Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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1.) Basic RP'ing rules (no god-modding, no auto-hitting, etc)
2.) No making up canon or using fan interpretations for the series being visited. In case canon is vague, then the closest believable explanation is permitted.
3.) No fighting unless it's in the IC.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

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Most excellent, I'll try and have a character done after work today, maybe even during the lunch break if I'm lucky.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Not sure if this is still accepting, but just in case it is I'll get starting on a CS and then I'll finish up after class.

Name: Santiago (JImmy) Orozco

Nationality: Mexican-American

Appearance: 5 foot 7 inches tall. Medium tan skin, heavy at the waist but leaner arms and legs. Long curly black hair, and brown eyes. Fuzzy beard that's mostly dark brown, but with the occasional white, grey, red and black hairs. Usually wears basketball shorts and a tshirt unless the situation dictates something more formal in which case he'll usually have on a pair of black khakis and a red shirt.

Personality: Jimmy is a typical INFJ personality. That is to say he can get along with people well, when he so chooses and is fairly adapt at reading them. The problem is he can't be around others for too long before burning out and so is in constant need of alone time. He has a strong sense of right from wrong and tends to put animals before other people.

Likes: Dogs(especially his)
Video Games

Dislikes: Romantic movies,
HOt days,

Bio: Jimmy was born the usual way, with his mom screaming about how she hated his dad for doing that to her. In the beginning he was an open child anxious to talk to anyone around him, but people kept complaining and then he got quiet and self conscious. So a lot of time was spent thinking about how to be liked, or least hated. Honestly, if less rocks were thrown that would've been an improvement. He never did anything really special in class, always finding himself towards every class's medium with the exception of math which was always a rock on the razor's edge.

Chosen Abilities*:
Electrokinesis-The ability to create, shape, and manipulate electricity, granting control over electric fields, electric charges, electric currents, and electromagnetism.
Jimmy is far from tapping into the more complex abilities that electrokinesis would allow and so focuses more on the purely electrical part such as waves of electricity, tasering people with his touch and powering electrical devices. He prefers to manipulate existing electricity instead of using his own for two reasons: he can't generate a lot yet(he can't even create enough to kill a regular person,) and using his own drains him.

Fusion-The ability to combine two separate objects for a small amount of time.
Currently he's incapable of fusing organic with non-organic entities, he can't hold more than a single fusion at a time, isn't capable of fusing more than two separate objects, and can't hold a fusion for more than ten minutes. He cannot force two living things to fuse against their wills. After a fusion Jimmy is always exhausted and its much worst if he was involved in the actual fusion. When he himself is involved in a fusion any injuries or damages taken will only apply to him after the fusion is ended..

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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Here's to hoping this doesn't go dead before we get to the action!

Name: Steven Tall
Nationality: American
Original appearance - Stands at 5'7 and an average build with white skin. Has short black hair as well as black eyes.

Appearance after getting powers - Looks just like Alex Mercer

Steven has a quiet but friendly personality, always speaking politely to strangers. He always opens up (only about certain things) to others and willing to help out but somehow, the bonds that should be forming does not. At least not to Steven because he has a low opinion of himself and constantly tells himself that no one actually wants to be friends with him.

He will also joke if given the opportunity and likes humoring people.

Likes: Anime, humor, games, buffets
Dislikes: Vegetables, jumpscares, Hollywood

Steven lead a particularly normal and average life. He went to school, he played video games, he watched TV. However, he was always distant from people and despite his polite and outgoing personality, never achieved any real friends for whom to share his secrets, hobbies and likes with. But even with the loneliness, Steven is still a happy person, partly because he has resigned his life to being a loner.

Will an extraordinary event change his outlook in life or does his current personality be impervious to the wheels of fate?

Chosen Abilities:
I'll choose only one ability and that's...

Power of DX-1118 also known as Alex Mercer's powers

>As you can guess, this is Alex Mercer with a different name and attitude (sort of).
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

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Character Sheet

Name: Alexei Viktor Utkin

Nationality: Russian

Appearance: Alexei is 6ft even, with a lean, predatory build that lends itself well to being a looming figure of intimidation, at least from a distance or when he is not speaking. Alexei is slightly on the pale side of complexion, with a scraggly mess of sandy blonde hair, usually looking like he just awoke from sleeping, and permanent five o' clock shadow. He has startingly blue eyes, almost crystal like in nature, which usually sit shielded behind a pair of western aviator shades, even indoors typically as it was part of his look. His face rests at a constant neutral expression, not angry or happy, just neutral unless he tries for one or the other.

When it comes to attire, Alexei sports no sort of hat indoors, out of a habit formed by his German mother. Outdoors, he wears a wide brim leather hat that both deflects rain and sun, with a inner lining that can be removed for cold weather. His attire consists of a white dress shirt, long sleeved, over which he wears a black dinner vest with a pocket watch hooked into the left pocket. He has a pair of dress slacks he wears with a pair of nice, polished black leather dress shoes as well. In inclement weather he favors an oil slicked great coat, inherited from his father as an heirloom of the family's involvement during the second World War. It also now has a inner lining that can be removed or replaced for cold weather situations, or for when he just wants to wear it.

Personality: Alexei is a very serious young man, both parents raising him and treating him as an adult rather then a child. This colored his outlook with a highly mature view point on many things, often times taking a step back to think and look over problems, preferring to plan and reason before jumping into a problem with the hopes of making up the solution on the fly. Incredibly slow to anger, and slower still to let go of a grudge once it begins, the young Russian lacks a sense of competitive nature, concerned more with getting a given task or activity finished instead of being 'the best' or 'number one'. A clear intelligence shines behind his blue eyes, something that is all to clear if one were to speak with him. A man of few words, Alexei prefers to speak softly, and infrequently, but carry the weight and impact of a hurtling bullet train. As such, when the young Russian opens his mouth to speak, it is often well said, if nothing else, and often carries some insight.

- Reading
- Peace and Quiet
- Playing the Violin

- Playing in front of a crowd
- Lack of fore planning
- Lone Wolves

Bio: Alexei's mother was a German national who was an ambassador's aid, his father a Russian politician looking to gain favor by working up the ranks of the Russian government, via foreign dealings. The two ended up falling in love, according to his father. As far as his mother was concerned, it was a one night stand that went wrong. Either way, once Alexei was born, his mother left to go back to her job, refusing any contact with the Utkin family. Which did not bother Alexei's father, as he merely went about raising the son in the tradition of the family, as a single father working himself ragged to make enough money to pay for both good schooling and whatever the boy would need growing up.

Attending private military academies, Alexei would have any sort of youthful rebellion whipped out of him by the constant drilling and instruction from Russian military instructors, both retired and active duty on transfer duty, and it gave him a clarity of purpose that even many adults fail to have on a given basis in many places. So when the young Russian lad would move on to public schools, the intense focus on work and responsibility was a culture shock to his fellow students, the ones who were not from military academies at any rate, which would ostracize him from his peers. But he was not necessarily a bad kid, and his teachers adored him for his work ethic and intelligence, so he went through schooling with flying colors, and was well on his way to succeeding his father as a political figure in the Russian government, starting as an intern no doubt once he finished with schooling overall.

Chosen Abilities:

Photokinesis - Alexei can manipulate light into various uses, most commonly into making himself invisible (By bending the light around him, he literally prevents the light from reflecting off him, thus preventing him being seen by any optical system). He can also blind foes, create literal weapons out of pure light, and other various effects as the situation, and imagination, demands it. Uniquely separate of Umbrakinesis is a blinding armor that he can wrap himself in, making attacks on him highly inaccurate while he can maintain the illusion. The extent of his ability in photokinesis is solely visual, he has to be able to clearly see what he wants to affect, and if a foe cannot directly see the light, he cannot be affected by it. The largest downside to this ability is that he cannot create his own light, without light, this ability is useless.

Umbrakinesis - The opposite of the Photokinesis, the only other notable 'Chosen Ability' is his control over shadows, able to either banish them, bring them in and blind foes, and create disorientating illusion work, especially in combination with photokinesis. Effectively a shadow orientation of his Photokinesis, but innately different due to its opposing nature. Uniquely separate, for Alexei, from photokinesis is shadow warping, being able to step into one shadow and come out another. When moving from shadow to shadow, or using any shadow ability, he has to be in direct contact with a shadow to call upon its power, and when moving from point to point, he must have a direct line of shadow from point to point, and must still be able to directly see that point he wants to interact with.

With all his abilities, they cannot be used for long due to the taxing nature of manipulating such constants in life, overextending himself in either direction can be dangerous to his very life. Overextending his photokinesis could blind him temporarily as he becomes unable to protect himself from the effects, or even burns himself in the process. With shadows, blinding can also occur for the opposite reason, he might not come out where he intends during shadow walks, and the side effects continue for both. When it comes to affecting others, he can only affect a few people, four or five at most, at a time with most abilities that are not self targeted.

Trivia: Alexei is proud of, but would never admit, his ability with the violin. He often carries the case around no matter what, which contains his violin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dragonfry
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Character SheetName: Carrie Stevens

Nationality: Irish

Appearance: 5 foot 2 inches tall, fairly slim, with medium length dark brown hair and pale blue eyes. Fairly average looking, with pale skin, a spray of freckles across her nose and a mouth that seems fixed into a permanent frown unless she makes an effort to smile. Looks slightly older than she is.
Wears a red beanie all the time unless she’s sleeping, even when inside, along with a pair of plain silver earrings. Generally looks a little untidy, and dresses in jeans, plain t-shirts and battered white trainers. When heading outside, normally refuses to wear jackets unless the temperature is below zero.

Personality: Very relaxed, she often appears not to be taking things seriously, an attitude which can irritate those around her in dangerous or stressful situations, when she has a tendency to laugh or crack jokes rather than confronting the seriousness of the situation. Her attitude does however mask a strong competitive streak – only when competing with someone will she seem excited or fired up.
Being laid-back makes her quite easy to get along with, although slightly difficult to discuss serious topics with, as she has a tendency to blow them off. She tends not to get too close to people because of this. Most people tend to write her off as a slacker, but she is surprisingly intelligent and her detachment can allow her to give a unique perspective on things which others might not see so quickly.

Likes: Acting
Watching TV
Classical music

Dislikes: Teachers
Large crowds

Bio: Born in Dublin as the youngest of a family of four, Carrie grew up in a fairly happy household, if a dull one. Throughout school, she never really got along with her teachers; she thought they were stuffy, whiny and incompetent, while they thought her to be lazy, badly behaved and unintelligent.
Once she reached high school, she started to try and dedicate more time to her classes, quickly discovering that things seemed a lot easier than she’d expected, managing to at least pass most of her classes. She also developed new interests and hobbies, even joining the drama club and developing an interest in music.
Sadly for her, though, her interests weren’t shared by her friends, and she became a bit of a wallflower, preferring to observe people rather than bother trying to make connections, talking to people but never really growing close. Her life, as it stands now, is fairly bland, but she is at least content, although she often yearns for something more to happen.

Chosen Abilities: Can affect people’s senses (Sight, Hearing etc.) including her own. Can affect herself for periods of around an hour at a time safely - any more, and she risks permanent damage to whatever senses she's affecting. Can affect others for up to 20 minutes on contact, but the effects last for less time the more people she affects. The maximum number of people she can use her powers on is currently 4, including herself.

Short-range teleportation (Up to 50 metres horizontal and 20 vertical). Causes fatigue if used too many times in quick succession (5 or more).

Trivia: Secretly addicted to reality TV, but refuses to admit it to anyone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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It's back?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

It's back?

I hope so.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Apologies for the late reply. I was waiting for the others to show up. Since they haven't I'll just mention them for now.

@malmshodes No problems here, though I'd like a bit more detail on how long and to what degree he can use his abilities - initially anyway. Your abilities will grow with time.

@PaulHaynek Haha, same Alex Mercer char. Accepted, of course.

@Eisenhorn how long and to what degree can he use his ability? What's his maximum range and how many people can he affect at once, etc.

@Dragonfry same as above - need range and degree of her ability. How far she can teleport, how many people she can affect, etc.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

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@TheHangedMan Tweaked his abilities to try and take that stuff into account.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dragonfry
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@TheHangedMan Tried to give more detail on abilities.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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How many people are needed before we can start?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@malmshodes just one, actually. But you know, none of the others are responding so . . .

Also, @Dragonfry that works just fine, thanks!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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@malmshodes just one, actually. But you know, none of the others are responding so . . .

Also, @Dragonfry that works just fine, thanks!

Mmmmm. Well, this is a pretty good idea so if they don't respond soon like in a day or two I say bump the interest thread for the remaining characters, but that's just me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 34 min ago

Dunno if you missed it or not, but I did edit my characters powers. @TheHangedMan
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

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Please don't let this die before we could EVEN GET TO THE FRIGGING' RP PROPER!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Please don't let this die before we could EVEN GET TO THE FRIGGING' RP PROPER!

I know, I'm worried about that too,
but Its only been three days so there's no need to panic yet.

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