Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Chester didn't feel very happy with himself after Wildcat told them about the battle that his other teammates had with Mr. Freeze and he felt guilty for not coming to help. His anxiety started to kick in and he panicked a bit thinking that Batman would possibly kick them out off of the team for slacking off at an arcade. Thing however didn't go the way that Chester panicked about and they weren't punished. It proved that his anxiety was getting to him and he may have to go to his parents about this. His pets reassured him, but their words didn't do much to help and Chester wondered if he would need therapy for his anxiety.

Just then the luchador asked them if they could help with something and Chester wondered what flashy excursion the wrestling hero had in mind now. If it involved leaving the base then he would decline since he didn't want to miss another mission this time and especially if it involved a dangerous criminal and saving lives.

"What exactly is this something?" he asked calmly wanting to know what the luchador had planned before agreeing to anything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

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El Sasquatcho shifted the television under his arm. It was cumbersome; an odd shape carried with one hand still takes some doing, enhanced strength or not. The hairy warrior of justice finally set it down, leaning against the nearby wall.

Si, si... El Sasquatcho has a wonderous adventure planned, wherein we get into our best combat gear and race to the parking lot, from there (and this is good), we take up our best Team Pose, and assist the Indomitable El Sasquatcho to install a set of bullbars on his mode of conveyance!"

He had set the paint cans down while he spoke, and was waving and gesturing furiously as he spoke. To look at El Sasquatcho, it was uncertain as to whether or not he was being sarcastic. Nonetheless, he was very animated about it.

"The day may come soon wherein El Sasquatcho will have to ram something, or push a vehicle out of the way. Hence, the bars. They're really nice ones, too... El Sasquatcho may one day install a winch, but that would necessitate the purchasing of one. Afterwards, it is time for the painting and furnishing of the private rooms! Homey touches, maybe some skulls and a little splash of color. But for now, the bars. ¿Esta bien?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

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Nightlife turned away from the brothers after El Saquatcho began to speak but completely missed what he had first said due to Ted being completely bewildered by the hairy Luchador with a television. Finally Nightlife mustered a response to the crime fighter "that sounds awesome! Lets supe up your van!" he exclaimed, raising his arms up to emphasize his point.

Ted just assumed El Sasquatcho had a van considering that when he imagined a ram on a car, he didn't it on an El Camino. In normal circumstances Ted probably wouldn't be to excited to upgrade a car but he would be doing this in the company of superheroes which would likely make any mundane task an amazing experience.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

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Ves wandered into the room after hearing a small amount of commotion. She was sipping a can of juice, one of those knock off store brands that tasted only sparingly alike the real thing. Surprisingly enough, Ves actually preferred the dodgy, almost always flat 'fizzy' store brand drinks to the actual thing. Not only was it cheaper, but to her it for some reason tasted a huge amount better.
"Nice to meet you!" She said to, Nightlife, grinning as she did. "Affixing the bars sounds fun!" She said optimistically, pleased at her usage of the word 'affixing'.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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The first 24 hours after the battle against Mr. Freeze were spent mostly getting over the shock of what he managed to do. After that, though, Archer replayed in the event in his head, but did so with a critical eye. If he could manage to last as long as he did against Freeze, then surely that meant he was capable of actually defeating him, but only if Archer could figure out where he went wrong in the fight. And there was one specific detail he couldn't get out his head the more he thought it over. Zero's ice was too weak. Nowhere was that more evident than his failed hammer attack, where the hammer itself broke on Freeze's armor upon impact.

"If I could just make my ice tougher, I can win next time..." he muttered to himself. His encounter with Freeze left him feeling better about himself, but not so much that he shirked on training. In fact, if anything he trained harder than ever now. Most of his training time he spent conjuring ice weapons, only to break them against target dummies in order to test their durability. Archer's working theory was that he could perhaps increase the water's density as it froze, which would make the weapons a bit heavier but also tougher to break, at least in theory. So far he couldn't feel any difference in his ice weapons, which likely meant he still needed practice with his own powers. The target dummies he used were made of bamboo mostly, in fact they were inspired by the same kind of practice dummies used to test the sharpness of swords in kendo. So far, though, the swords he tried sculpting either broke against the bamboo or snapped it without actually cutting it.

"Hyaaah!" he grunted, bringing down what felt like the millionth ice sword against the millionth dummy. The sword's blade lodged into the dummy, but then snapped in the middle, leaving Archer with a handle and blade-stub while the sword's tip stayed lodged in the dummy, "Argh! Come on! How long do I have to keep doing this before I get it right?" grumbled to himself in frustration. Combat skills, no matter what they were, took time to perfect, years even. But this wasn't necessarily about fighting, it was about conjuring a usable sword or other weapon on the fly so he could be better prepared for combat, turns out even that is a difficult skill to master.

He heard talking from lobby area, something about the El Camino that El Sasquatcho drove. Archer came out of the gym proper, still in his training clothes, and went to grab a water bottle out of the refrigerator. He'd been given congratulations by just about everyone on his bout with Mr. Freeze, but he still seemed as driven and serious as the day they first set up shop in Wildcat's gym. As he was grabbing the water, Archer was still muttering to himself about enhancing the durability of his ice weapons, seeming to have a one-track mind even when on break.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

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The outpouring of support concerning his desire to install bullbars on his vehicle was staggering. While El Sasquatcho was all about teamwork and togetherness, it really only took one, maybe two people to do this particular job. Still, at least they were doing this together. Maybe he could even convince them to help move his stuff in.

"Meet El Sasquatcho in the parking lot! I will just be a moment!" he called, recovering his armloads of belongings and shuffling them off to his room.

Before joining the rest of the team, El Sasquatcho poked his head into the training room, noting Zero's growing frustration. He waited a few seconds for a quieter moment, and cleared his throat to announce his presence.

"Cero? Por favor... un momento of your time. I could maybe give some advice? The ice you are using, it is not strong enough for you to use like a sword, yes? It has no... como dice, de tensión um... Bendy strength! Yes, it does not bend. You hit, it shatters. Ice is not metal. Maybe a different tool?"

The masked wrestler realized that he may very well be coming off as a know-it-all, but he meant it kindly. Seeing as his teammate was already rather frustrated, he figured it probably wouldn't hurt. On the other hand, a fresh set of eyes may be just the thing to yield a simple answer.

"El Sasquatcho remembers from High Escuela, my Earth Science class, that the strongest ice, the very clear stuff you find in lakes that crazy people drive trucks over - it is made despacio, eh, very slowly. If you insist on making a blade, perhaps prudence would be in the making of it slowly, and well before you need to swing it."

"Or maybe you would better like to be left alone. If you want to talk more, we will be servicing the Vato Truck outside for the next bit of time."

The broad Luchador made his way back out, and up into the light outside. He strolled purposefully toward his El Camino, the cargo bed laden with various furnishings and personal effects. After a bit of rummaging, he recovered a particularly impressive and elaborate set of what looked like used ironworks, and a flat box with bold, block lettering, reading, "Push Bar Installation Kit, El Camino 1970". Putting his back to the door, El Sasquatcho slid down to a seated position, and took a piece of emory cloth to the rougher spots on his bullbars.

"Join if you like, my friends. El Sasquatcho needs to sand this a bit, lift it into position, and mount it onto the frame. Then, the detail work. El Sasquatcho has not decided whether to go with the matte black, or something more festive. The black would go well with the black cherry paintjob as it is, but... finalmente El Sasquatcho will want to accent it some."

"Anybody got any music?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

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"Nice to meet you t-" was all Nightlife could say as he turned to address the Amazon. At first he thought she might be Wonder Woman but he quickly figured out that it must be some other super-powered teen. After a moment he finished his sentence with "too. Nice to meet you too! Sorry I'm still getting used to being around other superheroes." Nightlife said trying not to sound like a crazy movie star fan. After a moment he decided he should probably get going outside in order to get to work on El Sasquatcho's van.

With a skip in his step, Ted eagerly walked outside with the other heroic teens who were going to help El Sasquatcho pimp his ride. When they left the confindes of the base Ted looked for a van of some sort but was confused for a moment as the the lovely luchador approached an El Camino instead of a van. At the mention of music Ted was about to declare his amazing assortment of songs on his phone when he realized that maybe the whole group wouldn't want to listen to an hour of Taylor Swift and Katty Perry songs. Instead he simply got ready to get to work helping out with the instillation of the Pushbar.

"So is this all of you guys? El Sasquatcho, Mouse guy, Robert, Robert's brother and tall lady?" He asked, curious about the team he would be crime fighting with.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ves could hear, Archer grunting and growling from the training room. Back at it again with the training dummy's it seemed. Ves wasn't entirely sure about the whole of the situation that happened with Freeze, but it seemed to have an outlasting effect upon Archer. He'd hardly left the gym since the mission, and was practically always muttering under his breath about how his ice was too weak. Ves once made a joke that went something along the lines of 'I guess you're just not cool enough, like me' but it seemed to fall flat against the serious, Archer.

She went to the fridge as El Sasquatcho left for the car. It was a rather sunny day and fixing up a car was sure to be thirsty work. She raked through the fridge, moving various foods and drinks until she finally found what she'd been looking for. An eight pack of the off brand Coke. Now they had no choice, but to enjoy it. She held it under her arm as she followed Sasquatcho's path outside and practically leaped at the mention of music.
"I HAVE MUSIC!" She yelled, covering her mouth after noticing how loud she had shouted. Slightly embarrassed, she retrieved her phone from her pocket, before moving to the front of the car and plugging in the AUX cord. The songs began shuffling through as Ves' struggled to work the music player on the phone. Rather than just selecting a song and letting her playlist shuffle, Ves was desperately trying to make a playlist in the vain efforts that some of her 'weirder' songs didn't begin to play. After all, not everyone likes the neo-industrial German sounds of 'Kraftwerk'.

She thought herself lucky, Diana went to the effort of putting a massive list of songs onto her phone. To, Ves it was magic, not only could she play songs from a tiny box, but she could also add more on through a wire? It must have been sorcery. Finally, her playlist was made and began playing through the car stereo. She left the car and went around to the boot to help with the installation.

"So is this all of you guys? El Sasquatcho, Mouse guy, Robert, Robert's brother and tall lady?" Asked the newest addition to the team. She put her hand to her chin, thinking before answering.
"I think so, I'm Ves by the way, Mouse guy is Chester and Robert's brother is Daniel" She hoped she hadn't forgotten anyone, it wouldn't have been the first time though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

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Music poured out of the El Camino's vintage speakers as he finished the rough polish on his car's latest addition. Music quite foreign to El Sasquatcho's experience. He paused at the end of his efforts before the installation took place to stare incredulously into the vehicle, as if he could see the music that vexed him so. After a few seconds, he shrugged and retrieved a few tools.

"...strange, but at least it has the rhythm... Ok, my friends and teammates, here the deal. I have marked off the places where we are to make the attaching. Just line up the holes and, eh... attach. El Sasquatcho will need at least one of you to hold it in place (it is somewhat heavy), and at least one of you to quickly bolt in the, eh... well, the bolts."

The masked luchador walked around to the front of the vehicle, and in a cunning display of weight-bearing rebellion against gravity, lifted the front of the El Camino onto his shoulders, and slid it up to provide his heroic associates clear access to the front end and frame. The bullbars, vaguely reminiscent of a Chevy cow catcher attachment, lay matte black in the afternoon sun, waiting to be joined to the glory that is the 1970 Chevrolet El Camino SS LS6 Turbo, manual transmission, fully optioned street muscle utility vehicle.

"This is slightly more difficult than it looks. If you could make with the hurrying, El Sasquatcho would be most grateful."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

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In a shady bar across town two men in suits met once again. One puffed from a cigar, as he always did. Grape. The other man who had a folder with him waved his hand to try and move some of the smoke from between them. It wasn't known if the smoker used this as a diversionary tactic or if he was just a dick like that. A waitress came by, her name-tag read 'Carrie'. She pulled a pen and a pad from her apron and asked...

"Can I get you boys something to drink? A beer, maybe a couple shots?" she said with a pep in her voice to try and sound cuter.

"I'll take a couple shots of whiskey, top shelf. None of that cheap $#!+. You want anything chief?" the smoking gentleman asked the other more timid guy.

"I don't on the job, sir. I have the latest info on those kids you inquired about..." the smaller guy mentioned looking over his shoulder as the waitress ran off to get the other guy's shots.

"Clearer intel on their powers and weaknesses. Several early recruits have already been taken out. Shame too, I liked the dog..." he continued sliding the man the folder with pics and basic info on all of the Titans, "The ice kid managed to put up a good fight against Mr. Freeze. The bird got her wings clipped though."

"None of the heavy hitters have done anything of note. Shame." the smoking man said as the waitress walked by, putting his two shots down with a wink from behind her glasses and walking off.

"The boys in the lab are still tinkering with some of Langstrom's formulas. The first test subject was a bit faster than they had predicted and managed to escape during testing. I'm sure Batman will let the kids chase this one, Man Bat was never much of a problem for the Bat and intel suggests Batman is out of town on League business anyway..." the smaller guy stated still waving smoke out of his face.

Later that evening...

Another day had gone by, and Grant had let Hector lead the team in making their own personal quarters a bit more personalized in the back end of the HQ. Daniel and his older brother had a single room, a little larger than the others', with bunk beds. None of the quarters had ceilings or doors, just a large glorified cubicle really on the other side of a pair of boxing rings, weights, and additional equipment. But still, peronal space was personal space. And Robert insisted on a swimsuit calendar.

"Do you really need to put that there?" Daniel asked.

"It's one of the only things I brought, so yeah. You wanna spar later? We won't always be in giant mode..." Robert suggested.

"Maybe in a bit, I'm kinda tired going to Metropolis and back to get more of our things. I can't believe Grant let you borrow his jeep..." Daniel commented.

An alarm went off and the group suited up and met by the monitor station ready and waiting. Wildcat came on the screen with details...

"GCPD just got wind a mutant bat or bird man was seen causing a disturbance. Aid the cops in taking this thing down, keep collateral damage minimal. I'm on my way from Midway, ETA about forty five minutes. League teleporters are down, so you'll have to make it to Industrial Park on your own..." Grant said on the other end of the line.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

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An incredible look of nigh spastic glee fixed itself onto the face of El Sasquatcho; a look which would have frightened small children and the elderly, and driven many a grown man to divert their eyes were his visage not covered by the always present brown and black sugar skull Luchador mask.

It was time.

In a flash of hair and agility, El Sasquatcho flew out of his street clothes and into his armor; his uniform, the symbol of his Hero-ness. It was official. His first mission. His first mission, and he was driving. Life, dearest readers, was sweet.

The bounding steps and leaps of joyous impatience brought our fuzzy protagonist out to the main doors to what he sometimes referred as his Fortress of Squatchitude. The vocal scrambler in his mask boomed in garbled fury as he intoned in a clear and proud roar, "HERO TIME, TEAM! BEAT FEET TO THE VATO TRUCK! AH HA HA HA!!!

The eager Luchador sprang to the El Camino, firing up four hundred and fifty horses of barely contained fuel injected power. The vehicle roared to life, seemingly as ready and anxious as its driver to be underway. Feeding the frenzy of his adrenaline and joy, from deep, deep within his music selections sprang into the light the song most appropriate to the situation, as if by instinct - The full, updated theme of The Lone Ranger.

3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

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Ted did a fist pump before dashing out the the El Camino. Sure he could take his moped but that would involve actively driving his moped and he was more then sure that given his level of excitement he would crash. As they all came out Nightlife exclaimed "I call shotgun!" and with that he continued his hastened pace until he hopped in the passenger seat of the El Camino.

The mighty Nightlife had been on patrol before but he had never been sent to actively take down a criminal, or in this case, a mutant bird bat thing so this was a huge deal for Nightlife. "How fast can this thing go? Got any cool gadgets on this thing other then the bulbar? How many miles to the gallon do you get?" Ted asked excitedly to the magnificent luchador behind the wheel.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

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A somewhat shadowy figure watched at a safe distance as the bird creature toppled cars and scared everyone in sight. The half dozen or so cops on the scene were more concerned about this thing than the man who had top billing on Gotham City's Most Wanted List.

"If those idiots just wanted a freakshow, they should've hired ME!" cried the Joker with a laugh.


Across town, the Titan's ride slowed down and the brothers jumped out of the back while the Amazon flew ahead. After their fusion, Leviathan hit the water fast and began swimming at incredible speed. The creature was in for it...

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Chester was somewhat taken off guard by the alarm since it had been a while since that had happened and he quickly went to get suited up and ready for action. His depression was on a roller coaster ride right now, some days he would be happier and other days he would feel sad. This had caused him to start taking Vitamin E gummy candy to keep his depression in check and it did have some effect. This was bought with his own money and he didn't tell his parents because they would probably try to get him a therapist and that wouldn't work since he would have to tell him everything about his superhero secret life.

Once fully suited up, Chester put on his goggles and headed for the monitor room, waiting to get orders from either Batman or Wildcat. He listened to Wildcat give them the rundown on the situation and the idea of their foe being a mutant interested him. He too was a mutant in a way and Chester wondered if this creature had once been human and if they could make it human once again. When the senior hero explained to them that the teleporters were down and that they would have to find an alternative way to Industrial Park, El Sasquatcho declared his vehicle their mode of transportation.

Chester quickly followed the luchador to his Luchamobile, he was still going to call it by that name since he thought it was hilarious and had a catchy sound to it as well as a funny parody of Batman. He laughed when El Sasquatcho turned on the theme song to The Lone Ranger movie as he got into the back seat of the truck.

"Do you think that this monster was once human and if so should we refrain from hurting it too badly in case there's a way to get it back to normal?" he asked wanting to hear their answers as the vehicle came to their destination and then to a stop.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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Archer was in his "room", if you could really call it that, when the alert was sent. He was on his iPad but dropped it on a nearby table when the alarms jolted him to his feet. After taking a moment to suit up, Zero rushed from his area and went to join the others in hearing Wildcat's debriefing. Apparently they were being called to deal with a mutant bat/bird creature. That was certainly a surprise, though mostly because Archer himself had always figured Man-Bat (if that was who this creature was) to be more of a myth than anything, like the Jersey Devil or something along those lines. But, no, apparently he was as real as Batman himself.

While the Amazon took off flying and, after fusing, the brothers took to the water and swam with what seemed like the speed of Aquaman. Everyone else piled into the El Camino, within which El Sasquatcho began blaring the most hilariously appropriate music imaginable. This made Zero facepalm himself, "...Really, Hector?" he deadpanned to himself under his breath. Zero himself curiously refrained from joining everyone in the car. Instead he stepped aside on his own, deciding that now was as good a time as any to test his latest technique out. Zero started with a sprint and, after making a quick leap, threw a ball of ice at the spot he would have landed on, freezing it and giving himself something to slide on. He'd seen this in a movie once, where a guy with powers like his own essentially skated along a series of ice platforms he created in his path. Thankfully, Zero was able to make sure that the ice pathways he created melted away quickly in his wake, the last thing he wanted was to litter the city with random frozen platforms for people to potentially hurt themselves on.

His method of travel wasn't quite as fast as flying or speed-swimming, so Zero knew he wouldn't be arriving first. Still, when he did reach Industrial Park, the ice meta almost immediately kept his eyes focused on the sky, hoping to spot the creature flying around somewhere, "Don't suppose garlic or a bit of holy water would do the trick, would they?" he asked himself sarcastically, and aloud.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

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El Sasquatcho heard the various musings of his teammates, but was far too into his personal exothermic joy to respond with anything intelligible. One question did snap him out of it, at least temporarily; the postulate that the creature was once human, and should not be hurt too badly.

The Luchador's mood became grave for a half a moment, just long enough to speak aloud, "Señor Ratboy, we are not killers. Put it out of your mind."

The energy of the moment, angry at being suppressed for any reason (even the reassurance of a teammate), exploded from El Sasquatcho like an evening of corn liquor and bad clams. He leaned his head in close to Nightlife riding shotgun, close enough for him to clearly see the sparkle of near-insanity in his expressive brown eyes. A rictus cheshire formed, dominating the view of his passenger, as El Sasquatcho locked gaze with the team's newest addition.

Still looking at Nightlife, the eccentric wrestler applied even pressure on the El Camino's gas pedal. The engine flared and growled impressively, coupled with the squealing of rubber-on-blacktop as the tires fought to grip the pavement. When finally they did, the team parted ways with their previous location, leaving behind impressive tire striping and a small cloud of acrid smoke.

Just before the car hit the main road, El Sasquatcho shifted gears and fishtail-drifted noisily into traffic. They were off at a gallop, dragging justice with them. "Ey! One of you pretend to be a siren! El Sasquatcho does not want to stop at the redlights!"

After the team separated, the enigmatic Luchador addressed everyone through their earbud commlinks, "First time we have done this together, my friends. El Sasquatcho attacks better close and head on. Play to your strengths, give each other room to move. If nothing else, El Sasquatcho can help keep it busy."

Giving a moment for planning, a possibly unsound idea occurred to the furry Lucha Livre. "Miss Argonaut! If that thing takes to the air, El Sasquatcho wants you to use El Sasquatcho as a missile! SQUATCH TOSSING! AH HA HA!"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

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Ted still grinned from ear to ear as the luchador's car took off onto the street and was hyped up even more at the Luchador's impressive driving skill. Nightlife was extremely excited to fight against an actual powered villain with a team of genuine heroes. Upon the chatter starting about a plan of attack, Ted chimed in "if this thing is part bat I could probably mess up its hearing by yelling at it! If nothing else I might be able to knock it outta the sky if I get close enough!" Ted exclaimed though he left out the parts about how if he was to close he could possibly kill the thing and if to far away then his screams will do pretty much nothing.

Ted hadn't really spoken to all the members on his team yet other then exchanging a few words here and there so he decided to try to strike up a conversation with Chester to pass the time. He turned around in his seat to look at Chester "so Chester, how'd you get into the heroing business?" Ted asked curiously with his excitement starting to sub-side.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

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Leviathan had made it to the area of Gotham where the creature was running rampant. It managed to duck into some nearby woods and seemingly caught Argonaut off guard. Leviathan was roughly ten foot tall and dwarfed both of them, so when the creature went airborne the giant teen swatted at it like a fly with his massive hands. While doing so, the fused hero looked around for the Amazon, but the creature had already taken down and nearby street lights. However, lights finally came in the form of El 'Squatcho's headlights. The cavalry had arrived.

"Does somebody wanna blast this thing out of the air for me? I lost track of Argo!" commented Leviathan as the team readied themselves.

Wildcat came over the Titans' com-links:

"Titans, I'm still 30 minutes out! Batman called in a favor and has GCPD clearing traffic for me, how you kids doing?" Grant asked over the roaring engine of his motorcycle.

"Just another day in Gotham..." Leviathan mumbled however his voice still boomed enough for everyone to hear it.

The Joker looked on from afar, now from the inside of an apartment who's tenants he'd already killed with his bloody straight razor.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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Keeping up with the El Camino was simpler than he thought it would be. Since the car was more or less restricted to staying on the road, all Zero actually had to do was to take every shortcut he could think of. Since his method of travel ignored the roads, he was free to cut corners and be a lot more liberal with his chosen route. All in all, he had managed to arrive at roughly the same time as the car. That being said, after he snarked to himself about garlic, Zero scanned the area and spotted Leviathan and Argonaut, and they looked like they had already engaged.

As he took a few steps forward, he heard Wildcat's voice on the comm-link and responded, "So far so good..." said Zero, balls of ice forming in each hand, "...in fact I'm just about to test out my pitching arms!" at those last words, he started chucking softball-sized chunks of ice at the flying creature, but with a bit of a twist. The hunks of ice actually expanded into spike balls mid-flight. There was no telling how tough the mutant's skin was, but maybe, just maybe, these projectiles could knock the thing out of balance or something, force it into a crash landing perhaps.

In Zero's mind, taking on this beast was nothing compared to staring down Mr. Freeze, and that fact showed in his current confidence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

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The El Camino roared into the scene of the skirmish and squealed to a halt, headlights pointing in the direction where their missing comrade was last spotted. The joyous luchador spoke into his comm, at first to their elder chaperon, and then to the rest of the team.

"El Sasquatcho is rogering that, Senor Wildcat. We will be on this creature, like a fat niño on a cupcake! TEAM, one of us needs to find Argonaut! If we can't drive him from the sky, Leviathan, can you toss El Sasquatcho?"

The furry Hero ran within speaking range of the fused brothers, nodding with team affirmation. A piece of misplaced humor flowed (almost) unbidden from his mouth, regarding the nearby Leviathan.

"So, eh... which one of you works the legs?"
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