Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@King Tai

"Hello Donnie. I just wanted to let you know that you made the news. Again. You do realise that it makes my job harder when that happens. The court doesn't just accept 'They started it' as an excuse for mass property damage and death," she said, her tone light, a smile on her face, "However, as always, I relish a challenge. Just think over it next time you make an enemy. Good bye for now."
She hung up the phone, a smile on her face. She clicked another button on the phone, connecting her to her assistant.
"Yes Jen, we're going to need to upgrade from tea. Get the coffee."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@King Tai@CommisarJhon

The raw horsepower of the bike's engine rumbled beneath her, like the charging of a thousand warhorses, their beating hooves battering the dusty, bloodsoaked plains of battle. Anna revved the engine louder, her bike kicking into high gear as she was speeding towards Ivolgin's manor, fearing the worst had already set in.

This had become more than just your typical dispute over turf. It was all out gang war. The city had become a killing field and the slaughter was ripe. As she zipped along down the road she could hear it, even over the fearsome roar of her motorcycle, the distant drums of despair and depravity, the pattering of gunfire, the horrid, blood-curdling screams of innocent people getting caught up in a menagerie of death and discord. And it was only going to get worse as Delaney's Irish fucks began their violent purge of Little Moscow. Anna however, she wasn't going to let innocents get caught up in this bloody fray.

Veering off to a side-road, she quickly signed towards Anton's BMW as it passed her by, "Go to Ivolgin's! I'm taking the rest of these mudaks out!" The look in her emerald eyes, that heated glare, even through the dark tint of her helmet's visor it shown, the eyes of a vengeful demoness. The motorcycle itself even gave a hellish growl as she revved the engine again and sped off further into town. Twas as she neared though...the smell had hit her, so rancid, so putrefying...the unmistakable scent of charred flesh. The odor she knew all to well, as it reminded her of the day she set that fucking cunt of a man ablaze, forcing Grigori to taste the fires of his own personal Hell. Anna was sad to say though it didn't kill the son of a bitch, but maybe she'd track him down again and finish the job.

But right now, there were other important matters.

The two men, the monsters they were, had their flamethrowers leveled on the whimpering mass of women and children, but...they wouldn't scorch a single hair on their heads. Cowards, the both of them. There was no need to pull innocents into their gory vendetta, but that's just how Delaney operated it seemed. Anna would love to set him ablaze and watch him slowly die as he descended into the ravenous jaws of Hell, the sticky concoction of tar and gasoline charring his flesh right down to the bone, until the intense heat splintered them with a satisfying pop.

She was in a rage to say the least, and only seeing red as she revved up the motorcycle again, like a black horse of Death charging to reap the souls of the wicked. The first man she targeted, one of the boys with the heater, she slammed her bike into him at full throttle, rolling the bastard into a mangled heap in the middle of the road. She quickly leapt off of it, letting it skid to a halt before it collided into a building, somersaulting and hastily getting to cover as she brandished the AR she jacked earlier. The redhead was certain after killing one of them flamethrower wielding fucks, the other would be hot on her trail, no pun intended.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by greywolf375


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Meyumi, otherwise known as Rose, was sitting on her computer in one of the back rooms of the Diner, a nicer one with a window that she had started to use as her office. She was working on maintaining some accounts that she held for the Gang when she heard a commotion out front, and was grabbing one of her newest acquisitions from the black market, a Vityaz-SN, a Russian SMG that looks and operates similar to an AK, from a box of equipment that the Gang can draw upon if needed. She glances out the back window as she does this, and is glad she did, as the very surprise that Big Zeke wanted her to look out for was just pulling up outside. She yelled back to Big Zeke, "In my office, theWMP are out back, about 12 of them, I think! They've got some of the bigger guns, too, semis and autos!" As she shouts this, she gets down, and gets by her door, where she would have a clear and easy shot at the back door of the diner, to catch the WMP assholes at a choke point. She set the SMG to full and waited, ready to fire on the attackers as soon as they stepped through the door. She would do so in controlled bursts.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 14 days ago


With Layla's fight and the fact that the WMP was starting to thin out with members getting knocked out, stabbed, injured, some running away, some giving up, all that was left was cleaning house in front of the diner. There were a few 66 members that were a little banged up and injured, knocked out and bloody but they would live. With one of the guys shooting towards Layla, 2 other members were able to sneak behind and knock the guy out for Layla to escape from being shot at. One on the members looked on "You ok babes?"

Hearing a response from Rose, Zeke responded "Good, you try and keep them back. I want Nine to give you back up and I'll send some more back there to help too. We almost done out here!" the big man said when laying out another WMP member. The street was filled with blood, bodies, weapons, and hell that came with the fight but...the fight still was not over.

The man that was leading the attack from behind the diner is named Merk. Lifting his pistol grip tactical 12 gauge shotgun, Merk shot the door handle, kicking the door in, having his men rush in to try and kill off anyone they see. Zeke called about 4 members who were strapped to head in the back to help both Rose and Nine but hopefully it would not be too late.


Donnie was still chasing down K-Kash as Lyn was explaining that he's gained primetime tv again but she took the words out his mouth about the WMP starting it. "Well hell, let's just make it easier and let them fuck us up with no resistance. And unfortunately....I can't choose when I want enemies and who I want as enemies...just try and work your magic to get the law off our asses." he said when she hung up. Kash looked on behind him, pretty much out of ammo and Donnie closed in on him without hesitation "Kash....I know you're out...why the fuck out of all this time did you decide to team with the Irish and attack us? You know being in Ivolgin's territory and teaming with the enemy, he's going to shove a Matryoshka set up your ass sideways, you know that right?" Donnie spoke out Nah...not if Delaney take his ass out. and if he did and we beat y'all, we will take this whole territory! I'm sick of workin with Ivolgin. Donnie listened on.

"You know how shit works man...his organization rules over our turfs...we are within his territory so...we have to pay him. whether you lik that shit or not...unless you want to go to war with him but he's the least of your problems right now." Then bring it bitch and I'll deal with the Russians after you.


From the death of the first pyromaniac, the other looked over before turning the group of women and children into a Russian barbeque, checking his partner mangled on the ground. The captain who was leading this group turned as well to catch sight of Anna who entered into the fray. The shoot out was still going on a few meters away between the 3...no...now 5 Russian mob members who were shooting back at the 5 Irish mob members who were left to try and get the upper hand. Calling them was out of the question to help take down Anna. So....the pyro man number 2 had to go after her.

Starting his attack, he went for a 10 second spray of fire while walking closer towards Anna. The Captain decided that he was going to join when pulling out a simple 9 mm pistol, pointing it her way as well pulling 2 shots. Giving a hand signal, He wanted the pyro man to continue closing in while he attempts to circle around and trap her. This must've been the girl he's heard about and the one who have gathered heads of the targets Ivolgin had assigned to take. She was not to be taken lightly but...if they were going to be dealing with her, where the hell was their top killer? Delaney should've let him loose to hunt this girl down...unless he have not shown up yet or she killed him, which the captain felt was not possible.

Quickly and cautiously, the captain crouched and tried to stay in cover while the pyro man distracted her...or hoped to distract her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by greywolf375


Member Seen 5 mos ago

@King Tai
Rose was crouching at her doorframe, watching the back door, with her SMG aimed at roughly where someone's upper chest would be that is going through the door. the moment after te door is kicked in and people start rushing in, she opens fir, shooting in 3 shot bursts and tying to disable or kill as many as she can before reloading (30 rnd stick mag, 2 more with her). She will duck back behind cover when she reloads. For obvious reasons, Rose did not reply further to Zeke, calmly and quietly focused on gunning down as many of the WMP attackers as she could
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@King Tai


She was right as a blast of intense heat nearly scorched the top of her head, along with the two 9mm slugs forcing the Russian back behind cover. Damn, that was close, but she was back up again popping off a few shots, mostly to halt the berserker's advance and give her enough time to move to the next cover position. Before she opened fire again, Anna had noticed the austere behavior of the other, the guy with the Beretta. By his commanding demeanor it was obvious he was the one leading this death squad through Little Moscow, in other words an ample target to drop, but more concerned was Anna with his movements. He was doubling back to flank her while this fuckhead with the flamethrower kept her pinned. And that wasn't going to happen.

The empty mag was dropped from the rifle, Anna hastily fishing another from her jacket and shoving it into the 15's mag well, racking the charging handle and unleashing a burst of automatic gunfire at the creep pushing towards her, a good amount of suppression before she bolted for the burning car a few feet to her left, all the while keeping a watch out for that other trying to ambush her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Member Seen 15 hrs ago

@greywolf375@King Tai

Nine smirked as more men came through the back, including that of Merk. With the clash of 66 and WMP members in the back, it was time for Jayce to use the confusion to pick off enemies. Jayce noticed rose spraying down the back room with her SMG, taking down at least three men. He would have to avoid getting caught in the crossfire while using his tanto knife. He could pull out his berretta again, but where was the fun in that? Jayce held the knife, firmly clutching the hilt as he kept low, making sure his entire body was covered from WMP line of sight. As men came through the back, one man ran around the corner where Jayce was lurking. Before the man could draw his gun, Jayce sprinted, lunging for the man's throat. Nine plunged the knife straight through an artery in the neck. Jayce drew the knife out, kicking the man down as he bled from his throat.

The boy hit man spun right, seeing another one draw his baseball bat. They charged at each other, but as the bruiser swung, Jayce slid under the attack, ending up behind the melee wielder. Jayce proceeded to bury the tanto knife into the man's back, and kept his grip until he drew his gun, burying two point blank shots into the abdomen. Jayce dove back into cover, crawling his way over to Rose's position. "Focus fire on Merk!" He yelled, as Jayce fired two shots at the assault leader.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Princeofhearts
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@King Tai

"Okay, just because I might be the hacker, doesn't mean that I can't really take care of myself..."

Layla rolled her eyes before quickly standing up from the ground and running to her motor-bike as she reached for her mini-laptop to start typing a few things as the lights on the streets were turned off thus making it dark enough for their team-mates to have an advantage to take down the others. "We really shouldn't really be here the whole day, so we should just beat these guys up and get over it and move on." Layla nodded a few times before shutting her laptop down and grabbing her pistol once again to shoot down the enemies car's tire just so they won't be able to escape or anything.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Always
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Always Squish Chicken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Princeofhearts@GingerBoi123@King Tai

Alyssa turned around a bit as she watched the chaos from one of the neighboring cars. 'What the fuck?' She thought to herself as the car stopped. She sighed as she waited for the others to move toward but nothing. "Well what the fuck are you waiting for? Grandma to show up in her ninja suit? Let's go!" She joked.
One of the people in the car, intact the driver huffed. " and you fucking wonder why your always in the middle idiot." He exclaimed. And then emotionless say." What do you thing? Orders!" Pronouncing each sillible of the word.
"Isn't a gang attacking us enough orders to fight?" She asked her annoyance showing. She shook her head. " Never mind!" She stated.
"God you fucking need to learn patience." The driver huffed. The three others who were in the other seats didn't say much, just helped out the drivers point.
Alyssa placed her head back on seat as she listened to them complain. She was about to say something when Zeke came over and told them to help out.
She nodded as she eyed the others. "Told you so!" She half mumbled. The others opened the door and slammed the door behind them. " thanks a lot." She stated as she pushed the door open and closed it beside her. She quickly reached her in her pocket, grabbing her knife and ran forward.She appeared besides Rose and Jayce. "Yo." She said eyeing them slightly and then the croud. She cursed as she switched out her weapon to a gun and began to shoot at the croud though most of the shots missed where she actually trying to aim. She half used thier car to protect herself as she fired at them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lyn hummed herself as she started to tap away at her computer, bringing up several muted live news feeds. She didn't say a single word as her secretary quickly put a mug of coffee down next to her desk. She was already starting on her speech for the court case which would inevitably come up due to this whole mess
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 14 days ago


(Always, in your post, are you saying that Alyssa is still outside shooting or is she inside the diner shooting? the post kinda confused me. Rose and Nine are inside the back of the diner shooting anyone that comes in.)

Starting the party off with the opening kick of the door and getting the first sight of the woman who just happened to be in the back, they were welcomed with a few kissing pecks of bullets that decorated their torsos with riddling holes. With three down, the next few who came in automatically went into cover and shot out blindly to hopefully give them enough cover to get them in a position that would help them have the advantage.

Obviously, getting in behind the diner and going ham on some of the 66 members in the bad was easier said than done. It was evident from the two men that Nine encountered when the first was stabbed in the neck and the other was not only stabbed but was shot up in point blank range, dropping the bat along with his body following. Merk looked around the corner seeing 5 of his guys were already out and when about to come in blazing, a bullet grazed his shoulder, causing him to back up and look at the rest of his guys, which were 9 left, 10 if you included Merk who knew that the moment he walked in, he'd get killed. He needed a better cover. He had no idea how many were waiting on him and his boys and he was not about to get himself killed to find out. he then called out Alright...you bitches wanna play....let's play...

Merk motioned for one of his men as he grabbed a tear gas grenade, looking to smoke the group out or possible help them to make their way in. He pulled the pin, tossing around the corner the tear gas grenade as it went off and the fumes quickly spread. Merk looked back at the guys to be ready to rush in and clean up.

While the guys listened to Layla, Zeke came out to meet up with the girl. "Yo, we almost done but we gotta look for Donnie. They prolly made a trap. Let the rest of our set finish up and chase down the remaining trash. You come wit me." he said wanting Layla to go with him.


One the news feeds, there were several images of the bodies , both of WMP and the 66 but mostly of the WMP. From what the cameras caught, the place looked like a warzone. Come cars caught on fire. blood on the pavement, smoke an various places, broken windows, weapons that were abandoned, hell....there were still scatter scuffles that were going on and one footage caught sight of Donnie walking and shooting casually at someone the camera didn't pick up. Kash of coarse was involved but since Donnie was usually the hot topic, he had the spot light, which made him look more like the vicious one even though he didn't provoke the issue.


This nearly seemed like two power pieces in chess chasing down the queen piece when the pyromaniac and the captain were trying to corner the raspberry tart. With the first couple shots, the pyroman swayed to the side needing to try and take cover but at the same time, allowed the flames to spew back out as the man tied to inch closer. The captain himself just needed a few more yards to finish this girl off but unfortunately, she was not going to be a good little bitch and die like she's suppose to. no...with the bullet spraying of her own, the flamethrower was hit with a few kissing bullets, even though he was wearing a bullet proof vest, but still was hit in the arm, causing him to clench on it and turn a little enough for another bullet to hit the backpack mechanism that was of coarse flammable, leading to the pack behind him to catch fire and engulf the man wearing the chosen weapon.

With the screams of agony being made, the captain shot the man in the head to put him out of his misery since he was already done for and shot at the direction Anna was hiding to keep her from responding long enough so he could get closer to her and take her out. Back up started to show up in another car that carried more of Ivolgin's men who ambushed the shooting Irishmen, stopping their terrorism as the Captain noticed what was going on and the need to finish this before he was to be caught. "ey luv...how about we settle this fairly...you come out...and we have a duel...kinda like those ridiculous western movies with those cowboys and outlaws...whaddya say lass?" he asked closing in on the other side of the car Anna was hiding behind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@King Tai

One down and one to go For Anna, but the satisfaction of seeing the suka being torched was short lived. Right as she slid on her knees behind cover, scuffing them up something awful but ignoring the road burn, she hit the floor as another few rounds of 9mm shattered the car windshield and pelted the passenger door with a few resounding dings. It was a back and forth between the two, the Irish fuck opening fire every moment Anna popped her little head up to volley back with her 15.

The revving of engines and the raucous shouts of Russian curses meant the cavalry had arrived to mop up the rest of these goons. Now all Anna had to do was keep this fucker occupied till her boys put a slug in his ass.

"ey luv...how about we settle this fairly...you come out...and we have a duel...kinda like those ridiculous western movies with those cowboys and outlaws...whaddya say lass?"

What does she say? Did he think she was an idiot? The moment she bolted from cover to bash his fucking teeth in, one shot, either to kill or disable, would be all he needed. But she couldn't stay in cover longer than necessary, with him advancing slowly...and ever menacing, upon her position. She might have no choice but to take him up on his offer.

Then....another sound....coming from...her? It was her phone, vibrating in the pocket of her leather jacket, an audible buzz, but who the hell was texting her? And why the fuck did they pick this time?

She hastily yanked the small iPhone out. Of course....

/>Babe where r u?! the police r evrywr! wats going on?!


Anna shook her head and shoved the phone back in her pocket...but dammit, she just realized that quick text distracted her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by greywolf375


Member Seen 5 mos ago


"Smoking us out? Well, I'll see you tear gas, and raise you one Frag." She mutters to herself, reloading her SMG and grabbing one of the Frag Grenades that she had gotten in a previous deal. To Nine, she says, "Grab something to cover your mouth and nose with, that gas will disable you and make you an easy target, and back further into the hall to avoid the gas. Then, be ready to deal with the remainder after I use this on them" Rose says, tying a hankerchief around her mouth and nose, an getting ready to throw the grenade and retreat to cover not affected by the gases i Nine indicates readiness. She would be aim the grenade to hit as many of the WMP as possible, preferably including Merk
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