Avatar of Abashi76


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1 yr ago
Current !Seeking to Roleplay!
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1 yr ago
I'm bored!

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I might be interested. But what are the rules and limits of the thread? What era does this take place in and what are the character choices?
OOC is now up!
We won't be starting the IC too soon, but for those with completed characters, the portal is open!

That is interesting, keep up the good work. When do you think the roleplay thread will begin? I am the most interested in this one.
I'm only allowing a single character per player, so choose wisely in regard to your character concept.
I find having only a single character increases investment and quality of writing, and it's better to lower temptation for those that might otherwise be stretching themselves thin with other RPs.

Are player characters really stuck with only one element each?
How many people do you think will play? I have a lot of time on my hands. Two characters tend to work best for me but I understand. What other people are planning to play? I could talk to them about making characters.

So, a lightning element?
Funny you say that, because both of the other current players are also going lightning. XD
I mean, we joked about it, but it looks like Team Stunlock is getting closer every day.
If you want a link to the discord, let me know. We can definitely do a lot faster character building on there.

I can easily make more than one character. I could make two other girls, fire and ice. What about healing magic?
I can also make some soldier and mecha characters as well, that use physical attacks.
Do any of you know what anime the OP's top picture comes from?
This thread looks great, I am assuming it'll use dice rolls.
It almost sounds like your actually making an actual game rather than just a forum roleplay.

∘ Where did you get all these pictures and text?∘ ப்
What kind of characters are we going to be playing as? How many options do we have?
Do we get to choose between the Sith & the Jedi? Do we get to choose from Rebels vs Empire troopers?
Do the characters have to have already been written or can we just make them up?

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First of all, how do I roll dice?
A Star Wars RP sounds interesting!

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How do you do dice rolls?
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