstering the concealed sidearm I always carried around with me as nonverbal warning to Brine, I undid the safety and loudly smacked it onto the nightstand by my cot. Crossing my arms, I stared at the man before me. "Care to explain why I was your target of choice yesterday?"

Lt. Commander Brine Sharp

I glanced at the small pistol and snorted loudly, I knew he was a crack shot but it pissed me of that he underestimated me like that. "Not unless you care to make that an order, Sir." I say with disdain in my voice then start eating. The fact that he would even try to play stupid on this one pissed me off no end and I was already in a bad mood from being shot. "Also Commander if I wanted you dead, your pee shooter there wouldn't do a damn thing to stop me." I comment in between mouthfuls.


Oh no, I wouldn't allow him to have me play that card. Talk about a low blow. Ranks were to be disregarded, completely ignored if not thrown out the window during the duration of this conversation. It was just him and I, man to man. Even if things couldn't go back to the way they used to be, an outcome I'm beginning to suspect is very likely to conclude this, at least this will give me one less thing to worry about. Closure, just tied up loose ends. "Brine" the name felt foreign, odd, almost taboo as it rolled off my tongue. I can't believe we've come down to this point. I used to trust this man with my life and now I can't even turn my back to him. "As much as I hate to admit it, I am not a mind reader. You clearly have a problem with me and until you stop acting like a fucking child, and lay that shit out on the table where I can see it, we are not leaving this room." My patience was wearing dangerously thin now, plus I just barely refrained from adding that's an order to my last sentence. By the end of my warning, my voice had raised and I was waving my hands around, gesturing frantically, out of frustration.

LT. Commander Brine Sharp

I had stopped eating by this point, I was too angry to eat, and had grabbed the metal frame of the bed. I didn't realize how hard I was squeezing until I heard the metal squealing and groaning under the strain. "You don't need to be a mind reader to remember when you screwed someone over!" I say in a quiet rage, the kind of low growl that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. "Maybe you'll remember this, 'If it was anyone else I'd already have left Brine, but for you I'll wait a week. Go get your loose ends tied up then we'll leave together.' Two hours after you said that you left! Two FUCKING hours! You were my brother, I would have died for you, I did bleed for you, and you didn't even wait until I got home!" I say this time loud enough it hurt. I could feel the blind rage seeping into me like an empty jar with nothing left to keep it out, everything I had cared about had been taken from me starting with the person I had trusted most. I held on even tighter to the bed frame and felt it start to fold and crumple under the fierce pressure but I didn't dare loosen my grip, I knew what would happen if I did. "You left me there in that hell hole with no one to watch my back and one by one they took everything from me. Our squad... My squad died because there was no one in command willing to do the right thing, they just watched them being slaughtered because that was their orders." I closed my eyes and tried to will away the memories of that day as tiers of rage, pain, regret and sorrow filled my eyes.


His words hit me unlike anything I've ever experienced before. Thirty-eight years ago... I know exactly what he was talking about; I remember that day clearly now like it was no earlier than yesterday. My breathing hitched, got caught somewhere at the back of my throat. I'm not even sure where to begin but words can't possibly begin to justify what I've done to him. Although in the bigger picture I had saved his life, to him I'm probably just some cruel bastard who decided to use him, raise his hopes, and stomp on everything before tossing him to the wolves. My lungs are burning and I suddenly realize that I've been holding my breath. I'm probably looking pale, too. Letting out a sigh, I run my hand -it's shaking- through my hair. There's a pause where I find myself unable to even look at him now. Taking a moment to pull myself together, I lean back on the wall behind me and look up at Brine. He deserves to know the truth. I was left with no choice but to leave him in the dark back then though now, here, we're safe.

It was back when we were both serving the UKD forces. Fourteen years and I was practically on top of the world with my clean records and collection of medals. My achievements and status were earned through blood, sweat, and tears yet some claimed I was born with a talent. Regardless, what I had was something most could only dream of. I wanted none of the fame nor hatred that came with it, I just needed something to give me a reason to wake up the next morning. My life on the streets gave me plenty of practice; I had the skills, so why not put them to use? Make a living off it? This was a legal and 'clean' way to get my hands dirty so I decided to try it out. Within the first month it was basically a done deal, so I'd been a soldier since the age 24. But like they say, everything that goes up must come down. Some woman even had a quote for that: "The bigger they are, the harder they fall. And the better the world liked seeing them fall." Oh how right she was. My swift rise in ranks didn't sit well with some of the higher ups, especially those who's families have been in the system for generations, so they wanted me out of the picture. Someone did a little digging and my history was eventually uncovered. Excuses such as bullshit scientific reasoning for ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴛ ᴛᴇɴᴅᴇɴᴄɪᴇs stemming from an ᴀɢɢʀᴇssɪᴠᴇ ɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ, and an elaborate ʟɪsᴛ ᴏғ ᴄʀɪᴍɪɴᴀʟ ʀᴇᴄᴏʀᴅs meant to tarnish my name were brought to light. Being that this was all done without my knowledge, I had no say in any of it and ultimately, no way of speaking up for myself. One thing led to another and eventually, they came to the conclusion which sealed my fate. ᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴs ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴛᴀᴋᴇɴ﹕ ᴛᴇʀᴍɪɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴ. Yes, those words are precisely what had been printed on my files, something I'd managed to attain through the assistance of a former colleague who was also the one to alert me of these plans. I knew I had to leave, but I wanted to take Brine with me. Sparing him most of the details for his own safety, I asked him to come with me. But somehow I'd been compromised and in a last ditch effort to save those close to me, I was forced to depart much sooner than anticipated. I'd abandoned everything and everyone I ever knew.

This is where our problem lay.

Upon arriving in the RAS, I was promptly arrested upon arrival and incarcerated. It took an extreme amount of convincing but I'd managed to negotiate my way through. All information preceding my date of release is confidential, I don't think even Rin has the clearance to access those files, however I could be underestimating her. Plus, I've never spoken a word of my past to any other human being, including Brine. He respectfully accepted that it was something I simply couldn't share.

I sighed again. A long silence has stretched out between Brine and I yet I can't think of what to say. Without giving it much thought, I decided to finally tell him everything. From the beginning.

Lt. Commander Brine Sharp

After a moment of silence Commander Marksmen started to speak, but it wasn't him, almost everything about him had changed. This was the man I had known for fifteen years, this was the Ray that led our unit into hell and brought us back in one piece. He had let down every wall, every defense and made himself an open book, all so I would see he was hiding nothing. Slowly the anger started to subside and the longer he talked the more I listened, parts of his past I hadn't known before, the witch hunt by his enemies, everything that happened the night he left and the hell he had to go through getting to the RAS and after. There were no excuses, no lies to make him look better just the facts of what had happened and why. I don't know how long it took him to tell his story but when he finished he had the same tired expression as he'd always had at the end of a long mission, he was just ready to be done with this mess and move on come what may. After a long sigh he sat down on the edge of the bed, looked at me and said "That's it, now you everything." I sat there staring at him for a full minute, I've hated him for what he did for so long now that, even though everything he said makes sense, I don't know if I can forgive him. "I don't know Ray... I say as memories flood my mind throwing me even more off balance. "I just don't know what to think any more man. I need some time to sort this all out." I needed time to think, to figure this out and to decide what I was going to do.


His reaction was to be expected. But just as he is not a priest, I am not here to be pardoned or beg on my knees to ask atonement for my sins. No, none of that. Truth is all I want is to be left alone. Plain and simple. The reasons why I chose to explain the situation with Brine is because one, I know that he understands this information isn't something he can ever speak of and two, I'm just trying to neutralize the tension between us. However, this solution is merely a bandage meant to mask these wounds rather than heal them. "I understand. And honestly? I'd rather we simply stay out of each other's ways from now on." I meant every word of that and can only hope he'll accept this new-found gap forced between us.

LT Commander Brine Sharp

My mind was a mess, I had no idea what to do, think or say. The longer I talked to Marksman the worse it got and when you have been augmented mental clarity is a must, otherwise you might hurt or kill someone by accident. "Maybe that's what's best for now." I mumble. I need time to myself, I need to figure this out and get my head right and I'm not going to do that here. I grab my toiletries and say. "I'm going to hit the showers." Then walk out and down the hall to the communal showers.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rose
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Commander Rin Monroe

After Raina left I collapsed backwards on my bed, almost like I didn't even have the energy to sit up right anymore. It had been a long day. Hell, the past two or three days had been ridiculously long and tiring. It feels like my life suddenly turned into some kind of novel that drags on and on. I waste a few minutes just laying there before I decide to get up and get that drink. Two fingers worth of whiskey later and I was resting peacefully on my bed. Well, peacefully isn't the best term since my sleep is always filled with vivid nightmares and unrelenting memories. Once I finish my good long nap I get up and change into something somewhat less official looking. While a tan tank top and olive drab cargo pants are still military issue they are much more relaxed than my well starched navy blue uniform. I tightly lace my boots back up and leave my room to go to the bridge.

"Thank you Lieutenant." I say to the young man as we depart in our separate ways. He was the one in charge of the regular crew of the ship. Me and him had plenty we needed to discuss even though me and my team would only be on his ship for a few days. I'm thankful to have that over and done with. As I make my way through the corridors I glance at my watch. "Dinner time already." I mumble to myself. Stopping at a communications console mounted on the wall I quickly punch in my security code giving me access to the intercom of the ship. "Attention" I say in my regular and commanding tone. "Dinner in 30 minutes, everyone besides regular crew members be in the mess hall ASAP." I say then hang up and head towards the mess hall. Upon arriving I greet the officers in charge of preparing meals and briefly talk with them while waiting for my team to show up.

Captain Brandy Carson

I had put my ear buds in and played some music while I chilled out in my bunk. I'm not for certain if my bunk mate had come in or done anything but if so she must not have bothered me. I'm not sure how much time had passed but I'm suddenly jerked out of my little world when I hear the Commander's voice booming over a speaker in my room. I pull my ear buds out and listen to what she had to say. Without wasting time I get up and make my way to the mess hall. Once arriving and paying my proper respect I take a seat and wait for everyone else.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TartanO88
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TartanO88 Lord Brofist, / Rebirth Lt. Commander.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Petty Officer Derek Benson

After dropping the contraption by my bed I say. "Just the ones that run their mouth off and get us confined to quarters. Nah that shit gives me the heebie jeebies! I just can't wrap my head around it." I don't like the idea of some clone of me coming back and thinking he's me, or however that stuff works.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(Captain Chris Henderson)

After a few minutes of barfing. I stand up and walk back to my bunk. I fall face down on it and wait for a moment for everything in my head to calm down. I rest my head against the wall and look around the room. When though me and Eric where in it for a few hours, it already smelled of alcohol and cigars. I liked the smell if was a familiar one. I had enjoyed this little party with Eric. Although it could not happen all the time since i had a reputation to uphold. I decided to get some sleep when i heard out pink princess talking to the mic. "Attention" "Dinner in 30 minutes, everyone besides regular crew members be in the mess hall ASAP."In any other case. I would put on some more nicer clothes and lie back and read a book. But since i smelled of beer and puke i decided it was a smart idea that i would take a shower. I grabbed a towel and some other stuff to wash myself with and walk over to the showers. When i arrive i take of my clothes and relax as the hot water flows over my face. I use my shampoo to clean myself even more, And to drive the smell away.After that i walk back to my bunk and dress myself with a more refined pair of clothes. I then lay on my bunk grab one of my books and start reading. waiting until it is time to show up at dinner. I then realized that she said ASAP.
And since i did not want to be target practice i stood up and walked over to the mess hall. I arrive and see commander Rin talking to one of the crew members. I put on my poker faxe and say."commander if i may ask what are we eating?" I the. Take a seat and await hete answer.


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shiva
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Shiva Friendly Neighborhood Voice Actor

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Eli Matthews

"It's 'Eli'" I said, not really irritated but I most certainly didn't want her calling me ellie in public. "And in regards to the touching, Ditto." I was about to say somthing else when I heard the announcement. "Well, we'd better get going." I added as I started towards the cafeteria.

Raina Matthews

"Ah, the voice of 'god' raining down from above." I muttered to myself as I tossed my stuff on my bunk. I didn't even have time to greet my bunk-mate properly, so I simply waved at her and went out of the room again. I walked quickly down the hallway. I saw my brother up ahead and jogged a little to catch up with him before resting my right arm on his left shoulder as I normally did.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Hunter Monroe

I guess I got the feeling, never thought about it like a clone of me taking my life. Though, my life right now consisted of limping on a solid piece of metal. A chance at a new start without that would be great. Then the announcement came on for dinner. "Hell yes, time to get some food mate." I Set the last of my bags onto my bed and started out, I could spend another ten minutes putting my clothes into some drawers, or I could go have what ever is cooking for dinner. Dinner sounded a bit more important at the moment.

I entered the mess hall, first thing I notice is the smell, what ever is cooking smells much better then anything ever cooked at home. Hmm, Mom would be pissed if she ever heard me say something like that. Up side to going to war then!

Soon I noticed Commander Monroe talking to the cooking staff, I think it's funny as hell, I'm a decent rank, and our boss has the same last name. Sooner or later people may accuse me of getting promoted through corrupted means. Then I could always prove my point by kicking some ass. Then I looked at my leg again, so fighting wasn't an option. Though if it comes to it before Rebirth, I could break a foot or two.

I walked up to the commander. "What's cooking sir? Smells good as hell so I hope it's as good as it smells." I knew I wasn't supposed to be too casual with my commanding officer, though it's meal time? How bad could it be?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rekaigan
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Rekaigan Rolling Sushi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Abbie Kaapo Laukkanen

I failed to hide the smirk on my face when he corrected me, I felt like I should keep calling him 'Ellie' just for the fun of it. Our brief conversation was interrupted by 'Gun God' on the intercom, something about eating. Sounded good to me. I gave Eli a brief nod in agreement before he left the room. I followed after him shortly after quickly shutting down my gear, my headphones still around my neck. It was now plugged into the music player in my pocket but I didn't bother turning it on, I wasn't working on anything anyway.

As I walk into the mess hall, I'm bombarded with some quite tasty aromas... Food. I could feel my mouth salivate. I promptly sat myself down at one of the tables in front of someone, but I didn't notice there was a person there until I had already sat down. Wow.. She had a lot of hair on her head. Quite curly too. She was quite tanned as well, maybe she spent a lot of time in a sun? That's absurd, the sun is evil. She must've been born with it. (Brandy)

I'm not one to start a conversation, so she can start one if she wants to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rose
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Commander Rin Monroe

I watch quietly as several of the officers make their way in. I get the feeling that they are happy to be out of their rooms. If that's the case then my punishment is working. The pleasant aroma of the food seemed to be grabbing their attention. I stand alongside the serving bar that separated the kitchen from the dining area, one hand braced on the counter-top and the other on my hip. With a mostly blank, but more relaxed than before, expression I look over the two that had asked what would be for dinner.

Chris, a man with a plagued past. I could tell he had on a face, almost like a mask to hide behind. But I couldn’t blame him since I lived behind such a mask. But beyond anything in his past that he was hiding it was plain to me that there was something immediate that he didn’t want me or the others to know. My guess, he’s drunk off his ass and trying to work through it. While I’m not fond of my officers getting drunk he isn’t on duty and was confined to his room, so I won’t be mad about it. Unless it’s a problem in the future.

Hunter, a young man with a lot to learn. His attitude could nearly be described as bouncy as he entered the room. The smirk on his face told me he was probably making some witty remark in his head. The lock down for the day didn’t seem to dampen his mood to much. Though I’m not a fan of his casual way of addressing me.

“Last time I checked I didn’t have the equipment needed to make me a Sir. So I suggest you call me ma’am or Commander instead.” I say dryly to Hunter. I then turn my attention to no one in particular. “I’m having roast beef, mashed potatoes, and green beans for dinner. You are all having whatever leftovers from the past week all thrown into a pot and made into some kind of soup. Again, you can thank all those who made a scene earlier.”

Captain Brandy Carson

As I hear the commander tell us what we’d be eating for dinner my head fell onto my crossed arms on the table. Those idiots earlier had to go and make a scene. Because of them we’ve had to stay in our rooms all day, will be cleaning the whole time we’re on this ship, and now even our food is messed up? They are so going to pay for this. No, no, no. I don’t need to be thinking like that. I’m the medical officer, I’m supposed to help without biased. Though that doesn’t necessarily mean I have to be nice about it…

I hear someone sit down across from me and I look up. I had been given notes on everyone in the team, mainly just their basic medical history in case I needed to treat them differently than I usually would. Those notes also included names and pictures so I’d know who was who. If I remember correctly this was Sergeant Abbie Kaapo Laukkanen. Several medical facts about her flashed through my mind but I pushed all that aside. “Hi, I’m Brandy.” I say with a smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TartanO88
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TartanO88 Lord Brofist, / Rebirth Lt. Commander.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

LT Commander Brine Sharp

As I entered the showers I was still distracted by what had happened with Commander Marksman and almost missed the other person in the room (G. Zetta). After a distracted greeting I stripped down and started my shower, almost immediately I could feel my mind calming. This was always the one place I can find serenity and clarity, I was just starting to unwind good when the dinner call came out over the intercom. I hurriedly finished washing and donned my BDU pants and shirt then walked to the mess hall.

Upon arriving at the mess I offered a quick salute and a "Mam!" to Commander Monroe then get in the chow line.

Petty Officer Derek Benson

After the announcement and Hunter's comment I started looking around rather frantically and said "yeah man save me a spot, I gotta find my shoes! After five or tin minutes of trying to find them I gave up and grabbed my sandles. When I got to the mess I was releaved to find I wasn't the last one to arrive so I took a place in line and waited for food.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Grave
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Demon Grave Bored, and Slightly Psychotic

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eric Fenris "Wolf"

After some time drunkenly wandering the halls of the ship I hear something come over the intercom. It sounded like the Pink-Haired Commander Rin! What's better was she was talking about food! It was at that instant I realized that the only thing in my stomach at that moment was whiskey, and lots of it. "Sounds like a plan to me!" I say to no one at all as my mind fills with thoughts of food. I stop though as I try to take a drink from my bottle of whiskey only to find it empty. "Damn..... Who drank it all?" I ask, looking around for the sneaky bastard who drank all my booze. Then I remembered that it was me! "Oh! I did! Good for me then! But there ain't no respuctful way for a man to show up to dinner without a proper drink!" I exclaim before turning about in search of my room. "Lea! Where's our room!?" I ask, smiling at my dog. Lea responds with a single bark before turning around and walking. I followed her and soon we were back at our room. "Good girl," I say patting her head as I place the empty bottle on the bed before tossing my bags before pulling out another full bottle of whiskey. "Alright! Off to chow! Stay here girl, I'll bring you something," I say to her before leaving the room.

It took me a few minutes to find the chow hall. It looked like everyone was already there. So I promptly stumbled up to the table, almost losing my balance a couple times. "HELLO EVERYONE!" I yell loudly, spreading my arms wide as I smile at the whole of the gathered. "I wanted to apologize to everyone here for my rudeness earlier and getting everyone put in time out by our lovely Commander Rin. So as added apology I bring the gift of drink!" Speaking overly loudly and very cheerfully. I then open the bottle of strong whiskey and walk around the table. Pouring the whiskey into every cup I can find, whether or not they already have something in them already. Once I had served everyone some of my whiskey I walk, or more like stagger, my way up to Commander Rin. "For you, my lovely Pink-Haired Commander," I say with a grin and sloppy bow. Before placing the half empty bottle of old strong whiskey on the table for her before I promptly, and quickly drop to the floor and begin snoring loudly.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shiva
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Shiva Friendly Neighborhood Voice Actor

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Raina Matthews

"Oh my god..." I muttered, face palming when Wolf came in. I looked over at Commander Monroe, wondering what she was going to do. This was the second incident that had happened with Wolf, and I figured she would be less then forgiving. I slowly moved from my seated position and started to collect the cups, with a mildly annoyed glare at Wolf's sleeping body. I collected Commander Monroe's cup, giving her a respectful nod, deciding not to say anything. I really didn't want to face her wrath, and she was probably really pissed right about now. After I collected all of the cups, I grabbed a rag and cleaned up any of the spilled alcohol.

Eli Matthews

I suppressed a groan as Wolf stumbled in. This was an embarrassment to anyone in the room. This man was supposed to be a soldier for crying out loud! And yet, there he was, passed out on the floor as my sister cleaned up the mess. He had to be crazy. Commander Monroe was so going to skin him alive for this. I had never personally met Commander Monroe before this mission, however I had heard horror stories from others who had been there when someone suffered her wrath, and I would have pitied Wolf, if he hadn't gotten all of us confined to our quarters with his stupidity.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rose
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Commander Rin Monroe

The scene was an embarrassment not only to Sergeant Fenris but also to anyone ever involved in his training or discipline. How had it ever gotten this bad? If this is the way he acts on missions, much less missions of this caliber, why is he even cleared for active duty or retain the rank of Sergeant. His file told me that he was good, but I don't care how good he is if this is the way he acts. If he doesn't make a big turn around in the next few days I'll report him, remove him from active duty, and leave him at the station to be held for court martial. I will not have someone like this in my team, there is to much on the line.

I would have punched him out had he not passed out. Even then I still consider throwing a few, but that isn't the way I should handle it. Not in front of everyone. "Lieutenant Commander Sharp!" My voice booms out. He didn't seem to waist any time coming to my call. I turn and step close to him. "Remove this piece of shit, lock him up, search the room he was in and remove any alcohol found, take the dog and crate it but don't harm it. His discipline is in you're hands." I say in a low but seething tone for only Brine to hear.

Stepping back my eyes quickly scan the room. For a split second they lock with Raina's and I give her a nod, a sign that she was doing right. I turn back to the officers standing in the kitchen, watching the scene with wide eyes. "Half rations for everyone." I order them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Hunter Monroe

Commander Rin may have been trying to prove a point with the left over soup, but truth be told I thought it smelled awesome. I was looking forward to it. Though I kept that expression to myself, I didn't want to make a scene or make it so what ever we were having would be less then good.

I grabbed a bowl of soup and sat down, moments later Another Sergeant came in. It was easy to tell he was drunk, I mean I have been just like that before but never on duty. Too many worries about getting shot to drink that much on the job. The commander soon got pissed as well, like... really pissed. "Half rations for everyone." I out of habit replied with "Shit..." I soon realized what I said, and tried to act like nothing happened by finishing the soup I had. If I was getting half rations I was getting what I could now before it was too late.

I could complain more, I really could. But what I have learned over the years, you follow orders, you make nice with the officers, and you do some awesome things on the field, you go far. So sucking it up was a big part of this. I wonder if I could still pull medical to get out of half rations? I still have the prosthetic on, and I haven't been rebirthed yet. It's an option. I'll wait to see how this plays out before I try anything though.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TartanO88
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TartanO88 Lord Brofist, / Rebirth Lt. Commander.

Member Seen 11 mos ago

LT Commander Brine Sharp

It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion, I could smell the booze as soon as he cleared the door. This idiot just didn't learn, and what's worse is his complete lack of caring about how his conduct affected the team as a whole. After making a complete mockery of himself Eric, I could no longer bring myself to refer to him with a rank he obviously didn't deserve, passed out. I listened to Commander Monroe as she spoke and when she was done said. "Yes mam! I'll see too it immediately!". Then proceeded to grab Eric byby his foot and drag him, non too gently, out the door, down the hall, too a small set of stairs where I briefly considered picking him up, decided not to and dragged him down the stairs (his head made a satisfying thunk noise with each of the five steps) and into the brig. After telling the guard to alert me when he woke I left in search of the rest of his booze.

Petty Officer Derek Benson

I was all for the whole free spirit thing but I think the sergeant just took it too far. He was wasted and not normal wasted like college frat party naked in the front yard waste it, and it only went downhill from there. I thought the commander might just go ahead and shoot him then throw his body out the airlock right then and there. Then he walked up and started talking to the commander and all I could do was mutter a long low "Fuck!". After he passed out made an announcement that we were only getting half rations at which point I made a mental note to shoot him in the back of the head the first chance I got.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SolemnStories


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


The water running over my head, which I knew was supposed to be cold, had suddenly felt like a warm, steaming, embrace, in the abruptly nostalgic side of my mind. I didn't have memories. Yet sometimes this great feeling of deja vu hit me and rushed over in great waves. I remembered him. I could remember the way he felt, and how good it felt when he had his hands on me. I could feel his warm body against mine, pushing me up against the cold shower wall. But what I couldn't remember was...if it had felt so good, why had I broken him down and torn him apart...why had I destroyed him? I couldn't pin down the details. But I knew that among all the feelings attached to these memories, I didn't find any memory of regret. I only felt my current confusion.

As I tried to dissect the distant and vague memories resting upon me like a veil of shadows, I was torn from them just as suddenly as they had came over me, they disappeared completely. Probably never to return. Our commander's voice boomed over the intercom and echoed especially in the showers. The voice of god. I thought, quite dramatically. She was calling us all to the mess hall for supper, so I stepped out of the shower and made my way to the door. My mind felt clouded now, and I had a general feeling of disgust with everyone and everything. What a horrible way to finish a shower. I hadn't bothered to towel off, or even acknowledge any of the comings and goings around me. I simply grabbed my robe on the way out, wrapped myself up, and headed back to my room.

I would have been content to sit in my own space quietly while everyone else shoveled grub into their faces, but I was sure that if I hid here in my room, the commander would either send someone after me, or else personally drag my ass down the hall. So I pulled on my leathers and headed to the mess hall. On my way, it sounded like there was some racket going on behind me, which only served to add a bit more dread and disdain for humanity to my already sour mood. Some drunken bastard was wandering the halls and talking to himself, and for just a moment I stopped and turned around, gently caressing the handle of the lean black dagger on my hip...thinking I should probably just go slit his throat and save us all some trouble. I pictured the puddle of ruby red blood on the floor and I smiled a bit, but finally decided to turn and continue on my way. Lay low, and they'll all leave you the fuck alone.

I sat down at a table near the edge of the room, just in time to witness the stupidity. As the drunken bastard made his grand entrance, I simply watched everyone's reactions curiously. Once he had passed out on the foor, some chick jumped up and started snagging all of the "contaminated" glasses. I frowned and glared her way as I snatched up the nearest glass and chugged the contents, just before she was able to confiscate it. Honestly whatever the hell that combination had turned out to be tasted like shit, but I really needed something to take the edge off, and it had at least tasted strongly of alcohol.

Half-Rations for us and a pissed off commander...I wasn't used to being on this side of things. I took my half-bowl of slop and sat down, not touching it, as I scanned the room and tried to decide who I wanted on my good side. Honestly right now I'd be happy to set the whole place on fire and burn down with it. But I decided it wasn't worth my effort. I chuckled at the way my crankieness mixed with my lack of motivation. You're so full of shit.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


I mumble in frustration as Our commander mentions that we will be getting scraps. i had not eaten for a day and i needed some goddamn food. But Since i know that Rin would only punish me more if i spoke up i decided that it would be a good decision to just shut the fuck up and eat my grub.
Then i spot someone stumbling into the cafeteria. It was Eric and it seemed that he was still very much drunk."HELLO EVERYONE!"" Well this is gonna end well." I think to myself as i watch Eric stumble in towards our table. "I wanted to apologize to everyone here for my rudeness earlier and getting everyone put in time out by our lovely Commander Rin. So as added apology I bring the gift of drink!" He walks around pouring the cups of those present and when he comes to me i grab my cup and try to make sure some of the whiskey got inside the cup. i take a quick sip and smile at the good quality of it. Eric walks over to commander Rin and says. "For you, my lovely Pink-Haired Commander," I try not to laugh at the comment and only a small smile escapes me."Lieutenant Commander Sharp!"Sharp Approaches amd they have a private conversation. Sharp then drags of Eric leacing the Cafeteria. Rin then looks at us again and says."Half rations for everyone."
I sigh in disappointment. After a deafening silence i decided to break the ice and say." Well that happend " I lean back a little in the chair as i look around the room." Let me introduce ourselves. I'm Chris Henderson and i will be one of your pilots on this mission." I then raise my cup and take another sip and await a response.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shiva
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Shiva Friendly Neighborhood Voice Actor

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Raina Matthews

I resisted they urge to groans as I sat down next to my brother again, and instead it cams out as a growl. "Oh, I am so killing that asshole." I muttered to myself. Was he trying to make it harder on all of us? He was so going to be pissed when he woke up though, and that made me feel a little better. I didn't think it was fair that all of us should get punished because of him, but I didn't dare voice my opinion. Rin was in a bad mood right now, and I didn't want to die. I sighed and decided to eat my food.

Eli Matthews

"Join the club." I said to Raina. I was so fed up with Eric and his stupidity. At least all Rin did was cut the rations though. It could have been much worse. I looked around at the people in the room, seeing my own irritation reflected in some, and amusement in other faces. I really wanted to punch something, which was surprising seeming as I wasn't generally a violent person. "I think you could get several people to help you out there, at this point.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rekaigan
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Rekaigan Rolling Sushi

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Abbie Kaapo Laukkanen

I was about to respond to Brandy, but the sound of a bumbling idiot distracted me. I turned to watch the entire scene unfold, watching the drunkard flop to the floor like a cake that fell off a table. I shook my head slightly, mentally face-palming. I didn't know who this guy was, but I sure as hell don't want to work with him. Although, it might work out well if he was to stumble into an explosive that I set. Maybe I should set up a trip in his pillow.

My thoughts were reinforced when Tyrant Rin decided to half everyone's portions. I can't stand idiots. As the 'exciting' event was swiftly mopped up, I turned back to Brandy, having remembered that I still needed to respond, "I'm Abbie. Nice to meet you." I replied, giving her a slight smile in return.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shoe Thief
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Shoe Thief The Real Shoe Thief

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Hunter Monroe

Half rations... still hated the idea. Though we were not in combat yet so I couldn't make that argument yet. I finished the soup relatively fast, like I do with most foods. I eat it, I finish ti fast, then I get to doing something. "Alright, done with meal time. I am going to do something productive." I stood up, stopping for a moment when my prosthetic got stuck. After it was unstuck I got up and started to leave. "If anyone needs me, I'll be in the armory doing an inventory. If anyone has an objection feel free to help find another job to do."

I set down my dishes and started my way to the door, if there was anything that was good at keeping my mind from racing, it was taking inventory, and guns. The two combined was over all relaxing and calming.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SashaWindrider
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SashaWindrider The Listener, Harbinger of Sorrow

Member Seen 23 days ago

SGT Azurael Winchester (Nexus)

I arrived in time to witness what I can only describe as the worst possible train wreck happen. I might have done some really really dumb things, but never anything like that. I stayed away from alcohol because I knew what my temper was like and feared it getting out of control and hurting some-one and not remembering. I frown at the whole scene. I hope Fenris gets the punishment he deserves. I grab some soup and chow down. I've had much worse and it actually tastes quite nice.
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