Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Beekeeper
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Beekeeper they/them

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ramblingbard
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ramblingbard Minutia Enthusiast

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Loralei Harper Parker
Gender: Female
Age (11 to 18): 17
Grade (6 to 12): 11
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Loralei has the petite frame of a gymnast, complete with pixie like features like a perfectly symmetrical face and properly proportioned nose. Her small bust actually fits her frame perfectly, making her Bs look like moderate Cs. Slightly shorter than average, Loralei only stands at about five foot three. Her golden topaz colored eyes are round, but she uses eyeliner to help create the illusion of narrowness/almond shape even if she isn’t wearing any other make up. Generally, she only wears nude smokey-eye eyeshadow and a lip gloss a shade or two darker than her own lips. Light brown hair color often confused with dirty blonde flows down nearly to her waist; she keeps her chin length bangs tucked behind her ears but not pinned. When not having to wear her school uniform, she typically dresses in sneakers, some nice hip hugger jeans, and a baby-tee; she likes to be comfortable over making sure she looks attractive/dolled up. She loves jewelry, especially necklaces and rings, and never goes anywhere without at least one of each.

Personality: Sweet and kind of bubbly, she has a knack for finding the silver lining to almost anything. As much as she loves sharing exciting stories, whether they’re her own exploits or someone else’s. Despite a childhood being the center of attention from her father and eldest brother, she still always wants to hear about everyone else’s day - especially if it helps her make friends with someone else. She doesn’t stand for any kind of bullying; that’s when she puts on her serious face and will step in to try to work things out peacefully.
Often times she wishes her life were more like a musical. She sometimes breaks out into a song - not in the middle of a conversation, but more out of nowhere - just to get it out of her head or because she just wants to fill the silence. It doesn’t take much to egg her on to sing or break out into monologues from plays; the more people around, the better her performance.

Bio: Youngest of four and only daughter, Loralei grew up babied and pampered *because there is a difference* by her father and overprotected by her eldest two brothers. With her love of being photographed (a regular occurrence since her eldest brother aspired to be a cinematographer or director) beginning at a young age, her mother helped get her life in front of a camera started when she was five. She did local modeling photos and commercials until she was nine, when she landed her first acting role in a children’s show as a background character with one line. After a series of appearances like that on various television shows, she finally got a break when she was fourteen and was hired on as one of the leads in a musical high school sitcom.
Despite loving it, Loralei ended up quitting the show after only two seasons; during that season her brother - William - had been injured on active duty and returned for physical therapy, her uncle had passed away, and her father was struggling with writer’s block being so far from the rest of their family. After spending the summer with her family and school hunting, she finally found Fatehaven Academy and enrolled.

Skills: Singing, acting, gymnastics, public speaking,
Weaknesses: Asthma, pacifist, Nyctophobia (super big secret), arachnophobia
Extracurricular Activities: Drama club, gymnastics team
Inventory: School Uniform, School ID, messenger bag, Ipad, notebook, pen, signed copy of her father’s first published book (just says it’s her favorite author since it’s written under a pseudonym), and a pocket photo album with pictures of her family and friends
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by akirashadow
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akirashadow Cowboy kitty monk

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Irvine Code

Gender: Male

Age (11 to 18): 18

Grade (6 to 12): 12

Sexual Orientation: Straight


Personality: Irvine is a very laid-back individual, stemming mostly from an anti-social record. He would prefer to observe a situation rather than partake, typically writing short hand notes during group conversations. To those he knows he's an open book, so long as there aren't too many people observing him. He considers himself somewhat of an anti-bully, not afraid to stand up for those who don't feel they can stand up for themselves.

Bio (at least a paragraph):
Irvine was the 'problem child', sent to private school in order to 'straighten him out'. Although this was only the first of many situations. Irvine couldn't help but stand in on situations such as bullying and fighting, and due to how often it occurred he'd regularly be blamed for it. This of course lead to him lashing out in his own defence. Over the years of his private schooling Irvine had a lot of difficulty trying to change this part of him, landing himself with fairly regular referrals, detentions and warnings of expulsion.

The explosive mood of the teen eventually died down, leaving him a laid back shell of a person he used to be. Within his early years of the school Irvine was kicked out of multiple clubs he was a member of due to his behaviour. His past choices led to him developing a anti-social personality, with very select few friends. But with this he became steadily more observant of what was happening around him and within school life. Although even now he still will stand up for fellow students, his carefulness eventually got him off the teachers hit list, although when he was caught it would be the typical drone on about how they thought he'd changed.

Coming to the end of his school life, Irvine was just starting to get to grips with trying to change himself. But no one could of foreseen the outbreak that would occur. It was that event that would prevent this student from changing after all.

Skills (for every skill, add a weakness):
Strategic - Irvine's natural desire to observe his surrounding situation allows him to formulate ideas, plans in his own mind, which have proven helpful in the past during group assignments.
Bravery - Not afraid of getting into a fight or taking on a tough challenge.
Anti-bully - Strong link with bravery, doesn't take kindly to other students being ganged up on.

Lost in the moment - When situations suddenly arise or drastically change, Irvine often becomes flustered when he hasn't taken account for it.
Fool hardy - Doesn't fully accept the limits of his capabilities when taking into account bravery.
The trouble maker - Due to Irvine's past mistakes in school (well documented in his files) Irvine is often seen/mistaken to be the root cause of any problem situation he tries to intervene on.

Extracurricular Activities: Chess club (Mainly joined to help with his group observation/strategic thought process), boxing (ex-member, restricted access to the gym)
Inventory: School Uniform (scruffy shirt, but ironed slacks, prefers boots to shoes), School ID, notepad (used for scrawling notes in group situations), sharpened pencil, fingerless leather gloves (often confiscated).
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