Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fenfeir


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Keith watches the display of riches with no small amount of anger as he starts walking through the crowd towards the poor girl who was knocked over and picks her up off the ground." You alright miss" he asks before scowling at the flamboyant Prince and walking back out of the crowd of guards and setting her back down. " I apologize for touching you without permission ".

He sighs and shakes his head." I guess there are just some people who can't help but show off at every God given opportunity? " he shakes his head trying to cool himself off." So what's your name miss"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Leval Lamrue

@Maria 127 @Fenfeir
He glanced over at the new girl who had spoken up and suddenly felt a wave of calm wash over him. No longer did his knees tremble or did he feel the stress of the day, but stood up proud and tall. The man who annoyed him earlier spoke up in agreement with him , and it seemed as though any negative feeling he had to to the newly introduced Keith had simply vanished. "Nice to formally meet you both- I'm Leval Lamrue." He saw the werewolf walk to sit further away and felt any remaining tension leave his shoulders. His strange feeling of calmness was still over him, so when he heard a small voice from behind him whisper an introduction, he turned calmly to see what it was rather than nervously.

@Ojo Chan 42
He turned behind him to see an attractive girl with stark white hair wearing traditional Japanese clothing, including an obi with a silver flower through it. The only exception to the theme of her outfit was a pair of leather gloves covering both of her hands. 'She can't be much older than I am' Outloud, he said, "I feel like I have introduced myself several times today." He gave a brief chuckle before continuing in a warm voice. "My name is Leval Lamrue, and it is a genuine pleasure to meet you." He raised his hand to shake, but sensed some hesitance from her to touch his hand and lowered it slowly.

Unsure of what exactly to say next, he looked around the growing number people in the field. His eyes, like the others were drawn to the royal carriage where the apparent Neko princess had disembarked. His eyes were drawn to the solitary white lily that she held in her hands. The seed of an idea blossoming in his mind , he turned excitedly back to Ceres. "I have to say- that is beautiful piece," he pointed at the silver lily head poking out from her obi, "But I feel like it lacks a certain... Something. If you don't mind..." Leval reached in himself and touched the magic that flowed through the very center of his being and sent it out in thin strand to delicately touch the silver lily. Where the strand of magic touched waves of color spread throughout the silver piece filling the piece with life, the texture changed to that of a real flower, and even the scent of a lily was perceptible from it. A sudden shift hand given it the appearance, feel, and smell of a real flower. He sent another strand of magic to touch Ceres, then nimbly tied the strands together before they vanished.

"Now the magic will come from you. Just whisper 'bloom' into the center of the flower and you can switch it between the two states. It's a small illusion so you shouldn't notice any type of significant drain on your energy " He smiled at Ceres, hoping that he hadn't gone too far. However the sound of another large party attracted his attention away from her.

@The One
A scene straight of a Disney movie hit his eyes. Hundreds of people and animals in fine decor or obviously enslaved met his eyes, juxtaposed with the singing and dancing of the guards. However, what attracted was a small girl with a lizard being knocked down roughly to the ground by one of the guards. She had fallen awkwardly and was in danger of being trampled to death by the approaching horde. Leval reacted without further thought. He slammed the bottom of his staff into the ground at a heavy slant, then with a brief mental command extended his staff forward at a lightning fast speed. He kept hold with one hand, clinging to the staff as he rocketed forward to the girl. Using his momentum, he used his free hand to scoop both the girl and lizard, and Keith who has also come to help, up into arms. With another mental command, his staff resumed its normal size, shrinking as fast as it had extended. He rolled forward using his arms to protect girl from the environment and danger.

His momentum and rolling allowed to move past the large horde of people, avoiding a very painful death by feet. However, his head scraped up against a rock as he moved, tearing a large gash into his forehead above his right eye. He stopped rolling forward, gently placing the girl on the ground and checking for any injuries. "Are you alright??" As he checked her. A princely figure strolled out, clothed in splendor, threatening the group if he did not see the group quickly.

The calm feeling had vanished as Leval's adrenaline had moved into overtime. He rose taking a few steps away from the child, leaving her under Keith's protection. He rose his staff into the air with one hand, spinning it in his fingers three times, before slamming the hook of the staff into the ground. Countless invisible threads of magic burst out of the end of the staff reaching the Prince and entourage shifting the appearance of all. The golden camels now appeared emaciated beast with rough patchy fur, the peacocks resembled and sounded like wild turkeys, the slaves were now clothes in the clothes of nobles, while the guards wore nothing but undergarments and dirt, the white clean monkeys now grey and covered in filth. As for the prince, Leval cast the weave of his illusion to change the princes fine clothes into that of a slaves. Leval leaned against his staff, breathing heavily from the magic.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ceres looked in awe as Leval did his magic. Its was a kind and warm magic that didn't scared her at all. Unlike the magic that witches posessed. She grabbed the Lily and wisperd the word Leval had just told her.
And sure, the cold silver transformed into a real life lily. Overwelmed with joy Ceres stared at the fake flower and a small tear rolled down her cheek.

''thank you, I haven't held a real flower in ages'' She said and stood up. Her attention however, got drawn towards a scene that reminded her of a scene she once saw in an old movie. About a streetrat with a golden heart, but this prince certanly did not have that. His procession almost trampel a girl. Ceres saw that Leval and another guy had saved her and were now making sure she wasn't harmed at all.

While the boy with short brown hair was taking care of the girl, Leval went and casted an illusion over the procession. The prince his clothes turned into those of a slave, and Ceres had to hide a smile on her face.

''serves him right'' Ceres said to no one in particullary. The only one the she'd wanted to hear it was Leval. For the kindness he had shown her, she already considerd him some sort of friend.

Ceres looked at the prince and judged his type. She had seen many of these type of man, they talk alot, have to much pride but are easy to defeat because they brag to much. However the problem was when these type did had power that was difficult to beat. A bit afraid of what the prince might do Ceres decided she was going to help Leval. After all, many here had strange powers, no one would judge her to quickly.

Silently she turned into ashes and let herself be carried by the wind to the side of Leval. Once she was there she materialized again and scorched the ground.

''Ill help you, as a thank you for the illusion'' Ceres said.

@EurmalEye @The One @Fenfeir
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Rika's eye twitched as even more people paraded in with a song and dance acting all high and mighty. He hated, no despised people liked that. He was starting to lose it. His demonic teeth came out and his right eye began to glow red. He spoke in a low demonic tone to everyone.

Stay away from me! Stay away......stay away!

He breathed heavily looking down to the floor but he couldn't stop. He about to sing to everyone, warning them to stay away. He needed to warn them for this was a transformation that was impossible to stop. As he sung his demon teeth an the red eye underneath the bandage was clear as day.


Then he heard the demonic voice speak in his head, talking to him and only him. So only Rika could hear it.

"Come on, release me! Let me rip this garbage to shreds. RELEASE ME!

Rika shook his head screaming out loudly. He held on to his head as his bandages were starting to unravel. All the crowd, all the hate and anger. They were fuelling it, making it stronger.


Rika shouted, it was already happening. He could no longer suppress the demon within him. His body began to crack and break, the sounds of bones cracking echoed loudly throughout the field. Soon enough he had transformed completely to his demon self.

Sekhemi and Rika

Sekhemi, who at this point was very angry clenched his fist. He was highly disrespected and he hated being disrespected. He walked over to the elephant and grabbed his spare egyptian clothes. He threw the slave clothes off and got changed them grabbed another pair of golden knuckles. He looked over to the man and shouted at him at the top of his voice, ignoring Rika.

"You insolent, stuck up snot nosed, giant, scum bag, fuck face, dick headed asshole! I'm going to put a hole through your fucking head! You stupid ignorant son of a bitch dumb bastard! Jesus Christ I met some dumb bastards in my time but you are the most idiotic! In fact, to call you stupid would be an insult to stupid people! Tell your little girlfriend to step the fuck back and fuck her own face because this is me and you! Let me make one thing clear, you are nothing! If you were in my toilet bowl I wouldn't even bother flushing it. My bathmat means more to me than pieces of shit like you! You are a worthless street rat, you were born a street rat, you'll die a street rat and only your fleas will mourn you! You will always be poor like the worthless street rat you are! You pathetic good for nothing worm, you fucking slimly dirty rotten stinking flea bitten spider! I'll crush you like the lowlife fucking insect you are!"

He breathed heavily but he still wasn't done. He was going to murder him. Although before he could Rika who was now in his full demon form fired out a large bone spike which cut Sekhemi's face. He turned around immediately and looked to the demon. He was taking no shit today. He shook his head and his hand became lit on fire. Shit was about to go down.

Shela, Red and Kuro

Shela was picked up by a man and then grabbed and moved quickly The two asked if she was alright, one of them check for injuries, she lowered her head before looking to Draco. She then looked back to the man that was still with her.


She spoke quietly, practically whispering. It was then that a shouting of a man caught her attention as well as the attention of Red and Kuro. All three stared in disbelief at the foul mouthed Pharaoh. There were at least three children around who were in hearing range. They were completely silent, expect for Yoruichi.

"What a foul mouthed spoiled brat."

She shook her head and then looked back to Kuro. She was so glad that he wasn't like that. He didn't need a flashy entrance or royal clothing. He was happy with the way he was.

@EurmalEye@Fenfeir@Ojo chan 42
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fenfeir


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Keith looks down at Sheila." I'm going to head over to try and calm down those kids stay over here and keep your head down OK" he ruffles her hair before he removes the coat and rushes between the demon and the Pharaoh. "If there's going to be a fight lets leave less durable people out of it alright " he looks at the fuming Pharaoh and slavoring demon and sighs." This is gonna hurt like hell "
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by akirashadow
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akirashadow Cowboy kitty monk

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Quite the scene had unfolded in the short time Irvine had been at the field. The main attraction seemed to be an animal parade followed by an individual, riding on... an Elephant? Weird. Although it definitely wasn't the strangest thing Irvine had seen that day, creatures he thought to be just legends were spread out ahead of him. Irvine silently watched as occurrence after occurrence, clearly something had happened on the elephant riders entrance as his animal parade had been changed from their glorious original appearance to looking more scruffy than zoo animals. A small smile appeared on Irvine's lips before he knew what was really going on, was there about to be fighting, here?

Hesitantly Irvine began to get closer to the situation to get a better view point. As he did so he fumbled the Shadow Hilt free from the leather straps and his shadow began, travelling down his right arm and above the hilts end growing into a rounded shape just over a foot in length. Its form was wavy as the shadow intertwined on itself to take form. He was just barely able to maintain the hood over his head, the scruffy looking black blazer and trousers he was wearing no longer hid in his own shadow. By the time he was in observing distance the... elephant rider, still weird... was spewing obscenities at a man with a staff and the woman stood beside him. That was when an object shot past him with some speed, as he looked to the path of trajectory, the bone had already hit its mark(?) Needless to say it didn't look like it would help the situation.

Finally there was one final person who had chosen to get involved standing in the middle of the commotion. Irvine swung the shadow hilt towards his left hand, the club/baton had fully interwoven itself into a solid object. Possibly against his best interest of not wanting attention Irvine stepped over toward the one that was standing in the middle of it all. In turn he glanced to the three parties aside from the middle stander, the staff wielder and girl, the elephant rider and finally the... what was that? No matter, Irvine lifting his head looked to the person he was now stood beside and motioned to his club before uttering a single word "Deterrent." Irvine's time of fending for himself taught him many lessons one of which being, sometimes, some violence was required to prevent worse violence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Leval Lamrue

@The One @Ojo chan 42 @Fenfeir

Leval looked at Ceres and gave her a wide smile, and cracked a quick joke. "You take the 50 on the right and I will take the 50 on the left." Though as Leval looked around the field, he realized his joke may have been more accurate than funny. The guards in the entourage were no longer dancing after all. While their appearance was ridiculous, that did not make them any less dangerous even with Ceres impressive power beside him. He was already feeling fatigue from such a large amount of Weaves at the same time. Luckily for him, his royal ass seemed to be in no good mood to order such a simple thing preferring instead to yell a ridiculous amount of insults at him. Leval noted where he had thrown his clothing onto the ground for future reference. 'What was it that Shakespeare had said? "The empty vessel makes the loudest sound."' Leval smiled and chuckled softly under his breath, ignoring the prince's tirade. "Talks a lot, doesn't he?"

To be accepted at this academy, however, he must have some type of incredible power. He was focusing his attention back on the prince, when a new sight caught his eye. A bone covered monstrosity was breaking out of the body of one of the students, and a wave of malicious intent that Leval could almost taste swept over him. His heavy breath caught in his chest, 'A demon... My god it's a demon.' The prince may have been deserving a rapid muzzle, but this thing was a threat to everyone there even the prince was in danger, as a bone bolt shot out and injured his face. He could either let them fight it out and then intercede against the weakened victor or he could assist now and take on possible two incredibly dangerous foes. He thought about it for a moment before declaring "Ah fuck it , I am just not that kind of guy. Ceres new plan- let's stop the giant demonic monster first."

He lifted his staff above him sending two invisible threads of magic into the sky. The first burst above into am huge fiery words across the sky. READY FOR PICKUP! He hoped that help from the school would arrive soon for the best his tiny team could do was to delay the onslaught. Keith and a figure that had been hiding in the tree line stood between the demon and the prince, Leval hoped that they would be able to hold their own against the foul mouthed Royal. His second thread extended into the sky's above. Leval pushed more and more of his magic through the staff sending it pulsing along the thread feeding the remainder of his power into another grand illusion. The effort forced him to his knees, no longer possessing the power to stand.

From the clouds above, a beam of holy, radiant light sliced through landing beside the demonic creature. The sound of trumpets could be vaguely heard if one were to listen hard enough. A being of light began to slowly descend from on high, six wings beating in unison as it lowered to the earth. It was beautiful, almost statue like in its radiance, body perfect. There was no way to tell if it was female or male, it simply was. It opened its mouth to speak a chorus flowing behind each of its words, as though its simple words were a beautiful melody. "LEAVE THEM BE DEMON! YOUR FIGHT IS WITH ME, NOT THEM!" It opened one of its perfect hands as a blade alight with holy fire appeared in its hand. It darted back away from the field and the students keeping just out of range of the demon's reach, taunting him. Leval's full attention was on the scene, the instant that he lost his concentration would end the angelic illusion and could possibly mean all of their deaths.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

Member Seen 1 yr ago

*Argentina Rhosphrus*

I nodd my hello at the now calm Leval Lamrue. She smiles at him before walking past them her tiger walking close to her. He knew something was going to happen he also knew he would be safer close to.

@The One [@everyone else]
In her anger a pompus rich guy her flames go out of control and circling everone on the ground and only allowing her passage through it. The fire circle would be strongest near the prince as that is where her anger was mostly focused· As she got closer to him she stood just outside the flames as their unpredictablity was revealed as the flames flucuated and changed colors.

"I highly suggest you apologize before I make you apologize." she says in a treatening tone while stareing into his eyes. As she was using her sugest ability on him he would have higher chance of doing ehat she asked of him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rika, Sekhemi and Arkan

Rika looked to the angel as it appeared, staring at it however he ignored it completely and turned back to Sekhemi which was the main reason he transformed in the first place. His tail swung with some incredible force and smacked Keith right in the side which would send him flying back and into a tree breaking his back completely. (Don't worry, only for one post. ^^)

The demon's mask constructed, piecing itself together then it's eyes began to shoot out focused lasers which were literally melting the ground. They headed towards Sekhemi who jumped in the air and created a disc of fire. He landed on it and began to serve on the disc. He then proceeded to shoot fire blasts at the demon, but the demon took as it were nothing. His palms pointed to the ground and suddenly molten lava burst up to attack the demon but with one wave the molten lave turned to ice then shattered into tiny pieces. Sekhemi was getting angrier and angrier by the second.

"God damn it, will you fucking die already!"

He flew over punched the demon in the face but the demon took it as nothing and grabbed Sekhemi's hand. Then the demon began to speak in a low demonic tone.

"Kill......destroy. I will kill everyone."

He threw Sekhemi and shot him in the chest. His lifeless body landed on the floor next to Leval. Suddenly, the hole filled back up as it was nothing and Sekhemi rose off the guard then his feet gently lowered to the floor. He looked around, confused. The next thing that happened was Keith's back was fixed completely, like nothing ever happened. All of Sekhemi's guards and animals returned to normal and then disappeared as well as the clothes he took off. Then Leval would feel an amazing amount of energy flow right through him, as if he had just woken up and it were a new day. Although the Angel had disappeared for some reason. The ring of fire casted by Argentina's anger disappeared. Finally, a man appeared in front of everyone. He spoke up calmly, without a single worry.

"Rika! I know you're in there. Fight it, fight this demon inside you. Prove to me that your angel side of you is stronger."

Sadly, Arkan's words were useless as the demon turned around and shot a bone spike at him but all he had to do was lift a finger and the bone spike stopped in mid air. He then began to pinch the air and the bone spike shattered. He faced his palm at the demon and spoke up.


The demon began to scream and shout. The voice switched from the little boy that everyone had seen from the demon that everyone feared. It screamed and shouted, the tail swishing about madly.

NO! Stop, it hurts!

The demon continued to scream and shout until it's body began to shrink and morph back, until eventually the little boy that everyone saw was back. This time he had no bandages but his eyes were closed. Arkan walked up to the unconscious body and clicked his fingers. Suddenly bandages appeared in his hand. He wrapped Rika's demonic eye up tightly before making the remaining he held in his hand disappear. He then turned to Argentina with an all serious face.

"Argentina if, and when Rika loses control again please use your power to calm him down if you are around but with the situation at hand I don't think it would of worked this time, and please keep your calm. Rika has trouble maintaining his demon form in crowds, especially ones who are feeling anger or hate or anything else that may be negative. It fuels the demon within him."

He looked to Sekhemi was more than angry, having the god damn headmaster come in and handle the situation like ease. He spoke to Sekhemi keeping very calm and professional.

"Sekhemi, please try and keep your temper at bay. I do not appreciate such foul language. That is not the reason I accepted you to this academy so please don't use it. With the big grand entrance of yours, way too dramatic. This is no drama show Sekhemi. Be more like Prince Kuro and Princess Seninia. The two Royal Nekos, they did not need a grand entrance. Last thing, never go hand to hand with Rika in his demon form. It will never work and is a foolish thing to do. The best thing to do is not to fight and try to speak to Rika directly. Try to calm him down, apologise might of done the trick if you weren't so proud after all his anger was directed at you. "

The next person he looked at was Keith. He gave him a soft smile for a moment.

"Keith, is your back aright? You did a great thing helping Shela."

He then turned to Leval and began to speak to him.

"Leval, don't over exhaust yourself. Know your limits, it could be very dangerous leaving yourself defenceless like that. Although I am glad you helped Shela, and I am also glad you stepped in to stop Sekhemi. That is a brave thing you did there."

He looked to Irvine for a moment to speak to him.

"Irvine, thank you for coming to stop Sekhemi but remember that sometimes violence only causes violence, even if we do not know it at the time. For example, you deciding to take violence against Sekhemi only made the demon stronger."

After that he turned towards Charlotte.

"Charlotte, if any of my things go missing, I'll be coming straight to you, as well as anyone else's."

Next was Yoshihiro's turn.

"Yoshihiro, although it is nice to warn everyone that you are a werewolf that cannot control his transformation, remember that you are no match for everyone here. Especially Rika, who would of killed you in an instant if you did transform and begin to attack."

Finally, he turned to look to Kai.

"Last, but not least, Kai. Do not purposely try to anger others. If you anger the wrong person then the situation can quickly get out of hand. However Argentina was quick on the situation and able to keep everyone calm but next time she may not be there."

With everyone he needed or wanted to address done he let out a deep sigh. He turned to around before clicking his fingers which created a long step of stairs leading straight to the academy.

"Leval, can you be so kind and look after Shela for me please."

After that he slowly walked up the steps, expecting everyone else to follow him. Although as he walked up the steps he spoke once again this time to Ceres.

"Ceres would you do the honour of carrying Rika for me? Don't worry, you won't burn him even without the gloves. His powers prevent him from being burned."

That was the last thing he had said.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@The One
*Argentina Rhosphrus*

At the sound of her name being spoken without ever giving her name she spun around in shock, and as a result the fire that had appeard, suddenly dissappeared. She listened to what the headmaster had to say and acknowledge what he said with a respectful head bow,in his direction.

She then quickly moved herslf away from the pompus guy. She had strong feelings of dislike but it had subsided a little. Nevertheless she took a deep breath and remained calm.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ceres had to laugh a bit when Leval cracked a joke, she soon realized just like Leval that the truth was not far from that.

''yeah, he does talk to much'' She said in reply. Ceres noted that Leval seemed very tired and was leaning on his staff. However a big suprise came in the form of a little boy transforming into a bone covered demon.

Ceres nodded in agreement to take care of this first as she saw the demon rise.

'And here I thought I was the worst one' She tought. Leval already went ahead and casted another spell wich summoned the most beautifull angel type she'd ever seen in her entire life.

''where are the teachers when you need them'' She said soft, and just when she tought it coudn't get wors a man appeared and calmed the whole situation. The angel dissapeared and Leval seemed alright, Sekhemi got put back in his place and Rika turned back to the littlel boy she'd seen before.

The man named Arkan, turned out to be the headmaster who had accepted them all in this academy.

Ceres hesitated however after he asked her to carry Rika, something she'd never wanted to do of her own. She walked towards Rika and slowly laid her hand on his arm. Nothing happend and with that she diceded to pick him up. she laid his head on her shoulder and with her own hand held it there. Poor fella, he probably had the same fear as her, afraid to hurt others with your own power.
''it's going to be all right little man, you're going to be fine and no one is going to get hurt'' She wisperd in his ear while stading up.
''this elder sister will help you'' just when she wanted to walk toward the stairs, the man who had been slammed into the tree made his way towards her and offerd his help to her.

thank you but no thanks, I kinda wan't to try doing this. I promised someone I would try after all'' Ceres said with a sad smile.
''and it is not miss, it is Ceres. Ceres Bane'' she said before running towards the stairs.

Quickly she made her way to Leval, passing Sekhemi on her way up. He gave her a foul look but he didn't say a thing. Probably because of the precense of Arkan.

''how are you feeling Leval?''Ceres said when she was besides him. She felt a pair of eye's drilling in her back and she looked behind her, where she saw the prince giving the two of them a stare. And if stares could kill, this one definatly would have.

''maybe we should stick together, fabulous he is probably going to target you'' Ceres said pointing behind her.

@EurmalEye @The One
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fenfeir


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Keith sighs and cracks his neck as he walks back from the treeline." I'm lucky enough to have had a free heal though the muscle damage is still a bit painful " his back is bloodied and bruised despite the bones being fixed he still was half impaled as Charon complains. "Why did you let it hit you like that without even fighting back? Do you really think that you can win without raising your fists?....STOP IGNORING ME!!"

He walks up to rika and the fire girl." Hey miss I can help you carry him up the stairs if you like" he looks at her with a soft stare not feeling in the mood to smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by akirashadow
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akirashadow Cowboy kitty monk

Member Seen 10 mos ago

It didn't take long for the situation to quickly escalate into a frenzy between two. As Irvine readied himself for engagement, he froze on the spot as the person he was standing beside was knocked away like a bug from ones shoulder. Though he had aimed to try and prevent such events Sekhemi showed little difficulty of evading Irvine's attempts to keep him away from the creature that had attacked first. It would seem that it wouldn't end in Sekhemi's favour as he too was incapacitated by the larger creature. Irvine turned toward the creature not volunteering to approach himself but not looking to retreat either. Then another new face, though they displayed immense power in their first few moments of arrival dispersing the magic affects that most had lamented in an attempt to stop the infighting.

He watched carefully as the creature was slowly subdued, mindful to keep his distance from its powerful tail. As he was addressed by this new man he was both somewhat confused and by the mans knowledge of his name, and then loosely ashamed though not enough to be remorseful, of his actions. "Demon? Interesting.." Irvine had mumbled to himself, yet another creature he had assumed to be noting more than myth. He swiftly swung the Shadow Hilt down at its side and the weapon had returned to the form of the metal trinket it really was, strapping the hilt back into place. He observed as this man addressed people one at a time, following his line of sight to put names to people. As the stairs materialised Irvine began to make his way over, a small glance of confusion towards the lad that had been knocked afar by a tail and now looking no worse for wear. He somewhat rudely prodded at Keith's back somewhat unconvinced by what he was seeing."That's quite the trick." Irvine did not stick around for a response as he moved his right hand to his rucksack strap to hold it together for the journey ahead, staircase to the sky... this could take a while.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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EurmalEye The Jolly

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Leval Lamrue

@The One @Ojo chan 42

The angelic illusion only distracted the bone covered demon for a few moments before the demon turned away entirely, lashing out with his tail and slamming into Keith. "No!" He attempted to shout, but found his voice too weak for words. His grand illusion had failed to stop the creature from resuming its rampage, and Leval had no further energy left to cast even the smallest of spells to help. 'I am useless here, so damnably weak.' Leval grit his teeth and bore it looking up towards the sky. His only hope now was that his first casting, his true plan to stop rampage, would work. He heard the thud of body land next to him and turned. The royal prince lay lifeless next to him, a bone shard blasted straight through his chest. Leval looked horrified for a moment before the wound on the prince's body suddenly closed and healed as though it had never been there in the first place. As he watched, fascinated, he felt a wild surge of energy shoot through his own body. He looked down at himself, still on the ground, in awe before realizing, with a flash of insight, what had occurred. He looked back up at the sky a grin on his face. There in the sky's above was a man zooming down towards the demon, working to suppress it with his own power. 'It worked! He saw my message! We are safe.'

Leval watched, still in fascination, as the figure reduced what had once been a towering demonic creature back down to the size of the boy, apparently named Rika, before bandaging the child's glowing red eye. Then the headmaster began to speak to every single participant of the event before coming to Leval. He payed special attention to the lecture give to the prince, Sekhemi, eyeing him warily. "Leval, don't over exhaust yourself. Know your limits, it could be very dangerous leaving yourself defenseless like that. Although I am glad you helped Shela, and I am also glad you stepped in to stop Sekhemi. That is a brave thing you did there. Leval, can you be so kind and look after Shela for me please." Leval felt somewhat mixed at the comment, proud to have been called brave but stung somewhat by the mild admonishment. Still, the headmaster had a point and he had to respect that.

'But if I don't push myself to my limits, how am I ever supposed to get stronger?' He rose up to his feet, no longer needing to lean upon his staff in order to stand. Ash and Cinder, his two butterfly companions, fluttered out from underneath his cloak where they had apparently hiding. Ash fluttered around the top of his head, while Cinder landed atop the gash he had sustained during the his rescue of Shela. Slowly, the would began to close upon his face, his skin knitting itself back together. "Thanks guys." He reached up with his hand and ran a light finger over Cinder's wings just the way he liked.

"How are you feeling Leval?" Ceres had approached him casting an angry glance back at Sekhemi.

"Pretty great actually, I feel as though I slept for a straight 10 hours. That was some damn impressive magic the headmaster used." He smiled at her, ignoring the Prince staring daggers at them.

"Maybe we should stick together, fabulous he is probably going to target you."

'Was she implying that he needed her protection?" He looked over at the still, obviously enraged Sekhemi. 'She is probably absolutely correct.' He smiled at her and nodded. "I'd be glad of the company." He looked over to Shela. One moment, if you would."

He walked over to the small girl, briefly wondering what she could do. His wound now healed, both his butterflies were fluttering around his head. He crouched down to meet her at eye level. "Hi there, in all the excitement I didn't get a chance to introduce myself. My name is Leval. And you must be Shela..." He looked down at the stuffed beaver she held in her arms. "And what is your friend's name there?" He waited for her answer before getting to the point. "The Headmaster has asked me to accompany you up the stairs- is that alright with you?" He raised an open palm to her invitingly, careful to move slowly, it was possible she was suffering some sort of shock from the events.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kai Hawk and Charlotte

Charlotte listened to the young girl as she explained what she knew it may not have been much but it was more then she knew at least as the girl tuned her attention to the other she saw an opatunity she used her held out her hand directed at the girl back pocket and shot out a sting of spider webbing out of her wrist as it hit her wallet that was just poking out of her pocket she quickly and genteelly pulled back on the web and caught the wallet with her other hand

Kai saw as the man with the staff created a brick in mid air and dropped it on his head and just as he was about to say something things got crazy

The three all watch as one even after another unfolded but some one else always stepped in before they could do anything to help after a little while the the headmaster showed up and put an end to the situation the began to look around talking to a number of people in turn Kai and Charlotte listened to him Kai suddenly stood up straight with a cheeky grin as he saluted the headmaster and shouted out


Charlotte however took the headmasters words a little more seriously and as it seamed this place was going to be interesting she decided she would stick around meaning she would have to play by the rules at least for now she jumped down from the tree and waled up to the girl who she stole the wallet from and taped her on the shoulder

"excuse me but you dropped your wallet over by that three"

with that she handed it back over to the girl

and as he finished created stairs heading to the academy Hawk decided to fly on ahead as it would be quicker while Kai and Charlotte began walking up the stairs @Maria 127
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Arkan continued to walk up the stairs, after a short while he reached the very top. He awaited everyone to get on the island however as soon as Keith passed he grabbed his shoulder and whispered in his ear softly.

"How is Charon doing, Keith? Is it bothering you lately? If so I'll see if I can teach you to prevent that or at least control it."

He tapped him on his shoulder a few times before looking to everyone else. with a small smile. Once everyone was on the island he clicked the stairs and they disappeared instantly. With that he walked on ahead, leading everyone to the Grand Hall.


Sekhemi slowly walked up the stairs followed by Sabertooth. He was too angry to say anything. He didn't even say anything back to the Headmaster. He sighed when he finally reached the top. Then when the Headmaster continued to go on, he followed and went into the Grand Hall. He sat himself down with Sabertooth by his side still enraged.


Rika was still unconscious when Ceres picked him up and carried him up the stairs. It took a little while, but when they were finally on the island, his eyes started to flicker slightly. He slowly opened then and looked up to Ceres not saying a thing for a short while. Then, his eye immediately opened wide and he placed his hand over the bandage. As soon as he felt it he let out a soft sigh.

"Thank you, miss and I am sorry for the trouble I caused. Is everyone ok?"

He looked around weakly but wasn't able to see everyone due to being unable to look behind him.


Kuro and Yoruichi walked up the steps together. It took a small while but eventually they reached the top. They followed the Headmaster to the Grand Hall and once there Kuro sat himself down. Yoruichi jumped onto his lap, knowing that Kuro didn't mind, and in fact, enjoyed her doing it. As she did Kuro stroked her which she replied with her purrs of enjoyment.


Shela looked to Leval for a moment and then looked down back to her stuffed toy. She closed her eyes, not saying anything for a minute or two until she eventually looked back up to him.

"His name is Bandit."

She slowly reached up and grabbed his hand, for now she would accompany him until she got to her room. Then she could be alone like she always was. Draco sighed for a moment as the two started to walk up the stairs and eventually reached the top and went into the Grand Hall. When they did she sat down with him while Draco stood beside her. He turned to her and spoke loud enough for Leval to hear.

"Shela, you really should stop acting so pathetic and weak. Can't you do anything yourself? I mean come on! You can't even walk the stairs on you own?"

He shook his head and said nothing more. For now, he would keep her secret. He was sure that when training began everyone would soon find out the truth about Shela.


Wolf walked up the stairs with everyone else and slowly went into the Grand Hall. He had to admit, now that everyone was together there were quite a few students. He smiled before sitting down on his own. He wondered when they would hear their rooms, hopefully soon. He could hardly wait to see who he was being grouped with.


Red walked up the stairs, the large 10ft paper snake disappeared after turning into paper. While she walked up the stairs Serpent flew beside her. After a small while, she finally reached the top. She followed the headmaster to the Grand Hall, once there she sat herself down with a small smile on her face. Serpent landed beside her waiting.


Fianciona sensed Arkan arriving with a number of others. It seemed everyone was finally together again. She teleported into the Grand Hall and stood at the very front with Arkan waiting on his start. There were some interesting students in the room, she had to admit. She was looking forward to teaching them all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Ceres continued walking up the stairs as she felt Rika shift in her arms. He looked at her for while before quickly laying his hand on his face. He looked relieved to feel the bandage.

''awake'' She said soft and kind ruffeling through his hair a bit with the hand that held his hand.

''"Thank you, miss and I am sorry for the trouble I caused. Is everyone ok?" Rika said and looked at her. She felt a bit unconfortable, she wasn't sure if she should tell him he almost killed Sekhemi. In the end she decided she didn't wanted to put more stress on the little fella and sighed cracking a small smile.

'' everyone is fine'' She said following the headmaster into the great hall. There were a few students who had reached the floating island on their own.

''grand'' She said to Leval sitting besides him and the girl named Shela. A boy talked rater insulting to Shela, but Ceres was a bit to bizzy realizing what just happend to her. She had talked to humans- no humans as well for a matter of fact- and no one got hurt or burned. She felt confortable with the group she was sitting with. Something she hadn't felt for a long time.

She looked down at the little boy in her arms who was clinging a bit to her, and she smiled.

'maybe this is how it feels to have a little brother' she tought as she ruffeld his hair again. He looked sad and on the edge of crying.

''smile'' Ceres said to Rika as she herself cracked a small kind smile as well.

@The One @EurmalEye
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EurmalEye
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Leval Lamrue

@Ojo chan 42 @The One
Leval waited patiently as Shela decided whether or not to come with him. The child seemed quite shaken up to him, on top of being rather shy as well. Eventually she looked back up at him and in a soft voice whispered, "His name is Bandit." Leval smiled softly at the girl, pleased that she had found the courage to answer him. She gently put her hand in his. He closed his fingers around her hand gently, giving a soft squeeze of reassurance.

"Then nice to meet the both of you. Let's go." As he rose, one hand on his staff, the other on the child's hand he looked out across the field to where he had seen the pharaoh's items had dropped. Not only they, but the pharaoh's entire entourage had simply disappeared. He looked at the surrounding clearing one last time, taking in the sight of the world that he had known his entire life. Then shifted his glance up to the stairs, where new enemies, challenges, friends, and experiences waited. He put his feet on the first step up towards the Ordinary Mystical Academy, feeling the course of life shift to an unknown horizon. He walked up at a mild pace, conscientious of the girl's smaller steps. At the top, he entered a rather magnificently decorated Grand Hall. The room was filled with even more fantastic creatures and strange humanoids. @DragonKingUk He spotted what appeared to be an angry flaming gorilla, then what looked like a man with a rather fine wristwatch holding a briefcase, among many other types of individuals.

He sat down at a table, shortly joined by Ceres who commented on the richness of their environment. Leval laughed at the comment looking at the young boy she was holding in her arms. She seemed to be quite content taking care of the sad boy, occasionally ruffling his hair and muttering a reassuring comment to the child. However, as he was wondering how such a small boy could hold such a destructive power. The salamander that had accompanied Shela the entire time, spoke up with was moderately surprising, but not too much considering the days events. What the lizard said though was vile, putting down the child the entire time, insulting her. Not wanting to create another scene so soon after the last one, he cast an angry glare at the creature and flicked a quick finger. A tiny thread of invisible magic reached out over to the salamander's head and in a volume so low that only the salamander could hear his voice spoke directly next to the creature without Leval ever moving his mouth. "Speak to Shela in that manner again, and I will personally toss you off this island. I do not care what your reasons may be. Now keep quiet- the Headmaster is about to speak." He turned his head to listen to whatever the Headmaster and assistant teacher would say next.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

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*Argentina Rhosphrus*


I glance back at the girl who had spoken to me earlier, I began to give her a rather skeptical look as she gives me back my wallet saying that I droped it by the tree. "Thank you", I say to her cautiously as I open my wallet and begin to count the numous notes and coins very quickly before snaping it shut, satisfied that nothingwad taken.

I then begin to follow her up the magical stairs being careful to keep a hand in the pocket that has her wallet in. After the head masters remark about things going missing this girl would have to earn her trust a lot more that with others. She smiles to herself at that thought and then begins to laugh lightly. She was already thinking that some if these people could turn out to be good friends.

When I get to the top of the stairs and set foot on the island I stared up at the massive building in awe. She looked at her black sabertoothed tiger Zephroth as he stared at the building open mouthed. When she saw this she couldnt help but laugh at him. His respose was to close his moth and growl lightly in annoyence as they walked the hall.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fenfeir


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Keith looks around the walls and shrugs thinking. "It's as though they hollowed out a mountain." He watches everyone as they move through the hall and into the bigger room keeping a lookout for any hostility towards eachother.

He sluggishly finds his seat Charon had caused an uproar amongst the spirits within his heart their cries of hunger and hate giving him a headache.they violently tug at the fringes of his mind trying to tear down his control of the body .it's been this way for a few months now since Charon showed up and started trying to break free as the ringleader of the spirits.

Keith looks once more at every single person who was in this great hall with him wondering what their story's are and if their in as much trouble as him perhaps... Or maybe not.
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