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    1. addamas 7 yrs ago


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join us @UnknownScarlet4:3

Max hoped to be able to at least meet everyone present, but before even giving his name to a single person, he was escorted to a phony casino. As unremarkable as the location was, the premise proved more than curious. Likewise, Felix had many questions, none of which were getting an answer anytime soon.

They both expected some kind of trick, a hoax to taunt and upset the group, but when Felix heard that Krista won the right to call anyone she desired, he couldn’t help but feel astonished and relieved. Max however, oozed urgency while looking around, trying to capture the reactions of the other infinites, looking them straight in the eye for a few seconds before continuing to the next. Isolation is a very dangerous setting for humans to live in, especially when the isolated area is hostile. And something as small as a phone call could seem otherworldly to them.

Max’s sense of heroism and duty drew to the surface as he prepared to speak up. Giving a small nod to Felix and stepping into the middle, he put 2 fingers in his mouth and threw out a loud whistle in the hopes of raising attention. Afterwards, he upped his voice and spoke as authoritatively as he could,

“Many different thoughts are racing through your minds right now; I want you to throw them away and listen for a minute, you don’t know me and I don’t know you. We do know that our captor is trying to provoke us, but I will not allow it. Before you all cry out to not do anything, I would suggest otherwise. We may not get another chance to speak to anyone outside this hospital, so we are going to guard that e-handbook in a secure place with 2 or more people present at all times. We will continue to do so until we find the phone booth that this ticket belongs to and will then proceed to call someone as a group, not an individual. Agreed?”

Felix was the first to speak up, shouting,

“Yes sir!”
@brokenpromise my body is ready for that motive :>

Nori Azami & Tommy Sparks


While everyone was busy assessing the situation and rationalizing everything that happened in this short moment, all Nori could think about was the rejection of her challenge; no not even a rejection, she just got straight up ignored. Boro was not gaining any affection in her eyes. The thing that removed Nori from her train of thoughts was a growl of some kind; upon looking around to find the source, she noticed Fenrir, who apparently threatened Nori; she didn’t really understand why he was so upset about it when others barely batted an eye, but appearances needed to be kept so she innocently gazed at Fenrir and softly said,

“Well…sorry, I didn’t know your ears were that sensitive, though it’s pretty obvious if you think about it-“
her last words being said in a more joking tone before removing the smile from her face and scratching her right cheek with one finger, as if to look cute. “I *did* warn you.”

After addressing Fenrir, Nori turned around, only to see a round table with a single person sleeping on it in the most nonchalant way possible. It made Nori lift the right corner of her mouth and twitch her eye in dismay.

"Mmmm... Woman of the hour.”

Nori quickly glanced towards the blind girl before looking back towards the sleeping beauty. The words slowly sunk in, that unruffled woman was Tumble! She is the one that gave Nori the opportunity to challenge U.A., and she is the one in charge here. The sight made Nori a bit agitated though, Tumble was a very popular hero, but this slop in front of them didn’t look competent at all. Yet she was even more agitated at the boy buttoning up her shirt as if it was the nicest thing to do. She wanted to speak up about it but before being able to, a little boy was flying across the room, looking to tackle Tumble. Her first reaction was surprise, what reason did he have to glide straight into Tumble? How did he even do it? Luckily, she was able to contain herself and remove any unnecessary thoughts so she could focus on the important things, like impressing Tumble herself.

With a sigh, Nori set one arm to face Tommy and the other in the opposite direction and she began to suck air in from Tommy’s side and pushing out air on the other end. In a flash she was racing across the room getting closer to Tommy, and with each inch closer, the pull affected Tommy more.

As he skidded across the table, aiming to fall right into Tumble’s lap, suddenly he felt the air around him drawn off course, his first instinct was to ‘pull’ harder to compensate, but if he did that he would be more likely to hurt Tumble than give a surprise. Changing from pulling to pushing, Tommy flew towards the source of the suction force, a pale girl with fun hair’s arms. Well… if she had her arms wide open, what kind of gentleman would Tommy be if he didn’t oblige~?

Opening his own arms to match Nori’s, Tommy was soon on a collision course with her instead, adjusting his speed so he didn’t slam into her, Tommy was mere moments away from impact.

“I didn’t know my hugs were in such high demand! You could have just asked, I was also going to get around to everyone at some point~.”

Nori’s plan had completely backfired, both literally and metaphorically. That little brat was heading straight for him, and it all went so fast that she could barely hear what Tommy was saying. she tried to stop and dodge him, but the momentum didn’t allow her to move, and so with a squeal, the two hit each other and tumbled down on the floor.

Nori blinked a few times, still a bit surprised; at least the fall didn’t hurt a whole lot since she used her quirk to reduce the fall damage. upon looking down, her eyes fell upon Tommy who blissfully had his arms wrapped around her. Yet instead of red cheeks and an awkward expression, Nori looked pissed off.

“Get off of me boy, what is wrong with you!”
She shouted while pushing Tommy aside with a good gust. after getting up, adjusting her clothes and hair and facing Tommy she continued with an almost scolding tone, “You can’t just fly across the room hugging everyone as you see fit, it’s rude, annoying, and obnoxious. have you ever seen a hero fly around cuddling everyone? It’s childish, even for someone of your age, so stop it; if you want affection, earn it.”
Nori’s arms were folded at this point, her gaze still on Tommy.

Nori’s gust lifting him into the air Tommy, suspended himself for a moment to flip backwards for dramatic effect. Landing with arms up in the air and then looking around with a wide grin on his face like he was an olympic gymnast that had just completed their routine. He was about to take a bow when Nori berated him. Her points had merit and the affection comment did cut close to the bone, but he couldn’t just let her have the last word!

“Well, ma’am, you did a spectacular job of blowing me away, but why shouldn’t a hero fly around hugging people? Disasters happen, villains happen, just plain old scary stuff happens. Hugs are comforting, reassuring. They say ‘I’m here, you’re safe’. Hugs and affection? They might as well be as important as a hero’s costume. Is it childish? Probably. So is dressing up in spandex and stopping a mugger. So is coming up with a whacky code name to be called by everyone while wearing the spandex. A hug is important. Even a quirkless can be ‘super’ if they can give a kid a hug when needed, sometimes people need that more than a costume.” Bowing after making his point, Tommy’s smile was as ever present as always, but lacked a certain charm. Getting back up, the charm was back on and sighed.

“And here I thought I could be the first thing Miss Tumble saw upon waking, oh well. I’ll make a hugger out of you ma’am~!”

“Is that your excuse for hugging everyone around you? You’re obviously missing the point, it’s really sweet that you want to comfort people, it’s a heroic quality even, but let me ask you; when you came at Tumble or me, did we look like we needed comfort? what if I felt very anxious around people, what if I didn’t like being hugged out of comfort at all? You’re not paying attention to others around you before you assault them, so that begs me to think, you have ulterior motives for your charade. besides, if you go around hugging people at the pace you’re at, it will give as much comfort as a handshake.”

“Charade?!” both hands over his heart, Tommy acted as the the accusation struck him physically “My word, you wound me! Well, if I did have an ulterior motive it would be something along the lines of ‘I like hugging and I’m a human being and therefore inherently selfish by nature’. But that’s on the assumption that I have an ulterior motive. Besides, have you given Miss Akemi a hug? It’s so soft! As for you, you’re wound kinda tight. If you were anxious around others would you have yelled at Marl back there, challenging him to a duel? If you don’t like being hugged, well I’d find out pretty quick and adjust my actions. Like what has happened now. My actions, my responsibility. It wouldn’t be Miss Shuko’s fault if I hugged you and you didn’t like it. It wouldn’t be Miss Tumble’s fault either. Mine, that’s all. Point is though, are we going to debate the fact I hug people all day? Or are we going to do something productive?”

Nori being as competitive as she is, got lost in trying to win the debate, and it took Tommy’s final words to make her realise it. she had made a fool of herself by talking about such a silly and childish subject with such passion, and that did make her blush. quickly facing away from Tommy and towards Tumble, she hoped that her future teacher was still asleep and hadn’t heard all the commotion.

“Fine, let’s leave it at that then.”
She said abruptly before walking away from Tommy and towards a chair to the right of Tumble, sitting down with her arms folded.

“A wise general does know when to retreat… or something like that anyway~” going back over to Shuko, Tommy saw she’d hurt herself and offered her a seat. Nori’s talk making him think he was somehow responsible, and also offering one to Akemi, because that was just good manners.

No harm will come to the cinnamon roll for as long as I'm breathi... died
@Lord of Evil or @leechee i'm sorry, I have a lot on my plate, so I'm gonna have to leave this RP ^^
i wish you all the best of luck and have fun

~I challenge you~

"I think it should be me, at least out of this group."

Nori couldn’t help but lower her smile and look away, towards the commotion with the devilish boy.
Reina doubted herself; a trademark symptom of failure, it upset Nori somewhat that Reina thought so lowly of herself. How was she was supposed to have confidence in someone who didn’t even believe in herself?

Play this now
"But I don't want to go,"

That remark caught the eyes of Nori once more. Her attention was restoring with every word that Reina spoke. It may look like she’s still dismissing herself, but all Nori heard was that Reina would neither want anyone else to fail or get hurt, nor sacrifice herself in order to save them; even though she would be willing to make that sacrifice. Those ideals were something that Nori never even considered; she had always lived by the ways of ‘there could only be a winner and a loser, never both’. It intrigued her, and though she was hesitant to believe that it was possible to make those ideals a reality, she wanted to see Reina try nonetheless.

“Hihihihi-“ Nori chirpily laughed while bowing down as reflex to the laughter after Reina explained her little plan. “-haha you crack me up.” She said while standing up again, looking Reina in the eyes with that trademark smile,

"Your plan to rig the votes would’ve been a good one if you actually knew someone here, let alone everyone.” she said jokingly before smiling even warmer.

“I’m not gonna vote on you, I’m not even gonna vote at all. I haven’t even seen anyone’s capabilities yet, so I don’t want to, it’s easy really.” Her tone was gentle yet confident; she had no worries at all. Her hair wavered by the momentum as she started striding towards Reina, the breeze ever so slightly increasing the closer she got to Reina until they were standing face to face and the breeze had turned into wind to ward off the stronger gravitational pull.

“I challenge you to a game. You are going to bet that you’re not going to receive the most votes, and I’m going to bet on the opposite. If you win…“ her words were fierce and full of determination, even her eyes sparkled with boldness and conviction, she pointed her right thumb towards her chest before continuing, “I’ll be your friend. But if you lose, I’ll take your place as the one to be kicked. Oh, and you should know; I don’t take no for an answer.” Upon finishing her dialogue, Nori turned towards Fenrir,

“And you legendary wolf, that challenge extends to you as well, so you better make sure to have her back as a team member, you chose her and you will stick to that choice, because so will I.”

I've got a few powers in mind ^^
I kept them a bit vague so there is some freedom

Cameleon-like power
Light bending
weaponizable blood
gravity distortion power
vacuum power

~Join the fray~

When Fenrir went to recruit their last team member, Nori took to observing the crowd. At first glance it looked like a totally random bunch of people with no apparent skill whatsoever; safe for a few that looked confident enough. Appearances didn’t matter though; it was all about how they performed when under pressure, so she couldn’t underestimate any of them, even the lonesome fat boy cowering in a corner. Her eyes darted between them all before returning to Fenrir.

He was already returning, but it took her upper body curving to the right, to see who was coming along. A sheepish looking girl was following his trail. When the girl paused, Nori casually looked away as to not make her feel uncomfortable; she noticed the floating orbs a bit later. It didn’t take them long to reach Nori, and awkwardly greet her; Reina was her name, and socializing wasn’t her game.

Reina looked Nori in the eyes, probably curious about the colors, yet instead of feeling glared at; Nori looked back and warmly grinned. Maybe acting comfortable and reliable around Reina would make her more open, they were a team now after all. Yet Nori quickly noticed something, her body appeared to be gently pushed towards Reina, she searched her vicinity for the cause but couldn’t find anything noticeable. However, she immediately calmed down when Reina explained her quirk, a very interesting quirk to say the least.

Nori’s mind couldn’t help but think of all the obstacles and hindrances that Reina would have to endure with such a quirk, not to mention the constant social pressure. It was no wonder that she would act distant, if only to keep everyone from being pulled towards her. Reina had to be considerably strong to be able to live that way, and it unconsciously appealed to Nori. And so she stood up straight, pulled her sleeves up and folded her arms; her smile had not waned but a soft lukewarm breeze was now heading in Reina’s direction. Nori had the pores on her arms shoot out constant air as a way to counter the pull, it took her a second to balance the output, but once she had it, it wasn’t hard to maintain at all.

“If you don’t mind a constant breeze in your direction, then I don’t mind that gravity well of yours-” she shifted her weight towards her left leg, visible leaning on it before continuing. “So now that our team is whole, what are your takes on that vote?”

~Teaming up~

Nori would have been dishonest if she didn't admit to being surprised when the white smoke engulfed the students, even letting out a squeal of fear; she hoped that nobody noticed it.
One moment she was acting tough, the next she was standing in front of a short guy along with the rest of the class.

The midget introduced himself as Boro, a rather odd name; it was most likely a hero name. In any case, his quirk had already begun to encompass them all, and Nori did not like it for one bit; if this was supposed to be an introduction, Boro sure as hell wasn't doing a good job at it.
She took a look around and noticed that the smoke had already completely sealed of any exit; if Boro's plan was to imprison the students, it made sense considering the risks, but surely this smoke couldn't hold them at bay.

Nori's eyes flared back towards the smoking guy when a command had been given. Yet picking a team hadn't exactly caught Nori's attention; throwing out a person of her liking did. A very curious decision to make even when they had never even seen the students in action.
And how could she decide who was unworthy if she hadn’t met them before? She immediately decided to not vote at all, only when someone did prove unworthy, would she name them.

Fenrir raised an eyebrow at this Boro fellow, requesting everyone to pick someone to get kicked off the team seemed like a trap, but he should still try to form a team, that part seemed safe. He looked around, and decided to walk towards Nori confidently, "So, want to team up? Your options are pretty limited, and I don't think you're the kind of person to team up with the house plant or Loca Diablo. If you don't want to, that is fine. I know when I am unwanted."

Already, someone flocked towards Nori, maybe her entrance really did impress some of the students. The fellow talking to her had some canine features, which looked kinda neat in Nori's eyes; their usefulness was a different story, but appearance-wise, it sure was a cool quirk.
It's too bad that his personality didn't really impress her, underestimating everyone around him, probably offending the 'house plant' and 'Loca Diablo'. It made her wonder why her off all people was the choice for someone who thought so low of the rest. The dog ears looked neat though, so she folded her arms, put a naughty smile on her face, looked Fenrir directly in the eyes and decided to reward his bold and fearless attitude with an equally bold answer.

"You know, for someone who 'knows when he is unwanted', you sure tend to dismiss the rest of this bunch easily. Don't you think you should first give them a chance to show their strengths? And if I am the only capable person in this room, then why should I choose you?" Despite her fierce demeanor, she wasn't actually trying to provoke Fenrir or get rid of him, she was just testing out how he would react to someone with an ego just as big as his; she was already looking forward to team up with Fenrir.

Fenrir just put a slight grin on his face and looked back at her right in the eyes, First things first, I don't think I caught your name and it was rude of me to not start with that. Mine is Fenrir." he said, slightly sarcastically.

Fenrir had certainly caught Nori's attention by now, he was not backing off, and if Nori was going to keep up she couldn't back off either. Putting a hand on her hip and approaching a more relaxed posture, she calmly replied, a smile still apparent,

"Fenrir huh? As in the mythological dog? A fitting name-"
She said while throwing out a high pitched chuckle. "If we are to introduce ourselves, you can call me Nori Azami, choose whichever you prefer."

With the introductions done, Nori didn't wait for a response from Fenrir, but simply strode towards the wall of smoke. And upon reaching it, she placed her right hand on it noticing that it was as hard as steel. She took a deep breath and released a gust of wind from her hand.
It had no effect at all. Upon looking back towards Fenrir she posed the next question.

"So I guess we have to play along with Boro for now, go ahead and choose someone else to join our team."

"Legendary Wolf." he said, still with a slight grin. "As for your questions Nori, maybe I am miss-judging the house plant, but it is not how strong she is, it is how she carries herself. It does not matter how strong you are if you are just going to cower in a corner when it does come down to fighting. And Devil-boy, I know he is strong, I heard about some of his street fights, the problem with him is that he is crazy. Finally about the whole "I know when I am not wanted." that is mostly because I don't like stuck up people, so any more questions?"

Nori's expression turned a bit bored upon hearing Fenrir try to justify his words, but the words were said; no use trying to cover them up, even though the arguments were plausible and Fenrir clearly used his brain.

"Yeah, actually, before you go off and fetch our last team member, why did you choose to answer the invitation? Don't answer me right now, just think about it and tell me when you're ready. I don't care who you choose, so...go with your heart." Her last words were a bit more humane and compassionate than prior, and she looked Fenrir in the eyes once more, this time with a confident gaze.

Fenrir looked around, "What about her?" he said, nodding his head towards Reina. "I will see if she is in." he said walking towards her.

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