Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dredigan
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Dredigan Da Chief

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Talen District, Kyralos, Outer Federation Space. The decadent skyscrapers attempt furiously to avoid the wretched, impenetrable mass of jungle that forms the planet's infamous undergrowth. One hot sun is seen guarding its realm in solitary orbit. The planet as a whole as infamous as hell itself among the common folk of the inner rim. Now, on a sweltering midsummer evening a pale light shines above Talen. The apparent comet grows closer and closer until it can be distinguished as not only a man-made structure but the burning hull of a small, five or seven man starship plummeting to the central plaza of the district bustling with roguish villainy and corruption.

Shards of glass reflect the pale orange glow of the planet's large sun as the ship hurdles it's way through the corner of a massive atrocity to nature known as the Turan-Kelogg Estate Building. The craft itself now erupting into shards of flying metal which rain violently over the city. Citizens flee to cover to avoid the falling shrapnel and flaming debris. Through the dark gray smoke of the failed spacecraft another ship can be seen; a gunship painted red with a long hull and pointed nose with a wide cockpit to accommodate three men. The ship flies low to the ground, sweeping up dust and knocking over the large marble statue of the District's founder in the process. It circles up and patrols the plaza, jshouting through a loudspeaker.

"Find Them," a booming voice resonated, "find them for your father and mine!" the ship circles and a door opens on the starboard side revealing a cluster of armed soldiers on the inside. "Find them now!" the men begin to repel into the streets.

Daniel Krayt

The ship became more and more difficult to steer after the third blast connected to the engine of the Surreg Clan Armada fighter that Amorax Corporation had supplied to Daniel Krayt. He tried in vain to steer the ship into a more subtle region only to find that he had lost any control that remained in the cockpit. Time to abandon shipj, he thought, letting go of the controls and standing from his chair. He grasped the strap of a tactical parachute slung on the back of the pilots chair as he passed by and buckled it on carefully trying not to pull the release throughout the turbulent fall that he found himself in. Next to the parachute was the girl, Muru, in her HEV container, a foot and a half tall semicircle container which was designed by Amorax to keep Muru safe from foreign pathogens. Daniel looked on the other side of the chair and grabbed his helmet, a silvery scratched up mask with dents and other battle scars.

"I hope this works." he mumbles to himself, placing the helmet on his head and grabbing the tank.

As the ship delve to a deeper nose dive Daniel put his feet on the back of the pilots chair and gripped the tank tightly, then kicked the release to the rear door of the long, single room spacecraft. He activated the release on his parachute and ejected the transparent material into the sky, it flew through the rear of the ship and caught air, guiding krayt out into the dark jungle air above Talen. He could only look on as the craft erupted into pieces. He saw no trace of the gunship on his descent but as he landed on the lower plaza after the shrapnel and glass had all mostly fallen he spotted it circling. The colors were undeniably Masero Industries. Daniel had been given a job nearly a year prior by company executives to assault a remote development facility on Thenmar in the outer rim where Krayt was forced to kill a high ranking executive of the company. Now they had managed to track him, with an interest in Muru perhaps. Surely shouting find them, find them meant they knew Krayt was not alone. The soldiers repelled into the now frantic streets with guns in hand and shoved their way through the dispersing crowds of people.

"There he is!" one of the soldiers shouts, and gunfire erupts through the streets. Daniel retreats, several rounds clipping his armor, through the ground level back alleys created by the towering giants that are the skyscrapers of Kyralos. "Go get him!" he heard as he disappeared into the shadows of the buildings. It seemed as though the alleys became a maze where forward and backward didnt exist and from some direction came a voice giving order to men to find and kill him. When he finally emerged some time later, out of breath and sore from the projectile contacts, he found himself in the other side of the District entirely, where the buildings began to fall victim to the ravenous jungle. The more forgotten region where no man observes the goings on.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Adventures of Steve Thaddeus somerset, in...: "I don't think I should be doing this..."

"We've arrived, Mr. Somerset," A voice said, waking him from his slumber. "The transit ship to carry you to A-0001 will arrive in a few hours, and you'll be notified on your PDA when it's here. In the mean time, feel free to utilize any nearby facilities until the time comes."

"Uhhh..." He replied sleepily, "Can I stay on the ship for a while? It looks warm outside..."

"Of course, your luggage is still with us." The pilot replied to him, "We'll have to hand it over when the ship arrives so we'll be staying here the whole time as well."

Steve squinted as he looked outside. He didn't happen to like jungles. The one thing he truly disliked was warm weather and humid weather was by far the worst kind of hot weather. The air was always stuffy and it always felt like he couldn't breathe properly. The ship he was flying on was technically a delivery ship but of course it still had a good cooling unit. He was on it because he was getting a transfer from the Hunter's Guild X-6000 branch to the A-0001 branch, but since he was the only one getting the transfer they just sent him on the delivery ship picking up some cargo from the X-6000 branch and going relatively close to where the A-0001 branch was.

The Hunter's Guild names their branches for the particular planet or system their research centers on. Many of the branches are temporary, and once research on a specific area is completed the whole branch is dismantled and deconstructed. There are exceptions such as the X branches which are almost guaranteed to be permanent, as even if research completes access still has to be restricted so the branch remains. There are more and more permanent branches as the restriction level increases, but the branches that don't really restrict public access at all are the most temporary. Amongst these is the Hunter's Guild A-0001 branch.

The A-0001 branch isn't actually the least publicly restricted branch, rather they are the face of the Hunter's Guild research sector. The A-0001 branch is in fact a huge starship which carries all necessary equipment and personnel they might need to study their research priority A-0001. It was the first branch created by the Hunter's Guild, designed to be an all-purpose general research facility. They planned to create more like it but quickly realized that they would most definitely need more specialized equipment in most of their sites.

That being said, the A-0001 branch is by no means lacking in research capabilities. On board are some of the greatest scientists the Hunter's Guild can offer. The A-0001 branch is used as their preliminary surveillance of a research target to see what priority it should have if it's not immediately obvious, and what kind of staff would be most suited for the task. Currently the A-0001 branch has been given the task of studying the recent calamities, being the representatives of the Hunter's Guild. Due the seemingly mobile and seemingly unknown nature of the threat, this would be the most optimal way to go about researching it.

Steve was being reassigned to the A-0001 branch mostly because there was some room and you could never have enough researchers in there. He was just an internt until recently so it wasn't like they were grabbing him for his superior skills, although he doubted there was another researcher there that could dropkick someone as well as he did.

Suddenly, there was a large screech and a bang! from the top of the ship. The coldness in the air faded as the lights flickered for a second before returning to normal. He quickly looked out the window and saw a ship breaking up under fire.

"Our cooling unit was hit!" A crew member said, rushing into the cockpit. "Not much else seems to be damaged, sir, but we should take care to raise the shields!"

"Must have been a stray piece of shrapnel, hold on." The captain said, rapidly pressing buttons on his control panel.

A blue layer of energy appeared around the ship as a few more pieces of shrapnel came down. They weren't that close to the ship so they didn't really have that much to worry about. Steve saw a man parachute out the back with a large bulky looking... stasis pod? He hit the ground running and the gunship that had destroyed the mysterious man's ship came in behind. There was a small building between Steve's ship and the action so he could only really see in what direction he seemed to be going in.

"Uhhh, does this happen a lot?" Steve asked as more guys came down and started chasing him.

"No, this shouldn't be happening at all..." The captain said, bringing up several holographic interfaces. "Nothing announced from anywhere..."

"Alright cool, can I borrow the emergency personal shield unit from here?" Steve asked.

"Mr. Somerset, I cannot with good conscience let you go out there on your own," The pilot said, turning around. "It's far too dangerous for a researcher!"

"Naaaahh, it'll be fine." Steve said, slinging on the shieled unit over his lab coat. It was sort of a back-pack like affair and it happened to be just his size. "They're not going to want to cross the Hunter's Guild. I'm assuming the symbol on this thing isn't just for show. Well, technically it is but you get my point."

The Hunter's Guild logo was clearly visible on his lab coat even with the shield unit on. He was also pretty confident in his cardio which he'd been working on in his spare time as an intern. Ever since he was told he had good drop kicks he'd wanted to capitalize on it a little bit so he'd upped his stamina somewhat.

"Don't worry too much, I'll be back eventually." He said.

He took out through the open door of the ship without looking back. He had a forcefield that could take a few hits, and he had some diplomatic immunity which would give him a few kicks. Yeah, it was probably going to be fine.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nomad

Nomad The Lone Wanderer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dropping out of FTL Al'keck opened his eyes looking over at a screen, the information about the planet he was approaching as he smiled. It seemed to be mostly dense rain forest, high heat, high humidity. It was almost like home. Al'keck saw it as a sign. The Great Hunt lead him here, to this planet much like his home. Not being one to deny The Great Hunt he took the controls of his ship, piloting down to the planet as the computer started to preform calculations, plant atmosphere density, size gravity effect. "Prepare for entry" displayed on his screen as the ship stared shaking. Hitting the planets atmosphere he held her steady on her course. Once entry was complete the shaking stopped as he made for the nearest space port. Radioing control he set up for his ship to be re-fueled, some basic re-fitment, a couple of routine maintenance items, and lodging for a few days. After getting a landing spot he brought her in and touched down. The hatch opening up as he felt that moist warm air. He decided not to wear his SEE-Suit feeling rather conformable. So as he walked under his ship, opening a panel and punching in a code to a key pad it opened up. Soon a small supply rack lowering down. His rifle was across the top, his suit folded and in a container as well as his pistols in on there belt holsters.

He placed on both belts around his waist, checking each weapon, making sure there mags were full, throwing a harness on with various knives he decided to leave things such as explosives and his rife not feeling the need to be so heavily armed at this moment. Pushing a button the rack rose back up into his ship as the doors shut and he closed the panel to the key pad. Turning and walking away he could see the port authority approaching.

Greeting him he inquired to his reason for visiting the planet, he looked a little nervous looking at the Telth. It didn't bother Al'keck however, many of the weaker races seemed nervous when around his kind.

"I am on a set toe ra" he replied a kind of pilgrimage of the Great Hunt as the man looked it up on his tablet

"I...I see and how exactly did that bring you here" he asked as Al'keck looked at him a little annoyed , but for the most part his expression was a cold one

"I needed supplies" he said as the man started tapping on his tablet again

"wonderful please enjoy your stay then. We have you set for re-fueling, some maintenance, and we have a room available for you." he said as Al'keck nodded walking off. People giving him sideways glances.

After a few hours, he had gotten some food, and asked around to see if anyone knew anything about what was happening to the planets being annihilated. Getting very little information how ever as it seemed like no one knew anything. He wondered why The Great Hunt would lead him here, there must of been a reason. Though he was soon answered. His the PDA on his wrist lit up chiming. Looking at it his ship was giving a warning "Warning: Un-known object approaching. Shields raised." then he could hear, a loud sound as he looked up to see the falling ship, burning as it was crashing down. He could see some one jumping out of the as a gunship flew in behind it. Soldiers repelling down as Al'keck smiled. Bringing his hand up he started to mess with that wrist computer, seeing the refueling was nearly complete. Maintenance wasn't scheduled for till the morning. He stood up from his seat as it appeared the hunt was beginning.

He took of fallowing them, watching as they ran into the forest. He was glad he wasn't wearing his boots as he ran, soon hitting the tree line as he leapt. Jumping nearly 15 feet he grabbed a tree and quickly climbed up it. His planet a nothing but rainforest, and not know how to climb was a death sentence. Soon Reaching the branches he started to move through the trees. Moving from one branch to another as it didn't take him long to catch up, though at the moment he didn't know who to side with. So he choose to keep fallowing and observe to see how this all played out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The maintenance shack comes alive as the sounds of mechanical arms swerve around inside, followed by the light hum of little tiny lasers, and the faint crackles of occasional sparks. Elturbak knew he shouldn't have gotten so cocky with the habitat here on Kyralos. Those blasted Poison-Fulkors had managed to spit their acidic goop at his left cybernetic arm. It managed to corrode through the cybernetics, which busted the power converter and leaving the arm at incredibly lower power. Normally the metal would've held well against these creatures, but he hadn't had it refitted in quite awhile. Possibly... 10 years? Or maybe it was 15? Elturbak couldn't remember. But all he knew was that he was severely overdue for a rehab on that arm anyways.

The Great Hunt's call had lured him here to this jungle planet, which reminds him way too much of Umoha IV's jungles. However, while that planet had a variety of biomes, like plains, snowy mountains, and the like, this was just covered in humidity and bugs. Maybe this environment was yulkovich-straw that broke the Phospholid's back. He wouldn't be surprised if it played a part in having his arm being put out. However his mechanical legs seemed to be fine for now, for there seems to be no sign of any deterioration. Major ones at least.

Soon, the blue hue of the laser has ceased, as it gently applies a new power converter and bolts it into place.

"All done Mr. Elturbak." says the robot in her female voice, "Your arm has been completely restored."

The Vesegrak grunts as he slowly gets up from the mechanical chair. He begins to move his arm slowly, testing all the joints and abilities. Everything seems to be at 100%. A quiet sigh escapes his mouth.

"Thank you." he replies in a gruff voice, "I didn't realize that these native poison-slashers had stronger corrosive acid compared to the ones back on Unoha IV."

"Their sulfuric acid levels are about 3x more corrosive then the ones on that planet." answers the medic-bot, "You were lucky that the metal wasn't at its weakest state. Otherwise, it would've gotten to your skin and cause tissue destruction."

"I know." Elturbak replies, "But the alloy in my cybernetics can last up to 15 years in prime condition and still look brand new. Guess that lease is finally up."

"I suggest you take your arm easy for awhile sir." the medic suggests, "It make take a day or some for it to completely readjust to it."

Elturbak was going to reply, when suddenly his arm produced a warning signal. At the same time, he can hear a loud noise coming from outside. Pressing a few buttons, he brings up the message.

Warning. Warning. Unidentified Object Approaching. Stability level: 0. Take Cover.

The alien quickly runs towards the entrance and can already see a gunship on a collision course with the ground. Using the enhanced cybernetics in his eyes, he manages to zoom in on the crashing ship and was able to find someone jumping out. Then he finds several soldiers repelling down to the ground. He grunts as he zooms back to regular vision.

"Sorry miss." Elturbak says to himself, which was followed by a chuckle, "But I can't take it that easy just yet."

He then sees another alien running towards the location, whom he recognizes as a Telth. Looks like he wasn't alone out here after all. He then takes chase as well, with his cybernetics slightly enhancing his speed and agility. This will be fun.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"If you can move over a little bit, that'd be greaaat."

"It's really too hot for you to be standing right next to me, you're practically on top of me." Zaray announced again to the large creature standing next to her at bar. This place was a cesspool of all types of life, but mostly lower end folks. The place was dirty, hot, and cheap. Perfect for Zaray who had been spending most of her days here since she had caught a ride to Kyralos with someone or another a few weeks ago. Or was it a month?

Time went by fast when you didn't really keep track of it.

The creature next to her paid no attention to the petite human, proclaiming his position was of more importance than hers. Disgusting. Using her elbow she jabbed the creature hard into what she would assume would be around his rib cage. Her elbow sank into the creature, showing that he was more gelatinous than bone. Her eye widened and mouth gaped as she desperately tried to pull her arm from the depths of his body.

Suddenly, the sky was lit up and the bar fell oddly quiet. Something was wrong, very wrong. Explosion and gun fire came from all sides, creating a chaos in the crowded bar as everyone began scrambling. Her arm came slinging out from the creature as he slunk away. "Thank Cryptea" she praised, checking out her elbow which seemed to be just fine besides the covering of a warm goo. Nothing she hadn't experienced before. Rolling up the sleeve of her light weight sweatshirt to hide evidence of her encounter she then took off quickly out of the building into the street where things were even worse that inside. "Whats going on?" she yelled to another human that had been running by her. He stopped, about to speak when a stray bullet slid through his head like butter. Blood splattered the street and the bottoms of Zaray's light cotton pants and heavy boots.

Without hesitation Zaray took off sprinting. The humidity made it hard to breathe and she was thankful that humans were given their own cooling system via sweating. Her forehead drenched as she caught eye of several people racing towards the forest. "Good idea." she admitted, taking into the dense forest. She had avoided this area ever since landing here, but knew plenty who thrived inside this part of the world, so she could at least hide there until she could find a new person to take her out of this forsaken district.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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DJAtomika Second to Most

Member Seen 5 days ago

"Hold still, this'll only be a sec."

"Almost done...just gotta get these sutures in..."

"There we go. All done."
Kalan General Hospital

"Good as new. You'll be up and about in no time, mister Sephelak. Just make sure to take your medicine regularly, don't stress the limb, and keep it dry when you have a shower, alright?"

"Thank you, Dr. Brewer. Thank you very much."

Simon smiled and shook hands with the middle-aged man as they stood. His patient, tanned and muscled from time spent as a miner, waved a goodbye as he left the day surgery suite. Simon returned the gesture as the doors slid shut behind him, and he sighed as he took off his gloves and overalls.

The Teret Hierarchy was weird. No sooner had he returned from a field operation to an abandoned Hierarchy research vessel that he was assigned to this backwater planet. Teret had hands in this jungle colony, it seemed, and the hospital was part of it. Simon had been there for six months already as part of a civilian and military detachment; the civvies were integrated into the infrastructure, while the soldiers were sent to fringe outposts for guard duty. He was part of a team of doctors that were currently employed in the hospital as surgeons and consultants.

Simon understood why though. Backwater planets like these, even though they had the infrastructure didn't mean they had the manpower to keep it running. When they'd first arrived half a year ago, the hospital was barely running. Powered, yes, but with a skeleton crew of doctors and nurses tending to the various cases. Things always piled up on Kyralos; a poison barb here, animal injury there, those were common sightings, as were the shootings. Every day someone landed on his table bleeding from a hole or several, and it'd become commonplace for him to even recognise the people under his scapel.

Even as he threw away his surgical gloves and overall, he could hear the PA in the suite sounding. Another casualty, bleeding profusely from a severed artery, to be expected in suite six. Doctor Hansen. That man was a dab hand at emergency cases, as he had often witnessed. No one else dared to delve into the bloody cases like him.

But since when had he not had his fair share of death? Not since the Lone Star. Nothing had prepared him for that ship. The mercenaries that had lost their lives that day...if it weren't for the Hierarchy's amazing pilots, he would've perished as well. The mere thought sent a shiver down his spine.


The female voice startled him out of his reverie. He was in the midst of washing his hands, but had blanked out at the sink. As he finished the wash, he addressed the nurse behind him.

"Yes, nurse Waylan?"

"Your next case is ready, doctor."

Simon stopped and turned slightly to look at Waylan. A brunette shorter than he was, she was still a dedicated nurse. Her face was scrunched with concern as she studied him. He must've looked awful as her concerned expression grew.

"You...okay, doc?"

Simon shook his hands of water and dried them with a paper towel.

"Hmm? Oh, yes of course, Waylan. Why'd you ask?"

She joined him in pulling on fresh overalls as they talked.

"You just looked a little pale, doc. Like somethin' was bothering ya."

He smiled and shook his head.

"Everything's fine, Waylan, but thank you very much for the concern."

She returned the smile as she wrapped a surgical mask round her face.

"S'alright, doc. If we don't give a crap, who will?"

"Too true, Waylan."

With mask and gloves, doctor and nurse strode back into the suite even as another nurse wheeled in a patient. Without breaking stride, Waylan briefed him on the case.

"Mister T'viak. Colonist. Iron worker. Today someone accidentally left a white hot piece of rebar near his workspace, and he laid a hand on it. Second degree burns over most of his left palm and fingers."

True enough, the gruff man ahead of him cradled his left hand in his right. It was wrapped in bandages, but he knew that the injury was bad. With a gesture, Simon bade the man to lay down on the operating table and he took the injured hand to inspect it. The bandages peeled gently away from burned flesh, and T'viak winced and growled as he slowly removed them.

"Alright, mister T'viak, now what I'm going to do is numb the area first. After that I'll be removing all the burnt areas to expose raw, healthy flesh. Then I'll be applying some cooling gel that'll heal your hand, alright?"

"Just get it over with, doc."

Without another word, Simon grabbed a pre-prepared syrette of local anesthetic and injected it into his hand. He waited for a few seconds for the numbing agent to kick in, then grabbed a scalpel and tweezers and went to work. Several minutes later and the man sat on the edge of the table, his hand wrapped in fresh bandages as cooling medigel worked its magic on his burns. T'viak gave a weary sigh as he stood and gave his thanks to Simon and walked off. The doctor breathed his own sigh of relief as he went into the back to wash up and disrobe. Just another day in the operating theatre.

Without warning, sirens began blaring in the room. He recognised the warning immediately.

Air raid siren. Incoming on the city. Hard contact.

Just then a great rumble shot through the floor. An explosion. Shattering glass.


Waylan stared at him, scared out of her wits. He quickly pulled off his gloves and threw them aside as he joined her side.

"That siren. There's something crashing into the city."

"I'm sure it's nothing, Waylan. Can we get outside somewhere to see what's going on?"

She nodded.

"The waiting room outside has a television."

Together they left the suite and joined the other assortment of staff members in the day surgery waiting room. The TV was on, and footage could be seen of the city streets just outside. Fire and wreckage littered the ground as civilians ran for their lives from strange armed soldiers. The livery on them was unfamiliar, as was the gunship that circled the air above the plaza. Above, he could hear gunfire and screaming.

They were inside. Slaughtering anyone in their way.

"O-oh my god."

"They're inside! We're gonna get killed!"

What staff remained ran away even as Simon considered his options. Either he could run away and hopefully avoid capture, or respond in kind.

His training was telling him to do the latter.

Simon turned to Waylan and gripped her shoulders.

"Waylan, I need you to get someplace safe. Whatever's coming isn't going to be friendly. I know it."

"But what about you, doc?"

Simon turned to glance at her as he ran for a corner of the suite and placed his hand on an access panel.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine."

He tapped a code into the panel and the entire section of wall it was on hissed. Air shot from the sides as it slid into the wall to reveal a little hidey hole with a set of armour and an all-too-familiar firearm in it. Without stopping, Simon strode into the crawlspace and began donning his armour. Each piece near slithered across his slender frame as they clicked into place.

Waylan watched, more stunned than anything, as the mild-mannered, if a bit spacey doctor in front of her transformed into a soldier, machine-like in his precision. As he stood and slid the wall back into place, he flipped the faceplate of his helmet down over his face. The red cross visor on it blazed into life as he strode to her.

"Go find the others. Take them to whatever safe spot you know of. Wait for this whole thing to blow over. I'll try to keep in contact but if I don't make it, contact the Hierarchy. They'll want to know."

She nodded and ran off as Simon shouldered his rifle. Blood had been spilled today, and he had to make sure no more people died.

Simon stepped into the hallway, rifle raised as he swept his gaze down the hall. A few bodies lay scattered about, and the scorch marks on the walls meant the combat had gone past him. Safe. For now.

Without pause, he broke for the end of the hallway, following the exit signs above his head. Surely others would have made it out alive through there. He reached the double doors, threw them open, and was greeted with chaos. Smoke billowed from the wreckage of a craft in the plaza, and soldiers were fanning out from the attack ship in the air. All around, civilians were running in fear. The mysterious soldiers were searching through the crowds for someone, and they weren't above shooting anyone that got in their way.

Simon held his breath, hoped they didn't notice another suspicious runaway, and made a break for an alley across the street. Gunfire peppered his footfalls as he ran across, and as he ducked into the alley he could hear boots behind him.

He didn't stop.

The alleys and back streets were confusing as ever, and he'd lost count of how many times he'd gone in circles or doubled back on himself to lose his tail. Just as he thought he was good, the cityscape gave way to forest as mother nature consumed what abandoned buildings were in this part of town. Other individuals were heading this way as well, and Simon decided to join them.

With rifle shouldered and not raised, he jogged in the general direction of the other runners. Maybe sooner or later he'd find one of them to figure out what was going on.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dredigan
Avatar of Dredigan

Dredigan Da Chief

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Daniel vaulted a cracked and overgrown brick wall which had partially crumbled to the ground. On the far side of it he found a ruined house with a collapsed ceiling and a missing door. He knelt behind the cover of the wall and placed Muru on the ground, the metallic sides of her HEV case were now dingy and dusty with a leaf or two stuck to the side. Daniel wiped it off and peered through the glass at the sleeping infant to ensure that nothing had injured her. The glass, 2 inches thick and quite durable, had a chip in it with subsequent scrapes; it appeared a round had just barely shaved it. Be more careful, Krayt thought solemnly.

He stood hunched and slid his rifle out of his armor's shoulder socket. It took shape in his hand as he clicked the safety, the barrel extending from the base and the stock elongating to reach the length he had set it to. Daniel looked above the ridge of the broken brick wall and examined the area quickly while the HUD on his helmet scanned for life forms. He saw one or two moving in the distance and got some audio feedback from the alley he had emerged from. He knelt back down and cocked his head up.

Above him he could see two more dropships circling, neither had opened their doors to repel troops yet so that was a good sign. Daniel put his rifle back on his shoulder and opened up the pistol holster on his side where he drew his magnum. He then picked up the HEV container and stepped out of the boundary of the house. He looked right and saw a bridge in the distance. The bridge goes toward Helios District, I can find a ship there. Just then a round echoed through the plaza and Krayt turned to see the strike team emerging from the alleyways. He took cover but it was no use, they must have radioed the ships because soon both were upon him. As one circled in the air other landed and deployed five soldiers to accompany the five that had already located him. Daniel fired several rounds over the barrier but was met with furious resistance.

Seeing no other option Daniel set Muru down beneath a destroyed chair and threw his pistol to the street, then tore his helmet off and threw that as well before standing up with his arms raised.

"You got your man!" He says, squinting through the sunset. "I won't give you more trouble!"

"On your knees!" One soldiers shouts, to which Daniel begrudgingly obeys. He kneels down into the dust and places his hands on the back of his head.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nomad

Nomad The Lone Wanderer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Al'keck fallowed keeping to the upper trees of the forest. Upon closer inspection of the soldiers he saw the Masreo corporate markings on their uniforms. Al'keck had no real love of any of the Corps, but Masreo was one he had a particular disdain for. Trying to hire him to do a simple assassination. A simple human scientist how would of been easy prey. An insult to The Great Hunt. That made his decision bit easier.

Once they arrived at the house though he kept to the trees for the moment, studying the situation. For the moment he had surprise on them, and this planet served him well, the humidity and the heat hid his own body from any thermal imaging, even with out his suit. Two squads of five below, two gunships circling over head. Raising his arms he started to type into his computer before he pulled out his combat knife "On your knees" he heard shouting bellow him. The man was surrendering "not today" he said a slight smirk on his face. He moved down from the trees keeping to the thick fauna and waited.

Suddenly two missiles came out of nowhere. The two gunships started to pull up, moving evasively. One of the missiles struck home, the ship exploding into a ball of fire as the burning shell crashed down. The other managed to throw out it's Chaff and pulled away. The missile exploding as it knocked the gun ship out. Al'keck's ship flew over head, a few moments latter the sound of the engines roaring burst through as Al'keck set his ship to fly at Mach 5. The Ai couldn't when a straight fight, but it was much faster then the gunships.

Al'keck took advantage of the confusion. As the missile struck he attacked from his hiding spot. Coming up behind the original squad he brought his knife up. The blade slipping between plates of armor into the back of the soldier as he quickly moved. As the team turned to see him he grabbed the rifle of one the nearest shoulder pushing it aside as he used his knife stabbing up into his neck, just behind his jaw. Twisiting him around as bullets started to hit the body he tossed him forward into the soldiers drawing his pistol. He fired two shots, two to the chest then one to the head dropping a third. Though the element of surprise was gone he ran off. Disappearing into the woods as the soldiers where shouting "get him!" Firing at him as bullets hit trees, splintering off as he disappeared into the jungle almost as quickly as he arrived. Hopefully the human would be smart enough to take advantage of there now split focus.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Elturbak follows the Teithian close behind, using his cybernetic enhancements to run faster, move quicker, and jump higher, as if he was competing in a race. Surely having these legs weren't all bad. Now he can run for extended periods, as well as jump and ultimately improve with his mobility. He heads towards the opposite side of the Teithian as he observes the area. Soldiers surrounded the man, along with his alien companion, with gunships flying overhead. Going in there without a plan would be suicide, so he needs to find something that can distract them.

Suddenly, he can hear the sounds of two missiles coming in hot at the gunships. Each had pulled up and taken evasive action, however one of them was struck and was sent crashing into the foliage. Looks like there was the distraction he was looking for. As what appears to be the Teithian's starship flying over field and the alien seemingly luring the troops away from the human, Elturbak wastes no time as he runs towards the duo stealthily. A few soldiers had stayed behind, but Elturbak was armed with two of his trusty "Gemini" pistols as he shoots them down with no sweat. One in the head, two in the stomach, and two at the heart. Even as one tried to go in for a melee strike, the Vessegak dodges the intial swipe and ultimately trips him and breaks his right arm. But before his screams of agony could be heard, he was ultimately shot straight at the back of the head. With the backup forces down for now, Elturbak approaches Daniel and his companion.

"Hmph." he grunts, "Looks like you guys have been through some trouble with the authorities. Need a hand mate?"

He then reaches out his hand towards the human and will pull him up.

"Come with me." he then says, "More will likely be on the way. There's a refill station over to the south to where I came. I can take you there for supplies and weapons, maybe even a flight outta here if ya need one."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Sir! We've been separated from the squad!" A helmeted soldier said.

"Damn, these alleys are like a maze..." The other soldier replied. He took a device out of his pocket and studied it carefully. "They're nearby so we don't have to worry about it. We should be able to regroup if we head-"

He was suddenly cut off as two feet slammed into his head and sent him sprawling. The other soldier brought his gun around to face their new attacker but he was already gone around the corner behind them. He dashed after him but when he got to it there was no trace of the assailant. He had vanished as if into thin air.

"What the fuck was that?!" The other soldier said, already getting up. Clearly the blow hadn't been very strong.

Steve was hunched over in just the next corner, breathing heavily. He'd run for a while before drop-kicking that one soldier so he needed to take a breather. He hadn't had to use his shield yet which was good, but he didn't exactly know where he was which wasn't the best. All of the alleys looked the same and it wasn't like he had a map.

"Can't be too far away now," He said to himself.

He started walking again after he regained some feeling in his legs. A few turns later and he found himself on the edge of society where the urban sprawl gave way to the jungle beyond. Coincidentally, his quarry was also there, as well as someone else he was going to ignore for a second.

"Hi there!" He said as he walked up, opting for the 'friendly' greeting. "Any idea why those guys want you so much?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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DJAtomika Second to Most

Member Seen 5 days ago

"Teret cruiser Excalibur, this is doctor Simon Brewer."

"Doctor, this is Excal, send."

"Have a bit of a situation here. Masreo Corp soldiers seem to be hunting someone. City's under fire. Had to abandon post at Kalan General."

"Understood. Proceed as per normal."

"One other thing."

"Go ahead doctor."

Simon stopped just as the Masreo soldiers retreated from what appeared to be a human male with a stasis capsule in his care. Ahead, a Telth and another human fended off the last of the Corp troopers away from the scene. Without pause, Simon stowed his rifle and lifted the faceplate of his armour as he approached the capsule. Disregarding everything else, he activated the biosign scanners in his palms, knelt down and took to an extended scan of the infant girl beneath the glass and plas-steel.

"I appear to have a young female here too. Hostile Environment Vessel. Approximately...one year of age? Unknown species, will require proper medical scans to verify identity. Does not seem to be of any known species in this sector either. With me are two humans, one Vessegak and one Telth, all male. I am assuming they are the security detail assigned to the female. Broadcasting image capture from optics."

"Understood. Will analyse new information as it comes. Shifting your mission parameters now, doctor. You are to maintain contact with this security detail and assist them wherever needed. If a resupply is required, contact us. We'll see what we can do."

"Roger, Excalibur. Will maintain contact."

With that done, he sighed and stood back up, rifle back in his hands.

"Right then, gentlemen. What say we get this young girl somewhere safer than the middle of a bloody jungle?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As the events unfolded in front of Zaray she immediately regretted her decisions to follow this group into the forest. Her hand reached down to her hip, taking out her pistol in case things became personal. Cocking the gun, she pointed at the soldiers who were dishing out commands left and right. Before she could even start to pull the trigger, the deed had been done from an outside source. Her mouth gaped in shock, taking cover again behind one of the large trees that crowded the forest. After the soldiers were put down for good, Zaray began inching forward. This motley crew surrounded an object, most likely worth a lot. With twinkle in her eye, and a dash of curiosity Zaray moved forward again. This object might be her ticket out of here.

"Right then, gentlemen. What say we get this young girl somewhere safer than the middle of a bloody jungle?"

"Well if you insist..but I'm not that young." Zaray said, confidently but clueless before she peered around the man and looked into the container. An infant of sorts. Definitely not what the young woman was expecting. She looked around to the faces of the people surrounding, and wanting to make sure that she asserted her dominance with out posing a threat. "I want to get out of here, and am willing to help however I can." she stated, "Let's get out of this sweat stain, pronto!"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dredigan
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Dredigan Da Chief

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Before Daniel could even take his hands off of his head the majority of the soldiers had been killed. In utter shock he sat and observed as the remainder were removed and the last of the three gunships locked itself in struggle with the craft that had come to his aid. Hustling back to his feet and grabbing magnum off the ground as he does so, Daniel backs up and scoops up the HEV container as well. With the Magnum pointed forward a the group that had assembled before him Daniel looked them all over. Aliens, mostly, with the exception of one rather shady looking human girl.

"None of you are touching this case." As he says so the final gunship appears to fall from the sky and crash somewhere off in the distance, though not before pelting the friendly ship with several high-impact shots. A bit of smoke can be seen escaping from the hull, though it's still in the air. "I don't know who any of you are but I do need to get off of this planet." Krayt looks up at the somewhat damaged spacecraft circling above. "Does that belong to any of you?" he asks, lowering his magnum now that he has had a chance to gauge the crowd.

Off in the distance sirens could now be heard, surely signifying the state of emergency that Talen was now within. Hopefully that would be the last Daniel would see of Masero for quite a while. Before any of the members of the group could answer, a buzzing sound came from the broken helmet of one of the dead soldiers on the ground before the group. Daniel knelt down and held his finger on the receiver.

"...in! Come in!" A female voice rang out. "Fuck... If any of you can hear this we're sending reinforcements. Get that pod!" Krayt stood and looked back at the group.

"Well?" he asked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nomad

Nomad The Lone Wanderer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Al'keck lured the soldiers away. Staying High up in the trees and remaining hidden. Watching down the soldiers looked around "Fuck man...where is Jimmy" one of the solders said. Al'keck cleaned of his blade wipping off jimmies blood as he watched the two. Hitting up the radio "come in over, repeat what! Shit this is turning into a real crap shoot" he said as he turned his back getting ready to run off. Turning back around though all to see the last of his squad, instead all he saw was the Telth's knife stabbing into his neck. Coughing up blood before his world faded. Al'keck cleaned off his knife before returning to the trees. Watching he kept him self quite before returning to the house. Looking at them as he kept to the forest circling around.

As the man was asking his questions he made his presence known "It is mine." he spoke very plainly and softly before leaping from the roof the building landing slightly behind the human. Lifting up his wrist computer he punched into it "Minimal damage, the shields took most of the impact" he said before looking down at the HEV "MY ship is equipped to maintain the life support systems for that HEV" he added in as the ship came down landing in there small clearing. Walking over to his ship the canopy opened up "There are more on the way. I can transport the HEV if you need...I will deliver it where ever you wish safely." he said, many people rarely challenged a Telth on there word, as their society holds honor in high esteem "Choose quickly though human." He added in as the ladder for his ship came down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"No offence but uh..." Steve said, "Who the heck are you?"

The guy had come out of nowhere and he was asking for them to put the pod in his ship. Clearly the guy holding the pod hadn't known he would be coming so they weren't allies, and it didn't look like anyone else that had appeared were all too familiar with him either.

"Well I mean, you're not trying to kill him so I guess that's a point in your favor, but how do we know you're not just playing the long game? Actually wait, that can't be it because it's way too obvious. None of us know who you are so...-" Then he stopped because he realized he was rambling a little.

"...Anyhow, how do we know we can trust you?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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DJAtomika Second to Most

Member Seen 5 days ago

"I think at this point anyone not shooting anyone else in this motley crew is trustworthy enough now can we please get moving?!"

Simon exasperatedly flipped the faceplate of his helmet back down over his face. These people were idiots! Precious cargo like a live being in stasis wasn't meant to be manhandled in the middle of a war zone! The longer they stayed still the more likely someone was going to shoot at them.

"If we're not going to decide then why not we pile in and decide on a course of action later?! If the Masreo Corp figures out their advance force hasn't gotten their precious cargo, they're going to send more people to get it!"
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