Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LeoricAquila

LeoricAquila AKA Draxis

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Not long after the meeting with Theodore and him voicing his concerns about sending a warning to the neighbouring nations, Draxis left to meet with Camilla and the rest of his crew to relay the information given to him. They met in a tavern, the next day, with very few patrons in it for the time of day, likely due to the adventures of Theodore and Gavlan during the previous night. The fools seemed to have a love for the alcohol. Nevertheless, there was enough at this small tavern to be able to suit the needs of Draxis and his Crew. So… There’s a mission and a plan. We were hand picked for this mission and I don’t have much information on it, but we will be the spearhead of this operation.” Draxis spoke to the group gathered around the table in front of him. A map that looked similar to the one Theodore had was laid out on the table and the corners were tacked down with pint glasses and little carved wooden figures were set on the map in their current location at the capital.

“The plan is to sneak through these tunnels here and pop out on the other side, deep in undead territory. Our mission is to kill the necromancers responsible for causing this havoc that the land has been seeing recently. You all know how much we’ve been driving back small pockets of undead here and there, but this is bigger than anything we’ve faced. I’ll need everyone to be on their guard because we have no idea what we might encounter out there.”

Draxis spoke sternly the last part of his briefing, directing the miniatures along the path through the mountain pass and tunnels, then, out at the cluster of fortresses that they were to be taking back. He instructed that they would need to gather supplies to leave later that day and gather up as much food and water as a horse could carry. It would be a long trek and there was no guarantee they would be able to stop and gather more supplies on the road, they would have to make due with what they had and what they would pack.

Draxis made sure to load his packs up with salted meats and bread for the first day and left the rest of the space in his packs for dried fruits and water. An extra pack he packed had a few magical items inside, mostly to create light in the dark tunnels and a few books to keep him occupied during the days ride to the tunnels. He wanted to keep himself occupied as best he could for the adventure while he was not fighting, keep his mind sharp and learn tactics of necromancers from his books as well as from one of the other members of the party, Damien.

Midday arrived quickly while Draxis finished his preparations, and he rode up on his horse to meet with Theodore. It wasn’t long into this secondary briefing that he was given the job of leading the battle preparations and of creating a sound plan to assault the necromancers. Draxis was to be the military hand of this operation. It made him uneasy and reminded him of his previous failure, but there was something different this time, he was on the attacking end and had many talented warriors at his side. ”Sir, if I am to believe what you are saying, I would need the be the highest rank among us and Damien would need to equal that rank. Am I to believe you are promoting both of us? And Him from a templar to be in a leadership position? I don’t mean to question your judgment, but he has not shown respect for authority nor has he shown any sort or leadership capability. I am concerned that he may take advantage of this newly granted post as he has not learned to respect the power that comes with it.”

Draxis spoke to the grey-skinned dwarf,voicing his concerns and making a couple inquiries. The journey was to be long and he would have plenty of time to get to talk to each member of the group, learn their strengths and gain knowledge on how to best use them in battle. They were more than pawns, they were brothers and sisters in arms, they were his friends and allies and they would be his blade to strike against the darkness. He needed to trust each one of them and needed to know that each one trusted him in the same way. It would not be a simple matter for them to follow Draxis now, not with so much of the Covenant scattered and broken. He knew that many still did not trust other members of the Covenant who weren’t right at Lady Evelyn’s side, and now with the death of the king, more people were suspicious. Draxis hoped that he would be able to crush these suspicions of him and be able to prove himself worthy of trust and worthy of being at the new Knight-Commander’s side.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Kaathe had followed Tyr and Marcus. It wasn't really for any big reason, just curiosity. The two were well-known for their capabilities, so he felt no need to assist them in whatever they were planning to do. He was just tailing them to watch. They went down into the sewers for whatever they were planning, and he followed them still. The place smelled horrible, but it wasn't as bad as what he had experienced back when...It didn't matter.

He followed and watched in silence as they killed one of two unfortunate fools that happened to be working a conspiracy with a Prince. He listened in on their interrogation of the other fool. Poor idiot thought he'd leave the place alive if he just gave them what they wanted. Probably out of panic. It must have blinded him to the fact that he just witnessed his friend die. If he had put things together, the man would have realized that he was doomed from the start. Still, it was his own fault, so Kaathe saw it coming.

Tyr and Marcus were preparing to leave. Kaathe felt no reason to stay quiet any longer. They probably noticed him long ago anyway. He was just there to observe, after all.

"Well, that's sure to complicate things." said Kaathe, speaking his mind to the two others. "And you didn't think to bring him back for more questioning and a more thorough investigation...Well, it's not my business, I guess. You did what you came for, after all."

Kaathe chuckled a bit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LiverisGood
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LiverisGood Area 51

Member Seen 11 mos ago

With the shaft of her spear resting on her shoulder, her left hand grabbing onto the reins of the horse, Tabetha’s gaze was unfocused as she was lost in her thoughts. The mission was simple: recapture Fort Harkon from the cultists. Theodore was confident that the siege would be easy under the cover of the night and that the enemy would be untrained and undisciplined.

Amateurs, he called them. Were they? This would be her first time seeing a cultist and it would be foolish to underestimate them. After all, they were partially responsible for the devastation wrought unto the Order. There was another matter that bothered her. Though the tunnels are abandoned now and Theodore had acquire a map of the cave, if someone just happened to know of the tunnel systems on their side, it would be a disaster. The entirety of this plan all rested on the fact the tunnel was usable.

She smiled lightly. Truthfully, Tabetha actually looked forward to seeing the tunnels. It was one of the reasons she agreed to this trip, especially so since the atmosphere in the capital became suffocating in light of recent events. Now, she could see the fabled dwarf architecture. Were they as impressive as the dwarfs boasted?

A childish delight fluttered in her heart. The tunnels were abandoned, so that could only mean one thing. Treasure! What if treasure were to found in the abandoned mines? How wonderful would that be?

She turned to the others. The one called Draxis rode ahead to catch up to Theodore who despite riding a pony, still had a sizable lead ahead of the group. Everyone else was quiet. Perhaps they were lost in their own thoughts. The silence was understandable. "Who's excited for the caves? I am! I personally can not wait to find some lofty treasure left behind, waiting to be discovered once more! What do you think we'll find in the caves?" she said aloud. She simply wanted to strike a conversation with the others even if the topic itself could be seen as immature.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Theodore Doubleblade


"Aye, heard it already. Couple years back the mines were abandoned and sealed off. Nothing that goes in has come out. Chances are the undead have wandered down there and met the same fate. We're gonna clear it out on our way through."

The ride was pleasant enough, the city receeding far into the distance as the group moved steadily onward. The going was easy enough on the first leg of the journey but the silence was taking a toll. Nobody knew what to expect or if they would come back. Others had begun to talk amongst themselves or simply take up a light read as they traversed the land on a direct course to their mission. Already they saw the telltale signs of survivors who had fled long before the undead had come to their villages were everywhere, some still camped outside the city. Theodore silently promised to rid their homes of the risen when the time came.
His silent promises were interrupted as Draxis rode ahead to Theodore and voiced his concerns. Boy's right for the most part. Damien is untested and does have a resentment for authority, but that's not something we can do anything about.

"Did I stutter in my commands, Draxis? You and Damien are of equal rank until this mission is finished. You need not bother with any other details but what concerns yourselves. Find peace in my decision or you will return to the city in disgrace."

Theodore left unsaid that he had no real authority over any of these Templars as he was not officially part of the Dawn covenant. Most of them thought Theo was a hired mercenary paid handsomely to go tackle the impossible or die trying. Not only did the black clad dwarf intend to finish the mission, but he intended to finish it alone if necessary. Gavlan may yet have the stomach for what was to come the others would be tested by the journey.

"When the fighting comes I hope you and him have a plan." Theo craned his neck back to look at Draxis. "If he doesn't return to the city, neither will you. Have I made my intentions abundantly clear, Templar? Good. Back in line with ye'."

The grey skinned one rarely gave a warning to a watcher who second guessed his commands so early into a mission, all were taught on the first leg of their training that if the dwarf told you to climb into a giants mouth you had best be prepared to do it and find a way out later. His orders were not entirely unflexible though as Draxis would later come to discover. The two would discuss their leadership and find common ground to work with, they would alter their roles to fit accordingly, and find balance that worked for them.

"Gonna be a long ride." Theo mumbled


TYRANTS HOLE - Abandoned former mine

Theodore unpacked the last of his equipment from his pony after nearly two days in the saddle. The ride had taken them through a large forest and into a rocky hillside dotted with many such entrances to the dark and uninviting passages leading down into the earths not so gentle embrace. Theo gave the pony a whack on the rump with the flat of Ender to set it off, others followed suit. As a group the horses had come and as a group the horses would likely return. The details were not important to the here and now.
Gear hoisted on his back and axe at the ready, Theodore Doubleblade grunted and strode in without any light into the tunnels. The isles were a dark place, his homeland however was darker still. Compared to that lightless hell the mines may as well be lit by the sun still. The mine tracks were still functional it seemed, though they had suffered damage from neglect over the years. Tipped over minecarts littered the entrance, but one such mangled heap caught his eye. The other two routes ended in drop points for the ore brought up from somewhere he could not see. The third path was sealed off behind the pile of stacked iron carts that had at one point been doused in oil and ignited. What could call for such an enormous amount of light with such a ragtag form of barricade? Where were the ones that had erected this monument?

A glance to the side revealed his answer in the form of a dozen dwarf sized piles of bones discarded below an inch of dust. From the state of them, these fellows hadn't bothered to leave this place. To a man they had waited for their missing kin to escape the tunnels and starved to death in the process. Theo hummed a tune for the dead souls and wished them peace.

"If I find your missing kin I will send them to you in the afterlife."

Ender came down atop the lead minecart with a groan of twisted metal, slamming into the rusted metal of the carts and lodging firmly. A quick tag and the whole barricade came down with a deafening clamor and a spray of dust that scattered the dwarven remains. Beyond the barricade was a grim sight. Once polished stone and careful framework had suffered through flame and claw to become a mosaic of torture. Crushed bones and rotting clothing lay scattered a short way from the barricade, and in the middle of the dwarven throng of skeletons was a their killers corpse. Demons rarely decayed, the unholy magic binded them to life for eternity. Amidst the carnage lay a creature that would have stood up to 8 feet tall with corded muscles and powerful physique, it's head the shape of a ram sporting equally imposing horns. A Tyrant demon in a dwarven tunnel?

Theodore walked up to the corpse and smashed ender into the dry skull, turning the once imposing features into powder. Pickaxes and even sharpened stones were lodged in its back like markers for the brave and hardy folk. Beyond the corpse and the skeletal remains was the tunnel system. Despite his low-light vision the walls were completely black. Even touching them felt unnatural.

Theo called back to the group making their way in as a warning.

[color=00a651]"Be wary. Light is not our friend down here.."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 20 days ago

Marco woke early again, earlier than he'd intended, he had quite a bit of time before he had to meet up with the others. Getting up and getting dressed he grabbed the pack he set up the night before for the journey, it was light but that was how he always traveled. He decided to kill his extra time by visiting his family's house in the city, due to the current troubles his brother was likely to be in the capitol as well.

The walk was rather uneventful, when he got there he went to check the stables first rather than the house, custom stables mind you it's hard to keep a Drake in stables meant for horses, though there were horses there as well. Baego was there, the drake lazily looked at him from across his pen, so Marco was sure the Adrien was in the city. He also thought to get his own Drake, Vannik, as a fully-grown war-drake could be useful on a mission such as the one Theo was leading them on. Though on the way down to Vannik's pen he noticed that one of the horses had gotten out of it's stall, he found it not to long later, seeing that it had somehow found a way into Vannik's pen as was currently being...er, mated by the drake.

Marco immediately turned around and left, not about to interrupt that...sort of thing with his drake, he knew better. After a quick check with the house staff to see if he brother was at the house, they told him Adrien was out, he set out to meet at the gate.

The ride there was quiet, Marco took to his sketchbook quite a few times over the two days until they arrived. After sending his horse away with the others he followed Theo into the tunnel, conjuring a small light over his head as he did. He looked around the area, examining the pile of bones and old machinery. He turned toward the clattering sound of the barricade of ruined mining equipment came down, stopping to extinguish the light and tap the sides of his eyes, placing a temporary enchantment over them to aid his vision in the dark. He followed just after Theo, keeping a wary eye out on the tunnel ahead.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Groompy
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Groompy Gavlan wheel!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The journey towards the mine was a doubly boring affair. If not for the obscene amount of booze that Gavlan had packed, he was sure he would have gone stark raving mad with boredom. Usually, his journeys included a lot of murder from point A to point B, but this was more a of trek through a desolate wasteland with nothing much to look at. Though, he was certain the others did not find his drinking habits wholly acceptable, he did not give a rat's ass, and downed his whiskey with relish. "Look, if I stop drinking, then I'll start remembering things, and that's a lose-lose situation for me." He knew he didn't owe any of his companions an explanation, but the stone silence from them was starting to bug him a little more than it should; another winning point to journeying alone. Everyone seemed to be on edge about the trip into the depths of the abandoned mine, but he knew that whatever lurked in the unfathomable darkness wasn't anything he hadn't horribly slain on forty different occasions, before. He knew that countless Dwarven lives had been taken by whatever fell creature had taken the mines for its home, but, if anything, that made him feel even more determined to cut it in two.

There was one small snag in the journey that slightly irked him, however, and it wasn't the lack of alcohol. Draxis, the young commander that he knew very little of, was back talking their captain, and his personal friend, Theodore. As far as Gavlan was concerned, Theodore was their leader and that was that. No doubts, and especially no questioning his judgments. If every recruit started bogging down their Captain with inane inquiries then the mission was bound to fall apart, and if a recruit didn't like an aspect of the mission then tough shit. Shut your mouth, and get climbing in that Giant's mouth. That's the way the Order had always been in his eyes, and he was pleased to see Theodore talk Draxis down with a swift reminder. Gavlan was not concerned where Draxis was from, or what his accomplishments were; the only thing he cared about was his ability to take orders. He knew that Humans and Elves had a different view on the subject, but with a Dwarf in command, they had better start changing their stance, quick. There were many points in Gavlan's life where he had doubts about his leader's actions or decisions, which was another reason he had chosen his life of solitude, but never once did he hesitate for a moment when his Captain gave an order. Gavlan was loyal to a fault. If not for his incredible resilience to dying, he would have perished hundreds of years ago from poor or split decision making, but there was always something that awoke inside him, especially when he was fighting for his life. It was like there was a fire from deep within him that could only be stoked by way of battle. The more desperate the situation would become, the larger the fire would roar inside him as if in protest, escaping through every motion of axe. He had escaped death's grasp at so many different points in his life, he was beginning to feel like a revenant, cursed to wander the mortal realm until he was no more than a walking corpse; it was this innate resolution that made Gavlan a force to be reckoned with.

When Gavlan and the rest of his party arrived at the mines after two long days, the mines that greeted them were beaten down and ragged to the point that the entrances were overgrown and caved in, quite unlike the lively operation Gavlan had seen in the past. Unhitching his equipment off of his tired pony, who trotted off quickly, he threw his bag over his shoulder and readied his axe. The worn landscape definitely looked like it had been a Dwarven mining operation at one point, but now it just looked like the humble abode of Ratmen. Following behind Theodore, who was already scanning the area for entrances, Gavlan gripped onto the handle of his axe with every intention that something might pop out to greet their arrival. The entrance Theodore had chosen was one that was just wide enough to fit even the largest members of the group inside, but Gavlan still had trouble sidling through the singed debris that clogged it. The mines were almost pitch black. Gavlan had to concentrate hard to make anything out in the darkness. He could just make out the silhouettes of Theodore in front of him, his black armor making it even harder to spot him, and the rest of his party in the back. "Aye, these mines have changed plenty since I last set foot in 'em." Gavlan whispered under his breath. His eyes adjusting to the darkness, he could finally see at least six feet in front of him. The beautiful framework that the Dwarves had crafted had been chipped and marred beyond recognition. The paths were still in tact, though, and that was all that was needed; hopefully, the rest of the mine was in this condition and not completely caved in. The bodies of the fallen Dwarves lay strewn about the tight corridors. Whispering a quiet prayer to the Earthmother for his fallen brethren, a small requiem for their tarnished spirits, Gavlan trudged onward. Theodore stopped in front of him, and the rest of the party came to a halt. The path that he was surveying had been completely sealed off, but, with the quick thinking that could only come to a Dwarf, he brought his weapon down upon the barricade, and ripped open an entrance. What came tumbling out was nothing that Gavlan expected; the corpse of a demon spawn, and a big one, at that. "Haven't seen one of these creatures in a long while." It had been at least over a hundred years since Gavlan had laid eyes on the grizzly beasts, and he hadn't expected to see them, again, believing they had all been chased off and banished from the land. Before he could examine the Tyrant demon more, Theodore crushed its head in with his weapon, and, for a mere moment, looked slightly agitated, while looking at his party. Gavlan knew why. These creatures were never alone, in fact, quite the contrary. Where there was one, there was bound to be thousands upon thousands more, and, in this darkness, they could only thrive and fester. "Looks like we've got a real fight on our hands, here." Gavlan spoke softly, trying to hide his excitement. Their party moving forward, Gavlan steeled himself and heightened his sense, ready for the inevitable onslaught.

After working their way around the winding, narrow passages, through the debris and dusty skeletons that littered the entire area, they came into an opening. The large cavern system opened up around them, and the darkness felt even more threatening than before. So far, they hadn't seen hide nor hair of the mine's current occupants, but everyone was on guard, especially Theodore. The path they were on was more of a ledge, as most of it had fallen away, due to neglect, with a large drop off into the looming darkness, below. The entire cave was home to a large and industrious pulley system that brought the minerals and ores from deep below, and brought them towards the surface. There was a shred of light from the roof of the cavern that was trying desperately in vain to cut through the blackness of the mine, but there was no hope; the darkness down here was unnatural. Gavlan took a long draft from his pouch, and let out a long sigh. It had felt like they had been marching in this cursed mine for hours, now, and their progress felt almost nonexistent. Perching himself on a rock that lay facing the pit, Gavlan looked around with Theodore for their next route. There were many openings in the walls and around the area, but it was hard to tell which path would take them to where they wanted to go. Gavlan peered over at a large, jagged rock that lay next to him. Out of sheer curiosity, he picked up the rock, and dropped it down into the abyss. It was seven seconds before the rock made a noise; however, instead of the sound of a rock hitting more rock, there was a shrill cry that echoed from deep, down below that didn't sound quite unlike that of a demon spawn having its skull crushed by a large, jagged rock.

"Well, that's one less of those jumpy, little fuckers we have to deal with, I suppose."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Marcus turned to the sound of someone speaking and leveled his gun in the same motion, thankfully he recognized the voice and didn't immediatly pull the trigger. A very small sigh of relief and annoyance later, he holstered the weapon and crossed his arms. "You really think following me and her was wise? You do not want to get involved with our orders very... direct approach to its problems. Might see something you didn't want to. But so long as you're here, I suppose we could use the help."

Marcus waved for Tyr and pointed towards the ceiling. "Back to Sunderland. We have

information that can't wait." As a group all three departed the sewers and made for the castle.


Some time later, and a long winded speech about moral dignity or some such nonsense, Sunderland, Marcus, Tyr, Kaathe, and a number of higher ranked members of the Dawn were arrayed around a table with a map to the city. A marker indicated the Cauldron. Evelyn pointed to one of the various entryways to the sewers, "This is our starting point. The path towards The Cauldron will be cleared by Marcus and Tyr while the rest of us follow some distance behind so as to not give away our position. The entrance to The Cauldron is at the end of a passageway thats protected by wards, set one off and the entire chamber fills with fire. Marcus will use his 'abilities' to bypass these defenses and destroy the protection stone holding up the wards. Once the wards are down, Tyr will follow through and offer assistance in making space for our main force. After Tyr enters, the main group, including myself and Kaathe, will wait exactly thirty seconds before storming in to finish off the rest. Make sure to identify who you're fighting, we will capture the prince and return him to face the court. If you have any questions, speak now. There wont be time for it later"

Kaathe had to admit to himself that he was feeling a bit overwhelmed. After all, he was in the presence of several higher-ranking Knights, some of which he just knew wanted his head on a platter. Whether it was because he was a dark elf, or a lowly templar, he didn't much care, really. Still, a plan was being formed and briefed at Present, so they and he had to focus on Evelyn rather than their own personal distaste.

The dark elf went over the details of the plan that Evelyn had thought up, and looked to see if there was any flaws that could be pointed out. A plan with flaws most likely leads to unfortunate circumstances, after all. Fortunately, he honestly didn't find much wrong with it. Knowing the rumors, and witnessing a bit of what Marcus and Tyr can do, their parts suited them the best. Evelyn explained the steps in a clear and precise way, so everyone knew what was supposed to happen, and what must be done. It was a very good plan.

Still, Kaathe was somewhat concerned about a small detail. Though not much time had passed since he left the sewers with Marcus and Tyr, it was still enough time to...

"There is one concern I have, Captain."

Kaathe could feel the sharpness of the daggers some of the other, higher-ranked Knights were glaring into his back. Clearly, he must have said something to anger them. Regardless, the dark elf continued.

"There may be a chance that our enemies are aware-"

"Our enemies WILL be on high alert. We killed a patrol in the sewers earlier. Our attack must be perfectly executed or this will not end well." Marcus hadn't meant to interupt, but it needed to be stated. They had left out the killing in the initial report. Some of the brass below Sunderland were not always happy when a Templar killed without orders.

[color=ed1c24]"Which is why we will go in there first. If there any added patrols they wont be an issue for myself and Marcus to handle. If there's nothing else then we'll be on our way, see you in the sewers"[/colors], as much as it annoyed Evelyn there was truly no reason to extend this meeting any further. The plan was formulated and now it was time for the execution.

"I request a wait." Marcus' words would not likely be received well, most believed that a fast attack would assure them of Davons capture. Marcus however was not so sure. "Why give them a chance? The patrol lost is going to put them on lockdown. Why don't we surround it and ensure every available entrance and exit is guarded. No chances." The ideal time to surround the place and ensure the success would take half a day to get in position.

"It'd take time to organize this, and if we moved to fast it could be noticed by their informants...alright, i'll have a number of couriers leave at different times tonight. They'll bring word to the guard captains who'll mobilize their men at specific times to make sure its not one large movement. In the meantime i suggest you two get ready, If you already are then get to scouting the sewers, we could use a heads up of what's down there", Evelyn looked to Tyr who looked to Marcus before looking down at herself. Their time in the sewers had left a number of colorful stains and smells on her clothes, "You go ahead. I may be heading back into that filth but I cant stand another minute in these clothes"

"Careful..." commented Kaathe as he walked up to them.

"I hear that the spectres still haunt down there. With two new additions, they might just be active now."
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@TheDarkTemplar"Commander Sunderland, I need you at the forge you provided for me and the other dwarves. Come in normal clothes no armor, but bring a couple of Templars if you want bodyguards, but you shouldn't need them." Kylie intercepted Sunderland after her meeting, she had a plan to surprise the newly appointed Commander of the Dawn Covenant. To herself she thought,"Every Commander needs a good set of armor one that shows their position yet still allows for combat."

Before setting off under Theo's command to go kill the enemy in the north Karl did three things. The first thing he did was get a new set of armor, trading in his old leather for stronger more durable scale mail. The second thing he did was help Glodin get everything that he needed for the journey. Lastly he left a letter in his room detailing his entire dream experience, the letter left in an envelope and addressed to Sunderland was left on the bed. This was because he didn't want to talk to people.

On the day of departure Karl found his mount and rode out with the rest of them half listening to what Theo had to say. Upon reaching the mine he slid off his mount and sent it on it's way. After hearing that the mine was infested with daemons Karl fought to rush off headlong to slay every thing in the mine. Instead he kept close to Glodin and kept his long sword drawn at all times.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LeoricAquila

LeoricAquila AKA Draxis

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

“Indeed… We may need to be more careful going forward. I can meld stone and bend it to my will, however I would need time to focus and recover if I am to bore our way through this mountain to the other side. Any path I create will undoubtedly be much more safe than the pre existing ones, We may be able to travel much safer if I were to be pointed in a direction of where to go from here and we would be able to make the journey much quicker instead of following winding paths.” Draxis spoke as he pulled a vial of magical light from his pack, shaking it to produce a brighter light to illuminate about fifteen feet around him. He needed the light to see unlike the dwarves who were accustomed to living in darkness and in low light situations. As a human, Draxis could not afford that sort of ability, his vision was hazy in the dark and he had trouble making out many of the figures next to him, choosing instead to follow the sound of his companions footsteps and the sound of their voice.

He listened to the cry of the demon die and be shattered upon the rocks below the pit by the rock that Gavlan dropped into it. A slight smirk spread across Draxis’ face as he shook his head waiting to be ushered onwards into the mines, wondering if Theodore would listen to his suggestion, the earlier comment Draxis had made was met with a stern talking to and an even sterner warning, He did not want to rouse anger in the leader of the party, but he also wanted to prove that he was a capable leader, worthy of reaching a higher rank, and prove that he was more than just a story and a cautionary tale. As moments passed, he felt a rumble in his gut as he craved food, opting to eat some of his dried meat in order to satisfy his hunger for the time being. Draxis knew he had to at least make it to the undead fortresses, and not die on the way of starvation, he had to make sure he kept his strength up on the way… and not just his, but the whole party. He urged other members, occasionally, to eat something as they traveled. The idea of taking care of his people was an important one to him, proving to them that he had their best interests at heart.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ShaggyDoo0
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ShaggyDoo0 Mystery Inc. C.E.O. / Investigator extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

On the dawn of the day of departure, Glodin tried to gain an audience with the Knight-Commander but was unsuccessful in his attempt to worm in between previously scheduled meetings. No matter how badly he wanted to wait and see his dear friend, he did not have the time. Glodin only asked one of the Templars who guard the meeting/war room to give Evelyn Sunderland his pickaxe, just in case he doesn't make it back. He really had hoped to see her one last time before leaving on this suicide mission.

Later in the morning, near the time of departure, Glodin sat atop his mule who was already packed and ready to go. The mule and Glodin both looked to Theo as he spoke, Glodin with sad eyes and the mule with a confused expression. The rest of the day they rode like that, untill it came time to rest. Glodin put on a smile and made small talk, trying to keep spirits high.

When they reached the entrance to their underground route, Glodin took his pack from his mule and removed his harness before giving the mule a quick brushing and shooing him away. The dwarf then adjusted his father's hammer on his hip then putting his pack onto his back before following the rest into the darkness.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LiverisGood
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LiverisGood Area 51

Member Seen 11 mos ago

With the scream emanating from below, Tabetha's heart sank. After witnessing the demon spawn's corpse and the dead dwarf fighters, she began to have second thoughts about this particular mission. How many more of them were there? Surely that scream must have alerted something nearby?

"I happen to be a geomancer. If its rock and earth I can shape it to my will. I can assist you in that endeavor Draxis."

Before she said anything, Draxis produced a vial of light. A tiny light in the infinite darkness; whatever cursed creature of the night in here that was responsible for the death of the dwarfs earlier that saw this tiny light would rush over to snuff it out.

"Draxis, the enemy would see us in this tunnel with that vial you are carrying, what if they are looking up right now and happen to see light inside these tunnels? If you cannot see, I can guide you." Tabetha asked with some concern.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(Brief, and awful, collab.)

Theodore didn't consider the geomancy as a viable option. Too much time and effort with no way of guaranteeing success. For all he knew, this would invite even more trouble.

"No. Not gettin' any younger. Right then. So who's down the hole first?"

Theodore glances at Gavlan and saw the grin right away. Foolhardy fellow was thinking of something crazy and it was bound to get them all killed. Usually he would advise against such tactics or plans but with the very real threat of getting lost in the mines, it was only reasonable to have crazy match out crazy.

"If my ears don't decieve me, I think I hear the sounds of squishy bodies down below." Gavlan peered over the edge of the drop that lead deep, down into the mines, clutching his axe with all the intent of jumping down. A dangerous smile was creeping across his bearded face, and the others could tell they weren't going to be able to talk him out of his insane plan fast enough. Tying a rope around his belly, Gavlan turned around and looked at the others.

"Right, so I'm going down there... Who wants to hold onto the end of this thing?" Holding up the rope, he awaited the confirming clutch of someone else's grip on the rope to solidify his plan.

Theo shrugged and took the rope. Wrapping the rope around his forearm and taking hold with the other hand he braced for what was the come. A quick thumbs up and the plan was in motion. "Now or never, I suppose." Theo tried to put on a reassuring expression but abandoned the sentiment.

Gavlan could tell that no one agreed with his plan, but nobody was coming up with any solutions, so he thought he might as well have a bit of fun, while he's here. Sidling up to the edge, he faced the others, who, in the dim light, would've only been able to see two sparkling, and bloodthirsty eyes peering back at them. Lucky for them they knew it was Gavlan, for it would've been quite the freightning prospect. Theo holding onto the rope, muscles rippling, for Gavlan was not a light dwarf by any means, he began his descent downward into the dankness. Grappling the side of the facing, Gavlan bounded back and forth, while being lowered down by Theo. Gavlan was nearing the bottom, or so he tried to make out, when there came a sickening noise from above him. A snapping noise. A rope snapping noise. With barely a cry leaving his lips, he plummeted down the rest of the way.

Theo felt the rope grinding on the stones of the overhang and realized a moment before it snapped that something was wrong. The sound of straining twine caught his ear and sent him in a rush of movement, throwing himself bodily to the ground to grab the savered end of the rope before it was completely lost. A groan of pain escaped him as the full weight of the swinging Gavlan fell onto his singular arm, thankfully it was not dislocated.
The rope swayed and his grip loosened.

"The ropes breaking! Brace yourself!"

With a heave, Theo grasped on for a moment more before swinging Gavlan out and letting go. If luck was on their side, the crazy dwarf would land on something soft and punchable. Theo was quick to roll off the side and pray to his earth mother there was something soft below for him aswell. Into the darkness he plummeted until the body of a shadow husk raeched up at the falling form of the dwarf Theodore, crushed bodily underneath his bulk in a clamor of steel and flesh.
Detangling himself from the fresh corpse Theo could see now what they faced. Shades they were called, demons that possessed a very loose corporeal form entirely made of shadowy silk. Either a finely crafted blade or a tingle of magic was needed to do lasting damage.

"Gavlan!" Theo called into the swarming mass of Shadows, white luminescent eyes shone back from every corner of the room as the hundreds of these creatures stirred at the presence of potential food. The collective swarm poured out of every crack and tunnel, some even flocked from where the two dwarves had fallen. Nearly every inch of this tunnel belonged to the hideous things.

"Swing boy! Swing!" Theo drew Ender from its sheath on his hip and slashed at the nearest apparation, satisfaction and a trickling feeling of dread as he forced the blade to cleave through the creatures chest. These were not shades any longer. They possessed true solid bodies. "oh, swing your axe, Gavlan, and sign of the earth afore we should die." Theo took up a haunting hum, the tune of a dwarven war song where a legion of the bearded folk bravely marched to certain death at the hands of the sea.

Gavlan felt like the heavens had opened up and presented him with the greatest finale they could muster; hordes of enemies and no hope in sight. Gavlan was quick to his feet, and even faster to begin cutting his enemies down before him with hellish glee. Swinging his weapon he cleaved through two demons, ending them instantly. "Hahaha! I haven't had this many on me since the Great Goblin Wars!" Before his enemies could even react to their presence fully, Theo and Gavlan had already taken down fifteen of their number. That was a very small portion of the thousands of demons that lurked in the caves, but that did not trouble Gavlan one bit. If his enemies had any notion of what a good song was, they would've been repulsed at Gavlan's battle song, but, as was such, they swarmed with the same ferocity. As if Gavlan had already sensed the presence of demons from behind, he quickly swung around with his axe and took down one, mid jump, cutting its face in two. His inner furnace blazing with immense heat, he gripped his battle axe with all his might and lost all his senses. He became a whirlwind of death. Nothing could stop him, now.

Barely any time had passed, and Gavlan and Theodore had a pile of demon corpses between them; however, the demon's replenishable numbers were more than able to make up for the efficiency of their killers. "Hah, you little bastards aren't so tough, even when you've got numbers on your side!" Gavlan laughed heartily as he booted a crawling demon in the face, smashing its skull inwards with a horrifying crunch, which then sent it flying into another demons path.

Looking down into the hole the dwarves he fallen into, Marco was a bit worried for a moment but that was before he saw the two dwarves in combat with a large number of creatures at the bottom. He rolled his eyes at them and shouted down "Well you two have fun, I'm going to go find the way through" with that he turned around to face the rest of the party that hadn't fallen into some sort of abyss and gestured to a different path "Onward then?"
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