Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


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"I don't care about your anger," Blake said. "Oh, and you can go right ahead and ignore him as well. He's in unreliable fellow, unable to process anything, unable to learn, and filled with all of the negative traits. Perhaps I am angry at him too, Bessie, but for other reasons. It would be better to drop him entirely and forget he exists. You said tea, a ball, or and a stroll in a park for the weekened. I say, I thought of us as students of varying consent, not ballroom aristocrats."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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"The memo from the advisor with the weird name will explain it all. We are being paid to attend these events. If I understand it right, 10% 0r $50 per event. Maybe they are doing a research as well. I know that I am not going to complain. There are so few requirements as well. Oh yeah... the ball is a masquerade kind of an event I think. We have to make an appointment at the Theater for a free costume for Saturday and for Sunday." Bessie spoke as they walked together. Before long they were at the Lobby Doors.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BytheSpleen
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Yosef strides ahead of them, as he was silently listening in on their conversation during the walk, and opened a door for the both of them.

"...he'll learn later," Yosef adds as a hopeful afterthought. "Maybe he just surrounds himself too much in...not what I'd call falsities but, like...'misconceptions' would be the word? I mean, who are we to judge otherwise?"

He stands farther off to the side, allowing ample passage for the girl and boy.

"...not like I'm in a position to say how you guys should live your lives either, but still. People are...fickle at times. I'm not beating you over the head with weird words, am I?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"As a better person, I say I am fit to judge him," Blake said, before replying to Bessie. "Leisurely activities for school credits, if I do say. But, it is a strange school."

Hopefully the lobby would inform Blake just a bit more about what kind of environment it was. Everything seemed to point to this school as a elite school, small and with a mysterious allure. If the lobby was fancy, so was the school, and Blake's image of what type of school this was would for now be dependent on the appearance of this lobby. This school was a prison for him, but was it the same for the others?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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"Thank you, Yosef. Everyone has an opinion and i spoke mine. Perhaps he will do a few things to change my mind so until such a time, my opinion will stay the same. The way you speak is fine with me."Bessie smiled as she entered a clean spacious lobby. The walls were unadorned except for one a wall where there were empty frames hung on the wall and the words 'Our Events' over them. The ceiling has decorative scrolling for molding but simple baseboard. On the other wall were the mail boxes and they were quite large being two foot square. At the end of the mail boxes was a door with the words 'To Cafeteria and Bookstore'.

Bessie eagerly walked to her mailbox where she found her mail. A carry all bag was placed on top of everything and it had the words 'Mail Bag' printed on it. She picked up the envelope and placed it on the bottom of the bag which then left three smaller boxes, each one labeled as to what it contained inside.

"There is a cell phone, a dance card for the Ladies and a Catalog Tablet. I never heard of a Catalog Tablet before..... How strange is that?" Bessie spoke mostly to herself yet it was outloud for anyone to hear.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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As Aaron was heading back to his room he noticed the other group heading purposefully towards the lobby, what were they up to?
Fearing he would miss out he quickly checked his email and then returned back to Julia, holding out a helpful hand he smiles to her.
"C'mon, there's something we gotta go do."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ChristaEinheart
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@Dark Light
She blinked, watching Yosef walk away...she sighed sadly. Boys never stayed with her...

And then?

Aaron returned.

She gulped and tucked her pad and pencil away, then shyly put her tiny hand in his. "S-sure...what do we need to do?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Aaron's hand was warm to the touch, his skin soft and his grip was firm yet gentle. Even after he helped Julia up and she was standing, he didn't let her go, instead leading her hastily towards the lobby.

He looks over his shoulder and gives her a playful smile.
"I'm not exactly sure but we better not miss out!" Then with a little laugh he speeds up. "Your just gonna have to trust me!"

Despite the occasional glance over his shoulder to ensure she is ok, Aaron leads Julia to the mailboxes and helps her find her things before retrieving his own.
He nods to the other students in greeting as passing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ChristaEinheart
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@Dark Light

She just blushed as she followed the cute boy. She was not used to this and smiled a little at the softness and gentleness of the grip and touch. She easily kept up and giggled a little at the jealous looks from girls and boys as they went.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WileyCoyote
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Penelope glanced at the clock on her radio and gave a sigh as she started the final trek towards the academy. It was getting late, Luckily there were no classes being held today, even still, she was sure there would have been some sort of opening ceremony or announcements she'd missed. Then of course she'd have to be made the spectacle of wandering in clueless about the campus. "Certainly late." she huffed. But it was alright. She could see the academy coming in to view now, and perhaps if she moved quickly she could still make it inside without too much of a scene. 

She climbed out of the sleek black vehicle and for the first time noticed the surprising lack of other automobiles in the vicinity. She'd been so focused on the time when she pulled up that she hadn't noticed it before. Perhaps she should have let the school provide transportation she pondered, as she shuffled around to the passenger door to retrieve the satchel in the back seat, she was sure she'd seen a bus passing in the opposite direction sometime earlier on the road hadn't she? She clicked her teeth once at the thought, a habit her mother surely would have scolded her for had she been present, and shut the door briskly.

"Too late for that now I guess." Reaching into the satchel she pulled out the form she'd completed the day she'd received it, and read it over once more as she headed inside the grounds.

The form read as follows:
Your name: Abelia Penelope Whitewoode
Hobbies:Baking, reading, singing, cooking, painting, ect
Sports: Tennis, Gymnastics, Archery, Dance, Swim, ect.
Classes that you wish to take:
Cooking, arts, mathematics, business and economics.

Her exchange with the guard took only a moment before he sent her on her way, small map in hand, to find her apartment. The place was certainly large, but she guessed it may have just been because of how little other people were around to fill the space. A bit turned around her face was buried firmly in the map as she navigated her way towards her new home for the semester, "If I was suite 20, where would I be" she muttered out absentmindedly under her breath "Oh where, oh where would I be" she was almost humming now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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Aaron ensured he did what ever needed to be done to book their appointment at the theater early the next day. Then without giving Julia a choice he takes her things off her and insists on carrying them to her room for her.

"So J," he says with a testing smile waiting to see if she objects to the nick name. "Tell me a little bit about yourself?"

His pace is much slower now, not wanting to end their walk to soon, he walks quite close by Julia's side as they talk.

"Any ideas about your masquerade outfit? Wait don't give away too much away!" He quickly adds in playfully.

That's when Aaron noticed the new girl wondering around clearly lost. He wasn't quite sure but the map looked upside down.

"Sorry miss, did you need some help?" Aaron calls out cheerfully over his full hands towards the newcomer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ChristaEinheart
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@Dark Light@wileycoyote
She smiled. "I love music and art. My father teaches art, here, but I'm not in his class. It's for the younger people. I've been drawing since I was seven, designing silly little outfits for myself..."

She looked down, clenching his hand for support. "I...I'm not good about outfits. I don't know what I'll do for my costume..."

Looking back at him, she noticed he was looking at another girl...
"Sorry miss, did you need some help?" He asked her.

She saw the girl and smiled gently, flipping the map with her free hand. "It's ok, I'm lost too. This is Aaron, he's helping me. Wanna come with us? Apparently we need to go to the lobby, right now. I'm Julia, by the way. Call me J."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WileyCoyote
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Penelope was thoroughly lost, but as if on cue, a voice called out to her from a short distance. No one had used her name, but she could be sure she she was the only one in the vicinity walking in obvious circles, so she peered up cheerfully. How rude of her she thought, had she been paying attention to where she was walking she would have seen the two approaching already. She took the two in thoroughly as she spoke. They seemed nice enough.

Pushing back a mess of strawberry curls behind her ear she gave a light wave. "That would be lovely" she chuckled towards the man before turning her attention to the woman. "Aaron and Julia" she gave a little smile making mental notes to keep up with their names. "Penelope, nice to meet you both!"

"So wait, what's happening in the lobby?" She had already made up her mind to tag along, it had to have been better than wandering alone. "I was trying to find the apartments but I seem to have come across every building on campus other than there."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ChristaEinheart
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She shrugged. "I have no clue...but we need to stop by the mailboxes first, you have to get something important out of yours!"

She took her hand out of Aaron's and took Penelope's and ran off, pulling her quickly to the Mailboxes before they were all late. "It should have which Mailbox you have in there, somewhere, on your info. Hurry, ok?" and the little lady gave her a hopeful and encouraging smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WileyCoyote
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Startled, Penelope gave a laugh as she was suddenly jerked forward, running hand in hand with the girl. Glancing backward for a moment she gave a smile and mouthed "thanks" in Aaron's direction as she was whisked away. She wasn't sure where they were headed and they were moving too quickly for her to note how to get back, but the mention of mailboxes stole her attention for the moment. "I don't.. remember seeing anything.. about mailboxes." She huffed out in between breaths. "But I guess it would be the same as your room number? I'm in suite 20 so I suppose I'll look for that..the key should work right?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ChristaEinheart
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She smiled. "That's how mine worked!" and she looked for the number, still holding her hand. "By the way, do you have a nickname? "Penelope" is a little long." She asked, looking at the pretty girl innocently.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Aaron smiled as J ran off with Penelope, he gave a slight nod in acknowledgement to the silent thanks. Even once the girls vanished from sight the smile still clung to his face, those two were quite a cute scene.
'Oh well, another bag of things to carry' he thought to himself as he followed behind.

Aaron would gladly follow the girls around and assist them up until they take Penelope to her room, that's when he will split and head to his own to sort some things out. He remains generally playful and polite if not a little cheeky.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WileyCoyote
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She gave Julia a disheartened grin at that. "Penelope is the nickname" She said with a sour laugh flashing the girl her official school form. Her full name was documented right at the top and read "Abelia Penelope K. Whitewoode " She scanned the boxes quicky till she came across her number and paused. "As far as I can tell my parents found the oldest names they could come up with for my siblings and I and ran with it. At risk of seeming thrice my age I go by Penelope or penny if you like. "Bella" if you're feeling fancy" She stuck the tip of her tongue out just a bit. "So I've found mine, do you know you're number J?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ChristaEinheart
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ChristaEinheart Lady Christa

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She blushed at the cuteness. "I like Penny...oh. I already got mine, it's 2." Looking around, it looked liked Aaron had gone off somewhere. She nodded to herself. "Well, look things over, ok? Then we gotta go, ok?" and she gave the girl her biggest grin. "Oh...the guys here? They're a little weird, but cuuuuute!!!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Neven sighed, well now he knew where everything was. And had absolutely nothing to do besides sleep, which he didn't feel like doing at all. Even his worthless classes hadn't started yet and everything was closed today. As he walked idly to the lobby he took out his phone and checked all the contacts inside, he barely knew half of the people listed. He was supposed to find a bride here? Ridiculous. Hm, there was something about a masquerade ball wasn't there?

Perhaps- his thoughts were interrupted by the abrupt collision with someone stupid enough not to move out of his way. Snatching his phone off the ground angrily he looked at the offender, someone he didn't know, well this was a good time as any to find names. He couldn't exactly punish her after all. It looked like the other one... Julia, was also here. "Girl," he said addressing the one had ran into. "Give me your name, I am Neven." Perhaps he would have to simply observe some human conversation so as to fit in and learn better. The ball would be ideal for that, as no one would no each other, thus he could gain the most experience. He would have to think of a costume of some sort. Perhaps he would have some things to do after all.

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