Avatar of A Lowly Wretch


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I find this roleplay promising. I do have some questions but otherwise you can count me interested.
Hello. I shall be putting forward my World-Eater for review.

You cannot offer to let me feel you and then rescind the offer without advanced notice.

In any case hello person I've certainly never met before and most definitely absolutely have not been introduced to this site by. I welcome you to this humble corner of the net where we may frolic and be merry in RP.
My Name
Name: Edgar Gormly.

Height: 6'0".
Weight: 180.
Age: 18.
Race/Species: Human.

Tier/Influence: 4 (national); While his ability to recover from wounds is substantial he lacks offensive powers and his own skills are quite lacking. Overall he's a four or possibly higher for defense and a one in nearly everything else.


Edgar's not an ugly guy but he's not exceptional looking either. He's got the sort of face that just sort of blends into the crowd, well, a human crowd. He's got medium length jet black hair and similarly colored eyes. His mouth can almost always be seen as being tugged into something of a frown. His eyes always seem to look tired due to his more night-oriented schedule.

For clothes he tends to wear a t-shirt and cargo pants, nothing exceptional for Landling fashion. He favors dark colors, almost always opting to wear black or some other kind of dark grey color. For the time being he only really has the clothes on his back, a black logo absent t-shirt with dark grey cargo pants. Given the fact he's not yet succumb to buying anything new to wear his current clothes are fairly worn, his pants a bit threadbare around the ankles. His shoes are just a pair of plain black & white sneakers, also well worn with holes already in the process of forming under his heel.

Underneath the clothes he's got a helter-skelter pattern of blood stained bandages and bandaids all over him. They can be visibly seen on his arms he also has a bandage wrapped around his throat and a bandaid on both his right cheek and just over his left brow.

All in all he's just sort of a lanky, unhappy looking character who often sports injuries of some sort. He often looks rather preoccupied with himself, sometimes even talking to himself when he feels no one else is watching. Mostly it's just an externalization of his internal dialogue, nothing new to him.


Sometimes a person's worst enemy is themself.

Edgar is a miserable sod, that much is evident. His speech is laconic, his posture slouched and his feelings worn more in his expression than his words will ever tell. While he's no fan of mincing words he'll almost never open up what he actually feels. His true thoughts are reserved for his writing alone, though that too is crippled by his war against himself.

He has a great fear of ever seeing something he cares through to completion, a major subject of his self loathing. No matter how much he tries to write he's yet to ever see a story through to the end. Anytime he starts something, anything that could be a point of pride for him, he inevitably becomes distant from it, growing to hate the very thing he wanted to create. So many stories remain unfinished in his computer's memory, each one a point of sorrow he still carries with him. The desire to perhaps go back and finish one of them is ultimately overwhelmed by his disdain for the work in question and the cycle repeats again. He's trapped in a self defeating cycle that he's afraid to ever defeat.

Besides a great sense of self loathing he's very much a stranger in a very different land. The vast differences between what he previously concieved of as normal and what was normal in this expanded galaxy he's lost in has left him without a single clue. He tends to keep mostly to himself so it's not always outwardly evident but nearly everything about his new life style leaves him feeling like the real alien out there.

As a writer he tends to look at things with an element of poetry, even despite his common cynicism. Whether he's languishing in the filthy gutters, staring up in undisguised hate at the opulence of excessive wealth or simply taking in a scene of pure nature, unmolested by the convoluted plottings of humans and like minded entities, he'll tend to take the time to drink in the atmosphere. Often times the feelings that arise from the sights he sees lead him into inspiration for a new story, a new disappointing chapter for him to give up writing.

Abilities, Talents, Traits, Powers:

He is very hard to hurt. Allow me to elaborate.

  • ( 4 ) Enhanced Endurance

    The first basic power to look at is his stamina. He has a very high endurance, capable of lasting well past the maximum fatigue level that a human can reach. His body can function normally on very little blood and while he can still weaken he will never die of hunger, dehydration or lack of oxygen nor will he ever pass out from these.

  • ( 4 ) Scaling Hardness

    His body hardens in proportion to the damage he's received. A scale of how resilient to damage he becomes in proportion to the damage he takes is as follows:

    - After suffering a light injury or multiple light wounds his skin will toughen and his bones will grow denser without increasing in weight.

    - After suffering a significant but ultimately nonlethal wound or mildly impairing injury his skin will become as tough as leather while his bones will become as hard as natural stone.

    - After suffering a single wound or multiple wounds which would stand a significant chance of being fatal or after losing entire limbs his flesh will become as hard as wood yet still flexible like regular skin, not inhibiting his movement in the slightest while his bones become harder than concrete while still remaining no heavier than ordinary bone.

    - After suffering wounds so grave that death would become certain for most regular human beings his flesh, muscle and skin become as hard as stone while his bones become as hard as steel.

  • ( 4 ) Scaling Regeneration

    He possesses a regenerative quality that follows a similar escalation to his resilience. Interestingly enough he heals small cuts and injuries slower than regular people while greater wounds heal much faster. Just as his regeneration increases in speed the more injured he is it will also slow down as he heals into a less wounded state. A scale of how fast he heals in proportion to the damage he takes is as follows:

    - A light injury or wound takes between one to two months to heal completely.

    - A significant wound or mildly impairing injury takes two weeks to heal up until the damage becomes a light injury or wound.

    - A major wound or lost limb takes two hours to heal up until the damage becomes a significant wound or mildly impairing injury.

    - All damage close to and beyond the point of certain death takes two minutes to heal until the damage falls into the upper category of being a major wound or lost limb.

    No matter how much he is damaged his body will continue to regenerate. Even if his head is cut off his body will regrow from the decapitated head. If the head is destroyed then the head and the rest of the body will regrow from the largest piece of remaining brain. So long as a single neuron remains he will continue to regenerate until he is whole again.

    He can be killed by having his whole brain destroyed by attacks that destroy on a cellular level such as fire or acid. Cold will slow down his regeneration and having his brain become frozen will stop the regeneration altogether. Despite being frozen however he will continue to regenerate upon being unfrozen.

    As far as poisons and toxins are concerned their effect on him is largely dependant on the nature of the contaminant in question. Poisons and toxins that paralyze or cause other sorts of disorder in the body have little to no effect. Poisons and toxins that possess necrotic properties or damage the cells in the body in some other manner will slow his regenerative properties in proportion to the poison/toxin's potency until the contaminating element is effectively purged. It should be noted that while more potent poisons and toxins may slow Edgar's regeneration by a greater degree they will also be purged from his system faster than weaker poisons/toxins would.

    In addition his power's source is psionic so things that influence that sphere of power might influence this.


  • ( 1 ) Crowbar - A standard crowbar.
  • ( 1 ) Lap-Top Computer - A regular Landling portable computer.


Edgar's life was not the best one a person could have. He was born to a poor father while never knowing his mother because she divorced his father shortly after he was born. From the earliest his memory can recollect his father had always been a drinker. The man used alchohol to sooth the grief his divorce brought him.

He always did try to be a good father, even if he was a terrible mess of a person who was of little use even at the best of times. Edgar pretty much had to take over all the chores himself, from laundry to preparing meals and most everything else in-between. His dad made a pathetic wage at a soul-grinding factory job. He'd wake up early, leave for work, finish work late and then arrive home much later as he always passed by the bar first.

Early on Edgar's abnormalities were observed as he had managed to cut himself at one point. The wound continued to bleed for an abnormally long time, long enough that his father brought him in to be seen at a local walk-in clinic. When the doctor took his blood and examined it there were no visible abnormalities nor other symptoms that would explain the bleeding. In the end they concluded that it was hemophilia for lack of a better explanation. They had no clue what it really was but all they could find were the symptoms he suffered. He was nowhere near hurt enough to demonstrate the more incredible physical feats his body was capable of.

So for that time he lived life believing he was a hemophile. He was kept on a steady diet of blood coagulation drugs that would supposedly help him heal his wounds. They did no such thing. He simply continued on, attending school out in the poor neighborhood he lived in.

School continued to get steadily worse, all of course culminating in high school. With drug dealers regularly working the area and gangs recruiting throughout the neighborhood it was far from a safe place to live. It was only inevitable that eventually he'd have a run in with them. One can only keep their head down for so long until some up and coming punk thinks they can push him any which way they felt like.

One such punk made that mistake. Mistaking quiet for weak the guy threatened Edgar with a knife to try and make himself seem tougher in front of the other gangsters. He tried to walk out of it but the guy, desperate not to lose face, wound up stabbing Edgar in his side. His reaction was violent, lashing out against his attacker. He took many more stabs but he landed a few good punches before the others joined in. Despite their combined effort Edgar did not falture, in fact he did the opposite. Bleeding profusely from the numerous stabbings he endured Edgar pressed the attack, his body becoming harder to hurt as he fought on.

His attackers fled. He was left bruised, beaten and slashed open in a number of areas but he had won. No matter how much he was bleeding he did not feel weary. His pain was tremendous but his strength did not leave him. As he returned home he found his wounds were already healing. Stepping through the front door he knew that the worst of his wounds had already closed.

The story the men had spread was that a rival gang had shown up right as they were attacking him so they backed off. None of them wanted to admit they all got beaten by one unarmed guy. It was strange how he returned to school after what they had done to him but none of them were bold enough to confront him about it, nor were they curious enough to wonder how.

One thing that did manage to capture the true story however was a local security camera. While police ordinarily didn't look into gang violence they did collect some evidence from the scene given the amount of blood that was shed. What no one expected however was that this would draw the interest of a special branch of the government.

Life was none too kind to Edgar, especially when it took his father's life. He had drove home drunk once too many times and paid the price. What's more is that he couldn't afford any sort of insurance so all that Edgar was left with was all the debts his father had accrued, the cost of the accident included. Looking at his options even if he sold all his belongs and gave all the money to his debtors it would barely cover the cost of the interest. He could declare bankruptcy but without a job nor an education to acquire a job he'd be unable to afford rent. No matter how he looked at it he was on the fast track to becoming homeless, destitute.

It was at this point that the agency stepped in. A special governmental unit had been formed after a recent rise in psionic incidents occuring around the world. In order to counter the threat of a gifted citizen going rogue and creating chaos they had formed a team designed to prepare and organize a group of psionically gifted individuals to protect their country.

The Psionic Security Agency offered Edgar a deal. They'd take ownership of his debts and in return he'd work for them, free from his debts so long as he remained employed. Though reluctant it really wasn't an offer he could refuse. As little as he cared for working for the government he was much less of a fan of being bled for his money for the rest of his natural life. Such was how he wound up fighting alongside other gifted people to protect his homeland.

It all happened when he was sent out in a squad of four to investigate a break in at a noteworthy museum. An ancient staff had been stolen by a kid who not only was gifted with exceptional psionic power but was in mental contact with a being from outer space who was enhancing him to terrifying new heights. At the climax of their confrontation the four were hit by a streak of psionic power which tore a hole in space itself, dropping them all through and scattering them across the galaxy.

Edgar himself awoke in a back alley out in Vashiska. It's been a year since then. His time has largely been occupied trying to scrape together enough money to afford rent some place where he can store his meager belongings.
A fair evening to you. Welcome to the guild.
@ELGainsborough I am thankful for the advice. I have noticed the message which indicated that posts could be lost if the site fails to load correctly upon posting. This isn't my first tango with such a quarrelsome menace however. My computer is a replete library of my bibliography. Every post, every character sheet and most other assorted details remain there. It might be a bit of a mess since I had to recover it through the failure of my previous computer but it's more or less intact.

For the meanwhile I'll look around, perhaps try and find an open topic where I can meet and converse with these veteran members you've mentioned. I've looked at the package but ultimately it's just the matter that I am new so it is ultimately upon me to observe the customs of this new locale lest I offend or disrupt without meaning to.

I again thank you for the help all the same. I do look forward to interacting and working with the many good folk here.
Well, old might not be the most apt term. I'm not the longest lived individual well and far but I've been roleplaying for the time I've been around.

I've got experience in a fair variety of roleplays, from pen and paper roleplaying to MMO text RP. The method I've practiced the most thus far has to be forum based roleplay. Given the design of this site I should be able to adjust quickly, if not to the pace and network then at least to the format.

As far as roleplays are concerned I must say I lean more towards the heavier, more advanced variants. Three plus paragraph posts are generally how I operate in terms of posting and I put a fairly thorough amount of time into designing my characters and the facets which govern them.

I'm an aficionado of the strange in a way. While I tend to partake in a diverse variety of roleplays I have a penchant for the strange and unusual. The constraints of genre don't typically bind me to any particular fashion of roleplay. Generally speaking so long as an RP presents to me a unique concept or perhaps an interesting twist on a trope, zesting it with originality, I'll definitely give it a look.

As mentioned before as I am a big fan of originality I like to make everything I put into an rp original content. I approach using any material not strictly created by myself with great reluctance, only sinking to such options if other venues aren't feasible.

Aside from roleplaying I tend to spend a good deal of my time gaming. When I'm not at school or studying I tend to play from a fairly wide selection of games on my online library.

Not much else to really say about me I'm afraid. Can't say anything else jumps to mind so I'll leave it at that. I look forward to working with you all.
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